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信号淋巴激活分子(SLAM)为犬瘟热病毒(CDV) 感染其宿主动物识别的细胞受体。本试验应用RT -PCR 从狐狸、貉和水貂的外周血淋巴细胞中克隆到其相应SLAM 基因。基因测序比较发现,狐狸、貉与同科的犬SLAM 基因编码区长度均为1 029 bp,核苷酸同源性高于98.6% ;而水貂SLAM 基因编码区长度为1 020 bp,与以上三种动物遗传关系较远(核苷酸同源性< 83.7%),但与海豹SLAM 基因遗传关系较近(核苷酸同源性为91.4% )。基于不同动物SLAM 基因序列的系统进化树分析显示,犬、狐狸、貉、水貂和海豹在进化树上构成了以CDV 为感染宿主的遗传分支。氨基酸序列比较显示,该5 种动物SLAM 分子上均存在一个长度为26 个氨基酸的信号肽序列,且在空间结构上影响宿主--病毒特异性的8 个关键氨基酸均完全保守。通过构建表达该狐狸、貉、水貂SLAM 基因的三种真核表达质粒,分别转染CRFK 细胞后,应用CDV 强毒感染试验证实,CDV 均能在三种转染细胞上产生明显的细胞病变效应(CPE),而未转染CRFK 细胞对照无CPE 产生,由此证实作为CDV细胞受体的狐、貉和水貂的SLAM,体外表达后能明显增强犬瘟热强毒株对非敏感细胞的感染能力。  相似文献   

Morbilliviruses are highly contagious pathogens that cause some of the most devastating viral diseases of humans and animals, including measles virus (MV), canine distemper virus (CDV), and rinderpest virus (RPV). They replicate mainly in lymphoid organs throughout the body and cause severe immunosuppression accompanied with lymphopenia. We have recently shown that human, canine, and bovine signaling lymphocyte activation molecules (SLAMs; also known as CD150) act as cellular receptors for MV, CDV, and RPV, respectively. In these three morbilliviruses, all strains examined were shown to use SLAMs of their respective host species, and laboratory strains passaged on SLAM-negative cells were found to use, besides SLAM, alternative receptors, such as human CD46 for the Edmonston strain of MV. The use of SLAM as a receptor may be a property common to most, if not all, of the members of morbilliviruses. Human SLAM is a membrane glycoprotein selectively expressed on the cells of the immune system (immature thymocytes, activated lymphocytes, activated monocytes, and mature dendritic cells) and seems to mediate lymphocyte activation and to control interferon-gamma production. The destruction and/or impairment of infected SLAM-positive cells may be a mechanism for the immunosuppression induced by morbilliviruses, but other mechanisms may be also involved.  相似文献   

Heterogeneities in transmission among hosts can be very important in shaping infectious disease dynamics. In mammals with strong social organization, such heterogeneities are often structured by functional stage: juveniles, subadults and adults. We investigate the importance of such stage-related heterogeneities in shaping the 2002 phocine distemper virus (PDV) outbreak in the Dutch Wadden Sea, when more than 40 per cent of the harbour seals were killed. We do this by comparing the statistical fit of a hierarchy of models with varying transmission complexity: homogeneous versus heterogeneous mixing and density- versus frequency-dependent transmission. We use the stranding data as a proxy for incidence and use Poisson likelihoods to estimate the ‘who acquires infection from whom’ (WAIFW) matrix. Statistically, the model with strong heterogeneous mixing and density-dependent transmission was found to best describe the transmission dynamics. However, patterns of incidence support a model of frequency-dependent transmission among adults and juveniles. Based on the maximum-likelihood WAIFW matrix estimates, we use the next-generation formalism to calculate an R0 between 2 and 2.5 for the Dutch 2002 PDV epidemic.  相似文献   

In 2002 phocine distemper virus (PDV) reappeared in the European harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) population. This outbreak seems to have followed a similar pattern to the 1988 one which killed almost 60% of individuals in most localities. Harding et al. (2002) suggested that there is a relatively high (18%) risk that recurrent outbreaks of PDV could reduce the European harbour seal population by 90%. We show that incorporating the effects of observation error during population surveys and of the long‐term immunity of survivors of morbillivirus outbreaks indicate a much lower level of risk (<1%). This suggests that, while the immediate effects of the disease are dramatic, it is unlikely that recurrent epidemics will pose serious conservation problems for this species under current conditions.  相似文献   

The fusion of haemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein of peste des petits ruminant (PPR) virus with signaling lymphocyte activation molecules (SLAM) host cell receptor consequences the virus entry and multiplication inside the host cell. The use of synthetic SLAM homologous peptides (i.e., molecular decoy for HN protein of PPR virus) may check PPR infection at the preliminary stage. Hence, the predicted SLAM homologous peptides using bioinformatics tools were synthesized by solid phase chemistry with standard Merrifield's 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) chemistry and were purified by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The secondary structures of synthesized peptides were elucidated by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The in vitro interactions of these peptides were studied through indirect Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) and visual surface plasmon UV-visible spectroscopy. The SLAM homologous peptides were able to interact with the peste des petits ruminant virus (PPRV) with varying binding efficiency. The interaction of SLAM homologous peptide with the PPR virus was ascertained by the change in the plasmon color from red wine to purple during visual detection and also by bathochromic shift in absorbance spectra under UV-visible spectrophotometry. The cytotoxic and anti-PPRV effect of these peptides were also evaluated in B95a cell line using PPR virus (Sungri/96). The cytotoxic concentration 50 (CC50) value of each peptide was greater than 1000 μg mL−1. The anti-PPRV efficiency of SLAM-22 was relatively high among SLAM homologous peptides, SLAM-22 at 25 μg mL−1 concentration showed a reduction of more than log10 3 virus titer by priming of B95a cell line while the use of SLAM-15 and Muco-17 at the same concentration dropped virus titer from log10 4.8 to log10 2.5 and log10 3.1 respectively. The concentration of SLAM homologous peptide (25 μg mL−1) to exert its anti-PPRV effect was much less than its CC50 level (>1000 μg mL−1). Therefore, the synthetic SLAM homologous peptides may prove to be better agents to target PPRV.  相似文献   

The canine distemper virus (CDV) belongs to the Morbillivirus genus which includes important human pathogens like the closely related measles virus. CDV infection can reach the nervous system where it causes serious malfunctions. Although this pathology is well described, the molecular events in brain infection are still poorly understood. Here we studied infection in vitro by CDV using a model of dissociated cell cultures from newborn rat hippocampus. We used a recombinant CDV closely related to the neurovirulent A75/17 which also expresses the enhanced green fluorescent protein. We found that infected neurons and astrocytes could be clearly detected, and that infection spreads only slowly to neighboring cells. Interestingly, this infection causes a massive cell death of neurons, which includes also non-infected neurons. Antagonists of NMDA-type or alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propinate (AMPA)-type glutamate receptors could slow down this neuron loss, indicating an involvement of the glutamatergic system in the induction of cell death in infected and non-infected cells. Finally, we show that, following CDV infection, there is a steady increase in extracellular glutamate in infected cultures. These results indicate that CDV infection induces excitotoxic insults on neurons via glutamatergic signaling.  相似文献   

Canine distemper virus (CDV) causes a serious multisystemic disease in dogs and other carnivora. Hemagglutinin (H) protein‐specific antibodies are mainly responsible for protective immunity against CDV infection. In the present study, six neutralizing MAbs to the H protein of CDV were newly obtained and characterized by immunizing BALB/c mice with a recent Chinese field isolate. Competitive binding inhibition assay revealed that they recognized four distinct antigenic regions of the H protein. Immunofluorescence assay and western blotting showed that all MAbs recognize the conformational rather than the linear epitopes of the H protein. Furthermore, in immunofluorescence and virus neutralization assays, two of the MAbs were found to react only with the recent Chinese field isolate and not with older CDV strains, including vaccine strain Onderstepoort, indicating there are neutralization‐related antigenic variations between the recent Chinese field isolate and the older CDV strains examined in this study. The newly established MAbs are useful for differentiating the expanding CDV strains and could be used in immunotherapy and immunodiagnosis against infection with CDV.  相似文献   

Inducing animal viruses to adapt to chicken embryos or chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) is a common method to develop attenuated live vaccines with full security. Canine distemper virus (CDV) also does this, but the mechanisms and particular receptors remain unclear. Virus overlay protein blot assays were carried out on CEF membrane proteins, which were extracted respectively with a Mem-PER™ kit, a radioimmunoprecipitation assay buffer or a modified co-immunoprecipitation method, and revealed a common 57 kDa positive band that differed from the 42-kDa positive band in Vero cells and also from those receptors reported in lymphocytes and 293 cells, indicating a receptor diversity of CDV and the possibility of the 57-kDa protein acting as a receptor that is involved in adaptive infection of CDV Kunming strain to CEF.  相似文献   

以国内商品化水貂犬瘟热病毒疫苗所用毒株CDV-3为模板,构建犬瘟热病毒感染性cDNA克隆,为犬瘟热病毒新型疫苗研制、致病机理研究提供理论基础.设计13对引物对其全基因组序列测定,分析单一酶切位点,将CDV-3的全长分5个片段进行RT-PCR扩增.经酶切拼接,将5个片段顺次插入到酶切位点改造后的真核载体pcDNA3.2的...  相似文献   

Pathogen evolution and disease emergence in carnivores   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Emerging infectious diseases constitute some of the most pressing problems for both human and domestic animal health, and biodiversity conservation. Currently it is not clear whether the removal of past constraints on geographical distribution and transmission possibilities for pathogens alone are sufficient to give rise to novel host-pathogen combinations, or whether pathogen evolution is also generally required for establishment in novel hosts. Canine distemper virus (CDV) is a morbillivirus that is prevalent in the world dog population and poses an important conservation threat to a diverse range of carnivores. We performed an extensive phylogenetic and molecular evolution analysis on complete sequences of all CDV genes to assess the role of selection and recombination in shaping viral genetic diversity and driving the emergence of CDV in non-dog hosts. We tested the specific hypothesis that molecular adaptation at known receptor-binding sites of the haemagglutinin gene is associated with independent instances of the spread of CDV to novel non-dog hosts in the wild. This hypothesis was upheld, providing compelling evidence that repeated evolution at known functional sites (in this case residues 530 and 549 of the haemagglutinin molecule) is associated with multiple independent occurrences of disease emergence in a range of novel host species.  相似文献   

Measles virus (MV) interacts with cellular receptors on the surface of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) which mediate virus binding and uptake. Simultaneously, the direct contact of the viral glycoproteins with the cell surface induces a negative signal blocking progression to the S phase of the cell cycle, resulting in a pronounced proliferation inhibition. We selected a monoclonal antibody (MAb 5C6) directed to the surface of highly MV-susceptible B cells (B95a), which inhibits binding to and infection of cells with MV wild-type and vaccine strains. By screening a retroviral cDNA library from human splenocytes (ViraPort; Stratagene) with this antibody, we cloned and identified the recognized molecule as signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM; CD150), which is identical to the MV receptor recently found by H. Tatsuo et al. (Nature 406:893-897, 2000). After infection of cells, and after surface contact with MV envelope proteins, SLAM is downregulated from the cell surface of activated PBL and cell lines. Although anti-SLAM and/or anti-CD46 antibodies block virus binding, they do not interfere with the contact-mediated proliferation inhibition. In addition, the cell-type-specific expression of SLAM does not correlate with the sensitivity of cells for proliferation inhibition. The data indicate that proliferation inhibition induced by MV contact is independent of the presence or absence of the virus-binding receptors SLAM and CD46.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide galanin is widely expressed in the periphery and the central nervous system and mediates diverse physiological processes and behaviors including alcohol abuse, depression and anxiety. Four genes encoding galanin and its receptors have been identified (GAL, GALR1, GALR2 and GALR3). Recently we found that GAL haplotypes were associated with alcoholism, raising the possibility that genetic variation in GALR1, GALR2 and GALR3 might also alter alcoholism risk. Tag single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified by genotyping SNP panels in controls from five populations. For the association study with alcoholism, six GALR1, four GALR2 and four GALR3 SNPs were genotyped in a large cohort of Finnish alcoholics and non-alcoholics. GALR3 showed a significant association with alcoholism that was driven by one SNP (rs3,091,367). Moreover, the combination of the GALR3 rs3,091,367 risk allele and GAL risk haplotypes led to a modestly increased odds ratio (OR) for alcoholism (2.4) as compared with the effect of either GAL (1.9) or GALR3 alone (1.4). Likewise, the combination of the GALR3 and GAL risk diplotypes led to an increased OR for alcoholism (4.6) as compared with the effect of either GAL (2.0) or GALR3 alone (1.6). There was no effect of GALR1 or GALR2 on alcoholism risk. This evidence suggests that GALR3 mediates the alcoholism-related actions of galanin.  相似文献   

Human signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM; also known as CDw150) has been shown to be a cellular receptor for measles virus (MV). Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with a mouse SLAM cDNA were not susceptible to MV and the vesicular stomatitis virus pseudotype bearing MV envelope proteins alone, indicating that mouse SLAM cannot act as an MV receptor. To determine the functional domain of the receptor, we tested the abilities of several chimeric SLAM proteins to function as MV receptors. The ectodomain of SLAM comprises the two immunoglobulin superfamily domains (V and C2). Various chimeric transmembrane proteins possessing the V domain of human SLAM were able to act as MV receptors, whereas a chimera consisting of human SLAM containing the mouse V domain instead of the human V domain no longer acted as a receptor. To examine the interaction between SLAM and MV envelope proteins, recombinant soluble forms of SLAM were produced. The soluble molecules possessing the V domain of human SLAM were shown to bind to cells expressing the MV hemagglutinin (H) protein but not to cells expressing the MV fusion protein or irrelevant envelope proteins. These results indicate that the V domain of human SLAM is necessary and sufficient to interact with the MV H protein and allow MV entry.  相似文献   

Viruses and other microorganisms express specific pathogen‐associated molecular patterns that are recognized by cell surface or endosome‐associated Toll‐like receptors (TLR). There are many examples of viruses that have developed strategies to modulate TLR signaling through the use of viral or cellular molecules. Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) has recently been found to display a complex interaction with TLR. The aim of this study was to asses the effect of EBV infection on proliferative capacity of TLR7/8 and 9 agonist and CD40 ligand (CD40L) in normal B lymphocytes. Our results demonstrate that EBV induces a significant inhibition in proliferative response to TLR7/8 (P < 0.004) and TLR9 (P < 0.000) agonists but not to CD40L stimulation in enriched human normal B lymphocytes. Similar inhibitory effect was also observed in B lymphocytes prestimulated with the TLR agonists, implying that the suppressive effect is not due to downregulation of TLR protein expression by EBV. EBV infection did not induce apoptosis and did not downregulate TLR7/8 mRNA expression in B lymphocytes. Our results suggest that EBV might be able to evade the immune system by modulation of the TLR signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The properties of Elderberry latent virus (ELV) and Pelargonium ringspot virus (PelRSV) were compared. The viruses were largely indistinguishable in herbaceous host range and symptomatology, particle morphology, sedimentation coefficient and RNA profiles and size. They were also very closely related serologically with SDI differences in agarose gel double‐diffusion tests of 1 to 3. Purified virus particle preparations of each virus contained isometric particles c. 30 nm in diameter that sedimented as a major component with an sO20W of 112–115S. Purified virus particle preparations contained a major and a minor ssRNA species that in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) had estimated sizes of c. 3.8 kb and c. 1.6 kb respectively. Plants of Chenopodium quinoa infected with ELV or PelRSV each contained three dsRNA species of c. 3.8, 2.6 and 1.8 kbp, although the smallest of these species was not evident in all preparations. Protein from purified virus particle preparations contained a major polypeptide that, in SDS‐PAGE, had an estimated Mr of 40 000 (40K). However, after storage of purified virus particles for 7–10 days, protein preparations from PelRSV particles also contained an additional major polypeptide of estimated Mr of 37 000 that is probably derived by degradation of the 40K protein; this additional component was not observed in freshly prepared preparations of ELV. Neither virus was found to be related serologically to 16 other viruses with isometric particles and similar properties. These data, together with the recent finding by other researchers that the smallest RNA species is a sub‐genomic RNA, suggests that both viruses are members of the genus Carmovirus, and that PelRSV is a minor variant of ELV. However, the taxonomic status of these two viruses is discussed in relation to recent brief reports comparing the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of these two viruses.  相似文献   

Humanin (HN) inhibits Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-relevant neuronal death and dysfunction, by interacting with a receptor (s) involving ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor α (CNTFR), WSX-1, and gp130. It remains unknown whether this complex is the sole HN receptor that mediates HN-induced anti-AD activity. We here report that an alternatively spliced WSX-1 isoform, encoding an extracellular 270-amino-acid region of WSX-1 with cytokine-binding regions (named soluble WSX-1; sWSX-1), is expressed in neuronal cells lacking function of full-length WSX-1 and enables HN to rescue AD-relevant death. This result suggests that CNTFR/soluble WSX-1/gp130 behaves as an alternative functional HN receptor.  相似文献   

Signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM; also known as CD150) is a newly identified cellular receptor for measles virus (MV). MV Hemagglutinin protein (H) mediates MV entry into host cells by specifically binding to SLAM. Amino acid 27-135 of SLAM was previously shown to be the functional domain to interact with H and used to screen a 10-mer phage display peptide library in this study. After four rounds of screening and sequence analysis, the deduced amino acid sequence of screened peptides SGFDPLITHA and SDWDPLFTHK showed to be highly homologous with amino acid 429-438 of MV H (SGFGPLITHG). Peptides SGFDPLITHA and SDWDPLFTHK specifically inhibited binding of H to SLAM and further inhibition of MV infection suggests that these peptides can be developed to MV blocking reagents and amino acid 429-438 in H protein is functionally involved in receptor binding and may constitute part of the receptor-binding determinants on H protein.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus and the EGF receptor: A portal for infectivity?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We previously demonstrated that occupancy of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor reduced the ability of vaccinia virus to infect L cells [Eppstein et al: Nature 318:663, 1985]. This result suggested that vaccinia virus was utilizing the EGF receptor as one pathway to infect cells. We have studied this system further, and now find that antibodies to the EGF receptor also reduce the ability of vaccinia virus to infect cells productively. Inclusion of both EGF and antibodies to the EGF receptor did not cause inhibition over that obtained by EGF alone, providing another line of evidence that the antiviral effects on vaccinia virus were at the level of the EGF receptor. The antiviral effects of EGF or synthetic peptides corresponding to the third disulfide loop of TGF-alpha or the vaccinia virus growth factor were specific to vaccinia virus and did not inhibit replication of herpes simplex virus type 2 or vesicular stomatitis virus. The inhibitory effects on replication of vaccinia virus were obtained when EGF (but not insulin or growth hormone) was present prior to, but not after, productive viral adsorption. These results provided further evidence that the antivaccinia viral effects of EGF were at the level of initial receptor occupancy. As interferon (IFN) treatment has been shown to interfere with the action of some growth factors, including EGF, we examined the effects of IFN treatment of cells on the antivaccinia viral activity of EGF. Our results show that the antivaccinia effect of IFN-beta either interfered with or partially coalesced with the inhibitory effects of EGF.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The stimulation of oocyte maturation by 1-methyladenine in starfish, and by a steroid in frogs, has been proposed to involve G-protein-coupled receptors. To examine whether activation of receptors linked to G(i) or G(z) was sufficient to cause oocyte maturation, we expressed mammalian G(i)- and G(z)-linked receptors in starfish and frog oocytes. Application of the corresponding agonists caused meiosis to resume in the starfish but not the frog oocytes. We confirmed that the receptors were effectively expressed in the frog oocytes by using a chimeric G-protein, G(qi), that converts input from G(i)- and G(z)-linked receptors to a G(q) output and results in a contraction of the oocyte's pigment. These results argue against G(i) or G(z) functioning to cause maturation in frog oocytes. Consistently, maturation-inducing steroids did not cause pigment contraction in frog oocytes expressing G(qi), and G(z) protein was not detectable in frog oocytes. For starfish oocytes, however, our results support the conclusion that G(i) functions in 1-methyladenine signaling and suggest the possibility of using frog oocyte pigment contraction as an assay to identify the 1-methyladenine receptor. To test this concept, we coexpressed G(qi) and a starfish adenosine receptor in frog oocytes and showed that applying adenosine caused pigment contraction.  相似文献   

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