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Solvational perturbations, accomplished by the addition of the three model cosolvents glycerol, ethanol and trifluoroethanol, exert pronounced and diversified effects on the unfolding, non-native assembly and fibril formation of the amyloidogenic protein insulin. Fluorescence, CD and UV-spectroscopic methods as well as atomic force microscopy imaging have been employed to reveal distinct structural and kinetic features upon the aggregation of insulin under different solvational perturbations, which ultimately manifest in morphological variations of mature aggregates and fibrils. In particular, fluorescence anisotropy studies proved to be very valuable in characterizing the corresponding aggregation nuclei. Glycerol stabilizes, through enhanced hydration, native oligomerization and retards fibrillar aggregation at all concentrations studied (up to 40% (w/w)). In contrast, both monoalcohols facilitate the formation of aggregation-prone intermediates by destabilization of the native assembly. The reversal from a kosmotropic to a merely chaotropic solvational behaviour can explain the accelerating effect on ordered fibrillation of low concentrations and the inhibitory nature of high concentrations of ethanol and trifluoroethanol, ultimately leading to amorphous aggregate structures. Mechanistically, dimer dissociation under stabilizing and nucleation under destabilizing conditions have been identified to be the rate-limiting steps that account for the non-monotonic concentration effects of the monoalcohols on the aggregation kinetics. A rationale as to how solvational constraints can tune the stability of the species on the native self-assembly and non-native aggregation pathway, and the energetic barriers that need to be overcome for the required structural interconversions has been put forward. We may propose that the concept of perturbed solvation is generally applicable to phenomena that are related to pathogenic amyloidogenesis of proteins and, in general, solvational effects, besides other aspects of the cellular environment, may play a significant role in a reshaping of the folding/aggregation funnel of proteins.  相似文献   

Solvation-assisted pressure tuning has been employed to unravel unknown structural and kinetic aspects of the insulin aggregation and fibrillation process. Our approach, using fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared and atomic force microscopy techniques in combination with pressure and solvent perturbation, reveals new insights into the pre-aggregated regime as well as mechanistic details about two concurrent aggregation pathways and the differential stability of insulin aggregates. Pressure uniformly fosters the dissociation of native insulin oligomers, whereas the aggregation pathways at elevated temperatures are affected by pressure differently and in a cosolvent-dependent manner. Moderate pressures accelerate the amyloid pathway in the presence of EtOH (leading to essentially monomeric aggregating species) via relatively dehydrated transition states with negative activation volumes for nucleation and elongation. Alternatively, a novel, fast equilibrium pathway to distinct beta-sheet-rich oligomers with thioflavin T-binding capability is accessible to partially unfolded insulin monomers at pressures below approximately 200 bar in the absence of EtOH. These oligomers, probably off the normal fibrillation pathway, are stabilized mainly by electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, lacking the precise packing of mature insulin fibrils, which renders them susceptible to quantitative pressure-induced dissociation. Due to a highly negative activation volume for dissociation (-70(+/-16)ml/mol), pressure dissociation is fast and technologically feasible at ambient temperatures and moderate pressures. Becoming kinetically very labile above 35 degrees C, the pressurized oligomers can re-enter the slower, ultimately irreversible, fibrillation pathway at higher temperatures. At pressures above approximately 1000 bar, the partial unfolding of insulin monomers, accompanied by a volumetric expansion, dominates the aggregation kinetics, which manifests in a progressive inhibition of the fibrillation. Unlike their precursors, the pressure-insensitivity of mature insulin fibrils demonstrates that an extensive hydrogen bonding network and optimized side-chain packing are crucial for their stability.  相似文献   

We use molecular dynamics simulation to study the aggregation of Src SH3 domain proteins. For the case of two proteins, we observe two possible aggregation conformations: the closed form dimer and the open aggregation state. The closed dimer is formed by "domain swapping"-the two proteins exchange their RT-loops. All the hydrophobic residues are buried inside the dimer so proteins cannot further aggregate into elongated amyloid fibrils. We find that the open structure-stabilized by backbone hydrogen bond interactions-packs the RT-loops together by swapping the two strands of the RT-loop. The packed RT-loops form a beta-sheet structure and expose the backbone to promote further aggregation. We also simulate more than two proteins, and find that the aggregate adopts a fibrillar double beta-sheet structure, which is formed by packing the RT-loops from different proteins. Our simulations are consistent with a possible generic amyloidogenesis scenario.  相似文献   

Thioredoxins (TRXs) constitute attractive α/β scaffolds for investigating molecular recognition. The interaction between the recombinant fragment spanning the sequence 1-93 of full-length TRX (TRX1-93) and the synthetic peptide comprising residues 94-108 (TRX94-108), plus a C-terminal tyrosine tag (the numbering scheme used in entry pdb 2TRX is used throughout the article, two complementary moieties of E. coli TRX, brings about the consolidation of a native-like complex. Despite its reduced thermodynamic stability, this complex is able to acquire fine structural features remarkably similar to those characteristic of full-length TRX, namely, hydrodynamic behavior, assessed by diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY)-NMR; the pattern of secondary structure, as revealed by three-bond HNHα coupling constants and secondary shifts for Hα/CO/Cα/Cβ; native-like tertiary structural signatures revealed by near-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The complex exhibits a relaxation behavior compatible with that expected for a native-like structure. However, heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE)s reveal an enhanced dynamics for the complex by comparison with full-length TRX. Furthermore, higher R(2) values for residues 43-50 and 74-89 would likely result from an exchange process modulated by the peptide at the interface region. The slow kinetics of the consolidation reaction was followed by CD and real-time NMR. Equilibrium titration experiments by NMR yield a K(D) value of 1.4 ± 1.0 μM and a second low-affinity (>150 μM) binding event in the vicinity of the active site. Molecular dynamics simulations of both the isolated fragment TRX1-93 and the complex suggest the destabilization of α2 and α3 helical elements and the persistence of β-structure in the absence of TRX94-108. Altogether, structural and dynamic evidence presented herein points to the key role played by the C-terminal helix in establishing the overall fold. This critical switch module endows reduced TRX with the ability to act as a cooperative folding unit.  相似文献   

Under conditions of acidic pH and elevated temperature, insulin partially unfolds and aggregates into highly structured amyloid fibrils. Aggregation of insulin leads to loss of activity and can trigger an unwanted immune response. Compounds that prevent protein aggregation have been used to stabilize insulin; these compounds generally suppress aggregation only at relatively high inhibitor concentrations. For example, effective inhibition of aggregation of 0.5 mM insulin required arginine concentrations of > or =100 mM. Here, we investigate a targeted approach toward inhibiting insulin aggregation. VEALYL, corresponding to residues B12-17 of full-length insulin, was identified as a short peptide that interacts with full-length insulin. A hybrid peptide was synthesized that contained this binding domain and hexameric arginine; this peptide significantly reduced the rate of insulin aggregation at near-equimolar concentrations. An effective binding domain and N-terminal placement of the arginine hexamer were necessary for inhibitory activity. The data were analyzed using a simple two-step model of aggregation kinetics. These results are useful not only in identifying an insulin aggregation inhibitor but also in extending a targeted protein strategy for modifying aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins.  相似文献   

Marchut AJ  Hall CK 《Proteins》2007,66(1):96-109
Aggregation in the brain of polyglutamine-containing proteins is either a cause or an associated symptom of nine hereditary neurodegenerative disorders including Huntington's disease. The molecular level mechanisms by which these proteins aggregate are still unclear. In an effort to shed light on this important phenomenon, we are investigating the aggregation of model polyglutamine peptides using molecular-level computer simulation with a simplified model of polyglutamine that we have developed. This model accounts for the most important types of intra- and inter-molecular interactions-hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions-while allowing the folding process to be simulated in a reasonable time frame. The model is used to examine the folding of isolated polyglutamine peptides 16, 32, and 48 residues long and the folding and aggregation of systems of 24 model polyglutamine peptides 16, 24, 32, 36, 40, and 48 residues long. Although the isolated polyglutamine peptides did form some alpha and beta backbone-backbone hydrogen bonds they did not have as many of these bonds as they would have if they had folded into a complete alpha helix or beta sheet. In one of the simulations on the isolated polyglutamine peptide 48 residues long, we observed a structure that resembles a beta helix. In the multi-chain simulations we observed amorphous aggregates at low temperatures, ordered aggregates with significant beta sheet character at intermediate temperatures, and random coils at high temperatures. We have found that the temperature at which the model peptides undergo the transition from amorphous aggregates to ordered aggregates and the temperature at which the model peptides undergo the transition from ordered aggregates to random coils increase with increasing chain length. Our finding that the stability of the ordered aggregates increases as the peptide chain length increases may help to explain the experimentally observed relation between polyglutamine tract length and aggregation in vitro and disease progression in vivo. We have also observed in our simulations that the optimal temperature for the formation of beta sheets increases with chain length up to 36 glutamine residues but not beyond. Equivalently, at fixed temperature we find a transition from a region dominated by random coils at chain lengths less than 36 to a region dominated by relatively ordered beta sheet structures at chain lengths greater than 36. Our finding of this critical chain length of 36 glutamine residues is interesting because a critical chain length of 37 glutamine residues has been observed experimentally.  相似文献   

In the folding of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), the single-disulfide intermediate [30-51] plays a key role. We have investigated a recombinant analog of [30-51] using a 2-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D-NMR). This recombinant analog, named [30-51]Ala, contains a disulfide bond between Cys-30 and Cys-51, but contains alanine in place of the other cysteines in BPTI to prevent the formation of other intermediates. By 2D-NMR, [30-51]Ala consists of 2 regions-one folded and one predominantly unfolded. The folded region resembles a previously characterized peptide model of [30-51], named P alpha P beta, that contains a native-like subdomain with tertiary packing. The unfolded region includes the first 14 N-terminal residues of [30-51] and is as unfolded as an isolated peptide containing these residues. Using protein dissection, we demonstrate that the folded and unfolded regions of [30-51]Ala are structurally independent. The partially folded structure of [30-51]Ala explains many of the properties of authentic [30-51] in the folding pathway of BPTI. Moreover, direct structural characterization of [30-51]Ala has revealed that a crucial step in the folding pathway of BPTI coincides with the formation of a native-like subdomain, supporting models for protein folding that emphasize the formation of cooperatively folded subdomains.  相似文献   

Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by the extracellular deposition of the transport protein transthyretin (TTR) as amyloid fibrils. Despite the progress achieved in recent years, understanding why different TTR residue substitutions lead to different clinical manifestations remains elusive. Here, we studied the molecular basis of disease-causing missense mutations affecting residues R34 and K35. R34G and K35T variants cause vitreous amyloidosis, whereas R34T and K35N mutations result in amyloid polyneuropathy and restrictive cardiomyopathy. All variants are more sensitive to pH-induced dissociation and amyloid formation than the wild-type (WT)-TTR counterpart, specifically in the variants deposited in the eyes amyloid formation occurs close to physiological pHs. Chemical denaturation experiments indicate that all the mutants are less stable than WT-TTR, with the vitreous amyloidosis variants, R34G and K35T, being highly destabilized. Sequence-induced stabilization of the dimer–dimer interface with T119M rendered tetramers containing R34G or K35T mutations resistant to pH-induced aggregation. Because R34 and K35 are among the residues more distant to the TTR interface, their impact in this region is therefore theorized to occur at long range. The crystal structures of double mutants, R34G/T119M and K35T/T119M, together with molecular dynamics simulations indicate that their strong destabilizing effect is initiated locally at the BC loop, increasing its flexibility in a mutation-dependent manner. Overall, the present findings help us to understand the sequence-dynamic-structural mechanistic details of TTR amyloid aggregation triggered by R34 and K35 variants and to link the degree of mutation-induced conformational flexibility to protein aggregation propensity.  相似文献   

Amyloid protein aggregation characterizes many neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Creutzfeldt‐Jakob disease. Evidence suggests that amyloid aggregates may share similar aggregation pathways, implying simulation of full‐length amyloid proteins is not necessary for understanding amyloid formation. In this study, we simulate GNNQQNY, the N‐terminal prion‐determining domain of the yeast protein Sup35 to investigate the thermodynamics of structural transitions during aggregation. Utilizing a coarse‐grained model permits equilibration on relevant time scales. Replica‐exchange molecular dynamics is used to gather simulation statistics at multiple temperatures and clear energy traps that would aversely impact results. Investigating the association of 3‐, 6‐, and 12‐chain GNNQQNY systems by calculating thermodynamic quantities and orientational order parameters, we determine the aggregation pathway by studying aggregation states of GNNQQNY. We find that the aggregation of the hydrophilic GNNQQNY sequence is mainly driven by H‐bond formation, leading to the formation of β‐sheets from the very beginning of the assembly process. Condensation (aggregation) and ordering take place simultaneously, which is underpinned by the occurrence of a single heat capacity peak. Proteins 2013; 81:1141–1155. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Colombo G  Meli M  De Simone A 《Proteins》2008,72(3):863-872
It is a common belief that some residues of a protein are more important than others. In some cases, point mutations of some residues make butterfly effect on the protein structure and function, but in other cases they do not. In addition, the residues important for the protein function tend to be not only conserved but also coevolved with other interacting residues in a protein. Motivated by these observations, the authors propose that there is a network composed of the residues, the residue-residue coevolution network (RRCN), where nodes are residues and links are set when the coevolutionary interaction strengths between residues are sufficiently large. The authors build the RRCN for the 44 diverse protein families. The interaction strengths are calculated by using McBASC algorithm. After constructing the RRCN, the authors identify residues that have high degree of connectivity (hub nodes), and residues that play a central role in network flow of information (C(I) nodes). The authors show that these residues are likely to be functionally important residues. Moreover, the C(I) nodes appear to be more relevant to the function than the hub nodes. Unlike other similar methods, the method described in this study is solely based on sequences. Therefore, the method can be applied to the function annotation of a wider range of proteins.  相似文献   

Undesirable aggregation of aqueous insulin solutions remains a serious obstacle in the development of alternative methods of diabetes therapy. We investigated the fundamental nature of the aggregation mechanism and proposed stabilization strategies based on a mathematical model for the reaction scheme. Insulin aggregation kinetics in the presence of solid-liquid and air-liquid interfaces were monitored using UV spectroscopy and quasielastic light scattering (QELS). Experimental observations were consistent with our model of monomer denaturation at hydrophobic surfaces followed by the formation of stable intermediate species which facilitated subsequent macroaggregation. The model was used to predict qualitative trends in insulin aggregation behavior, to propose stabilization strategies, and to elucidate mechanisms of stabilization. In the absence of additives, insulin solutions aggregated completely (more than 95% of the soluble protein lost) within 24 h; with sugarbased nonionic detergents, no detectable loss occurred for more than 6 weeks. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Yamamoto S  Watarai H 《Chirality》2012,24(2):97-103
The amyloid fibril of bovine insulin and its renaturing intermediates were studied by using Raman optical activity (ROA). In the spectrum of the amyloid, the sharp +/- ROA couplet of amide I band characteristic of the β-sheet-rich proteins was observed, together with a sharp peak at 1271 cm(-1) characteristic of a turn structure. The shoulder ROA peak of the native insulin at ~ 1340 cm(-1), which was assigned to the hydrated α-helix, was not observed in the amyloid, suggesting that the hydrated α-helix was converted to the parallel β-sheet structure in the amyloid. Recovery of the amyloid to the native state was also monitored by ROA. The intermediate states showed distinct features from the amyloid or native ones. The intermediates did not show a characteristic ROA peak of the poly(L-proline) II helix at ~ 1318 cm(-1). The hydrated α-helix ROA peak was not recovered in the intermediate states. In a process of the amyloid formation, at first the hydrated α-helix of the native insulin is converted to a specific partially unfolded structure, and then, it was converted to the parallel β-sheet structure with many turns.  相似文献   

Understanding the energetic and structural basis of protein folding in a physiological context may represent an important step toward the elucidation of protein misfolding and aggregation events that take place in several pathological states. In particular, investigation of the structure and thermodynamic properties of partially folded intermediate states involved in productive folding or in misfolding/aggregation may provide insight into these processes and suggest novel approaches to prevent misfolding in living organisms. This goal, however, has remained elusive, because such intermediates are often transient and correspond to metastable states that are little populated under physiological conditions. Characterization of these states requires their stabilization by means of manipulation of the experimental conditions, involving changes in temperature, pH, or addition of different types of denaturants. In the past few years, hydrostatic pressure has been increasingly used as a thermodynamic variable in the study of both protein folding and misfolding/aggregation transitions. Compared with other chemical or physical denaturing agents, a unique feature of pressure is its ability to induce subtle changes in protein conformation, allowing the stabilization of partially folded states that are usually not significantly populated under more drastic conditions. Much of the recent work in this field has focused on the characterization of folding intermediates, because they seem to be involved in a variety of disease-causing protein misfolding and aggregation reactions. Here, we review recent examples of the use of hydrostatic pressure as a tool to gain insight into the forces and energetics governing the productive folding or the misfolding and amyloid aggregation of proteions.  相似文献   

Amyloids, initially associated with certain degenerative diseases, and recently with the prions and prion-based inheritance in yeasts, are linearly-ordered beta-sheet-rich protein aggregates, presently thought to represent a rather common generic trait of proteins as polymers. Regardless of genetic origins and properties of precursor protein molecules, amyloids share many physicochemical properties, including the linear fibrillar morphology. Here, we show that under high hydrostatic pressure insulin forms amyloids of a unique circular morphology. Despite a degree of size-distribution, the smallest forms of the approximate radius of 340-420 nm are most abundant among the ring-shaped structures. The circular amyloid is accompanied by bent 20-100 nm long fibrils. The pressure-enhancement of a ring-like supramolecular fold suggests an anisotropic distribution of void volumes in regular amyloid fibres. While the ability of high pressure to evoke such drastic perturbations on an amyloidogenic pathway may help tune conformation of amyloid templates (e.g. inducing the PrP(Sc)-type infectivity in amyloids grown in vitro from recombinant PrP), the very finding raises new questions concerning possible consequences for high-pressure food processing.  相似文献   

The C‐terminal segment (residues 218–289) of the HET‐s protein of the filamentous fungus Podosporina anserina is a prion‐forming domain. The structural model of the HET‐s(218–289) amyloid fibril based on solid‐state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) restraints shows a β solenoid topology which is comprised of a β‐sheet core and interconnecting loops. For the single‐point mutants Phe286Ala and Trp287Ala, slower aggregation rates in vitro and loss of prionic infectivity have been reported recently. Here we have used molecular dynamics to compare the flexibility of the mutants and wild type. The simulations, initiated from a trimeric aggregate extracted from the NMR structural model, show structural stability on a 100‐ns time scale for wild type and mutants. Analysis of the fluctuations along the simulations reveals that the mutants are less flexible than the wild type in the C‐terminal segment at only one of the two external monomers. Analysis of interaction energy and buried accessible surface indicates that residue Phe286 in particular is stabilized in the Trp287Ala mutant. The simulation results provide an atomistic explanation of the suggestion (based on indirect experimental evidence) that flexibility at the protofibril end(s) is required for fibril elongation. Moreover, they provide further evidence that the growth of the HET‐s amyloid fibril is directional. Proteins 2014; 82:399–404. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Alpha(α)-synuclein is closely related to the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). The NACore, a fragment of α-synuclein, is considered to be the key region of α-synuclein that causes PD. The aggregation dynamics of NACores are studied via coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. We find that NACores can self-assemble into a large cluster at high concentrations. The aggregation dynamics can be divided into three stages. The growth kinetics for the first and second stages follows the power law, Smax ~ tγ, with the second stage faster than the first one. The characteristic lifetime for the high concentration is 40 times larger than that for the low concentration, implying the low fluidity. Understanding the aggregation dynamics of NACores is helpful to develop drugs for therapeutic prevention and intervention.  相似文献   

We present a detailed investigation of unfolded and partially folded states of a mutant apomyoglobin (apoMb) where the distal histidine has been replaced by phenylalanine (H64F). Previous studies have shown that substitution of His64, located in the E helix of the native protein, stabilizes the equilibrium molten globule and native states and leads to an increase in folding rate and a change in the folding pathway. Analysis of changes in chemical shift and in backbone flexibility, detected via [1H]-15N heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effect measurements, indicates that the phenylalanine substitution has only minor effects on the conformational ensemble in the acid- and urea-unfolded states, but has a substantial effect on the structure, dynamics, and stability of the equilibrium molten globule intermediate formed near pH 4. In H64F apomyoglobin, additional regions of the polypeptide chain are recruited into the compact core of the molten globule. Since the phenylalanine substitution has negligible effect on the unfolded ensemble, its influence on folding rate and stability comes entirely from interactions within the compact folded or partly folded states. Replacement of His64 with Phe leads to favorable hydrophobic packing between the helix E region and the molten globule core and leads to stabilization of helix E secondary structure and overall thermodynamic stabilization of the molten globule. The secondary structure of the equilibrium molten globule parallels that of the burst phase kinetic intermediate; both intermediates contain significant helical structure in regions of the polypeptide that comprise the A, B, E, G, and H helices of the fully folded protein.  相似文献   

Structurally characterizing partially folded states is problematic given the nature of these transient species. A peptide 20mer, T38AQLIATLKNGRKISLDLQA57 (P20), which has been shown to partially fold in a relatively stable turn/loop conformation (LKNGR) and transient beta-sheet structure, is a good model for studying backbone and side-chain mobilities in a transiently folded peptide by using 13C-NMR relaxation. Here, four residues in P20, A43, T44, G48, and 151, chosen for their positions in or near the loop conformation and for compositional variety, have been selectively 13C-enriched. Proton-coupled and decoupled 13C-NMR relaxation experiments have been performed to obtain the temperature dependencies (278 K to 343 K) of auto- and cross-correlation motional order parameters and correlation times. In order to differentiate sequence-neighbor effects from folding effects, two shorter peptides derived from P20, IATLK (P5) and NGRKIS (P6), were similarly 13C-enriched and investigated. For A43, T44, G48, and 151 residues in P20 relative to those in P5/P6, several observations are consistent with partial folding in P20: (1) C alpha H motional tendencies are all about the same, vary less with temperature, and are relatively more restricted, (2) G48 C alpha H2 phi (t) psi (t) rotations are more correlated, and (3) methyl group rotations are slower and yield lower activation energies consistent with formation of hydrophobic "pockets." In addition, T44 and 151 C beta H mobilities in P20 are more restricted at lower temperature than those of their C alpha H and display significantly greater sensitivity to temperature suggesting a larger enthalpic contribution to side-chain mobility. Moreover, at higher temperatures, side-chain methyls and methylenes in P20 are more motionally restricted than those in P5/P6, suggesting that some type of "folded" or "collapsed" structure remains in P20 for what normally would be considered an "unfolded" state.  相似文献   

The simple aggregation of insulin under various chemical and physical stresses is still an important challenge for both pharmaceutical production and clinical formulation. In the storage form, this protein is subjected to various chemical modifications which alter its physicochemical and aggregation properties. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) which is the most widely used medicine worldwide has been indicated to acetylate a large number of proteins both in vitro and in vivo. In this study, as insulin treated with aspirin at 37°C, a significant level of acetylation was observed by flourescamine and o-phthalaldehyde assay. Also, different spectroscopic techniques, gel electrophoresis, and microscopic assessment were applied to compare the structural variation and aggregation/fibrillation propensity among acetylated and non-acetylated insulin samples. The results of spectroscopic assessments elucidate that acetylation induces insulin unfolding which is accompanied with the exposure of protein hydrophobic patches, a transition from alpha-helix to beta-sheet and increased propensity of the protein for aggregation. The kinetic studies propose that acetylation increases aggregation rate of insulin under both thermal and chemical stresses. Also, gel electrophoresis and dynamic light scattering experiments suggest that acetylation induces insulin oligomerization. Additionally, the results of Thioflavin T fluorescence study, Congo red absorption assessment, and microscopic analysis suggest that acetylation with aspirin enhances the process of insulin fibrillation. Overall, the increased susceptibility of acetylated insulin for aggregation may reflect the fact that this type of modification has significant structural destabilizing effect which finally makes the protein more vulnerable for pathogenic aggregation/fibrillation.  相似文献   

Aggregation of the Aβ1–40 peptide is linked to the development of extracellular plaques characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease. While previous studies commonly show the Aβ1–40 is largely unstructured in solution, we show that Aβ1–40 can adopt a compact, partially folded structure. In this structure (PDB ID: 2LFM), the central hydrophobic region of the peptide forms a 310 helix from H13 to D23 and the N- and C-termini collapse against the helix due to the clustering of hydrophobic residues. Helical intermediates have been predicted to be crucial on-pathway intermediates in amyloid fibrillogenesis, and the structure presented here presents a new target for investigation of early events in Aβ1–40 fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

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