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A holistic protein-protein molecular docking approach, HoDock, was established, composed of such steps as binding site prediction, initial complex structure sampling, refined complex structure sampling, structure clustering, scoring and final structure selection. This article explains the detailed steps and applications for CAPRI Target 39. The CAPRI result showed that three predicted binding site residues, A191HIS, B512ARG and B531ARG, were correct, and there were five submitted structures with a high fraction of correct receptor-ligand interface residues, indicating that this docking approach may improve prediction accuracy for protein-protein complex structures.  相似文献   

Protein docking procedures carry out the task of predicting the structure of a protein–protein complex starting from the known structures of the individual protein components. More often than not, however, the structure of one or both components is not known, but can be derived by homology modeling on the basis of known structures of related proteins deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Thus, the problem is to develop methods that optimally integrate homology modeling and docking with the goal of predicting the structure of a complex directly from the amino acid sequences of its component proteins. One possibility is to use the best available homology modeling and docking methods. However, the models built for the individual subunits often differ to a significant degree from the bound conformation in the complex, often much more so than the differences observed between free and bound structures of the same protein, and therefore additional conformational adjustments, both at the backbone and side chain levels need to be modeled to achieve an accurate docking prediction. In particular, even homology models of overall good accuracy frequently include localized errors that unfavorably impact docking results. The predicted reliability of the different regions in the model can also serve as a useful input for the docking calculations. Here we present a benchmark dataset that should help to explore and solve combined modeling and docking problems. This dataset comprises a subset of the experimentally solved ‘target’ complexes from the widely used Docking Benchmark from the Weng Lab (excluding antibody–antigen complexes). This subset is extended to include the structures from the PDB related to those of the individual components of each complex, and hence represent potential templates for investigating and benchmarking integrated homology modeling and docking approaches. Template sets can be dynamically customized by specifying ranges in sequence similarity and in PDB release dates, or using other filtering options, such as excluding sets of specific structures from the template list. Multiple sequence alignments, as well as structural alignments of the templates to their corresponding subunits in the target are also provided. The resource is accessible online or can be downloaded at http://cluspro.org/benchmark , and is updated on a weekly basis in synchrony with new PDB releases. Proteins 2016; 85:10–16. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We report the performance of the protein docking prediction pipeline of our group and the results for Critical Assessment of Prediction of Interactions (CAPRI) rounds 38-46. The pipeline integrates programs developed in our group as well as other existing scoring functions. The core of the pipeline is the LZerD protein-protein docking algorithm. If templates of the target complex are not found in PDB, the first step of our docking prediction pipeline is to run LZerD for a query protein pair. Meanwhile, in the case of human group prediction, we survey the literature to find information that can guide the modeling, such as protein-protein interface information. In addition to any literature information and binding residue prediction, generated docking decoys were selected by a rank aggregation of statistical scoring functions. The top 10 decoys were relaxed by a short molecular dynamics simulation before submission to remove atom clashes and improve side-chain conformations. In these CAPRI rounds, our group, particularly the LZerD server, showed robust performance. On the other hand, there are failed cases where some other groups were successful. To understand weaknesses of our pipeline, we analyzed sources of errors for failed targets. Since we noted that structure refinement is a step that needs improvement, we newly performed a comparative study of several refinement approaches. Finally, we show several examples that illustrate successful and unsuccessful cases by our group.  相似文献   

Protein-protein docking plays an important role in the computational prediction of the complex structure between two proteins. For years, a variety of docking algorithms have been developed, as witnessed by the critical assessment of prediction interactions (CAPRI) experiments. However, despite their successes, many docking algorithms often require a series of manual operations like modeling structures from sequences, incorporating biological information, and selecting final models. The difficulties in these manual steps have significantly limited the applications of protein-protein docking, as most of the users in the community are nonexperts in docking. Therefore, automated docking like a web server, which can give a comparable performance to human docking protocol, is pressingly needed. As such, we have participated in the blind CAPRI experiments for Rounds 38-45 and CASP13-CAPRI challenge for Round 46 with both our HDOCK automated docking web server and human docking protocol. It was shown that our HDOCK server achieved an “acceptable” or higher CAPRI-rated model in the top 10 submitted predictions for 65.5% and 59.1% of the targets in the docking experiments of CAPRI and CASP13-CAPRI, respectively, which are comparable to 66.7% and 54.5% for human docking protocol. Similar trends can also be observed in the scoring experiments. These results validated our HDOCK server as an efficient automated docking protocol for nonexpert users. Challenges and opportunities of automated docking are also discussed.  相似文献   

The seventh CAPRI edition imposed new challenges to the modeling of protein-protein complexes, such as multimeric oligomerization, protein-peptide, and protein-oligosaccharide interactions. Many of the proposed targets needed the efficient integration of rigid-body docking, template-based modeling, flexible optimization, multiparametric scoring, and experimental restraints. This was especially relevant for the multimolecular assemblies proposed in the CASP12-CAPRI37 and CASP13-CAPRI46 joint rounds, which were described and evaluated elsewhere. Focusing on the purely CAPRI targets of this edition (rounds 38-45), we have participated in all 17 assessed targets (considering heteromeric and homomeric interfaces in T125 as two separate targets) both as predictors and as scorers, by using integrative modeling based on our docking and scoring approaches: pyDock, IRaPPA, and LightDock. In the protein-protein and protein-peptide targets, we have also participated with our webserver (pyDockWeb). On these 17 CAPRI targets, we submitted acceptable models (or better) within our top 10 models for 10 targets as predictors, 13 targets as scorers, and 4 targets as servers. In summary, our participation in this CAPRI edition confirmed the capabilities of pyDock for the scoring of docking models, increasingly used within the context of integrative modeling of protein interactions and multimeric assemblies.  相似文献   

Structures of proteins complexed with other proteins, peptides, or ligands are essential for investigation of molecular mechanisms. However, the experimental structures of protein complexes of interest are often not available. Therefore, computational methods are widely used to predict these structures, and, of those methods, template-based modeling is the most successful. In the rounds 38-45 of the Critical Assessment of PRediction of Interactions (CAPRI), we applied template-based modeling for 9 of 11 protein-protein and protein-peptide interaction targets, resulting in medium and high-quality models for six targets. For the protein-oligosaccharide docking targets, we used constraints derived from template structures, and generated models of at least acceptable quality for most of the targets. Apparently, high flexibility of oligosaccharide molecules was the main cause preventing us from obtaining models of higher quality. We also participated in the CAPRI scoring challenge, the goal of which was to identify the highest quality models from a large pool of decoys. In this experiment, we tested VoroMQA, a scoring method based on interatomic contact areas. The results showed VoroMQA to be quite effective in scoring strongly binding and obligatory protein complexes, but less successful in the case of transient interactions. We extensively used manual intervention in both CAPRI modeling and scoring experiments. This oftentimes allowed us to select the correct templates from available alternatives and to limit the search space during the model scoring.  相似文献   

Shih ES  Hwang MJ 《Proteins》2012,80(1):194-205
Protein-protein docking (PPD) is a computational process that predicts the structure of a complex of two interacting proteins from their unbound structures. The accuracy of PPD predictions is low, but can be greatly enhanced if experimentally determined distance data are available for incorporation into the prediction. However, the specific effects of distance constraints on PPD predictions are largely uncharacterized. In this study, we systematically simulated the effects of using distance constraints both on a new distance constraint-driven PPD approach, called DPPD, and also, by re-ranking, on a well-established grid-based global search approach. Our results for a PPD benchmark dataset of 84 protein complexes of known structures showed that near 100% docking success rates could be obtained when the number of distance constraints exceeded six, the degrees of freedom of the system, but the success rate was significantly reduced by long distance constraints, large binding-induced conformational changes, and large errors in the distance data. Our results also showed that, under most conditions simulated, even two or three distance constraints were sufficient to achieve a much better success rate than those using a sophisticated physicochemical function to re-rank the results of the global search. Our study provides guidelines for the practical incorporation of experimental distance data to aid PPD predictions.  相似文献   

Protein docking algorithms aim to predict the 3D structure of a protein complex from the structures of its separated components. In the past, most docking algorithms focused on docking pairs of proteins to form dimeric complexes. However, attention is now turning towards the more difficult problem of using docking methods to predict the structures of multicomponent complexes. In both cases, however, the constituent proteins often change conformation upon complex formation, and this can cause many algorithms to fail to detect near-native binding orientations due to the high number of atomic steric clashes in the list of candidate solutions. An increasingly popular way to retain more near-native orientations is to define one or more restraints that serve to modulate or override the effect of steric clashes. Here, we present an updated version of our “EROS-DOCK” docking algorithm which has been extended to dock arbitrary dimeric and trimeric complexes, and to allow the user to define residue-residue or atom-atom interaction restraints. Our results show that using even just one residue-residue restraint in each interaction interface is sufficient to increase the number of cases with acceptable solutions within the top 10 from 51 to 121 out of 173 pairwise docking cases, and to successfully dock 8 out of 11 trimeric complexes.  相似文献   

We present the seventh report on the performance of methods for predicting the atomic resolution structures of protein complexes offered as targets to the community-wide initiative on the Critical Assessment of Predicted Interactions. Performance was evaluated on the basis of 36 114 models of protein complexes submitted by 57 groups—including 13 automatic servers—in prediction rounds held during the years 2016 to 2019 for eight protein-protein, three protein-peptide, and five protein-oligosaccharide targets with different length ligands. Six of the protein-protein targets represented challenging hetero-complexes, due to factors such as availability of distantly related templates for the individual subunits, or for the full complex, inter-domain flexibility, conformational adjustments at the binding region, or the multi-component nature of the complex. The main challenge for the protein-peptide and protein-oligosaccharide complexes was to accurately model the ligand conformation and its interactions at the interface. Encouragingly, models of acceptable quality, or better, were obtained for a total of six protein-protein complexes, which included four of the challenging hetero-complexes and a homo-decamer. But fewer of these targets were predicted with medium or higher accuracy. High accuracy models were obtained for two of the three protein-peptide targets, and for one of the protein-oligosaccharide targets. The remaining protein-sugar targets were predicted with medium accuracy. Our analysis indicates that progress in predicting increasingly challenging and diverse types of targets is due to closer integration of template-based modeling techniques with docking, scoring, and model refinement procedures, and to significant incremental improvements in the underlying methodologies.  相似文献   

We report docking performance on the six targets of Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions (CAPRI) rounds 39-45 that involved heteromeric protein-protein interactions and had the solved structures released since the rounds were held. Our general strategy involved protein-protein docking using ZDOCK, reranking using IRAD, and structural refinement using Rosetta. In addition, we made extensive use of experimental data to guide our docking runs. All the experimental information at the amino-acid level proved correct. However, for two targets, we also used protein-complex structures as templates for modeling interfaces. These resulted in incorrect predictions, presumably due to the low sequence identity between the targets and templates. Albeit a small number of targets, the performance described here compared somewhat less favorably with our previous CAPRI reports, which may be due to the CAPRI targets being increasingly challenging.  相似文献   

We participated in CARPI rounds 38-45 both as a server predictor and a human predictor. These CAPRI rounds provided excellent opportunities for testing prediction methods for three classes of protein interactions, that is, protein-protein, protein-peptide, and protein-oligosaccharide interactions. Both template-based methods (GalaxyTBM for monomer protein, GalaxyHomomer for homo-oligomer protein, GalaxyPepDock for protein-peptide complex) and ab initio docking methods (GalaxyTongDock and GalaxyPPDock for protein oligomer, GalaxyPepDock-ab-initio for protein-peptide complex, GalaxyDock2 and Galaxy7TM for protein-oligosaccharide complex) have been tested. Template-based methods depend heavily on the availability of proper templates and template-target similarity, and template-target difference is responsible for inaccuracy of template-based models. Inaccurate template-based models could be improved by our structure refinement and loop modeling methods based on physics-based energy optimization (GalaxyRefineComplex and GalaxyLoop) for several CAPRI targets. Current ab initio docking methods require accurate protein structures as input. Small conformational changes from input structure could be accounted for by our docking methods, producing one of the best models for several CAPRI targets. However, predicting large conformational changes involving protein backbone is still challenging, and full exploration of physics-based methods for such problems is still to come.  相似文献   

Gao M  Skolnick J 《Proteins》2011,79(5):1623-1634
With the development of many computational methods that predict the structural models of protein-protein complexes, there is a pressing need to benchmark their performance. As was the case for protein monomers, assessing the quality of models of protein complexes is not straightforward. An effective scoring scheme should be able to detect substructure similarity and estimate its statistical significance. Here, we focus on characterizing the similarity of the interfaces of the complex and introduce two scoring functions. The first, the interfacial Template Modeling score (iTM-score), measures the geometric distance between the interfaces, while the second, the Interface Similarity score (IS-score), evaluates their residue-residue contact similarity in addition to their geometric similarity. We first demonstrate that the IS-score is more suitable for assessing docking models than the iTM-score. The IS-score is then validated in a large-scale benchmark test on 1562 dimeric complexes. Finally, the scoring function is applied to evaluate docking models submitted to the Critical Assessment of Prediction of Interactions (CAPRI) experiments. While the results according to the new scoring scheme are generally consistent with the original CAPRI assessment, the IS-score identifies models whose significance was previously underestimated.  相似文献   

Lee HS  Zhang Y 《Proteins》2012,80(1):93-110
We developed BSP‐SLIM, a new method for ligand–protein blind docking using low‐resolution protein structures. For a given sequence, protein structures are first predicted by I‐TASSER; putative ligand binding sites are transferred from holo‐template structures which are analogous to the I‐TASSER models; ligand–protein docking conformations are then constructed by shape and chemical match of ligand with the negative image of binding pockets. BSP‐SLIM was tested on 71 ligand–protein complexes from the Astex diverse set where the protein structures were predicted by I‐TASSER with an average RMSD 2.92 Å on the binding residues. Using I‐TASSER models, the median ligand RMSD of BSP‐SLIM docking is 3.99 Å which is 5.94 Å lower than that by AutoDock; the median binding‐site error by BSP‐SLIM is 1.77 Å which is 6.23 Å lower than that by AutoDock and 3.43 Å lower than that by LIGSITECSC. Compared to the models using crystal protein structures, the median ligand RMSD by BSP‐SLIM using I‐TASSER models increases by 0.87 Å, while that by AutoDock increases by 8.41 Å; the median binding‐site error by BSP‐SLIM increase by 0.69Å while that by AutoDock and LIGSITECSC increases by 7.31 Å and 1.41 Å, respectively. As case studies, BSP‐SLIM was used in virtual screening for six target proteins, which prioritized actives of 25% and 50% in the top 9.2% and 17% of the library on average, respectively. These results demonstrate the usefulness of the template‐based coarse‐grained algorithms in the low‐resolution ligand–protein docking and drug‐screening. An on‐line BSP‐SLIM server is freely available at http://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/BSP‐SLIM . Proteins 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Peptide-protein docking is challenging due to the considerable conformational freedom of the peptide. CAPRI rounds 38-45 included two peptide-protein interactions, both characterized by a peptide forming an additional beta strand of a beta sheet in the receptor. Using the Rosetta FlexPepDock peptide docking protocol we generated top-performing, high-accuracy models for targets 134 and 135, involving an interaction between a peptide derived from L-MAG with DLC8. In addition, we were able to generate the only medium-accuracy models for a particularly challenging target, T121. In contrast to the classical peptide-mediated interaction, in which receptor side chains contact both peptide backbone and side chains, beta-sheet complementation involves a major contribution to binding by hydrogen bonds between main chain atoms. To establish how binding affinity and specificity are established in this special class of peptide-protein interactions, we extracted PeptiDBeta, a benchmark of solved structures of different protein domains that are bound by peptides via beta-sheet complementation, and tested our protocol for global peptide-docking PIPER-FlexPepDock on this dataset. We find that the beta-strand part of the peptide is sufficient to generate approximate and even high resolution models of many interactions, but inclusion of adjacent motif residues often provides additional information necessary to achieve high resolution model quality.  相似文献   

This article describes the implementation of a new docking approach. The method uses a Tabu search methodology to dock flexibly ligand molecules into rigid receptor structures. It uses an empirical objective function with a small number of physically based terms derived from fitting experimental binding affinities for crystallographic complexes. This means that docking energies produced by the searching algorithm provide direct estimates of the binding affinities of the ligands. The method has been tested on 50 ligand-receptor complexes for which the experimental binding affinity and binding geometry are known. All water molecules are removed from the structures and ligand molecules are minimized in vacuo before docking. The lowest energy geometry produced by the docking protocol is within 1.5 Å root-mean square of the experimental binding mode for 86% of the complexes. The lowest energies produced by the docking are in fair agreement with the known free energies of binding for the ligands. Proteins 33:367–382, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In recent years, pharmacophore modeling and molecular docking approaches have been extensively used to characterize the structural requirements and explore the conformational space of a ligand in the binding pocket of the selected target protein. Herein, we report a pharmacophore modeling and molecular docking of 45 compounds comprising of the indole scaffold as vitamin D receptor (VDR) inhibitors. Based on the selected best hypothesis (DRRRR.61), an atom-based three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationships model was developed to rationalize the structural requirement of biological activity modulating components. The developed model predicted the binding affinity for the training set and test set with R2(training) = 0.8869 and R2(test) = 0.8139, respectively. Furthermore, molecular docking and dynamics simulation were performed to understand the underpinning of binding interaction and stability of selected VDR inhibitors in the binding pocket. In conclusion, the results presented here, in the form of functional and structural data, agreed well with the proposed pharmacophores and provide further insights into the development of novel VDR inhibitors with better activity.  相似文献   

Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) enzyme plays an important role in the regulation of biosynthesis and oxidation of fatty acids. ACC is a recognized drug target for the treatment of obesity and diabetes. Combination of ligand and structure-based in silico methods along with activity and toxicity prediction provides best lead compounds in the drug discovery process. In this study, a data-set of 100 ACC inhibitors were used for the development of comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) and comparative molecular similarity index matrix analysis (CoMSIA) models. The generated contour maps were used for the design of novel ACC inhibitors. CoMFA and CoMSIA models were used for the predication of activity of designed compounds. In silico toxicity risk prediction study was carried out for the designed compounds. Molecular docking and dynamic simulations studies were performed to know the binding mode of designed compounds with the ACC enzyme. The designed compounds showed interactions with key amino acid residues important for catalysis, and good correlation was observed between binding free energy and inhibition of ACC.  相似文献   

The Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions (CAPRI) experiment was designed in 2000 to test protein docking algorithms in blind predictions of the structure of protein-protein complexes. In four years, 17 complexes offered by crystallographers as targets prior to publication, have been subjected to structure prediction by docking their two components. Models of these complexes were submitted by predictor groups and assessed by comparing their geometry to the X-ray structure and by evaluating the quality of the prediction of the regions of interaction and of the pair wise residue contacts. Prediction was successful on 12 of the 17 targets, most of the failures being due to large conformation changes that the algorithms could not cope with. Progress in the prediction quality observed in four years indicates that the experiment is a powerful incentive to develop new procedures that allow for flexibility during docking and incorporate nonstructural information. We therefore call upon structural biologists who study protein-protein complexes to provide targets for further rounds of CAPRI predictions.  相似文献   

Protein docking algorithms can be used to study the driving forces and reaction mechanisms of docking processes. They are also able to speed up the lengthy process of experimental structure elucidation of protein complexes by proposing potential structures. In this paper, we are discussing a variant of the protein-protein docking problem, where the input consists of the tertiary structures of proteins A and B plus an unassigned one-dimensional 1H-NMR spectrum of the complex AB. We present a new scoring function for evaluating and ranking potential complex structures produced by a docking algorithm. The scoring function computes a `theoretical' 1H-NMR spectrum for each tentative complex structure and subtracts the calculated spectrum from the experimental one. The absolute areas of the difference spectra are then used to rank the potential complex structures. In contrast to formerly published approaches (e.g. [Morelli et al. (2000) Biochemistry, 39, 2530–2537]) we do not use distance constraints (intermolecular NOE constraints). We have tested the approach with four protein complexes whose three-dimensional structures are stored in the PDB data bank [Bernstein et al. (1977)] and whose 1H-NMR shift assignments are available from the BMRB database. The best result was obtained for an example, where all standard scoring functions failed completely. Here, our new scoring function achieved an almost perfect separation between good approximations of the true complex structure and false positives.  相似文献   

As a participant in the joint CASP13-CAPRI46 assessment, the ClusPro server debuted its new template-based modeling functionality. The addition of this feature, called ClusPro TBM, was motivated by the previous CASP-CAPRI assessments and by the proven ability of template-based methods to produce higher-quality models, provided templates are available. In prior assessments, ClusPro submissions consisted of models that were produced via free docking of pre-generated homology models. This method was successful in terms of the number of acceptable predictions across targets; however, analysis of results showed that purely template-based methods produced a substantially higher number of medium-quality models for targets for which there were good templates available. The addition of template-based modeling has expanded ClusPro's ability to produce higher accuracy predictions, primarily for homomeric but also for some heteromeric targets. Here we review the newest additions to the ClusPro web server and discuss examples of CASP-CAPRI targets that continue to drive further development. We also describe ongoing work not yet implemented in the server. This includes the development of methods to improve template-based models and the use of co-evolutionary information for data-assisted free docking.  相似文献   

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