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Parvovirus host range,cell tropism and evolution   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The past few years have seen major advances in our understanding of the controls of evolution, host range and cell tropism of parvoviruses. Notable findings have included the identification of the transferrin receptor TfR as the cell surface receptor for canine parvovirus and feline panleukopenia virus, and also the finding that specific binding to the canine TfR led to the emergence of canine parvovirus as a new pathogen in dogs. The structures of the adeno-associated virus-2 and porcine parvovirus capsids, along with those of the minute virus of mice, have also advanced our understanding of parvovirus biology. Structure-function studies have shown that in several different parvoviruses the threefold spikes or peaks of the capsid control several aspects of cell tropism and host range, and that those are subject to selective pressures leading to viral evolution. The cell and tissue tropisms of different adeno-associated virus serotypes were demonstrated to be due, in part, to specific receptor binding.  相似文献   

Many pandemics have been attributed to the ability of some RNA viruses to change their host range to include humans. Here, we review the mechanisms of disease emergence that are related to the host-range specificity of selected mosquito-borne alphaviruses and flaviviruses. We discuss viruses of medical importance, including Venezuelan equine and Japanese encephalitis viruses, dengue viruses and West Nile viruses.  相似文献   

Using a combined strategy of random mutagenesis of haloalkane dehalogenase and genetic engineering of a chloropropanol-utilizing bacterium, we constructed an organism that is capable of growth on 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP). This highly toxic and recalcitrant compound is a waste product generated from the manufacture of the industrial chemical epichlorohydrin. Attempts to select and enrich bacterial cultures that can degrade TCP from environmental samples have repeatedly been unsuccessful, prohibiting the development of a biological process for groundwater treatment. The critical step in the aerobic degradation of TCP is the initial dehalogenation to 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol. We used random mutagenesis and screening on eosin-methylene blue agar plates to improve the activity on TCP of the haloalkane dehalogenase from Rhodococcus sp. m15-3 (DhaA). A second-generation mutant containing two amino acid substitutions, Cys176Tyr and Tyr273Phe, was nearly eight times more efficient in dehalogenating TCP than wild-type dehalogenase. Molecular modeling of the mutant dehalogenase indicated that the Cys176Tyr mutation has a global effect on the active-site structure, allowing a more productive binding of TCP within the active site, which was further fine tuned by Tyr273Phe. The evolved haloalkane dehalogenase was expressed under control of a constitutive promoter in the 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol-utilizing bacterium Agrobacterium radiobacter AD1, and the resulting strain was able to utilize TCP as the sole carbon and energy source. These results demonstrated that directed evolution of a key catabolic enzyme and its subsequent recruitment by a suitable host organism can be used for the construction of bacteria for the degradation of a toxic and environmentally recalcitrant chemical.  相似文献   

An important driver of evolution in viruses is natural selection to optimize the use of their hosts’ genetic network. To learn how viruses respond to this pressure, we disrupted the genetic network of Escherichia coli to inhibit replication of its virus, bacteriophage lambda, and then observed how λ evolved to compensate. We deleted E. coli's dnaJ gene, which lambda uses to initiate DNA replication. Lambda partially restored its ability to reproduce with just two adaptive mutations associated with genes J and S. The location of the mutations was unexpected because they were not in genes that directly interact with DnaJ, rather they affected seemingly unrelated life history traits. A nonsynonymous J mutation increased lambda's adsorption rate and an S regulatory mutation delayed lysis timing. Lambda also recovered some of its reproductive potential through intracellular mutualism. This study offers two important lessons: first, viruses can rapidly adapt to disruptive changes in their host's genetic network. Second, organisms can employ mechanisms thought to operate at the population scale, such as evolution of life history traits and social interactions, in order to overcome hurdles at the molecular level. As life science research progresses and new fields become increasingly specialized, these results remind us of the importance of multiscale and interdisciplinary approaches to understand adaptation.  相似文献   

The B-lymphotropic papovavirus (LPV) productively infects only a subset of human B-lymphoma-derived cell lines while transfection of the viral genome yields infectious viral particles in a much wider variety of human hematopoietic cell lines. We have analyzed the contribution of a putative LPV receptor on the cell surface of B-cell lines in restricting the virus host range. In order to establish a quantitative virus binding assay for LPV, infectious virus particles were highly purified by metrizamide equilibrium density centrifugation and used as immunogens to raise seven mouse monoclonal antibodies specific for LPV VP1. Virus particle binding was quantitated in an indirect, nonradioactive assay with an LPV VP1-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Binding of LPV particles to permissive human B-lymphoma cell line BJA-B occurred within minutes. Kinetics and capacity of binding were similar at 4 and 37 degrees C. A BJA-B cell was estimated to bind approximately 600 virus particles at conditions under which 50% of the administered virus was bound. The sialidase and trypsin sensitivities of the cellular virus binding moiety show that sialylated and proteinaceous components are necessary components of the LPV receptor on BJA-B cells. Despite a high binding capacity of BJA-B cells for simian virus 40, LPV binding was not significantly affected by a 20-fold excess of simian virus 40 particles, indicating that these related polyomaviruses do not bind to the same receptor on BJA-B cells. Reduction of LPV binding to sialidase-pretreated BJA-B cells was accompanied by a similar reduction of infection, indicating that virus binding may be a limiting factor in the LPV replicative cycle. The two highly LPV-permissive human B-lymphoma cell lines BJA-B and Namalwa displayed high virus binding whereas low and nonpermissive hematopoietic cell lines showed reduced or undetectable virus binding. We conclude that the inability of LPV particles to productively infect the nonpermissive human hematopoietic cell lines analyzed is probably due to the absence or insufficient expression of a functional cell surface receptor.  相似文献   

Strains of Drosophila melanogaster with resistance to the insecticides spinosyn A, spinosad, and spinetoram were produced by chemical mutagenesis. These spinosyn-resistant strains were not cross-resistant to other insecticides. The two strains that were initially characterized were subsequently found to have mutations in the gene encoding the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunit Dα6. Subsequently, additional spinosyn-resistant alleles were generated by chemical mutagenesis and were also found to have mutations in the gene encoding Dα6, providing convincing evidence that Dα6 is a target site for the spinosyns in D. melanogaster. Although a spinosyn-sensitive receptor could not be generated in Xenopus laevis oocytes simply by expressing Dα6 alone, co-expression of Dα6 with an additional nAChR subunit, Dα5, and the chaperone protein ric-3 resulted in an acetylcholine- and spinosyn-sensitive receptor with the pharmacological properties anticipated for a native nAChR.  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a host range variant of a feline virus that acquired the ability to infect dogs through changes in its capsid protein. Canine and feline viruses both use the feline transferrin receptor (TfR) to infect feline cells, and here we show that CPV infects canine cells through its ability to specifically bind the canine TfR. Receptor binding on host cells at 37 degrees C only partially correlated with the host ranges of the viruses, and an intermediate virus strain (CPV type 2) bound to higher levels on cells than did either the feline panleukopenia virus or a later strain of CPV. During the process of adaptation to dogs the later variant strain of CPV gained the ability to more efficiently use the canine TfR for infection and also showed reduced binding to feline and canine cells compared to CPV type 2. Differences on the top and the side of the threefold spike of the capsid surface controlled specific TfR binding and the efficiency of binding to feline and canine cells, and these differences also determined the cell infection properties of the viruses.  相似文献   

An IPTF-regulated broad host range expression system was constructed using compatible broad host range plasmids, the T7 RNA polymerase, and T7 promoter sequences. The system is implemented by the coexistence of two plasmids. The first contains the T7 RNA polymerase gene under the control of lacl or lacl(q) genes and lacUV5 promoter. The second encodes the T7 promoter upstream of a multicloning site. IncP1 or IncP4 T7 promoter plasmids, and IncP1, IncP4 or IncW T7 RNA polymerase plasmids were constructed. The expression from the IncP1 promoter plasmids in the presence of the IncP4 polymerase plasmids was tested by in vivo lacZ fusions and vivo labeling of proteins. In this combination, the use of lac(q) improves the regulation levels in Escherichia coli, whereas, in Pseudomonas phaseolicola, a 28.5-fold regulation was obtained with lacl, Although the level of lacZ expression from the T7 promoter in P. phaseolicola is low compared with E. coli, it is similar to levels obtained with the pm promoter in Pseudomonas putida when the differences in the copy number of the expression vectors are taken into consideration (c) 1993 Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology - Ionic liquids show promise for deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass prior to fermentation. Yet, imidazolium ionic liquids (IILs) can be...  相似文献   

Novel shuttle vectors named pEBP were constructed to allow the gene expression in different bacterial hosts including Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas putida. These vectors share the inducible promoters P(T7) and P(Xyl) and a cos site to enable packaging of plasmid DNA into phage, and carry different multiple cloning sites and antibiotic resistance genes. Vector pEBP41 generally replicates episomally while pEBP18 replicates episomally in Gram-negative bacteria only, but integrates into the chromosome of B. subtilis. Plasmid copy numbers determined for E. coli and P. putida were in the range of 5-50 per cell. The functionality of pEBP18 and pEBP41 was confirmed by expression of two lipolytic enzymes, namely lipase A from B. subtilis and cutinase from the eukaryotic fungus Fusarium solani pisi in three different host strains. Additionally, we report here the construction of a T7 RNA polymerase-based expression strain of P. putida.  相似文献   

Insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) play a central role in mediating neuronal synaptic transmission and are the target sites for the increasingly important group of neonicotinoid insecticides. Six nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunits (four alpha-type and two beta-type) have been cloned previously from the model insect species Drosophila melanogaster. Despite extensive efforts, it has not been possible to generate functional recombinant nAChRs by heterologous expression of any combination of these six subunits. It has, however, been possible to express functional hybrid receptors when Drosophila alpha subunits are co-expressed with vertebrate beta subunits. This has led to the assumption that successful heterologous expression might require an, as yet, uncloned beta-type insect subunit. Examination of the recently completed Drosophila genomic sequence data has identified a novel putative nAChR beta-type subunit. Here we report the molecular cloning, heterologous expression and characterization of this putative Drosophila nAChR subunit (Dbeta3). Phylogenetic comparisons with other ligand-gated ion channel subunit sequences support its classification as a nAChR subunit but show it to be a distantly related member of this neurotransmitter receptor subunit family. Evidence that the Dbeta3 subunit is able to coassemble with other Drosophila nAChR subunits and contribute to recombinant nAChRs has been obtained by both radioligand binding and coimmunoprecipitation studies in transfected Drosophila S2 cells.  相似文献   

Constitutive expression of NF-kappa B has been associated with developmental maturity in B cells on the basis of studies using continuously growing cell lines and plasmacytomas; however, little is known about the behavior of NF-kappa B in primary, mature B cells. In the present work, the regulation of NF-kappa B expression was studied by analyzing subcellular fractions of adult murine splenic B cells with the electrophoretic mobility shift assay using a kappa B-containing oligonucleotide. Although nuclear extracts from resting B cells contained kappa B-binding activity, additional kappa B-binding activity was present in cytosolic fractions in a form that became apparent after treatment with detergent. Competition analysis indicated that the DNA binding activity detected by electrophoretic gel mobility shift assay was specific for the kappa B motif, and UV photo-cross-linking showed the molecular size of kappa B-binding protein to be similar to that of the DNA binding subunit of NF-kappa B. Nuclear expression of kappa B-binding activity was markedly induced by treatment of B cells with phorbol ester or with LPS. Most notably, kappa B-binding activity was induced after surface IgR cross-linking, and the mechanism of this induction involved PKC. Further, anti-Ig-induced activity was superinduced in the presence of cycloheximide. These results indicate that nuclear NF-kappa B is rapidly induced as a result of B cell stimulation, and further suggest that NF-kappa B may play a specific role in mature B cells after ligand binding to surface Ig distinct from its postulated developmental role as a stage-specific factor involved in kappa-enhancer function.  相似文献   

Feline coronavirus (FCoV), porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (TGEV), canine coronavirus (CCoV), and human coronavirus HCoV-229E, which belong to the group 1 coronavirus, use aminopeptidase N (APN) of their natural host and feline APN (fAPN) as receptors. Using mouse-feline APN chimeras, we identified three small, discontinuous regions, amino acids (aa) 288 to 290, aa 732 to 746 (called R1), and aa 764 to 788 (called R2) in fAPN that determined the host ranges of these coronaviruses. Blockade of infection with anti-fAPN monoclonal antibody RG4 suggested that these three regions lie close together on the fAPN surface. Different residues in fAPN were required for infection with each coronavirus. HCoV-229E infection was blocked by an N-glycosylation sequon present between aa 288 to 290 in murine APN. TGEV required R1 of fAPN, while FCoV and CCoV required both R1 and R2 for entry. N740 and T742 in fAPN and the homologous R741 in human APN (hAPN) were key determinants of host range for FCoV, TGEV, and CCoV. Residue N740 in fAPN was essential only for CCoV receptor activity. A conservative T742V substitution or a T742R substitution in fAPN destroyed receptor activity for the pig, dog, and cat coronaviruses, while a T742S substitution retained these receptor activities. Thus, the hydroxyl on T742 is required for the coronavirus receptor activity of fAPN. In hAPN an R741T substitution caused a gain of receptor activity for TGEV but not for FCoV or CCoV. Therefore, entry and host range of these group 1 coronaviruses depend on the ability of the viral spike glycoproteins to recognize small, species-specific amino acid differences in the APN proteins of different species.  相似文献   

Cheng LS  Liu AP  Yang JH  Dong YQ  Li LW  Wang J  Wang CC  Liu J 《Cell research》2003,13(1):35-48
The c-erbB-2 proto-oncogene encodes a 185kD protein p185,which belongs to epidermal growth factor receptor family.Amplification of this gene has been shown to correlate with poor clinical prognosis for certain cancer patients.The monoclonal antibody A21 which directed against p185 specifically inhibits proliferation of tumor cells overexpressing p185,hence allows it to be a candidate for targeted therapy.In order to overcome several drawbacks of murine MAb,we cloned its VH and VL genes and constructed the single-chain FV(scFv)through a peptide linker.The recombinant scFv A21 was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by the affinity column.Subsequently it was characterized by ELISA,Western blot,cell immunohistochemistry and FACS.All these assays showed the binding activity to extracellular domain(ECD)of p185.Based on those properties of scFvA21,we further constructed the scFv-Fc fusion molecule with a homodimer form and the recombinant product was expressed in mammalian cells.In a series of subsequent analysis this fusion protein showed identical antigen binding site and activity with the parent antibody.These anti-p185 engineered antibodies have promised to be further modified as a tumor targeting drugs,with a view of application in the diagnosis and treatment of human breast cancer.  相似文献   

Derivatives of plasmid pRK290 that are useful for cloning and for analyzing gene expression in a wide variety of Gram-negative bacteria are described. A smaller broad host range plasmid derived from RK2, with properties similar to that of pRK290, is also described.  相似文献   

An integrative plasmid containing a 1.3 kb fragment of chromosomal DNA from Enterobacter amnigenus was constructed. The Omega fragment encoding spectinomycin/streptomycin resistance was cloned into the unique BglII site of the resulting plasmid, and the interrupted fragment was transferred via plasmid pMAK705 by electroporation into E. amnigenus with a selection for spectinomycin resistance. Cointegrants were resolved to generate an E. amnigenus strain that expressed spectinomycin resistance, but grew as rapidly as the parental strain. The cloned fragment encodes a putative homologue of the proW gene of Escherichia coli that is not essential for E. amnigenus growth. The integrative plasmid is now available to introduce any heterologous DNA into the E. amnigenus chromosome, for the construction of promoter-probe vectors for the studies of gene regulation, or to construct plasmids suitable for the isolation of secretion signals. Immediate applications of this system will include the expression and secretion of crystal toxins from bacilli for the biological control of mosquito larvae infected with the bacterial host.  相似文献   

Many pathogenic bacteria secrete AB5 toxins that can be virulence factors. Cytotoxic A subunits are delivered to the cytosol following B subunit binding to specific host cell surface glycans. Some B subunits are not associated with A subunits, for example, YpeB of Yersinia pestis, the etiologic agent of plague. Plague cannot be eradicated because of Y. pestis'' adaptability to numerous hosts. We previously showed selective binding of other B5 pentamers to a sialoglycan microarray, with sialic acid (Sia) preferences corresponding to those prominently expressed by various hosts, for example, N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac; prominent in humans) or N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc; prominent in ruminant mammals and rodents). Here, we report that A subunit phylogeny evolved independently of B subunits and suggest a future B subunit nomenclature based on bacterial species names. We also found via phylogenetic analysis of B subunits, which bind Sias, that homologous molecules show poor correlation with species phylogeny. These data indicate ongoing lateral gene transfers between species, including mixing of A and B subunits. Consistent with much broader host range of Y. pestis, we show that YpeB recognizes all mammalian Sia types, except for 4-O-acetylated ones. Notably, YpeB alone causes dose-dependent cytotoxicity, which is abolished by a mutation (Y77F) eliminating Sia recognition, suggesting that cell proliferation and death are promoted via lectin-like crosslinking of cell surface sialoglycoconjugates. These findings help explain the host range of Y. pestis and could be important for pathogenesis. Overall, our data indicate ongoing rapid evolution of both host Sias and pathogen toxin-binding properties.  相似文献   

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