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Global climate change is altering precipitation patterns. The effect of water stress on plant–herbivore interactions is poorly understood even though this is a primary ecological interaction that will be altered by climate change. This is especially true for grasslands where water is often limiting. In this study we manipulated water inputs in open grassland plots (1 m2) during a severe drought and assessed plant and insect herbivore responses. There were two watering treatments: ambient and supplemented. Supplemented plots received water weekly in amounts that mimicked average seasonal rainfall. For plants, we were interested in how water input affected protein and digestible carbohydrate content; previous studies predicted water stress would increase the concentration of these two nutrients. Grasshoppers are the dominant insect herbivores in grasslands and we assessed their responses to water inputs by measuring abundance and diversity. Previous studies suggested grasshoppers would prefer water‐stressed plots. Protein and carbohydrate content in bulk grass and forb samples, plus plant biomass and diversity, were measured monthly (May–August). Immediately prior to harvesting plant tissue, we counted and identified individual grasshoppers in each plot. Grass biomass was reduced with water stress, but macronutrient content and species diversity were unaffected. After three months water‐stressed forbs were less protein biased, and diverse, relative to watered forbs; forb biomass was indistinguishable between treatments. Grasshopper abundance and diversity were lower in water‐stressed plots as the season progressed. However, grasshopper‐feeding biology mattered: densities of mixed‐feeders and grass‐feeders, but not forb‐specialists, decreased over time in water‐stressed plots, but not in water supplemented plots. Our results demonstrate the importance of focusing on plant and insect herbivore functional groups and provide valuable new data that can be incorporated into models to explore the effects of global climate change in greater detail.  相似文献   

The effects of herbivores and their interactions with nutrient availability on primary production and plant community composition in grassland systems is expected to vary with herbivore type. We examined the effects of invertebrate and small vertebrate herbivores and their interactions with nutrient availability on grassland plant community composition and aboveground biomass in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem. The abundance of forbs relative to grasses increased with invertebrate herbivore removals. This increase in forb abundance led to a shift in community composition, where invertebrate removals resulted in greater plant species evenness as well as a divergence in composition among plots. In contrast, vertebrate herbivore removals did not affect plant community composition or aboveground biomass. Nutrient additions alone resulted in a decrease in plant species richness and an increase in the abundance of the dominant grass, but the dominant grass species did not greatly increase in abundance when nutrient additions were combined with invertebrate removals. Rather, several subdominant forbs came to dominate the plant community. Additionally, the combined nutrient addition and invertebrate herbivore removal treatment increased forb biomass, suggesting that invertebrate herbivores suppress the responses of forb species to chronic nutrient additions. Overall, the release of forbs from invertebrate herbivore pressure may result in large shifts in species composition, with consequences for aboveground biomass and forage quality due to altered grass:forb ratios in grassland systems.  相似文献   

The effects of climate change on species interactions are poorly understood. Investigating the mechanisms by which species interactions may shift under altered environmental conditions will help form a more predictive understanding of such shifts. In particular, components of climate change have the potential to strongly influence floral volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and, in turn, plant–pollinator interactions. In this study, we experimentally manipulated drought and herbivory for four forb species to determine effects of these treatments and their interactions on (1) visual plant traits traditionally associated with pollinator attraction, (2) floral VOCs, and (3) the visitation rates and community composition of pollinators. For all forbs tested, experimental drought universally reduced flower size and floral display, but there were species‐specific effects of drought on volatile emissions per flower, the composition of compounds produced, and subsequent pollinator visitation rates. Moreover, the community of pollinating visitors was influenced by drought across forb species (i.e. some pollinator species were deterred by drought while others were attracted). Together, these results indicate that VOCs may provide more nuanced information to potential floral visitors and may be relatively more important than visual traits for pollinator attraction, particularly under shifting environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Most prairie restorations fail to produce the diversity of species found in unplowed remnants. This lack of restored diversity is hypothesized to be partly due to the inhibition of forb species by high seeding densities of dominant grasses and partly due to the low seeding densities of forbs used in many restorations. We tested this hypothesis by sowing various densities of forb and warm-season grass seeds into a restoration begun on bare soil. This is the first replicated restoration experiment we are aware of that varies grass seeding densities to examine the effects on forbs. Four years after seeding, we found that higher densities of grass seeds decreased forb cover, biomass, and richness, and higher densities of forb seeds increased forb richness. These results suggest that dominant grasses compete strongly with native forb species and that many forb species thrive when they are spatially separated from dominant grasses. The results also suggest that seed availability limits the establishment of some forbs. Forb diversity can therefore be increased by decreasing grass seeding density, by increasing forb seeding density, or both. However, forb seeds are generally expensive, and increasing forb seeding density across the entire area of a restoration may be prohibitively expensive. We therefore recommend a low seeding density of dominant grasses, and we recommend spatially separating forbs from dominant grasses by adding most forb seeds to areas with little to no dominant grasses and by adding the rest of the forb seeds to areas with a low density of dominant grasses.  相似文献   

Climate change has the potential to influence the persistence of ecological communities by altering their stability properties. One of the major drivers of community stability is species diversity, which is itself expected to be altered by climate change in many systems. The extent to which climatic effects on community stability may be buffered by the influence of species interactions on diversity is, however, poorly understood because of a paucity of studies incorporating interactions between abiotic and biotic factors. Here, I report results of a 10-year field experiment, the past 7 years of which have focused on effects of ongoing warming and herbivore removal on diversity and stability within the plant community, where competitive species interactions are mediated by exploitation through herbivory. Across the entire plant community, stability increased with diversity, but both stability and diversity were reduced by herbivore removal, warming and their interaction. Within the most species-rich functional group in the community, forbs, warming reduced species diversity, and both warming and herbivore removal reduced the strength of the relationship between diversity and stability. Species interactions, such as exploitation, may thus buffer communities against destabilizing influences of climate change, and intact populations of large herbivores, in particular, may prove important in maintaining and promoting plant community diversity and stability in a changing climate.  相似文献   

Calcareous grasslands in Europe have shown wide scale declines in their extent and quality as a result of modern agricultural practices, increased atmospheric eutrophication and lack of management. In addition to being a key habitat for specialist plants, calcareous grasslands are also important for many threatened invertebrates. In this UK based study, we investigated the impact of military vehicle activity, floral species richness and vegetation structure on assemblages of detritivore, herbivore and predatory invertebrates. We also consider the impact that disturbance by military vehicle activity on the proportion of invertebrate species capable of flight, a surrogate for dispersal ability. Sward height was negatively correlated with detritivore, herbivore and predator species richness. Herbivores species richness was positively correlated with both forb and grass species richness. Spatial variation in the number of plant species was negatively correlated with herbivore species richness. Those sites most heavily disturbed by military vehicle activity supported the lowest proportions of flightless invertebrates. Successful management for calcareous grassland invertebrates should aim to maintain short swards with high floristic diversity, in terms of both the forbs and grasses. It should be noted, however, that these findings refer to principally surface rather than sward active invertebrates. While disturbance associated with military vehicle activity was not found to affect invertebrate species richness, it has negative consequences for the structure of invertebrate assemblages by selecting against invertebrates with low dispersal ability. To support invertebrate diversity in calcareous grasslands we emphasise the need for variety in the timing and type of management applied to promote heterogeneity in sward structure.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a major threat to natural biodiversity; hence, understanding the mechanisms underlying invasibility (i.e., the susceptibility of a community to invasions by new species) is crucial. Invasibility of a resident community may be affected by a complex but hitherto hardly understood interplay of (1) productivity of the habitat, (2) diversity, (3) herbivory, and (4) the characteristics of both invasive and resident species. Using experimental phytoplankton microcosms, we investigated the effect of nutrient supply and species diversity on the invasibility of resident communities for two functionally different invaders in the presence or absence of an herbivore. With increasing nutrient supply, increased herbivore abundance indicated enhanced phytoplankton biomass production, and the invasion success of both invaders showed a unimodal pattern. At low nutrient supply (i.e., low influence of herbivory), the invasibility depended mainly on the competitive abilities of the invaders, whereas at high nutrient supply, the susceptibility to herbivory dominated. This resulted in different optimum nutrient levels for invasion success of the two species due to their individual functional traits. To test the effect of diversity on invasibility, a species richness gradient was generated by random selection from a resident species pool at an intermediate nutrient level. Invasibility was not affected by species richness; instead, it was driven by the functional traits of the resident and/or invasive species mediated by herbivore density. Overall, herbivory was the driving factor for invasibility of phytoplankton communities, which implies that other factors affecting the intensity of herbivory (e.g., productivity or edibility of primary producers) indirectly influence invasions.  相似文献   

Determinants of C3 forb growth and production in a C4 dominated grassland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Forbs are the most abundant species within the vascular flora of tallgrass prairie and they make the greatest contribution to biodiversity of all growth forms. However, little is known about the factors that determine their productivity and growth rates. The objective of this study was to assess the controls of forb growth (absolute and relative) and production in tallgrass prairie from a long-term burning experiment at the Konza Prairie in NE Kansas. Over the 14-year study, forbs comprised 9% of the total biomass production on sites with a high fire frequency vs. 29% on the low fire frequency site, with gramminoids accounting for the remainder. Although interannual variations in peak biomass of the grasses was strongly correlated with environmental variables related to water availability, there were no similar relationships for forbs, suggesting that production of forbs and grasses responded to interannual variations in climate in different ways. Multivariate analysis of climatic controls on growth rates of grasses and forbs yielded similar results. Although forbs had low biomass and absolute growth per unit ground area in frequently burned prairie, their relative growth rates were highest in such sites. Thus, it appears that reduced growth rates of individual forbs per se do not limit forb success in annually burned prairie. Instead, direct negative effects of fire on forbs (increased mortality) may be responsible. Determinants of forb growth and productivity in unburned prairie remain unresolved.  相似文献   

草食动物采食对草地植物多样性和生态系统功能的影响机制是放牧生态学研究的核心问题。该研究以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟苏尼特右旗荒漠草原的长期放牧控制实验为平台, 从既有草地植物多样性和动物偏食性两个层面系统地研究了荒漠草地植物多样性对草食动物采食的响应机制。结果显示: 1)荒漠草地植物对草食动物采食呈现4种响应模式: 放牧“隐没种”、放牧“敏感种”、放牧“无感种”、“绝对优势种”; 2)在群落尺度上, 物种多样性指数随放牧强度增加而减少, 与不放牧小区相比, 重度放牧(HG)与适度放牧(MG)小区植物多样性均下降, 且这一规律同样适用于功能群多样性, 灌木半灌木这一功能群内物种多样性对放牧干扰较敏感; 3)在草地既有植物的基础上, 以不放牧小区为参考系, 草食动物对植物功能群偏食性的排序为: 一二年生草本(AB) >多年生杂类草(PF) >灌木半灌木(SS) >多年生禾草(PG), 且偏食性物种主要分布于AB和PF中; 4)植物多样性与动物偏食性基本呈显著负相关关系(p < 0.05)。  相似文献   

Loss and fragmentation of natural habitats can lead to alterations of plant–animal interactions and ecosystems functioning. Insect herbivory, an important antagonistic interaction is expected to be influenced by habitat fragmentation through direct negative effects on herbivore community richness and indirect positive effects due to losses of natural enemies. Plant community changes with habitat fragmentation added to the indirect effects but with little predictable impact. Here, we evaluated habitat fragmentation effects on both herbivory and herbivore diversity, using novel hierarchical meta‐analyses. Across 89 studies, we found a negative effect of habitat fragmentation on abundance and species richness of herbivores, but only a non‐significant trend on herbivory. Reduced area and increased isolation of remaining fragments yielded the strongest effect on abundance and species richness, while specialist herbivores were the most vulnerable to habitat fragmentation. These fragmentation effects were more pronounced in studies with large spatial extent. The strong reduction in herbivore diversity, but not herbivory, indicates how important common generalist species can be in maintaining herbivory as a major ecosystem process.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of realistic variation in plant species and functional group composition, with species occurring at realistic abundances, on ecosystem processes in exotic-dominated California grassland communities. Progressive species removals from microcosm communities, designed to mimic nested variation in diversity observed in the field, reduced grassland production, resistance to intentional invasions, and resistance to natural colonization by new species. Three lines of evidence point to the particular importance of intensified competition within a single functional group—late-active forbs—in explaining the observed effects of realistic species loss order on community resistance. First, reduced success of naturally colonizing species in more diverse assemblages was dominated by declining colonization by late-active forbs. Second, increasing late-active forb biomass appeared to reduce the biomass of intentionally introduced yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis, a late-season forb) both within and across diversity levels. Finally, starthistle addition reduced biomass of resident late-season forbs but not of any other functional group. Increasing diversity increased light levels and soil moisture availability in spring and summer, providing a proximate mechanism linking our realistic species loss order to decreased community resistance. Starthistle addition reduced light and soil moisture availability but not N across richness levels, mirroring the apparent effects of the additional late-active forb species present in higher diversity treatments. Species losses that entail the early loss of whole or key functional groups could, through mechanisms like those we explore, have greater ecosystem consequences than those suggested by randomized-loss experiments.  相似文献   

Plant–herbivore interactions occur in all ecosystems and provide a major avenue for energy flow to higher trophic levels. A long‐standing hypothesis to explain the latitudinal gradient in species diversity proposes that the relatively stable and frost‐free climate of the tropics should lead to more intense biotic interactions in tropical compared with temperate environments, giving rise to a greater diversity of plants and herbivores. Herbivory rates have been compared across latitudes to test this biotic interactions hypothesis, with herbivory typically being measured from observable leaf damage. However, we argue that a measure of percentage leaf damage alone does not straightforwardly reflect the cost of herbivory to the plant, and on its own does not constitute an appropriate test of the biotic interactions hypothesis. For a given amount of herbivory, the impact of herbivory is dependent upon many factors, such as the construction cost of the leaf, the growth and replacement rates and leaf life span. We investigate the latitudinal gradient in herbivory by analysing a large dataset of herbivory rates for 452 tree species and separating the species into those with short and long leaf life spans. We show that annual herbivory rates tend to be greater at lower latitudes for evergreen species (which have long‐lived leaves), but no trend in herbivory rate with latitude was found for species with short leaf life spans. Phylogenetic least squares regression assuming Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck processes also showed a negative effect of latitude on herbivory rate for evergreen trees, but we caution that viewing herbivory as a species trait is problematic. An integrative approach that incorporates leaf life span, as well as the costs of investment in growth and potential costs of losing leaf tissue, is needed to further our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of herbivory.  相似文献   

Plant monocultures are commonly believed to be more susceptible to herbivore attacks than stands composed of several plant species. However, few studies have experimentally tested the effects of tree species diversity on herbivory. In this paper, we present a meta-analysis of uniformly collected data on insect herbivore abundance and damage on three tree species (silver birch, black alder and sessile oak) from seven long-term forest diversity experiments in boreal and temperate forest zones. Our aim was to compare the effects of forest diversity on herbivores belonging to different feeding guilds and inhabiting different tree species. At the same time we also examined the variation in herbivore responses due to tree age and sampling period within the season, the effects of experimental design (plot size and planting density) and the stability of herbivore responses over time. Herbivore responses varied significantly both among insect feeding guilds and among host tree species. Among insect feeding guilds, only leaf miner densities were consistently lower and less variable in mixed stands as compared to tree monocultures regardless of the host tree species. The responses of other herbivores to forest diversity depended largely on host tree species. Insect herbivory on birch was significantly lower in mixtures than in birch monocultures, whereas insect herbivory on oak and alder was higher in mixtures than in oak and alder monocultures. The effects of tree species diversity were also more pronounced in older trees, in the earlier part of the season, at larger plots and at lower planting density. Overall our results demonstrate that forest diversity does not generally and uniformly reduce insect herbivory and suggest instead that insect herbivore responses to forest diversity are highly variable and strongly dependent on the host tree species and other stand characteristics as well as on the type of the herbivore.  相似文献   

Drought can alter plant quality and the strength of trophic interactions between herbivore groups, and is likely to increase in occurrence and severity under climate change. We hypothesized that changes in plant chemistry due to root herbivory and drought stress would affect the performance of a generalist and a specialist aphid species feeding on a Brassica plant. High drought stress increased the negative effect of root herbivory on the performance of both aphid species (30 % decrease in fecundity and 15 % reduction in intrinsic rate of increase). Aphid performance was greatest at moderate drought stress, though the two species differed in which treatment combination maximized performance. Nitrogen concentration was greatest in high and moderately drought-stressed plants without root herbivores and moderately drought-stressed plants under low root herbivore density, and correlated positively with aphid fecundity for both species. Glucosinolate concentrations increased 62 % under combined drought stress and root herbivory, and were positively correlated with extended aphid development time. Root herbivory did not influence relative water content and foliar biomass under normal water regimes but they decreased 24 and 63 %, respectively, under high drought stress. This study shows that drought can alter the strength of interactions between foliar and root herbivores, and that plant chemistry is key in mediating such interactions. The two aphid species responded in a broadly similar way to root herbivore and drought-stress treatments, which suggests that generalized predictions of the effects of abiotic factors on interactions between above- and below-ground species may be possible.  相似文献   

The coastal grasslands in north‐eastern South Africa are a severely threatened vegetation type rich in plant species, particularly forbs. Many of the forbs have underground storage organs which allow them to resprout rapidly after fires. A significant portion of this land was placed under commercial pine afforestation in the 1950s. The pine plantations have since been removed starting 17 years ago and restored to grasslands within a conservation area. We assessed the effects of plantations on grassland plant diversity and functional trait composition by sampling 64 circular quadrats of 5 m radius distributed equally in restored versus natural grasslands. The difference in plant diversity was dramatic with the natural grassland supporting 221 species of which 163 were forbs compared with 144 and only 73 forb species in restored grasslands. Major differences in species composition were recorded, especially for forb species. Natural grasslands were dominated by resprouters (130 species) but these were rare in the restored grasslands (36 species). Differences in plant species response to fire were also evident for the two grassland states. In contrast to coastal forest restoration studies in the same area which have shown near linear increases in woody species with time, restored grasslands showed no increase in forb species richness with increasing time since clear‐felling of pines. Our results indicate that current methods for restoring these grasslands are inadequate and that restoring grasslands may be a lot harder than previously thought. Considerable effort should be made in conserving what is left of natural grasslands.  相似文献   

Broad‐scale threats to floristic diversity in native temperate grasslands are well‐documented and include elevated soil nutrients, changes in disturbance regimes and exotic species. However, fine‐scale variables associated with the presence of native forbs, such as gap size and biomass cover, have received relatively little attention. We conducted a case–control study to determine the relative influence of physical structural dimensions and other fine‐scale variables associated with the presence of native forbs in a modified temperate grassland previously used for domestic grazing. We matched 145 case plots centred on 27 different species of native forbs with 290 control plots not centred on a native forb. For each percentage increase in ground litter cover, dead biomass cover, grass cover or exotic forb cover, or the area of bare ground within 30 cm, the relative odds that a native forb was present vs absent declined by a mean of 10–13%. Living and dead biomass reduces light availability, and the former can also reduce nutrient and water availability. Declines in the presence of native forbs associated with increasing total bare ground may suggest that gap sizes were too small or the soil surface condition too degraded. Our results add to a body of evidence suggesting that native forbs in temperate native grassland are likely to benefit from periodic removal of living and dead grass biomass and a reduction in the cover of exotic forbs.  相似文献   

Many herbaceous meadows are dominated by competitive non‐native grasses and subject to ungulate herbivory, ecological processes that shift the proportional biomass of plant groups in the community. Predicting the outcome of restoration is complicated because herbivory and competition can interact. We examined the relationship between herbivory by native black‐tailed deer and domestic sheep and dominance of non‐native grasses in Garry oak meadows, one of North America's most endangered habitat types. A 3‐year factorial experiment tested the effects of mowing and fencing on plant community biomass, categorized into eight groups by geographic origin (native/non‐native), growth form (annual/perennial), and plant type (forb/grass). To test if the rarity of native plant groups was related to herbivory, we estimated ungulate foraging preferences for each plant group. Mowing and fencing treatments interacted for annual and perennial non‐native grasses. Dominance was shifted from non‐native to native grasses only when both mowing and fencing were applied. Fencing increased the total biomass, whereas mowing had no overall effect; however, fencing alone did not affect any individual plant group. Mowing shifted dominance from grasses to forbs, although both native and non‐native forbs benefited from the increased light availability. We also noted that herbivore fecal pellet densities were greatest in the spring, which coincided with the peak season of their preferred plant group, native perennial forbs. Overall, applying both mowing and fencing was the most effective restoration treatment to increase native plant groups and biomass.  相似文献   

Philip G. Hahn  John L. Orrock 《Oikos》2015,124(4):497-506
Past and present human activities, such as historic agriculture and fire suppression, are widespread and can create depauperate plant communities. Although many studies show that herbivory on focal plants depends on the density of herbivores or the composition of the surrounding plant community, it is unclear whether anthropogenic changes to plant communities alter herbivory. We tested the hypothesis that human activities that alter the plant community lead to subsequent changes in herbivory. At 20 sites distributed across 80 300 hectares, we conducted a field experiment that manipulated insect herbivore access (full exclosures and pseudo‐exclosures) to four focal plant species in longleaf pine woodlands with different land‐use histories (post‐agricultural sites or non‐agricultural sites) and degrees of fire frequency (frequent and infrequent). Plant cover, particularly herbaceous cover, was lower in post‐agricultural and fire suppressed woodlands. Density of the dominant insect herbivore at our site (grasshoppers) was positively related to plant cover. Herbivore access reduced biomass of the palatable forb Solidago odora in frequently burned post‐agricultural sites and in infrequently burned non‐agricultural woodlands and increased mortality of another forb (Pityopsis graminifolia), but did not affect two other less palatable species (Schizachyrium scoparium and Tephrosia virginiana). Herbivory on S. odora exhibited a hump‐shaped response to plant cover, with low herbivory at low and high levels of plant cover. Herbivore density had a weak negative effect on herbivory. These findings suggest that changes in plant cover related to past and present human activities can modify damage rates on focal S. odora plants by altering grasshopper foraging behavior rather than by altering local grasshopper density. The resulting changes in herbivory may have the potential to limit natural recovery or restoration efforts by reducing the establishment or performance of palatable plant species.  相似文献   

Nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems is affected by various factors such as plant diversity and insect herbivory. While several studies suggest insect herbivory to depend on plant diversity, their interacting effect on nutrient cycling is unclear. In a greenhouse experiment with grassland microcosms of one to six plant species of two functional groups (grasses and legumes), we tested the influence of plant species richness (diversity) and functional composition on plant community biomass production, insect foliar herbivory, soil microbial biomass, and nutrient concentrations in throughfall. To manipulate herbivory, zero, three or six generalist grasshoppers (Chorthippus parallelus) were added to the plant communities. Increasing plant species richness increased shoot biomass and grasshopper performance, without significantly affecting root biomass or insect herbivory. Plant functional composition affected all of these parameters, e.g. legume communities showed the highest shoot biomass, the lowest grasshopper performance and suffered the least herbivory. Nutrient concentrations (dissolved mineral N, PO4‐P, SO4‐S) and pH in throughfall increased with herbivory. PO4‐P and pH increases were positively affected by plant diversity, especially under high herbivore pressure. Plant functional composition affected several throughfall variables, sometimes fully explaining diversity effects. Increasing plant diversity tended to increase soil microbial biomass, but only under high herbivore pressure. Faeces quantities strongly correlated with changes in pH and PO4‐P; frass may therefore be an important driver of throughfall pH and a main source of PO4‐P released from living plants. Our results indicate that insect herbivory may significantly influence fast nutrient cycling processes in natural communities, particularly so in managed grasslands.  相似文献   

Many plant species are dependent on soil‐stored seeds for their persistence in fire‐prone systems. Seed germination is often stimulated by fire‐related cues including heat and smoke, but the way these cues promote germination may differ between structurally distinct plant communities with historically different fire regimes. In this study, we examined the effects of heat, smoke and their interactions on the germination of soil‐stored seeds from shrubby woodlands and herbaceous forests in south‐east Australia. The effect of these treatments on species richness, diversity and composition, and species richness and density of germinants within life‐forms (grass, forb and shrub) were assessed. Soils from each community were subjected to low heat (40°C), low heat with smoke, smoke, high heat (80°C), high heat with smoke and untreated (control) before being placed in a glasshouse, where the germinants were identified and counted. Greater species richness was stimulated by high heat treatments and smoke in both communities, a trend driven by shrubs and forbs, rather than grasses. Greater species diversity was stimulated by high heat with smoke in both communities. Greater densities of grass germinants were stimulated by all treatments, except low heat, in both communities. For forbs and shrubs, the effect of treatment depended on community. Compared to the control, low heat with smoke (forbs) and both low heat and low heat with smoke (shrubs) increased densities in the woodland but not in the forest. There were unique species compositions, different from the control, in all treatments in the forest but not in the woodland, where composition in low heat was not different from the control. These results indicate the importance of high soil temperatures and smoke in both communities. In the absence of wildfires, recurring prescribed burns that heat the soil to low temperatures are likely to reduce plant richness, diversity, and density resulting in a change in understorey species composition and structure.  相似文献   

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