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A nonisotopic immunoassay has been developed based on a sensitive detection of europium (III) in water solution using time-resolved fluorometry. The europium label is bound to the antibody with EDTA derivatives, either diazophenyl-EDTA-Eu or isothiocyanatophenyl-EDTA-Eu. After the immunometric assay has been completed the europium is preferably dissociated from the antibody at low pH and measured by time-resolved fluorescence in a micellar solution containing Triton X-100, β-diketone, and a Lewis base. The detergent solubilizes the chelating compounds in the solution and excludes water from the fluorescent ligand-europium complex. Europium concentrations as low as 5·10?14m were measured using a 1-s counting time. The sensitivity of the immunoassay of rabbit IgG used as a model system was 25 pg/ml (6 pg/assay).  相似文献   

The pathway for the in vitro equilibrium unfolding of the tubulin heterodimer by guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) has been studied using several spectroscopic techniques, specifically circular dichroism (CD), two-photon Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), and time-resolved fluorescence, including lifetime and dynamic polarization. The results show that tubulin unfolding is characterized by distinct processes that occur in different GdmCl concentration ranges. From 0 to 0.5 M GdmCl, a slight alteration of the tubulin heterodimer occurs, as evidenced by a small, but reproducible increase in the rotational correlation time of the protein and a sharp decrease in the secondary structure monitored by CD. In the range 0.5-1.5 M GdmCl, significant decreases in the steady-state anisotropy and average lifetime of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence occur, as well as a decrease in the rotational correlation time, from 48 to 26 nsec. In the same GdmCl range, the number of protein molecules (labeled with Alexa 488), as determined by two-photon FCS measurements, increases by a factor of two, indicating dissociation of the tubulin dimer into monomers. From 1.5 to 4 M GdmCl, these monomers unfold, as evidenced by the continual decrease in the tryptophan steady-state anisotropy, average lifetime, and rotational correlation time, concomitant with secondary structural changes. These results help to elucidate the unfolding pathway of the tubulin heterodimer and demonstrate the value of FCS measurements in studies on oligomeric protein systems.  相似文献   

The allosteric transition of threonine-sensitive aspartokinase I-homoserine dehydrogenase I from Escherichia coli has been studied by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Fluorescence decay can be resolved into 2 distinct classes of tryptophan emitters: a fast component, with a lifetime of about 1.5 ns; and a slow component, with a lifetime of about 4.5 ns. The fluorescence properties of the slow component are modified by the allosteric transition. In the T-form of the enzyme stabilized by threonine, the lifetime of the slow component is longer, with a red-shifted spectrum; its accessibility to quenching by acrylamide becomes slightly higher without any decrease of fluorescence anisotropy. These results indicate a change in polarity of the slow component environment. The quaternary structure change associated with the allosteric transition probably involves global movements of structural domains without leading to any local mobility on the nanosecond time-scale. We suggest that the slow component corresponds to the unique tryptophan of the buried kinase domain.  相似文献   

We present an endoscopic probe that combines three distinct optical fibre technologies including: A high-resolution imaging fibre for optical endomicroscopy, a multimode fibre for time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, and a hollow-core fibre with multimode signal collection cores for Raman spectroscopy. The three fibers are all enclosed within a 1.2 mm diameter clinical grade catheter with a 1.4 mm end cap. To demonstrate the probe's flexibility we provide data acquired with it in loops of radii down to 2 cm. We then use the probe in an anatomically accurate model of adult human airways, showing that it can be navigated to any part of the distal lung using a commercial bronchoscope. Finally, we present data acquired from fresh ex vivo human lung tissue. Our experiments show that this minimally invasive probe can deliver real-time optical biopsies from within the distal lung - simultaneously acquiring co-located high-resolution endomicroscopy and biochemical spectra.  相似文献   

The fluorescence behavior of adenosine in neutral solution has been studied by time-resolved spectroscopy using synchrotron excitation and timecorrelated single photon counting, and by decay time measurements. Three emissions have been identified and correlated with three excitation spectra. The assignment of these transitions has been made by comparison with similar measurements on 6N, 6N-dimethyladenosine (6 DMA), and on adenosine in acid solution (ADO H+). It is proposed that two of the transitions of adenosine which correlate with 6DMA originate from coplanar and orthogonal rotational conformers of the amino group. The other transition, correlating with ADO H+ may originate either from the 3H-imino tautomer, or from a differently solvated rotational conformer.A partial presentation of this work has been made at the Second Congress of the European Society for Photobiology Padova, Italy, 6–10 September 1987  相似文献   

时间分辨荧光免疫分析技术研究现状及进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沈健  林德球  徐杰 《生命科学》2004,16(1):55-59
时间分辨荧光免疫分析是一种新型的超微量的免疫标记分析方法,集酶标记免疫分析和放射免疫分析等优点于一身,且无放射性污染等.本文主要介绍了时间分辨荧光免疫分析的原理、优点,螯合剂的种类,以及各种分析技术及其应用现状和进展.  相似文献   

A method is reported to set up a standard competitive TR-FIA. A simple and inexpensive way to prepare reagents and carry out operations is presented as well, with the aim to make it possible to perform a very sensitive analytical procedure in a personalized way within a nondedicated biochemistry laboratory. This protocol is general and can be easily modified with consideration to the analytical target. Once the antibody is available, both its labeling with diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid dianhydride and Eu3+, and the setting-up of the assay with measurement of europium ion time-resolved fluorescence in a home-made enhancement solution become feasible.  相似文献   

We describe the principles of a new generation of sequential or simultaneous time-resolved fluoroimmunoassays, namely, simple, rapid, liquid-phase non-separation procedures which may be applied to the measurement of urinary steroid and drug metabolites. As an example, a method for the measurement of estrone-3-glucuronide in undiluted urine is reported. This method has a similar sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to a conventional separation fluoroimmunoassay or radioimmunoassay but in terms of speed, convenience, precision, reliability and clinical utility the new method has many advantages. The labelled antigen is a novel fluorescent europium chelate covalently linked to estrone-3-glucuronide. The antibody-binding reaction involves the incubation of the labelled antigen (2ng) with a limited concentration of polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies to estrone-3-glucuronyl-6-BSA and an aliquot of standard or sample (undiluted urine; 10 μl) in microtitre wells. After a 10 min incubation, the fluorescence which emanates from the antibody-free label is measured in a time-resolved fluorometer and is proportional to the concentration of estrone-3-glucuronide in the standard or sample. The method may be applied for the monitoring of ovarian function in women.  相似文献   

Spermidine synthase (SPDS) catalyzes transfer of the propylamine group from decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine (dcSAM) to putrescine to yield methylthioadenosine (MTA) and spermidine. SPDS plays a regulatory role in cell proliferation and differentiation. This article describes the development of a high-throughput SPDS activity assay using homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence (HTRF) based on energy transfer from europium cryptate as a donor to crosslinked allophycocyanin (XL665) as an acceptor. First a highly specific anti-MTA monoclonal antibody, MTA-7H8, was generated, and then a competitive immunoassay for MTA determination was developed using europium cryptate-labeled MTA-7H8 and XL665-labeled MTA. In our homogeneous immunoassay, the percentage molar cross-reactivity of dcSAM with MTA-7H8 was 0.01% and the detection limit of MTA was 2.6 pmol/well. Our HTRF assay uses only one assay plate in which both enzyme reaction and MTA determination can be done successively. Therefore, our method can enable automatic screening of SPDS inhibitors from large numbers of samples.  相似文献   

The self-association equilibrium of a tracer protein, apomyoglobin (apoMb), in highly concentrated crowded solutions of ribonuclease A (RNase A) and human serum albumin (HSA), has been studied as a model system of protein interactions that occur in crowded macromolecular environments. The rotational diffusion of the tracer protein labeled with two different fluorescent dyes, 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonate and fluorescein isothiocyanate, was successfully recorded as a function of the two crowder concentrations in the 50-200 mg/mL range, using picosecond-resolved fluorescence anisotropy methods. It was found that apoMb molecules self-associate at high RNase A concentration to yield a flexible dimer. The apparent dimerization constant, which increases with RNase A concentration, could also be estimated from the fractional contribution of monomeric and dimeric species to the total fluorescence anisotropy of the samples. In contrast, an equivalent mass concentration of HSA does not result in tracer dimerization. This different effect of RNase A and HSA is much larger than that predicted from simple models based only on the free volume available to apoMb, indicating that additional, nonspecific interactions between tracer and crowder should come into play. The time-resolved fluorescence polarization methods described here are expected to be of general applicability to the detection and quantification of crowding effects in a variety of macromolecules of biological relevance.  相似文献   

A Photosystem two (PS II) core preparation containing the chlorophyll a binding proteins CP 47, CP 43, D1 and D2, and the non-chlorophyll binding cytochrome-b559 and 33 kDA polypeptides, has been isolated from PS II-enriched membranes of peas using the non-ionic detergent heptylthioglucopyranoside and elevated ionic strengths. The primary radical pair state, P680+Pheo-, was studied by time-resolved absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, under conditions where quinone reduction and water-splitting activities were inhibited. Charge recombination of the primary radical pair in PS II cores was found to have lifetimes of 17.5 ns measured by fluorescence and 21 ns measured by transient decay kinetics under anaerobic conditions. Transient absorption spectroscopy demonstrated that the activity of the particles, based on primary radical pair formation, was in excess of 70% (depending on the choice of kinetic model), while time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy indicated that the particles were 91% active. These estimates of activity were further supported by steady-state measurements which quantified the amount of photoreducible pheophytin. It is concluded that the PS II core preparation we have isolated is ideal for studying primary radical pair formation and recombination as demonstrated by the correlation of our absorption and fluorescence transient data, which is the first of its kind to be reported in the literature for isolated PS II core complexes from higher plants.Abbreviations CP 43 and CP 47 chlorophyll binding proteins of PS II having apparent molecular weights on SDS-PAGE of 43 kDa and 47 kDa, respectively - D1 and D2 polypeptides PS II reaction centre polypeptides encoded by the psbA and psbD genes, respectively - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - PS II Photosystem two - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - P680 primary electron donor of PS II - Pheo phenophytin a - SPC single photon counting - PBQ phenyl-p-benzoquinone - DPC 1,5-diphenylcarbazide AFRC Photosynthesis Research Group, Department of Biochemistry  相似文献   

We describe a general method to correct for contaminant fluorescence when using the technique of frequency-domain fluorometry. The method can be applied regardless of the origin of the background signal, from scattered light, impurity fluorescence, or both. The procedure requires measurement of the frequency-dependent phase and modulation of the background at enough frequencies to approximate the decay law of the background. We also describe a general method to propagate the uncertainties in the measured phase and modulation values into the corrected values. This propagation is necessary to ensure proper weighting of the frequency-dependent data in the least-squares fitting algorithms. The practical usefulness of this correction method is demonstrated using frequency-domain data for one and two component mixtures which were deliberately contaminated with scattered light and/or other fluorophores.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) polymers are transient post-translational modifications, and their formation is catalyzed by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) enzymes. A number of PARP inhibitors are in advanced clinical development for BRCA-mutated breast cancer, and olaparib has recently been approved for BRCA-mutant ovarian cancer; however, there has already been evidence of developed resistance mechanisms. Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) catalyzes the hydrolysis of the endo- and exo-glycosidic bonds within the PAR polymers. As an alternative strategy, PARG is a potentially attractive therapeutic target. There is only one PARG gene, compared with 17 known PARP family members, and therefore a PARG inhibitor may have wider application with fewer compensatory mechanisms. Prior to the initiation of this project, there were no known existing cell-permeable small molecule PARG inhibitors for use as tool compounds to assess these hypotheses and no suitable high-throughput screening (HTS)-compatible biochemical assays available to identify start points for a drug discovery project. The development of this newly described high-throughput homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence (HTRF) assay has allowed HTS to proceed and, from this, the identification and advancement of multiple validated series of tool compounds for PARG inhibition.  相似文献   

A homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence detection of telomerase activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence (HTRF) technology is an assay developed to study the interaction between biomolecules. This detection system is based on a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between a Tris-bipyridine europium cryptate used as a long-lived fluorescent donor and a chemically modified allophycocyanine as acceptor. This technology is characterized by both a spectral selectivity and a temporal selectivity (due to the time-resolved mode), ensuring a highly specific signal. Here a europium-cryptate-labeled deoxyuridine triphosphate analogue (K-11-dUTP) was used to monitor the extension reaction on a biotinylated oligonucleotide used as substrate for telomerase in a telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP). After the addition of an allophycocyanine-streptavidin conjugate, the extension products give rise to a FRET between the incorporated cryptate moieties and the allophycocyanine acceptor that then displays a specific long-lived emission. The TRAP-HTRF format was validated as a screening tool by using a 2,6-diaminoanthraquinone analogue, a known inhibitor of telomerase activity. The IC(50) measured was consistent with the reported values, showing the convenience of the HTRF technology for the study of telomerase activity and inhibitors.  相似文献   

4,4'-Bis(1",1",1"-trifluoro-2",4"-butanedione-6"-yl)-chlorosulfo-o-terphenyl (BTBCT) was synthesized by modifying the structure of the reported BHHCT. In comparison with the original BHHCT, the detection sensitivity of BTBCT-Eu chelate in aqueous solution was improved approximately 8 times by time-resolved fluorescence measurement. To construct sensitive TRFIAs with the use of BTBCT-Eu chelate as the fluorescent label, streptavidin-BSA conjugate was prepared by the maleimide-thiol method and labeled by BTBCT. The streptavidin-BSA conjugate and its BTBCT-labeled complex were affinity-purified using 2-iminobiotin-agarose as binding reagent. With streptavidin-BSA-BTBCT-Eu complex as signal generation reagent, a highly sensitive indirect serum hTSH TR-IFMA was developed. The low limit of detection (LLD) of the TSH TR-IFMA was 0.011 mIU/L with 10 microl of sample volume, corresponding to approximately 337,900 molecules per test. To evaluate the utility of BTBCT-Eu label in direct TRFIAs, a competitive serum T4 TRFIA was developed with T4-BSA-BTBCT-Eu complex as competing tracer. The measurements obtained by the present TSH TR-IFMA or T4 TRFIA correlated well with those obtained by commercial Wallac TSH DELFIA Ultra or T4 DELFIA, respectively. Primary results show that BTBCT can be employed as a powerful labeling material for constructing ultrasensitive TRFIAs.  相似文献   

A europium‐sensitized fluorescence spectrophotometry method using an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate (SDBS), was developed for the determination of gatifloxacin (GFLX). The GFLX–Eu3+–SDBS system was studied and it was found that SDBS significantly enhanced the fluorescence intensity of the GFLX–Eu3+ complex (about 25‐fold). The optimal experimental conditions were determined as follows: excitation and emission wavelengths of 338 and 617 nm, pH 7.5, 3.0 × 10–6 mol/L europium(III), and 5.0 × 10–5 mol/L SDBS. The enhanced fluorescence intensity of the system (ΔIf) showed a good linear relationship with the concentration of GFLX over the range 1.0 × 10–8–8.0 × 10–7 mol/L with a correlation coefficient of 0.9990. The detection limit (S:N = 3) was determined as 1.0 × 10–9 mol/L. This method has been successfully applied for the determination of GFLX in pharmaceuticals and human urine/serum samples. Compared with most other methods reported, the rapid and simple procedure proposed here offered higher sensitivity, wider linear range and good stability. The luminescence mechanism of the system is also discussed in detail. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A lanthanide-based assay for ligand-receptor interactions provides an attractive alternative to the traditional radiolabeled determinations in terms of sensitivity, throughput, and biohazards. We designed and tested peptide ligands modified with an Eu-DTPA chelate. These labeled ligands were used in competitive binding assays with results comparable to those obtained using the traditional radiolabeled binding assays. The sensitivity of time-resolved fluorescence is sufficient to detect attomoles of europium, allowing assays in 96-well plates, compared with 30-mm dishes for (125)I binding assays to whole cells. We verified binding of Eu-DTPA-NDP-alpha-MSH to cells overexpressing the human melanocortin-4 receptor. The Eu-labeled ligand bound to these cells with an affinity similar to that of unlabeled NDP-alpha-MSH and was used to optimize a competitive binding assay. The lanthanide-based assays provided superior results with higher throughput and eliminated the need for radioactive waste disposal. This assay is appropriate for high-throughput screening of ligand libraries.  相似文献   

We present a time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay (TR-FIA) for the measurement of rat insulin in cell extracts and culture media. This assay is based on the binding of two monoclonal antibodies to different parts of the insulin molecule in a 96-well microtiter plate. For the detection, europium-labeled streptavidin that interacts with the second biotinylated antibody is used. Samples of 25 μl could be analyzed in less than 2 days with a measuring range between 5 and 1250 pg (0.2-50 μg/L or 34.4-8600 pM). The inter- and intraassay percentage coefficients of variation were less than 8.3 and 5.1, respectively. Recoveries of 0.48 to 40 μg/L rat insulin, added to culture medium, ranged between 94 and 107%. Results were significantly correlated with those of an in-house radioimmunoassay (RIA) for rodent insulin (P < 0.0001, r2 = 0.99). The TR-FIA method had a similar detection limit (0.16 μg/L), but its working range was at least 5-fold larger. Additional advantages include the lower cost, the applicability to measurements in tissue and serum, and the quantification of insulin from other species.  相似文献   

The conformation of the AB-loop and EF-loop of bacteriorhodopsin and of the fourth cytoplasmic loop (helix VIII) of bovine rhodopsin were assessed by a combination of time-resolved fluorescence depolarization and site-directed fluorescence labeling. The fluorescence anisotropy decays were measured employing a tunable Ti:sapphire laser/microchannel plate based single-photon counting apparatus with picosecond time resolution. This method allows measurement of the diffusional dynamics of the loops directly on a nanosecond time-scale. We implemented the method to study model peptides and two-helix systems representing sequences of bacteriorhodopsin. Thus, we systematically analyzed the anisotropic behavior of four different fluorescent dyes covalently bound to a single cysteine residue on the protein surface and assigned the anisotropy decay components to the modes of motion of the protein and its segments. We have identified two mechanisms of loop conformational changes in the functionally intact proteins bacteriorhodopsin and bovine rhodopsin. First, we found a surface potential-dependent transition between two conformational states of the EF-loop of bacteriorhodopsin, detected with the fluorescent dye bound to position 160. A transition between the two conformational states at 150mM KCl and 20 degrees C requires a surface potential change that corresponds to Deltasigma approximately -1.0e(-)/bacteriorhodopsin molecule. We suggest, that the surface potential-based switch of the EF-loop is the missing link between the movement of helix F and the transient surface potential change detected during the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin. Second, in the visual pigment rhodopsin, with the fluorescent dye bound to position 316, a particularly striking pH-dependent conformational change of the fourth loop on the cytoplasmic surface was analyzed. The loop mobility increased from pH 5 to 8. The midpoint of this transition is at pH 6.2 and correlates with the midpoint of the pH-dependent equilibrium between the active metarhodopsin II and the inactive metarhodopsin I state.  相似文献   

Iron oxidation and incorporation into apoferritins of different subunit composition, namely the recombinant H and L homopolymers and the natural horse spleen heteropolymer (10-15% H), have been followed by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence. After aerobic addition of 100 Fe(II) atoms/polymer, markedly different kinetic profiles are observed. In the rL-homopolymer a slow monotonic fluorescence quenching is observed which reflects binding, slow oxidation at the threefold apoferritin channels, and diffusion into the protein cavity. In the rH-homopolymer a fast fluorescence quenching is followed by a partial, slow recovery. The two processes have been attributed to Fe(II) binding and oxidation at the ferroxidase centers and to Fe(III) released into the cavity, respectively. The fluorescence kinetics of horse spleen apoferritin is dominated by the H chain contribution and resembles that of the H homopolymer. It brings out clearly that the rate of the overall process is limited by the rate at which Fe(III) leaves the ferroxidase centers of the H chains where binding of incoming Fe(II) and its oxidation take place. The data obtained upon stepwise addition of iron and the results of optical absorption measurements confirm this picture. The correspondence between steady-state and time-resolved data is remarkably good; this is manifest when the latter are used to calculate the change in fluorescence intensity as apparent in the steady-state measurements.  相似文献   

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