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Descendent populations of chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs) introduced to New Zealand about 120 years ago were compared with “ancestral” populations in northern Europe and with those in a broader region of Europe (including Iberia) using protein electrophoresis at 42 loci and 12 skeletal measurements. The New Zealand populations exhibit very small scale differentiation in genetics (Fst = 0.040) and morphometrics, and the haphazard pattern of among-population variation does not align with environmental variation nor is it predicted by the geographic proximity of populations. Thus random drift is implicated in the differentiation among the descendent populations. The New Zealand chaffinches have diverged only slightly in morphometrics from an extant population in southern England, and constant heritability rate tests suggest that random drift alone could account for this small shift. In sharp contrast, the European populations are subdivided genetically (Fst = 0.222) and morphometrically, and this subdivision coincides with the Pyrenees mountains between Iberia and northern Europe which act as a barrier to gene flow between these regions. Iberian populations have smaller skulls and longer wings on average than northern European populations and are characterized by high frequencies of alternative common alleles at Ada and Np. Within both the Iberian and northern European regions, however, populations are effectively panmictic in protein-encoding genes, indicating that homogenizing gene flow is apparently extensive enough to prevent among-population differentiation in allozymes by drift. Variation in body size as represented by PC I is related to environmental productivity across Europe, unlike in New Zealand. These observations jointly suggest that longer term adaptive differentiation via selection for optimal body size has evolved in Europe. Because multilocus evolution is expected to proceed slowly in populations subject to the opposing forces of selection and homogenizing gene flow, I argue that local adaptation within “ancestral” populations in northern Europe may still be evolving.  相似文献   


According to the literature, young chaffinches learn conspecific song during the first ten months of their lives. We have shown here that under natural light conditions captive birds do not learn song in October and November and that only one out of ten males was able to learn in December/January. This gap in the ability to learn from first summer to the beginning of the second calendar year is not age-dependent but seems to be hormonally controlled.  相似文献   

Peripherally isolated populations of common chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs) in the Canaries, Madeira, and Azores were compared genetically with their putative ancestral stock in Iberia and Morocco, and with a population of blue chaffinches (F. teydea) from Tenerife, using protein electrophoresis of 42 loci. The continental populations are only weakly differentiated genetically (FST = 0.092), despite distinctive subspecific differences in plumage and morphometrics between Iberia and Morocco populations. Estimated levels of gene flow among continental populations are high enough to account for their relative genetic homogeneity, and it is unlikely that homogenizing selection is operating to mimic the effects of gene flow. In contrast, the Atlantic island populations are well differentiated genetically (FST = 0.321), and have diverged considerably from their continental conspecifics. The development of significant genetic differentiation within the Canaries but not the Azores likely results from smaller population sizes, very restricted gene flow, and enhanced random drift in the former populations. There is no convincing evidence in support of stronger directional selection acting on genotypes or phenotypes to reduce within-population variability in Canaries populations as proposed by Grant (1979), although other tenets of his model of island evolution are supported by our analysis. Although genetic variability is reduced in four of the Canaries populations, only the Hierro population appears to have encountered a severe bottleneck. Yet it has not differentiated markedly from the La Palma population to which it is subspecifically allied. We conclude that gradual divergence in isolated populations of small to moderate size is the most plausible explanation for the evolution of intraspecific and interspecific diversity in Atlantic island chaffinches.  相似文献   


Acoustic calling and the mechanisms of its production are described for the ghost crabs Ocypode jousseaumei, O. platytarsus, O. rotundata and O. saratan from Oman. Sounds generated by the major cheliped suggest the existence of species specific differences, predominantly in the temporal properties of rapping and in the physical structure of stridulation. The spectral energy of all sounds is concentrated at frequencies below 4 kHz. O. rotundata and O. saratan build sand pyramids adjacent to their courtship burrows and are considerably less acoustically active than O. jousseaumei and O. platytarsus that do not build pyramids, suggesting that the visual signal is substituted by an auditory one.  相似文献   

Fernando  Nottebohm 《Ibis》1968,110(4):549-568
The present paper describes the results of experiments designed to evaluate the importance of auditory-motor experience in the development of song in the Chaffinch. For this purpose a number of Chaffinches collected as nestlings or adults were deafened by extirpating the cochlea at different ages. Recordings of their song made subsequently provide the material on which the paper is based. Since the results of the experiments can only be interpreted in the light of knowledge of normal song development, the latter is described from the observation of previous workers and from some new material. Of the 20 males deafened, only three came into full song of their own accord; song was induced in the rest by the administration of testosterone phenylacetate or testosterone propionate. Songs of abnormal length were common among first-year males though males deafened when two or more years old produced song of the normal length. The song of male Chaffinches deafened as adults, that is after they had produced full song for one or more breeding seasons, was infistinguishable from that produced by intact adult males. They even went through a “plastic” song stage in which some “intermediate” themes occurred. A first-year male deafened when it had almost stabilized its song produced song that gradually deviated more and more from normal song. This indicates that the bird had not yet laid down a long-term memory of its song independent of auditory feedback. First-year male Chaffinches deafened during early spring, mid-winter and late sumer, respectively, show that the more they were deprived of the normal period of auditory-motor experience, the simpler was the song they produced in their first spring. Thus, at the time of deafening they had acquired a particular auditory-motor experience, and it is the type of element established up to that time that is incorporated into full song. Male chaffinches brought into the laboratory as nestlings and deafened when three months old produced a virtually sfyctureless song, in which the only recognizable element was a sound reminiscent of the juvenile “chirrup”. The subsong and other calls of these birds were also highly abnormal. Song development in the Chaffinch clearly starts before song as such has made its appearance. The available evidence suggests that the kind of song a male Chaffinch produces depends directly on its auditory-motor experience before deafening. There is no indication that deafening achieves its effects on the resultant song by interfering with the hormonal substrate. Relatively stable song end patterns develop in the absence of auditory feedback, so their occurrence does not necessitate the postulation of templates or preconceived patterns. Song development differs markedly from species to species.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation was investigated in 17 Japanese populations of Campanula punctata, ten from the Izu Islands and seven in the mainland (Honshu). The data indicate that there are two groups, a mainland group and an island one, and that the systematically problematic Oshima Island (northernmost Izu island) populations are closely related to those of the other islands. Nei's genetic identity values among islands and among mainland populations were 0.95 and 0.97, respectively, while the value between island and mainland populations was 0.84, suggesting that the island populations are an independent species. Total genetic variation was nearly the same among island and mainland populations. However, the apportionment of variation within and among populations was considerably different; 14% of gene diversity exists among mainland populations, while 31% of the diversity exists among island populations. Mean outcrossing rates of self-incompatible mainland and Oshima populations are 0.62–0.79, supporting xenogamy; those in self-compatible island populations are 0.37–0.57 in the northern islands, indicating a mixed mating system, and 0.16–0.25 in southern ones, indicating dominant inbreeding. Total genetic diversity in each island population decreased with distance from the mainland. Genetic and geological data suggest that the ancestors of insular populations were founded on northern islands in a relatively ancient period and that they dispersed progressively to the southern ones. Chromosome number (2n = 34) and isozyme numbers indicate gene duplications in this species, which suggests it is an ancient polyploid.  相似文献   

《Journal of phycology》2001,37(Z3):29-29
Kusumo, H., Pfister, C., & Wootton, T. Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 USA Available experimental and observational data suggest that the sea palm, Postelsia palmaeformis, has short spore dispersal distances. We hypothesized that this dispersal pattern would produce substantial genetic structuring in local populations and identifiable genetic lineages. We sampled individuals from populations 30 m to 2 km apart using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP). We present methods for successfully carrying out AFLP on Postelsia, and give an overview of our initial analyses. As predicted by the life-history of Postelsia, we find evidence of significant geographic differentiation (Fst) of Postelsia populations from as little as 30 m apart. In addition, we outline an experiment to determine parent-offspring relationships.  相似文献   

The diatom Eunotia pectinalis (O. F. Müll.?) Rabh. exhibited considerable morphological variability in samples collected over a 13-month period from a softwater Rhode Island stream. All observed morphotypes were classified into three main complexes based upon their valve configuration. These groupings were confirmed by discriminant analysis using quantitative valve characteristics and were named in accordance with their associated varieties: minor (Kütz.) Rabh., pectinalis and ventricosa Grun. Clonal cultures were subjected to a defined series of temperatures, agitation rates and light intensities in order to assess inherent morphological variability. Similar trends were evident for all complexes. Over time, valve length decreased, valve breadth enlarged, and striae number per 10 μm at valve center and apex increased. Morphological plasticity was evident in culture and appeared to be more a function of the clone genotype than the environmental conditions to which it was subjected. One clone originally identified as E. pectinalis var. minor assumed certain morphological features of E. vanheurckii Patr. after four months in culture.  相似文献   

Information on genetic composition of past and present populations may be obtained by analyzing DNA from archival samples. A study is presented on the genetic population structure of extant and extinct local populations of Atlantic salmon from 1913 to 1989 using dried scales as a source of DNA. Variation at six microsatellite loci was studied. Tests for differentiation among populations and among time series within populations showed that population structure was stable over time. This was also confirmed by a neighbor-joining dendrogram, which showed a clear clustering of samples from individual rivers that covered a time span of up to 76 years. These results suggest that salmon populations evolve as semi-independent units connected by modest amounts of gene flow. Additionally, a clear association between geographic and genetic distance was found. This relationship has otherwise been difficult to establish in several recent studies. The discrepancy may be due to impact of human activities on the genetic structure of present populations, whereas old samples represent populations in a more unaffected state. However, other explanations related to differences in the sampling of past and present populations may be equally valid.  相似文献   

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