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Clonal interference refers to the competition that arises in asexual populations when multiple beneficial mutations segregate simultaneously. A large body of theoretical and experimental work now addresses this issue. Although much of the experimental work is performed in populations that grow exponentially between periodic population bottlenecks, the theoretical work to date has addressed only populations of a constant size. We derive an analytical approximation for the rate of adaptation in the presence of both clonal interference and bottlenecks, and compare this prediction to the results of an individual-based simulation, showing excellent agreement in the parameter regime in which clonal interference prevails. We also derive an appropriate definition for the effective population size for adaptive evolution experiments in the presence of population bottlenecks. This "adaptation effective population size" allows for a good approximation of the expected rate of adaptation, either in the strong-selection weak-mutation regime, or when clonal interference comes into play. In the multiple mutation regime, when the product of the population size and mutation rate is extremely large, these results no longer hold.  相似文献   

Understanding why some organisms reproduce by sexual reproduction while others can reproduce asexually remains an important unsolved problem in evolutionary biology. Simple demography suggests that asexuals should outcompete sexually reproducing organisms, because of their higher intrinsic rate of increase. However, the majority of multicellular organisms have sexual reproduction. The widely accepted explanation for this apparent contradiction is that asexual lineages have a higher extinction rate. A number of models have indicated that population size might play a crucial role in the evolution of asexuality. The strength of processes that lead to extinction of asexual species is reduced when population sizes get very large, so that the long‐term advantage of sexual over asexual reproduction may become negligible. Here, we use a comparative approach using scale insects (Coccoidea, Hemiptera) to show that asexuality is indeed more common in species with larger population density and geographic distribution and we also show that asexual species tend to be more polyphagous. We discuss the implication of our findings for previously observed patterns of asexuality in agricultural pests.  相似文献   

地质统计学在昆虫种群空间结构研究中的应用概述   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
周强  张润杰 《动物学研究》1998,19(6):482-488
地质统计学是用来人间相关变量结构的统计学方法,地质统计学中的变差函数和变差图,可分析空间变量在不同方向或不同环境条件下的空间结构。  相似文献   

Comparisons of cytoplasmic and nuclear diversity within and among natural plant populations have the potential to distinguish the relative influences of seed and pollen dispersal on contemporary gene flow, or alternatively, may permit inferences of the colonization history of a species via seed. We examined patterns of cpDNA and allozyme variation in Senecio gallicus, a diploid, annual plant that occurs in both coastal and ruderal inland areas of the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. The species appears to have a strong propensity for long-distance seed dispersal. Five cpDNA haplotypes were found by RFLP analysis among a sample of 111 individuals derived from 11 populations. Differences in haplotype frequencies across populations were most evident with respect to a dramatic increase in the frequency of a derived haplotype from coastal to inland localities. The level of cpDNA differentiation among populations within the inland group (θ0 = 0.07) was significantly less than that seen within the coastal group (θ0 = 0.41). In contrast, for allozymes, no significant difference in population structure was evident between collections from coastal and inland habitats. At the rangewide geographic scale, there was only a very weak association between inferred levels of gene flow and geographic distance for cpDNA, and no such association was found for allozymes. It appears that while seed movement in the species might be sufficiently great to disturb the pattern of isolation by distance for cpDNA, it cannot fully account for the nearly randomized spatial structure at polymorphic allozyme loci. It is suggested that isolation of populations in Atlantic-Mediterranean coastal refugia during previous glacial maxima, and the effects of subsequent colonization events in inland areas, have had an important effect on molding the present genetic structure of the species.  相似文献   

Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt is an introduced brown seaweed with a very distinctive seasonal growth cycle on European shores. The present study links the dynamics of a population of S. muticum with the seasonal growth cycle of the species and the density-dependent processes operating throughout this cycle. Results indicate that both growth cycle and intraspecific competition influenced the structure and population dynamics. Size inequality increased during the slow growth phase (autumn–winter) of the 2-year study. Mechanisms generating inequality of size could be the existence of asymmetric competition and the inherent differences in growth rates between old (regenerated) and new thalli (recruits). Inequality of size distributions decreased progressively during the last months of the growth phase (spring–summer) and could be related to a process of self-thinning. There was a negative biomass–density relationship (as a measure of biomass accumulation-driven mortality) that confirms the importance of self-thinning as a major demographic factor in the S. muticum population.  相似文献   

Serpentine soils are rich in heavy metals and have a distinctive flora. Silene dioica is a member of the Scandinavian serpentine plant community but is also widespread outside serpentine soils. To study the population genetic consequences of serpentine stress and the origin and evolution of serpentine populations we analyzed the isozyme genetic structure of S. dioica. Seventeen populations located in the mountains of Västerbotten and Jämtland, central Sweden, were investigated by starch gel enzyme electrophoresis. About one half of the populations grow in serpentine soils and the rest on adjacent non-serpentine sites. Analyses of allele frequencies show that both serpentine and non-serpentine populations in the northern part of the studied area (Västerbotten) are genetically similar. Evidently serpentine does not exert strong selection acting upon isozyme loci. In the south (Jämtland), however, the serpentine populations exhibit genetic differentiation. This allozyme divergence is probably not due to direct selection but rather represents the effects of isolation and genetic drift. The results suggest that S. dioica has colonized serpentine repeatedly and that the tolerant populations have a multiple origin.  相似文献   

Multilocus outcrossing rates were estimated in natural and experimental populations of Salvia pratensis, an entomophilous, gynodioecious, protandrous perennial. Male steriles were used to check the estimation procedure of outcrossing rates in hermaphrodites. Estimates of outcrossing rates in hermaphroditic plants ranged from 38.2% to 81.8% in natural populations and from 71.5% to 95.5% in experimental populations. No correlations were found between outcrossing rates and population size. However, outcrossing in hermaphrodites was promoted by high plant densities and low frequencies of male steriles. It is argued that effective management to preserve genetic variation in populations of S. pratensis should provide for the maintenance of high plant densities.  相似文献   

A knowledge of the effective size of a population (Ne) is important in understanding its current and future evolutionary potential. Unfortunately, the effective size of a hierarchically structured population is not, in general, equal to the sum of its parts. In particular, the inbreeding structure has a major influence on Ne. Here I link Ne to Wright's hierarchical measures of inbreeding, FIS and FST, for an island-structured population (or metapopulation) of size NT. The influence of FST depends strongly on the degree to which island productivity is regulated. In the absence of local regulation (the interdemic model), interdemic genetic drift reduces Ne. When such drift is combined with local inbreeding under otherwise ideal conditions, the effects of FIS and FST are identical: increasing inbreeding either within or between islands reduces Ne, with Ne = NT/[(1 + FIS)(1 + FST) ? 2FISFST]. However, if islands are all equally productive because of local density regulation (the traditional island model), then Ne = NT/[(1 + FIS)(1 –FST)] and the effect of FST is reversed. Under the interdemic model, random variation in the habitat quality (and hence productivity) of islands act to markedly decrease Ne. This variation has no effect under the island model because, by definition, all islands are equally productive. Even when no permanent island structure exists, spatial differences in habitat quality can significantly increase the overall variance in reproductive success of both males and females and hence lower Ne. Each of these basic results holds when other nonideal factors are added to the model. These factors, deviations from a 1:1 sex ratio, greater than Poisson variance in female reproductive success, and variation in male mating success due to polygynous mating systems, all act to lower Ne. The effects of male and female variance on Ne have important differences because only females affect island productivity. Finally, it is noted that to use these relationships, FIS and FST must be estimated according to Wright's definition (and corrected to have a zero expectation under the null model). A commonly used partitioning (θ, θg) can be biased if either island size or the number of islands is small.  相似文献   

Current models of X-linked and autosomal evolutionary rates often assume that the effective population size of the X chromosome ( NeX ) is equal to three-quarters of the autosomal population size ( NeA ). However, polymorphism studies of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans suggest that there are often significant deviations from this value. We have computed fixation rates of beneficial and deleterious mutations at X - linked and autosomal sites when this occurs. We find that NeX/NeA is a crucial parameter for the rates of evolution of X-linked sites compared to autosomal sites. Faster-X evolution due to the fixation of beneficial mutations can occur under a much wider range of levels of dominance when NeX/NeA > 3/4. We also examined various parameters that are known to influence the rates of evolution at X-linked and autosomal sites, such as different mutation rates in males and females and mutations that are sexually antagonistic, to determine which cases can lead to faster-X evolution. We show that, when the rate of nonsynonymous evolution is normalized by the rate of neutral evolution, a sex difference in mutation rate has no influence on the conditions for faster-X evolution.  相似文献   

Experimental evolution, particularly experimental sexual selection in which sexual selection strength is manipulated by altering the mating system, is an increasingly popular method for testing evolutionary theory. Concerns have arisen regarding genetic diversity variation across experimental treatments: differences in the number and sex ratio of breeders (effective population size; Ne ) and the potential for genetic hitchhiking, both of which may cause different levels of genetic variation between treatments. Such differences may affect the selection response and confound interpretation of results. Here we use both census-based estimators and molecular marker-based estimates to empirically test how experimental evolution of sexual selection in Drosophila pseudoobscura impacts Ne and autosomal genetic diversity. We also consider effects of treatment on X-linked Ne s, which have previously been ignored. Molecular autosomal marker-based estimators indicate that neither Ne nor genetic diversity differs between treatments experiencing different sexual selection intensities; thus observed evolutionary responses reflect selection rather than any confounding effects of experimental design. Given the increasing number of studies on experimental sexual selection, we also review the census Ne s of other experimental systems, calculate X-linked Ne , and compare how different studies have dealt with the issues of inbreeding, genetic drift, and genetic hitchhiking to help inform future designs.  相似文献   

The effective population size (Ne) depends strongly on mating system and generation time. These two factors interact such that, under many circumstances, Ne is close to N/2, where N is the number of adults. This is shown to be the case for both simple and highly polygynous mating systems. The random union of gametes (RUG) and monogamy are two simple systems previously used in estimating Ne, and here a third, lottery polygyny, is added. Lottery polygyny, in which all males compete equally for females, results in a lower Ne than either RUG or monogamy! Given nonoverlapping generations the reduction is 33% for autosomal loci and 25% for sex-linked loci. The highly polygynous mating systems, harem polygyny and dominance polygyny, can give very low values of Ne/N when the generation time (T) is short. However, as T is lengthened, Ne approaches N/2. The influence of a biased sex ratio depends on the mating system and, in general, is not symmetrical. Biases can occur because of sex differences in either survival or recruitment of adults, and the potential for a sex-ratio bias to change Ne is much reduced given a survival bias. The number of juveniles present also has some influence: as the maturation time is lengthened, Ne increases.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that levels of gene flow among populations are correlated with dispersal ability has typically been tested by comparing gene flow among species that differ in dispersal abilities, an approach that potentially confounds dispersal ability with other species-specific differences. In this study, we take advantage of geographic variation in the dispersal strategies of two wing-dimorphic planthopper species, Prokelisia marginata and P. dolus, to examine for the first time whether levels of gene flow among populations are correlated with intraspecific variation in dispersal ability. We found that in both of these coastal salt marsh–inhabiting species, population-genetic subdivision, as assessed using allozyme electrophoresis, parallels geographic variation in the proportion of flight-capable adults (macropters) in a population; in regions where levels of macroptery are high, population genetic subdivision is less than in regions where levels of macroptery are low. We found no evidence that geographic variation in dispersal capability influences the degree to which gene flow declines with distance in either species. Thus, both species provided evidence that intraspecific variation in dispersal strategies influences the genetic structure of populations, and that this effect is manifested in population-genetic structure at the scale of large, coastal regions, rather than in genetic isolation by distance within a region. This conclusion was supported by interspecific comparisons revealing that: (1) population-genetic structure (GST) of the two Prokelisia species correlated negatively with the mean proportion of flight-capable adults within a region; and (2) there was no evidence that the degree of isolation by distance increased with decreasing dispersal capability. Populations of the relatively sedentary P. dolus clustered by geographic region (using Nei's distances), but this was not the case for the more mobile P. marginata. Furthermore, gene flow among the two major regions we surveyed (Atlantic and Gulf Coasts) has been substantial in P. marginata, but relatively less in P. dolus. The results for P. marginata suggest that differences in the dispersal strategies of Atlantic and Gulf Coast populations occur despite extensive gene flow. We argue that gene flow is biased from Atlantic to Gulf Coast populations, indicating that selection favoring a reduction in flight capability must be intense along the Gulf. Together, the results of this study provide the first rigorous evidence of a negative relationship within a species between dispersal ability and the genetic structure of populations. Furthermore, regional variation in dispersal ability is apparently maintained by selective differences that outweigh high levels of gene flow among regions.  相似文献   

由大熊猫的年龄结构看其种群发展趋势   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
四川卧龙自然保护区“五一棚”的大熊猫种群年龄结构已有报道,现据此数据通过Leslie矩阵预测该种群的发展趋势。按3年一个年龄组调整了1978年的数据,估计了各年龄组内1只大熊描3年内出生的幼仔数。并以魏辅文同学的数据,计算出各年龄组的存活率。 预测到2011年,发现该种群增长缓慢。在其种群年龄结构发展到正常状态,即呈金字塔形后(1978年2-5岁组数量太低,结构不正常),年增长率也不过1.66%或1.64%。 “五一棚”是大熊猫最好的栖息地, 保护措施又最得力,增长尚如此缓慢,其他地区恐还达不到这个数字。因此,动物保护事业必须加强,保护措施必须严格执行。  相似文献   

The geographical patterns of variation shown at 20 allozyme and non-enzymatic protein-coding loci, in 8 external, and in 12 skeletal morphological characters in the rufous-collared sparrow, Zonotrichia capensis, were analyzed in order to test the local (genetic) adaptation hypothesis regarding the origin and maintenance of vocal dialects in birds. Approximately 20 males were collected from each of four sites within each of six different dialect zones. There was significant variability in both external and skeletal morphology among all 24 sites and among dialect groups. Average Wright's corrected fixation coefficient (FST) was 0.118, indicating significant genetic differentiation among all sites, regardless of dialect. Hierarchical F statistics indicated that only 50% of among site variability was due to a dialect effect. Puna dialect sites were highly differentiated from all other sites with respect to both morphology (external and skeletal measures) and allozyme frequencies. Heterogeneity at the PGM-1 locus among puna scrub sites was the major cause of the high average FST across all sites, and within the puna scrub dialect. Average genetic differentiation among non-puna sites (FST = 0.018) was similar to differentiation among sites within each of the five non-puna dialect groups (mean FST = 0.0132 ± 0.0069). Hierarchical F statistics indicated that none of the among-site differentiation in this subset of samples was due to a dialect effect. These observations are not consistent with the local adaptation hypothesis. All significant genetic heterogeneity occurred among sites in mountainous habitats, and we suggest that topography and patchiness of habitat may have been major factors involved in population differentiation, rather than vocal dialects.  相似文献   

缙云山慈竹种群生物量结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 本文引用Harper的构件结构理论,从两个水平(即群落水平上的种群和个体水平上的种群)上研究了缙云山慈竹种群的生物量结构及其影响因素。 研究结果表明:(1)慈竹无性系种群中各个体生物量在1—5龄级的分配为:14.18%,24.22%,41.91%、12.30%和7.38%,种群现存生物量为156.407t·ha-1;(2)慈竹种群中,生物量在各构件单位的配置为:秆49.46%,枝21.34%,叶8.73%,根茎14.00%,根6.47%;(3)慈竹(合子)种群在200ha中的生物量为31281t。地上地下部分生物量各占种群总量的79.53%和20.47%。  相似文献   

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