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The purpose of this study was to determine how host identity and geographic proximity were related to genetic variation in the fungus Atkinsonella hypoxylon infecting four sympatric Danthonia grasses. We analyzed 192 A. hypoxylon isolates from 48 geographic sites for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation by restriction digestion of total DNA with EcoRI, BamHI, and PstI, and subsequent hybridization with purified A. hypoxylon mtDNA. Thirtynine haplotypes were identified. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that mtDNA type is highly correlated with host-species group; isolates from Danthonia compressa and D. spicata formed one branch of the phenogram, and isolates from D. epilis and D. sericea formed the other. Restriction maps of the most common mtDNA haplotypes infecting each host-species pair revealed a 30-kb size difference and a minimum of eight length changes and one restrictionsite change between them. Mapping of the mutation differences among all haplotypes occurring at North Carolina sites resulted in two distinct gene trees corresponding to the two Danthonia species groups, corroborating the phenetic analysis. The results indicate a high degree of host-dependent isolation and establish the existence of host races in A. hypoxylon. Possible mechanisms responsible for this isolation are discussed. Little differentiation existed between isolates from within a Danthonia species pair, and some variation was explained by geographic origin. Analysis of progeny from a natural sexual cross revealed that mitochondria are maternally inherited in A. hypoxylon.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction sites was studied in the fox sparrow (Passerella iliaca). Seventy-eight haplotypes were found. Haplotypes fall into four phylogeographic groups that correspond to groups defined by plumage characters. The geographic distribution of these four groups does not appear congruent with mtDNA patterns in other vertebrates. Within each group, there is little geographic variation in mtDNA restriction sites, although there is geographic variation in plumage coloration and body size. The evolution of mtDNA diversity in fox sparrows seems best explained by vicariant events rather than isolation by distance. The mtDNA evidence suggests that Passerella megarhyncha and Passerella schistacea, two nonsister taxa that occur in western North America, have independently undergone bottlenecks. Hybridization is limited between all pairs of taxa except P. megarhyncha and P. schistacea, where mtDNA evidence suggests a narrow contact zone along the interface of the Great Basin and Sierra Nevada/Cascades. Morphometric characters intergrade over a broader area, suggesting that different processes are responsible for the two gradients. The occurrence of limited backcrossing among taxa suggests that cytoplasmic-nuclear incompatibility is lacking. The number of biological species would range from one to four, depending on the degree of hybridization tolerated. The mtDNA and plumage characters suggest four phylogenetic species: P. iliaca, P. megarhyncha, P. unalaschcensis, and P. schistacea.  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel analyses of the behavior of airborne pollen around ovules of two Ephedra species (E. trifurca and E. nevadensis) indicate that at certain airflow speeds (0.5 m/sec and 1.0 m/sec) each species is capable of biasing pollination in favor of conspecific pollen. A computer procedure was designed to evaluate the physical basis for this aerodynamic discrimination. This procedure indicates that differences in size and density confer significantly different inertial properties to the two pollen species. Operating within the specific aerodynamic environments generated around ovules from each species, these differences are sufficient to account for the biases observed in the probability of pollination. Within natural populations, there exists significant variation in pollen size (and possibly in density). Accordingly, it is possible that, under certain ambient wind conditions, ovules from each species can select subsets of the entire airborne population of Ephedra pollen.  相似文献   

Plastid and mitochondrial DNAs from suspension cultures of Daucus carota subsp. sativus cv. Danvers, D. carota subsp. gummifer, D. capillifolius, and D. pusillus were compared by restriction endonuclease fragment analysis. Organelles isolated from protoplasts of suspension cultures were purified using a one-step sucrose gradient. Plastid DNA fragment patterns for subsp. sativus, subsp. gummifer, and capillifolius were indistinguishable in Pstl, SalI and XhoI enzyme digests. No variation was detected in BamHI or HindIII digests between subsp. sativus and capillifolius. Pusillus plastid DNA varied significantly when compared to the other Daucus cultures. The size of the plastid genome of each species as determined by fragment addition, was estimated at 155 kb. Restriction digests of the mitochondrial DNAs generated a large number of fragments which when totaled established a size of 386–468 kb for the genomes. Densitometer scans of the fragment patterns indicate the bands were present in variable stoichiometry. Up to 26% of the fragments generated by PstI, SalI and HindIII digests were homologous in size among the four mitochondrial genomes. A further comparison of mitochondrial fragments indicated a closer homology of subsp. sativus to capillifolius than to subsp. gummifer or pusillus as was also found with the plastid genomes.  相似文献   

Two subspecies of killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, inhabit the Atlantic coast of the United States. The contact zones between them are typified by morphological, physiological, nuclear gene, and mitochondrial DNA clines. Considerable debate exists about the importance of restricted gene flow and natural selection in maintaining these clines. To evaluate the relative importance of these two evolutionary forces we employed analysis of mtDNA as an independent measure of gene flow. Solutions of equilibrium diffusion equations suggested that killifish dispersal must be less than 2 km to maintain previously observed allozyme frequency clines in the absence of strong selection. To determine whether populations separated by distances greater than 2 km accumulate significant genetic differences we examined a total of N = 480 individuals from five killifish populations spanning a continuous shoreline distance of 8.4 km. Distribution of the 25 detected haplotypes indicated that most of the variation was within rather than between sampling locations. No evidence of geographic structure was detected, nor were there any significant genetic differences between killifish populations. With these data, gene flow was evaluated by estimating effective migration rate (Nem) between the populations. Nem was estimated from Gst(Nem = 49.4), from Fst (Nem = 24.1), by the private alleles approach (Nem = 18.5) and via four phylogenetic analyses (Nem ranged from 11.4 to 16.9). Regardless of the analysis, Nem was greater than one; the threshold level at which gene flow is strong enough to prevent differentiation due to genetic drift. This suggests that while the characteristics that distinguish Fundulus subspecies may have arisen in isolation, the current clinal distributions exhibited along the Atlantic coast are most likely maintained by selection.  相似文献   

Uncertainty and controversy surround the geographical and ecological circumstances that create genetic differences between populations that eventually lead to reproductive isolation. Two aspects of marine organisms further complicate this situation: (1) many species possess planktonic larvae capable of great dispersal; and (2) obvious barriers to movement between populations are rare. Past studies of speciation in the sea have focussed on identifying the effects of past land barriers and on biogeographical breakpoints. However, assessing the role such undeniable barriers actually play in the initial divergence leading to reproductive isolation requires phylogenetic studies of recent radiations living in varying degrees of sympatry and allopatry to see which barriers (if any) tend to separate sister species. Here I infer phylogenetic relationship between 23 species of the marine snail Tegula using DNA sequences from two regions of the mitochondrial genome: cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and the small ribosomal subunit (12S) These snails possess planktonic larvae with moderate dispersal capabilities and have speciated rapidly with over 40 extant species arising since the genus first appeared in the mid-Miocene (about 15 M.Y.B.P.). Trees constructed from the COI and 12S regions (which yielded 205 and 137 phylogenetically informative sites, respectively) were robust with respect to tree-building method, bootstrapping, and the relative weightings of transitions, transversions, and gaps Within clades where all extant species have been sampled, five of six identified sister species pairs broadly coexist on the same side of biogeographical boundaries. These data suggest strong geographical barriers to gene flow may not always be required for speciation in the sea; transient allopatry or even ecological barriers may suffice. A survey of the geographic distributions of marine radiations suggests that coastal distributions may favor the sympatry of sister taxa more than island distributions do.  相似文献   

Relationships among seven species of the Aedes scutellaris subgroup and four of the Aedes albopictus subgroup were determined using restriction fragment analysis of mtDNA. Considerable polymorphism was found among species, with an average proportion of 0.338 restriction fragments being shared among them. Fitch-Margoliash, Wagner parsimony and UPGMA analyses revealed that the phylogeny based on mtDNA was only partially congruent with that based on allozymes and morphology. All three analyses, however, suggested that three species pairs, A. flavopictus-A. pseudalbopictus, A. pseudoscutellaris-A. riversi, and A. albopictus-A. polynesiensis were monophyletic with regard to their mtDNA. The results indicated that although the species in the A. scutellaris and the A. albopictus subgroups do not exhibit significant morphological divergence, their mtDNA has diverged extensively.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genotypes of gray wolves and coyotes from localities throughout North America were determined using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Of the 13 genotypes found among the wolves, 7 are clearly of coyote origin, indicating that genetic transfer of coyote mtDNA into wolf populations has occurred through hybridization. The transfer of mtDNA appears unidirectional from coyotes into wolves because no coyotes sampled have a wolf-derived mtDNA genotype. Wolves possessing coyote-derived genotypes are confined to a contiguous geographic region in Minnesota, Ontario, and Quebec, and the frequency of coyote-type mtDNA in these wolf populations is high (>50%). The ecological history of the hybrid zone suggests that hybridization is taking place in regions where coyotes have only recently become abundant following conversion of forests to farmlands. Dispersing male wolves unable to find conspecific mates may be pairing with female coyotes in deforested areas bordering wolf territories. Our results demonstrate that closely related species of mobile terrestrial vertebrates have the potential for extensive genetic exchange when ecological conditions change suddenly.  相似文献   

A new approach is introduced for the analysis of dispersal from the geographic distributions of mtDNA lineages. The method is based on the expected spatial distributions of lineages arising under a multigeneration random walk process. Unlike previous methods based on the predicted equilibria between genetic drift and gene flow, this approach is appropriate for non-equilibrium conditions, and yields an estimate of dispersal distance rather than dispersal rate. The theoretical basis for this method is examined, and an analysis of mtDNA restriction site data for Peromyscus maniculatus is presented as an example of how this approach can be applied to empirical data.  相似文献   

Animal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is believed to have evolved under intense selection for economy of the size of the molecule. Among scallop species mtDNA size may vary by a factor of two and among conspecific individuals by as much as 25%. We have examined the possibility that large mtDNA size differences may be associated with fitness in the deep sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus by comparing shell lengths of individuals with different copy numbers of a large mtDNA repeated sequence. Among juvenile cohorts of same age, shell length is known to be a good index of overall fitness in marine bivalves and it is shown here to be affected by differences in nuclear genotype, expressed as the degree of enzyme heterozygosity. We have observed no correlation between shell length and mtDNA length and interpreted this to mean that variation in the size of animal mtDNA is effectively neutral to the forces of natural selection acting on the individual. This type of mtDNA variation must, therefore, be explained in terms of biases in the molecular mechanisms causing expansion or contraction of the molecule, differential replication rates of mtDNA molecules of different size, and the stochastic assortment of mtDNA size classes among individuals.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used to characterize patterns of geographic variation among white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations in the southeastern United States. Fifteen restriction enzymes were employed to survey and map 99 restriction sites in 142 deer from 18 localities in five southeastern states. Phylogenetic analysis revealed three primary groups of haplotypes: (1) southern Florida and the Florida Keys, (2) the remainder of peninsular Florida northward to South Carolina, and (3) the Florida panhandle westward to Mississippi. Geographical heterogeneity in haplotype frequencies suggests that stochastic lineage sorting or isolation by distance are not important determinates of mtDNA differentiation among deer populations. The pattern of mtDNA variation in white-tailed deer is concordant spatially with those observed in unrelated taxa suggesting the common influence of historical biogeographic events. The data (1) support previous hypotheses that relate contemporary patterns of intraspecific phylogeography in northern Florida to the physiogeographic history of the region; and (2) suggest that genetic differentiation in southern Florida may be attributable to episodes of Pleistocene dispersal. Despite potentially high vagility and human intervention, ecological and demographic characteristics of deer have effectively preserved the historical pattern of intraspecific mtDNA differentiation.  相似文献   

草鱼野生与选育群体线粒体DNA控制区D-loop遗传变异分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探究经过2个选育世代后选育群体遗传多样性和遗传结构的变化, 研究对4个野生群体(邗江、九江、石首和吴江)和2个选育世代(F1和F2)进行了线粒体DNA控制区(D-loop)序列的遗传变异分析。实验结果表明, 4个野生群体在单倍型数目(H)、单倍型多样性(Hd)、核苷酸多样性(π)、平均核苷酸差异数(K)水平上均高于2个选育世代, 在2个选育世代内表现为F1代群体的核苷酸多样性(π)和平均核苷酸差异数(K)大于F2代群体, 但单倍型多样性(Hd)小于F2代群体; 单倍型分析结果表明, 6个群体间无共享单倍型, 4个野生群体间共发现2种共享单倍型(Hap1和Hap3), 石首群体和2个选育世代共享1种单倍型(Hap15); 遗传分化指数(Fst)分析结果表明, 邗江、九江、吴江3个野生群体和2个选育世代间存在较大的遗传分化(Fst范围为0.41475—0.55128), 石首群体与F1代群体之间存在较小的遗传分化, 与F2代群体之间存在中等水平的遗传分化, 同时F1代群体与F2代群体之间存在较小的遗传分化; 基于6个群体276个个体构建的邻接(Neighbor-Joining, NJ)进化树和基于27种单倍型构建的单倍型网络图也得到了相似的结论, 即邗江、九江、吴江3个野生群体和2个选育世代间的亲缘关系较远, 石首群体和2个选育世代两两之间的亲缘关系较近。以上结果表明, 经过2个世代的选择育种, 选育群体的遗传结构已发生了变化, 并且随着选育的进行, 选育世代的遗传多样性下降的较为明显, 这警示着我们在今后的育种工作中应适当改变现有的选育方案, 并实时监测选育群体的遗传多样性, 以便为今后进一步的选育工作打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Species limits and phylogenetic relationships in the Papilio machaon species group are potentially confounded by a complex pattern of Pleistocene range fragmentation, hybridization, and ecological race formation. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-site analysis has been used to define genetic affinities and genetic population structure within this species group. The distribution of mtDNA haplotypes generally confirms prior phylogenetic hypotheses and species delineations, but there is poor correspondence between ecological races and mtDNA haplotypes. The amount and distribution of mtDNA sequence variation within species vary among species, reflecting differences in current patterns of gene flow and/or historical population structure. In spite of wing pattern characters that ally them with P. polyxenes, both P. joanae and P. brevicauda have mtDNA that is closely related to that of P. machaon. We suggest that P. joanae and P. brevicauda are of hybrid origin.  相似文献   

The synthesis of mitochondrial DNA (mDNA) in HeLa cells is selectively inhibited by relatively low concentrations of ethidium bromide. After exposure of cells to strongly inhibitory concentrations of the drug, the apparent superhelix density of mDNA is rapidly increased, as judged by its buoyant density in CsCl in the presence of ethidium bromide. Mitochondrial DNA synthesized in the presence of partially inhibitory concentrations of ethidium bromide is also altered in its buoyant density in the presence of the dye, but is more heterogeneous in this respect. However, the change in buoyant density of newly synthesized mDNA may be explained by changes in structure other than a change in superhelix density, as indicated by its increased resistance to digestion by pancreatic DNase.  相似文献   

两种邻域分布石鸡间的线粒体DNA渗透   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
陈强  常城  刘发  E.Randi  V.Lucchini 《动物学报》1999,45(4):456-463
采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)和mtDNA细胞色素b基因314 bp核苷酸序列测定等方法,证明在大石鸡与山石鸡的异域种群之间存在广泛的差异.然而采自六盘山地区与山石鸡相邻分布的大石鸡种群的样本中却存在山石鸡的mtDNA基因型,这种基因型与其它大石鸡个体的基因型有4.4%核苷酸差异.在与山石鸡相邻分布的大石鸡种群中有25%的个体具有山石鸡的mtDNA基因型,而采自六盘山接触地带以西约200 km处兰州市郊的大石鸡标本中则没有发现这种基因型.此发现支持山石鸡和大石鸡之间存在或曾经有过杂交的假设.作者还提出了一种限制性内切酶分析方法,可以快速地检测这种mtDNA基因型.在此之前还没有过关于山石鸡和大石鸡之间基因流动的报道.  相似文献   

Samples of skin tissue were collected by biopsy darting from humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) in six seasonal habitats representing three stocks and four regions: Groups IV (western Australia), V western component (eastern Australia), V eastern component (New Zealand and Tonga) and VI (the Antarctic Peninsula and Gorgona Island, Colombia, South America) of the Southern Hemisphere. A variable section of the mitochondrial DNA control region was amplified and sequenced from 84 of these individuals, distinguishing a total of 48 unique sequences ( i. e. , mtDNA nucleotypes). Phylogenetic reconstructions suggested that these nucleotypes form three clades, corresponding to those previously described in a world-wide survey of humpback whale mtDNA variation, although bootstrap support for two of the clades was relatively low (<50%). An analysis of variance adapted for molecular information showed significant differentiation of nucleotypes among the three Groups (Stocks) and heterogeneity of haplotype diversity among the four regions. A pattern of interchange within and between oceanic basins was demonstrated by the presence of shared identical nucleotypes among humpback whales in regions of the Southern and Northern Hemispheres.  相似文献   

Guppies were sampled from eight populations representing four river drainage basins in northern Trinidad, and from one population on the nearby island of Tobago. For each individual, a 465 base pair (bp) segment of the control region of the mitochondrial genome was sequenced. The resulting DNA sequences were subjected to sequence divergence calculations and the populations were linked by maximum parsimony analysis to determine their phylogenetic relationships. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation was found both within and between river drainages, correlated with the geographic features of northern Trinidad. The variation observed exists primarily between drainages, particularly between the Oropuche drainage and all other Trinidad drainages examined. Estimates of time of divergence between guppy populations of different drainages, based on mtDNA sequence variation, ranged from 100,000 to 200,000 for the most recently separated populations and from 600,000 to 1.2 million years between the Oropuche populations and all others examined. Examination of fish from northeastern South America will be required to determine whether these populations differentiated in their present locations or were the result of separate invasions of Trinidad from different Venezuelan sources. However, genetic isolation of these populations appears to predate the current physical separation of the island of Trinidad from the Venezuelan mainland.  相似文献   

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