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Despite the importance of the soil seed bank in tropical forest regeneration, little is known about spatial variability in species composition and abundance of seeds stored in the soil. To develop sampling methods for comparative studies, we examined species richness, spatial variation, and abundance of germinants from the soil seed bank in a 16 year old secondary, tropical wet forest at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Surface soil (10 cm deep, 4.7 cm diameter) was collected at the intersection points of a gridded 1 ha plot (10 × 10-m grid, 121 samples) and in a nested 100 m2 subplot (2 × 2-m grid, 36 samples). The 1 ha plot had a density of 4535 seeds/m2 with 34 species observed. Based on a series of 100 randomized species accumulation curves, a Michaelis-Menten fit predicted a mean species richness of 36.3 species; the number of observed species was close to the predicted asymptote. A nonparametric, first-order jackknife species richness estimator predicted a species richness of 37.0 species. Eighty-five and 95 percent of the observed species richness is contained, on average, within 41 and 74 pooled samples, respectively. Within the 100 m2 nested subplot, a density of 5476 seeds/m2 was observed, comprising 26 species with an estimated species richness (Michaelis-Menten fit) of 29.1 species. The jackknife species richness estimator predicted a species richness of 36.7 species. For species richness and abundance of both plots, spatial autocorrelation statistics (Moran's I) were not significantly different from zero at lag distances from 2 to 100 m, indicating a random distribution at these spatial scales. For this site, accurate estimates of species composition depend upon the number of samples collected as well as the spatial distribution of sampling effort. Many small samples distributed over a large area provide greater accuracy and precision for estimating species richness of the soil seed bank.  相似文献   

The land snail community of Idanre hills was studied using a combination of direct search and leaf litter‐sieving techniques. In total, 36 species and 2192 individuals in nine molluscan families were collected from 19 plots of 400 m2 each. Species richness varied from 8 to 23 and the number of individuals from 21 to 566 per plot. Species richness was dominated by the carnivorous Streptaxidae, while numerical abundance was dominated by the Subulinidae, Streptaxidae and Urocyclidae, contributing to more than 95% of the total number of individuals. The single most abundant species was the urocyclid Trochozonites talcosus, contributing to almost 20% of the total number of individuals. The species richness and high abundance of land snails make Idanre hills a unique site for molluscan conservation in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Biodiversity of woody species was investigated in Ialong and Raliangsacred groves of the Jaintia hills in Meghalaya, northeast India. These grovesrepresent the climax subtropical broad-leaved forest of the area. A total of 738individuals belonging to 82 species, 59 genera and 39 families was identified ina 0.5 ha plot of the Ialong sacred grove, whereas the same area in theRaliang sacred grove had 469 individuals of 80 species, 62 genera and 41families. About 32% species were common to both groves. Lauraceae, with10–17 species, was the dominant family. The canopy and subcanopy stratawere respectively composed of 28 and 33% of the total tree species in theforest. The number of species as well as stem density were greater for the treesof lower dbh (5–15 cm) class compared to the higher (> 66cm) dbh class. The majority of the species showed a contagiousdistribution pattern and low frequency. The basal area varied from 57.4 to 71.4m2 ha–1. Species richness within theforest varied from 3 to 15 per 100 m2 in Ialong and 3 to 12 per 100m2 in Raliang. The dominance–distribution curves showed highequitability and low dominance in both groves.  相似文献   

Abstract The soil seed bank and its relation to the extant vegetation in a Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria were examined. The average seed density was 430 germinable seeds m?2 to a depth of 2 cm. There was a polynomial regression relationship between the density and species richness of seeds in soil and forest age (0. 6–54 years). Species richness was not significantly different among soil depths (0- 2 , 2- 5 , 5–10 and 10–20 cm) in the forest stand of 54 years old. More seeds germinated from the 5–10 cm depth than from the other depths. Forbs accounted for 73% of the total germinable seeds and there was no germination of E. regnans. The number of species, particularly woody plant species, germinating from the soil seed bank were significantly lower than in the extant vegetation. However, almost all species present in the soil seed bank were present in the vegetation. The soil seed bank provides an important source for the rapid regeneration of understorey vegetation following clear-cutting and slash-burning in the E. regnans forest. The rapid understorey establishment may play an important role in protecting soil from erosion, in nutrient conservation, replacement and redistribution. The soil seed bank may also be a necessary source of maintaining genetic diversity in the forest over the long term.  相似文献   

Species richness, species composition and standing crop were studied in a limestone grassland in northern Switzerland after 13 and 15 years of experimental management with 6 management regimes differing in form, time and frequency of biomass removal. The management regimes with a cut at least every 2nd year had a higher species number per 40 m2 and 1 m2 than those cut less frequently, abandoned or annually burned. Annual burning and a cut every 5th year lead to a similar decrease in species richness as abandonment. Differences in species richness between different regimes increased with increasing spatial resolution of observation. Many species occurred in a plot during only one of the two sample years. This turnover of species was the highest in plots with the lowest species numbers, and increased with increasing spatial resolution. Standing crop was highest in plots burned annually (290 g m?2), and lowest in plots cut annually in July (1989 g m?2). Standing crop and litter increased with decreasing frequency of cutting. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02DO006 00005  相似文献   

Aim Species richness is an important feature of communities that varies along elevational gradients. Different patterns of distribution have been described in the literature for various taxonomic groups. This study aims to distinguish between species density and species richness and to describe, for land snails in south‐eastern France, the altitudinal patterns of both at different spatial scales. Location The study was conducted on five calcareous mountains in south‐eastern France (Etoile, Sainte Baume, Sainte Victoire, Ventoux and Queyras). Methods Stratified sampling according to vegetation and altitude was undertaken on five mountains, forming a composite altitudinal gradient ranging from 100 to 3100 m. Visual searching and analysis of turf samples were undertaken to collect land snail species. Species density is defined as the number of species found within quadrats of 25 m2. Species richness is defined as the number of species found within an elevation zone. Different methods involving accumulation curves are used to describe the patterns in species richness. Elevation zones of different sizes are studied. Results Eighty‐seven species of land snails were recovered from 209 samples analysed during this study. Land snail species density, which can vary between 29 and 1 species per 25 m2, decreases logarithmically with increasing altitude along the full gradient. However, on each mountain separately, only a linear decrease is observable. The climatic altitudinal gradient can explain a large part of this pattern, but the great variability suggests that other factors, such as heterogeneity of ground cover, also exert an influence on species density. The altitudinal pattern of species richness varies depending on the spatial resolution of the study. At fine resolution (altitudinal zones of 100 m) land snail species richness forms a plateau at altitudes below 1000 m, before decreasing with increasing altitude. At coarse resolution (altitudinal zones of 500 and 1000 m) the relationship becomes linear. Main conclusions This study reveals that land snail species density and land snail species richness form two different altitudinal patterns. Species density exhibits strong variability between sites of comparable altitude. A large number of samples seem necessary to study altitudinal patterns of species density. Species density decreases logarithmically with increasing altitude. Above a critical altitudinal threshold, this decrease lessens below the rate seen in the first 1500 m. Different methods exist to scale‐up species density to species richness but these often produce different patterns. In this study, the use of accumulation curves has yielded a pattern of species richness showing a plateau at low altitude, whereas simple plotting of known altitudinal ranges from single mountains would have produced stronger mid‐altitudinal peaks. This study shows that not only factors such as temperatures and habitat heterogeneity, but also an ecotone effect, are responsible for the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Species richness and density of understory plants were investigated in eight 1 ha plots, distributed one each in undisturbed and disturbed tropical evergreen, semi-evergreen, deciduous and littoral forests of Little Andaman island, India, which falls under one of the eight hottest hotspots of Biodiversity in the world viz. the Indo-Burma. One hundred 1 m−2 quadrats were established in each 1 ha plot, in which all the understory plants (that include herbs, undershrubs, shrubs and herbaceous climbers) were enumerated. The total density of understory plants was 6,812 individuals (851 ha−1) and species richness was 108 species, representing 104 genera and 50 families. Across the four forest types and eight study plots, the species richness ranged from 10 to 39 species ha−1. All the disturbed sites harbored greater number of species than their undisturbed counterparts. Herbs dominated by species (63%) and density (4,259 individuals). The grass Eragrostis tenella (1,860 individuals; IVI 40), the invasive climber Mikania cordata (803; IVI 20) and the shrub Anaxagorea luzonensis (481; IVI 17.5) were the most abundant species. Poaceae, Asteraceae, Acanthaceae, Orchidaceae and Euphorbiaceae constituted the species-rich families represented by 6 species each. The species-area curves attained an asymptote at 0.8 ha level except in sites DD and DL, indicating 1 ha plot is not sufficient to capture all the understory species in disturbed forests. The alien weeds formed about one-fourth of the species richness (31 species; 28%) and density (1,926 individuals; 28.3%) in the study sites, indicating the extent of weed invasion and the attention required for effective conservation of the native biodiversity of the fragile island forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Abstract. Species richness of selected alpine plant communities in the Teberda Biosphere Reserve (Northwestern Caucasus) and the Davos area (Central Alps) was compared in series of plots from 0.0025 to 100 m2. Communities developing under similar ecological conditions and with similar syntaxonomic positions were compared in order to estimate the role of recent environment versus regional historical factors in determining plant community structure and diversity. The floristic richness of the Caucasian and Alpic fens was very similar. The Grasslands and Meadows were quite similar as to floristic richness for plots > 25 cm × 25 cm, but the Caucasian communities had fewer species in smaller plots. The Lichen heath at Teberda was richer than the Caricetum curvulae cetrarietosum for all plot sizes, except the two smallest ones. On the other hand, the plots of the Salix Snowbed community were richer in species than the Caucasian snowbeds for all plot sizes. The Rhododendron Shrubland plots were very similar as to floristic richness in larger plots (4 — 100 m2). Generally, most Alpic communities near Davos were richer in species at small plot sizes than the corresponding communities from Teberda. Caucasian communities were floristically less similar to each other — and thus more discrete — than the Alpic ones. The possible role of different factors controlling floristic richness of the communities is discussed. Our results suggest that recent ecological conditions have a big influence on local floristic diversity and may lead to high similarities between ecologically similar communities from different regions. In addition, the general floristic richness of a regions as well as island effects should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study reports on small-scale changes in the distribution of plant species in a 2.5 m2 plot of grazed, species-rich Veronica spicata - Avenula pratensis grassland on shallow, dry, nutrient-poor soil in the Great Alvar area (Stora Alvaret) of southern Öland, southeastern Sweden. Multivari-ate analysis of 0.001 m2 and 0.25 m2 quadrats within the plot showed that there is little floristic variation without any trend in the plot. Average species richness varied little throughout the study period from 1986 to 1991 with 1986 averages of 7.0 on 0.001m2, 16.3 on 0.01 m2, and 26.1 on 0.25 m2. On 0.001 m2the highest species number found was 12, on 0.01 m2, 27. However, cumulative species richness, i.e. species number in the first year plus new species appearing in later years (averaged over 40 quadrats) increased over the same period, on 0.001 m2 from 7.0 in 1986 to 14.9 in 1991, and on 0.01 m2 from 16.3 to 24.1. Cumulative frequency, i.e. number of quadrats out of 40 where a species occurred in the first year or/and in later years, increased as well; the number of cumulatively highly frequent (> 80%) species increased from 5 in 1986 to 18 in 1991. Species mobility on the scale of the small quadrats used implies both appearance and disappearance from these quadrats. Using six examples, species mobility is shown to vary individualistically, both in rate and degree. We postulate that in homogeneous, grazed, nutrient- and water-deficient environments many species can reach virtually all microsites within the plot, which we express through the idea of the ‘carousel model’. We also question the usefulness of the niche concept and re-interpret it by stating that all species of this plant community have the same habitat niche, while most of them are short-lived and have the same regeneration niche. The essential variation amongst the species is their individual ability to establish or re-establish by making use of favourable conditions appearing in microsites in an unknown, complex spatio-temporal pattern.  相似文献   

To investigate long-term effects of land use on the soil seed bank, we compared the abundance/density, species richness, life form distribution, and species composition of seeds stored in the soil of four 15–20 yr-old second-growth stands, two old-growth stands, and two previously selectively-logged stands in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. Surface soil (10 cm deep, 4.7 cm diameter) was collected at 10 m intervals along three 120–160 m long transects in each stand (44–48 soil cores, 22–24 combined seed bank samples per site). Seed density was highest but variable in second-growth stands (8331–14535 seeds/m2), low and homogeneous in old-growth stands (2258–2659 seeds/m2), and intermediate and highly variable in selectively-logged stands (1165–6854 seeds/m2), which also had contrasting logging intensities. Species richness was strongly dependent on seed density, but showed less variation. Life form distribution did not differ statistically among or within land-use categories. In each stand, herbs-forbs, shrubs, and vines dominated the seed bank (> 75% of the species richness and abundance), whereas trees were a minor component (< 20% of the species richness and < 5% of the abundance) and were predominandy early successional. Shrubs and vines were most abundant in second-growth stands where regrowth vegetation was repeatedly cut before abandonment, whereas grasses and sedges were most abundant in the only forest stand that was completely surrounded by pastures. In terms of species composition, old-growth stands were more similar to selectively-logged stands than to second-growth stands, but across stands, selectively-logged forests were most distinct from the other two forest types. An inventory of the standing woody vegetation in each site showed little representation of the woody taxa found in the seed bank. We discuss these results in the context of the main factors that have been postulated to influence the abundance, life form, and species composition of tropical forest seed banks, and explore the role of the latter during intermediate phases of tropical forest succession and regeneration.  相似文献   

A permanent plot of 30 ha (600 × 500 m2) was established for long-term ecological research on biodiversity and forest functioning in a tropical evergreen forest at Varagalaiar, Anamalais, Western Ghats. This paper gives the results of the first census of trees in the 30 ha plot. All trees 30 cm gbh were permanently tagged with sequentially numbered aluminium tags and their girth measured. 148 tree species (in 120 genera and 49 families) were enumerated in a total sample of 13,393 individuals. Species diversity, density and dispersion patterns were determined. The mean species richness, density and basal area per hectare were 65 species, 446 stems and 36.26 m2 respectively. The Sorensen similarity index for thirty 1-ha subplots varied from 0.7 to 0.9, indicating the homogeneity in species composition of the stand. The pronounced species hierarchy has resulted in the dominance of four species that occupy four different forest storeys: Drypetes longifolia (lower storey) Reinwardtiodendron anamallayanum (middle storey), Poeciloneuron indicum (upper storey) and Dipterocarpus indicus (emergent). The forest was dominated by Euphorbiaceae in terms of richness (18 species) and abundance of species (3788 stems), and Dipterocarpaceae based on the contribution to basal area (18.4%). Species richness and density decreased with increasing girth-class. Girth class frequency of the stand exhibited an expanding population of trees. Twenty-nine tree species, analysed for spatial dispersion at 1-ha scale, exhibited both clumped and uniform patterns, except Vateria indica which was randomly distributed in one hectare. Repeat census scheduled for subsequent years, will elucidate the behaviour of the individual species and the population dynamics of the tree flora and will be useful for forest conservation and management. It will also help to monitor human activity within this forest.  相似文献   

农田开垦对三江平原湿地土壤种子库影响及湿地恢复潜力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种子库是湿地植被恢复的重要途径之一,不同时期的耕作土壤中残留的种子对开垦湿地恢复具有重要的作用.本文采用温室萌发法在两种水分条件下对三江平原天然湿地、不同开垦年限湿地种子库结构和规模进行了研究,以了解不同开垦年限湿地种子库特征及其在湿地植被恢复中的潜力.本次实验共萌发物种50种,随着开垦年限增加,萌发物种逐渐减少,天然湿地、开垦1年、3年、10年、20年的湿地分别为34种、31种、21种、21种和8种,萌发物种数与种子库规模均表现出极显著差异(F1=8.32,F2=5.946,P<0.001).种子库密度以天然湿地和开垦1年湿地最大,分别为7624粒/m2,9836粒/m2.随着开垦年限增加,种子库规模逐渐减小,开垦3年、10年种子库密度为4336粒/m2,4872粒/m2.开垦20 a后,显著减少为432粒/m2.湿润条件下萌发物种数及种子密度显著高于淹水处理,种子库具有明显的分层现象,0-5 cm土层种子库规模显著高于5-10 cm.小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)作为该地区优势物种,由最初的1192粒/m2,经过20 a开垦后在种子库中消失.研究表明,在一定的开垦年限范围内,开垦湿地土壤中仍然保留大量的湿地物种种子,在湿地恢复中具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

A Modified-Whittaker nested vegetation sampling method   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A standardized sampling technique for measuring plant diversity is needed to assist in resource inventories and for monitoring long-term trends in vascular plant species richness. The widely used Whittaker plot (Shmida 1984) collects species richness data at multiple spatial scales, using 1 m2, 10 m2, and 100 m2 subplots within a 20 m × 50 m (1000 m2) plot, but it has three distinct design flaws involving the shape and placement of subplots. We modified and tested a comparable sampling design (Modified-Whittaker plot) that minimizes the problems encountered in the original Whittaker design, while maintaining many of its attractive attributes. We overlaid the two sampling methods in forest and prairie vegetation types in Larimer County, Colorado, USA (n=13 sites) and Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota, USA (n=19 sites) and showed that the modified design often returned significantly higher (p<0.05) species richness values in the 1 m2, 10 m2, and 100 m2 subplots. For all plots, except seven ecotone plots, there was a significant difference (p<0.001) between the Whittaker plot and the Modified-Whittaker plot when estimating the total number of species in the 1000 m2 plots based on linear regressions of the subplot data: the Whittaker plot method, on average, underestimated plant species richness by 34%. Species-area relationships, using the Modified-Whittaker design, conformed better to published semilog relationships, explaining, on average, 92% of the variation. Using the original Whittaker design, the semilog species-area relationships were not as strong, explaining only 83% of the variation, on average. The Modified-Whittaker plot design may allow for better estimates of mean species cover, analysis of plant diversity patterns at multiple spatial scales, and trend analysis from monitoring a series of strategically-placed, long-term plots.  相似文献   

Temperate Australia has a speciose highly endemic algal flora. This study explored the influence of geographical isolation between islands, depth and exposure to ocean swells on the diversity of macroalgae in the Recherche Archipelago (Western Australia). Macroalgae were harvested (0.25‐m2 quadrats) from sites at two exposures (sheltered and exposed to wave energy), three depths (<10, 10–20, and 21–28 m), and two island groups (three islands within Esperance Bay and three islands outside the bay). A total of 220 species were collected. Species richness and biomass were significantly different at the smallest spatial scale (0.25 m2), and density of overstory species decreased with depth. Results from analysis of similarity tests suggested that macroalgal assemblages differed with depth, exposure and to a lesser extent with island group. Assemblage differences were often associated with particular overstory or understory taxa and not the entire assemblage composition. Average species richness·0.25 m?2 ranged from 13 to 29 species, typically with a few species contributing more than 50% of average biomass. Species richness was maintained by species turnover at the 0.25‐m2 spatial scale. Our results suggest that richness in temperate Australia is maintained by turnover of broadly distributed species. More dominant species in assemblages were associated with differences in depth and exposure to ocean swells. Our findings support the hypothesis of a geographical transition of dominant species from kelp‐dominated in the west to a fucalean‐dominated assemblage in the Recherche Archipelago and east of the Great Australian Bight.  相似文献   

Abstract. The study was conducted in deciduous forests of two Swedish regions, Öland and Uppland. It had two objectives: to (1) test the species pool hypothesis by examining if differences in small‐scale species richness are related to differences in large‐scale species richness and the size of the regional species pool, and (2) to examine the relationship between species richness and productivity and its scale‐dependence. The first data set comprised 36 sites of moderate to high productivity. In each site, we recorded the presence of vascular plant species in nested plots ranging from 0.001 to 1000 m2 and measured several environmental variables. Soil pH and Ellenberg site indicator scores for nitrogen were used as estimators of productivity. The second data set included 24 transects (each with 20 1‐m2 plots) on Öland in sites with low to high productivity. Species number, soil pH and relative light intensity were determined in each plot. The forest sites on Öland were more species‐rich than the Uppland sites on all spatial scales, although environmental conditions were similar. Small‐scale and large‐scale species richness were positively correlated. The results present evidence in favour of the species pool hypothesis. In the nested‐plots data set, species number was negatively correlated with pH and nitrogen indicator scores, whereas a unimodal relationship between species number and pH was found for the transect data set. These results, as well as previously published data, support the hump‐shaped relationship between species richness and productivity in Swedish deciduous forests. Two explanations for the higher species richness of the sites with moderate productivity are given: first, these sites have a higher environmental heterogeneity and second, they have a larger ‘habitat‐specific’ species pool.  相似文献   

The population structure and regeneration of canopy species were studied in a 4 ha plot in an old-growth evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Aya district of southwestern Japan. The 200 m × 200 m plot contained 50 tree species, including 22 canopy species, 3,904 trees (dbh5 cm) and a total basal area of 48.3 m2/ha. Forty one gaps occurred within the plot, and both the average gap size (67.3 m2) and the total area of gap to plot area (6.9%) were small. Species found in the canopy in the plot were divided into three groups (A, B, C) based on size and spatial distribution patterns, and density in each tree size. Group A (typical species: Distylium racemosum, Persea japonica) showed a high density, nearly random distribution and an inverse J-shaped size distribution. Species in group B (Quercus salicina, Quercus acuta, Quercus gilva) were distributed contagiously with conspicuous concentration of small trees (<5 cm dbh) around gaps. However, the species in this group included few trees likely to reach the canopy in the near future. Group C included fast-growing pioneer and shade intolerant species (e.g. Cornus controversa, Carpinus tschonoskii, Fagara ailanthoides), which formed large clumps. Most gaps were not characterized by successful regeneration of group B and C but did appear to accelerate the growth of group A. Group B species appear to require long-lived or large gaps while group C species require large, catastrophic disturbances, such as landslides, for regeneration.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper reports on vegetation dynamics on terrestrial, temperate grassland sites at the upper range of the productivity scale, i.e. on abandoned sewage fields (fields once used for waste water disposal) at Berlin‐Blankenfelde, Germany. I studied regeneration and the influence of different management practices (removal of top soil and mowing in late summer). Changes in species composition and cover were followed on permanent plots of 2m × 2m size through five years of vegetation development. At the outset of the experiment the abandoned fields were dominated by dense Urtica dioica /Elymus repens stands. Species richness was 7 species/ 4m2, and it remained low on unmanaged plots during the time of observation (7.6 species/plot in year 5). Removal of 20 cm of top soil caused a severe decline of Urtica and a large increase in species richness (21 species in year 1 after disturbance). Mowing was slightly higher compared with unmown plots on both initially excavated and unexcavated plots. Total cover was always near 100 % (except immediately after top soil removal). Colonization of bare soil was very rapid and in late summer of the first year after disturbance cover already increased towards 100%. On all plots the vegetation was mostly dominated by perennial herbs and grasses. Winter season gaps are occupied by Galium aparine, a large‐seeded annual scrambling climber. Monocarpic perennials behaved as winter annuals in most cases. Woody species were inhibited by dense above‐ground biomass and litter cover. The paper questions whether succession on abandoned sewage fields may proceed towards a woodland stage and advises how vegetation of such hyper‐eutrophicated sites can be managed towards higher diversity.  相似文献   

Seed Rain in High-Altitude Restoration Plots in Switzerland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seed rain was studied in restoration plots installed in 1985 and 1987, respectively, on an alpine downhill ski run at circa 2,500 m above sea level. The study was initiated in late autumn 1996 and completed in autumn 1998; it included temporal and spatial variation in density per m2, as well as alpha diversity (species richness), and species composition of the seed rain versus that of the resident vegetation. This is the first report on post-restoration monitoring of seed rain above the timberline. Seed rain density and alpha diversity varied seasonally, with the first peak occurring immediately after spring snowmelt and the second in early autumn. The density of seed rain varied between plots and years (1,528–1,778 seeds per m2 in one plot [RPF] versus 1,096–3,557 seeds per m2 in another plot [RPG]). Total species number per plot was nearly twice as high in RPF as in RPG in both study years. Seed rain totaled 18 species; all but one represented either transplants introduced in restoration or colonizers established in the plots soon after restoration. Distribution of species in seed rain was largely asymmetric and only a few species provided substantial contributions. Composition of species and their respective contribution to seed rain differed between plots and was clearly influenced by performance of some species used in restoration as transplants; together they provided as much as 51% of the total seed rain. The results of the study demonstrate that restoration enhanced increase of species richness as well as seed rain in situ.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied vegetation structure and soil seed bank composition in different successional stages of secondary lowland tropical deciduous forest in Yucatán, Mexico. The series of study sites includes: slashed (S), slashed-and-burned (SB), and regenerating for 1, 6, 10, 15, 30, 40 and 100 yr. Species richness (S = 42 - 65), evenness (E = 0.32 - 0.38), and diversity (H' = 1.2 - 1.6) do not vary much as the forest grows older. 20 species of shrubs and trees were present in at least six of the seven regrowth years studied; 10 of these account for more than 50% of the total density values per regrowth year. These species dominate the vegetation due to their capacity to withstand repeated fire and felling. One third of the individuals sampled had regenerated from coppiced shoots. Species composition little resembles that in earlier accounts. The area is now largely covered by young regrowth stages (1 - 20 yr). Species constituting the original woody structure of the mature forest are rare or absent due to the lack of seed sources and failure of dispersal (which is due to limited dispersal capacities), lack of dispersal agents, or long distances. Herbs were the most important life form in the soil seed banks; only one tree species was found. The number of viable seeds varied between sampled areas: 70/m2 in the 40 yr-old, to 1 815/m2 in the slashed-and-burned (SB). The vegetation of S- and SB-areas was the same, but the number of viable seeds germinating in SB was twice the number in S; the number of species in the seed bank is the same for both areas. We speculate that fire modifies species dominance early in succession, allowing seeds of some species to germinate in great numbers.  相似文献   

Changes in plant species richness at various spatial scales were investigated by manipulative experiment in mountain grasslands. The aim of the research was to compare changes in species richness in newly abandoned sites and sites where restoration measures were applied after 20 years of abandonment. The plots were located in two vegetation types with different moisture regime. Species richness decreased significantly after abandonment, mainly at the finest spatial scale of 10 × 10 cm. There was significant increase of species richness on restored sites, but it was apparent mainly at a larger scale. However, even 4 years of regular mowing were not sufficient to restore species richness to the level typical for traditionally managed grasslands in the region. No significant difference was found in the performance of the 2 contrasting vegetation types (wet and dry) in relation to management measures. A significant difference in scale-dependent species richness was only observed. The dry type had a steeper species-area curve, with a lower number of species at the finest spatial scale. According to the results of the experiment, mountain grasslands are very vulnerable habitats, losing their conservation value quickly after abandonment. Restoration is possible due to an extensive species pool in the region, but return to the original species richness at all spatial scales is quite a long process.  相似文献   

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