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Most previous research on metamorphosis of the musculoskeletal system in vertebrates has focused on the transformation of the skeleton. In this paper we focus on the transformation of the muscles of the head during metamorphosis in tiger salamanders ( Ambystoma tigrinum ) in order (1) to provide new data on changes in myology during ontogeny, and (2) to aid in interpreting previous data on the metamorphosis of function in the head of salamanders.
The physiological cross-sectional area of nine head muscles was calculated by measuring fibre angles, fibre lengths, and muscle mass in two samples of tiger salamanders obtained just before and just after metamorphosis. The major mouth-opening muscles (rectus cervicis and depressor mandibulae) exhibit a significant decrease in estimated maximum tetanic tension (MTT) across metamorphosis of about 36%. The jaw-closing muscles (adductor mandibulae internus and externus) and the head-lifting muscles (epaxials) also decrease in MTT but not significantly. The muscles associated with tongue projection during feeding on land (the subarcualis rectus I, geniohyoideus, interhyoideus and intermandibularis) all show a slight increase in MTT at metamorphosis.
Metamorphic transformation of feeding behaviour in Ambystoma tigrinum involves changes in performance, the design of skeletal elements, changes in muscle force-generating capability, and changes in hydrodynamic design from unidirectional flow in larvae to bidirectional flow during aquatic feeding after metamorphosis. Although muscle activity patterns during aquatic feeding do not change across metamorphosis, tongue-based terrestrial feeding involves a suite of novel muscle activity patterns, morphological characters acquired at metamorphosis, and a metamorphic increase in the masses of muscles important in tongue projection.  相似文献   

Tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) were given pairings ofair dilutions of either n-amyl acetate or d-camphor and intenselight in a stainless steel and glass chamber using a simpleflow dilution olfactometer. Avoidance responses were conditionedto presentations of amyl acetate but avoidance responses didnot condition to presentations of camphor  相似文献   

Study of amphibian immunotoxicology is a growing area of research, but very little information is available on how environmental contaminants affect disease resistance in urodele amphibians. Urodele amphibians lack the more highly evolved aspects of the specific immune system that are present in anurans, birds, and mammals. Instead, these animals rely more heavily on innate defense mechanisms than do anurans to provide rapid, nonspecific protection from pathogens. Thus, it is prudent that immunotoxicologic research with urodele amphibians includes an evaluation of effects of contaminant exposure on nonspecific immunity. The objectives of this study were to measure the phagocytic and oxidative-burst activity of peritoneal neutrophils collected from a urodele, the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum), and to evaluate the use of these assays in immunotoxicologic research using urodele amphibians. Using tiger salamanders collected in August 2000, phagocytosis and oxidative-burst assays modified from mammalian protocols were conducted through October 2001. Results indicated that large numbers of peritoneal neutrophils for use in immunotoxicologic tests can be collected from salamanders injected with thioglycollate. Moreover, these neutrophils readily engulfed foreign material (phagocytic activity) and produced measurable amounts of hydrogen peroxide (oxidative-burst activity). Phagocytosis was effectively inhibited by incubating cells with sodium azide (P<0.001), and quantification of phagocytosis using flow cytometry was well correlated with manual counts (r=0.84, P<0.001). Dexamethasone treatment reduced phagocytic activity as measured by manual counts (P<0.02), suggesting that this test is useful for detecting alteration by immunosuppressive agents. In contrast, oxidative function was unaffected by dexamethasone treatment, and results from the oxidative-burst assay were generally less consistent than those from the phagocytosis assay. Based on these results, phagocytic activity of peritoneal neutrophils may be a useful endpoint in immunotoxicologic studies to evaluate the impact of environmental contaminants on innate defense mechanisms in urodele amphibians.  相似文献   

Bos DH  DeWoody JA 《Immunogenetics》2005,57(10):775-781
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II genes are usually among the most polymorphic in vertebrate genomes because of their critical role (antigen presentation) in immune response. Prior to this study, the MHC was poorly characterized in tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum), but the congeneric axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is thought to have an unusual MHC. Most notably, axolotl class II genes lack allelic variation and possess a splice variant without a full peptide binding region (PBR). The axolotl is considered immunodeficient, but it is unclear how or to what extent MHC genetics and immunodeficiency are interrelated. To study the evolution of MHC genes in urodele amphibians, we describe for the first time an expressed polymorphic class II gene in wild tiger salamanders. We sequenced the PBR of a class II gene from wild A. tigrinum (n=33) and identified nine distinct alleles. Observed heterozygosity was 73%, and there were a total of 46 polymorphic sites, most of which correspond to amino acid positions that bind peptides. Patterns of nucleotide substitutions exhibit the signature of diversifying selection, but no recombination was detected. Not surprisingly, transspecies evolution of tiger salamander and axolotl class II alleles was apparent. We have no direct data on the immunodeficiency of tiger salamanders, but the levels of polymorphism in our study population should suffice to bind a variety of foreign peptides (unlike axolotls). Our tiger salamander data suggest that the monomorphism and immunodeficiencies associated with axolotl class II genes is a relict of their unique historical demography, not their phylogenetic legacy. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

We have begun a comparative study of pigment patterns and their mechanisms of formation in ambystomatid salamanders in an attempt to elucidate the evolution of these traits in this family. In Ambystoma t. tigrinum, the migration of the prospective pigment cells was followed by using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy combined with markers (dopa incubation for detecting melanophores, ammonia-induced pterin fluorescence for detecting xanthophores). The pigment pattern resulting from the cell migration shares features both with the alternating vertical xanthophore and melanophore bars of A. mexicanum and the horizontal stripes of certain salamandrids and ambystomatids. The pigment pattern of A. t. tigrinum is interpreted here as an intermediate evolutionary step between a primitive horizontal stripe pattern and a derived vertical bar pattern. The initiation of pigment pattern formation resembles the situation in A. mexicanum, probably reflecting the close phylogenetic relationship between the two taxa.  相似文献   

J. R. Holomuzki 《Oecologia》1986,71(1):142-148
Summary Survivorship and growth of larval tiger salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, in the White Mountains of east-central Arizona were compared in six microhabitats using field enclosures during summers, 1983–85. Microhabitats were vegetated and nonvegetated shallows, surface, middle, and bottom horizontal layers of limnetic areas, and the vertical limnetic water column. Initial enclosure densities (0.025 larvae per 1) were identical among microhabitats. Three enclosures were placed in each microhabitat in two ponds. Larval survivorship and growth were usually greatest in vegetated shallows in lowest in middle and bottom limnetic enclosures, despite several population dieoffs. Lower fitness, as reflected in survivorship and growth, in these latter enclosures was correlated with lower food levels, temperatures, and oxygen concentrations in deeper limnetic areas. Relative fitness varied greatly between years while food levels, temperatures, and oxygen concentrations within microhabitats remained relatively constant indicating additional factors affected fitness. Disparities in fitness between microhabitats apparently affect habitat use patterns of larvae.  相似文献   

Population declines caused by natural and anthropogenic factors can quickly erode genetic diversity in natural populations. In this study, we examined genetic variation within 10 tiger salamander populations across northern Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Montana, USA using eight microsatellite loci. We tested for the genetic signature of population decline using heterozygosity excess, shifts in allele frequencies, and low ratios of allelic number to allelic size range (M-ratios). We found different results among the three tests. All 10 populations had low M-ratios, five had shifts in allele frequencies and only two had significant heterozygosity excesses. These results support theoretical expectations of different temporal signatures among bottleneck tests and suggest that both historical fish stocking, recent, sustained drought, and possibly an emerging amphibian disease have contributed to declines in effective population size.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of feeding behaviour was studied quantitatively in the tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum , to elucidate the relative importance of morphological and environmental changes on form and function. High-speed films of prey capture provided data for a frame-by-frame analysis of seven kinematic parameters of feeding behaviour. By comparing underwater feeding of larval and metamorphosed individuals, the effect of morphological changes occurring at metamorphosis on the feeding kinematic pattern was determined. By comparing metamorphosed animals feeding in the water and on land, changes in feeding kinematics associated with the environmental transition (and thus the differing physical properties of water and air) were determined. Both univariate and multivariate analyses failed to demonstrate any differences between larval and metamorphosed aquatic feedings for seven kinematic variables. However, when individuals feed on land, a radical shift in hyoid kinematics was observed. In addition, multivariate analysis showed that terrestrial feedings differed from aquatic feedings in having longer duration head movements. The lack of a kinematic difference between larval and metamorphosed individuals feeding in the water indicates that the morphological changes occurring at metamorphosis do not impose any obligatory kinematic consequences. Rather, metamorphosed Ambystoma tigrinum acquire the ability to modulate their kinematic pattern depending on the environment.  相似文献   

The ability of an individual to escape predators is an important component of fitness. Several adaptive explanations of body shape variation in amphibians hypothesize relationships between swimming performance and morphology, but these ideas have rarely been tested. Here we investigate bivariate and multivariate relationships between natural variation in morphology and performance. We used high-speed video to examine fast-starts associated with escape responses in small tiger salamander larvae (Ambystoma tigrinum). Our results indicate that performance is influenced by interactions among aspects of morphology, physiology, and behavior. Relationships between morphometric variables and velocity could be detected with multivariate, but not bivariate statistical analyses. In particular, relationships between morphology and velocity depend on tail beat frequency (potentially a measure of effort or vigor). Relationships between morphology and acceleration were detected with bivariate analyses, but multivariate analysis suggests that acceleration performance, too, depends on interactions between morphology and tail beat frequency. We found a positive relationship between tail area and propulsive performance, which supports adaptive interpretations of variation in larval tail shape within and between amphibian species.  相似文献   

The enzyme, xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH), has been examined in Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum with respect to its role in pigmentation. It now seems probable that the melanoid gene (m) either codes directly for XDH or is somehow intimately connected with the normal function of this enzyme. Inhibition of XDH using the drug, allopurinol, results in animals which appear to be phenocopies of melanoid mutants as described for the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). The effects of allopurinol in terms of specific pigmentary alterations were examined, and a new method for analyzing heterogeneous extracts of skin pigments (e.g., purines and pteridines) is presented. The significance of the link between XDH and melanism is discussed with emphasis on possible mechanisms of pigment induction and general applicability to biological systems.  相似文献   

The Arizona tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, is a developmentally polymorphic species. Some individuals become sexually mature while retaining some larval traits (paedomorphs), while other individuals mature as metamorphosed salamanders. In this study, relative enzyme activities of the products of two duplicate loci in each of three enzyme systems (aconitase, malate dehydrogenase, and isocitrate dehydrogenase) were measured in paedomorphs and in paedomorphs forced to metamorphose by treatment with thyroxine. We found that thyroxine and laboratory conditions affect enzyme activities of four of the six enzymes examined and that activities of products of duplicate loci are altered to different degrees.  相似文献   

Temperature strongly influenced percent mortality and time to death of salamanders exposed to the Ambystoma tigrinum virus (iridovirus) (ATV). Most salamanders survived when exposed at 26 degrees C, whereas all died at 18 degrees C and nearly all died at 10 degrees C. Some asymptomatic salamanders that survived 60 d at 10 or 26 degrees C were found to be carrying virus. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirmed the presence of virus in ATV-exposed salamanders but was found to be less sensitive than cell culture in detecting ATV at low concentrations. PCR products were 100% identical to ATV in the major capsid protein sequence. Virus titer was higher in salamanders held at 10 degrees C than at 18 degrees C but little virus, if any, was present in the small number of salamanders that died at 26 degrees C. These results may help explain periodic viral epizootics in field populations of A. tigrinum where water temperatures fluctuate widely.  相似文献   

Among urodeles, ambystomatid salamanders are particularly amenable to genetic parentage analyses because they are explosive aggregate breeders that typically have large progeny arrays. Such analyses can lead to direct inferences about otherwise cryptic aspects of salamander natural history, including the rate of multiple mating, individual reproductive success, and the spatial distribution of clutches. In 2002, we collected eastern tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum) egg masses (> 1000 embryos) from a approximately 80 m linear transect in Indiana, USA. Embryos were genotyped at four variable microsatellite loci and the resulting progeny array data were used to reconstruct multilocus genotypes of the parental dams and sires for each egg mass. UPGMA analysis of genetic distances among embryos resolved four instances of egg mass admixture, where two or more females had oviposited at exactly the same site resulting in the mixing of independent cohorts. In total, 41 discrete egg masses were available for parentage analyses. Twenty-three egg masses (56%) consisted exclusively of full-siblings (i.e. were singly sired) and 18 (44%) were multiply sired (mean 2.6 males/clutch). Parentage could be genetically assigned to one of 17 distinct parent pairs involving at least 15 females and 14 different males. Reproductive skew was evident among males who sired multiply sired clutches. Additional evidence of the effects of sexual selection on male reproductive success was apparent via significant positive correlations between male mating and reproductive success. Females frequently partitioned their clutches into multiple discrete egg masses that were separated from one another by as many as 43 m. Collectively, these data provide the first direct evidence for polygynandry in a wild population of tiger salamanders.  相似文献   

Two groups of tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) were conditionedto respond to odorant-air mixtures of n-butyl acetate (8.9 x10–5M) or n-butyl alcohol (6.7 x l0–5M). They werethen given tests with various concentrations of the trainingodorants presented using a temporal forced-choice method ofascending limits. Results showed that reliable responses toodorant-air presentations were obtained with concentrationsof n-butyl acetate above 2.4 x l0–7M and with concentrationsof n-butyl alcohol above 8.5 x 10–8M. These results arein substantial agreement with previous dectrophysiological findings.  相似文献   

Summary Tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) trained to orient in a particular compass direction under the sun fail to orient in the trained direction if they are (i) eyeless and simultaneously have the brain covered with opaque plastic or are (ii) eyeless and pinealectomized (Fig. 1–2, Table 1). Salamanders with either the eyes or the pineal intact and unobstructed continue to orient in the trained direction. These data strongly support the hypothesis that the pineal body is an effective extraocular photoreceptor (EOP) for compass orientation in tiger salamanders.We thank M.P. Farrell for developing computer programs for data analysis. B. Bailey and R. Walton helped conduct tests. Financial support was provided for separate phases of this research by a Biomedical Science Support Grant (NIH FR 07033-05) and NSFgrants GB-30647 and BMS 75-18693 to K. Adler and an Indiana Academy of Science Research Grant, a postdoctoral fellowship (NSF GU-2058), a Miami University Research Grant and an NSF grant (GB-41102) to D.H. Taylor.  相似文献   

1. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity was determined fluorometrically in tissues of adult mudpuppies, and pre- (young) and post- (adult) metamorphic tiger salamanders. 2. From responses to specific inhibitors it was determined that 95% activity was MAO type A in all tissues. 3. In young salamanders MAO activity was greater in brain and intestine of males than of females, and was considerably higher in kidney of both sexes and in intestine of males compared to adults. 4. MAO activity was distributed differently in the mudpuppy compared to the salamander. Intestine and liver contained high activity and brain had relatively little MAO activity compared to salamander. 5. The apparent Michaelis constant of MAO activity in the different groups and tissues was generally similar, suggesting a similarity of the MAO molecule.  相似文献   

The peripheral projections of the nervus terminalis (NT) have been difficult to examine due to the weak immunoreactivity of the processes to various antibodies. We performed two experimental manipulations in the tiger salamander in an attempt to increase the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-immunoreactive (LHRH-ir) labelling in the peripheral processes of the NT: 1) the NT was sectioned centrally, or 2) a 100 mg melatonin pellet was embedded subcutaneously for 3 days prior to sacriffice. Following these manipulations, animals were sacrifficed and tissue was processed with standard immunocytochemical techniques for the analysis of the distribution of LHRH-ir processes. In the nasal cavity, LHRH-ir fibers were observed projecting 1) into the rostral olfactory epithelium, 2) to Bowman's glands in the lamina propria of the rostromedial olfactory mucosa and ventrolateral mucosa between the main nasal cavity and Jacobson's organ, 3) into the naris constrictor muscle, and 4) along the palatine nerves and ganglia. These lesion and hormone manipulations have enabled the detection of peripheral projections of the NT not observed previously with immunocytochemical procedures alone. The wide distribution of LHRH-ir NT processes in the nasal cavity and cranium suggests that this nerve may influence many different cranial structures during appropriate pheromonal or neuroendocrine events.  相似文献   

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