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Conditions in fen meadows in Dutch stream valleys are influenced by both deep (Ca2+-rich) and shallow (Ca2+-poor) groundwater flows. The distribution patterns of phreatophytic (groundwater-influenced) plant species showed distinct relationships with the distribution of different groundwater types. Large fluctuations in the ionic composition of groundwater were observed in the upper peat layers of drained areas. Ca2+-rich groundwater was replaced by precipitation water to a considerable depth (1–1.5 m). These fluctuations in groundwater composition were less pronounced in undrained areas.It was observed that characteristic species of fen meadow communities and rare phreatophytic species were restricted to areas with high water tables, which were nourished by either Ca2+-poor or by Ca2+-rich groundwater. Few species showed a preference for drained areas, where replacement of groundwater types gave rise to the occurrence of an intermediate groundwater type, which was thought to be the result of an increased acidification of the top soil (increased influence of infiltration water).It was argued that the endangered species were best preserved in areas with an undisturbed discharge of natural groundwater flows.Abbreviations EC = Electrical conductivity  相似文献   

In a eutrophic peat bog impregnated with mineral springs in the Carpathians, where the glacial relics Swertia perennis and Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum have earlier been shown to occupy different microhabitats, an analysis of the relationships of these species with accompanying species has been made on the basis of numerous quadrats and a correlation method. The closest floristic associates of the two species are quite different, and the results of this analysis are broadly in agreement with subjective assignments made earlier by phytosociologists.Nomenclature follows T. G. Tutin & V. H. Heywood (eds.), Flora Europaea, Vols. I–V. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980 for Cormophyta and R. van der Wijk (ed.), Index Muscorum, Vols. I, II. Utrecht, 1959, 1962 for Bryophyta.  相似文献   

Abstract. The predictability of early primary succession in post‐mining landscapes of eastern Germany was studied at sites 5–70 yr following dumping. This chronosequence was investigated using indirect ordination methods. The position of the vegetation types in the ordination diagram was found not to infer any temporal sequence. Independent observations show that the change of vegetation type is slow and does not necessarily occur among types adjacent in the ordination diagram. Furthermore, direct ordination revealed that environmental parameters such as pH, the levels of available phosphate and organic carbon as well as the age of the study sites do not significantly account for the variance. Instead, attention needs to be paid to the influence of spatial aspects and also what recultivation measures have been carried out. A detailed account of the vegetation dynamics of individual sample plots showed ‐ depending on the respective vegetation type ‐ divergence, convergence, and fluctuation at the smallest spatial scale. While the species richness of the sample plots remained more or less constant after initial colonization, mean vegetation cover continuously increases with age, although some sites still remain free of vegetation after as long as 70 yr. No general trend in dominant life forms was indicated. A conceptual model of early succession mechanisms is outlined and five basic mechanisms are identified (i.e. site availability, site suitability, availability of diaspores, strategies of colonizing species and biotic interactions). Their respective importance in three different stages of early succession is estimated and compared. The predictability of vegetation dynamics at each stage is rated differently.  相似文献   

清澜红树林保护区位于海南岛东北部文昌市境内,为全面了解其植物多样性,对其各类植被进行了调查。共记录到维管植物172种,隶属于62科148属。其中真红树植物24种,占全省真红树(26种)的92.31%,占全国(28种)的85.71%,占全世界(86种)的27.91%;在4040 m2样地内,共记录到高度1.5 m以上的红树植物29种3670株,其中重要值最高的为海桑Sonneratis caseolaris,其次是海莲Bruguiera sexangula,两者重要值依次是12.90和12.33;但在个体数量上,角果木Ceriops tagal和红海榄Rhizophora stylosa占优势。清澜港红树林保护区自然植被具体划分为1个植被类型组、1个植被类型、2个群系组和12个群系。经过19年的演变,木榄Bruguiera gymnorrhiza和水椰Nypa fruticans群落消失,瓶花木Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea群落也破碎成零星分布,新出现了木果楝Xylocarpus granatum群落,其他如海桑Sonneratia caseolaris等群落则继续保持稳定,变化很小。  相似文献   

Hydro-ecological analysis of the Biebrza mire (Poland)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vegetation composition and structure of 58 sites along gradients in the valley mire of Biebrza, Poland, are related to physical and chemical variables of groundwater and peat. The three most prominent hydrochemical processes in the valley are (a) dissolution of calcite; (b) dissolution of iron, manganese and aluminium; and (c) enrichment with nitrogen and potassium. Major factors determining these processes are vertical flow of the groundwater and river flooding.Within the rheophilous zone of the mire, calcium-richness of the shallow groundwater and base-saturation of the peat are caused by upward seepage of groundwater originating from adjacent higher grounds. This groundwater movement keeps the larger part of the mire saturated with calcium.Good correlations exist between hydrochemistry and vegetation patterns. Groundwater-fed sites support a characteristic rich fen vegetation (Caricetum limoso-diandrae) with a low biomass production. The flood-plain vegetation consists of highly-productive communities of Glycerietum maximae and Caricetum elatae. In a belt in the Upper Basin where neither flooding nor upward seepage occurs, succession, probably caused by intensified drainage, leads to a dwarf-shrub vegetation (Betuletum humilis; poor fen).  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the effects of fen rewetting on carabid beetle and vascular plant assemblages within riverine fens along the river Peene in north‐eastern Germany. Drained (silage grassland), rewetted (restored formerly drained silage grassland), and near‐natural (fairly pristine) stands were compared. Eighty‐four beetle species (7,267 individuals) and 135 plant species were recorded. The richness of vascular plant species and the number of endangered species were highest on near‐natural fens. Fourteen years of rewetting did not increase plant species numbers compared with drained fens. For carabid beetles, however, species richness and the number of stenotopic species were highest on rewetted fens. Rewetting caused the replacement of generalist carabids by wetland specialists, but did not provide suitable habitat for specialist fen carabids or for plant species of oligo‐ or mesotrophic fen communities. Therefore, raising the water table on fens with nutrient‐rich, degraded peat was not sufficient for restoring species assemblages of intact fens, although water level was the most important environmental factor separating species assemblages. Our study illustrated that insects and plants may respond differentially to restoration, stressing the need to consider different taxa when assessing the efficiency of fen restoration. Furthermore, species assemblages of intact fens could not be restored within 14 years, highlighting the importance of conserving pristine habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the former brown coal mining area of eastern Germany, now scheduled as a nature conservation area, an analysis of the spatial distribution of vegetation was considered as an important tool in landscape planning. Therefore a comprehensive vegetation survey by means of satellite imagery (Landsat-TM), airborne imagery (CASI), and ground-based methods, notably habitat mapping and vegetation sampling was carried out. With respect to the scales of resolution the classification results of the four methods are, to a certain degree, comparable. Differences in the outcome can be ascribed to the fact that methods of low resolution result in a discrete array of polygons whereas methods of high resolution depict a mosaic structure with an underlying, continuously changing gradient. Provided that the biological meaning of the remote sensing classification is known, a shift from single vegetation patterns to the landscape scale will be possible. Neither satellite nor airborne imagery is restricted to the purpose of mapping but may also serve for vegetation classification itself.  相似文献   

A pollen diagram from the Ahlequellmoor in the Solling area shows the history of vegetation and settlement over the last 7,800 years. In the early Atlantic period mixed deciduous forest with mainly Tilia together with Ulmus and Quercus grew in the area. In the late Atlantic period Quercus became most abundant. Fagus spread in the Sub-boreal period at about 2700 B.C. Since ca. 900 B.C. the Solling was covered by beech forests with some oak. In prehistoric times woodland grazing is indicated. Only in Medieval times are two settlements in the vicinity of the Ahlequellmoor reflected in the pollen diagram. The earlier one is dated to about A.D. 750–1020, and may be connected with the former Monastery of Hethis, which is thought to have existed close to the fen from A.D. 815 to 822. The second Medieval settlement dates to the 11th–12th century. The large-scale woodland destruction of late Medieval and modern times is not clearly visible. The silvicultural measures of the last 200 years are reflected by increasing values of spruce and grassland taxa.  相似文献   

Questions: Does plant species richness and composition of eastern Mediterranean dwarf shrubland (phrygana) correlate with soil pH? How important is the effect of pH on species diversity in relation to other environmental factors in this ecosystem? What is the evolutionary background of the diversity–pH relationship? Location: Western Crete, Greece. Methods: Species composition of vascular plants, soil and other environmental variables were sampled in 100‐m2 plots on acidic and basic bedrock in phrygana vegetation. The relationships between species composition and environmental variables (including climate) were tested using canonical correspondence analysis, and relationships between species richness and environment using correlation and regression analyses. Data were analysed separately for different plant functional types based on life form and life span. Results: Although soil pH varied across a narrow range (5.9‐8.1), species composition changed significantly along the pH gradient within all plant functional types. For most functional types, the effect of soil pH on species composition was stronger than that of other environmental variables. Species richness of annuals, geophytes and suffruticose chamaephytes increased with soil pH, while richness of hemicryptophytes and shrubs was not correlated with pH. Conclusions: The results are consistent with the evolutionary species pool hypothesis. High numbers of calcicole annuals, geophytes and suffruticose chamaephytes may be a result of the evolution of these groups on base‐rich dry soils in the Mediterranean climate. In contrast, hemicryptophytes, a life form typical of the temperate zone, evolved on both acidic and basic soils and therefore their species numbers do not respond to soil pH across the narrow range studied. The lack of a relationship between shrub species richness and pH is difficult to explain: it may reflect the more diverse or older origin of Mediterranean woody species and their conservative niches.  相似文献   

The subalpine vegetation structure of Mt. Vysokaya, the Central Sikhote-Alin, is described. This vegetation consists mainly of subalpine spruce-fir forest, a complex of subalpine meadows, shrubs, groves of Betula lanata (B. ermanii s.l.), krummholz of Pinus pumila and alpine tundras. Significant disturbances in the vegetation structure were noted, especially in the forest-tundra ecotone accompanying a sharp reduction of the belts of Betula lanata and Pinus pumila. The altitudinal level of the upper timberline reaches 1600 m a.s.l. which is 250 m less than the expected altitude calculated by Kira's warmth index. An undergrowth of scattered trees of Picea and Betula are growing up to the mountain top. Based on these data and a review of the literature, we concluded that a catastrophic lowering of the timberline and devastation of the subalpine vegetation belt occurred several centuries ago, probably as result of fires.  相似文献   

The paper presents vegetation and climate reconstructions for Eemian and Early Weichselian in Central Europe based on detailed pollen data of the Klinge section. The sediments exposed in this profile were accumulated from the Saalian termination up to the Early Weichselian glaciation. A succession of forest communities, typical for the Eemian interglacial has been recorded. Pollen data indicate some oscillations during the very end of the Eemian (biozone E7). The climatic reconstructions show the heat supply rising gradually from the beginning of the interglacial to its middle part. A long-term cooling trend in January temperature was reconstructed for the second half of the interglacial. The difference between the optimum (zone E4b) and Pinus-Picea-Abies zone (E6) amounts to 4 °C, during the Pinus zone (E7) the temperature further decreased by 8 °C. The changes in July temperature were not so dramatic (about 3 °C).  相似文献   

Pollen analysis was carried out on the sediments of 10 lakes in eastern Holstein. Sediment accumulation rates varied considerably both from lake to lake and also between respective periods. Increases in sediment accumulation rate often coincide with the Neolithic settlement periods. Faunal remains have been examined from two of these lakes (cf. Günther 1983; Hofmann 1983).  相似文献   

罗艳  刘申  傅声雷  王春林  周国逸 《生态学报》2009,29(7):4005-4015
根据河流颗粒有机碳浓度(CPOC)、溶解有机碳浓度(CDOC)与河流总悬浮物含量(CTSS)和流量(Q)的关系,构建广东省北江流域河流有机碳浓度估算模型分别为:CPOC=0.0195×CTSS+0.0589和CDOC = 0.0047×CTSS+0.0027×Q+0.9087.由上述模型重建了北江流域河流有机碳浓度变化历史,结果发现,北江流域河流有机碳主要以颗粒有机碳形式存在;年内分布表现为汛期高于平水期;年际变化多样,但总体上均表现出下降趋势;空间分布上表现为自上游往下有机碳浓度有所下降,但在三水站有所回升.  相似文献   

High-resolution Holocene pollen profiles from lakes Großer Krebssee and Felchowsee, in the Lower Oder valley, north-eastern Germany, are presented. The Großer Krebssee profile includes a Late-glacial sequence. These investigations have been carried out in the context of a programme of archaeological excavation. AMS radiocarbon dates (26 in all) based on pollen concentrates have been used to provide a chronology for the pollen records. Holocene forest history and human impact are reconstructed for contrasting landscapes, namely, the Neuenhagener Oderinsel in the Lower Oderbruch (Großer Krebssee profile) and the more fertile Uckermärker Hügelland (Felchowsee profile) that lies immediately to the north. Both landscapes were glaciated during the Pomeranian stage of the Weichselian. New information on the spread of trees, includingTilia, Fagus and Carpinus, at both regional and local level, is presented. Five major phases of intensive human activity are recognised, the most intensive activity of the prehistoric period occurring in the Neolithic (Großer Krebssee profile). Differences between the records is explained in terms of local habitat, especially edaphic conditions, settlement history and also the pollen source area, the profile from the much larger Felchowsee lake providing a record of environmental change that is more regional in character.  相似文献   

从植物群落组成和结构的角度研究森林群落的演替规律,是探究森林群落的退化与恢复过程及相关机制的重要途径,对于指导天然林保护和恢复具有重要理论价值和实践意义。2018年,对面积为9.6 hm~2的武夷山亚热带常绿阔叶林样地进行了第2轮调查,并从重要值、物种多度、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson指数、Margalef丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数、死亡率、补员率、种群大小变化率、相对适合度、胸径变异系数等角度分析了乔木层群落动态。结果表明:2018年的乔木个体为48科88属174种,较2013年增加了1种。Margalef丰富度指数上升,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson指数、Pielou均匀度指数均略有下降。DBH≥1 cm的乔木个体从68336个减少到63897个,共死亡7430个个体,补员2991个个体。群落的年死亡率为2.30%,年补员率为0.96%,种群大小变化率为-1.34%,相对适合度为0.42。群落的平均胸径从5.02(±0.02) cm上升为5.49(±0.03) cm。28个重要值之和由71.92%下降为71.81...  相似文献   

Variations of tree species composition and community structure and their relationship with environmental variables are described for five sites of the Atlantic rain forest in Picinguaba, southeastern Brazil, distributed along an elevation gradient sampled by plots located at the altitudes of 2, 100, 300, 600 and 1000 m a.s.l. Sampled trees with DBH ≥ 5 cm were identified to species level and their diameter and height were measured. Environmental variables obtained for each plot included 11 topsoil variables and altitude. The residuals of all linear models were tested for spatial structure and multivariate analyses were performed to seek for relationships between the overall species’ abundances and selected environmental variables. Although both forest physiognomy and species’ abundances did change with altitude, this was clearly sharp only from the coastal plain (2 m) to 100 m, and from 600 m to the summit (1000 m). The three mid-slope sites (100, 300 and 600 m) were rather undifferentiated, though they were richer in species and had taller canopy trees. The altitude and the edaphic variables silt, clay, pH and total exchangeable bases (TEB) presented significant correlations with the variations in species’ abundances, while only pH and TEB were significantly correlated with species richness. The present study demonstrates for the first time that the composition and structure of Atlantic Forest can change accompanying the soil and altitude variations over short distances.  相似文献   

We inferred past climate conditions from lacustrine sediments intercalated in Weichselian Early Glacial and Early Pleniglacial fluvial and aeolian sediments, exposed in two opencast lignite mines from the Niederlausitz area (eastern Germany). A chronology was established using radiocarbon and luminescence dating methods. Both lithology and chironomid fauna indicate that the former shallow lakes were situated on a floodplain. Palaeotemperature estimates calculated from the fossil chironomid-assemblages of the Early Glacial lacustrine deposit indicate mean July air temperatures of ca. 15 °C, which is in line with results derived in earlier studies from the Niederlausitz area and from northwestern Europe. The Early Pleniglacial lacustrine deposits consist of an organic-rich gyttja, intercalated with sand and silt lenses. The chironomid-assemblages show that a shallow meso- to eutrophic lake was present at the study site, and chironomid-inferred palaeotemperature estimates indicate an abrupt decline in July air temperatures from 15–16 °C to ca. 13 °C. In combination with other proxies from the same record, this suggests a Dansgaard/Oeschger like climate event.  相似文献   

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