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Cell division, net Na+-K+ and amino-acid transport of cultured Ehrlich ascites is reversibly inhibited by Ouabain at a final concentration of 1 × 10–3M. A line of Ehrlich ascites cells resistant to the growth inhibiting effects of Ouabain has been developed. These cells behave similarly to Ouabain-sensitive cells in the following respects doubling time, S phase time, chromosome number, cell surface charge density, rate of incorporation of C14 Uridine and 3H-Thymidine, sensitivity to Digoxin and Digitoxin, steady state Na+, K+ levels and rate of loss of K+ and gain of Na+ in cold. Ouabain resistant cells differ from sensitive cells only with respect to the effect of ouabain on active Na+, K+ transport. Although Ouabain inhibits active Na+, K+ transport in sensitive cells it has no significant effect in resistant cells.  相似文献   



Vancomycin resistant enterococci are a frequent cause of nosocomial infections and their presence among farm animals is unwanted. Using media supplemented with vancomycin an increase in the proportion of samples from Swedish broilers positive for vancomycin resistant enterococci has been detected. The situation at farm level is largely unknown. The aims of this study were to obtain baseline knowledge about environmental contamination with vancomycin resistant enterococci in Swedish broiler production and the association between environmental contamination and colonisation of birds.  相似文献   

The uptake of nystatin by protoplasts derived from sensitive and resistant cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been studied as a function of nystatin concentration, temperature and pH. The presence or absence of glucose in the uptake experiments was also studied. Activation energies (Ea) for nystatin uptake revealed profound differences between protoplasts derived from sensitive and resistant cells. Those for the latter closely resembled their whole cell counterparts. The values of Ea for the uptake of nystatin under all the conditions studied indicate the importance of the cell wall in the uptake process.  相似文献   

The level of an antibiotic capable of inhibiting the etiological agent at the site of infection is an essential prerequisite for successful antibiotic therapy. In some cases, locally applied antibiotics may compensate for limitations of systemic administration and shorten systemic therapy. We aimed at verifying to what extent vancomycin (Van) bound to ground bone grafts is usable in the treatment of serious infections. The levels of released Van significantly exceeded the Van minimum inhibitory concentration, which can suppress Van-sensitive staphylococci and Van intermediate Staphylococcus aureus, for the whole period of a 16-day measurement. Our results indicate that bone grafts can be used as Van carriers in therapy of osteomyelitis caused by Van-sensitive Staphylococcus strains.  相似文献   

Three hundred and ninety two strains of S. aureus isolated from bacteria carriers and patients with staphylococcal infections in different regions of the Soviet Union were investigated. 55.9 per cent of the isolates were able to produce exotoxin of toxic shock. No regular relation between resistance to definite antibiotics (tetracycline, chloramphenicol, benzylpenicillin, streptomycin, lincomycin, erythromycin, oleandomycin, gentamicin and methicillin) and the polyresistance range on the one hand and the ability to produce toxic shock exotoxin on the other hand was revealed.  相似文献   

Treatment of patients with malignant melanoma with interferon-alpha achieves a response in a small but significant subset of patients. Currently, although much is known about interferon biology, little is known about either the particular mechanisms of interferon-alpha activity that are crucial for response or why only some patients respond to interferon-alpha therapy. Two melanoma cell lines (MeWo and MM418) that are known to differ in their response to the antiproliferative activity of interferon-alpha, have been used as a model system to investigate interferon-alpha action. Using a proteomics approach based on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, several proteins induced in response to interferon-alpha have been identified. These include a number of gene products previously known to be type I interferon responsive (tryptophanyl tRNA synthetase, leucine aminopeptidase, ubiquitin cross-reactive protein, gelsolin, FUSE binding protein 2 and hPNPase) as well as a number of proteins not previously reported to be induced by type I interferon (cathepsin B, proteasomal activator 28alpha and alpha-SNAP). Although the proteins upregulated by interferon-alpha were common between the cell lines when examined at the level of Western blotting, the disparity in the basal level of cathepsin B was striking, raising the possibility that the higher level in MM418 may contribute to the sensitivity of this cell line to interferon-alpha treatment.  相似文献   

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