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In a preliminary cladistic analysis of the bivalve family Cardiidae (Schneider 1992), members of the subfamilies Protocardiinae, Lahilliinae, and Laevicardiinae, plus the genus Nemocardium , were found to be the least derived taxa of cardiids. A cladistic analysis is undertaken of the genera and subgenera of these cardiid taxa, plus several Mesozoic taxa which have never been assigned to any subfamily. The Late Triassic Tulongocardium , which is placed in Tulongocardiinae subfam. n., is the sister taxon to all other cardiids. Protocardiinae is restricted to the genus Protocardia. Most other Mesozoic taxa which have been placed in the Protocardiinae are found to be members of the Lahilliinae. Nemocardium is placed in the Laevicardiinae. Incacardium, Pleuriocardia , and Dochmocardia form a monophyletic group, Pleuriocardiinae subfam. n. Pleuriocardiinae, Laevicardiinae, and the remaining members of the Cardiidae (herein informally termed "cucardiids") form a monophyletic group.  相似文献   

Phaneropsolus spinicirrus n. sp., collected in a postpraziquantel treatment stool of a 44-yr-old woman from Kalasin Province in northeastern Thailand, is described. It is the second species of the genus Phaneropsolus Looss, 1899, found to parasitize a human host. It differs from the first species, Phaneropsolus bonnei Lie, 1951, in the presence of a short spinose cirrus and the structure and distribution of tegumental spines. The new species is most similar to Phaneropsolus perodictici Goodman and Panesar, 1986, isolated from the potto, Perodicticus potto, in Uganda because digeneans of both species have numerous spines on the cirrus. However, the new species differs from P. perodictici in having more conspicuous spines, the genital pore at the posterior border of the oral sucker or lateral to the pharynx, a body and internal organs of larger size, conical spines on the tegument, an ovoid to bilobed ovary and a large V-shaped excretory bladder. Phaneropsolus spinicirrus is distinguishable from other previously reported Phaneropsolus by possessing a spinose cirrus.  相似文献   

Chen, X., Huang, J. & Song, W. (2010). Ontogeny and phylogeny of Metaurostylopsis cheni sp. n. (Protozoa, Ciliophora), with estimating the systematic position of Metaurostylopsis. —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 99–111. The ciliate genus Metaurostylopsis seems to be a highly divergent marine‐habiting group, of which neither systematic position nor the variation of their ontogeny has been critically checked. In the present work, the morphology and morphogenesis during asexual division of a new form, Metaurostylopsis cheni sp. n., isolated from the Yellow Sea, China, were investigated and comparison among known congeners was performed. The new species has two types of cortical granules, the larger ones of which are flattened and oval or circular in outline with a longitudinal groove, yellow–green in colour, and arranged along the cirral rows and dorsal kineties, whereas the smaller ones are colourless or grayish and sparsely distributed. The main morphogenetic features are: (i) the entire parental ciliature, including the old oral apparatus, is renewed, (ii) the oral primordium of the proter originates de novo and beneath the surface of the buccal cavity, that is, sub‐apokinetally, (iii) the anlagen of the marginal rows and of the dorsal kineties are formed intrakinetally and (iv) fusion of the macronuclear nodules results in an irregular mass with only few branches. The small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene of M. cheni was sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis based on SSU rRNA gene sequence data shows that M. cheni clusters with all other Metaurostylopsis spp. sequenced to date indicating that the genus is monophyletic and is probably closely related to the Apokeronopsis–Thigmokeronopsis‐group, within the order Urostylida.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the morphology, morphogenesis and SSU rRNA gene-based phylogeny of Apoholosticha sinica n. g., n. sp., isolated from mangrove wetland in Shenzhen, southern China. The new genus Apoholosticha is characterized by its bipartite adoral zone, clearly differentiated frontal cirri arranged in a bicorona, midventral complex composed of midventral pairs only, one marginal cirral row on each side, presence of frontoterminal and transverse cirri, and the lack of a buccal cirrus and caudal cirri. The type species, Apoholosticha sinica n. sp. is diagnosed by the elongated body shape and two kinds of cortical granules. Its main morphogenetic features are similar to that of Pseudokeronopsis except for (1) no buccal cirrus is formed and (2) its macronuclear nodules fuse into a single mass during cell division. Phylogenetic analyses for the new taxon indicate that Apoholosticha n. g. is most closely related to Nothoholosticha and Heterokeronopsis, and falls into the family Pseudokeronopsidae within the core Urostylida clade. In addition, a species that had been misidentified in previous literature is here recognized and assigned to the new genus as Apoholosticha sepetibensis (Wanick and Silva-Neto, 2004) n. comb. (basionym: Pseudokeronopsis sepetibensis Wanick and Silva-Neto, 2004).  相似文献   

The life-cycle of Orthetrotrema monostomum, a progenetic trematode occurring in the haemocoel of dragonfly naiads is described. The snail Thiara tuberculata acts as the intermediate host. The cercaria is xiphidiocercous, monostomate and belongs to the Microcotylous group. The course of development of the cercaria into a mature adult fluke is followed in the haemocoel of dragon-fly naiads which had been exposed to cercariae. On the basis of intraspecific variations noted in the adult flukes obtained experimentally from dragon-fly naiads, O. longicaeca Hanumantha Rao & Swamy, 1975 is synonymised with O. monostomum. Evidence is provided for the inclusion of the genus Orthetrotrema in the family Eumegacetidae. The diagnosis of the family Eumegacetidae is amended.  相似文献   

The new subfamily of Cossidae; Catoptinae Yakovlev, subfam. n., well distinguished from other representatives of the family, is described. The new subfamily includes two genera: Catopta Staudinger, 1899 (type genus) and Chiangmaiana Kemal et Koçak, 2006. A catalogue of the subfamily is presented. One new synonym Catopta hyrcanus (Christoph, 1888) = Catopta brandti Bryk, 1947, syn. n., is established. The new subfamily has the following distinguishing features: short valvae; reduced processes of transtilla; vesica with numerous cornuti; pearshaped bursa copulatrix; and very short ductus bursae.  相似文献   

Based on a complex analysis of both morphological and molecular genetic data, a new subfamily of casebearer moths, Omphalopodinae subfam. n., is allocated. Omphalopoda Falkovitsh, 1987, the type genus of this subfamily, is well distinguished by a set of apomorphic morphological characters and is clearly clustered between two genetically well differentiated groups of the family Coleophoridae: Tolleophorinae and Coleophorinae + Augasminae + Ischnophaninae + Metriotinae.  相似文献   

The systematic position of the cestode Hymenolepis blarinae Rausch & Kuns, 1950, a parasite of shrews in North America, is reconsidered. The authors disagree with both Yamaguti (1959), who transferred H. blarinae to the genus Rodentolepis, and Schmidt (1986), who considered Rodentolepis to be a synonym of Vampirolepis and transferred this species to the latter genus. The morphological characters of H. blarinae, such as the shape and number of rostellar hooks, strobila size, the topography of the reproductive organs and the well-defined ornamentation of the cirrus, do not permit the allocation of this species to any known genus of hymenolepidids. Therefore, a new taxon Blarinolepis n. g., is established, with B.blarinae (Rausch & Kuns, 1950) n. comb. as the type-species. A generic diagnosis is presented and morphology of holotype of B. blarinae is redescribed and figured.  相似文献   

Pelecanema n. g. is erected for P. sirry (Khalil, 1931) n. comb., syn. Synhimantus sirry Khalil, 1931 (type-species) and P. pelecani (Johnston & Mawson, 1942) n. comb., syn. Dispharynx pelecani Johnston & Mawson, 1942. In the structure of its cordons, consisting of two rows of delicate cuticular plates, the new genus is similar to Synhimantus Railliet, Henry & Sisoff, 1912, Dispharynx Railliet, Henry & Sisoff, 1912, Chordatortilis Machado de Mendon?a & Olivera de Rodrigues, 1965 and Parachordatortilis Mutafchiev, Santoro & Georgiev, 2010. Pelecanema sirry, a parasite of Pelecanus onocrotalus L. and P. crispus Bruch (Pelecaniformes, Pelecanidae) in Africa (Egypt and Senegal) and Europe (Ukraine and Bulgaria), is redescribed using light and scanning electron microscopy on the basis of specimens from P. crispus from Bulgaria. Pelecanema pelecani, a parasite of Pelecanus conspicillatus Temminck in Australia, is also redescribed using light microscopy on the basis of specimens from its type-host and type-locality. In contrast to a previous opinion recognising Pelecanema sirry and P. pelecani as synonyms, the two species are considered distinct and P. pelecani is validated.  相似文献   

A new subfamily of carpenter moths, Stygiinae Yakovlev, subfam. n. (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) with two genera, Stygia Latreille, [1803] (type genus) and Neostygia Wiltshire, 1980, is described. A brief catalogue of all five species belonging to this subfamily is given.  相似文献   

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