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The Labridae (including wrasses, the Odacidae and the Scaridae) is a species‐rich group of perciform fishes whose members are prominent inhabitants of warm‐temperate and tropical reefs worldwide. We analyse functionally relevant morphometrics for the feeding apparatus of 130 labrid species found on the Great Barrier Reef and use these data to explore the morphological and mechanical basis of trophic diversity found in this assemblage. Morphological measurements were made that characterize the functional and mechanical properties of the oral jaws that are used in prey capture and handling, the hyoid apparatus that is used in expanding the buccal cavity during suction feeding, and the pharyngeal jaw apparatus that is used in breaking through the defences of shelled prey, winnowing edible matter from sand and other debris, and pulverizing the algae, detritus and rock mixture eaten by scarids (parrotfishes). A Principal Components Analysis on the correlation matrix of a reduced set of ten variables revealed complete separation of scarids from wrasses on the basis of the former having a small mouth with limited jaw protrusion, high mechanical advantage in jaw closing, and a small sternohyoideus muscle and high kinematic transmission in the hyoid four‐bar linkage. Some scarids also exhibit a novel four‐bar linkage conformation in the oral jaw apparatus. Within wrasses a striking lack of strong associations was found among the mechanical elements of the feeding apparatus. These weak associations resulted in a highly diverse system in which functional properties occur in many different combinations and reflect variation in feeding ecology. Among putatively monophyletic groups of labrids, the cheilines showed the highest functional diversity and scarids were moderately diverse, in spite of their reputation for being trophically monomorphic and specialized. We hypothesize that the functional and ecological diversity of labrids is due in part to a history of decoupled evolution of major components of the feeding system (i.e. oral jaws, hyoid and pharyngeal jaw apparatus) as well as among the muscular and skeletal elements of each component. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 1–25.  相似文献   

A biomechanical analysis of the talocalcaneal joint--in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A method for biomechanical analysis of bicycle pedalling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reports a new method, which enables a detailed biomechanical analysis of the lower limb during bicycling. The method consists of simultaneously measuring both the normal and tangential pedal forces, the EMGs of eight leg muscles, and the crank arm and pedal angles. Data were recorded for three male subjects of similar anthropometric characteristics. Subjects rode under different pedalling conditions to explore how both pedal forces and pedalling rates affect the biomechanics of the pedalling process. By modelling the leg-bicycle as a five bar linkage and driving the linkage with the measured force and kinematic data, the joint moment histories due to pedal forces only (i.e. no motion) and motion only (i.e. no pedal forces) were generated. Total moments were produced by superimposing the two moment histories. The separate moment histories, together with the pedal forces and EMG results, enable a detailed biomechanical analysis of bicycle pedalling. Inasmuch as the results are similar for all three subjects, the analysis for one subject is discussed fully. One unique insight gained via this new method is the functional role that individual leg muscles play in the pedalling process.  相似文献   

This investigation shows that both intracranial liquor circulation and skull biomechanical properties evaluated by its pliability (compliance) to intracranial pressure are characterised by marked interhemisphere asymmetry. The interhemisphere differences of cerebrospinal fluid mobility were evaluated by means of asymmetry coefficient (right/left ratio of liquor mobility) which was found to be 1.25-1.45 in healthy middle-age persons. For the skull pliability (compliance) the coefficient of hemispheric asymmetry was 0.75-0.95. These two hemisphere asymmetry coefficients are characterized by reciprocal relationships. These coefficients demonstrated no dominancy related to right/left hemisphere as well as no correlation with neurophysiological parameter. Functional tests (apnoea, hyperventilation, Stookey test) gave rise to significant changes of these coefficient values. At ageing, the magnitudes of these coefficients decreased. The spectral analysis of pulse waves of dopplerogram and rheoencephalogram reveals hemisphere asymmetry, too. It should be suggested that the interhemisphere asymmetry of the CSF dynamics and skull biomechanical properties is a special mechanism which contributes in the process of circulatory-metabolic support of brain activity.  相似文献   

Scaling of mandibular dimensions in male Old World monkeys was investigated. Mandibular condyle length, width, and area were regressed separately against body mass and mandibular length for a total of 14 species of Cercopithecoids. Scaling of mandibular depth and width against both body mass and mandibular length were also investigated. When results of regression analysis using the two different independent variables (body mass and mandibular length) were compared, there were significant pattern differences in scaling of cercopithecines versus colobines. Compared to body mass, male cercopithecines had relatively large mandibles (length, width, and depth) and also relatively large condyles (length, width, and area). However, compared to mandibular length, cercopithecines had relatively transversely thin and shallow mandibles and relatively narrow condyles. It is shown that a “biomechanical” interpretation of mandibular scaling patterns against body mass in Old World monkeys demonstrates only that cercopithecines have prognathic faces, an already well-known and well-documented condition. When the biomechanical effects of prognathic faces are controlled for (by scaling against mandibular length), it is shown that cercopithecines possess special adaptations in condyle length while colobines possess special adaptations in condyle width and mandibular depth and width. These results clearly demonstrate the importance of selecting a relevant reference variable in scaling studies where biomechanical interpretations are attempted.  相似文献   

The vertebrate skull evolved to protect the brain and sense organs, but with the appearance of jaws and associated forces there was a remarkable structural diversification. This suggests that the evolution of skull form may be linked to these forces, but an important area of debate is whether bone in the skull is minimised with respect to these forces, or whether skulls are mechanically "over-designed" and constrained by phylogeny and development. Mechanical analysis of diapsid reptile skulls could shed light on this longstanding debate. Compared to those of mammals, the skulls of many extant and extinct diapsids comprise an open framework of fenestrae (window-like openings) separated by bony struts (e.g., lizards, tuatara, dinosaurs and crocodiles), a cranial form thought to be strongly linked to feeding forces. We investigated this link by utilising the powerful engineering approach of multibody dynamics analysis to predict the physiological forces acting on the skull of the diapsid reptile Sphenodon. We then ran a series of structural finite element analyses to assess the correlation between bone strain and skull form. With comprehensive loading we found that the distribution of peak von Mises strains was particularly uniform throughout the skull, although specific regions were dominated by tensile strains while others were dominated by compressive strains. Our analyses suggest that the frame-like skulls of diapsid reptiles are probably optimally formed (mechanically ideal: sufficient strength with the minimal amount of bone) with respect to functional forces; they are efficient in terms of having minimal bone volume, minimal weight, and also minimal energy demands in maintenance.  相似文献   

The striking contrast in positional behavior exhibited by lorisids (slow quadrupedalism/suspension) and galagids (leaping/quadrupedalism) is well reflected in their postcranial morphology, particularly in the limbs. Although they exhibit very different spinal postures and movements, vertebral adaptations have been less well explored in these taxa. This study addressed morphological and functional differentiation in the lumbar vertebrae of four species of lorisids and five species of galagids. Linear and angular measurements of lumbar vertebrae were compared among taxa using canonical variates analysis (CVA) in conjunction with pairwise comparisons among selected variables. The results were interpreted in the context of a broader comparative sample, including the addition of indriids to the CVA. Compared to galagids, lorisids have relatively shorter lumbar spinous processes that are more perpendicularly (to caudally) oriented relative to a coronal plane. Lorisids also have relatively wider laminae and more transversely oriented prezygapophyses. These features promote lumbar stability and reflect antipronogrady, multiplane spinal movements, and upside-down suspension. Within lorisids, vertebral body length and height vary with body size, reflecting the additional resistance to bending that is required for larger body sizes. Galagid lumbar shape is influenced by body size, but does not show strong variation in accordance with positional behavior differences as defined here. Galagids, indriids, and lorisids are distinct in lumbar morphology and function, but their similarities in lumbar length reduction are suggestive of antipronograde postures in the common ancestor of the galagids, including those who have shifted to a more quadrupedal locomotor repertoire.  相似文献   

Episiotomy is still a controversy issue among physicians, despite the enormous growth of clinical research. Therefore, the potential of numerical modeling of anatomical structures to simulate biomechanical processes was exploited to realize quantitatively the real effects of the episiotomy and its consequences on the pelvic floor muscle. As such, a numerical model was used composed of pelvic floor muscles, a surface delimiting the anterior region, and a fetus body. A normal vaginal delivery without and with different episiotomies was simulated with the fetus in vertex presentation and occipitoanterior position. According to our numerical results, a mediolateral episiotomy has a protective effect, reducing the stress on the muscles, and the force required to delivery successfully up to 52.2 %. The intervention also has benefits on muscle injury, reducing the damage to a small zone. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using a computational modeling approach to study parturition, namely the capability to isolate and evaluate the mechanical significance of a single feature. It must, however, be taken into account that the numerical model does not assess problems that may occur as blood loss, infections and others, so it is necessary to examine whether the benefits of an intervention outweigh the risks.  相似文献   

One of the factors associated with the high prevalence of upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, among dental practitioners is the repeated high pinch force applied during periodontal scaling. The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between the pinch force applied during periodontal scaling and the forces generated at the tip of the tool. A linear biomechanical model that incorporated tool reaction forces and a calculated safety margin was created to predict the pinch force applied by experienced and inexperienced dentists during periodontal scaling. Six dentists and six dental students used an instrumented scaling tool while performing periodontal scaling on patients. Thumb pinch force was measured by a pressure sensor, while the forces developed at the instrument tip were measured by a six-axis load cell. A biomechanical model was used to calculate a safety factor and to predict the applied pinch force. For experienced dentists, the model was moderately successful in predicting pinch force (R(2)=0.59). For inexperienced dentists, the model failed to predict peak pinch force (R(2)=0.01). The mean safety margin was higher for inexperienced (4.88+/-1.58) than experienced (3.35+/-0.55) dentists, suggesting that students apply excessive force during scaling.  相似文献   

Although biomechanical studies of the normal rat vein wall have been reported (Weizsacker, 1988, Plante, 2002), there are no published studies that have investigated the mechanical effects of thrombus formation on murine venous tissue. In response to the lack of knowledge concerning the mechanical consequences of thrombus resolution, distinct thrombus-induced changes in the biomechanical properties of the murine vena cava were measured via biaxial stretch experiments. These data served as input for strain energy function (SEF) fitting and modeling (Gasser et al., 2006). Statistical differences were observed between healthy and diseased tissue with respect to the structural coefficient that represents the response of the non-collagenous, isotropic ground substance. Alterations following thrombus formation were also noted for the SEF coefficient which describes the anisotropic contribution of the fibers. The data indicate ligation of the vena cava leads to structural alterations in the ground substance and collagen fiber network.  相似文献   

The article provides a biomechanical analysis of ventral furrow formation in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Ventral furrow formation is the first large-scale morphogenetic movement in the fly embryo. It involves deformation of a uniform cellular monolayer formed following cellularisation, and has therefore long been used as a simple system in which to explore the role of mechanics in force generation. Here we use a quantitative framework to carry out a systematic perturbation analysis to determine the role of each of the active forces observed. The analysis confirms that ventral furrow invagination arises from a combination of apical constriction and apical-basal shortening forces in the mesoderm, together with a combination of ectodermal forces. We show that the mesodermal forces are crucial for invagination: the loss of apical constriction leads to a loss of the furrow, while the mesodermal radial shortening forces are the primary cause of the internalisation of the future mesoderm as the furrow rises. Ectodermal forces play a minor but significant role in furrow formation: without ectodermal forces the furrow is slower to form, does not close properly and has an aberrant morphology. Nevertheless, despite changes in the active mesodermal and ectodermal forces lead to changes in the timing and extent of furrow, invagination is eventually achieved in most cases, implying that the system is robust to perturbation and therefore over-determined.  相似文献   

Skull length is the measurement most commonly used as a standard against which other aspects of cranial morphology are compared to derive an index of relative size or proportions. However, skull length is composed of two different functional components, facial skull and cerebral skull, which vary independently and have different scaling relationships with body size. An analysis of carnivore skull shape with measurements standardized against basicranium length produced very different results than an analysis using skull length as the standard. For example, expressions of relative size of cranial measurements were reduced by 13% in mustelids and increased by 20% in canids, reflecting removal of jaw length (short in mustelids and long in canids) from the comparative standard (basicranial axis length). Cranial measurements scale with higher allometric exponents against basicranial axis length than against skull length.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new general method for kinematic analysis of rigid multi body systems subject to holonomic constraints. The method extends the standard analysis of kinematically determinate rigid multi body systems to the over-determinate case. This is accomplished by introducing a constrained optimisation problem with the objective function given as a function of the set of system equations that are allowed to be violated while the remaining equations define the feasible set.

We show that exact velocity and acceleration analysis can also be performed by solving linear sets of equations, originating from differentiation of the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions.

The method is applied to the analysis of an 18 degrees-of-freedom gait model where the kinematical drivers are prescribed with data from a motion capture experiment.

The results show that significant differences are obtained between applying standard kinematic analysis or minimising the least-square errors on the two fully equivalent 3D gait models with only the way the experimental data is processed being different.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new general method for kinematic analysis of rigid multi body systems subject to holonomic constraints. The method extends the standard analysis of kinematically determinate rigid multi body systems to the over-determinate case. This is accomplished by introducing a constrained optimisation problem with the objective function given as a function of the set of system equations that are allowed to be violated while the remaining equations define the feasible set. We show that exact velocity and acceleration analysis can also be performed by solving linear sets of equations, originating from differentiation of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions. The method is applied to the analysis of an 18 degrees-of-freedom gait model where the kinematical drivers are prescribed with data from a motion capture experiment. The results show that significant differences are obtained between applying standard kinematic analysis or minimising the least-square errors on the two fully equivalent 3D gait models with only the way the experimental data is processed being different.  相似文献   

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