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Li Z  Wu S  Bai X  Liu Y  Lu J  Liu Y  Xiao B  Lu X  Fan L 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(21):6088-6089
Ralstonia solanacearum is a causal agent of plant bacterial wilt with thousands of distinct strains in a heterogeneous species complex. Here we report the genome sequence of a phylotype IB strain, Y45, isolated from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) in China. Compared with the published genomes of eight strains which were isolated from other hosts and habitats, 794 specific genes and many rearrangements/inversion events were identified in the tobacco strain, demonstrating that this strain represents an important node within the R. solanacearum complex.  相似文献   

Yao J  Allen C 《Journal of bacteriology》2006,188(10):3697-3708
Ralstonia solanacearum, a soilborne plant pathogen of considerable economic importance, invades host plant roots from the soil. Qualitative and quantitative chemotaxis assays revealed that this bacterium is specifically attracted to diverse amino acids and organic acids, and especially to root exudates from the host plant tomato. Exudates from rice, a nonhost plant, were less attractive. Eight different strains from this heterogeneous species complex varied significantly in their attraction to a panel of carbohydrate stimuli, raising the possibility that chemotactic responses may be differentially selected traits that confer adaptation to various hosts or ecological conditions. Previous studies found that an aflagellate mutant lacking swimming motility is significantly reduced in virulence, but the role of directed motility mediated by the chemotaxis system was not known. Two site-directed R. solanacearum mutants lacking either CheA or CheW, which are core chemotaxis signal transduction proteins, were completely nonchemotactic but retained normal swimming motility. In biologically realistic soil soak virulence assays on tomato plants, both nonchemotactic mutants had significantly reduced virulence indistinguishable from that of a nonmotile mutant, demonstrating that directed motility, not simply random motion, is required for full virulence. In contrast, nontactic strains were as virulent as the wild-type strain was when bacteria were introduced directly into the plant stem through a cut petiole, indicating that taxis makes its contribution to virulence in the early stages of host invasion and colonization. When inoculated individually by soaking the soil, both nontactic mutants reached the same population sizes as the wild type did in the stems of tomato plants just beginning to wilt. However, when tomato plants were coinoculated with a 1:1 mixture of a nontactic mutant and its wild-type parent, the wild-type strain outcompeted both nontactic mutants by 100-fold. Together, these results indicate that chemotaxis is an important trait for virulence and pathogenic fitness in this plant pathogen.  相似文献   

Legumes carry out special biochemical functions, e.g. the fixation of molecular nitrogen based on a symbiosis with proteobacteria. At the cellular level, this symbiosis has to be implemented into the energy metabolism of the host cell. To provide a basis for future analyses, we have characterized the protein complement of mitochondria of the model legume Medicago truncatula using two-dimensional isoelectric focussing (IEF) and blue-native (BN)-SDS-PAGE. While the IEF reference map resulted mainly in resolution of those proteins associated with the mitochondrial matrix, the BN proteomic map allowed separation of protein subunits from the respiratory chain protein complexes, which are located in the organelle's inner membrane. The M. truncatula mitochondrial BN reference map revealed some striking similarities to the one from Arabidopsis thaliana but at the same time exhibited also some special features: complex II is of increased abundance and additionally represented by a low molecular mass form not reported for Arabidopsis. Furthermore three highly abundant forms of prohibitin complexes are present in the mitochondrial proteome of M. truncatula. Special features with respect to mitochondrial protein complexes might reflect adaptations of legumes to elevated cellular energy requirements enabling them to develop symbiotic interactions with rhizobial bacteria.  相似文献   

Primary root growth in the absence or presence of exogenous NO(3)(-) was studied by a quantitative genetic approach in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population of Medicago truncatula. A quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 5 appeared to be particularly relevant because it was seen in both N-free medium (LOD score 5.7; R(2)=13.7) and medium supplied with NO(3)(-) (LOD score, 9.5; R(2)=21.1) which indicates that it would be independent of the general nutritional status. Due to its localization exactly at the peak of this QTL, the putative NRT1-NO(3)(-) transporter (Medtr5g093170.1), closely related to Arabidopsis AtNRT1.3, a putative low-affinity nitrate transporter, appeared to be a significant candidate involved in the control of primary root growth and NO(3)(-) sensing. Functional characterization in Xenopus oocytes using both electrophysiological and (15)NO(3)(-) uptake approaches showed that Medtr5g093170.1, named MtNRT1.3, encodes a dual-affinity NO(3)(-) transporter similar to the AtNRT1.1 'transceptor' in Arabidopsis. MtNRT1.3 expression is developmentally regulated in roots, with increasing expression after completion of germination in N-free medium. In contrast to members of the NRT1 superfamily characterized so far, MtNRT1.3 is environmentally up-regulated by the absence of NO(3)(-) and down-regulated by the addition of the ion to the roots. Split-root experiments showed that the increased expression stimulated by the absence of NO(3)(-) was not the result of a systemic signalling of plant N status. The results suggest that MtNRT1.3 is involved in the response to N limitation, which increases the ability of the plant to acquire NO(3)(-) under N-limiting conditions.  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt, caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, is a serious disease of tobacco in North and South Carolina. In contrast, the disease rarely occurs on tobacco in Georgia and Florida, although bacterial wilt is a common problem on tomato. We investigated whether this difference in disease incidence could be explained by qualitative characteristics of avirulence gene avrA in the R. solanacearum population in the southeastern United States. Sequence analysis established that wild-type avrA has a 792-bp open reading frame. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of avrA from 139 R. solanacearum strains generated either 792-bp or approximately 960-bp DNA fragments. Strains that elicited a hypersensitive reaction (HR) on tobacco contained the 792-bp allele, and were pathogenic on tomato and avirulent on tobacco. All HR-negative strains generated a approximately 960-bp DNA fragment, and wilted both tomato and tobacco. The DNA sequence of avrA in six HR-negative strains revealed the presence of one of two putative miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs): a 152-bp MITE between nucleotides 542 and 543, or a 170-bp MITE between nucleotides 461 and 462 or 574 and 575. Southern analysis suggested that the 170-bp MITE is unique to strains from the southeastern United States and the Caribbean. Mutated avrA alleles were present in strains from 96 and 75% of North and South Carolina sites, respectively, and only in 13 and 0% of the sites in Georgia and Florida, respectively. Introduction of the wildtype allele on a plasmid into four HR-negative strains reduced their virulence on both tobacco and tomato. Inactivation of avrA in an HR-positive, avirulent strain, resulted in a mutant that was weakly virulent on tobacco. Thus, the incidence of bacterial wilt of tobacco in the southeastern United States is partially explained by which avrA allele dominates the local R. solanacearum population.  相似文献   

We report the cloning and characterization of two lectin genes from Medicago truncatula, designated Mtlec1 and Mtlec2. The two genes show a high degree of homology and apparently belong to a small multigene family. Mtlec1 appears to encode a functional lectin with 277 amino acids, whereas Mtlec2 is probably non-functional, since a frameshift mutation (insertion of two nucleotides) leads to premature translation termination after only 98 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of the polypeptide MtLEC1 suggests that this lectin is a metalloprotein with Glc/Man specificity.  相似文献   

To identify secreted virulence factors involved in bacterial wilt disease caused by the phytopathogen Ralstonia solanacearum, we mutated tatC, a key component of the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) secretion system. The R. solanacearum tatC mutation was pleiotropic; its phenotypes included defects in cell division, nitrate utilization, polygalacturonase activity, membrane stability, and growth in plant tissue. Bioinformatic analysis of the R. solanacearum strain GMI1000 genome predicted that this pathogen secretes 70 proteins via the Tat system. The R. solanacearum tatC strain was severely attenuated in its ability to cause disease, killing just over 50% of tomato plants in a naturalistic soil soak assay where the wild-type parent killed 100% of the plants. This result suggested that elements of the Tat secretome may be novel bacterial wilt virulence factors. To identify contributors to R. solanacearum virulence, we cloned and mutated three genes whose products are predicted to be secreted by the Tat system: RSp1521, encoding a predicted AcvB-like protein, and two genes, RSc1651 and RSp1575, that were identified as upregulated in planta by an in vivo expression technology screen. The RSc1651 mutant had wild-type virulence on tomato plants. However, mutants lacking either RSp1521, which appears to be involved in acid tolerance, or RSp1575, which encodes a possible amino acid binding protein, were significantly reduced in virulence on tomato plants. Additional bacterial wilt virulence factors may be found in the Tat secretome.  相似文献   

Many species of rhizobial bacteria can invade their plant hosts and induce development of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing nodules only if they are able to produce an acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS) with certain structural and molecular weight characteristics.13 Sinorhizobium meliloti that produces the functional form of the exopolysaccharide succinoglycan induces formation of invasion structures called infection threads in the root hair cells of its plant hosts alfalfa and Medicago truncatula. However, S. meliloti mutants that cannot produce succinoglycan are not able to induce infection thread formation, resulting in an early arrest of nodule development and in nitrogen starvation of the plant. Mounting evidence has suggested that succinoglycan acts as a signal to these host plants to permit the entry of S. meliloti. Now, our microarray screen and functional category analysis of differentially-expressed genes show that M. truncatula plants inoculated with wild type S. meliloti receive a signal to increase their translation capacity, alter their metabolic activity and prepare for invasion, while those inoculated with a succinoglycan-deficient mutant do not receive this signal, and also more strongly express plant defense genes.Key words: nitrogen fixation, nodule, succinoglycan, microarray, legume, rhizobial bacteria, Sinorhizobium meliloti, Medicago truncatula, infection thread, root hair  相似文献   

Xu J  Zheng HJ  Liu L  Pan ZC  Prior P  Tang B  Xu JS  Zhang H  Tian Q  Zhang LQ  Feng J 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(16):4261-4262
Ralstonia solanacearum strain Po82, a phylotype IIB/sequevar 4 strain, was found to be pathogenic to both solanaceous plants and banana. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of Po82 and its comparison with seven published R. solanacearum genomes.  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt of potato caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is one of the most destructive diseases in Kurdistan province, Iran. The objective of the present study was to evaluate antagonistic effects of some rhizobacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of potato plants against R. solanacearum, the agent of potato bacterial wilt. A total of 52 rhizobacteria were isolated and screened for in vitro antagonistic activity against R. solanacearum. Seven isolates with inhibiting effects of the pathogen were identified by phenotypic properties and partial sequencing of 16s rRNA as Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf11, P. fluorescens Pf16, Pseudomonas putida Pp17, Paenibacillus sp. Pb28 and Enterobacter sp. En38, Pseudomonas fluorescens Pp23 and Serratia sp. Se40. Strains Pf11, Pf16, Pp17 and Pb28 significantly inhibited the growth of the pathogen. Strains En38, Pp23 and Se40 showed a moderate or weak inhibition. During greenhouse study, strains were evaluated for their effects in reducing of disease and increasing biomass of potato plants. In according to greenhouse experiment results, isolates Pb28, Pp17 and Pf11significantly reduced disease by 55.56%, 51.50% and 38.58%, respectively. In addition, plant biomass significantly increased in plants treated with Pb28, Pp17, Pf11 and Pf16, compared to the control. Therefore, this study shows that these four strains have potential to be used as biocontrol agents against R. solanacearum. To confirm their effectiveness as commercial biocontrol agent, it is necessary to evaluate their efficiency in the field conditions in the next studies.  相似文献   

The annual legume Medicago truncatula has been proposed as a model plant to study various aspects of legume biology including rhizobial and mycorrhizal symbiosis because it is well suited for the genetic analysis of these processes . To facilitate the characterization of M. truncatula genes participating in various developmental processes we have initiated an insertion mutagenesis program in this plant using three different T-DNAs as tags. To investigate which type of vector is the most suitable for mutagenesis we compared the behavior of these T-DNAs. One T-DNA vector was a derivative of pBin19 and plant selection was based on kanamycin resistance. The two other vectors carried T-DNA conferring Basta resistance in the transgenic plants. For each T-DNA type, we determined the copy number in the transgenic lines, the structure of the T-DNA loci and the sequences of the integration sites. The T-DNA derived from pBin19 generated complex T-DNA insertion patterns. The two others generally gave single copy T-DNA inserts that could result in gene fusions for the pGKB5 T-DNA. Analysis of the T-DNA borders revealed that several M. truncatula genes were tagged in these transgenic lines and in vivo gus fusions were also obtained. These results demonstrate that T-DNA tagging can efficiently be used in M. truncatula for gene discovery.  相似文献   

The plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum uses plant resources to intensely proliferate in xylem vessels and provoke plant wilting. We combined automatic phenotyping and tissue/xylem quantitative metabolomics of infected tomato plants to decipher the dynamics of bacterial wilt. Daily acquisition of physiological parameters such as transpiration and growth were performed. Measurements allowed us to identify a tipping point in bacterial wilt dynamics. At this tipping point, the reached bacterial density brutally disrupts plant physiology and rapidly induces its death. We compared the metabolic and physiological signatures of the infection with drought stress, and found that similar changes occur. Quantitative dynamics of xylem content enabled us to identify glutamine (and asparagine) as primary resources R. solanacearum consumed during its colonization phase. An abundant production of putrescine was also observed during the infection process and was strongly correlated with in planta bacterial growth. Dynamic profiling of xylem metabolites confirmed that glutamine is the favoured substrate of R. solanacearum. On the other hand, a triple mutant strain unable to metabolize glucose, sucrose and fructose appears to be only weakly reduced for in planta growth and pathogenicity.  相似文献   

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