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Sera from rabbits or humans infected with Fasciola hepatica were tested for their ability to kill Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula in an antibody-dependent, eosinophil-mediated in vitro assay. In addition, anti-F. hepatica antisera raised in rabbits or calves, including one to a Fasciola/Schistosoma cross-reactive, cross-protective defined immunity antigen, were also tested for their killing ability. None of these antisera induced damage to S. mansoni schistosomula in vitro, even when enhanced with mononuclear cell supernatants containing eosinophil-activating factor. Serum from humans with S. mansoni did induce schistosomulum killing in vitro when tested under these same conditions. These results suggest that the mechanism of immunity to schistosomes induced by Fasciola antigens at the level of the schistosomula is mediated by factors other than eosinophils.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that IgM monoclonal antibodies (mAb) that recognize surface carbohydrate determinants shared between schistosomula, cercariae, and miracidia block antibody/complement dependent killing of schistosomula in vitro. Binding assays that make use of one of the IgM mAb labeled with 125I demonstrated that serum from chronically infected mice (CMS) contained high levels of competing antibody, whereas serum from mice vaccinated with irradiated cercariae (VMS) contained little antibody of this specificity. Absorption of CMS with cercariae that removed antibodies to schistosomulum surface carbohydrate determinants increased its ability to kill schistosomula in vitro; absorption of VMS with cercariae failed to alter the lethal activity of the serum. Furthermore, fractionation of CMS by protein A Sepharose chromatography demonstrated that the IgG fraction had an increased lethal activity compared with unfractionated serum; this result was not seen with VMS. Finally, the IgM fraction of CMS was shown to block in vitro killing of the IgG fractions of both CMS and VMS. These data suggest that the blocking activities observed with the IgM mAb are contained within the serum of chronically infected mice but not in the serum of mice vaccinated with irradiated cercariae.  相似文献   

Schistosomes are gonochoric blood parasites with a complex life cycle responsible for a disease of considerable medical and veterinary importance in tropical and subtropical regions. Understanding the evolution of schistosome genetic diversity is clearly of fundamental importance to interpreting schistosomiasis epidemiology and disease transmission patterns of this parasite. In this article, we investigated the putative role of the host immune system in the selection of male genetic diversity. We demonstrated the link between genetic dissimilarity and the protective effect among male worms. We then compared the proteomes of three male clones with different genotypes and differing by their capacity to protect against reinfection. The identified differences correspond mainly to antigens known or supposed to be involved in the induction of protective immunity. These results underline the role played by host immune system in the selection of schistosome genetic diversity that is linked to antigenic diversity. We discuss the evolutionary consequences in the context of schistosome infection.  相似文献   

Antiserum prepared in rhesus monkeys against purified mouse alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) was labeled with peroxidase and incubated with both living and formalin-fixed S. mansoni adults (perfused from mice or rhesus monkeys) in order to test for the presence of mouse alpha2M antigenic determinants on their surfaces. Following standard cytochemical processing with the appropriate controls, adult worms of both murine and primate origin were found to have mouse alpha2M-like determinants on their surfaces. Earlier observations by other methods on the presence, approximate distribution, and quantitative difference of alpha2M antigenic determinants on adult worms of mouse or rhesus origin were confirmed.  相似文献   

Extracts of the adult worms of both Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium can metabolise some typical P450 substrates but to differing degrees. S. mansoni worm extracts displayed a approximately 12-fold higher specific activity for an aminopyrine substrate than rat liver microsomes. At 4 mM substrate concentration the demethylation reaction with N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) (5 nmol HCHO/mg protein/min) was only half that of rat liver microsomes, whereas in extracts of S. haematobium, no detectable activity was found towards NDMA. Using ethylmorphine as substrate the demethylation activity of S. mansoni extracts (1.82 nmol HCHO/mg protein/min) was 5.5-fold lower than that of rat liver microsomes. Benzphetamine demethylase activity was also readily detectable in S. mansoni worm extracts at 6.79 nmol HCHO/mg protein/min compared with 10.20 nmol HCHO/mg protein/min in the case of rat liver microsomes. When aniline was used as substrate, surprisingly, no activity was found in worm extracts of either S. mansoni or S. haematobium, whereas rat liver microsomes showed high activity towards this amine. The anti-P450 2E1 and 2B1/2 cross-reacted with both worm homogenates and gave a specific band corresponding to a protein of molecular weight of approximately 50.0 kDa. A study with anti-P450 IVA antibody revealed that while this protein was strongly expressed in S. haematobium worm extracts, no immunoreactivity was observed with extracts of S. mansoni. Immunoblotting analyses with anti-P450 IIIA and P450 1A1 did not detect immunoreactive protein in either S. mansoni or S. haematobium.  相似文献   

Incubation of adult male Schistosoma mansoni for 24 hr in medium containing newborn calf serum or normal human plasma resulted in an increase in the amount of parasite antigen exposed at the worm surface. No effect was observed on the amount of host antigen which was present. The increase in the exposure of parasite antigens takes place progressively over 24 hr and is partially dependent on the presence of lipoproteins in the culture medium. The possibility is discussed that the increase is due to environmentally induced changes in surface membrane lipid composition.  相似文献   

The initiation and promotion of sporocyst propagation and subsequent production of cercariae by intramolluscan larval stages of digenic trematodes are thought to depend on mollusc-derived factors. The ability to investigate this using in vitro cultures of Schistosoma mansoni sporocysts has been impeded by the fact that plasma from the host, Biomphalaria glabrata, becomes toxic to the parasite in long-term cultures. The present study identifies hemoglobin as the plasma component responsible for this toxicity. The addition of the enzyme catalase to sporocyst cultures neutralized the toxic effects of both purified hemoglobin and whole plasma, suggesting that the generation of H2O2 as a consequence of hemoglobin oxidation is the mechanism of plasma toxicity. Furthermore, cultures incubated in unconditioned schistosome medium with plasma plus catalase yielded significantly higher numbers of daughter sporocysts than cultures with media or plasma alone, but not higher than cultures with catalase alone. These latter results suggest that the oxidative environment and the antioxidant capacity of the media are critical factors for in vitro propagation of S. mansoni sporocysts.  相似文献   

The ability of anti-schistosome antibody to bind to adult male Schistosoma mansoni was studied, using fluoresceinated Staphylococcus aureus to detect specific antigen-antibody interaction at the parasite's surface. Both freshly perfused parasites and parasites which had had their adsorbed host antigens removed by elution were employed in a series of experimental manipulations to ascertain under what conditions specific antibody binding occurs and what conditions or factors are necessary for the parasite to reconstitute its surface so that specific binding is precluded. Neither normal mouse serum nor normal mouse IgG bound in a specific manner to either fresh or eluted worms. Slight binding was noted with immune mouse serum on both fresh and eluted worms, while immune IgG produced weak binding on fresh worms, but strong binding to eluted worms. This strong binding was reduced to the level seen on fresh worms by pre-incubation of the eluted worm in normal IgG prior to incubation in immune IgG and binding was completely negated by pre-incubation in either normal mouse serum or normal mouse serum minus IgG. The binding of immune IgG to eluted worms was not diminished by pre-incubation in mouse albumin, bovine albumin, or fetal bovine serum. These studies demonstrate that adsorbed host serum components can inhibit specific antigen-antibody interaction at the parasite's surface and suggest that a degree of specificity exists in what the parasite adsorbs from the host. These data further suggest that the protective serum factor or factors may include, but are not limited to, host IgG.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni: antigenic heterogeneity of excretions and secretions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The excretory-secretory antigens of adult Schistosoma mansoni were obtained by in vitro cultivation of worms in a chemically-defined medium. The protein output in this system was low, 0.2–0.4 μg of proteinworm/48 hr. The composition of the crude culture antigen (CA) was approximately 80% protein, 15% carbohydrate and 5% nucleic acid. Disc gel electrophoresis of CA revealed the presence of at least 15 protein components, many with carbohydrate moieties. Three major fractions were obtained by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. Fraction I contained the bulk of the glycoprotein material. Immunoelectrophoresis of CA with hyperimmune rabbit serum indicated the presence of at least 6 antigens, most of which eluted in Fraction II. Serum from infected mice and monkeys, but not from rabbits and rats, reacted with CA and its fractions, especially Fraction II, on immunodiffusion analysis. Comparison of CA with other adult worm extracts by immunodiffusion techniques showed that most of the excretory-secretory antigens could be obtained by either freezing and thawing or by extraction with 3 M KCl. The P.K.-type activity of CA was considerably greater than that of a lipid-free adult worm antigen. Both Fractions I and II had the P.K.-type activity. An antigen capable of eliciting macrophage migration inhibition factor from infected rat lymphocytes was detected in CA, although the lymphocyte toxicity of CA was high at concentrations above 10 μg/ml.  相似文献   

Adult Schistosoma mansoni were haptenated with DNP under mild conditions using DNP-liposomes, as devised by Levi-Schaffer et al. (1983, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 32: 343) for haptenating schistosomula. The effects of complement, alone or with anti-DNP antibodies, on tegumental morphology of DNP-haptenated adult worms were assessed by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy, as a simple model system for possible in vitro effects of complement and anti-schistosomal antibodies on normal adult worms. Complement-mediated cytotoxicity, as measured by tegumental changes in both normal and haptenated worms, was observed and indicates a possible role for complement in humorally mediated damage of adult schistosomes. The damage to haptenated adults in the presence of both complement and anti-DNP was greater than that to nonhaptenated worms similarly treated. However, anti-DNP plus complement caused less damage to normal worms than did complement alone, perhaps the result of blocking by antibodies bound to the tegument via Fc receptors. Evidence herein presented implicates both classical and alternative complement activation by the adult worm's tegument. Tegumental tubercle smoothing was one manifestation of damage, as assessed by SEM. Smoothing appears to progress from spine blunting to disappearance, arguing for resorption rather than shedding as the mechanism for spine loss. Because the spines are mostly actin bundles, we suggest that complement-mediated intrategumental calcium ion flux could lead to spine resorption resulting from actin filament depolymerization and/or calcium-induced severing of actin filaments and dissociation of actin filament cross-linking proteins. This process could have adaptive value to the adult worm, in that the spines may be a repository of readily mobilizable actin molecules for tegumental maintenance and repair.  相似文献   

Schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni are known to be killed in vitro by complement and IgG (lethal antibody). To investigate whether this mechanism reflects the in vivo situation, we isolated IgG subclasses from sera of infected rats and assayed their ability to promote the complement-mediated killing of schistosomula in vitro as well as to protect normal recipients from a challenge infection. We found that a serum fraction containing only IgG2a + IgG2b has lethal activity to schistosomula in vitro, whereas a fraction containing only IgG1 + IgG2c fails to kill schistosomula in the presence of complement. The assay of protective activity has shown that the same fraction containing the lethal activity (IgG2a + IgG2b) was able to reduce the number of schistosomula recovered from lungs. These results provide evidence of the participation of IgG2a and/or IgG2b, but not IgG1 or IgG2c, in protective immunity to S. mansoni in rats, possibly through a complement-mediated mechanism.  相似文献   

Mating of Schistosoma mansoni in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Adult males of Schistosoma mansoni were preincubated in 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) and processed through the glyoxylic acid fluorescence technique to visualize 5HT-containing neural elements. 5HT fluorescence was seen as a series of cross-sectional rings beginning behind the ventral sucker toward the tail end. The rings were connected by two lateral nerve cords running longitudinally along the whole length of the worms.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel analysis of the surface polypeptides of the schistosomula stage of Schistosoma mansoni resolved a complex pattern of approximately 20 polypeptides. The majority of these were identified as immunogenic since they were immunoprecipitated with antisera from chronically infected mice and from mice vaccinated with irradiated cercariae. However, several major surface polypeptides were not immunoprecipitated by sera from infected or immune mice and were presumed to be nonantigenic.  相似文献   

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