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Summary We report the nucleotide sequence of the single muscle actin gene of the sea urchinStrongylocentrotus purpuratus. Comparison of the protein-coding sequence of this muscle actin gene (pSpG28) with that of two linked sea urchin cytoskeletal actin genes (pSpG17 and CyIIa) reveals a region of exceptional sequence conservation from codon 61 through codon 120. Furthermore, when silent nucleotide changes are compared, the conservation of this region is still evident (7.9% silent site differences in the conserved region vs 43.3% silent site differences in the rest of the gene when pSpG28 and CyIIa are compared), indicating that the conservation is not due to particularly stringent selection on the portion of the protein encoded by this region of the genes. These observations suggest that a gene conversion has occurred between the muscle actin gene and a cytoskeletal actin gene recently in the evolution of the sea urchin genome. Gene conversion between nonallelic actin genes may thus play a role in maintaining the homogeneity of this highly conserved gene family.  相似文献   

Summary We have cloned and sequenced all five members of the gene family for the small subunit (rbcS) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum cv. VFNT LA 1221 cherry line. Two of the five genes, designated Rbcs-1 and Rbcs-2, are present as single genes at individual loci. Three genes, designated Rbcs-3A, Rbcs-3B and Rbcs-3C, are organized in a tandem array within 10 kb at a third independent locus. The Rbcs-2 gene contains three introns; all the other members of the tomato gene family contain two introns. The coding sequence of Rbcs-1 differs by 14.0% from that of Rbcs-2 and by 13.3% from that of Rbcs-3 genes. Rbcs-2 shows 10.4% divergence from Rbcs-3. The exon and intron sequences of Rbcs-3A are identical to those of Rbcs-3C, and differ by 1.9% from those of Rbcs-3B. Nucleotide sequence analysis suggests that the five rbcS genes encode four different precursors, and three different mature polypeptides. S1 nuclease mapping of the 5 end of rbcS mRNAs revealed that the mRNA leader sequences vary in length from 8 to 75 nucleotides. Northern analysis using gene-specific oligonucleotide probes from the 3 non-coding region of each gene reveals a four to five-fold difference among the five genes in maximal steady-state mRNA levels in leaves.  相似文献   

The actin gene family of the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus includes a single muscle actin gene, LpM, and four cytoskeletal actin genes: LpC1, LpC2, LpC3, and LpC4. The origin and relationship of these actin genes to members of the actin gene family of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were considered. Comparison of deduced amino acid sequences suggested a close relationship between LpC1 and the CyI–CyII subfamily of S. purpuratus actin genes, and between LpC2 and the CyIII subfamily of S. purpuratus actin genes; the muscle actin genes were orthologous. It is proposed that two divergent cytoskeletal actin genes of the common ancestral sea urchin gave rise by duplication to the extant cytoskeletal actin genes of these species, some of which have changed 3 noncoding sequences while others have maintained a terminus highly conserved among sea urchin actin genes.Correspondence to: B.P. Brandhorst  相似文献   

Fibronectin-like proteins were purified from ovaries of the sea urchin species, Paracentrotus lividus (PI), Sphaerechinus granularis (Sg), Arbacia lixula (Al), Pseudocentrotus depressus (Pd), and Anthocidaris crassispina (Ac), by gelatin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The major component had a molecular mass of 180 kDa and was eluted by 1 M NaCl or 8 M urea, depending on the species used. By substrate adhesion assay, we tested the biological activity of the 180 kDa protein purified from Paracentrotus lividus (P1-180K) and showed that it promotes the adhesion of homologous embryonic cells to the substrate. An antiserum, developed against Temnopleurus hardwickii fibronectin-like protein (Th-180K), was used in Western blots of the proteins purified from the five species. The antibody cross-reacted with Pl-180K, Pd-180K and Ac-180K. A peptide map of P1-180K, obtained by V8 protease partial digestion, was compared with those obtained from the other four proteins and showed an homology between 40 and 56%. This report confirms that fibronectin-like proteins can be purified from sea urchins on the basis of their binding to gelatin-Sepharose; the proteins differ for their binding affinity to gelatin and share different epitopes, suggesting that they are members of a sea urchin fibronectin super family.  相似文献   

The sea urchin embryo is a classical model system for studying the role of the cytoskeleton in such events as fertilization, mitosis, cleavage, cell migration and gastrulation. We have conducted an analysis of gene models derived from the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus genome assembly and have gathered strong evidence for the existence of multiple gene families encoding cytoskeletal proteins and their regulators in sea urchin. While many cytoskeletal genes have been cloned from sea urchin with sequences already existing in public databases, genome analysis reveals a significantly higher degree of diversity within certain gene families. Furthermore, genes are described corresponding to homologs of cytoskeletal proteins not previously documented in sea urchins. To illustrate the varying degree of sequence diversity that exists within cytoskeletal gene families, we conducted an analysis of genes encoding actins, specific actin-binding proteins, myosins, tubulins, kinesins, dyneins, specific microtubule-associated proteins, and intermediate filaments. We conducted ontological analysis of select genes to better understand the relatedness of urchin cytoskeletal genes to those of other deuterostomes. We analyzed developmental expression (EST) data to confirm the existence of select gene models and to understand their differential expression during various stages of early development.  相似文献   

Measurements of the divergence of single copy DNA sequences among four sea urchin species are presented. At a standard criterion for reassociation (0.12 M phosphate buffer, 60° C, hydroxyapatite binding) we observe the following extents of reaction and reductions in thermal stability for single copy DNA reassociation between Strongylocentrotus purpuratus tracer and heterologous driver DNA: S. dröbachiensis 68% and 2.5°C; S. franciscanus 51% and 3.5° C; Lytechinus pictus 12% and 7.5° C. The implied extents of sequence relatedness are consistent with the phylogenetic relationships of these species. The rate of single copy sequence divergence in the evolutionary lines leading to the Strongylocentrotus species is estimated to be 0.06–0.35% per million years. The rate of divergence of total single copy sequence has been compared to that of structural gene sequences represented in S. purpuratus gastrula polysomal messenger RNA. When closely related species, S. purpuratus and S. franciscanus, are compared, these polysomal sequences are found to diverge at a lower rate than does the total single copy sequence. For two very distantly related species, S. purpuratus and L. pictus, a small fraction of the single copy DNA sequence is probably conserved. These conserved sequences are not enriched in their content of structural gene sequences.Also staff member, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. 20015  相似文献   

Molecular genetics studies often infer the occurrence of gene conversion events based on simple sequence similarity observations that do not include any statistical analyses. I show that the statistical significance of two previously proposed gene conversion events can easily be tested and point out that a variety of methods are available to perform gene conversion analyses. Received: 6 June 2001 / Accepted: 22 June 2001  相似文献   

Organization of the histone H3 genes in soybean, barley and wheat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Several variants of the replacement histone H3 genes from soybean, barley and wheat have been cloned and sequenced. Analysis of segregating populations in barley and soybean, as well as analysis of clones isolated from a soybean genomic library, suggested that these genes are dispersed throughout the genome. Several genes contain introns located in similar positions, but of different lengths and sequence. Comparison of mRNA levels in different tissues revealed that the intron-containing and intronless genes have different expression patterns. The distribution of the introns in the histone H3 genes across several plant species suggests that some of the introns might have been lost during the evolution of the gene family. Sequence divergence among introns and gene-flanking sequences in cloned gene variants allowed us to use them as specific probes for localizing individual gene copies and analyzing the genomic distribution of these variants across a range of genotypes.Journal paper No. J-16127 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IowaMention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the United States Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may be suitable  相似文献   

Apoptosis provides metazoans remarkable developmental flexibility by (1) eliminating damaged undifferentiated cells early in development and then (2) sculpting, patterning, and restructuring tissues during successive stages thereafter. We show here that apoptotic programmed cell death is infrequent and not obligatory during early embryogenesis of the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. During the first 30 h of urchin development, fewer than 20% of embryos exhibit any cell death. Cell death during the cleavage stages consists of necrotic or pathological cell death, while cell death during the blastula and gastrula stages is random and predominantly caspase-mediated apoptosis. Apoptosis remains infrequent during the late blastula stage followed by a gradual increase in frequency during gastrulation. Even after prolonged exposure during the cleavage period to chemical stress, apoptosis occurs in less than 50% of embryos and always around the pre-hatching stage. Embryonic suppression of apoptosis through caspase inhibition leads to functionally normal larvae that can survive to metamorphosis, but in the presence of inducers of apoptosis, caspase inhibition leads to deformed larvae and reduced survival. Remarkably, however, pharmacological induction of apoptosis, while reducing overall survival, also significantly accelerates development of the survivors such that metamorphosis occurs up to a week before controls.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Shiga-like toxin type II (SLT-II) structural genes cloned from bacteriophage 933W of the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain 933 was determined. This sequence was compared with the published sequence for the structural genes of the antigenically distinct Shiga-like toxin type I (SLT-I) encoded by bacteriophage 933J. The SLT-I and SLT-II structural genes shared 58% overall nucleotide and 56% amino acid sequence homologies. The A and B subunits of SLT-I and SLT-II were nearly identical in size and had similar secondary structures and hydropathy plots. The regulation proposed for the SLT-II operon is similar to that previously proposed for SLT-I.  相似文献   

A systematic search in the available scaffolds of the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus genome has revealed that this sea urchin has 11 members of the ets gene family. A phylogenetic analysis of these genes showed that almost all vertebrate ets subfamilies, with the exception of one, so far found only in mammals, are each represented by one orthologous sea urchin gene. The temporal and spatial expression of the identified ETS factors was also analyzed during embryogenesis. Five ets genes (Sp-Ets1/2, Sp-Tel, Sp-Pea, Sp-Ets4, Sp-Erf) are also maternally expressed. Three genes (Sp-Elk, Sp-Elf, Sp-Erf) are ubiquitously expressed during embryogenesis, while two others (Sp-Gabp, Sp-Pu.1) are not transcribed until late larval stages. Remarkably, five of the nine sea urchin ets genes expressed during embryogenesis are exclusively (Sp-Ets1/2, Sp-Erg, Sp-Ese) or additionally (Sp-Tel, Sp-Pea) expressed in mesenchyme cells and/or their progenitors. Functional analysis of Sp-Ets1/2 has previously demonstrated an essential role of this gene in the specification of the skeletogenic mesenchyme lineage. The dynamic, and in some cases overlapping and/or unique, developmental expression pattern of the latter five genes suggests a complex, non-redundant function for ETS factors in sea urchin mesenchyme formation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The previous simple model for treating concerted evolution of multigene families has been revised to be compatible with various new observations on the immunoglobulin variable region family and other families. In the previous model, gene conversion and unequal crossing-over were considered, and it was assumed that genes are randomly arranged on the chromosome; neither subdivision nor correlation of gene identity and chromosomal distance were considered. Although this model satisfactorily explains the observed amino acid diversity within and between species, it fails to predict the very ancient branching of the mouse immunoglobulin heavy chain V-gene family. By incorporating subdivided structure and genetic correlation with chromosomal distance into the simple model, the data of divergence may be satisfactorily explained, as well as the rate of nucleotide substitution and the amino acid diversity. The rate at which a V-gene is duplicated or deleted by conversion or by unequal crossing-over is estimated by the new model to be on the order of 10–6 per year. The model may be applicable to other multigene families, such as those coding for silkmoth chorion or mammalian kallikrein.Contribution no. 1560 from the National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, 411 Japan  相似文献   

Summary We have cloned and sequenced over 9 kb of the mitochondrial genome from the sea starPisaster ochraceus. Within a continuous 8.0-kb fragment are located the genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1, 2, 3, and 4L (ND1, ND2, ND3, and ND4L), cytochrome oxidase subunits I, II, and III (COI, COII, and COIII), and adenosine triphosphatase subunits 6 and 8 (ATPase 6 and ATPase 8). This large fragment also contains a cluster of 13 tRNA genes between ND1 and COI as well as the genes for isoleucine tRNA between ND1 and ND2, arginine tRNA between COI and ND4L, lysine tRNA between COII and ATPase 8, and the serine (UCN) tRNA between COIII and ND3. The genes for the other five tRNAs lie outside this fragment. The gene for phenylalanine tRNA is located between cytochrome b and the 12S ribosomal genes. The genes for tRNAglu and tRNAthr are 3 to the 12S ribosomal gene. The tRNAs for histidine and serine (AGN) are adjacent to each other and lie between ND4 and ND5. These data confirm the novel gene order in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of sea stars and delineate additional distinctions between the sea star and other mtDNA molecules.  相似文献   

Summary Development of the esophageal muscles in embryonic sea urchins is described using light- and electron microscopy. The muscles develop from processes of about 14 cells of the coelomic epithelium that become immunore-active to anti-actin at about 60 h (12–14° C). Initially, eachmyoblast extends a single process with numerous fine filopodia around the esophagus. By 72 h the processes have reached the midline and fused with those from cells of the contralateral coelomic sac. Myoblasts begin to migrate out of the coelomic epithelium between 72 and 84 h. By 72 h the processes stain with the F-actin specific probe NBD-phallacidin. The contractile apparatus is not evident in transmission electron-microscopic preparations of embryos at 70 h, but by 84 h the contractile apparatus is present and the muscle cells are capable of contraction. Because the myoblasts migrate free of the coelomic epithelium and are situated on the blastocoelar side of the basal lamina, it is suggested that that they should be considered as a class of mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   

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