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Abortive Infection of Shigella dysenteriae P2 by T2 Bacteriophage   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We have investigated some of the biochemical events that accompany the abortive infection by T2 of Shigella dysenteriae lysogenized with the temperate phage P2. After infection with T2, protein and RNA synthesis continued for 3 to 5 min. The virus-induced enzyme, deoxycytidylate hydroxymethylase was produced in reduced amounts (15% of normal), and the extent of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis was 0.1% of that found with a nonlysogenic strain. Measurements of the production of acid-soluble fragments and sedimentation analyses failed to detect enzymatic degradation of the infecting viral DNA which could be specifically related to the presence of the prophage P2. Each interaction between T2 and a bacterium resulted in the death of the cell. This observation is consistent with results obtained with other types of bacteria which show that only when a nucleolytic attack occurs on T2 DNA does the cell have an increased capacity to survive after adsorption of T2.  相似文献   

Shigella dysenteriae type 1 is the causative agent of the most severe form of bacillary dysentery, which occurs as epidemics in many developing countries. We isolated a bacteriophage from surface water samples from Bangladesh that specifically lyses strains of S. dysenteriae type 1. This phage, designated SF-9, belongs to the Podoviridae family and has a 41-kb double-stranded DNA genome. Further screening of water samples for the prevalence of the phage revealed 9 of 71 (12.6%) water samples which were positive for the phage. These water samples were also positive in PCR assays for one or more S. dysenteriae type 1-specific genes, including ipaBCD and stx1, and live S. dysenteriae type 1 was isolated from three phage-positive samples. The results of this study suggest that phage SF-9 may have epidemiological applications in tracing the presence of S. dysenteriae type 1 in environmental waters.  相似文献   

Two thousand three hundred and seventy strains of Shigella dysenteriae, Sh flexneri, and Sh boydii isolated in England and Wales from 1974 to 1978 were tested for resistance to 12 antimicrobial drugs. Eighty per cent of strains were resistant to one or more drugs, with sulphonamide resistance occurring most frequently. Resistance to streptomycin, tetracycline, ampicillin, and chloramphenicol increased during the period, as did the incidence of multiple resistance. Most infections due to Sh dysenteriae, Sh flexneri, and Sh boydii are acquired abroad, and the increasing incidence of drug resistance among these organisms contrasts with the decreasing incidence of resistance among the indigenous Sh sonnei. These findings may indicate the need for better control of antibiotic use, particularly in developing countries.  相似文献   

Shigella dysenteriae type 1 can cause devastating pandemics with high case fatality rates; a vaccine for Shigella is unavailable currently. Because of the risks associated with performing challenge studies with wild-type S. dysenteriae 1 in human clinical trials to advance vaccine development, an improved nonhuman primate model is needed urgently. In the present study, cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) were challenged with various doses of S. dysenteriae 1 strain 1617 to establish a dose that would produce shigellosis. Further, different routes of delivery of S. dysenteriae 1 were compared to establish the most appropriate route for infection. Animals receiving 1011 cfu S. dysenteriae 1 intragastrically consistently developed signs of shigellosis characterized by the onset of diarrhea and dysentery within 2 to 3 d. Administration of as many as 109 cfu S. dysenteriae 1 intraduodenally did not elicit signs characteristic of infection in macaques despite fecal shedding of bacteria for as long as 10 d. S. dysenteriae 1 administered intraduodenally at 109 cfu or intragastrically at 1011 cfu elicited robust IgG and IgA antibody responses to LPS. We have developed a reliable challenge model of infection with wild-type S. dysenteriae 1 in cynomolgus macaques that reproducibly induces disease and elicits robust immune responses. We believe that this animal model may provide unique insights into the immunologic mechanisms of protection to S. dysenteriae 1 infection and in advancing development of a vaccine against shigellosis.Shigella has been classified by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease as a category B priority pathogen. Shigella has numerous features that characterize an effective biological weapon, including the potential to cause high morbidity and mortality, a low infectious dose (approximately 10 cfu) in humans, the ability to produce large outbreaks even in industrialized countries, ease of direct person-to-person transmission, the ability to contaminate food and water supplies, and the potential to be weaponized.15Currently a vaccine for shigellosis is unavailable, and antibiotic therapy remains the only means of treatment.13,15 Continually emerging new and multiple-antibiotic-resistant strains pose a serious problem to treat this disease. The present studies were designed to establish an S. dysenteriae 1 challenge model for investigation of pathogenesis, immunogenicity, and protection from infection in cynomolgus macaques. Previous studies successfully established shigellosis models after challenge with wild-type strains of Shigella spp. in rhesus macaques,3,58,12,19,22 but a similar S. dysenteriae 1 challenge model in cynomolgus macaques has not yet been reported. This model has the potential to advance the design of novel Shigella vaccines. In the current study, we established and characterized an S. dysenteriae 1 challenge model in cynomolgus macaques. In addition, we determined the minimal challenge dose required to induce clinical signs of shigellosis, measured the duration of shedding of the organism from the macaques, and contrasted the effects (as evaluated by endoscopy) of intragastric versus intraduodenal inoculation on disease induction and immunogenicity.  相似文献   

The spheroplasts of Salmonella typhimurium (LT2) prepared by treatment with penicillin were capable of adsorbing phage P22 C(1). The normal multiplication of the phage took place, although the burst size was reduced to one-fourth of that in intact cells. Rate of incorporation of (14)C-thymidine into spheroplasts was increased severalfold on phage infection. Multiplication of C(+) also took place, but no lysogeny could be established in spheroplasts. Furthermore, spheroplasts prepared from cells lysogenized with wild-type phage, LT2 (C(+)), and a temperature-inducible C(2) mutant, LT2(tsC(2)), were not inducible. Unlike normal cells, both mitomycin C and actinomycin D interfered with the phage multiplication in spheroplasts. The spheroplast system offers great advantages in the study of the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in phage-infected LT2.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of ruthenium red-stained ultrathin section of strains of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 grown in the Casamino Acids-yeast extract broth medium showed the presence of an extracellular slime layer. The slime appeared as a dense sheath covering bacteria. The presence of slime promoted hemagglutinating activity of the bacteria. The slime polysaccharide (SPS) isolated from the cell-free culture supernatant or the bacterial surface was less than 162,000 daltons in size and immunochemically similar. The SPS showed cross-reaction with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antigen in immunological tests; however, it also appeared to be different from LPS since it did not contain 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate, a core sugar of LPS. A different pattern of separation from LPS was also observed by silver staining of SDS-polyacrylamide gels. From these data it appeared that either LPS and SPS are contaminated with each other or that SPS is the polysaccharide portion of LPS.  相似文献   

The pathogenic potential of Shigella is correlated with the ability of the organism to invade and multiply within the cells of colonic epithelium. Although invasion is the ultimate event, a preceding step is adherence. Shigella dysenteriae 1 preferentially adhered to colonic mucin and not to small intestinal mucin. The pathogen showed a very strong adherence pattern to human colonic mucin when compared with guinea pig and rat mucin. The adherence pattern of S. dysenteriae 1 was not altered on preincubation with monosaccharides present in mucins, suggesting that the receptor for the pathogen is not a simple sugar. Binding of S. dysenteriae 1 to human colonic mucin was not by weak hydrophobic forces. The bacterium also adhered to glycolipids, emphasizing the role of glycoconjugates as receptors for S. dysenteriae 1. Received: 10 August 2000 / Accepted: 30 October 2000  相似文献   

Characterization of purified Shiga toxin from Shigella dysenteriae 1   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Shiga toxin was purified from the culture supernatant of Shigella dysenteriae 1 by ammonium sulfate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose column chromatography and repeated chromatofocusing column chromatography. About 1.6 mg of purified Shiga toxin was obtained from 15 liters of culture with a yield of about 27%. The molecular weight of purified Shiga toxin was estimated to be 62,000. The toxin consisted of A and B subunits with molecular weights of about 30,000 and 5,000-6,000, respectively. The isoelectric point of purified Shiga toxin was 7.0. Purified Shiga toxin showed the following biological activities: lethal toxicity to mice when injected intraperitoneally with an LD50 of 28 ng per mouse; cytotoxicity to Vero cells, killing about 50% of the cells at 1 pg and all of the cells at 10 pg; and fluid accumulation in rabbit ileal loops at a concentration of more than 1 microgram.  相似文献   

Abstract A cell-associated hemagglutinin (HA) was isolated and purified from a clinical isolate of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 by affinity chromatography on a fetuin-agarose column. The purified hemagglutinin produced a single-stained protein band of around 66 kDa in sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). In an immunodiffusion test, HA-antisera produced a single precipitin band against the purified HA without exhibiting any reactivity towards lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of S. dysenteriae type 1 strain. Inhibition of the hemagglutination by the glycoproteins fetuin, asialofetuin and a sugar derivative N -acetyl-neuraminic acid but not by simple sugars, suggested the specific requirement of complex carbohydrate for binding. Electron micrographs of the purified HA revealed a morphology typical of globular protein.  相似文献   

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