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脱色希瓦氏菌S12的铁还原性能研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从印染废水中分离得到了一株具有染料脱色功能的希瓦氏菌脱色新种。该菌能在厌氧条件下利用Fe^3+作为末端电子受体获得能量,支持细胞生长。在pH8.0.温度30℃。柠檬酸铁800mg/L,乳酸钠2g/L,酵母抽提物0.5g/L的条件下,培养8h的过程中,菌体细胞量的增长完全与Fe^3+的还原发展趋向一致。同时考察了碳氮源、乳酸钠、酵母抽提物、pH值和温度等方面对该菌株的生长和铁还原特性的影响。结果表明,菌体生长以LB为最好,以葡萄糖和乳酸钠为碳源时对铁还原有利。在酵母抽提物浓度4g/L范围内,菌体生长量和铁还原率随着酵母抽提物浓度的提高而提高。当乳酸钠为6g/L时,S12菌体生长量和铁还原率达到最佳。柠檬酸铁浓度为800mg/L时菌体生长量和铁还原率最高。在起始pH6-8的范围内,菌株S12的生长随着pH升高而升高,这也是菌株S12进行铁还原的最佳pH范围。菌株S12在温度范围20℃-40℃内均可生长和进行铁还原,而以30℃时最佳。  相似文献   

脱色希瓦氏菌(Shewanella decolorationis)S12T的脱色特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从印染废水活性污泥中分离到一株高效染料脱色菌,经鉴定该菌株为希瓦氏菌属的一个新种,命名为脱色希瓦氏菌(Shewanelladecolorationis)S12T。该菌株在偶氮染料浓度为50mg/L的培养基中培养4h后,染料去除率达到96%,对偶氮染料的最高脱色浓度达到2000mg/L。在浓度为500mg/L的偶氮染料平板上生长4d后,可观察到明显的脱色圈。全波长光谱扫描的结果表明希瓦氏菌S12T以生物降解的方式对偶氮染料进行脱色。希瓦氏菌S12T的脱色酶为组成型的胞内酶。  相似文献   

利用转座质粒plasposon构建荧光标记的脱色希瓦氏菌S12   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用分子生物学手段将具有转座功能的自杀性质粒pTnMod-okm与荧光蛋白基因eyfp构建重组质粒pTE-okm。pTE-okm通过结合转移进入脱色希瓦氏菌S12中,质粒上的转座子元件转座到S12的染色体上,而质粒本身的窄宿主复制位点使其在S12中不能得到有效的复制而"自杀"。荧光显微镜下筛选表达荧光蛋白的脱色希瓦氏菌克隆,通过对其提取质粒确定pTE-okm已经在脱色希瓦氏菌中自杀。筛选得到生长速度未发生延迟、脱色能力不受影响的荧光标记菌株S12-40。标记的脱色希瓦氏菌在无抗生素压力的情况下培养,传代20次(8h/次)后在荧光显微镜下依然查看到荧光蛋白的表达。该菌株的构建为研究其生态学行为奠定了基础。  相似文献   

从印染废水中分离得到了一株具有染料脱色功能的希瓦氏菌脱色新种。该菌能在厌氧条件下利用Fe3+作为末端电子受体获得能量,支持细胞生长。在pH8.0,温度30℃,柠檬酸铁800mg/L,乳酸钠2g/L,酵母抽提物0.5g/L的条件下,培养8h的过程中,菌体细胞量的增长完全与Fe3+的还原发展趋向一致。同时考察了碳氮源、乳酸钠、酵母抽提物、pH值和温度等方面对该菌株的生长和铁还原特性的影响。结果表明,菌体生长以LB为最好,以葡萄糖和乳酸钠为碳源时对铁还原有利。在酵母抽提物浓度4g/L范围内,菌体生长量和铁还原率  相似文献   


脱色希瓦氏菌Shewanella decolorationisS12在厌氧环境下能够使用多种电子受体进行厌氧呼吸。为了取得足够的细胞量用于膜蛋白质组学等科学研究的需要,本研究选取无机小分子(硝酸钠)、金属离子(柠檬酸铁)和有机大分子(偶氮染料苋菜红)作为电子受体,在使用确定成分的无机盐培养基条件下,使用不同浓度的电子供体和碳源对S12进行厌氧条件下静置和发酵罐的优化培养,采用连续补充电子受体的培养方式,确认了电子供体和碳源的合适浓度,建立了S12厌氧发酵罐培养方法。相比传统的静置厌氧培养,厌氧发酵罐培养方法在保证了严格厌氧条件下高效率还原电子受体的同时,还极大的提高了细胞生长密度。连续补充电子受体的厌氧发酵罐培养的S12最大细胞密度最大分别可达到静置厌氧培养细胞密度的325,304,369倍,而生长时间也比静置厌氧培养分别缩短了26.5%,17.6%,7.5%。这为需要大量细胞和蛋白的细菌厌氧呼吸生长实验建立了可行方法,对于进行兼性厌氧呼吸的微生物的大规模厌氧培养具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

【目的】研究脱色希瓦氏菌S12周质空间c型细胞色素Mcc的功能,进一步探索和补充微生物胞外电子传递过程的机制。【方法】借助自杀质粒敲除mcc基因,通过细胞浓度测定和激光共聚焦显微镜比较分析突变株和野生株之间的浮游细胞和生物膜的生长情况,并比较分析二者在微生物燃料电池电极还原、铁还原和胞外偶氮染料还原过程中的功能。【结果】Mcc缺失对铁还原和偶氮还原没有影响,但却造成电极呼吸活性下降34.1%;与野生株相比,mcc突变株的好氧生长和厌氧浮游细胞生长无明显影响,但却显著抑制了电极表面生物膜的形成。【结论】Mcc是希瓦氏菌S12电极呼吸过程中周质空间电子传递的重要组分之一,缺失会显著抑制其电极呼吸效率以及生物膜的形成。  相似文献   

厌氧条件下希瓦氏菌腐殖质还原对偶氮还原的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以希瓦氏菌属的3个代表种为研究对象,研究了在厌氧条件下腐殖质的存在对偶氮还原的影响。实验结果表明:3个代表菌株在厌氧条件下都有高效的偶氮还原和腐殖质还原功能,1mmol/L偶氮染料在24h内完全脱色,并且偶氮还原与电子供体氧化存在着紧密的偶联关系。腐殖质物质模式物2-磺酸蒽醌AQS在小于1~2mmol/L条件下能显著加速偶氮还原,12h就完全脱色,3mmol/L时18h完全脱色。但当浓度大于3mmol/L时则对偶氮还原产生明显抑制作用。另一腐殖质模式物2,6-双磺酸蒽醌AQDS其浓度在1~3mmol/L以内亦使脱色在12h内完成,4~6mmol/L时15h左右完成脱色。7~12mmol/L仍有一定的脱色促进作用,但随着浓度的提高,其促进作用也逐渐减弱。这说明腐殖质的确可以作为氧化还原中间体穿梭于电子供体与染料的偶氮双键之间促进偶氮还原。但当其浓度达到某一阈值时它就显出与偶氮键竞争电子的本质,从而使偶氮还原速率下降。原因在于他们的氧化还原电势的差异,导致细菌呼吸链的电子递体对腐殖质物质和偶氮键的亲和力不同,从而使不同腐殖质浓度对偶氮键还原产生了不同的影响。  相似文献   

报道了中国希瓦氏菌D14 T 的Fe(Ⅲ)还原特性,研究了溶氧浓度、光照强度、温度、pH等条件对菌株Fe(Ⅲ)还原的影响。结果发现,随着培养基中Fe(Ⅲ)浓度的提高,菌株D14 T 的Fe(Ⅲ)还原速率相应降低;氧气和光照对Fe(Ⅲ)还原有一定的抑制作用;菌株还原Fe(Ⅲ)的最适反应温度为37℃;在反应起始pH6 0 - 10 0的条件下菌株可进行Fe(Ⅲ)还原。对不同形态Fe(Ⅲ)还原特性的研究结果表明,Fe(Ⅲ)的溶解度越高越有利于还原反应的进行。采用SDS和OGP这两种蛋白变性剂对Fe(Ⅲ)还原蛋白进行初步定位的结果表明,参与Fe(Ⅲ)还原的蛋白主要位于细胞可溶性外周蛋白。在同时含有偶氮染料和Fe(Ⅲ)的条件下,菌株D14 T 的偶氮染料脱色率和Fe(Ⅲ)还原率均有所提高  相似文献   

Aim: To investigate the role of soluble and insoluble iron in azoreduction by resting cells of Shewanella decolorationis S12. Methods and Results: A series of analytical experiments were carried out. Results showed that insoluble Fe2O3 all delayed the reduction of amaranth but did not inhibit it. Adsorption to Fe2O3 particles by the bacterial cell surface could be the reason leading to the delay in azoreduction. For the soluble iron, an important finding was that azoreduction activities were inhibited by soluble iron in high concentration because of its higher redox potential, and the inhibition was strengthened when the electron donor supply was insufficient. However, activities of azoreduction could be enhanced by low concentration of soluble iron. This stimulating effect was because of the electron transfer but not the cell growth. Conclusions: The effects of iron on azoreduction by the resting cells depended on the solubility and concentration of the iron compounds, which was different from what was observed by the growing cells in the previous studies. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study has both theoretical significance in the microbial physiology and practical significance in the bioremediation of azo dyes‐contaminated environment.  相似文献   

Shewanella decolorationis S12, a representative dissimilatory azo-reducing bacterium of Shewanella genus, can grow by coupling the oxidation of hydrogen to the reduction of azo compounds as the sole electron acceptor, indicating that an uptake hydrogenase is an important component for electron transfer for azoreduction. For searching to the uptake hydrogenase in the genome of S. decolorationis, two operons, hyd and hya, were cloned and sequenced, which encode periplasmically oriented Fe-only hydrogenase and a Ni-Fe hydrogenase, respectively, according to the homologous comparison with other bacterial hydrogenases. In order to assess the roles of these two enzymes in hydrogen-dependent azoreduction and growth, hyd- and hya-deficient mutants were generated by gene replacement. Hya was found to be required for hydrogen-dependent reduction of azo compound by resting cell suspensions and to be essential for growth with hydrogen as electron donor and azo compound as electron acceptor. Hyd, in contrast, was not. These findings suggest that Hya is an essential respiratory hydrogenase of dissimilatory azoreduction in S. decolorationis.  相似文献   

Yang Y  Sun G  Guo J  Xu M 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(14):7093-7098
Biofilms formation capacities of Shewanella species in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and their roles in current generation have been documented to be species-dependent. Understandings of the biofilms growth and metabolism are essential to optimize the current generation of MFCs. Shewanella decolorationis S12 was used in both closed-circuit and open-circuit MFCs in this study. The anodic S. decolorationis S12 biofilms could generate fivefold more current than the planktonic cells, playing a dominant role in current generation. Anodic biofilms viability was sustained at 98 ± 1.2% in closed-circuit while biofilms viability in open-circuit decreased to 72 ± 7% within 96 h. The unviable domain in open-circuit MFCs biofilms majorly located at the inner layer of biofilm. The decreased biofilms viability in open-circuit MFCs could be recovered by switching into closed-circuit, indicating that the current-generating anode in MFCs could serve as a favorable electron acceptor and provide sufficient energy to support cell growth and metabolism inside biofilms.  相似文献   

A new species of genus Shewanella, Shewanella decolorationis S12, from activated sludge of a textile-printing wastewater treatment plant, can decolorize Reactive Brilliant Blue K-GR, one kind of anthraquinone dye, with flocculation first. Although S. decolorationis displayed good growth in an aerobic condition, color removal was the best in an anaerobic condition. For color removal, the most suitable pH values and temperatures were pH 6.0–8.0 and 30–37°C under anaerobic culture. More than 99% of Reactive Brilliant Blue K-GR was removed in color within 15 h at a dye concentration of 50 mg/l. Lactate was the suitable carbon source for the dye decolorization. A metal compound, HgCl2, had the inhibitory effect on decolorization of Reactive Brilliant Blue K-GR, but a nearly complete decolorization also could be observed at a HgCl2 concentration of 10 mg/l. The enzyme activities, which mediate the tested dye decolorization, were not significantly affected by preadaptation of the bacterium to the dye.  相似文献   

The complete biodegradation of azo dye, Fast Acid Red GR, was observed under microaerophilic conditions by Shewanella decolorationis S12. Although the highest decolorizing rate was measured under anaerobic condition and the highest biomass was obtained under aerobic condition, a further biodegradation of decolorizing products can only be achieved under microaerophilic conditions. Under microaerophilic conditions, S. decolorationis S12 could use a range of carbon sources for azo dye decolorization, including lactate, formate, glucose and sucrose, with lactate being the optimal carbon source. Sulfonated aromatic amines were not detected during the biotransformation of Fast Acid Red GR, while H2S formed. The decolorizing products, aniline, 1,4-diaminobenzene and 1-amino-2-naphthol, were followed by complete biodegradation through catechol and 4-aminobenzoic acid based on the analysis results of GC-MS and HPLC.  相似文献   

The microbial reduction process of goethite by Shewanella decolorationis S12 was evaluated. The results showed the electron shuttle, anthraquinone-2-sulfonate (AQS), could enhance the microbial reduction. The thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of goethite reduction by microorganisms were influenced by AQS, concentrations of iron oxide, and electron donor. Transformation between oxidized and reduced species of the electron shuttle during the microbial reduction could be newly noticed. Two interactive steps, biotic and abiotic, were involved in the microbial reduction of Fe (III) oxide mediated by electron shuttle.  相似文献   

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