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Pieces of coverslip glass coated with various proteins were implanted under one edge of a fresh skin wound on adult newt hind limbs so that the implant served as wound bed for migrating epidermal cells as they attempted to form a wound epithelium. Despite the fact that concanavalin A (Con A) receptors could be demonstrated on newt epidermal cells with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated lectin, Con A-coated implants supported practically no migration, an even poorer response than the modest amount of migration that occurred on uncoated glass. Coomassie blue staining verified that the lectin formed a complete film over the glass, and peroxidase binding assays showed that even after several hours in the wound, the Con A binding sites for mannose were still available. Migration on fibrinogen-coated glass (a good migration substrate) was not affected by placing the implants next to Con A-coated implants. Thus, the failure to migrate on Con A cannot be explained by soluble Con A effects from lectin leaching off the implants. These data suggest that linkages between cell surface mannose and the substrate are not part of the strategy by which newt epidermal cells migrate.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP levels in migrating and non-migrating newt epidermal cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels were measured in 8-hour migrating wound epithelial and non-migrating epithelial cells of the newt. Tissues were collected in vivo and in vitro with and without epidermal-dermal separation by collagenase. Regardless of manner of collection and treatment, cAMP levels were always significantly higher in the migrating cells. Levels were also measured in 28-hour and 36-hour wound epithelia. There was a progressive decline in levels in wound epithelia between 8, 28, and 36 hours, suggesting that levels were in the process of returning to normal. When cells were treated with a dose of cAMP and theo-phylline previously shown to inhibit migration, levels of cAMP were much higher than any migrating epithelium. The fact that cAMP inhibits migration, yet migrating cells have higher cAMP levels, seems contradictory at first, but possible explanations are advanced to account for the apparent discrepancy.  相似文献   

Summary Ergovaline's role in the direct causation of fescue toxicosis first requires establishment of its dietary absorption. Therefore, ergovaline movement across human intestinal cells was assessed using Caco-2 cells derived from human colon carcinoma. A pre-equilibrated mixture of ergovaline/ergovalinine (60∶40 ratio of isomers) was added to the apical compartment, and isomer movements were assessed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of extracted media (initial pre-isomerized ergovaline concentrations of 6 and 22 μM, two doses). Mathematical models for ergot alkaloid movement were developed. Rates of movement were not different for the isomers. In the absence of cells, basal accumulation of isomers was essentially linear for 3 h regardless of loading concentration, after which basal accumulation of ergovaline/ergovalinine plateaued. Rates of ergovaline/ergovalinine movement in the presence of cells slowed to about 25% the rate of movement in the absence of cells (22 μM, kt=0.0133 no cells, 0.0036 with cells, P<0.05). Mass transfer rate was 7.5 ng·cm−2·min−1 and was similar to that reported for ergovaline using a parabiotic chamber with sheep omasum. After 6 h in the presence of cells, ∼25 and 40% of the total ergovaline/ergovalinine administered had accumulated in the basal compartment for 6.6 and 22 μM treatments, respectively. Ergovaline and its naturally occurring isomer, ergovalinine, readily crossed intestinal cells intact and at similar rates. Either isomer, or a combination of both, could be involved in the pathogenesis of fescue toxicosis at sites distal to the intestine.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophysiologic and tracer experiments have shown that Cl entersNecturus proximal tubule cells from the tubule lumen by a process coupled to the flow of Na+, and that Cl entry is electrically silent. The mechanism of Cl exit from the cell across the basolateral membrane has not been directly studied. To evaluate the importance of the movement of Cl ions across the basolateral membrane, the relative conductance of Cl to K+ was determined by a new method. Single-barrel ion-selective microelectrodes were used to measure intracellular Cl and K+ as a function of basolateral membrane PD as it varied normally from tubule to tubule. Basolateral membrane Cl conductance was about 10% of K+ conductance by this method. A second approach was to voltage clamp the basolateral PD to 20 mV above and below the spontaneous PD, while sensing intracellular Cl activity with the second barrel of a double-barrel microelectrode. An axial wire electrode in the tubule lumen was used to pass current across the tubular wall and thereby vary the basolateral membrane PD. Cell Cl activity was virtually unaffected by the PD changes. We conclude that Cl leavesNecturus proximal tubule cells by a neutral mechanism, possibly coupled to the efflux of Na+ or K+.  相似文献   

ABA affected K+ and solute transport between guard cells and epidermal cells as indicated by K+ staining and plasmolysis. ABA enhanced K+ (86Rb) uptake into epidermal cells. To find out whether the ABA enhanced accumulation of K+ (86Rb) in epidermal cells is active, uptake in the presence of exogenous ATP was studied. These studies hinted that K+ (86Rb) uptake by epidermal cells is a passive process, while its release is an active one. This was verified by applying iodoacetate, which interferes with energy supply. The epidermal cells thus seem to play a role in stomatal movement.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the epidermal cells which migrate over the wound surface of the amputated limb of the adult newt, Notophthalmus viridescens, was observed with transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopy. In order to aid in the visualization of polyanionic surface materials on the wound epithelium and wound surface with TEM, the basic dye, ruthenium red, was introduced into the fixatives and buffer. Control limbs were processed without ruthenium red. Shortly after amputation, basal cells at the wound margin possessed elongated, flattened profiles with long pseudopodial projections (lamellipodia and filopodia) that appeared to make contact with the fibrin exudate covering the stump tissues. Epidermal cells proximal to the site of amputation were also in a state of mobilization. Large intercellular spaces and a reduction in the number of desmosomes were observed in the migrating cells. Epidermal cell nuclei became characteristically euchromatic with well-developed nucleoli. Microfilaments were seen within the cytoplasm, extending toward the plasma membrane of cellular processes. Phagocytosed material was also present in the migrating cells. By approximately 9 hours post-amputation, wound closure was complete, and the wound epithelium consisted of three to four cell layers of a non-cornified epidermis. Generally, the amount of extracellular material present on the surface and in the enlarged intercellular spaces of migrating epidermal cells remained the same throughout the period of wound closure. A layer of polyanionic material was observed consistently over the fibrin meshwork covering the wound surface with TEM.  相似文献   

The interaction of migrating newt epidermal cells with the extracellular matrix protein, fibronectin, was studied. Pieces of nitrocellulose coated with intact human plasma fibronectin or proteolytically derived fragments were implanted into wounded limbs so that the coated nitrocellulose served as wound bed for migrating epidermal cells as they attempted to form a wound epithelium. Epidermal cells migrated very poorly on nitrocellulose pieces coated with (a) a 27-kD amino-terminal heparin-binding fragment, (b) a 46-kD gelatin-binding fragment, (c) a combined 33- and 66-kD carboxy-terminal heparin-binding preparation representing peptide sequences in the A and B chains, respectively, or (d) a 31-kD carboxy-terminal fragment from the A chain, containing a free sulfhydryl group. In contrast, epidermal cells readily migrated onto nitrocellulose coated with a mixture of fragments from the middle of the molecule (80-125kD) that bind neither heparin nor gelatin. Attempts to block migration on fibronectin-coated nitrocellulose using IB10, a monoclonal antibody that blocks Chinese hamster ovary cell attachment to fibronectin, were unsuccessful despite saturation of the epitope against which IB10 is directed. In contrast, a polyclonal anti-fibronectin antibody did inhibit migration. These results show that the ability of fibronectin to support newt epidermal cell migration is not shared equally by all regions of the molecule, but is restricted to a domain in the middle third. They also suggest that the site supporting migration is separate and distinct from the site mediating Chinese hamster ovary cell attachment.  相似文献   

The effect of several solubilized monosaccharides on epidermal cell migration from skin explants of the adult newt was examined. The ability of epidermal cells to migrate on substrates coated with these same sugars or with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) was also determined. Adding 0.05 M N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc) to the medium inhibited epidermal cell migration in dishes coated with either type I collagen or fibrinogen. The same concentration of fucose, galactose, or mannose had no effect. In contrast to type I collagen, which supported considerable migration when dried onto the bottom of plastic dishes, epidermal cells were unable to migrate on dishes coated similarly with WGA, mucin (a protein high in sialic acid residues), or bovine serum albumin (BSA) conjugated to galactose, mannose, or GlcNAc. Red blood cell (RBC) binding assays showed that drying WGA onto plastic did not destroy its GlcNAc binding sites--nor did it damage the GlcNAc residues of BSA-GlcNAc. The RBC assay also verified that for both these proteins, substrates with distinctly different cell binding capacities had been tested in the migration experiments. In dishes coated with either WGA or BSA-GlcNAc, red cells bound to dish bottoms in a GlcNAc-specific manner right up to the margins of explants. Other control experiments showed that the failure of migration in WGA- and BSA-GlcNAc-coated dishes could not be explained by competition between adsorbed and desorbing protein for cell surface receptors. This work shows that adhesive bonds between epidermal cell surface GlcNAc and a GlcNAC-specific lectin on the substrate are not by themselves adequate to support cell migration. Nor is GlcNAc, sialic acid, galactose, or mannose alone on the substrate sufficient. In conjunction with our earlier work (Donaldson and Mahan: J. Exp. Zool., 231:211-219, '84; Donaldson, Mahan, Hasty, McCarthy, and Furcht: J. Cell. Biol., 101: 73-78, '85), these observations suggest that factors other than carbohydrate content or capacity to act as a lectin determine whether a given extracellular protein will support migration.  相似文献   

Summary The blood supply of duck muscle spindles from the extensor pollicis and the extensor digitorum comminis wing muscles has been studied by light and electron microscopy. Capillaries usually accompany the nerve bundle that innervates the spindle, approaching at an oblique angle around the midequatorial region. Capillaries may run for some distance along the surface of the outer capsule, or penetrate partially into the outer capsule and lie between layers of the capsule cell processes. Some capillaries also penetrate the outer capsule, running into the periaxial space and continuing further towards the polar region. They have been shown to be in close contact with intrafusal muscle fibres, from the juxta-equatorial to the polar region, but have not been encountered among sensory terminals in the mid-equatorial region.  相似文献   

The ionic dependency and transmission of epidermal action potentials have been examined from tailbud to hatching stages of newt embryos. Previously we have reported that the epidermal action potential is composed of a fast- and slow-action component; only the slow-action component, however, is transmitted to other cells. We address in this report the mechanism by which these responses are mediated. The slow-action potential is not produced in Na+-free saline, tricaine saline, or following the application of TTX, and thus appears to be Na+ dependent. The fast-action potential on the other hand is blocked by application of Co2+ and verapamil saline and thus appears to be Ca2+ dependent. The slow-action potentials appear to be chemically transmitted since they are transmitted even to those cells which are electrically uncoupled at low intracellular pH (NaHCO3 + HCl, pH 6.2). Furthermore 1 μM curare and atropine are inhibitory to transmission of the slow potential. Epidermal cells of the newt embryo are sensitive to acetylcholine (ACh) applied by hydrostatic ejection through a micropipet. The latter observation further suggests that propagation of the slow-action potential is, in part, a chemical event.  相似文献   

Intravascular schistosome parasites are covered by an unusual double lipid bilayer. Nutrients, such as glucose and amino acids, as well as other metabolites, are known to be transported across this surface via specific transporter proteins. For instance, the glucose transporter protein SGTP4 is found in the host-interactive tegumental membranes. A second glucose transporter, SGTP1, localizes to the tegumental basal membrane (and internal tissues). Following expression in Xenopus oocytes, SGTP1 and SGTP4 both function as facilitated-diffusion sugar transporters. Suppressing the expression of SGTP1 and SGTP4 in juvenile schistosomes using RNA interference (RNAi) impairs the parasite's ability to import glucose and severely decreases worm viability. Amino acids can also be imported into schistosomes across their surface and an amino acid transporter (SPRM1lc) has been localized in the parasite surface membranes (as well as internally). In Xenopus oocytes, SPRM1lc can import the basic amino acids arginine, lysine and histidine as well as leucine, phenylalanine, methionine and glutamine. To function, this protein requires the assistance of a heavy-chain partner (SPRM1hc) which acts as a chaperone. Water is transported across the tegument of schistosomes via the aquaporin protein SmAQP. Suppressing SmAQP gene expression makes the parasites less able to osmoregulate and decreases their viability. In addition, SmAQP-suppressed adult parasites have been shown to be impaired in their ability to excrete lactate. Analysis of tegumental transporter proteins, as described in this report, is designed to generate a comprehensive understanding of the role of such proteins in promoting parasite survival by controlling the movement of metabolites into and out of the worms.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is secreted into the interstitial spaces by adipocytes and myocytes but then must be transported to the capillary lumen by GPIHBP1, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein of capillary endothelial cells. The mechanism by which GPIHBP1 and LPL move across endothelial cells remains unclear. We asked whether the transport of GPIHBP1 and LPL across endothelial cells was uni- or bidirectional. We also asked whether GPIHBP1 and LPL are transported across cells in vesicles and whether this transport process requires caveolin-1. The movement of GPIHBP1 and LPL across cultured endothelial cells was bidirectional. Also, GPIHBP1 moved bidirectionally across capillary endothelial cells in live mice. The transport of LPL across endothelial cells was inhibited by dynasore and genistein, consistent with a vesicular transport process. Also, transmission electron microscopy (EM) and dual-axis EM tomography revealed GPIHBP1 and LPL in invaginations of the plasma membrane and in vesicles. The movement of GPIHBP1 across capillary endothelial cells was efficient in the absence of caveolin-1, and there was no defect in the internalization of LPL by caveolin-1-deficient endothelial cells in culture. Our studies show that GPIHBP1 and LPL move bidirectionally across endothelial cells in vesicles and that transport is efficient even when caveolin-1 is absent.  相似文献   

Summary The process by which axons regenerate following a freeze injury to the optic nerve of the newt was analyzed by light and electron microscopy. Freezing destroys cellular constituents in a one millimeter segment of the nerve, leaving intact the basal lamina and the blood supply to the eye. No axons are seen at the site of injury one to seven days post lesion. This contrasts with the persistence of normal-appearing but severed unmyelinated axons within the cranial stump which thus give a false appearance of early regeneration. The first axon sprouts traverse the lesion and enter the cranial stump by ten days. The number of regenerating axons increases rapidly thereafter with no signs of random growth at the site of injury. These axon sprouts tend to be somewhat larger than normal unmyelinated axons and contain dense core vesicles and abnormal organelles similar to those in growing axons in tissue culture. The persisting basal lamina inside the optic sheath appears to provide continuity across the site of injury, to orient axon sprouts, and to favor an orderly process of axon regeneration without neuroma formation.The authors wish to express their gratitude to Barbara Heindel and Jill Jones for extremely helpful technical assistance. This work was supported by grants NS 10864 and NS 05666 from the U.S. Public Health Service and by the Medical Research Service of the Veterans Administration  相似文献   

The epidermal cells of the developing insect form a two-dimensional isodiffusion network of low resistance to the intercellular movement of at least one small inorganic ion. The spatial gradient in positional information found within the epidermis of each body segment could not be correlated with any quantitative regional or directional differences in intercellular ionic conductance. The lumped resistivity of the intercellular pathway during all stages of development analyzed (450 Ωcm) is only four times greater than the assumed resistivity of cytoplasm alone (100 Ω cm). The specific resistance of junctional membrane is at least three orders of magnitude less than the specific resistance of nonjunctional membrane.Little reduction in ionic conductance could be detected across the cells that form the intersegmental membrane, separating the positional fields of adjacent segments, in the pupa and adult. It is unlikely that a restricted spatial distribution of low-resistance pathways plays a role in the maintenance of the boundaries of neighboring developmental fields.No anteroposterior gradient in bioelectric potential was detected within the segment.  相似文献   

The internalization of a fluorescent analogue of phosphatidylethanolamine following its insertion into the plasma membrane of cultured Chinese hamster fibroblasts was examined. When liposomes composed of 50 mol % 1-acyl-2-(N-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole)-aminocaproyl phosphatidylethanolamine (C6-NBD-PE) and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine were incubated with monolayer cell cultures at 2 degrees C, a spontaneous transfer of the fluorescent lipid from liposomes to cells occurred. As long as the cells were kept at 2 degrees C, the fluorescent lipid remained at the plasma membrane. However, if, after removing the fluorescent liposomes, the cultures were warmed to 37 degrees C, the C6-NBD-PE was internalized and resided in the nuclear envelope, mitochondria, and Golgi apparatus in addition to the plasma membrane. Delivery of the fluorescent lipid to the Golgi apparatus could be blocked by the addition of 2-deoxyglucose plus sodium azide to the incubation medium. Evidence is presented suggesting that while delivery of the fluorescent lipid to the Golgi apparatus was mainly dependent on endocytosis, delivery to the nuclear envelope and mitochondria occurred by rapid transbilayer movement of the lipid across the plasma membrane followed by translocation of lipid monomers. Rapid transbilayer movement of C6-NBD-PE across the plasma membrane was found to be a temperature-dependent process that was blocked below 7 degrees C.  相似文献   

Dorsal iris from the eyes of adult Notophthalmus viridescens was transplanted into the blastema of regenerating limbs, subcutaneously in the limb or shoulder region, into the dorsal fin of larval newts and into the hindbrain of larval Ambystoma maculatum. The iris implants into the blastema regenerated lens vesicles or lenses with fibers in 40–75% of the cases. Multiple lenses were found in a few instances. No lenses developed from iris implants into the dorsal fin. Twenty percent of subcutaneous implants of iris formed lenses or lens vesicles, but lens regeneration from implants into the brain occurred only rarely. Denervation of the limb at the time of iris transplantation into the blastema greatly reduced the number of lenses regenerated. Studies on nerve fiber distribution in dorsal fin, subcutaneous areas, and denervated and innervated regenerating limbs, using the Bodian method, showed a general correlation between density of nerve fibers in the implant site and the incidence of lens regeneration from iris implants into that site. These results provide some evidence for a trophic action of nerve fibers on lens regeneration from the iris.  相似文献   

This research was designed to follow up the observation of Thornton and Kraemer ('51) that regressed, denervated limbs of Ambystoma larvae will not regenerate upon reinnervation if all digits on the limbs were not completely resorbed. The object of this experiment was to determine whether the presence of an apical structure, protruding past the amputation surface, would affect the regenerative process. Both forearms of adult newts were amputated midway between the elbow and the wrist. One limb served as a normal regeneration control, and in the other limb the third digit from the removed hand was implanted in place of the removed radius, so that the three distal phalangeal segments protruded past the plane of amputation. Blastema formation in the experimental limbs was delayed by several weeks as compared with control limbs. Approximately one third of the experimental limbs did not regenerate. The regenerates that did form were strongly deviated (45–90°) radially from the longitudinal axis of the limb. Experimental analysis showed that the delay in regeneration is due largely to the projecting part of the digit. The radial deviation of the regenerates is not due to the digital implant, but rather to the removal of the radius. Trauma alone does not account for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

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