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In an effort to characterize further the patterns of selection and adaptive evolution at the methuselah locus in Drosophila species, we extended an analysis of geographical variation to include single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in adjacent genes on either side of the mth locus, and examined the molecular variation in a neighbouring methuselah paralogue (mth2). An analysis of 13 SNPs spanning a region of nearly 19 kilobases surrounding the mth locus demonstrated that a clinal pattern associated with the most common mth haplotype does not extend to adjacent gene loci, providing compelling evidence that the clinal pattern results from selection on as yet unidentified sites associated with the functional mth locus. mth2 exhibited a significant pattern of adaptive divergence among D. melanogaster, D. simulans and D. yakuba similar to that seen at mth. However, Ka : Ks ratios indicate a difference in levels of functional constraint at the two methuselah, loci with mth2 exhibiting a five- to six-fold reduction in levels of amino acid divergence relative to mth.  相似文献   

Invertebrate gap junctions are composed of proteins called innexins and eight innexin encoding loci have been identified in the now complete genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster. The intercellular channels formed by these proteins are multimeric and previous studies have shown that, in a heterologous expression system, homo- and hetero-oligomeric channels can form, each combination possessing different gating characteristics. Here we demonstrate that the innexins exhibit complex overlapping expression patterns during oogenesis, embryogenesis, imaginal wing disc development and central nervous system development and show that only certain combinations of innexin oligomerization are possible in vivo. This work forms an essential basis for future studies of innexin interactions in Drosophila and outlines the potential extent of gap-junction involvement in development.  相似文献   

Globin gene family evolution and functional diversification in annelids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Globins are the most common type of oxygen-binding protein in annelids. In this paper, we show that circulating intracellular globin (Alvinella pompejana and Glycera dibranchiata), noncirculating intracellular globin (Arenicola marina myoglobin) and extracellular globin from various annelids share a similar gene structure, with two conserved introns at canonical positions B12.2 and G7.0. Despite sequence divergence between intracellular and extracellular globins, these data strongly suggest that these three globin types are derived from a common ancestral globin-like gene and evolved by duplication events leading to diversification of globin types and derived functions. A phylogenetic analysis shows a distinct evolutionary history of annelid extracellular hemoglobins with respect to intracellular annelid hemoglobins and mollusc and arthropod extracellular hemoglobins. In addition, dehaloperoxidase (DHP) from the annelid, Amphitrite ornata, surprisingly exhibits close phylogenetic relationships to some annelid intracellular globins. We have characterized the gene structure of A. ornata DHP to confirm assumptions about its homology with globins. It appears that it has the same intron position as in globin genes, suggesting a common ancestry with globins. In A. ornata, DHP may be a derived globin with an unusual enzymatic function.  相似文献   

张正红  张儒 《昆虫学报》2012,55(12):1394-1398
果蝇Drosophila 3号染色体上methuselah (mth)基因发生突变后, 成年果蝇的平均寿命会延长约35%, 并且对一系列外界胁迫因素如饥饿、 高温、 百草枯(可产生强氧化性自由基)的耐受性会显著增强。研究表明mth编码的Mth蛋白属于B家族G蛋白偶联受体(G protein-coupled receptor, GPCR), 其内源性配体是sun基因编码的小分子肽Stunted。现已发现敲除sun基因或者过表达Mth受体的肽类拮抗剂均能延长果蝇的寿命。Mth受体是目前发现的首个与动物衰老调控相关的GPCR, 该受体除了具有GPCR典型的7次跨膜结构外, 还具有其独特的胞外结构域, 该胞外结构域能够与多种配体结合。Mth受体的生理功能主要体现为: 维持生物体内环境稳态和新陈代谢的平衡, 参与调控果蝇的寿命、 应激反应、 雄性种系干细胞数量和感知运动能力等。目前对Mth受体的研究尚处于起步阶段, 其工作机理的解析对于我们揭示GPCR如何参与寿命的调节具有重要意义, 为我们开发延长人类寿命的新药提供了可能。鉴于此, 本文主要对果蝇Mth受体的结构功能、 配体及其寿命调控信号转导通路等方面做了总结, 并对Mth受体寿命调控信号通路的实用研究价值做了一些展望。  相似文献   

The tempo and mode of evolution of loci with a large effect on adaptation and reproductive isolation will influence the rate of evolutionary divergence and speciation. Desaturase loci are involved in key biochemical changes in long-chain fatty acids. In insects, these have been shown to influence adaptation to starvation or desiccation resistance and in some cases act as important pheromones. The desaturase gene family of Drosophila is known to have evolved by gene duplication and diversification, and at least one locus shows rapid evolution of sex-specific expression variation. Here, we examine the evolution of the gene family in species representing the Drosophila phylogeny. We find that the family includes more loci than have been previously described. Most are represented as single-copy loci, but we also find additional examples of duplications in loci which influence pheromone blends. Most loci show patterns of variation associated with purifying selection, but there are strong signatures of diversifying selection in new duplicates. In the case of a new duplicate of desat1 in the obscura group species, we show that strong selection on the coding sequence is associated with the evolution of sex-specific expression variation. It seems likely that both sexual selection and ecological adaptation have influenced the evolution of this gene family in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Expression and evolution of the Drosophila attacin/diptericin gene family   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We describe the genes for three new glycine-rich antimicrobial peptides in Drosophila, two attacins (AttC and AttD) and one diptericin (DptB). Their structures support the proposal that these glycine-rich antimicrobial peptides evolved from a common ancestor and are probably also related to proline-rich peptides such as drosocin. AttC is similar to the nearby AttA and AttB genes. AttD is more divergent and located on a different chromosome. Intriguingly, AttD may encode an intracellular attacin. DptB is linked in tandem to the closely related Diptericin. However, the DptB gene product contains a furin-like cleavage site and may be processed in an attacin-like fashion. All attacin and diptericin genes are induced after bacterial challenge. This induction is reduced in imd mutants, and unexpectedly also in Tl(-) mutants. The 18w mutation particularly affects the induction of AttC, which may be a useful marker for 18w signaling.  相似文献   

Although climate warming is expected to make habitat beyond species’ current cold range edge suitable for future colonization, this new habitat may present an array of biotic or abiotic conditions not experienced within the current range. Species’ ability to shift their range with climate change may therefore depend on how populations evolve in response to such novel environmental conditions. However, due to the recent nature of thus far observed range expansions, the role of rapid adaptation during climate change migration is only beginning to be understood. Here, we evaluated evolution during the recent native range expansion of the annual plant Dittrichia graveolens, which is spreading northward in Europe from the Mediterranean region. We examined genetically based differentiation between core and edge populations in their phenology, a trait that is likely under selection with shorter growing seasons and greater seasonality at northern latitudes. In parallel common garden experiments at range edges in Switzerland and the Netherlands, we grew plants from Dutch, Swiss, and central and southern French populations. Population genetic analysis following RAD‐sequencing of these populations supported the hypothesized central France origins of the Swiss and Dutch range edge populations. We found that in both common gardens, northern plants flowered up to 4 weeks earlier than southern plants. This differentiation in phenology extended from the core of the range to the Netherlands, a region only reached from central France over approximately the last 50 years. Fitness decreased as plants flowered later, supporting the hypothesized benefits of earlier flowering at the range edge. Our results suggest that native range expanding populations can rapidly adapt to novel environmental conditions in the expanded range, potentially promoting their ability to spread.  相似文献   

Using a series of gene-specific oligonucleotide probes, we have explored the developmental pattern of expression of six members of the rat kallikrein gene family (PS, S1, S2, S3, K1, and P1) in the submandibular gland (SMG) and kidney of both sexes, the prostate and testis of the male, and the anterior pituitary gland (AP) of the female rat. PS (true kallikrein) mRNA was detected in early neonatal life in the SMG and kidney of both sexes. K1, a second kallikrein gene family member expressed in the adult kidney, had a developmental pattern similar to PS in the kidney. In contrast, tonin (S2), S3, K1, and P1, all of which are expressed in the adult SMG, did not reach detectable SMG mRNA levels until puberty in either the male or female rat. Both S3 and P1, which are expressed in the adult prostate, and the novel P1-like mRNA previously detected in the adult rat testis, first appeared in early puberty. In the female AP, PS mRNA levels were not detected until early puberty and thus exhibited a developmental profile different from that of prolactin. The demonstration that S1, S2, S3, P1, and K1 are not expressed in the SMG or prostate until puberty is consistent with the expression of these genes in these tissues being androgen-regulated; the first appearance of PS mRNA in the female AP in early puberty similarly reflects the estrogen dependence of PS gene expression in this tissue. The presence of PS mRNA levels in the SMG and kidney prior to sexual maturation reflects the androgen independence of PS gene expression and suggests that PS (true kallikrein) may play a constitutive and/or developmental role in SMG or renal physiology.  相似文献   

Transposons comprise a major component of eukaryotic genomes, yet it remains controversial whether they are merely genetic parasites or instead significant contributors to organismal function and evolution. In plants, thousands of DNA transposons were recently shown to contain duplicated cellular gene fragments, a process termed transduplication. Although transduplication is a potentially rich source of novel coding sequences, virtually all appear to be pseudogenes in rice. Here we report the results of a genome-wide survey of transduplication in Mutator-like elements (MULEs) in Arabidopsis thaliana, which shows that the phenomenon is generally similar to rice transduplication, with one important exception: KAONASHI (KI). A family of more than 97 potentially functional genes and apparent pseudogenes, evidently derived at least 15 MYA from a cellular small ubiquitin-like modifier-specific protease gene, KI is predominantly located in potentially autonomous non-terminal inverted repeat MULEs and has evolved under purifying selection to maintain a conserved peptidase domain. Similar to the associated transposase gene but unlike cellular genes, KI is targeted by small RNAs and silenced in most tissues but has elevated expression in pollen. In an Arabidopsis double mutant deficient in histone and DNA methylation with elevated KI expression compared to wild type, at least one KI-MULE is mobile. The existence of KI demonstrates that transduplicated genes can retain protein-coding capacity and evolve novel functions. However, in this case, our evidence suggests that the function of KI may be selfish rather than cellular.  相似文献   

Adverse reports on the exposure of organisms to dichlorvos (DDVP; an organophosphate insecticide) necessitate studies of organismal resistance/tolerance by way of pharmacological or genetic means. In the context of genetic modulation, a mutation in methuselah (mth; encodes a class II G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)) is reported to extend (~35%) the life span of Drosophila melanogaster and enhance their resistance to oxidative stress induced by paraquat exposure (short term, high level). A lack of studies on organismal tolerance of DDVP by genetic modulation prompted us to examine the protective efficacy of mth mutation in exposed Drosophila. Flies were exposed to 1.5 and 15.0 ng/ml DDVP for 12–48 h to examine oxidative stress endpoints and chemical resistance. After prolonged exposure of flies to DDVP, antioxidant enzyme activities, oxidative stress, glutathione content, and locomotor performance were assayed at various days (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50) of age. Flies with the mth mutation (mth1) showed improved chemical resistance and rescued redox impairment after acute DDVP exposure. Exposed mth1 flies exhibited improved life span along with enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities and rescued oxidative perturbations and locomotor insufficiency up to middle age (~20 days) over similarly exposed w1118 flies. However, at late (≥30 days) age, these benefits were undermined. Further, similarly exposed mth-knockdown flies showed effects similar to those observed in mth1 flies. This study provides evidence of tolerance in organisms carrying a mth mutation against prolonged DDVP exposure and further warrants examination of similar class II GPCR signaling facets toward better organismal health.  相似文献   



Polygalacturonases (PGs) belong to a large gene family in plants and are believed to be responsible for various cell separation processes. PG activities have been shown to be associated with a wide range of plant developmental programs such as seed germination, organ abscission, pod and anther dehiscence, pollen grain maturation, fruit softening and decay, xylem cell formation, and pollen tube growth, thus illustrating divergent roles for members of this gene family. A close look at phylogenetic relationships among Arabidopsis and rice PGs accompanied by analysis of expression data provides an opportunity to address key questions on the evolution and functions of duplicate genes.  相似文献   

The Drosophila pair-rule gene odz (Tenm) has many patterning roles throughout development. We have identified four mammalian homologs of this gene, including one previously described as a mouse ER stress response gene, Doc4 (Wang et al., 1998). The Odz genes encode large polypeptides displaying the hallmarks of Drosophila Odz: a putative signal peptide; eight EGF-like repeats; and a putative transmembrane domain followed by a 1800-amino-acid stretch without homology to any proteins outside of this family. The mouse genes Odz3 and Doc4/Odz4 exhibit partially overlapping, but clearly distinct, embryonic expression patterns. The major embryonic sites of expression are in the nervous system, including the tectum, optic recess, optic stalk, and developing eye. Additional sites of expression include trachea and mesodermally derived tissues, such as mesentery, and forming limb and bone. Expression of the Odz2 gene is restricted to the nervous system. The expression patterns suggest that each of the genes has its own distinct developmental role. Comparisons of Drosophila and vertebrate Odz expression patterns suggest evolutionarily conserved functions.  相似文献   

Paaby AB  Schmidt PS 《PloS one》2008,3(4):e1987


Longevity and age-specific patterns of mortality are complex traits that vary within and among taxa. Multiple candidate genes for aging have been identified in model systems by extended longevity mutant phenotypes, including the G-protein coupled receptor methuselah (mth) in D. melanogaster. These genes offer important insights into the mechanisms of lifespan determination and have been major targets of interest in the biology of aging. However, it is largely unknown whether these genes contribute to genetic variance for lifespan in natural populations, and consequently contribute to lifespan evolution.

Methodology/Principle Findings

For a gene to contribute to genetic variance for a particular trait, it must meet two criteria: natural allelic variation and functional differences among variants. Previous work showed that mth varies significantly among wild populations; here we assess the functional significance of wild-derived mth alleles on lifespan, fecundity and stress resistance using a quantitative complementation scheme. Our results demonstrate that mth alleles segregating in nature have a functional effect on all three traits.


These results suggest that allelic variation at mth contributes to observed differences in lifespan and correlated phenotypes in natural populations, and that evaluation of genetic diversity at candidate genes for aging can be a fruitful approach to identifying loci contributing to lifespan evolution.  相似文献   

The phosphatidyl ethanolamine-binding protein (PEBP) gene family is present in all eukaryote kingdoms, with three subfamilies identified in angiosperms (FLOWERING LOCUS T [FT], MOTHER OF FT AND TFL1 [MFT], and TERMINAL FLOWER1 [TFL1] like). In angiosperms, PEBP genes have been shown to function both as promoters and suppressors of flowering and to control plant architecture. In this study, we focus on previously uncharacterized PEBP genes from gymnosperms. Extensive database searches suggest that gymnosperms possess only two types of PEBP genes, MFT-like and a group that occupies an intermediate phylogenetic position between the FT-like and TFL1-like (FT/TFL1-like). Overexpression of Picea abies PEBP genes in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) suggests that the FT/TFL1-like genes (PaFTL1 and PaFTL2) code for proteins with a TFL1-like function. However, PaFTL1 and PaFTL2 also show highly divergent expression patterns. While the expression of PaFTL2 is correlated with annual growth rhythm and mainly confined to needles and vegetative and reproductive buds, the expression of PaFTL1 is largely restricted to microsporophylls of male cones. The P. abies MFT-like genes (PaMFT1 and PaMFT2) show a predominant expression during embryo development, a pattern that is also found for many MFT-like genes from angiosperms. P. abies PEBP gene expression is primarily detected in tissues undergoing physiological changes related to growth arrest and dormancy. A first duplication event resulting in two families of plant PEBP genes (MFT-like and FT/TFL1-like) seems to coincide with the evolution of seed plants, in which independent control of bud and seed dormancy was required, and the second duplication resulting in the FT-like and TFL1-like clades probably coincided with the evolution of angiosperms.  相似文献   

The present investigation using molecular cloning and sequence analysis concerns the examination of the molecular basis for different expression patterns of two types of the rat kininogen genes. We show that the low molecular weight and high molecular weight forms of K kininogens are produced from a single gene through alternative usage of two 3'-coding regions, whereas only the low molecular weight forms of T kininogens are generated as a result of several mutational changes in the high molecular weight-specifying regions of both T-I and T-II kininogen genes. The mutational changes include a nucleotide substitution at the polyadenylation/processing signal site, nucleotide deletions resulting in the frame-shift mutation, and an insertion of the type 2 Alu-equivalent sequence. Because kininogens represent a multifunctional protein comprising the proteinase-inhibitory activity, the kinin moiety, and the clotting activity, these results present evidence indicating the molecular basis for the disappearance of a part of the gene functions. We also show that the K and T kininogen genes as well as the two T kininogen genes are extremely homologous, excluding and including the above mutational changes, respectively. These structural relationships allow us to envisage evolutionary processes for the generation of the rat kininogen gene family, particularly for the disappearance of a part of the gene functions.  相似文献   

The tissue-specific expression patterns of glucose dehydrogenase (GLD) exhibit a high degree of inter specific variation in the adult reproductive tract among the species in the genus Drosophila. We chose to focus on the evolution of GLD expression and the evolution of the Gld promoter in seven closely related species in the mela-nogaster subgroup as a means of elucidating the relationship of changes in cis-acting regulatory elements in the Gld promoter region with changes in tissue-specific expression. Although little variation in tissue-specific patterns of GLD was found in nonreproductive tissues during development, a surprisingly high level of variation was observed in the expression of GLD in both developing and ma-ture reproductive organs. In some cases this variation is correlated with changes in sequence elements in the Gld promoter which were previously shown to direct tissue-specific expression in the reproductive tract. In particular D. teissieri adult males do not express GLD in their ejaculatory ducts, atypical of the melanogaster subgroup species. The Gld promoter region of D. teissieri specifically lacks all three of the TTAGA regulatory elements present in D. melanogaster. The TTAGA elements were previously shown to direct reporter gene expression to the ejaculatory duct. Together these data suggest the absence or presence of the TTAGA elements may be responsible for variation in the absence or presence of GLD in the ejaculatory duct among species. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses supported the hypothesis that the vertebrate toll-like receptors (TLRs) include two very ancient groups that arose by gene duplication prior to the divergence of protostomes and deuterostomes: (1) the TLR1 family (including mammalian TLR1, TLR2, TLR6, and TLR10); and (2) a clade including the remainder of mammalian TLRs. Correlating data on ligand type, subcellular localization, and gene expression in leukocytes and other tissues with the phylogeny provided evidence that certain major functional specializations within the TLRs occurred after ancient gene duplication events and that these traits have been retained through further events of gene duplication. For example, the recognition of bacterial lipoproteins appears to have arisen in the ancestor of the TLR1 family and continues to characterize members of that family whose ligands are known. Likewise, expression on the endosomal membrane and the recognition of nucleic acids appears to have been arisen in the ancestor of the TLR7 family and some related TLRs. On the other hand, gene expression patterns across tissues appear to have been much more volatile over the evolution of the vertebrate TLRs, since genes may show expression profiles similar to those of distantly related genes but dissimilar to those of closely related genes. Thus, the vertebrate TLRs provide an example of a multi-gene family in which gene duplication has been followed by extensive changes in certain aspects of gene function, while others have been conserved throughout vertebrate history. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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