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The developing indirect flight muscles of pharate moths are characterized by a rhythmic discharge of a long bout of flight-pattern-like muscle potentials in the absence of contractions. The electrical activity of the dorsal longitudinal flight muscles (DLMs) in the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, was discernible as a cluster of many series of muscle potentials that last for several minutes on day 4 of the pupal period. The duration of the active phases and the period of rhythmic activity gradually increased to a peak value on day 7 or 8 and then declined until the end of the pupal period. Mean duration of the active phases (+/-SD) and the mean period of the rhythmic activity (+/-SD) at the peak were 38.7+/-8.7 min and 74.5+/-7.3 min, respectively. The rhythmic electrical activity of immature DLMs was closely coordinated with the rhythmic (bursting) activity of a population of neurosecretory cells that are known to produce pheromone-biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) and its related peptides, which belong to the multifunctional peptide family, pyrokinin/PBAN. The DLMs always became active a few minutes after the neurosecretory cells, and the timing of onset of these two activities appeared to be strictly regulated by a neural mechanism. The implication of the coordinated activity for development and maturation of imaginal tissues, including the flight motor system, and possible functions of the neuropeptides in this development are discussed.  相似文献   

Heat-inducible transgenic expression in the silkmoth Bombyx mori   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Germline transformation with new transposon vectors now enables causal tests of gene function via ectopic protein expression or RNA interference in non-drosophilid insects. The problem remains of how to drive the transgene expression in vivo. We employed germline transformation using the piggyBac 3xP3-EGFP vector to test whether the Drosophila heat shock hsp70 promoter will be active in the live silkworm. We modified the original vector by cloning the coding sequence for Bombyx nuclear receptor Ftz-F1 between the hsp70 promoter and the terminator. Three independent transgenic lines expressing the Pax-6-driven EGFP marker in larval and adult photoreceptors were obtained with efficiencies of up to 1.7% of fertile G0 adults that gave GFP-positive progeny. Chromosomal integration of the transposon was confirmed with inverse PCR. Heat induction of the transgenic BmFtz-F1 was proven at both the mRNA and protein levels. RT-PCR data showed that the Drosophila heat shock promoter was functional in all three transgenic lines. Although basal activity was apparent at 25 degrees C, 1 h at 42 degrees C induced BmFtz-F1 mRNA at different stages of development and in diverse tissues. The relative levels of induction differed among the transgenic lines. Northern blot hybridization detected transgenic BmFtz-F1 only after heat shock and low levels of the mRNA were still present 6 h after the heat treatment. Immunostaining of epidermis using anti-BmFtz-F1 antibody showed a clear increase of nuclear signal 90 min after a heat shock.  相似文献   

Diapause hormone (DH) originally identified to be a factor originating from neurosecretory cells in the suboesophageal ganglion acts on developing ovaries to produce diapause eggs in a female silkmoth, Bombyx mori. A male silkmoth has homologous neurosecretory cells, but little is known of the physiological nature of the cells and actions of their products. We examined the long-term firing activity of putative DH-producing neurosecretory cells and hormonal activity of their products in male pupae that had been experienced different environmental regimens for diapause induction. Firing activity patterns of male labial cells strongly depended on diapause types of pupae: cells in a diapause-type male were active throughout the pupal period, whereas the same cells in a non-diapause-type male were usually inactive during the early two-thirds of the pupal period. A male pupa with electrically active labial cells could induce diapause eggs in a female pupa connected parabiotically to that male. The firing activity of male neurosecretory cells and hormonal action of their products are qualitatively the same as in the female previously examined. We suggest that there is no evident sexual dimorphism in the physiological and biochemical nature of neurosecretory cells producing DH and the amidated peptide DH has different functions in a male.  相似文献   

Candidate pheromone binding proteins of the silkmoth Bombyx mori   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pheromone reception is thought to be mediated by pheromone binding proteins (PBPs) in the aqueous lymph of the antennal sensilla. Recent studies have shown that the only known PBP of Bombyx mori (BmorPBP1) appears to be specifically tuned to bombykol but not to bombykal, raising the question of whether additional subtypes may exist. We have identified two novel genes, which encode candidate PBPs (BmorPBP2, BmorPBP3). Comparison with PBPs from various moth species have revealed a high degree of sequence identity and the three BmorPBP-subtypes can be assigned to distinct groups within the moth PBP family. In situ hybridization revealed that BmorPBP2 and BmorPBP3 are expressed only in relatively few cells compared to the number of cells expressing BmorPBP1. Double-labeling experiments have shown that the two novel BmorPBPs are expressed in the same cells but are not co-expressed with BmorPBP1. Furthermore, unlike BmorPBP1, cells expressing the newly identified PBPs did not surround neurons containing the BmOR-1 receptor. The results indicate that BmorPBP2 and BmorPBP3 are located in sensilla types, which are different from the long sensilla trichodea.Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the EMBL database under accession nos. AM403100 (BmorPBP2) and AM403101 (BmorPBP3).  相似文献   

There are three known clusters of neurosecretory cells expressing a gene encoding diapause hormone (DH) and four related peptides in the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) of Bombyx mori. Long-term chronic recordings were made from the axonal tract (NCC-3) of a pair of cells localized in the labial (posterior) neuromere of SOG during pupal-adult development. There was a significant difference in firing activity patterns of the labial neurosecretory cells between diapause-egg and non-diapause-egg producers: labial cells in the former were active throughout pupal-adult development, whereas the same cells in the latter usually maintained an inactive state until the last quarter of pupal-adult development, a time at which a secretion of DH seems to be too late to act on the developing ovary for the induction of diapausing eggs. This observation strongly supports the notion that labial cells release DH and are responsible for determination of embryonic diapause in the silkmoth.  相似文献   

The steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) initiates insect molting and metamorphosis through binding with a heterodimer of two nuclear receptors, the ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (USP). Expression of the specific isoforms EcR-A and EcR-B1 governs steroid-induced responses in the developing cells of the silkworm Bombyx mori. Here, analysis of EcR-A and EcR-B1 expression during larval-pupal development showed that both genes were up-regulated by 20E in the B. mori brain. Whole-mount in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry revealed that EcR-A and EcR-B1 mRNAs and proteins were exclusively located in two pairs of lateral neurosecretory cells in the larval brain known as the prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH)- producing cells (PTPCs). In the pupal brain, EcR-A and EcR-B1 expression was detected in tritocerebral cells and optic lobe cells in addition to PTPCs. As PTTH controls ecdysone secretion by the prothoracic gland, these results indicate that 20E-responsive PTPCs are the master cells of insect metamorphosis.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a precursor polyprotein of diapause hormone (DH) and four related peptides is expressed by three groups of neurosecretory cells in the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) of Bombyx mori. Long-term chronic recordings of firing activities were made from a common axonal tract (the maxillary nerve) of two groups of cells localized in the mandibular and maxillary neuromeres of SOG during pupal-adult development. Mandibular and maxillary cells usually produced a cluster of action potentials at an interval of 30-60 min during pupal-adult development and there was no significant difference in the firing activity profile between diapause-egg and non-diapause-egg producers. We suggest that rather than DH secretion, pupal mandibular and maxillary cells are involved in the secretion of DH-related neuropeptides. DH secretion seems to be assigned to the third group of cells (labial cells); hence, there may be different posttranslational processing of the precursor polyprotein in different neurosecretory cell groups.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although the silkmoth, Bombyx mori L., has lost the ability to fly, it has retained a post-eclosion diuresis. In moths removed from their cocoons before eclosion, or in those which failed to spin cocoons as larvae, the weight loss due to diuresis was 14% of the eclosion body weight in males. Moths which used labial fluid to escape from their cocoons showed a correspondingly smaller diuresis (5%). Both urine and labial fluid had high potassium and low sodium concentrations. Unlike post-eclosion diuresis in butterflies, however, the urine was isosmotic to the haemolymph. In vitro preparations of B.mori Malpighian tubules were stimulated by cyclic AMP, B.mori brain extracts and Manduca sexta diuretic peptide (Mas-DP I).  相似文献   

Accumulation of lipid droplets within the cytoplasm is a common feature of the pheromone gland cells of many lepidopteran species. The cytoplasmic lipid droplets in the pheromone-producing cells of the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, were effectively extracted by dipping the trimmed glands in acetone for 10 min. In order to analyze the components originating from the lipid droplets, we separated the acetone extracts prepared before and after adult eclosion using HPLC, and specified the peaks showing a similar pattern of stage-dependence to that in the morphological change of the lipid droplets previously reported by Fónagy et al. (Arthropod Struct. Dev. 30 (2001) 113). Finally, we specified the peaks #1-5 and #1a-4a separated by reversed-phase HPLC as lipid droplet contents. Structure elucidation using FAB-MS and MS-MS analyses confirmed that they were triacylglycerols (TGs), and 12 species of TGs were identified as lipid droplet contents. Fatty acyl groups contained in these TGs were limited to five unsaturated C16 and C18 fatty acyl groups (delta 11-hexadecenoate, delta 10,12-hexadecadienoate, delta 9-octadecenoate, delta 9,12-ocatadecadienoate, and delta 9,12,15-ocatadecatrienoate), including the pheromone precursor delta 10,12-hexadecadienoate as a major component. Digestion with porcine pancreatic lipase confirmed that three major TGs eluted in the peaks #3-5 all contained C18 fatty acyl groups at the sn-2 position, indicating that the pheromone precursor is sequestered preferentially at the sn-1 and/or sn-3 position. Present results combined with the fact that the morphological change of the lipid droplets is under the control of PBAN indicate that the role of the cytoplasmic lipid droplets in the pheromone-producing cells is to store the pheromone precursor in the form of TGs and to provide it for pheromone production in response to the external signal of PBAN.  相似文献   

In the present study, we describe the features of programmed cell death of the ovarian nurse cells occurring during vitellogenesis of the silkmoth Bombyx mori. At developmental stage 5, the nurse cells occupy one-half of the follicular volume and obtain a rather spherical shape, while the nurse cell nuclei appear large and elongated, forming impressive projections. At the following stage, stage 6, the nurse cells decrease in size and their shape becomes elliptic. The nuclei remain elongated, being also characterized by large lobes. The lobes of the ramified nurse cell nuclei seem to retain the nucleus in the center of the cell during the dumping of the nurse cell cytoplasm into the growing oocyte. At stage 7, membrane enclosed vacuoles can be easily detected into the nurse cells cytoplasm. Ultrastructural analysis and fluorescent microscopy using mono-dansyl-cadaverine staining of these vacuoles also reveal that they represent autolysosomes. Caspase activity is detected during stage 7, as it is demonstrated by using the Red-VAD-FMK staining reagent. At developmental stages 8 and 9, the nurse cells exhibit chromatin condensation, DNA fragmentation and caspase activity. Finally, during the following stage 10, the nuclear remnants are assembled into apoptotic vesicles, which, after being phagocytosed, are observed in the cytoplasm of adjacent follicle cells. We propose that apoptosis and autophagy operate synergistically during vitellogenesis of B. mori, in order to achieve an efficient and rapid clearance of the degenerated nurse cell cluster.  相似文献   

Bombyx mori is most common silkmoth used for the commercial production of the silk. The different environmental conditions may affect development of silkmoth and hence the output of silkworm. Present study investigated effects of different photoperiodic conditions on the development of silkmoth. Three experiments were performed on newly hatched larvae. In experiment1, larvae were divided into three groups; group 1, 8L:16D (8 h light and 16 h dark), group 2, 12L:12D (12 h light and 12 h dark) and group 3, 16L:8D (16 h light and 8 h dark). In experiment 2, larvae were exposed to either continuous light or continuous dark. In experiment 3, larvae were divided into three groups. Each group received light of similar duration (16L:8D) and intensity (1.1 ± 0.1 PAR) but of different wavelengths; i.e. long wavelength red light (640 nm), short wavelength blue light (450 nm) and white light. Larvae were fed on young mulberry (Morus alba) leaves. Temperature and humidity were maintained at 26 (±2) °C and 75 (±5)%, respectively, throughout the study. Observations on change in body length of larvae were made on every alternate day. We also calculated the shell ratio, time taken in cocoon formation and emergence. Results from experiment show that the larvae underwent significant change in body length but with faster growth rate under 12L:12D photoperiod in comparison to 8L:16D and 16L:8D. Time taken in cocoon formation and hatching was significantly less, while shell ratio was significantly higher in 12L:12D in comparison to other groups. We did not observe much effect of monochromatic light on the development of silkmoth.  相似文献   

Abstract. Extracellular single sensillum recordings were made from the double-walled multiporous sensilla coeloconica on the antennae of males and females of Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae). The receptor neurones responded to olfactory stimuli; no thermo- or hygroreceptors were found. Many neurones responded with a decrease of the transepithelial potential and increased rates of nerve impulses to aliphatic hydrocarbons with chain lengths between three and ten carbon atoms. Most abundant were neurones responding best to acids and aldehydes. Receptor neurones responding with a low threshold to only one acid of a certain chain length were considered as specialists. In some sensilla an increase of the transepithelial potential combined with nerve impulse inhibition was observed in response to monoterpene alcohols. Neurones responding with excitation to aliphatic acids and with inhibition to terpenes were found in the same sensilla. Some neurones excited by aliphatic acids were inhibited by terpenes. Responses to headspace volatiles of mulberry leaves, the larval food, were also obtained. Therefore the coeloconic sensilla may be involved in the selection of oviposition sites.  相似文献   

Previous work on in vitro culturing of silkmoth (Bombyx mori) ovarian follicles has shown that starting from middle vitellogenesis, follicles develop according to an endogenous developmental program that does not require the presence of extra-ovarian factors. In this paper, we are reporting on our investigation for a possible involvement of autocrine/paracrine signaling by prostaglandins in the control of silkmoth ovarian follicle development. Using an initial rapid test that evaluates the formation of a protective eggshell around the oocyte, we are showing that aspirin and indomethacin, potent inhibitors of prostaglandin biosynthesis, block the transition of cultured vitellogenic follicles into choriogenesis. More detailed studies involving analyses of temporal expression patterns of genes known to be expressed in follicular epithelium cells at specific stages of ovarian development revealed that inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis arrests stages of follicle development from middle vitellogenesis to late choriogenesis. The arrest could be reversed by the addition of exogenous prostaglandins or cAMP into the culture media leading to the conclusion that the production of prostaglandins triggers cAMP-mediated intracellular signaling that allows the developmental progression of the follicles. Finally, because neither prostaglandins nor cAMP is capable of rescuing a developmental block effected at mid-vitellogenesis by the ecdysone agonist tebufenozide, we are proposing that prostaglandins have a role in the maintenance of normal physiological homeostasis in the ovarian follicles rather than a more specific role in developmental decision-making at distinct stages of follicle development.  相似文献   

Ultradian rhythmic firing activity (period of 40-90 min) of a population of neurosecretory cells (NSCs) producing FXPRLamide peptides in the subesophageal ganglion (SG) of the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, is closely coordinated with periodically occurring electrical activity of developing flight muscles (FMs) during metamorphosis. To examine neuronal mechanisms and pathways that mediate the coordination of the NSC and flight motor systems, the ventral nerve cord (VNC) or circumesophageal connectives were transected. Transection of the VNC between the SG and thoracic ganglia greatly shortened the period of activity rhythm of the FMs (5-15 min) with no effect on the rhythmicity of NSCs. Bilateral transsection of the circumesophageal connectives between the brain and SG abolished the rhythmic activity of NSCs, thereby suggesting that the coordination of the two systems may be mediated by a common oscillatory mechanism in the brain. Further, bisection of the brain in the midline failed to abolish the ultradian rhythmicity of FMs. Thus, each brain hemisphere may have an ultradian oscillator that activates the NSC system in the SG, and modulates the short-period oscillation of the flight motor system located in the thoracic ganglia.  相似文献   

Changes in the hemolymph bombyxin titer of the adult silkmoth Bombyx mori were investigated by time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay. Immediately after eclosion, hemolymph bombyxin titers were low in both males and females, and then increased steeply in males to a very high level and this high titer was maintained for at least 3 h, whereas the titer increment in females was small and transient. The difference in the change of bombyxin titer between males and females suggests that bombyxin is responsible for the regulation of physiological changes underlying sexually different activities of the adult moths. However, no evidence was obtained that bombyxin controls adult metabolism as far as the effects of bombyxin on the concentrations of carbohydrates and lipids in the hemolymph were investigated. The change in the hemolymph trehalose concentration was almost the same between sexes, and between intact and neck-ligated moths. Furthermore, bombyxin injection did not affect the hemolymph trehalose concentration nor trehalase activity in the muscle. Although the hemolymph lipid concentration rose after eclosion in males, it was not influenced by bombyxin. These results exhibit striking contrast to the results of our previous study, in which bombyxin showed hypotrehalosemic activity in the larval stage, thus indicating that the action of bombyxin changes during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of exposure to diazinon, an organophosphate insecticide, on the expression of antioxidant and detoxification factors in the silkmoth. Exposure to diazinon resulted in induction of mRNA encoding manganese containing superoxide dismutase (SOD) and omega‐class glutathione S‐transferases (GST), whereas no changes were observed in catalase, other class of GST and acetylcholinesterase. Liquid chromatography showed that the amount of reactive oxygen species was increased, whereas the amount of glutathione was decreased in the silkmoth fat body after exposure to diazinon. These results suggest that SOD and omega‐class GSTs can contribute to organophosphate resistance in Lepidopterans.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1984,14(6):725-728
Prostaglandin synthetase has been isolated and purified from the post mitochondrial supernatant of the testis of male silkmoth Bombyx mori L. A 3-fold purification was achieved compared to that of post mitochondrial supernatant. The partially purified enzyme converted arachidonic acid to PGE2in vitro in the presence of haemin and hydroquinone.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Tissue-specific abundance of the capped small RNAs in the silkmoth Bombyx mori was compared using preparative immunoprecipitation with anti-trimethylguanosine antibody.
  • 2.2. The yields of total capped small RNAs from larval posterior silk gland, 1. early, 2. late in the fifth-instar, and 3. immortal ovarian-derived cells in culture, were determined to be 187, 50 and 218 ng, respectively, per mg of total cellular RNA.
  • 3.3. Separation of immunoprecipitated RNAs by polycrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by densitometric analysis of the bands, allowed the quantitation of individual capped molecules.
  • 4.4. This analysis revealed tissue-specific patterns.
  • 5.5.|The data indicate that the total abundance of capped small RNAs in Bombyx is highest in rapidly-dividing cells.

It is increasingly recognized that programmed cell death includes not only apoptosis and autophagy, but also other types of nonapoptotic cell death, such as paraptosis, which are all characterized by distinct morphological features. Our findings indicate that all three types of programmed cell death occur in the ovarian nurse cell cluster during late vitellogenesis (formation of the egg yolk) of Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera), whereas middle vitellogenesis is exclusively characterized by the presence of a nonapoptotic type of cell death, known as paraptosis. During middle vitellogenesis, nurse cells exhibit clearly cytoplasmic vacuolization, as revealed by ultrastructural examination performed through conventional light and transmission electron microscopy, while no signs of apoptotic or autophagic features are detectable. Moreover, nurse cells of developmental stages 7, 8 and 9 contain autophagic compartments, as well as apoptotic characteristics, such as condensed chromatin, fragmented DNA and activated caspases, as revealed by in vitro assays. We propose that paraptosis precedes both apoptosis and autophagy during vitellogenesis, since its initial activation is detectable during middle vitellogenesis, whereas no apoptotic nor autophagic features are observed. In contrast, at the late stages of Bombyx mori oogenesis, paraptosis, autophagy and apoptosis operate synergistically, resulting in a more efficient elimination of the degenerated nurse cells.

Addendum to: Mpakou VE, Nezis IP, Stravopodis DJ, Margaritis LH, Papassideri IS. Programmed cell death of the ovarian nurse cells during oogenesis of the silkmoth Bombyx mori. Dev Growth Differ 2006; 48:419–28.  相似文献   

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