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The roles of perception, development, experience, and physiology on the swimming behavior of grasshoppers in an arena were investigated usingMelanoplus bivittatus, M. differentialis, andM. sanguinipes. The parameters of swimming included capacity (the ability to reach the edge of a 45-cm-diameter water basin within 3 min), net displacement time (time required to reach the edge of the arena), and orientation (ability to make initial contact with a target pattern).Melanoplus sanguinipes adults were most attracted to a vertical rectangle set at 90° to the water surface (the standard target). Orientation ability decreased significantly as the target became square or it declined to 60°, and there was virtually no orientation to horizontal patterns or those at 45°. All nymphal instars ofM. sanguinipes exhibited the capacity to swim and orient to a standard target. Although the net displacement time was lowest from the third instar through the adult stages, the earlier instars (first through fourth) had the greatest relative net displacement rates. As adults aged, their net displacement time and orientation ability declined significantly, particularly in males. BothM. differentialis andM. sanguinipes adults showed a decline in net displacement time over a 10-day trial period. The loss of a hind leg did not significantly alter swimming performance of eitherM. bivittatus orM. sanguinipes adults, but this alteration significantly reduced the net displacement time ofM. differentialis. DecerebratedM. differentialis adults were capable of swimming for several minutes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to apply knowledge of holarctic grasshopper biogeography in representative, temperate ecosystems (Russia, South Siberia, Sayans region; 685,000km2 and USA, Wyoming; 272,000km2) to develop a comparative basis for understanding and conserving insect biodiversity. Maps of species distributions and vegetation zones were digitized, and a Geographic Information System was used to identify habitats with the greatest biodiversity and to characterize this diversity as a function of selected attributes. With respect to subfamilies, the greatest differences were in cold, mesic zones, where gomphocerines and melanoplines were dominant in Sayans and Wyoming, respectively. In terms of mobility, the Sayans has more flightless species and individuals, with the taiga supporting the greatest frequency of flightless acridids in both countries. With regard to feeding types, the diversity and richness of graminivores and forbivores were similar in the two regions, but mixed feeders were much more frequent in Wyoming. In the Sayans and Wyoming, pest species were most common in boreal and prairie zones, respectively. Ecoregions with a high diversity of pests also supported a high diversity of rare species. Shrub and desert zones supported many rare species in both countries. Thus, in terms of conservation, the Sayans' acridofauna appears to be at greater risk in terms of ecological vulnerability; acridid biodiversity is dispersed among habitats, with high frequencies of flightless and oligophagous species. The acridofauna of Wyoming could be conserved in fewer habitats than in the Sayans, but these habitats are subject to considerable human disturbance.  相似文献   

The genus Sphingonotus Fieber, 1853 is one of the most species‐rich grasshopper genera in the world. We studied the morphology of c. 1000 individuals from the Iberian Peninsula to review the taxonomy of the genus and its relatives. Moreover, we inferred a molecular phylogeny of the Iberian Sphingonotini based on two mitochondrial genes. The Iberian and north‐west African Sphingonotini comprise two recent radiations, within which the genetic relationships are not fully resolved. A multivariate morphometric analysis showed that S. azurescens (Rambur, 1838) and S. morini (Defaut, 2005) can be clearly discriminated, supporting their species status. Based upon the combined data, the genus Granada Koçak & Kemal, 2008 is synonymized with Sphingonotus Fieber, 1853 and its type species re‐assigned to Sphingonotus imitans Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1882 comb. rev . The data also supported species rank for Sphingonotus lusitanicus Ebner, 1941 comb. rev. Oedipoda callosa Fieber, 1853 is considered as nomen dubium. Two novel species are described: Sphingonotus ( Neosphingonotus ) almeriense Llucià‐Pomares sp. nov . and Sphingonotus (Neosphingonotus) nodulosus Llucia‐Pomares sp. nov. from the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The new species are compared with other Iberian Sphingonotini and a key to the species is provided. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

荒漠草原三种蝗虫成虫种内和种间竞争的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
荒漠草原三种蝗虫成虫种内和种间竞争的研究贺达汉方成郑哲民(宁夏农学院农学系,永宁750105)(陕西师范大学动物研究所,西安710062)Intra_andInterspecificCompetitionamongtheAdultsofThreeGr...  相似文献   

Many photoactive dyes are relatively nontoxic to vertebrates despite their insecticidal properties. Several photoactive dyes known to be toxic to some groups of insects were evaluated at various concentrations for toxicity to American and migratory grasshoppers in laboratory and field studies. Rose bengal and phloxine B were effective at inducing mortality of grasshoppers when applied at 2 and 5% to bran bait, though erythrosin B and uranine were ineffective. Partial replacement of phloxine with uranine in dye mixtures resulted in no significant loss of efficacy. Some indication of feeding inhibition was observed at high dye concentrations, so minimum effective dosages, probably 2%, are optimal. Phloxine B and rose bengal appeared to be stable upon exposure to sunlight, and able to withstand at least 24 h of sunlight without significant degradation. Dyes such as phloxine B could be a viable grasshopper control agent for small or medium-sized grasshopper species because mortality can be induced by consumption of a single flake dusted with 5% dye, and yet pose little hazard to vertebrates. Large species such as American grasshopper must consume several flakes before mortality is induced.  相似文献   

  • 1 Temporal constancy in the structure of grasshopper assemblies (about forty-five species each) from two types of North American grasslands was assessed; one site was followed 25 years and the other 7 years.
  • 2 Densities and relative abundances varied but composition of assemblies based on ranks suggested significant structure when three or more species were included in the analysis.
  • 3 Results compared favourably with other insect herbivore assemblies which have been examined; variability in population change was intermediate along the spectrum of organisms which have been studied.

Geographic body size variation was analysed in males and females of 19 populations of the South American grasshopper Dichroplus vittatus Bruner spanning 20 degrees of latitude and 2700 m of altitude. Using mean and maximum body length of each sex and factors obtained from principal components analyses of six morphometric linear characters it was shown that D. vittatus followed the converse to Bergmann's rule latitudinally but not altitudinally where no significant trends were observed. For males, variability of body size increased with latitude but not with altitude. Both types of trends were significantly correlated with mean annual temperature and minimum annual temperature (positive correlations), and two estimators of seasonality, the coefficients of variation of mean annual temperature (negative) and mean annual precipitation (positive). Some allometric relationships also showed geographic variation. It is suggested that the observed decrease in size with latitude together with the increase in morphological variability is a consequence of a number of factors: the shortening of the growing season southwards; the increasing seasonality and climatic unpredictability; and the fact that the species exhibits protandry which contributes to smaller and more variable size in males and smaller but more constant body size in females.  相似文献   

An entomopoxvirus infecting fat body cells of Anacridium aegyptium is reported. Spheroid virus occlusion bodies, ranging in size from 3 to 8 μm, contain virions 336–356 nm long and 210–217 nm wide. The virion ultrastructure indicates that the newly discovered virus belongs to the genus Entomopoxvirus B known to infect Lepidoptera and Orthoptera.  相似文献   

We describe a family of proteins abundantly expressed in the chemoreception sensory organs, the antennae and legs, of the desert locust, Locusta migratoria (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Using polymerase chain reaction-based approaches and homology screenings, "OS-D"-like proteins were identified in L. migratoria. The different sub-types (LmigOS-Ds) are very similar to each other and share about 50-70% identity with OS-Ds from Drosophila melanogaster and Periplaneta americana. A similar degree of identity was also observed with moth OS-Ds. Northern blot analysis revealed a strong expression of the LmigOS-Ds in the antennae and legs, suggesting their involvement in chemosensory processes. Despite the lack of direct evidence for their role in chemosensation, LmigOS-Ds and their homologs seem to constitute a large protein family, characterized by a striking abundance and diversity among insect chemosensory organs.  相似文献   

Two parapatric subspecies of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelusform a hybrid zone in the Pyrenees. Partial assortative mating between subspecies must result from differences in elements of the sequence of behaviors that leads to mating. It was already known that the subspecies differ in the structure of the acoustic mating signal produced by males and in the amount of song produced under laboratory conditions. Here we investigate whether any differences exist in male mating strategies in the field, concentrating on the prediction that male C. p. erythropussing less and compensate for this by active searching (males divide their time between singing and moving in search of females). Results of field observations show that the two subspecies do in fact allocate their time differently. C. p. erythropusmales spend almost twice as much time moving around the habitat as C. p. parallelusmales. Furthermore, C. p. parallelusmales divide their time into long bouts of continuous singing alternating with periods of movement. C. p. erythropusmales, on the other hand, sing in short bursts interspersed with movement. The possible reasons for this divergence in male mating behavior and its consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

M. I. Remis 《Genetica》1989,79(1):53-61
Amblytropidia australis and Dichroplus elongatus were found to be polymorphic for supernumerary heterochromatin. In both, basic karyotypes are 2n=22+XO in males.Mitotically unstable extra chromosomes were detected in a population of A. australis. The Bs are telocentric and their number varies from O to 2 within individuals. Mean frequencies of interstitial and total chiasmata at diplotene were compared between individuals with and without Bs. The mean frequency of interstitial chiasmata increases with the number of Bs per cell.A supernumerary terminal segment in S10 pair was observed in a heterozygous condition in several individuals of D. elongatus. The localization and frequency of chiasmata at diplotene were studied. The segment has an intrachromosomal effect since it modifies the location of chiasmata in the bivalent involved.Fellow of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).  相似文献   

Field observations and experiments showed that settlement prior to reproductive maturation strongly influenced territorial success in the desert clicker(Ligurotettix coquilletti), an acridid grasshopper in which males defend individual host plants (Larrea tridentata bushes) as mating arenas. High tendencies to move and reposition among the host plants were displayed in two distinct episodes. The first occurred during early nymphal development, and it resulted in many individuals settling on high-qualityLarrea bushes. Prior work showed thatL. coquilletti that fed on foliage from these specific bushes exhibited higher relative growth rates and therefore were expected to eclose sooner. Early-eclosing males enjoyed a priority advantage in defending high-quality bushes as mating territories, and they consequently encountered more females and mated more frequently. Despite the distribution of most insects on high-quality bushes at the time of eclosion, though, a second movement episode occurred shortly thereafter. This reshuffling contrasts markedly with the site fidelity of mature adult males, most of which settle on mating territories, and it may function as a means of examining an enlarged sample of potential sites. The above results imply that territorial success of maleL. coquilletti does not result from retaining sites defended by the parents. This point is also supported by the finding that females do not oviposit particularly close to theLarrea bushes in which they reside regardless of their quality; most egg pods are deposited in bare soil midway between the bushes. Nonetheless, certain oviposition sites may be conducive to earlier hatch, and this can lead to earlier eclosion and ultimately to defense of a valuable territory. Therefore, the parental generation, through selective oviposition, may yet influence the success of their male offspring.  相似文献   

Abstract Key elements such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are often limiting relative to the nutritional needs of herbivores that feed on them. While N often limits insect herbivores in natural terrestrial ecosystems, the effect of P is poorly studied in the field, even though compelling hypotheses from the ecological stoichiometry literature predict its importance. We evaluated small‐scale spatial distributions of, and herbivory by, grasshoppers among neighboring plots that vary in foliar‐N and ‐P in tallgrass prairie. Grasshopper densities were 67% greater in N‐fertilized plots but detected no effect to grasshopper densities from P‐fertilizer. Leaf damage to the dominant grass Andropogon gerardii was 32% greater in N‐fertilized plots, but no response to foliar‐P was detected. Herbivore damage to a common forb, goldenrod (Solidago missouriensis), was not strongly linked by fertilizer treatments, although there was increased leaf damage in N‐fertilizer treatments when no P was applied (a significant N × P interaction). Under field conditions at local scales, we conclude that spatially heterogeneous distributions of grasshoppers are primarily affected by foliar‐N in host plants with little evidence that P‐levels contribute to the spatial patterns.  相似文献   

1. This study examines the extent to which thermal balance and thermoregulatory ability may contribute to habitat partitioning in insect herbivores.
2. The distribution of four species of grasshopper on a Breckland grass heath is described. Myrmeleotettix maculatus is restricted to short swards, Omocestus viridulus is restricted to long swards, and Chorthippus brunneus and Stenobothrus lineatus are found on swards of intermediate length.
3. Short swards are warmer on average than long swards, but lack cooler refuges on hot days.
4. Chorthippus brunneus and O. viridulus are better able to raise their body temperatures at low ambient temperatures than M. maculatus and S. lineatus . Omocestus viridulus is less able to reduce body temperature at high ambient temperature.
5. Myrmeleotettix maculatus may be precluded from inhabiting cooler long swards because of its inability to raise body temperatures at low ambient temperatures. Omocestus viridulus may avoid short swards because of the danger of overheating.
6. Thermoregulatory ability is a good predictor of the distribution of the grasshoppers in swards of differing length and microclimate.  相似文献   

Summary Biomass and energy budgets and food utilization efficiencies of laboratory and wild populations of three Central European grasshopper species, Chorthippus parallelus (Zetterstedt), C. biguttulus (L.), and Gomphocerus rufus (L.), were studied between 1979 and 1984. Larval consumption is relatively low in C. biguttulus (C=4.3 kJ/ind.) compared with C. parallelus and G. rufus (4.9 kJ/ind.). In the adult phase (maturity) consumption rates of C. biguttulus and G. rufus (6.9 kJ/ind.) are similar, but higher in C. parallelus (7.3 kJ/ind.). The energy content decreases from the egg (23.2–24.3 J/mg dw) and body tissue (22.1–23.2 J/mg dw) to faeces (16.6–18.1 J/mg dw). The energy contents of faeces differ significantly between the species, indicating different rates of food conversion (on Dactylis glomerata). On average, the assimilation rates are about 30%, slightly lower in G. rufus. Approximate digestibility (A/C) ranges from 28.2 (G. rufus) to 35.7 (C. biguttulus) without great differences between larvae and adults. In contrast, the efficiency of conversion of ingested food (P/C) differs significantly between larval (10–11) and adult stages (3.4–3.6), and so to a much higher degree does the efficiency of conversion of digested food (P/A), from 30.3–33.5 in the larval to 9.5–14.9 in the adult period. Based on 5-year (C. parallelus) and 2-year studies (G. rufus) of the population dynamics and life tables, the energy budgets of wild populations were calculated and summarized into diagrams. Depending on the annually fluctuating densities, in both populations about 1%–2% of net primary production was consumed, and another 5%–9% was cut and dropped. The proportion of production of the grasshopper populations (body tissue) used for egg production differs in C. parallelus (28%) and G. rufus (44%). The energy cycling owing to energy storage in the living eggs amounts to 2%–3% of the total energy consumed by the population. The results are compared with the available data for grasshoppers in the literature.  相似文献   

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