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This paper reports on the 5th joint British Society for Proteome Research (BSPR) and European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) meeting which took place at the Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Cambridge, UK, from the 8th to 10th July, 2008. As in previous years, the meeting attracted leading experts in the field who presented the latest cutting edge in proteomics. The meeting was entitled “Proteomics: From Technology to New Biology” taking into account the major transition proteomics has undergone in the past few years. In particular, the use of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)‐based targeted experiments for absolute quantification and validation of proteins was the hot topic of the meeting. Attended by some 250 delegates, the conference was extremely well organised and provided a great opportunity for discussion and initiation of new collaborations.  相似文献   

This report reviews the 7th Siena Meeting 'From Genome to Proteome: Back to the Future' which took place in Italy from 3-7 September, 2006. There was a significant rise in the number of delegates attending compared with previous Siena meetings. A diversity of speakers and presentations addressed the theme of the meeting in moving proteomics forward to integrate with biology as a whole entity rather than in isolated fractions. In addition, technological advancements in sample preparation and separation as well as identification were discussed.  相似文献   

Various functional genomics platforms are required to define the phenotype associated with a mutant. Global protein analyses may be included in any study. We describe here a rapid method of protein sample preparation and analysis, suitable for all laboratories and using Arabidopsis plantlets as the starting material. This reliable and reproducible method for high yield protein extraction from small amounts of material can be used on even the most recalcitrant tissues. The proteins extracted are suitable for many types of protein analysis, including nondenaturing investigations. This method was validated by a rigorous 2-DE approach, coupled with unambiguous LC-MS/MS identifications featuring strong sequence coverage (average of 26% with eight different peptides/spot protein). The reproducibility of the method was demonstrated by multiple protein identifications from identical series of spots. An interactive map (http://www.isv.cnrsgif.fr/gel2d/), including 435 protein variants showed that (i) 38% of the proteins were yet unreported, (ii) reduced subfractionation, (iii) had frequent protein modifications (average of two spots/protein entry), and (iv) underwent no major proteolytic events other than leader peptide cleavage. Finally, a simple mobility shift method for the large subunit of RuBisCo (LS) in the first dimension made it possible to characterize previously masked protein spots.  相似文献   

Now in its 6(th) year, the East Midlands Proteomics workshop held in November 2007 brought together over 200 scientists with a common interest in proteomic techniques and their application to complex biological and biomedical problems. For the first time, this meeting was jointly supported by the British Society for Proteome Research (BSPR) and British Mass Spectrometry Society (BMSS).  相似文献   

The overall survival of lung cancer patients is disappointingly low. This is due to several factors, including the lack of an effective screening strategy to detect tumors at a potentially curable early stage, a marked resistance of lung cancer cells to drug treatment and a still superficial knowledge about the multifactorial cellular networks that are activated or suppressed during cancer progression. Furthermore, the armamentarium of clinicians and researchers in the field does not yet include reliable biomarkers to predict tumor response to treatment and foresee the natural history of the disease. In the present situation, a potential breakthrough is presented by proteomics technologies with the potential to discover relevant biomarkers which can be accurately quantified in multiplexed assays. Proteomics field can also contribute greatly in the understanding of mechanisms in tumor progression and treatment response.  相似文献   

Since Svf1 is phosphoprotein, we investigated whether it was a substrate for protein kinase CK2. According to the amino acid sequence Svf1 harbours 20 putative CK2 phosphorylation sites. Here, we have reported cloning, overexpression, purification and characterization of yeast Svf1 as a substrate for three forms of yeast CK2. Svf1 serves as a substrate for both the recombinant CK2α (K m 0.35 μM) and CK2α′ (K m 0.18 μM) as well as CK2 holoenzyme (K m 1.1 μM). Different K m values argue that CK2β(β′) subunit has an inhibitory effect on the activity of both CK2α and CK2α′ towards surviving factor Svf1. Reconstitution of α′2ββ′ isoform of CK2 holoenzyme shows that β/β′ subunits have regulatory effect depending on the kind of CK2 catalytic subunit. This effect was not observed in the case of α2ββ′ isoform, which may be due to interaction between Svf1 and regulatory CK2β subunit (shown by co-immunoprecipitation experiments). Interactions between CK2 subunits and Svf1 protein may have influence on ATP as well as ATP-competitive inhibitors (TBBt and TBBz) binding. CK2 phosphorylates up to six serine residues in highly acidic peptide K199EVIPESDEEESSADEDDNEDEDEESGDSEEESGSEEESDSEEVEITYED248 of the Svf1 protein in vitro. Presented data may help to elucidate the role of protein kinase CK2 and Svf1 in the regulation of cell survival pathways.  相似文献   

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