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Two novel phenotypes previously associated with arl mutations of Escherichia coli, increased frequencies of genetic recombination and unusual sensitivity of DNA to the single-strand-specific nuclease S1, have been defined most completely by the properties of λ bacteriophages grown on arl bacteria (Arl? phages). We now find that plasmids maintained in arl mutants (Arl? plasmids) exhibit elevated recombination frequencies, unusual sensitivity to nuclease S1 (in a limited number of regions) and a new Arl phenotype, partially deficient methylation of the inner cytosine at C-C-(A/T)-G-G sequences.A variety of Arl? plasmids (all pBR322 derivatives) show elevated recombination (4 to 10-fold) by three different assays (frequencies of homomultimers and of heteromultimers, efficiency of intramolecular recombination). Plasmids from arl bacteria (after conversion to linear form) are nicked by nuclease S1 about 0.7 times per duplex; Arl+ plasmids are nuclease S1-resistant. Restriction endonuclease EcoRII (recognition sequence, C-C-(A/T)-G-G) cuts Arl? plasmid DNA more readily than Arl+ DNA, but Arl? plasmids are still more EcoRII-resistant than Dcm? plasmids (from E. coli dcm mutants, which lack the chromosomal cytosine methylase; recognition sequence, also C-C-(A/T)-G-G). By chromatographic analyses, Arl? plasmid DNA contains less 5-methylcytosine than Arl+ (0.07% versus 0.15%). although the 6-methyladenine content is the same (0.5mol%).  相似文献   

N6-Methyladenine (m6A) has been found in DNAs of various eukaryotes (algae, fungi, protozoa, and higher plants). Like bacterial DNA, DNAs of these organisms are subject to enzymatic modification (methylation) not only at cytosine, but also at adenine bases. There is indirect evidence that adenine methylation of the genome occurs in animals as well. In plants, m6A was detected in total, mitochondrial, and nuclear DNAs. It was observed that both adenines and cytosines can be methylated in one gene (DRM2). Open reading frames coding for homologs of bacterial adenine DNA methyltransferases were revealed in protozoan, yeast, higher plant, insect, nematode, and vertebrate genomes, suggesting the presence of adenine DNA methyltransferases in evolutionarily distant eukaryotes. The first higher-eukaryotic adenine DNA N6-methyltransferase (wad-mtase) was isolated from vacuolar vesicles of wheat coleoptiles. The enzyme depends on Mg2+ or Ca2+ and, in the presence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine, methylates de novo the first adenine of the sequence TGATCA in single- and double-stranded DNAs, preferring the former. Adenine methylation of eukaryotic DNA is probably involved in regulating gene expression and replication, including that of mitochondrial DNA; plays a role in controlling the persistence of foreign DNA in the cell; and acts as a component of a plant restriction— modification system. Thus, the eukaryotic cell has at least two different systems for enzymatic methylation of DNA (at adenines and at cytosines) and a special mechanism regulating the functions of genes via a combinatorial hierarchy of these interdependent modifications of the genome.__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2005, pp. 557–566.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Vanyushin.To the memory of my teacher, Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Belozersky  相似文献   

Exposure of rats to the hepatocarcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) (0.2-2.64 ppm in the drinking water) for up to 180 days resulted in rapid accumulation of N7- and O6-methylguanine in liver and white blood cell DNA, maximum adduct levels being reached within 1-7 days, depending on the dose. The levels of both adducts remained constant up to treatment day 28, subsequently declining slowly to about 40% of maximal levels for the liver and 60% for white blood cells by day 180. In order to elucidate the role of DNA replication in NDMA hepatocarcinogenesis, changes in liver cell labeling index (LI) were also measured on treatment days 21, 120 and 180. Although the time- and dose-dependence of the observed effects were complex, a clear trend towards increased rates of hepatocyte LI, as indicated by BrdU incorporation, with increasing NDMA doses was evident, particularly above 1 ppm, a concentration above which NDMA hepatocarcinogenicity is known to increase sharply. In contrast, no increase in Kupffer cell DNA replication was found at any of the doses employed, in accordance with the low susceptibility of these cells to NDMA-induced carcinogenesis. No significant increase in the occurrence of necrotic or apoptotic cells was noted under the treatment conditions employed. These results suggest that, in addition to the accumulation of DNA damage, alterations in hepatocyte DNA replication during the chronic NDMA exposure may influence the dose-dependence of its carcinogenic efficacy.  相似文献   

The methylation patterns of cytosine and adenine residues in the Arabidopsis thaliana gene for domains rearranged methyltransferase (DRM2) were studied in wild-type and several transgene plant lines containing antisense fragments of the cytosine DNA-methyltransferase gene METI under the control of copper-inducible promoters. It was shown that the promoter region of the DRM2 gene is mostly unmethylated at the internal cytosine residue in CCGG sites whereas the 3'-end proximal part of the gene coding region is highly methylated. The DRM2 gene was found to be also methylated at adenine residues in some GATC sequences. Cytosine methylation in CCGG sites and adenine methylation in GATC sites in the DRM2 gene are variable between wild-type and different transgenic plants. The induction of antisense METI constructs with copper ions in transgene plants in most cases leads to further alterations in the DRM2 gene methylation patterns.  相似文献   

A new Mg(II) complex of MgL(NO3)2 (here L = N(1),N(8)-bis(1-methyl-4-nitropyrrole-2-carbonyl)triethylenetetramine) has been synthesized and characterized. The interactions between the Mg(II) complex and calf thymus DNA has been investigated using UV spectra, fluorescent spectra, viscosity, thermal denaturation, and molecular modeling. The cleavage reaction on plasmid DNA has been monitored by agarose gel electrophoresis. The experimental results show that the mode of binding of the complex to DNA is non-classical electrostatic action and the complex can cleave pBR322 DNA.  相似文献   

A. G. Pogorelov 《Biophysics》2008,53(6):559-563
The cytoplasmic concentrations of elements (K, P) in the cytoplasm of rat (Wistar) cardiomyocytes have been determined by electron probe microanalysis. The intracellular content of potassium and phosphorus was determined in early organogenesis and in unfertilized animals. A decrease in the cytoplasmic concentration of phosphorus and an increase in potassium concentration were shown in pregnant animals. Acute hypobaric hypoxia was shown to change the cytoplasmic contents of both elements. The data obtained are discussed in terms of activation of the ion transport system aimed at compensation for cell acidosis and lactosis induced by development of hypoxic deenergization in pregnant animals.  相似文献   

Lower global DNA methylation is associated with genomic instability and it is one of the epigenetic mechanisms relevant to carcinogenesis. Emerging evidence for several cancers suggests that lower overall levels of global DNA methylation in blood are associated with different cancer types, although less is known about breast cancer. We examined global DNA methylation levels using a sibling design in 273 sisters affected with breast cancer and 335 unaffected sisters from the New York site of the Breast Cancer Family Registry. We measured global DNA methylation in total white blood cell (WBC) and granulocyte DNA by two different methods, the [3H]-methyl acceptance assay and the luminometric methylation assay (LUMA). Global methylation levels were only modestly correlated between sisters discordant for breast cancer (Spearman correlation coefficients ranged from -0.08 to 0.24 depending on assay and DNA source). Using conditional logistic regression models, women in the quartile with the lowest DNA methylation levels (as measured by the [3H]-methyl acceptance assay) had a 1.8-fold (95% CI = 1.0–3.3) higher relative association with breast cancer than women in the quartile with the highest DNA methylation levels. When we examined the association on a continuous scale, we also observed a positive association (odds ratio, OR = 1.3, 95% CI = 1.0–1.7, for a one unit change in the natural logarithm of the DPM/μg of DNA). We observed no association between measures by the LUMA assay and breast cancer risk. If replicated in prospective studies, this study suggests that global DNA methylation levels measured in WBC may be a potential biomarker of breast cancer risk even within families at higher risk of cancer.  相似文献   

Lower global DNA methylation is associated with genomic instability and it is one of the epigenetic mechanisms relevant to carcinogenesis. Emerging evidence for several cancers suggests that lower overall levels of global DNA methylation in blood are associated with different cancer types, although less is known about breast cancer. We examined global DNA methylation levels using a sibling design in 273 sisters affected with breast cancer and 335 unaffected sisters from the New York site of the Breast Cancer Family Registry. We measured global DNA methylation in total white blood cell (WBC) and granulocyte DNA by two different methods, the [3H]-methyl acceptance assay and the luminometric methylation assay (LUMA). Global methylation levels were only modestly correlated between sisters discordant for breast cancer (Spearman correlation coefficients ranged from -0.08 to 0.24 depending on assay and DNA source). Using conditional logistic regression models, women in the quartile with the lowest DNA methylation levels (as measured by the [3H]-methyl acceptance assay) had a 1.8-fold (95% CI = 1.0–3.3) higher relative association with breast cancer than women in the quartile with the highest DNA methylation levels. When we examined the association on a continuous scale, we also observed a positive association (odds ratio, OR = 1.3, 95% CI = 1.0–1.7, for a one unit change in the natural logarithm of the DPM/μg of DNA). We observed no association between measures by the LUMA assay and breast cancer risk. If replicated in prospective studies, this study suggests that global DNA methylation levels measured in WBC may be a potential biomarker of breast cancer risk even within families at higher risk of cancer.  相似文献   

The cdk inhibitor p57kip2, encoded by the Cdkn1c gene, plays a critical role in mammalian development and in the differentiation of several tissues. Cdkn1c protein levels are carefully regulated via imprinting and other epigenetic mechanisms affecting both the promoter and distant regulatory elements, which restrict its expression to particular developmental phases or specific cell types. Inappropriate activation of these regulatory mechanisms leads to Cdkn1c silencing, causing growth disorders and cancer. We have previously reported that, in skeletal muscle cells, induction of Cdkn1c expression requires the binding of the bHLH myogenic factor MyoD to a long-distance regulatory element within the imprinting control region KvDMR1. Interestingly, MyoD binding to KvDMR1 is prevented in myogenic cell types refractory to the induction of Cdkn1c. In the present work, we took advantage of this model system to investigate the epigenetic determinants of the differential interaction of MyoD with KvDMR1. We show that treatment with the DNA demethylating agent 5-azacytidine restores the binding of MyoD to KvDMR1 in cells unresponsive to Cdkn1c induction. This, in turn, promotes the release of a repressive chromatin loop between KvDMR1 and Cdkn1c promoter and, thus, the upregulation of the gene. Analysis of the chromatin status of Cdkn1c promoter and KvDMR1 in unresponsive compared to responsive cell types showed that their differential responsiveness to the MyoD-dependent induction of the gene does not involve just their methylation status but, rather, the differential H3 lysine 9 dimethylation at KvDMR1. Finally, we report that the same histone modification also marks the KvDMR1 region of human cancer cells in which Cdkn1c is silenced. On the basis of these results, we suggest that the epigenetic status of KvDMR1 represents a critical determinant of the cell type-restricted expression of Cdkn1c and, possibly, of its aberrant silencing in some pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The major families of repeated DNA sequences in the genome of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) were isolated from a sheared DNA library. One thousand clones, representing one million base pairs, or 0.15% of the genome, were surveyed for repeated DNA sequences by hybridization to total nuclear DNA. Four major repeat classes were identified and characterized with respect to copy number, chromosomal localization by in situ hybridization, and evolution in the family Solanaceae. The most highly repeated sequence, with approximately 77000 copies, consists of a 162 bp tandemly repeated satellite DNA. This repeat is clustered at or near the telomeres of most chromosomes and also at the centromeres and interstitial sites of a few chromosomes. Another family of tandemly repeated sequences consists of the genes coding for the 45 S ribosomal RNA. The 9.1 kb repeating unit in L. esculentum was estimated to be present in approximately 2300 copies. The single locus, previously mapped using restriction fragment length polymorphisms, was shown by in situ hybridization as a very intense signal at the end of chromosome 2. The third family of repeated sequences was interspersed throughout nearly all chromosomes with an average of 133 kb between elements. The total copy number in the genome is approximately 4200. The fourth class consists of another interspersed repeat showing clustering at or near the centromeres in several chromosomes. This repeat had a copy number of approximately 2100. Sequences homologous to the 45 S ribosomal DNA showed cross-hybridization to DNA from all solanaceous species examined including potato, Datura, Petunia, tobacco and pepper. In contrast, with the exception of one class of interspersed repeats which is present in potato, all other repetitive sequences appear to be limited to the crossing-range of tomato. These results, along with those from a companion paper (Zamir and Tanksley 1988), indicate that tomato possesses few highly repetitive DNA sequences and those that do exist are evolving at a rate higher than most other genomic sequences.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among most Chinese species of lizards in the genus Phrynocephalus (118 individuals collected from 56 populations of 14 well-defined species and several unidentified specimens) using four mitochondrial gene fragments (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome b, and ND4-tRNA(LEU)). The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the combined dataset was homogeneous, and maximum-parsimony (MP), neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BI) analyses were performed on this combined dataset (49 haplotypes including outgroups for 2058bp in total). The maximum-parsimony analysis resulted in 24 equally parsimonious trees, and their strict consensus tree shows that there are two major clades representing the Chinese Phrynocephalus species: the viviparous group (Clade A) and the oviparous group (Clade B). The trees derived from Bayesian, ML, and NJ analyses were topologically identical to the MP analysis except for the position of P. mystaceus. All analyses left the nodes for the oviparous group, the most basal clade within the oviparous group, and P. mystaceus unresolved. The phylogenies further suggest that the monophyly of the viviparous species may have resulted from vicariance, while recent dispersal may have been important in generating the pattern of variation among the oviparous species.  相似文献   

Even though DNA alkylating agents have been used for many decades in the treatment of cancer, it remains unclear what happens when replication forks encounter alkylated DNA. Here, we used the DNA fibre assay to study the impact of alkylating agents on replication fork progression. We found that the alkylator methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) inhibits replication elongation in a manner that is dose dependent and related to the overall alkylation grade. Replication forks seem to be completely blocked as no nucleotide incorporation can be detected following 1 h of MMS treatment. A high dose of 5 mM caffeine, inhibiting most DNA damage signalling, decreases replication rates overall but does not reverse MMS-induced replication inhibition, showing that the replication block is independent of DNA damage signalling. Furthermore, the block of replication fork progression does not correlate with the level of DNA single-strand breaks. Overexpression of O6-methylguanine (O6meG)-DNA methyltransferase protein, responsible for removing the most toxic alkylation, O6meG, did not affect replication elongation following exposure to N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. This demonstrates that O6meG lesions are efficiently bypassed in mammalian cells. In addition, we find that MMS-induced γH2AX foci co-localise with 53BP1 foci and newly replicated areas, suggesting that DNA double-strand breaks are formed at MMS-blocked replication forks. Altogether, our data suggest that N-alkylations formed during exposure to alkylating agents physically block replication fork elongation in mammalian cells, causing formation of replication-associated DNA lesions, likely double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

Pierisin-2 is a cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing protein present in Pieris brassicae with a 91% homology in the deduced amino acid sequences to pierisin-1 from Pieris rapae. We earlier showed pierisin-1 to catalyze mono(ADP-ribosyl)ation of 2'-deoxyguanosine (dG) in DNA to form N2-(ADP-ribos-1-yl)-2'-deoxyguanosine, this DNA modification appearing linked to its cytotoxicity and ability to induce apoptosis in mammalian cell lines. In this paper, we documented evidence that pierisin-2 also catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of dG in DNA to give the same reaction product as demonstrated for pierisin-1, with similar efficiency. With oligonucleotides as substrates, ADP-ribosylation by pierisin-2 was suggested to occur by one-side attack of the carbon atom at 1 position of the ribose moiety in NAD toward N2 of dG. The presence of a unique ADP-ribosylation toxin targeting dG in DNA in two distinct species in a Pieris genus could be a quite important finding to better understand biological functions of pierisin-1 and -2 in Pieris butterflies and the generic evolution of these cabbage butterflies.  相似文献   

Nitroarylmethyl quaternary (NMQ) ammonium salts of the basic DNA intercalator AMAC (N,N-dimethylaminoethyl-9-amino-5-methylacridine-4-carboxamide) are of interest as anticancer prodrugs. A sensitive HPLC assay has been developed for quantitation of AMAC and its NMQ prodrugs in cultured cells, plasma and tissue. Recovery of the prodrugs, without conversion to AMAC, was achieved using extraction in alkaline acetonitrile followed by immediate reneutralisation. Reversed-phase HPLC with fluorescence detection gave a detection limit of 3 fmol for AMAC, with linearity to 20 nmol (using diode array absorbance at high concentrations). This assay was used to measure cellular uptake, and hypoxic metabolism to AMAC, of three NMQ-AMAC prodrugs.  相似文献   

A new octanuclear copper(II) complex has been synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography: [Cu(8)(HL)(4)(OH)(4)(H(2)O)(2)(ClO(4))(2)].(ClO(4))(2).2H(2)O (1) (H(3)L=2,6-bis(hydroxyethyliminoethyl)-4-methyl phenol). The complex is formed by the linkage of two terminal bimetallic cationic units and a tetranuclear mu(3)-hydroxo bridged dicubane core by a very short intramolecular hydrogen bond (O-H...O, 1.48(3)A and the angle 175 degrees). The coordination sphere of the terminal copper atoms is square pyramidal, the apical positions being occupied by water and a perchlorate ion. Complex 1 self-assembles to form a new type of water-perchlorate helical network [(H(2)O)(2)(ClO(4))](infinity) involving oxygen atoms of coordinated perchlorate ion and the two lattice water molecules through hydrogen-bonding interaction. The variable temperature-dependent susceptibility measurement (2-300K) of 1 reveals a strong antiferromagnetic coupling, J(1)=-220cm(-1) and J(2)=-98cm(-1) (J(1) and J(2) representing the exchange constant within [Cu(2+)](4) and [Cu(2+)](2) units, respectively). The complex binds to double-stranded supercoiled plasmid DNA giving a K(app) value of 1.2x10(7)M(-1) and displays efficient oxidative cleavage of supercoiled DNA in the presence of H(2)O(2) following a hydroxyl radical pathway.  相似文献   

Voles of the genus Microtus represent one of the most speciose mammalian genera in the Holarctic. We established a molecular phylogeny for Microtus to resolve contentious issues of systematic relationships and evolutionary history in this genus. A total of 81 specimens representing ten Microtus species endemic to Europe as well as eight Eurasian, six Asian and one Holarctic species were sequenced for the entire cytochrome b gene (1140 bp). A further 25 sequences were retrieved from GenBank, providing data on an additional 23, mainly Nearctic, Microtus species. Phylogenetic analysis of these 48 species generated four well-supported monophyletic lineages. The genus Chionomys, snow voles, formed a distinct and well-supported lineage separate from the genus Microtus. The subgenus Microtus formed the strongest supported lineage with two sublineages displaying a close relationship between the arvalis species group (common voles) and the socialis species group (social voles). Monophyly of the Palearctic pitymyid voles, subgenus Terricola, was supported, and this subgenus was also subdivided into two monophyletic species groups. Together, these groupings clarify long-standing taxonomic uncertainties in Microtus. In addition, the "Asian" and the Nearctic lineages reported previously were identified although the latter group was not supported. However, relationships among the main Microtus branches were not resolved, suggesting a rapid and potentially simultaneous radiation of a widespread ancestor early in the history of the genus. This and subsequent radiations discernible in the cytochrome b phylogeny, show the considerable potential of Microtus for analysis of historical and ecological determinants of speciation in small mammals. It is evident that speciation is an ongoing process in the genus and that the molecular data provides a vital insight into current species limits as well as cladogenic events of the past.  相似文献   

This paper is the first record of the satellite DNA of the specialized phytophagous genus Chrysolina. The satellite DNA of Chrysolina americana is organized in a tandem repeat of monomers 189 bp long, has a A + T content of 59.6 % and presents direct and inverted internal repeats. Restriction analysis of the total DNA with methylation sensitive enzymes suggests that this repetitive DNA is undermethylated. In situ hybridization with a biotinylated probe of the satellite DNA showed the pericentromeric localization of these sequences in all meiotic bivalents. The presence of this repetitive DNA in other species of the genus was also tested by Southern analysis. The results showed that this satellite DNA sequence is specific to the C. americana genome and has not been found in three other species of Chrysolina with a different choice of host plants than in the former. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were determined for 15 species ofIllicium (Illiciaceae) to examine phylogenetic relationships. The ITS trees show a major dichotomy between the two North American species (I. floridanum andI. parviflorum) and the remaining east Asian species. This suggests that the existing division between two sections (sect.Illicium and sect.Cymbostemon) ofIllicium based on tepal characters in unnatural. The ITS phylogeny shows congruence with palynology: of the species examined, the three species (I. angustisepalum, I. anisatum andI. fargesii) from sect.Illicium that possess trizonocolpate pollen consistently form a clade, although nesting within a clade consisting of the species of sect.Cymbostemon, which generally have trisyncolpate pollen. The low ITS sequence divergence and the close relationship among east Asian species suggest a recent diversification of this group of species or an unusual slowdown of sequence mutations.  相似文献   

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