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The membrane interaction and solution conformation of two mutants of the β-hairpin antimicrobial peptide, protegrin-1 (PG-1), are investigated to understand the structural determinants of antimicrobial potency. One mutant, [A6,8,13,15] PG-1, does not have the two disulfide bonds in wild-type PG-1, while the other, [Δ4,18 G10] PG-1, has only half the number of cationic residues. 31P solid-state NMR lineshapes of uniaxially aligned membranes indicate that the membrane disorder induced by the three peptides decreases in the order of PG-1>[Δ4,18 G10] PG-1?[A6,8,13,15] PG-1. Solution NMR studies of the two mutant peptides indicate that [Δ4,18 G10] PG-1 preserves the β-hairpin fold of the wild-type peptide while [A6,8,13,15] PG-1 adopts a random coil conformation. These NMR results correlate well with the known activities of these peptides. Thus, for this class of peptides, the presence of a β-hairpin fold is more essential than the number of cationic charges for antimicrobial activity. This study indicates that 31P NMR lineshapes of uniaxially aligned membranes are well correlated with antimicrobial activity, and can be used as a diagnostic tool to understand the peptide-lipid interactions of these antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

Tritrpticin and indolicidin are short 13-residue tryptophan-rich antimicrobial peptides that hold potential as future alternatives for antibiotics. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) has been applied as the main tool in this study to investigate the thermodynamics of the interaction of these two cathelicidin peptides as well as five tritrpticin analogs with large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs), representing model and natural anionic membranes. The anionic LUVs were composed of (a) 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (POPE/POPG) (7:3) and (b) natural E. coli polar lipid extract. 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) was used to make model zwitterionic membranes. Binding isotherms were obtained to characterize the antimicrobial peptide binding to the LUVs, which then allowed for calculation of the thermodynamic parameters of the interaction. All peptides exhibited substantially stronger binding to anionic POPE/POPG and E. coli membrane systems than to the zwitterionic POPC system due to strong electrostatic attractions between the highly positively charged peptides and the negatively charged membrane surface, and results with tritrpticin derivatives further revealed the effects of various amino acid substitutions on membrane binding. No significant improvement was observed upon increasing the Tritrp peptide charge from + 4 to + 5. Replacement of Arg residues with Lys did not substantially change peptide binding to anionic vesicles but moderately decreased the binding to zwitterionic LUVs. Pro to Ala substitutions in tritrpticin, allowing the peptide to adopt an α-helical structure, resulted in a significant increase of the binding to both anionic and zwitterionic vesicles and therefore reduced the selectivity for bacterial and mammalian membranes. In contrast, substitution of Trp with other aromatic amino acids significantly decreased the peptide's ability to bind to anionic LUVs and essentially eliminated binding to zwitterionic LUVs. The ITC results were consistent with the outcome of fluorescence spectroscopy membrane binding and perturbation studies. Overall, our work showed that a natural E. coli polar lipid extract as a bacterial membrane model was advantageous compared to the simpler and more widely used POPE/POPG lipid system.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein A (SP-A), the most abundant protein in the lung alveolar surface, has multiple activities, including surfactant-related functions. SP-A is required for the formation of tubular myelin and the lung surface film. The human SP-A locus consists of two functional SP-A genes, SP-A1 and SP-A2, with a number of alleles characterized for each gene. We have found that the human in vitro expressed variants, SP-A1 (6A2) and SP-A2 (1A0), and the coexpressed SP-A1/SP-A2 (6A2/1A0) protein have a differential influence on the organization of phospholipid monolayers containing surfactant protein B (SP-B). Lipid films containing SP-B and SP-A2 (1A0) showed surface features similar to those observed in lipid films with SP-B and native human SP-A. Fluorescence images revealed the presence of characteristic fluorescent probe-excluding clusters coexisting with the traditional lipid liquid-expanded and liquid-condensed phase. Images of the films containing SP-B and SP-A1 (6A2) showed different distribution of the proteins. The morphology of lipid films containing SP-B and the coexpressed SP-A1/SP-A2 (6A2/1A0) combined features of the individual films containing the SP-A1 or SP-A2 variant. The results indicate that human SP-A1 and SP-A2 variants exhibit differential effects on characteristics of phospholipid monolayers containing SP-B. This may differentially impact surface film activity.  相似文献   

We recently published two papers detailing the structures of fluid phase phosphatidylglycerol (PG) lipid bilayers (Ku?erka et al., 2012 J. Phys. Chem. B 116: 232–239; Pan et al., 2012 Biochim. Biophys. Acta Biomembr. 1818: 2135–2148), which were determined using the scattering density profile model. This hybrid experimental/computational technique utilizes molecular dynamics simulations to parse a lipid bilayer into components whose volume probabilities follow simple analytical functional forms. Given the appropriate scattering densities, these volume probabilities are then translated into neutron scattering length density (NSLD) and electron density (ED) profiles, which are used to jointly refine experimentally obtained small angle neutron and X-ray scattering data. However, accurate NSLD and ED profiles can only be obtained if the bilayer's chemical composition is known. Specifically, in the case of neutron scattering, the lipid's exchangeable hydrogens with aqueous D2O must be accounted for, as they can have a measureable effect on the resultant lipid bilayer structures. This was not done in our above-mentioned papers. Here we report on the molecular structures of PG lipid bilayers by appropriately taking into account the exchangeable hydrogens. Analysis indicates that the temperature-averaged PG lipid areas decrease by 1.5 to 3.8 Å2, depending on the lipid's acyl chain length and unsaturation, compared to PG areas when hydrogen exchange was not taken into account.  相似文献   

The orientation and pore-forming mechanisms of pandinin 2 (pin2), an antimicrobial peptide isolated from venom of the African scorpion Pandinus imperator, bound to magnetically oriented lipid bilayers were examined by 31P and 13C solid-state, and 15N liquid-state NMR spectroscopy. 31P NMR measurements at various temperatures, under neutral and acidic conditions, showed that membrane lysis occurred only under acidic conditions, and at temperatures below the liquid crystal-gel phase transition of the lipid bilayers, after incubation for two days in the magnet. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements showed that pin2 induced negative curvature strain in lipid bilayers. The 13C chemical shift values of synthetic pin2 labeled at Gly3, Gly8, Leu12, Phe17, or Ser18 under static or slow magic-angle spinning conditions, indicate that pin2 penetrates the membrane with its average helical axis perpendicular to the membrane surface. Furthermore, amide H-D exchange experiments of 15N-Ala4, Gly8, and Ala9 triply-labeled pin2 suggest that this peptide forms oligomers and confirms that the N-terminal region creates membrane pores.  相似文献   

In situ external reflection infrared spectroscopy at the air-water interface was used to study the influence on phospholipid structure of an endogenous mixture of the two hydrophobic surfactant proteins, SP-B and SP-C, which are thought to play pivotal roles in the adsorption and function of pulmonary surfactant. Mixtures studied were 1:1, 2:1, and 7:1 (mol:mol) DPPC-d(62):DPPG, and 7:1 DPPC-d(62):DOPG, alone and in the presence of 0.5-10 wt % mixed SP-B/C purified chromatographically from calf lung surfactant extract. Perdeuteration of DPPC produced a shift in vibrational frequencies so that it could be differentiated spectroscopically from the phosphoglycerol component in the surface monolayer. CH(2) antisymmetric and symmetric stretching bands ( approximately 2920 and 2852 cm(-1)) along with the analogous CD(2) stretching bands ( approximately 2194 and 2089 cm(-1)) were analyzed, and band heights and peak wavenumber positions were assessed as a function of monolayer surface pressure. Small, near-physiological contents of 1-2 wt % SP-B/C typically produced the maximum observed spectroscopic effects, which were abolished at high protein contents of 10 wt %. Analysis of CH(2) and CD(2) stretching bands and C-H/C-D band height ratios indicated that SP-B/C affected PC and PG lipids differently within the surface monolayer. SP-B/C had preferential interactions with DPPG in 1:1, 2:1, and 7:1 DPPC-d(62):DPPG films that increased its acyl chain order. SP-B/C also interacted specifically with DOPG in 7:1 DPPC-d(62):DOPG monolayers, but in this case an increase in CH(2) band heights and peak wavenumber positions indicated a further disordering of the already fluid DOPG acyl chains. CD(2) band height and peak wavenumber analysis indicated that SP-B/C had no significant effect on the structure of DPPC-d(62) chains in 7:1 films with DPPG or DOPG, and had only a slight tendency to increase the acyl chain order in 1:1 films of DPPC-d(62):DPPG. SP-B/C had no significant effect on DPPC-d(62) structure in films with DOPG. Infrared results also indicated that interactions involving SP-B/C and lipids led to exclusion of PC and PG lipids from the compressed interfacial monolayer, in agreement with our previous report on the phase morphology of lipid monolayers containing 1 wt % SP-B/C.  相似文献   

Interaction of bovine myelin basic protein and its constituent charge isomers (C1-C3) with phospholipid bilayers was studied using solid-state NMR experiments on model membranes. 31P NMR experiments on multilamellar vesicles and mechanically aligned bilayers were used to measure the degree of protein-induced disorder in the lipid headgroup region while 2H NMR data provided the disorder caused by the protein in the hydrophobic core of the bilayers. Our results suggest that MBP and its charge isomers neither fragment nor significantly disrupt DMPC, POPC, POPC:POPG, and POPE bilayers. These results demonstrate that the MBP-induced fragmentation of POPC bilayers is due to the freeze-thaw cycles used in the preparation of multilamellar vesicles and not due to intrinsic protein-lipid interactions.  相似文献   

Lung surfactant protein B (SP-B) is critical to minimizing surface tension in the alveoli. The C-terminus of SP-B, residues 59-80, has much of the surface activity of the full protein and serves as a template for the development of synthetic surfactant replacements. The molecular mechanisms responsible for its ability to restore lung compliance were investigated with circular dichroism, differential scanning calorimetry, and 31P and 2H solid-state NMR spectroscopy. SP-B59-80 forms an amphipathic helix which alters lipid organization and acyl chain dynamics in fluid lamellar phase 4:1 DPPC:POPG and 3:1 POPC:POPG MLVs. At higher levels of SP-B59-80 in the POPC:POPG lipid system a transition to a nonlamellar phase is observed while DPPC:POPG mixtures remain in a lamellar phase. Deuterium NMR shows an increase in acyl chain order in DPPC:POPG MLVs on addition of SP-B59-80; in POPC:POPG MLVs, acyl chain order parameters decrease. Our results indicate SP-B59-80 penetrates deeply into DPPC:POPG bilayers and binds more peripherally to POPC:POPG bilayers. Similar behavior has been observed for KL4, a peptide mimetic of SP-B which was originally designed using SP-B59-80 as a template and has been clinically demonstrated to be successful in treating respiratory distress syndrome. The ability of these helical peptides to differentially partition into lipid lamellae based on their degree of monounsaturation and subsequent changes in lipid dynamics suggest a mechanism for lipid organization and trafficking within the dynamic lung environment.  相似文献   

Lung surfactant protein B (SP-B) is a lipophilic protein critical to lung function at ambient pressure. KL4 is a 21-residue peptide which has successfully replaced SP-B in clinical trials of synthetic lung surfactants. CD and FTIR measurements indicate KL4 is helical in a lipid bilayer environment, but its exact secondary structure and orientation within the bilayer remain controversial. To investigate the partitioning and dynamics of KL4 in phospholipid bilayers, we introduced CD3-enriched leucines at four positions along the peptide to serve as probes of side chain dynamics via 2H solid-state NMR. The chosen labels allow distinction between models of helical secondary structure as well as between a transmembrane orientation or partitioning in the plane of the lipid leaflets. Leucine side chains are also sensitive to helix packing interactions in peptides that oligomerize. The partitioning and orientation of KL4 in DPPC/POPG and POPC/POPG phospholipid bilayers, as inferred from the leucine side chain dynamics, is consistent with monomeric KL4 lying in the plane of the bilayers and adopting an unusual helical structure which confers amphipathicity and allows partitioning into the lipid hydrophobic interior. At physiologic temperatures, the partitioning depth and dynamics of the peptide are dependent on the degree of saturation present in the lipids. The deeper partitioning of KL4 relative to antimicrobial amphipathic α-helices leads to negative membrane curvature strain as evidenced by the formation of hexagonal phase structures in a POPE/POPG phospholipid mixture on addition of KL4. The unusual secondary structure of KL4 and its ability to differentially partition into lipid lamellae containing varying levels of saturation suggest a mechanism for its role in restoring lung compliance.  相似文献   

The fusion peptides of HIV and influenza virus are crucial for viral entry into a host cell. We report the membrane-perturbing and structural properties of fusion peptides from the HA fusion protein of influenza virus and the gp41 fusion protein of HIV. Our goals were to determine: 1), how fusion peptides alter structure within the bilayers of fusogenic and nonfusogenic lipid vesicles and 2), how fusion peptide structure is related to the ability to promote fusion. Fluorescent probes revealed that neither peptide had a significant effect on bilayer packing at the water-membrane interface, but both increased acyl chain order in both fusogenic and nonfusogenic vesicles. Both also reduced free volume within the bilayer as indicated by partitioning of a lipophilic fluorophore into membranes. These membrane ordering effects were smaller for the gp41 peptide than for the HA peptide at low peptide/lipid ratio, suggesting that the two peptides assume different structures on membranes. The influenza peptide was predominantly helical, and the gp41 peptide was predominantly antiparallel beta-sheet when membrane bound, however, the depths of penetration of Trps of both peptides into neutral membranes were similar and independent of membrane composition. We previously demonstrated: 1), the abilities of both peptides to promote fusion but not initial intermediate formation during PEG-mediated fusion and 2), the ability of hexadecane to compete with this effect of the fusion peptides. Taken together, our current and past results suggest a hypothesis for a common mechanism by which these two viral fusion peptides promote fusion.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound conformation of a cell-penetrating peptide, penetratin, is investigated using solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The 13C chemical shifts of 13C, 15N-labeled residues in the peptide indicate a reversible conformational change from β-sheet at low temperature to coil-like at high temperature. This conformational change occurs for all residues examined between positions 3 and 13, at peptide/lipid molar ratios of 1:15 and 1:30, in membranes with 25-50% anionic lipids, and in both saturated DMPC/DMPG (1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylchloline/1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylglycerol) membranes and unsaturated POPC/POPG (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylglycerol) membranes. Thus, it is an intrinsic property of penetratin. The coil state of the peptide has C-H order parameters of 0.23-0.52 for Cα and Cβ sites, indicating that the peptide backbone is unstructured. Moreover, chemical shift anisotropy lineshapes are uniaxially averaged, suggesting that the peptide backbone undergoes uniaxial rotation around the bilayer normal. These observations suggest that the dynamic state of penetratin at high temperature is a structured turn instead of an isotropic random coil. The thermodynamic parameters of this sheet-turn transition are extracted and compared to other membrane peptides reported to exhibit conformational changes. We suggest that the function of this turn conformation may be to reduce hydrophobic interactions with the lipid chains and facilitate penetratin translocation across the bilayer without causing permanent membrane damage.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion requires restructuring of lipid bilayers mediated by fusogenic membrane proteins. Peptides that correspond to natural transmembrane sequences or that have been designed to mimic them, such as low-complexity “Leu-Val” (LV) peptide sequences, can drive membrane fusion, presumably by disturbing the lipid bilayer structure. Here, we assess how peptides of different fusogenicity affect membrane structure using solid state NMR techniques. We find that the more fusogenic variants induce an unaligned lipid phase component and a large degree of phase separation as observed in 31P 2D spectra. The data support the idea that fusogenic peptides accumulate PE in a non-bilayer phase which may be critical for the induction of fusion.  相似文献   

Phospholipases D (PLD) catalyse hydrolysis and transphosphatidylation reactions in phospholipids. In the present study, the hydrolytic activity for cabbage PLD was investigated with five different substrates (dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE), dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), didecanoylphosphatidylcholine (DDPC), 1-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and lyso-phosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC)) in solution or adsorbed on a silica matrix. In the specific buffer solutions, where the substrates were proved to form large multilamellar polydisperse aggregates, PLD showed preference for DPPC > DPPE > DDPC > 1-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine > lyso-PC. When the substrates were adsorbed on the silica matrix, PLD hydrolysed 1-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and lyso-PC, DDPC, but not DPPC or DPPE. Theoretical studies of the simplest possible adducts between the phospholipids and the silica matrix were performed. Examination of local geometries of DPPC showed a significant blocking of the P-O-X bond-prone to hydrolysis, which could possibly block the access of PLD. Immobilization of phospholipids could be applied for improving the yield of reactions catalysed by PLD as well as for performing a targeted production of short-chain length phosphatidic acid analogs.  相似文献   

The membrane location of two fragments in two different K+-channels, the KvAP (from Aeropyrum pernix) and the HsapBK (human) corresponding to the putative “paddle” domains, has been investigated by CD, fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy. Both domains interact with q = 0.5 phospholipid bicelles, DHPC micelles and with POPC vesicles. CD spectra demonstrate that both peptides become largely helical in the presence of phospholipid bicelles. Fluorescence quenching studies using soluble acrylamide or lipid-attached doxyl-groups show that the arginine-rich domains are located within the bilayered region in phospholipid bicelles. Nuclear magnetic relaxation parameters, T1 and 13C-1H NOE, for DMPC in DMPC/DHPC bicelles and for DHPC in micelles showed that the lipid acyl chains in the bicelles become less flexible in the presence of either of the fragments. An even more pronounced effect is seen on the glycerol carbons. 2H NMR spectra of magnetically aligned bicelles showed that the peptide derived from KvAP had no or little effect on bilayer order, while the peptide derived from HsapBK had the effect of lowering the order of the bilayer. The present study demonstrates that the fragments derived from the full-length proteins interact with the bilayered interior of model membranes, and that they affect both the local mobility and lipid order of model membrane systems.  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) are important constituents of lipid rafts and caveolae, are essential for the normal development of cells, and are adhesion sites for various infectious agents. One strategy for modulating GSL composition in lipid rafts is to selectively transfer GSL to or from these putative membrane microdomains. Glycolipid transfer protein (GLTP) catalyzes selective intermembrane transfer of GSLs. To enable effective use of GLTP as a tool to modify the glycolipid content of membranes, it is imperative to understand how the membrane regulates GLTP action. In this study, GLTP partitioning to membranes was analyzed by monitoring the fluorescence resonance energy transfer from tryptophans and tyrosines of GLTP to N-(5-dimethyl-aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl)-1,2-dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-ethanolamine present in bilayer vesicles. GLTP partitioned to POPC vesicles even when no GSL was present. GLTP interaction with model membranes was nonpenetrating, as assessed by protein-induced changes in lipid monolayer surface pressure, and nonperturbing in that neither membrane fluidity nor order were affected, as monitored by anisotropy of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene and 6-dodecanoyl-N,N-dimethyl-2-naphthylamine, even though the tryptophan anisotropy of GLTP increased in the presence of vesicles. Ionic strength, vesicle packing, and vesicle lipid composition affected GLTP partitioning to the membrane and led to the following conclusion: Conditions that increase the ratio of bound/unbound GLTP do not guarantee increased transfer activity, but conditions that decrease the ratio of bound/unbound GLTP always diminish transfer. A model of GLTP interaction with the membrane, based on the partitioning equilibrium data and consistent with the kinetics of GSL transfer, is presented and solved mathematically.  相似文献   

Melittin is a cationic hemolytic peptide isolated from the European honey bee, Apis mellifera. The organization of membrane-bound melittin has earlier been shown to be dependent on the physical state and composition of membranes. In this study, we covalently labeled the N-terminal (Gly-1) and Lys-7 of melittin with an environment-sensitive fluorescent probe, the NBD group, to monitor the influence of negatively charged lipids and cholesterol on the organization and dynamics of membrane-bound melittin. Our results show that the NBD group of melittin labeled at its N-terminal end does not exhibit red edge excitation shift in DOPC and DOPC/DOPG membranes, whereas the NBD group of melittin labeled at Lys-7 exhibits REES of approximately 8 nm. This could be attributed to difference in membrane microenvironment experienced by the NBD groups in these analogs. Interestingly, the membrane environment of the NBD groups is sensitive to the presence of cholesterol, which is supported by time-resolved fluorescence measurements. Importantly, the orientation of melittin is found to be parallel to the membrane surface as determined by membrane penetration depth analysis using the parallax method in all cases. Our results constitute the first report to our knowledge describing the orientation of melittin in cholesterol-containing membranes. These results assume significance in the overall context of the role of membrane lipids in the orientation and function of membrane proteins and peptides.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel α-helical peptide antibiotic termed NK-2. It efficiently kills bacteria, but not human cells, by membrane destruction. This selectivity could be attributed to the different membrane lipid compositions of the target cells. To understand the mechanisms of selectivity and membrane destruction, we investigated the influence of NK-2 on the supramolecular aggregate structure, the phase transition behavior, the acyl chain fluidity, and the surface charges of phospholipids representative for the bacterial and the human cell cytoplasmic membranes. The cationic NK-2 binds to anionic phosphatidylglycerol liposomes, causing a thinning of the membrane and an increase in the phase transition temperature. However, this interaction is not solely of electrostatic but also of hydrophobic nature, indicated by an overcompensation of the Zeta potential. Whereas NK-2 has no effect on phosphatidylcholine liposomes, it enhances the fluidity of phosphatidylethanolamine acyl chains and lowers the phase transition enthalpy of the gel to liquid cristalline transition. The most dramatic effect, however, was observed for the lamellar/inverted hexagonal transition of phosphatidylethanolamine which was reduced by more than 10 °C. Thus, NK-2 promotes a negative membrane curvature which can lead to the collapse of the phosphatidylethanolamine-rich bacterial cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Lipopeptides derived from protein kinase C (PKC) pseudosubstrates have the ability to cross the plasma membrane in cells and modulate the activity of PKC in the cytoplasm. Myristoylation or palmitoylation appears to promote translocation across membranes, as the non-acylated peptides are membrane impermeant. We have investigated, by fluorescence spectroscopy, how myristoylation modulates the interaction of the PKC pseudosubstrate peptide KSIYRRGARRWRKL with lipid vesicles and translocation across the lipid bilayer. Our results indicate that myristoylated peptides are intimately associated with lipid vesicles and are not peripherally bound. When visualized under a microscope, myristoylation does appear to facilitate translocation across the lipid bilayer in multilamellar lipid vesicles. Translocation does not involve large-scale destabilization of the bilayer structure. Myristoylation promotes translocation into the hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer even when the non-acylated peptide has only weak affinity for membranes and is also only peripherally associated with lipid vesicles.  相似文献   

Oxyopinins (Oxki1 and Oxki2) are antimicrobial peptides isolated from the crude venom of the wolf spider Oxyopes kitabensis. The effect of oxyopinins on lipid bilayers was investigated using high-sensitivity titration calorimetry and 31P solid-state NMR spectroscopy. High-sensitivity titration calorimetry experiments showed that the binding of oxyopinins was exothermic, and the binding enthalpies (ΔH) to 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) were − 18.1 kcal/mol and − 15.0 kcal/mol for Oxki1 and Oxki2, respectively, and peptide partition coefficient (Kp) was found to be 3.9 × 103 M− 1. 31P NMR spectra of 1,2-dielaidoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DEPE) membranes in the presence of oxyopinins indicated that they induced a positive curvature in lipid bilayers. The induced positive curvature was stronger in the presence of Oxki2 than in the presence of Oxki1. 31P NMR spectra of phosphaditylcholine (PC) membranes in the presence of Oxki2 showed that Oxki2 produced micellization of membranes at low peptide concentrations, but unsaturated PC membranes or acidic phospholipids prevented micellization from occurring. Furthermore, 31P NMR spectra using membrane lipids from E. coli suggested that Oxki1 was more disruptive to bacterial membranes than Oxki2. These results strongly correlate to the known biological activity of the oxyopinins.  相似文献   

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