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Previous studies on organisms with well-differentiated X and Y chromosomes, such as Drosophila and mammals, consistently detected an excess of genes moving out of the X chromosome and gaining testis-biased expression. Several selective evolutionary mechanisms were shown to be associated with this nonrandom gene traffic, which contributed to the evolution of the X chromosome and autosomes. If selection drives gene traffic, such traffic should also exist in species with Z and W chromosomes, where the females are the heterogametic sex. However, no previous studies on gene traffic in species with female heterogamety have found any nonrandom chromosomal gene movement. Here, we report an excess of retrogenes moving out of the Z chromosome in an organism with the ZW sex determination system, Bombyx mori. In addition, we showed that those "out of Z" retrogenes tended to have ovary-biased expression, which is consistent with the pattern of non-retrogene traffic recently reported in birds and symmetrical to the retrogene movement in mammals and fruit flies out of the X chromosome evolving testis functions. These properties of gene traffic in the ZW system suggest a general role for the heterogamety of sex chromosomes in determining the chromosomal locations and the evolution of sex-biased genes.  相似文献   

A family of DNA loci (DNF28) from the pseudoautosomal region of the human sex chromosomes is characterized by a repeated element (STIR: subtelomeric interspersed repeat) which detects homologous sequences in the telomeric regions of human autosomes by in situ hybridization. Several STIR elements from both the pseudoautosomal region and terminal parts of autosomes were cloned and sequenced. A conserved 350 bp sequence and some characteristic structural differences between the autosomal and pseudoautosomal STIRs were observed. Screening of the DNA sequence databases with a consensus sequence revealed the presence of STIRs in several human loci localized in the terminal parts of different chromosomes. We mapped single copy probes flanking the cloned autosomal STIRs to the subtelomeric parts of six different chromosomes by in situ hybridization and genetic linkage analysis. The linkage data show a greatly increased recombination frequency in the subtelomeric regions of the chromosomes, especially in male meiosis. The STIR elements, specifically located in subtelomeric regions, could play a role in the peculiar recombination properties of these chromosomal regions, e.g. by promoting initiation of pairing at meiosis.  相似文献   

The evolution of a pair of chromosomes that differ in appearance between males and females (heteromorphic sex chromosomes) has occurred repeatedly across plants and animals. Recent work has shown that the male heterogametic (XY) and female heterogametic (ZW) sex chromosomes evolved independently from different pairs of homomorphic autosomes in the common ancestor of birds and mammals but also that X and Z chromosomes share many convergent molecular features. However, little is known about how often heteromorphic sex chromosomes have either evolved convergently from different autosomes or in parallel from the same pair of autosomes and how universal patterns of molecular evolution on sex chromosomes really are. Among winged insects with sequenced genomes, there are male heterogametic species in both the Diptera (e.g., Drosophila melanogaster) and the Coleoptera (Tribolium castaneum), female heterogametic species in the Lepidoptera (Bombyx mori), and haplodiploid species in the Hymenoptera (e.g., Nasonia vitripennis). By determining orthologous relationships among genes on the X and Z chromosomes of insects with sequenced genomes, we are able to show that these chromosomes are not homologous to one another but are homologous to autosomes in each of the other species. These results strongly imply that heteromorphic sex chromosomes have evolved independently from different pairs of ancestral chromosomes in each of the insect orders studied. We also find that the convergently evolved X chromosomes of Diptera and Coleoptera share genomic features with each other and with vertebrate X chromosomes, including excess gene movement from the X to the autosomes. However, other patterns of molecular evolution--such as increased codon bias, decreased gene density, and the paucity of male-biased genes on the X--differ among the insect X and Z chromosomes. Our results provide evidence for both differences and nearly universal similarities in patterns of evolution among independently derived sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Since the two eutherian sex chromosomes diverged from an ancestral autosomal pair, the X has remained relatively gene-rich, while the Y has lost most of its genes through the accumulation of deleterious mutations in nonrecombining regions. Presently, it is unclear what is distinctive about genes that remain on the Y chromosome, when the sex chromosomes acquired their unique evolutionary rates, and whether X-Y gene divergence paralleled that of paralogs located on autosomes. To tackle these questions, here we juxtaposed the evolution of X and Y homologous genes (gametologs) in eutherian mammals with their autosomal orthologs in marsupial and monotreme mammals. We discovered that genes on the X and Y acquired distinct evolutionary rates immediately following the suppression of recombination between the two sex chromosomes. The Y-linked genes evolved at higher rates, while the X-linked genes maintained the lower evolutionary rates of the ancestral autosomal genes. These distinct rates have been maintained throughout the evolution of X and Y. Specifically, in humans, most X gametologs and, curiously, also most Y gametologs evolved under stronger purifying selection than similarly aged autosomal paralogs. Finally, after evaluating the current experimental data from the literature, we concluded that unique mRNA/protein expression patterns and functions acquired by Y (versus X) gametologs likely contributed to their retention. Our results also suggest that either the boundary between sex chromosome strata 3 and 4 should be shifted or that stratum 3 should be divided into two strata.  相似文献   

We have determined by Southern blot analysis that DNA sequences homologous to the AMG gene probe are present in the genomes of both marsupial and monotreme mammals, although adult monotremes lack teeth. In situ hybridization and Southern analysis of cell hybrids demonstrate that AMG homologues are located on autosomes. In the Tammar Wallaby, AMG homologues are located on chromosomes 5q and 1q and in the Platypus, on chromosomes 1 and 2. The autosomal location of the AMG homologues provides additional support for the hypothesis that an autosomal region equivalent to the human Xp was translocated to the X chromosome in the Eutheria after the divergence of the marsupials 150 million years ago. The region containing the AMG gene is therefore likely to have been added 80-150 million years ago to a pseudoautosomal region shared by the ancestral eutherian X and Y chromosome; the X and Y alleles must have begun diverging after this date.  相似文献   

Twenty-six human Y-chromosome-derived DNA sequences, free of repetitive material, were used to probe male and female genomic blots. We present data from a detailed analysis and chromosomal location of the bands detected by such probes, which demonstrate extensive DNA sequence homology between the mammalian sex chromosomes and autosomes. Under stringent conditions, nine Y-derived probes reacted exclusively with the Y chromosome, 12 probes detected homologous sequences present on both the Y and the X, four probes detected homologies between Y and autosome(s) without any X counterpart and, finally, one probe hybridized to homologous sequences on Y, X and autosome(s). These data are consistent with the hypothesis of a common evolutionary origin for the mammalian sex chromosomes and reveal structural similarities between Y-located and autosomal non-repetitive sequences.  相似文献   

Pseudoautosomal regions (PARs) shared by avian Z and W sex chromosomes are typically small homologous regions within which recombination still occurs and are hypothesized to share the properties of autosomes. We capitalized on the unusual structure of the sex chromosomes of emus, Dromaius novaehollandiae, which consist almost entirely of PAR shared by both sex chromosomes, to test this hypothesis. We compared recombination, linkage disequilibrium (LD), GC content, and nucleotide diversity between pseudoautosomal and autosomal loci derived from 11 emu bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones that were mapped to chromosomes by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Nucleotide diversity (pi = 4N(e)mu) was not significantly lower in pseudoautosomal loci (14 loci, 1.9 +/- 2.4 x 10(-3)) than autosomal loci (8 loci, 4.2 +/- 6.1 x 10(-3)). By contrast, recombination per site within BAC-end sequences (rho = 4Nc) (pseudoautosomal, 3.9 +/- 6.9 x 10(-2); autosomal, 2.3 +/- 3.7 x 10(-2)) was higher and average LD (D') (pseudoautosomal, 4.2 +/- 0.2 x 10(-1); autosomal, 4.7 +/- 0.5 x 10(-1)) slightly lower in pseudoautosomal sequences. We also report evidence of deviation from a simple neutral model in the PAR and in autosomal loci, possibly caused by departures from demographic equilibrium, such as population growth. This study provides a snapshot of the population genetics of avian sex chromosomes at an early stage of differentiation.  相似文献   

Marsupial sex chromosomes are smaller than their eutherian counterparts and are thought to reflect an ancestral mammalian X and Y. The gene content of this original X is represented largely by the long arm of the human X chromosome. Genes on the short arm of the human X are autosomal in marsupials and monotremes, and represent a recent addition to the eutherian X and Y. The marsupial X and Y apparently lack a pseudoautosomal region and show only end-to-end pairing at meiosis. However, the sex chromosomes of macropodid marsupials (kangaroos and wallabies) are larger than the sex chromosomes of other groups, and a nucleolus organizer is present on the X and occasionally the Y. Chromosome painting using DNA from sorted and microdissected wallaby X and Y chromosomes reveals homologous sequences on the tammar X and Y chromosomes, concentrated on the long arm of the Y chromosome and short arm of the X. Ribosomal DNA sequences were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization on the wallaby Xp but not the Y. Since no chiasmata have been observed in marsupial sex chromosomes, it is unlikely that these shared sequences act as a pseudoautosomal region within which crossing over may occur, but they may be required for end-to-end associations. The shared region of wallaby X and Y chromosomes bears no homology with the recently added region of the eutherian sex chromosomes, so we conclude that independent additions occurred to both sex chromosomes in a eutherian and macropodid ancestor, as predicted by the addition-attrition hypothesis of sex chromosome evolution. Received: 18 October 1996 / Accepted: 21 February 1997  相似文献   

Mammals have an XX:XY system of chromosomal sex determination in which a small heterochromatic Y controls male development. The Y contains the testis determining factor SRY, as well as several genes important in spermatogenesis. Comparative studies show that the Y was once homologous with the X, but has been progressively degraded, and now consists largely of repeated sequences as well as degraded copies of X linked genes. The small original X and Y have been enlarged by cycles of autosomal addition to one partner, recombination onto the other and continuing attrition of the compound Y. This addition–attrition hypothesis predicts that the pseudoautosomal region of the human X is merely the last relic of the latest addition. Genes (including SRY) on the conserved or added region of the Y evolved functions in male sex determination and differentiation distinct from the general functions of their X-linked partners. Although the gonadogenesis pathway is highly conserved in vertebrates, its control has probably changed radically and rapidly in vertebrate – even mammalian – evolution.  相似文献   

The synaptic and recombinational behavior of the sex chromosomes in male laboratory mice carrying the Y* rearrangement was analyzed by light and electron microscopy. Examination of zygotene and pachytene X-Y* configurations revealed a surprising paucity of the staggered pairing configuration predicted from the distal position of the X pseudoautosomal region and the subcentromeric position of the Y* pseudoautosomal region. When paired at pachynema, the X and Y* chromosomes usually assumed configurations similar to those of typical sex bivalents from normal male laboratory mice. The X and Y* chromosomes were present as univalents in more than half of the early- and mid-pachytene nuclei, presumably as a result of steric difficulties associated with homologous alignment of the pseudoautosomal regions. When paired at diakinesis and metaphase I, the X and Y* chromosomes exhibited an asymmetrical chiasmatic association indicative of recombination within the staggered synaptic configuration. Both pairing disruption and recombinational failure apparently contribute to diakinesis/metaphase I sex-chromosome univalency, as most cells at these stages possessed X and Y* univalents lacking evidence of prior recombination. Recombinant X or Y* chromosomes were detected in all metaphase II complements examined, thus substantiating the hypothesis that X-Y recombination is a prerequisite for the normal progression of male meiosis.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes are generally morphologically and functionally distinct, but the evolutionary forces that cause this differentiation are poorly understood. Drosophila americana americana was used in this study to examine one aspect of sex chromosome evolution, the degeneration of nonrecombining Y chromosomes. The primary X chromosome of D. a. americana is fused with a chromosomal element that was ancestrally an autosome, causing this homologous chromosomal pair to segregate with the sex chromosomes. Sequence variation at the Alcohol Dehydrogenase (Adh) gene was used to determine the pattern of nucleotide variation on the neo-sex chromosomes in natural populations. Sequences of Adh were obtained for neo-X and neo-Y chromosomes of D. a. americana, and for Adh of D. a. texana, in which it is autosomal. No significant sequence differentiation is present between the neo-X and neo-Y chromosomes of D. a. americana or the autosomes of D. a. texana. There is a significantly lower level of sequence diversity on the neo-Y chromosome relative to the neo-X in D. a. americana. This reduction in variability on the neo-Y does not appear to have resulted from a selective sweep. Coalescent simulations of the evolutionary transition of an autosome into a Y chromosome indicate there may be a low level of recombination between the neo-X and neo-Y alleles of Adh and that the effective population size of this chromosome may have been reduced below the expected value of 25% of the autosomal effective size, possibly because of the effects of background selection or sexual selection.  相似文献   

X inactivation is a fundamental mechanism in eutherian mammals to restore a balance of X-linked gene products between XY males and XX females. However, it has never been extensively studied in a eutherian species with a sex determination system that deviates from the ubiquitous XX/XY. In this study, we explore the X inactivation process in the African pygmy mouse Mus minutoides, that harbours a polygenic sex determination with three sex chromosomes: Y, X, and a feminizing mutant X, named X*; females can thus be XX, XX*, or X*Y, and all males are XY. Using immunofluorescence, we investigated histone modification patterns between the two X chromosome types. We found that the X and X* chromosomes are randomly inactivated in XX* females, while no histone modifications were detected in X*Y females. Furthermore, in M. minutoides, X and X* chromosomes are fused to different autosomes, and we were able to show that the X inactivation never spreads into the autosomal segments. Evaluation of X inactivation by immunofluorescence is an excellent quantitative procedure, but it is only applicable when there is a structural difference between the two chromosomes that allows them to be distinguished.  相似文献   

Molecular and evolutionary analysis of a plant Y chromosome.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plants have evolved a great diversity of sex determination systems. Among these, the XY system, also found in mammals, is one of the most exciting since it gives the opportunity to compare the evolution of sex chromosomes in two different kingdoms. Whereas genetic and molecular mechanisms controlling sex determination in drosophila and mammals, have been well studied, very little is known about such processes in plants. White campion (Silene latifolia) is an example of plant with X and Y chromosomes. What is the origin of the X and Y chromosomes? How did they evolve from a pair of autosomes? In our laboratory, we have isolated the first active genes located on a plant Y chromosome. We are using them as markers to trace the origin and evolution of sex chromosomes in the Silene genus.  相似文献   

Meiotic studies in mice carrying the sex reversal (Sxr) factor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sex reversal factor (Sxr) that causes mice having apparently normal X chromosomes to become phenotypically male is transmitted in an autosomal pattern. The origin of the Sxr factor is still unknown. It seems most likely that it has originated from an autosomal gene mutation or is the result of a translocation of part of the Y chromosome to one of the autosomes. Chromosomes from four XY and six XO mice carrying this sex reversal factor were examined in the diakinesis stage of meiosis. The following unusual observations were noted: (1) in XY males carrying the Sxr factor, the X and Y chromosomes were separated more often than in controls. (2) The Y chromosome tends to be closer to an autosome when the X and Y are separate than when the X and Y are attached. (3) A chromosome fragment was present in 4/226 cells from two XO males and a single cell from an XY, Sxr carrier. Although there is no direct evidence, these observations seem to favor the possibility that the Sxr factor involves a chromosomal rearrangement rather than a single gene mutation.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes are the Achilles' heel of male meiosis in mammals. Mis-segregation of the X and Y chromosomes leads to sex chromosome aneuploidies, with clinical outcomes such as infertility and Klinefelter syndrome. Successful meiotic divisions require that all chromosomes find their homologous partner and achieve recombination and pairing. Sex chromosomes in males of many species have only a small region of homology (the pseudoautosomal region, PAR) that enables pairing. Until recently, little was known about the dynamics of recombination and pairing within mammalian X and Y PARs. Here, we review our recent findings on PAR behavior in mouse meiosis. We uncovered unexpected differences between autosomal chromosomes and the X-Y chromosome pair, namely that PAR recombination and pairing occurs later, and is under different genetic control. These findings imply that spermatocytes have evolved distinct strategies that ensure successful X-Y recombination and chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes differ from other chromosomes in the striking divergence they often show in size, structure, and gene content. Not only do they possess genes controlling sex determination that are restricted to either the X or Y (or Z or W) chromosomes, but in many taxa they also include recombining regions. In these 'pseudoautosomal regions' (PARs), sequence homology is maintained by meiotic pairing and exchange in the heterogametic sex. PARs are unique genomic regions, exhibiting some features of autosomes, but they are also influenced by their partial sex linkage. Here we review the distribution and structure of PARs among animals and plants, the theoretical predictions concerning their evolutionary dynamics, the reasons for their persistence, and the diversity and content of genes that reside within them. It is now clear that the evolution of the PAR differs in important ways from that of genes in either the non-recombining regions of sex chromosomes or the autosomes.  相似文献   

Sex differences in lifespan are ubiquitous across the tree of life and exhibit broad taxonomic patterns that remain a puzzle, such as males living longer than females in birds and vice versa in mammals. The prevailing unguarded X hypothesis explains sex differences in lifespan by differential expression of recessive mutations on the X or Z chromosome of the heterogametic sex, but has only received indirect support to date. An alternative hypothesis is that the accumulation of deleterious mutations and repetitive elements on the Y or W chromosome might lower the survival of the heterogametic sex (‘toxic Y’ hypothesis). Here, we use a new database to report lower survival of the heterogametic relative to the homogametic sex across 136 species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, as expected if sex chromosomes shape sex-specific lifespans, and consistent with previous findings. We also found that the relative sizes of both the X and the Y chromosomes in mammals (but not the Z or the W chromosomes in birds) are associated with sex differences in lifespan, as predicted by the unguarded X and the ‘toxic Y’. Furthermore, we report that the relative size of the Y is negatively associated with male lifespan in mammals, so that small Y size correlates with increased male lifespan. In theory, toxic Y effects are expected to be particularly strong in mammals, and we did not find similar effects in birds. Our results confirm the role of sex chromosomes in explaining sex differences in lifespan across tetrapods and further suggest that, at least in mammals, ‘toxic Y’ effects may play an important part in this role.  相似文献   

Dioecy is relatively rare in plants and sex determination systems vary among such species. A good example of a plant with heteromorphic sex chromosomes is hop (Humulus lupulus). The genotypes carrying XX or XY chromosomes correspond to female and male plants, respectively. Until now no clear cytogenetic markers for the sex chromosomes of hop have been established. Here, for the first time the sex chromosomes of hop are clearly identified and characterized. The high copy sequence of hop (HSR1) has been cloned and localized on chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The HSR1 repeat has shown subtelomeric location on autosomes with the same intensity of the signal. The signal has been present in the subtelomeric region of the long arm and in the near-centromeric region but absent in the telomeric region of the short arm of the X chromosome. At the same time the signal has been found in the telomeric region only of the long arm of the Y chromosome. This finding indicates that the sex chromosomes of hop have evolved from a pair of autosomes via ancient translocation or inversion. The observation of the meiotic configuration of the sex bivalents shows the location of a pseudoautosomal region on the long arms of X and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

Deltamys Thomas 1917 is a poorly studied and rarely collected taxon of Akodontini (Sigmodontinae). The single described species, Deltamys kempi (DKE), has a basic karyotype with a diploid number of 2n = 37 in males and 2n = 38 in females, a fundamental number FN = 38 for both sexes, and an X(1)X(1)X(2)X(2)/X(1)X(2)Y sex determination system. Herein, a new allopatric form, Deltamys sp. (DSP), is reported, based on specimens from southern Brazil, with 2n = 40, FN = 40 and XX/XY sex chromosomes. We describe the karyotype and mechanism of chromosomal differentiation between both Deltamys complements. Phylogenetic analyses, based on the complete sequence (1,140 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, grouped Deltamys sp. as sister species to D. kempi, with up to 12% genetic divergence between them. The GTG-banding patterns show complete autosomal correspondence between D. kempi and Deltamys sp. and identify a tandem rearrangement involving DSP7, DSP19 and DKE4 that is responsible for the differences in 2n and FN. Chromosome painting with Akodon paranaensis chromosome 21 (a small metacentric akodont marker) paint revealed total homology with the smallest acrocentric Deltamys sp. chromosome, DSP19. This suggests the occurrence of a pericentric inversion or centromeric shift when compared to other akodontines, with a posterior tandem rearrangement giving rise to DKE4. In DKE, large blocks of pericentromeric constitutive heterochromatin are present on the autosomes and the X, and the Y/autosome has an entirely heterochromatic short arm. In DSP, small heterochromatic blocks are observed on autosomes and X, and the Y is a very small, mostly heterochromatic acrocentric. The cytogenetic analyses suggest that the Deltamys sp. karyotype is ancestral, with the derived condition resulting from a tandem fusion (DSP7 + DSP19) and the Y/autosome translocation giving rise to the multiple sex chromosome system. The autosomal rearrangements, the differences in CBG-banding patterns and Ag-NOR localization, as well as the presence of X(1)X(1)X(2)X(2)/X(1)X(2)Y and XX/XY sex determination mechanisms, possibly acting as a reproductive barrier, and the phylogenetic position within the Deltamys genus, with high genetic divergence, call for a taxonomic review of the genus.  相似文献   

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