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Abstract:  With the global economic cost of liver fluke estimated at US$2000 million annually, alternative sustainable control methods need to be considered. One such option is biological control using malacophagous sciomyzids (Dipt.,). The effect of a range of temperatures (14, 17, 20, 23 and 26°C) on the duration of the egg stage of Sepedon spinipes spinipes (Scopoli), Pherbina coryleti (Scopoli), Tetanocera ferruginea Fallén and Psacadina verbekei Rozkošný was assessed using thermostatically controlled waterbaths (16 h light : 8 h dark). In general, for all species, the mean and median egg incubation periods decreased as the temperature increased. Optimum growth temperatures for mass rearing purposes are highlighted for each species. The cryopreservation (−20°C) of newly oviposited eggs for the purpose of long-term storage was also assessed and possible reasons for the variability in the duration of the egg stage between the species in relation to their phenologies are discussed.  相似文献   

The duration of larval and pupal stages of two species of predatory flies was investigated at five constant temperatures. Ilione albiseta (Scopoli): Mean duration of first and second instars was shortest at 23°C and there was 100% survival of first instar larvae at all temperatures. Mean third instar larval duration decreased from 104 days at 17°C to 27.5 days at 26°C. Total percentage larval survival was greatest at 17°C and least at 26°C. Mean pupal duration decreased as temperature increased and this occurred also under outdoor conditions. Pherbellia cinerella (Fallén): As temperature increased mean larval duration decreased but the percentage of larvae pupating also decreased (100% at 14°C, 33.3% at 26°C). There was a trend for shorter mean pupal durations at higher temperatures.
Résumé L'action de la température a été examinée à 14, 17, 20, 23 et 26°C. Les 2 espèces sont prédatrices de L. truncatula, vecteur de la douve du foie en Irlande, où elle provoque à l'àgriculture une perte évaluée à 10 millions de livres par an. Les données recuellies en conditions contrôlées du laboratoire doivent permettre de définir les conditions optimales pour l'élevage continu de ces espèces. Ceci est indispensable pour évaluer, dans la nature leurs potentialités pour la lutte biologique. Ilione albiseta: C'est à 23°C que le développement des larves de premier et second stades sont les plus brefs; la survie du premier stade est totale à toutes les températures constantes examinées. La durée moyenne du 3ème stade décroît de 104 jours à 17°C jusqu'à 27,5 jours à 26°C. Le taux de survie total est plus élevé à 17°C qu'à 26°C. La durée moyenne de la nymphose diminue quand la température croît, et ceci se produit aussi à la température ambiante extérieure. On réduit de moitié la durée du développement de l'éclosion de l'oeuf à l'apparition de l'adulte, entre la nature et le laboratoire, en utilisant respectivement: 23°, 17° et 26°C pour les premier et second stades, le troisième stade, la nymphé. Cela devrait aider à multiplier la souche pour la lutte biologique. Pherbellia cinerella: Avec élévation de la température la durée du développement larvaire diminue, mais aussi le nombre de larves parvenant à la pupaison (100% à 14° et 33,3% à 26°C). La nymphose tendait à être plus brève aux températures les plus élevées.

The following aspects ofHypoaspis miles' biology were investigated; development rate of egg to adult at different temperatures, fecundity, longevity and rate of predation on sciarids. With an increase in temperature the time taken for development decreased from 33.7 days at 15°C to 9.2 days at 28°C. The threshold temperature forH. miles to complete its life cycle was between 10° and 12°C. When fed onAcarus siro, H. miles laid 2–3 eggs a day and unfertilized eggs only developed into males. Adults ofH. miles (0–1 day old) survived for 24.0±1.4 days without food and if fed for 6 days and then starved, females lived for 65.4±2.6 days which was significantly longer than males (45.2±3.0 days). With food, 60% of males and females survived for 142 days. All larval instars of sciarids were attacked byH. miles although the numbers consumed were dependent on the size of the larvae. Egg predation was negligible and pupae were not attacked. In productivity studies ofH. miles in culture (fed onA. siro), the time taken for the mites to reach a density of 45–65,000/litre ranged from 76 to 23 days at 15° and 28°C respectively.
Résumé Différents aspects de la biologied'Hypoaspis miles sont examinés: vitesse de développement de l'oeuf à l'adulte à différentes températures, fécondité, longévité et voracité sur les sciarides. Avec une augmentation de la température, la durée du développement passe de 33,7 jours à 15°C à 9,2 jours à 28°C. La température minimale qui permet le développement complet deH. miles est située entre 10 et 12°C. Quand il est nourri d'"itAcarus siro, H. miles pond 2 à 3 oeufs par jour et seuls les oeufs non fécondés donnent des males. Les adultes deH. miles (agés de 0 à 1 jour) survivent pendant 24±1,4 jours sans nourriture et si elles sont nourries pendant 6 jours puis privées de nourriture, les femelles vivent 65,4±2,6 jours, ce qui est significativement plus long que les males (45,2±3 jours). Avec de la nourriture, 60% des males et des femelles vivent pendant 142 jours. Toutes les larves de sciarides sont attaquées parH. miles, mais le nombre de proies consommées dépend de la taille des larves. La prédation des oeufs est négligeable et les pupes ne sont pas attaquées. Dans des études sur la productivité deH. miles en élevage (nourri deA. siro), la durée nécessaire aux acariens pour atteindre une densité de 45–65 000/1 est de 76 et 23 jours à 15°C et 28°C respectivement.

The flowerbud-feeding weevil Anthonomus santacruzi Hustache (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) was released in South Africa in 2008 for the biological control of the invasive tree Solanum mauritianum Scopoli (Solanaceae). The weevil was widely deployed throughout KwaZulu-Natal province, which supports large S. mauritianum infestations, and has become well established in its warmer coastal regions. The aim of this study was to provide field evidence that climate is constraining the weevil’s distribution in South Africa. Solanum mauritianum populations were sampled at 23 sites across an altitudinal gradient in KwaZulu-Natal to determine A. santacruzi densities in relation to food availability and climatic variables. Despite significantly higher amounts of floral material on S. mauritianum at the higher altitude inland sites, A. santacruzi numbers were significantly higher at the lower altitude coastal sites. There was thus a significant negative relationship between A. santacruzi numbers and altitude and significant positive relationships between A. santacruzi numbers and both temperature and humidity. Neither rainfall nor food availability influenced A. santacruzi numbers, although lower amounts of floral material at the coastal sites may well have been caused by higher weevil densities at these sites. Anthonomus santacruzi was absent at only three sites, all at higher altitudes, further demonstrating that conditions in coastal or low-altitude regions are favourable for establishment and population proliferation. Future release efforts in KwaZulu-Natal, but also in other South African provinces, should thus be focused on coastal regions and inland regions that are below 1000 m above sea level.  相似文献   

Peristenus spretus Chen et van Achterberg (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of the plant bug Apolygus lucorum (Hemiptera: Miridae), has been studied for use in augmentative biological control in China. Under laboratory conditions, we explored the development, survival, age-specific and potential lifetime fecundity, oviposition period and progeny sex ratio of P. spretus reared at six constant temperatures (15°C, 19°C, 23°C, 27°C, 31°C, 35°C) on the second instar nymphs of A. lucorum. At 15°C, male and female P. spretus took 48.7 ± 0.3 and 52.5 ± 0.3 days to complete their immature development, while developmental time was reduced by more than half at 23°C and 27°C. The parasitoid can only develop to the larval stage at 31°C and neither larva nor pupa survived at 35°C. The estimated lower developmental threshold of the immature stage was 7.3°C. When parasitoid adults were exposed at 15°C, females laid 90% of their eggs at first 19 days of oviposition and had an extended reproductive life. In contrast, females held at 27°C laid most of their eggs (90%) in their first of 10 days of oviposition and had shorter longevity. The highest potential lifetime fecundity of P. spretus was 671.2 ± 34.7 SE eggs produced over 23.4 ± 1.4 SE days at 23°C. At 15°C, 19°C and 23°C, sex ratios of reared parasitoids were male-biased, but at 27°C there was no male bias.  相似文献   

Due to social demands with regard to sustainability and ecological considerations, an aim of current research in short-rotation coppices (SRC) is to find effective candidates for biological control of pest species. The great red poplar leaf beetle, Chrysomela populi L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is one of the most harmful pests in the SRC. The endoparasitic mite Linobia coccinellae (Scopoli) (Acari: Astigmata, Hemisarcoptidae) lives under the elytra of C. populi and feeds on the beetles' hemolymph. The population dynamics of the mites and their impact on the fecundity and longevity of female beetles were examined in two experiments. To study the occurrence of the mites, beetles were collected from two poplar SRC sites in Germany on three dates. Infestation rates of collected male and female C. populi individuals increased over the course of the year and reached 78–97% in the last survey. Females were parasitized more often than males at any time. For the second part of the study, beetles were reared under laboratory conditions to study the development of the mites and their impact on the hosts. For this purpose, half of the females were actively seeded with five adult females of L. coccinellae and the other half was used as a control. There was no significant impact on longevity or reproductive traits of the beetles. Despite the high rates of infestation, it appears that the mites do not have a serious effect on female beetles. Thus L. coccinellae, by itself, is not an effective biological control agent against C. populi. However, it remains to be investigated whether the mites increase the beetles' susceptibility to other biotic and abiotic factors, and so may contribute to an integrated pest management regime with multiple antagonists.  相似文献   

Abstract. Eretmocerus eremicus is a parasitoid wasp that is not native to Britain. It is a biological control agent of glasshouse whitefly and has recently been released under licence in Britain for the first time. This study assessed the effect of low temperature on the outdoor establishment potential of E. eremicus in Britain. The developmental threshold calculated by three linear methods was between 6.1° and 11.6 °C, with a degree‐day requirement per generation between 256.3 and 366.8° day?1. The supercooling points of non‐acclimated and acclimated larvae were similar (approximately ?25 °C). Non‐acclimated and acclimated larvae were subject to considerable pre‐freeze mortality, with lethal temperature (LTemp50) values of ?16.3 and ?21.3 °C, respectively. Lethal time experiments indicated a similar lack of cold tolerance with 50% mortality of both non‐acclimated and acclimated larvae after 7 days at ?5 °C, 10 days at 0 °C and 13 days at 5 °C. Field trials showed that neither non‐acclimated nor acclimated larvae survived longer than 1 month when exposed to naturally fluctuating winter temperatures. These results suggest that releasing E. eremicus into British greenhouses would pose minimal risk because typical British winter temperatures would be an effective barrier against establishment in the wild.  相似文献   

莲草直胸跳甲是恶性入侵杂草喜旱莲子草的有效天敌。为探明莲草直胸跳甲成虫繁育的适宜温度条件和卵的低温冷藏适期,本文研究了莲草直胸跳甲成虫在25、27、30、32、35℃下的存活、取食和产卵特性及卵在15℃下冷藏不同时期的孵化率。结果表明:在25~35℃,莲草直胸跳甲成虫的生存曲线差异显著;随着温度的升高,雌雄成虫寿命呈缩短趋势,表现为25℃>32℃>35℃;但27和30℃的生存曲线与25和32℃差异均不显著。温度对莲草直胸跳甲成虫的取食量和产卵量均有显著影响,在25~35℃,随着温度的升高,跳甲的取食量和产卵量呈下降趋势;成虫期取食量、日均产卵量和世代产卵量表现为25℃>27℃、30℃>32℃>35℃;成虫期取食量和世代产卵量呈显著正相关,相关系数为0.960。将莲草直胸跳甲卵在15℃下冷藏1~10d后转移至25℃,其孵化率均可达100%,但孵化进度则有差异,孵化高峰期随着冷藏时间的延长而提前。与未经冷藏的卵(对照)相比,在15℃下冷藏1d,莲草直胸跳甲卵的始孵化日提前1d,但高峰期不变,均在第5天;在15℃下冷藏4、7和10d后,其孵化高峰期分别较对照提前1、2和3d。可见,在25~35℃时,25℃是莲草直胸...  相似文献   

Oomyzus sokolowskii is alarval-pupal parasitoid of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. In a host stage preference test, the parasitoid parasitised all larval and pupal stages, but exhibited a strong preference for larvaeover prepupae or pupae, and did not show a preference among the larval instars. At 25°C, the developmental time, number and sex ratio of offspring per host pupa, and successful parasitism did not differ significantly among parasitoids reared from host larvae of different instars, indicating similar host suitability between larvae of different instars. Mean developmental times from egg to adult at 20, 22.5, 25, 30, 32.5, and 35°C were 26.5,21.0, 16.0, 12.7, 11.9 and 13.4 days, respectively. The favourable temperature range for development, survival, and reproduction of the parasitoid was 20--30°C. However, wasps that developed and emerged at a favourable temperature could parasitise effectively at 32--35°C for 24 hours. Life-fertility table studies at 20, 25, and 30°C showed that each female wasp on average parasitised 3.1, 13.2, 6.8 larvae of diamondback moth and produced 20.5, 92.1, 50.4 offspring, respectively, during her lifetime. The highest intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) of 0.263 female/day was reached at 30°C as a result of the short mean generation time at this temperature compared to that at 20 and 25°C, suggesting that the parasitoid had the highest potential for population growth at relatively high temperatures. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Determining the best ratio of females to males of an insect's natural enemy is important for maximising population increase and promoting population establishment of a natural enemy. In this study, copulation behaviour, fecundity, progeny fitness and rate of population increase for the flea beetle, Agasicles hygrophila Selman & Vogt (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), were compared at different female percentage treatments (i.e., 80%, 66.7%, 50%, 33.3% and 20% females). The results showed that the copulation frequency and duration in males decreased, whereas those in females increased as the number of males increased. At 20%, 33.3% and 66.7% females, the rates of population increase were 3.4-, 2.17- and 0.79-fold higher than that at 50% females. Females at 20% and 33.3% were found to be optimal for mass rearing of the beetle.  相似文献   

The discovery that cryptic species are more abundant than previously thought has implications for weed biological control, as there is a risk that cryptic species may be inadvertently released with consequences for the safety of the practice. A cryptic species of a biological control agent released for the control of the invasive alien macrophyte, water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (C. Mart.) Solms. (Pontederiaceae), was recently discovered in South Africa. The two species were considered a single species prior to genetic analysis and interbreeding experiments. The original biological control agent retains the name Eccritotarsus catarinensis (Carvalho) (Heteroptera: Miridae) whereas the new species has been described as Eccritotarsus eichhorniae Henry. In this study, we compared the host specificity, efficacy, and thermal physiologies of the two species. The host specificity of the two species within the Pontederiaceae was very similar and both are safe for release in South Africa. Comparison of the per capita impact of the two species indicated that E. eichhorniae was the more damaging species but this is likely to be influenced by temperature, with E. catarinensis being more effective under lower temperatures and E. eichhorniae being more effective under higher temperatures. Releasing the correct species for the thermal environment of each release site will improve the level of control of water hyacinth in South Africa. This example highlights the need to keep populations of biological control agents from different native range collection localities separate, and to screen for host specificity and efficacy.  相似文献   

Pestiferous slugs in organic and conventional farming systems damage crops, reduce yield and quality, and reduce profits; however, no biological control agent that is both efficacious and inexpensive has yet been developed. One potential biological control agent is the slug‐feeding Tetanocera elata (Fab.), for which scant scientific data are currently available regarding optimum growing conditions. This study examined the effect of constant temperatures (14, 17, 20, 23 and 26°C) and ambient outdoor and laboratory temperatures on the duration of the egg stage of T. elata. In general, mean and median duration of incubation decreased as temperatures increased, with the highest (52%) and lowest (20%) hatch rates occurring at 14 and 26°C, respectively. Longevity and oviposition rates for T. elata are discussed in the context of mass biocontrol production systems, and possible reasons for low hatch rates for eggs stored at 2–3°C are discussed in the context of the phenology of the species.  相似文献   

Cryptognatha nodiceps Marshall is an important natural enemy used in biological control programmes against Aspidiotus destructor (Signoret), an introduced pest of coconut in many countries. In order to increase our understanding of C. nodiceps, the present study to quantify aspects of the developmental, reproductive and feeding biology under constant environmental conditions (26±2°C, 55-65% RH) was carried out. In addition, methods for culturing the scale and the beetle were developed. The average duration of development was 19.2±0.1 days for males and 19.6±0.2 days for females. Female longevity and lifetime fecundity was 35.6±5.1 days and 141.0±35.6 eggs, respectively. Life table statistics were as follows: reproductive rate, 9.99, intrinsic rate of increase, 0.09, finite rate of increase, 1.1, doubling time, 7.8 days and generation time, 41.1 days. Studies on feeding biology showed that C. nodiceps was oligophagous. The coccinellid fed and reproduced on prey species in two families, Diaspididae and Coccidae. Adults also fed on the coconut whitefly Aleurodicus cocois (Curtis) (Aleyrodidae) but no reproduction occurred on this prey. Aphididae, Psyllidae and Pseudococcidae were not fed upon.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the potential use of Phoma exigua isolate PFC 2705 (PFC2705) as a biological control agent for salal (Gaultheria shallon), effect of cultural and environmental parameters on growth, conidia production, and pathogenicity of P. exigua were characterized in studies conducted under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Within a range of 5-30°C, the optimum growth and germination temperature range was 20-25°C. The effect of pH on mycelial growth and conidial germination was not significant from pH 5 to 10. Fluorescent light significantly enhanced sporulation of the fungus on most agar media tested, yet was not necessary for growth. The type of culture media significantly affected mycelium growth, sporulation, and conidia germination. Age of mycelia used as inoculum affected the disease severity on salal. PFC2705 suppressed the growth of mature salal plant by inciting lesions on leaves, branch tips, and axillary buds and caused 56% death of the total biomass above ground. Characteristics such as easy inoculum production, wide range of growth environments, and high infectivity on salal increased the potential of P. exigua as a biocontrol agent for management of salal.  相似文献   

【目的】为了解加州新小绥螨Neoseiulus Californicus(McGregor)对土耳其斯坦叶螨Tetranychus turkestani(Ugarov etNikolski)和截形叶螨Tetranychus truncate(Ehara)的控制能力。【方法】采用实验种群生命表方法进行评价。【结果】以土耳其斯坦叶螨为食时加州新小绥螨的净增值率(R_0=33.236)、内禀增长率(r_m=0.218),大于以截形叶螨为食时的值(R_0=32.458,r_m=0.207),而世代平均周期(T=16.340)和种群倍增时间(t=3.173)小于以截形叶螨为食时的值(T=16.849,t=3.355)。【结论】以土耳其斯坦叶螨为食有利于加州新小绥螨种群的发育和繁殖。  相似文献   

During the spawning season of the estuarine prawn Metapenaeus bennettae (Racek & Dall), laboratory and field experiments were conducted to examine the combined effects of temperature and salinity on hatching success of eggs and the survival, growth and development of larvae. Response surface analysis showed that optimal levels of temperature and salinity for maximum hatching success varied depending on conditions during spawning. Similarly, temperature and salinity conditions that produced maximum survival and growth of larvae depended on conditions during rearing prior to experimental temperature/salinity treatments. At the onset of feeding, larvae showed the lowest tolerance to changes in temperature and salinity. Supplementary feeding experiments in the laboratory, and survival rates in field experiments indicated that starvation was a more potent factor than the effects of temperature and salinity in determining survival through the protozoeal larval stages. Late larval stages were relatively indifferent to the effects of temperature and salinity. It is suggested that, during early development, adaptive response to the prevailing physical conditions enhances survival in an estuarine environment.  相似文献   

The effects of recent colonization on the aphid parasitoid, Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiidae), in Western Australia were investigated. When compared with populations from the Old World, the results of a microsatellite analysis show that the insects have low allelic length and low allele frequency variation, revealing that these individuals experienced a significant founder effect. Marked genetic differentiation between populations was also revealed, which has potentially important implications for host utilization in this species when introduced to a new geographical area(s). Low genetic variation and gene flow in a founder population could limit evolutionary potential in Australia, including the ability of a population to mount a response to newly introduced hosts, such as the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko). Although the actual importance of genetic diversity in the success of biological control agents is unclear, current theory concerning the potential impact of genetic bottlenecks on additive genetic variance is discussed.  相似文献   

The shoot tip-galling wasp Tetramesa romana Walker (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) has been released for biological control of giant reed or arundo (Arundo donax L.) (Poaceae), an invasive grass in the USA and Mexico. The role of urea fertilization to improve plant-based mass-rearing was examined. In a greenhouse study, rhizomes were fertilized with urea pellets at rates equivalent to 1000 kg (low), 2000 kg (moderate), and 4000 (high) kg N per ha–1. Total nitrogen content of ungalled stems was significantly 0.60–0.65% higher under low and moderate fertilization compared to unfertilized pots, and shoot water content was elevated 3–4% at all urea levels. Moderate fertilization significantly (by 1.4-fold) increased the relative growth rate of all shoots in pots, but did not affect final dry biomass. Fertilization did not affect number and duration of probing events by females. The percentage of shoots colonized by wasps that were galled, progeny production per shoot and per female, and emergent wasp size were not affected. However, average generation time (adult to adult) of emergent wasps was 4–5 days shorter on shoots in pots under moderate and high urea fertilization. After a four-week wasp emergence period, only 3–9% of progeny remained in fertilized shoots, while 21% of progeny remained inside unfertilized shoots. In field plots, fertilization did not affect gall density per m shoot length or per female released. Urea fertilization increased the efficiency of greenhouse rearing of the arundo wasp and availability of adults for release, even without direct effects on gall production.  相似文献   

The North American noctuidmoth Bellura densa offers promise as abiological control agent for use in Africa andother countries invaded by water hyacinth. Anaugmentative release at a pond in Florida, USA,eliminated water hyacinth within a few months. Laboratory studies, though, indicated thatoviposition was indiscriminate and thatdevelopment was completed on taro (Colocasia esculenta [Araceae]) as well as onseveral Pontederiaceae. Acceptability of taroas a larval food plant was confirmed in thefield when larvae were found in isolated standsof taro in Florida. Evidence of use of Peltandra virginica (Linnaeus) (Araceae) wasnoted at another site. The distribution oflarval damage was compared at a site containinga mixture of 97% taro and 3% pickerelweed(Pontederia cordata). Larvae damaged87% of the pickerelweed compared to only about5% of the taro, suggesting spillover ontotaro. In another study, 416 larvae wereliberated into a concrete tank containing waterhyacinth (818 plants) surrounded by taro (96plants). Three months later, taro accountedfor only 4% of the damaged plants, less thanthe 11% expected if host selection had beenrandom. In a similar study, larvae wereliberated onto water hyacinth in a large tankdivided into thirds, with pickerelweed or taroat either end and water hyacinth in the middle. The distributions of F1 egg masses andincidence of damage 3 months later indicatedthat pickerelweed was preferred over taro, but26% of the taro plants were damaged. Weconclude that while B. densa prefersplants in the Pontederiaceae, it is notrestricted to this plant family. Plants in theAraceae would be at risk if this insect werereleased outside of North America, particularlyin cropping situations near water hyacinthinfestations. Bellura densa could beuseful for water hyacinth management in theU.S. if effective augmentation strategies weredeveloped.  相似文献   

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