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P P Rompré  A Gratton 《Peptides》1992,13(4):713-719
Neuromedin N (NM-N), a hexapeptide that shares a four amino acid C-terminal homology with the tridecapeptide, neurotensin (NT), has been suggested as a potential neurotransmitter or neuromodulator that could interact with the NT-sensitive receptors. In this experiment, we compared the effects of an equimolar concentration of NM-N and NT(1-13) injected in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) on brain electrical self-stimulation (SS), a behavior previously shown to be potentiated by VTA injections of NT(1-13). Rats implanted with a stimulating electrode in the mesencephalic central gray and a guide cannula in the VTA were trained to lever press to obtain rewarding electrical stimulations. Functions relating the rate of lever pressing to the stimulation frequency were determined, on separate daily tests, before and after the injection of 3 nmol of NM-N, NT(1-13), or an equal volume of saline vehicle. At this concentration, both NM-N and NT(1-13) produced a significant facilitation of SS when compared to saline vehicle, an effect that was not seen when the peptides were injected outside the VTA. The facilitation of SS by NM-N, however, was much weaker and of a shorter duration than the one produced by NT(1-13). The shorter time course and the weaker behavioral effect of NM-N compared to NT(1-13) are consistent with its lower potency at the NT receptor and its faster rate of enzymatic degradation in the VTA, and suggest that NM-N potentiated the reward-relevant neural signal by acting on mesencephalic NT receptors.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) and neuromedin N (NN) are regulatory peptides encoded by the same gene and located in tandem within a common precursor. Using specific radioimmunoassays for both peptides, their relative abundance in extracts of bovine ocular tissues has been examined. Within the retina, the molar concentration of NN was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) than that of NT. In contrast, within both choroid/sclera and iris/ciliary bodies, the molar concentration of NT was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) than that of NN. These data demonstrate that the theoretical molar ratio of 1:1, which would result from complete processing of both peptides from the common precursor, does not occur in any of the ocular tissues examined. Reverse phase HPLC of extracts of each ocular tissue confirmed the differential abundance of NT and NN. These data would suggest that the common NT/NN precursor is differentially-processed within bovine ocular tissues, a finding which may be of physiological significance.  相似文献   

Recent evidence is consistent with neurotensin (NT)(8-13) adopting a Type I beta-turn conformation while binding the NT receptor, which would place the cationic side-chains of Arg(8) and Arg(9) in close proximity. This was the basis for the design, synthesis and analysis of truncated NT(9-13) analogues 1-5 with dicationic position 9 side-chains to emulate the functions of the 8 and 9 side-chains of NT(8-13).  相似文献   

The action of neurotensin and related peptides has not been yet studied on lymphocytes, although there are studies indicating the stimulative action of neurotensin, a peptide first isolated from bovine hypothalamus, on different functions of phagocytic immune cells. The present study demonstrates that neurotensin and a related peptide, neuromedin N, increased significantly the adherence and chemotaxis capacity of murine peritoneal lymphocytes, when they were incubated in the presence of neuropeptide concentrations between 10(-9) M and 10(-12) M. With respect to their adherence capacity, neuromedin N showed a slightly higher stimulation than neurotensin at a shorter time. However, both neuropeptides stimulated the chemotaxis capacity in a similar percentage. The study of the action mechanisms of these neuropeptides showed that intracellular cAMP levels were not modified by neurotensin or neuromedin N, but using an extracellular calcium chelator, EGTA (1 mM), and a blocker of calcium channels in endoplasmic reticulum, ryanodine (0.5 mM), we observed that neurotensin and neuromedin N could produce their effects through an augmentation of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. As adherence and chemotaxis are initial processes of immune response, the results show that both neuropeptides may be physiological modulators of the lymphocyte function.  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA clones encoding the neurotensin/neuromedin N precursor protein have been isolated from both bovine hypothalamus cDNA and rat genomic libraries using a heterologous canine cDNA probe. Nucleotide sequence analysis of these clones and comparison with the previously determined canine sequence has revealed that 76% of the amino acid residues are conserved in all three species. The protein precursor sequences predicted from bovine hypothalamus and canine intestine cDNA clones vary at only 9 of 170 amino acid residues suggesting that within a species identical precursors are synthesized in both the central nervous system and intestine. The rat gene spans approximately 10.2 kilobases (kb) and is divided into four exons by three introns. The neurotensin and neuromedin N coding domains are tandemly positioned on exon 4. RNA blot analysis has revealed that the rat gene is transcribed to yield two distinct mRNAs, 1.0 and 1.5 kb in size, in all gastrointestinal and all neural tissues examined except the cerebellum. There is a striking variation in the relative levels of these two mRNAs between brain and intestine. The smaller 1.0-kb mRNA greatly predominates in intestine while both mRNA species are nearly equally abundant in hypothalamus, brain stem, and cortex. Sequence comparisons and RNA blot analysis indicate that these two mRNAs result from the differential utilization of two consensus poly(A) addition signals and differ in the extent of their 3' untranslated regions. The relative combined levels of the mRNAs in various brain and intestine regions correspond roughly with the relative levels of immunologically detectable neurotensin except in the cerebral cortex where mRNA levels are 6 times higher than anticipated.  相似文献   

Using antisera towards the bioactive peptides, neurotensin and neuromedin N, as well as towards the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of their shared 170-residue precursor, peptides representing various portions of the precursor were isolated from extracts of canine ileum. In total, seven peptides were isolated, two of which had not been previously identified. One was the C-terminal tail of the precursor (Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Tyr) and the other was the tail peptide extended N-terminally to include neurotensin (Glp-Leu-Tyr-Glu-Asn-Lys-Pro-Arg-Arg-Pro-Tyr-Ile-Leu-Lys-Arg-Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Tyr). By comparing the measured concentrations for each of the identified peptides, it was established that processing at the three Lys-Arg cleavage sites within the precursor did not occur to the same extent. Cleavage at the N-terminus of neuromedin N was 10% complete, that between neurotensin and the tail was 90% complete, and that between neuromedin N and neurotensin was 95% complete. Three immunoreactive proteins were also identified by immunochemical and chromatographic analyses: N-terminally extended neuromedin N (125 residues), N-terminally extended neurotensin (140 residues), and the entire 147-residue precursor. It was concluded that neurotensin, tail and large molecular neuromedin N were the primary products of processing for this precursor in canine ileum, while minor products included neuromedin N, neurotensin tail, and large molecular neurotensin.  相似文献   

By using a radioimmunoassay for neuromedin N (NMN), a hexapeptide in the neurotensin (NT) family, extracts of canine small intestine were found to contain primarily (greater than 75%) large molecular form(s) of NMN, whereas the predominant species in brain was NMN itself. Large NMN was highly basic (pI greater than 9) and during sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis gave two components of approximately 17 kDa (75%) and approximately 8 kDa (25%). Large NMN, like NT, was localized primarily to the mucosal layer of the jejunoileum. It was also present in highly purified (25% pure) mucosal N-cells, where it appeared to be concentrated within dense secretory vesicles. The amino acid sequence of a 21-amino acid fragment cleaved from the C-terminal region of large NMN was identical to residues 128-148 of the canine NT/NMN precursor predicted from cDNA work. These results suggest that tissue-specific processing of the NT/NMN precursor occurs in the dog, giving rise to NMN in brain and large NMN in small intestine.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) cooperates with glucocorticoids, activators of adenylate cyclase, and lithium to induce the expression of teh gene encoding the neuropeptides neurotensin and neuromedin N (NT/N gene) in PC 12 pheochromocytoma cells. High level expression requires simultaneous treatment with three or all four inducers. To examine the mechanism underlying this complex synergism, we have examined the effects of protein kinase inhibitors and other agents which influence intracellular signal transduction on NT/N gene expression. Two structurally similar bacterial alkaloids, staurosporine and K-252a, inhibit several protein kinases in vitro, including protein kinase C and cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinases. K-252a has been reported to specifically inhibit the effects of NGF on PC12 pheochromocytoma cells. Surprisingly, staurosporine in combination with other inducers markedly potentiated NT/N gene expression. In contrast, K-252a had no effect on NT/N gene expression when added simultaneously with other inducers. Expression of the NT/N gene was also potentiated by the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, which directly activates protein kinase C, and by bradykinin, which stimulates phosphatidylinositol turnover in PC12 cells, and these effects were not blocked by staurosporine. Staurosporine was generally more effective in stimulating NT/N gene expression when used in inducer combinations that did not include NGF. These results, taken together with recent evidence that staurosporine is also able to induce neurite outgrowth from PC12 cells, suggest that the effects of staurosporine and NGF may converge, in part, on a common intracellular target.  相似文献   

Cyclic analogues of neurotensin (NT) C-terminal fragments NT(8-13) and NT(9-13) were produced via intramolecular nucleophilic substitution of the Tyr(11) phenoxide anion on a 6-bromohexanoyl side chain substituted at position 8 or 9 and tested for NT receptor binding affinity.  相似文献   

D Read  A Shulkes  R Fernley  R Simpson 《Peptides》1991,12(4):887-892
Neurotensin(6-13) has been isolated and sequenced as the major form of neurotensin-like immunoreactivity (NTLI) in a human hepatic fibrolamellar carcinoma. Circulating NTLI in the patient, especially C-terminal, was very high. In additional studies, NT(6-13) was synthesized and compared with the purified tumor NTLI by HPLC analysis and by testing stability in plasma in vitro. These methods confirmed that the tumor NTLI was identical to NT(6-13). Since the metabolic clearance rate of synthetic NT(6-13) in sheep was 30-fold higher than NT(1-13), it suggests that the elevated plasma levels are the result of impaired clearance and/or markedly elevated production.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) and neuromedin N (NN) are generated by endoproteolytic cleavage of a common precursor molecule, pro-NT/NN. To gain insight into the role of prohormone convertases PC1, PC2, and PC7 in this process, we investigated the maturation of pro-NT/NN in the brain of PC7 (PC7-/-), PC2 (PC2-/-), and/or PC1 (PC1+/- and PC2-/-; PC1+/-) knock down mice. Inactivation of the PC7 gene was without effect, suggesting that this convertase is not involved in the processing of pro-NT/NN. By contrast, there was a 15% decrease in NT and a 50% decrease in NN levels, as measured by radioimmunoassay, in whole brain extracts from PC2 null as compared with wild type mice. Using immunohistochemistry, we found that this decrease in pro-NT/NN maturation products was uneven and that it was most pronounced in the medial preoptic area, lateral hypothalamus, and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei. These results suggest that PC2 plays a critical role in the processing of pro-NT/NN in mouse brain and that its deficiency may be compensated to a regionally variable extent by other convertases. Previous data have suggested that PC1 might be subserving this role. However, there was no change in the maturation of pro-NT/NN in the brain of mice in which the PC1 gene had been partially inactivated, implying that complete PC1 knock down may be required for loss of function.  相似文献   

Intestinal levels of immunoreactive neurotensin (iNT) and neuromedin N (iNMN), as well as mRNA for the NT/NMN precursor, were elevated during the suckling period in rats. While transient expression of NT/NMN was observed at 1–5 days of age in the proximal small intestine and colon, NT/NMN levels in the ileum increased to peak at 10–20 days of age and then decreased to adult levels. The levels of these peptides were not elevated in the central nervous system and pituitary over this time period. Chromatographic analyses of jejunoileal extracts indicated that large molecular forms of iNT and iNMN were present, constituting 1.3% of total iNT and 56% of total iNMN, respectively. Treatment of the large forms with pepsin, which is known to generate the fully immunoreactive peptides, NT(3–13), NT(4–13), and NMN, increased immunoreactivity tenfold (iNT) and 1.2-fold (iNMN). Thus, large forms actually constituted 13% (iNT) and 60% (iNMN). Based upon its physicochemical properties, large molecular iNMN was tentatively identified as a 125 residue peptide with NMN at its C-terminus [i.e., rat prepro-NT/NMN(23–147)]. The properties of large molecular iNT were most similar to those predicted for the entire precursor [i.e., rat prepro-NT/NMN(23–169)]. These results indicate a) that enhanced expression of NT/NMN occurs in a tissue-specific manner in rats during the suckling period; b) that the pattern of precursor processing in intestine yields primarily NT and a large molecular form of NMN.  相似文献   

A series of l-arginine derivatives were designed, synthesized and assayed for their activities against amino-peptidase N (APN)/CD13 and metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2). The results showed that most compounds exhibited high inhibitory activities against APN and low activities against MMP-2. Within this series, two compounds 5q and 5s (IC50 = 5.3 and 5.1 μM) showed similar inhibitory activities compared with bestatin (IC50 = 3.8 μM), which could be used as novel lead compounds for the future APN inhibitors development as anticancer agents.  相似文献   

Central neuromedin U 2 receptor (NMU2R) plays important roles in the regulation of food intake and body weight. Identification of NMU2R agonists may lead to the development of pharmaceutical agents to treat obesity. Based on the structure of rutin, a typical flavonoid and one of the NMU2R agonists we previously identified from an in-house made natural product library, 30 flavonoid derivatives have been synthesized and screened on a cell-based reporter gene assay. A number of compounds were found to be selective and highly potent to NMU2R. For example, the EC50 value of compound NRA 4 is very close to that of NMU, the endogenous peptide ligand of NMU2R. Structure–activity relationship analysis revealed that a 3-hydroxyl group in ring C and a 2′-fluoride group in ring B were essential for this class of compounds to be active against NMU2R.  相似文献   

Partial trisomy 13: karyotype 46,XY,-6, plus t(13q,6q)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

New macrocyclic 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (cyclam) derivatives with 1, 2 and 4 neurotensin(8-13) units 4, 5 and 7 have been synthesized. Compounds 4 and 5 were prepared by the reaction of non-stabilized neurotensin(8-13) and cyclamtetrapropionic acid 2 using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminocarbonyl)carbodiimide-hydrochloride and N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide. The tetrameric compound 7 was synthesized by Michael addition of neurotensin(8-13) acrylamide 6 and cyclam 1. The copper(II) complexation behavior of 4, 5 and 7 was investigated by UV/visible spectrophotometry and shows that the metal center resides inside the N4 chromophore with additional apical interactions established with pendant arms. The novel tetrabranched NT(8-13) cyclam 7 with nanomolar neurotensin receptor 1 binding affinity was efficiently radiolabeled with 64Cu under mild conditions. 64Cu ⊂ 7 showed slow transchelation in the presence of a large amount of cyclam as competing ligand, while it completely remains intact in the presence of EDTA. The in vivo behavior of 64Cu ⊂ 7 was studied in rats and mice. The metabolic stability in rodent models was high with a half-life of intact 64Cu ⊂ 7 in plasma of 34 min in rats and 60 min in the mice, respectively. The binding affinity was high enough to demonstrate in vivo binding of 64Cu ⊂ 7 to NTR1 overexpressing HT-29 tumor xenotransplants in nude mice. Regarding elimination, 64Cu ⊂ 7 showed a substantial renal and reticuloendothelial accumulation. On the other hand, metabolization of the compound in vivo with a resulting metabolite—postulated to be the 64Cu-cyclam-tetraarginine complex—also showed long retention in the circulating blood, preventing a better contrast of tumor imaging.  相似文献   

Novel neurotensin (NT) (8–13) (Arg8-Arg9-Pro10-Tyr11-Ile12-Leu13) mimetics 3, 4 were designed by adopting all intrinsic functional groups of the native neurotensin(8–13) and using a substituted indole as a template to mimic the pharmacophore of NT(8–13). Biological studies at subtype 1 of the NT receptor showed that 3 has a 55 and 580 nM binding affinity at rat and human neurotensin receptors, respectively. As a comparison, compounds 5 and 6 were also synthesized. The binding difference between 3, 4 and 5, 6 argues the importance of the carboxylic group in achieving higher potency NT(8–13) mimetics.  相似文献   

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