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S Chen J Vojtechovsky G N Parkinson R H Ebright H M Berman 《Journal of molecular biology》2001,314(1):63-74
The catabolite activator protein (CAP) makes no direct contact with the consensus base-pair T:A at position 6 of the DNA half-site 5'-A(1)A(2)A(3)T(4)G(5)T(6)G(7)A(8)T(9)C(10)T(11)-3' but, nevertheless, exhibits strong specificity for T:A at position 6. Binding of CAP results in formation of a sharp DNA kink, with a roll angle of approximately 40 degrees and a twist angle of approximately 20 degrees, between positions 6 and 7 of the DNA half-site. The consensus base-pair T:A at position 6 and the consensus base-pair G:C at position 7 form a T:A/G:C step, which is known to be associated with DNA flexibility. It has been proposed that specificity for T:A at position 6 is a consequence of formation of the DNA kink between positions 6 and 7, and of effects of the T:A(6)/G:C(7) step on the geometry of DNA kinking, or the energetics of DNA kinking. In this work, we determine crystallographic structures of CAP-DNA complexes having the consensus base-pair T:A at position 6 or the non-consensus base-pair C:G at position 6. We show that complexes containing T:A or C:G at position 6 exhibit similar overall DNA bend angles and local geometries of DNA kinking. We infer that indirect readout in this system does not involve differences in the geometry of DNA kinking but, rather, solely differences in the energetics of DNA kinking. We further infer that the main determinant of DNA conformation in this system is protein-DNA interaction, and not DNA sequence. 相似文献
The catabolite activator protein (CAP) bends DNA in the CAP-DNA complex, typically introducing a sharp DNA kink, with a roll angle of approximately 40 degrees and a twist angle of approximately 20 degrees, between positions 6 and 7 of the DNA half-site, 5'-A1A2A3T4G5T6G7A8T9C10T11 -3' ("primary kink"). In previous work, we showed that CAP recognizes the nucleotide immediately 5' to the primary-kink site, T6, through an "indirect-readout" mechanism involving sequence effects on energetics of primary-kink formation. Here, to understand further this example of indirect readout, we have determined crystal structures of CAP-DNA complexes containing each possible nucleotide at position 6. The structures show that CAP can introduce a DNA kink at the primary-kink site with any nucleotide at position 6. The DNA kink is sharp with the consensus pyrimidine-purine step T6G7 and the non-consensus pyrimidine-purine step C6G7 (roll angles of approximately 42 degrees, twist angles of approximately 16 degrees ), but is much less sharp with the non-consensus purine-purine steps A6G7 and G6G7 (roll angles of approximately 20 degrees, twist angles of approximately 17 degrees). We infer that CAP discriminates between consensus and non-consensus pyrimidine-purine steps at positions 6-7 solely based on differences in the energetics of DNA deformation, but that CAP discriminates between the consensus pyrimidine-purine step and non-consensus purine-purine steps at positions 6-7 both based on differences in the energetics of DNA deformation and based on qualitative differences in DNA deformation. The structures further show that CAP can achieve a similar, approximately 46 degrees per DNA half-site, overall DNA bend through a sharp DNA kink, a less sharp DNA kink, or a smooth DNA bend. Analysis of these and other crystal structures of CAP-DNA complexes indicates that there is a large, approximately 28 degrees per DNA half-site, out-of-plane component of CAP-induced DNA bending in structures not constrained by end-to-end DNA lattice interactions and that lattice contacts involving CAP tend to involve residues in or near biologically functional surfaces. 相似文献
Jeltsch A 《Biophysical chemistry》1998,74(1):53-57
Flexibility and dynamics of DNA are important for DNA-binding and recognition by proteins. Here the flexibility of DNA is calculated from the distribution of DNA-bending angles of single DNA molecules as observed by scanning force microscopy by applying an equation that links the force constant of DNA-bending (f) to the variance of the distribution of bending angles (sigma): f=RT/sigma(2). Using published data, f is calculated to be 3-5 J/degree(2) for free DNA. Thus, bending DNA by 20 degrees requires approx. 0.5-1 kJ/mol. This result shows that DNA is very flexible and readily can be bent by thermal motion. DNA-flexibility is not altered in some protein-DNA complexes (HhaI methyltransferase, EcoRV restriction endonuclease). In contrast, DNA-binding by EcoRI endonuclease increases DNA-flexibility and binding by EcoRI methyltransferase restricts the flexibility of DNA. During the transition of the RNA polymerase-sigma(54)-DNA complex from the closed to the open form and of cro repressor from a non-specific to a specific binding mode the flexibility of the DNA is strongly reduced. 相似文献
Angle and locus of the bend induced by the msp I DNA methyltransferase in a sequence-specific complex with DNA.

Bending of DNA induced by M.Msp I, one of the m5C-DNA methyltransferases, has been investigated using circular permutation analysis. The M.Msp I MTase induced sharp bends in DNA containing its recognition sequence 5'-CCGG-3'which was estimated to be 142+/-4 degrees and 132+/-4 degrees for circularly permuted DNA fragments of 127 and 1459 bp respectively. The bend centre was found to be asymmetric with respect to the CCGG sequence and appeared to exclude the 'target cytosine'. An estimate of approximately 15 kcal/mol was obtained for the free energy associated with M.Msp I-induced DNA bending. 相似文献
The DNA bend angle and binding affinity of an HMG box increased by the presence of short terminal arms. 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2

The HMG box of human LEF-1 (hLEF-1, formerly TCF1alpha) has been expressed in four forms: a parent box of 81 amino acids and constructs having either a 10 amino acid C-terminal extension, a 9 amino acid N-terminal extension, or both. These four species have been compared for DNA binding and bending ability using a 28 bp recognition sequence from the TCR alpha-chain enhancer. In the bending assay, whereas the parent box and that with the N-terminal extension bent the DNA by 57/58 degrees, the box extended at the C-terminus bent the DNA by 77/78 degrees, irrespective of the presence or absence of the N-terminal extension. A 6- fold increase in DNA affinity also resulted from addition of both terminal extensions. These observations redefine the functional boundaries of the HMG box. The structure of a mouse LEF-1/DNA complex recently published [Love et al. (1995) Nature 376, 791-795] implies that the higher DNA affinity and in particular the increased bend angle observed are consequences, at least in part, of the C-terminal extension spanning the major groove on the inside of the DNA bend. 相似文献
MacDonald D Herbert K Zhang X Pologruto T Lu P Polgruto T 《Journal of molecular biology》2001,306(5):1081-1098
The solution structure of a DNA dodecamer d(GGCAAAAAACGG)/d(CCGTTTTTTGCC) containing an A-tract has been determined by NMR spectroscopy with residual dipolar couplings. The structure shows an overall helix axis bend of 19 degrees in a geometry consistent with solution and gel electrophoresis experiments. Fourteen degrees of the bending occurs in the GC regions flanking the A-tract. The remaining 5 degrees is spread evenly over its six AT base-pairs. The A-tract is characterized by decreasing minor groove width from the 5' to the 3' direction along the A strand. This is a result of propeller twist in the AT pairs and the increasing negative inclination of the adenine bases at the 3' side of the run of adenine bases. The four central thymine bases all have negative inclination throughout the A-tract with an average value of -6.1 degrees. Although this negative inclination makes the geometry of the A-tract different from all X-ray structures, the proton on N6 of adenine and the O4 of thymine one step down the helix are within distance to form bifurcated hydrogen bonds. The 5' bend of 4 degrees occurs at the junction between the GC flank and the A-tract through a combination of tilt and roll. The larger 3' bend, 10 degrees, occurs in two base steps: the first composed of tilt, -4.1 degrees, and the second a combination of tilt, -4.2 degrees, and roll, 6.0 degrees. This second step is a direct consequence of the change in inclination between an adjacent cytosine base, which has an inclination of -12 degrees, and the next base, a guanine, which has 3 degrees inclination. This bend is a combination of tilt and roll. The large change in inclination allows the formation of a hydrogen bond between the protons of N4 of the 3' cytosine and the O6 of the next 3' base, a guanine, stabilizing the roll component in the bend. These structural features differ from existing models for A-tract bends.For comparison, we also determined the structure of the control sequence, d(GGCAAGAAACGG)/d(CCGTTTCTTGCC), with an AT to GC transition in the center of the A-tract. This structure has no negative inclination in most of the bases within the A-tract, resulting in a bend of only 9 degrees. When ligated in phase, the control sequence has nearly normal mobility in gel electrophoresis experiments. 相似文献
Sequences of four to six adenine residues, termed A-tracts, have been shown to produce curvature in the DNA double helix. A-tracts have been used extensively as reference standards to quantify bending induced by other sequences as well as by DNA binding proteins when they bind to their sites. However, the ability of an A-tract to serve as such a standard is hampered by the wide variation of values reported for the amount of bend conferred by an A-tract. One experimental condition that differs in these studies is the presence of divalent cation. To evaluate this effect, a new application of a topological method, termed rotational variant analysis, is used here to measure for the first time the effect of the presence of magnesium ion on the bend angle conferred by an A-tract. This method, which has the unique ability to measure a bend angle in the presence or absence of magnesium ion, demonstrates that magnesium ion markedly increases the bend angle. For example, when measured in a commonly used gel electrophoretic buffer, the bend angle conferred by a tract of six adenine residues increases from about 7 degrees in the absence of magnesium ion to 19 degrees in the presence of 3.9 mM magnesium ion. This quantitative demonstration of substantial magnesium ion dependence has several important implications. First, it explains discrepancies among bend values reported in various previous studies, particularly those employing gel electrophoretic versus other solution methods. In addition, these findings necessitate substantial revisions of the conclusions in a large number of studies that have used A-tract DNA as the bend angle reference standard in comparison measurements. Finally, any such future studies employing this comparison methodology will need to use the same sequence analyzed in the original measurements as well as replicate the original measurement conditions (e.g. ionic composition and temperature). 相似文献
We present a membrane-staining dye, di-4-ANEPPDHQ, which differentiates liquid-ordered phases from liquid-disordered phases coexisting in model membranes under both linear and nonlinear microscopies. The dye's fluorescence emission spectrum is blue-shifted 60 nm in liquid-ordered phases compared with liquid-disordered phases, and shows strong second harmonic generation in the liquid-disordered phase compared with the liquid-ordered phase. The ease of staining and the ability of this single dye to detect both phases, should lead to broad applications in biophysical studies of lipid domains in model membranes and cells. 相似文献
Surjit B. Dixit 《Biophysical journal》2005,88(1):L04
The origin of DNA axis curvature in complexes of the catabolite activator protein with DNA is studied using multiple molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the free and protein-bound forms of the DNA. The results are compared to available solution and crystal structure data. The MD simulations reproduce the experimentally observed bend in DNA and indicate that ∼40% of the bending observed in the complex is intrinsic to the DNA sequence, whereas ∼60% is induced on protein binding. The MD provides a model for the dynamical structure of the DNA free in solution and for ligand-induced bending. 相似文献
Mitchell DR 《Cell motility and the cytoskeleton》2003,56(2):120-129
Thin section electron micrographs of rapidly fixed Chlamydomonas cells were used to establish a relationship between flagellar bends and orientation of the central pair microtubule complex. Using conditions that preserve flagellar waveforms during both forward swimming (asymmetric bends) and backward swimming (symmetric bends), we found that central pair orientation differs in bent regions and straight regions. During forward swimming, a plane through the two central pair microtubules is parallel to the bend plane throughout principal bends, in both effective stroke and recovery stroke phases of the beat cycle. In these curved segments, the C1 microtubule always faces the outer edge of the curve. This parallel orientation twists in straight regions both proximal and distal to bends. During backward swimming episodes induced by photoshock, when Chlamydomonas flagella beat with principal and reverse bends of similar magnitude, the central pair twists by 180 degrees between successive bends. These observations support a model in which central pair orientation in Chlamydomonas is linked to doublet-specific dynein activation, and bend propagation is linked to rotation of the central pair complex. 相似文献
Saturation mutagenesis of a DNA region of bend. Base steps other than ApA influence the bend 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A 60 base-pair region of a simian virus 40 DNA fragment was mutagenized to determine base-pairs that are critical for the fragment to bend. The site-directed mutagenesis saturated this region with all possible single base-pair substitutions. The mobility of each mutated fragment was measured by polyacrylamide electrophoresis at 4 degrees C and at 65 degrees C to assess the degree of bend. Four conclusions can be drawn. First, interruptions within the A tracts and changes in the phasing of the A tracts alter the degree of bend. Second, G tracts phased at a half-helical turn from an A tract are additive to the bend. Third, guanine residues in a nearest-neighbor contact with the A tracts modify the bend. Fourth, some mutations that do not obviously relate to the A tracts also alter the DNA bend and suggest clearly that base steps other than ApA are involved in sequence-directed DNA bends. 相似文献
C P Verrijzer J A van Oosterhout W W van Weperen P C van der Vliet 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(10):3007-3014
The Flp site-specific recombinase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae induces DNA bending upon interaction with the Flp recognition target (FRT) site. The minimal FRT site is comprised of two inverted binding elements which flank a central core region. Binding of a single monomer of Flp to DNA induces a DNA bend of 60 degrees. The position of this bend differed depending on whether the substrate contained a single binding element or a two-element FRT site. In the present work we tested and disproved a model in which a single Flp monomer interacts with both symmetry elements of a single FRT site. Likewise, we showed that a model in which a Flp monomer dissociates from a singly occupied FRT site and reassociates with the unbound element of another singly occupied FRT site during electrophoresis, does not account for the apparent shift in the position of the bend centre. It seems that the movement of a Flp monomer between the a and b elements of one FRT site during electrophoresis accounts for this anomaly. The position of the DNA bend resulting from the association of a Flp monomer with the FRT site is also influenced by the DNA sequences flanking the site. We conclude that attempts to measure the bend centre of a complex of one Flp molecule bound to a DNA containing two binding elements give misleading results. The position of the bend is more accurately measured in the presence of a single binding element. 相似文献
The rotational variant method of Lutter et al. was developed to measure the bend angle induced when a protein binds to DNA. To measure the intrinsic bend conferred by a sequence of six adenine bases (an A6 tract), the method was modified by relaxing at high temperature to remove the bend. We describe here an alternative approach that involves unwinding the duplex DNA between adjacent bends in plasmids containing tandemly repeated blocks of A-tracts. This method measures the topological difference contributed by adjacent bends when they are in two different rotational settings, and therefore does not require reference to a straight state. The interbend DNA was unwound by use of the intercalator chloroquine, or, alternatively, by raising the temperature in the relaxation reaction. The effect of this unwinding is to change the pitch of the superhelix of the tandem repeats from which the bend angle is measured. The result is a bend angle value that is consistent with that measured using the bend-straightening version of the method. This version offers several advantages that complement the conventional bent versus straight approach. 相似文献
The presence and location of bends in DNA can be inferred from the anomalous mobility of DNA fragments or protein-DNA complexes during electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels. Direction of bending is not so easily determined. We show here that a protein-induced bend, when linked to a protein-independent DNA bend by a segment of variable length, exhibits an electrophoretic mobility that varies in a sinusoidal manner with the length of the linker. Mobility minima occur once for each addition to the linker of one helical turn of DNA. Since minima should occur when two bends reinforce one another, the direction of one bend relative to the other can be determined from the distances between the two centers of bending at which minima occur. Our results strongly support the idea that the A5-6 tracts in kinetoplast DNA bend towards the minor groove while the bend at the recombination site of the gamma delta resolvase (binding site I of the gamma delta res site) bends towards the major groove. 相似文献
H Pedersen L S?gaard-Andersen B Holst P Gerlach E Bremer P Valentin-Hansen 《Journal of molecular biology》1992,227(2):396-406