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A necessary and sufficient condition for the global stability of a large class of discrete population models is provided which does not require the construction of a Liapunov function. The general result is applied to difference equations defined in terms of “two hump” functions and to an example of frequency dependent selection.  相似文献   

We address the global stability issue for some discrete population models with delayed-density dependence. Applying a new approach based on the concept of the generalized Yorke conditions, we establish several criteria for the convergence of all solutions to the unique positive steady state. Our results support the conjecture stated by Levin and May in 1976 affirming that the local asymptotic stability of the equilibrium of some delay difference equations (including Ricker's and Pielou's equations) implies its global stability. We also discuss the robustness of the obtained results with respect to perturbations of the model.  相似文献   

 In this paper we propose a general framework for discrete time one-dimensional Markov population models which is based on two fundamental premises in population dynamics. We show that this framework incorporates both earlier population models, like the Ricker and Hassell models, and experimental observations concerning the structure of density dependence. The two fundamental premises of population dynamics are sufficient to guarantee that the model will exhibit chaotic behaviour for high values of the natural growth and the density-dependent feedback, and this observation is independent of the particular structure of the model. We also study these models when the environment of the population varies stochastically and address the question under what conditions we can find an invariant probability distribution for the population under consideration. The sufficient conditions for this stochastic stability that we derive are of some interest, since studying certain statistical characteristics of these stochastic population processes may only be possible if the process converges to such an invariant distribution. Received 15 May 1995; received in revised form 17 April 1996  相似文献   

In this paper, we report some results on persistence in two structured population models: a chronic- age-structured epidemic model and an age-duration-structured epidemic model. Regarding these models, we observe that the system is uniformly strongly persistent, which means, roughly speaking, that the proportion of infected subpopulation is bounded away from 0 and the bound does not depend on the initial data after a sufficient long time, if the basic reproduction ratio is larger than one. We derive this by adopting Thieme's technique, which requires some conditions about positivity and compactness. Although the compactness condition is rather difficult to show in general infinite-dimensional function spaces, we can apply Fréchet-Kolmogorov L(1)-compactness criteria to our models. The two examples that we study illuminate a useful method to show persistence in structured population models.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report some results on persistence in two structured population models: a chronic- age-structured epidemic model and an age-duration-structured epidemic model. Regarding these models, we observe that the system is uniformly strongly persistent, which means, roughly speaking, that the proportion of infected subpopulation is bounded away from 0 and the bound does not depend on the initial data after a sufficient long time, if the basic reproduction ratio is larger than one. We derive this by adopting Thieme's technique, which requires some conditions about positivity and compactness. Although the compactness condition is rather difficult to show in general infinite-dimensional function spaces, we can apply Fréchet–Kolmogorov L 1-compactness criteria to our models. The two examples that we study illuminate a useful method to show persistence in structured population models.  相似文献   

Differences in age specific demographic characteristics can considerably alter the behaviour of the population dynamics of a species or community of species. In this analysis techniques are developed which enable the stability of the equilibria of a set of models involving age structure to be investigated. The underlying model in all cases is a simple matrix representation of first order difference equations. The analysis enables the results of computer investigations of various population models of this type to be explained.  相似文献   

By constructing appropriate Liapunov functionals, asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of various delay differential systems describing prey-predator, competition and symbiosis models has been studied. It has been shown that equilibrium states of these models are globally stable, provided certain conditions in terms of instantaneous and delay interaction coefficients are satisfied.  相似文献   

We discuss the timing of tradeoffs in discrete life history models. With a simple mathematical example we show that different assumptions about the temporal order of costs and benefits resulting from a reproductive effort can lead to qualitatively different predictions. We examine two models taken from the literature, in which an implicit assumption is that benefits from reproductive efforts are received before the corresponding costs are paid. We show that the reverse assumptions would have led to very different results. Since there is no biological basis for a bias towards a particular set of assumptions, we conclude that a more flexible approach should be used when studying optimality problems that are based on discrete life histories.  相似文献   

Stability of discrete one-dimensional population models   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We give conditions for local and global stability of discrete one-dimensional population models. We give a new test for local stability when the derivative is −1. We give several sufficient conditions for global stability. We use these conditions to show that local and global stability coincide for the usual models from the literature and even for slightly more complicated models. We give population models, which are in some sense the simplest models, for which local and global stability do not coincide.  相似文献   

Survival analyses of populations are developed in dicrete growth processes. Persistence and extinction attributes of age-structured discrete population models are explored on both a finite and infinite time horizon. Conditions for persistence and extinction are found. Decompositions of the initial population size axes into intervals where populations are persistent at timeN and intervals leading to extinction at timen, wheren≤N, are given for two age class discrete population models.  相似文献   

Global stability of population models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Local stability seems to imply global stability for population models. To investigate this claim, we formally define apopulation model. This definition seems to include the one-dimensional discrete models now in use. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the global stability of our defined class of models. We derive an easily testable sufficient condition for local stability to imply global stability. We also show that if a discrete model is majorized by one of these stable population models, then the discrete model is globally stable. We demonstrate the utility of these theorems by using them to prove that the regions of local and global stability coincide for six models from the literature. We close by arguing that these theorems give a method for demonstrating global stability that is simpler and easier to apply than the usual method of Liapunov functions.  相似文献   

We study the role of asynchronous and synchronous dispersals on discrete-time two-patch dispersal-linked population models, where the pre-dispersal local patch dynamics are of mixed compensatory and overcompensatory types. Single-species dispersal-linked models behave as single-species single-patch models whenever all pre-dispersal local patch dynamics are compensatory and dispersal is synchronous. However, the dynamics of the corresponding two-patch population model connected by asynchronous dispersal depends on the dispersal rates. The species goes extinct on at least one patch when the asynchronous dispersal rates are high, while it persists when the rates are low. We use numerical simulations to show that in both synchronous and asynchronous mixed compensatory and overcompensatory systems, symmetric and asymmetric dispersals can control and impede the onset of cyclic population oscillations via period-doubling reversal bifurcations. Also, we show that in mixed systems both asynchronous and synchronous dispersals are capable of altering the pre-dispersal local patch dynamics from overcompensatory to compensatory dynamics. Dispersal-linked population models with 'unstructured' overcompensatory pre-dispersal local dynamics connected by synchronous dispersal can generate multiple attractors with fractal basin boundaries. However, mixed compensatory and overcompensatory systems appear to exhibit single attractors and not coexisting (multiple) attractors.  相似文献   

We study the role of asynchronous and synchronous dispersals on discrete-time two-patch dispersal-linked population models, where the pre-dispersal local patch dynamics are of mixed compensatory and overcompensatory types. Single-species dispersal-linked models behave as single-species single-patch models whenever all pre-dispersal local patch dynamics are compensatory and dispersal is synchronous. However, the dynamics of the corresponding two-patch population model connected by asynchronous dispersal depends on the dispersal rates. The species goes extinct on at least one patch when the asynchronous dispersal rates are high, while it persists when the rates are low. We use numerical simulations to show that in both synchronous and asynchronous mixed compensatory and overcompensatory systems, symmetric and asymmetric dispersals can control and impede the onset of cyclic population oscillations via period-doubling reversal bifurcations. Also, we show that in mixed systems both asynchronous and synchronous dispersals are capable of altering the pre-dispersal local patch dynamics from overcompensatory to compensatory dynamics. Dispersal-linked population models with ‘unstructured’ overcompensatory pre-dispersal local dynamics connected by synchronous dispersal can generate multiple attractors with fractal basin boundaries. However, mixed compensatory and overcompensatory systems appear to exhibit single attractors and not coexisting (multiple) attractors.  相似文献   

A framework is developed for constructing a large class of discrete generation, continuous space models of evolving single species populations and finding their bifurcating patterned spatial distributions. Our models involve, in separate stages, the spatial redistribution (through movement laws) and local regulation of the population; and the fundamental properties of these events in a homogeneous environment are found. Emphasis is placed on the interaction of migrating individuals with the existing population through conspecific attraction (or repulsion), as well as on random dispersion. The nature of the competition of these two effects in a linearized scenario is clarified. The bifurcation of stationary spatially patterned population distributions is studied, with special attention given to the role played by that competition.Acknowledgement We gratefully received valuable help through discussions with Hiroshi Matano, Davar Khosnevisan, and Nacho Barradas. Khosnevisan provided us with the background information for Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2. Matano provided us with a proof of Lemma 4.4 similar to the one given here. Barradas drew our attention to the relation (2.1).  相似文献   

The effects of seasonality on the dynamics of a bivoltine population with discrete, nonoverlapping generations are examined. It is found that large seasonality is inevitably destabilizing but that mild seasonality may have a pronounced stabilizing effect. Seasonality also allows for the coexistence of alternative stable states (equilibria, cycles, chaos). These solutions may be seasonally in-phase, out-of-phase, or asynchronous. In-phase solutions correspond to winter regulation of population density, whereas out-of-phase solutions correspond to summer regulation. Analysis suggests that summer regulation is possible only in mildly seasonal habitats.  相似文献   

Nonoverlapping generations have been classically modelled as difference equations in order to account for the discrete nature of reproductive events. However, other events such as resource consumption or mortality are continuous and take place in the within-generation time. We have realistically assumed a hybrid ODE bidimensional model of resources and consumers with discrete events for reproduction. Numerical and analytical approaches showed that the resulting dynamics resembles a Ricker map, including the doubling route to chaos. Stochastic simulations with a handling-time parameter for indirect competition of juveniles may affect the qualitative behaviour of the model.  相似文献   

The role of harvest in discrete age-structured one-population models has been explored. Considering a few age classes only, together with the overcompensatory Ricker recruitment function, we show that harvest acts as a weak destabilizing effect in case of small values of the year-to-year survival probability P and as a strong stabilizing effect whenever the survival probability approaches unity. In the latter case, assuming n=2 age classes, we find that harvest may transfer a population from the chaotic regime to a state where the equilibrium point (x1*, x2*) becomes stable. However, as the number of age classes increases (which acts as a stabilizing effect in non-exploited models), we find that harvest acts more and more destabilizing, in fact, when the number of age classes has been increased to n=10, our finding is that in case of large values of the survival probabilities, harvest may transfer a population from a state where the equilibrium is stable to the chaotic regime, thus exactly the opposite of what was found in case of n=2. On the other hand, if we replace the Ricker relation with the generalized Beverton and Holt recruitment function with abruptness parameter larger than 2, several of the conclusions derived above are changed. For example, when n is large and the survival probabilities exceed a certain threshold, the equilibrium will always be stable.Revised version: 18 September 2003  相似文献   

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