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Previous studies of vigilance have concentrated on situations where the prey species has an unimpaired view of its surroundings. Here the effects of reduced visibility caused by objects adjacent to the prey are studied in two species of shorebird. A reduction in visibility causes an increase in the level of vigilance, indicating an increase in vulnerability despite the greater degree of camouflaging. This increase is due to individuals being less able to see both approaching predators and their neighbours. Turnstones, Arenaria interpres, and purple sandpipers, Calidris maritima, show very similar increases in the level of vigilance with decreasing visibility, but achieve these increases by different means: turnstones lengthen the duration of each vigilant scan, while purple sandpipers scan more often. Increasing scanning rate produces a shortened interval between scans, which reduces the risk of being caught unawares by an approaching predator. However, it may also reduce feeding efficiency, and it is suggested that this might be more serious in turnstones due to greater handling times for food items, so causing them to adopt a different strategy to increase vigilance.  相似文献   

Predator/prey behavior has important consequences for individual survival and recruitment into fish populations, both of which can be affected by stressors such as environmental contaminants. The degree to which prey capture or predator avoidance abilities of a predator or prey species are affected will determine the direction in which the balance will be shifted. In a contaminated estuary we have studied, prey capure and predator avoidance of resident mummichogs, Fundulus heteroclitus, are impaired, which may account for individuals in that estuary having reduced growth and longevity compared with those from uncontaminated sites. Exposure to sediments, water, and grass shrimp from the contaminated site can impair the predatory abilities of mummichogs from a clean site. An important prey species, the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, has a greater population density and a greater proportion of large individuals at the polluted site, apparently because of reduced predation pressure. Mummichog larvae at the polluted site are initially more active and better at prey capture and predator avoidance than larvae from clean sites, but later they become poorer at both. Differences in predator vulnerability among larvae appear to be due to population differences in behavior, which may be due in part to both genetic and environmentally-caused factors. Conservation of fish populations should consider fish behavior and its interaction with contaminants.  相似文献   

Douglass H. Morse 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):184-187
Predators that inject prey with proteolytic enzymes, thereby breaking down their tissues for subsequent ingestion, run the risk that desiccation will hinder eventual retrieval of resources from these prey. Wounds made in capture might exacerbate this problem. However, desiccation rates of small syrphid flies Toxomerusmarginatus (Diptera: Syrphidae) killed by juvenile crab spiders Misumena vatia (Araneae: Thomisidae) and intact dead syrphid flies did not differ over the normal period of feeding, though desiccation rates in shade and sun differed several-fold. Neither the size of the spider (and presumably the size of the wounds it inflicted) nor the location of the wounds on the flies' bodies affected desiccation rates. Thus, this tactic of prey handling does not exact an added processing cost on Misumena. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted 19 December 1997  相似文献   

The control of generalist predator populations is increasingly adopted as a management tool to combat declines in ground‐nesting bird populations. However, compensatory predation by uncontrolled species frequently occurs, so determining the relative impacts of different predatory species, and hence the relative benefits of their control, can be difficult. Islands, with their reduced faunas, provide natural experimental units for investigating specific predator–prey interactions in detail. We studied Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus breeding success on an island where feral Ferrets Mustela furo and Hooded Crows Corvus cornix were subjected to trial control regimes over 2 years. In both years, Lapwing hatching success was >80%, with neither Ferret nor Crow control selected as important predictors. Fledging rates in both years were 0.7 young per pair, despite highly effective predator removal, although Crow control potentially resulted in compensatory predation by Common Ravens C. corax. Neither mustelid nor corvid control produced significant immediate benefits for Lapwings. This suggests that mesopredator release of mustelids in mainland situations is unlikely to be a consistent threat to Lapwing, and provides further evidence that declines in this species are unlikely to be tackled successfully through predator management alone.  相似文献   

The approach of a predator model induces rapid changes in the locomotory behaviour of individuals at the periphery of flotillas of a marine insect, the ocean skater Halobates robustus Barber. There is an abrupt and substantial increase in velocity, frequency of turning, the number of apparently random encounters between individuals and also the frequency of changes in light reflection from the body surfaces. These behavioural responses are postulated to cause predator confusion and, less frequently, to initiate rapid, synchronous dispersal of the flotillas. Interactions between individuals in the flotillas mediate a rapid transmission of avoidance behaviour through the flotilla which, in our field experiments, greatly exceeded the speed of approach of a predator model. This behaviour (named the Trafalgar Effect) enables individuals to initiate avoidance behaviour before the approaching predator can be seen.  相似文献   

The encounter speed of moving predator and prey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A Gaussian model for the distribution of swimming velocitiesof planktonic organisms predicts that if predator and prey havemodal speeds v and u respectively, then their modal relativespeed is simply (u2+v2). This is more convenient, and no lessrealistic, than more complicated formulas.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that some specific locations of bird's nests have higher intrinsic chances of being depredated than other locations. This predicts that fates of consecutive nesting attempts at the same site should be repeatable. We used 20 pairs of old thrush nests to simulate repeated nesting attempts at the same sites, both within and between breeding seasons (n=40  sites×2  trials×2  years=160). Each nest was monitored by a camera to record multiple predation events and to identify predators. Predation by all predator species was repeatable during a 15-day trial. Predation by principal predators (jay Garrulus glandarius , marten Martes martes / foina ) and total predation (all species combined) was not correlated within pairs of simultaneously exposed nests or within samples of nests from particular study plot, and not repeatable for individual nests between-trials or between-years. These findings suggest short-term effect of predator memory causing revisitation of previously depredated nests during a current nesting trial (all predators); do not support an effect of nest site features on multiple nest discoveries and/or an effect of nest location on repeated random encounters with the same nest (principal predators). Long-term repeatability and correlation within pairs of simultaneously exposed nests was detectable only in occasional predators (great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major , possibly also squirrel Sciurus vulgaris ), which suggests effect of nest location combined with site fidelity and individual foraging specialization of these predators. We conclude that repeatability of nest predation depends on the time scale considered and the local predator community. We caution against spurious findings of repeatable nest predation resulting simply from statistical properties of correlation in binary data (nest fates).  相似文献   

MARIO DIAZ 《Ibis》1990,132(3):467-476
The relationships between seed characteristics (size and nutrient contents) and bird morphology were investigated in ten species belonging to three specialized families of granivorous passerines. Wild-caught birds were exposed in captivity to a fixed mixture of thirteen seed types before measuring their consumption rates and seed preferences. A multivariate analysis of seed characteristics showed two principal and independent gradients of covariation, namely seed nutritive value and seed size. The smaller the birds, the more nutritive the seeds they selected, this result being largely independent of the family the bird belonged to. The selected seed size was directly related to both the body and bill sizes of the birds, hut these relationships varied between families, most probably as a consequence of interfamilial differences in the structure of the ramphotheca and the associated seed handling method.  相似文献   

The relative importance of speed and manoeuvrability in predator-prey chases was assessed by investigating whether or not a pursuing predator could catch its prey in a simple turning gambit initiated by the prey animal. The turning radius and velocity of the prey were normalized by dividing them by those of the predator. With the use of numerical methods to solve implicit equations it was determined for what values of relative radii and velocity the prey could escape. When escape was possible the optimal time of initiation of the prey's turn and the minimum closure distance of the predator were computed. It was found initially by numerical and subsequently by analytic techniques that, in order for the prey to escape the predator in the turning gambit, its normalized velocity must be related to its normalized radius by the inequality: v>r12 over the interval 0 ? r ? 1. Situations in which the results of the turning gambit may be expected to give realistic predictions of capture or escape are discussed together with physical factors governing the relationship between turning radius and velocity, and the conditions under which the prey might profitably trade higher velocity for a smaller turning radius. Lastly, a number of specific predator-prey combinations are treated with a view towards illustrating the application of the theory and promoting the collection of simultaneous turning radii and velocity data.  相似文献   

Mark resighting studies of the hornet robberfly, Asilus crabroniformis, were carried out during the flight seasons of 1999 and 2000 on agricultural land on the Chilterns in Oxfordshire, UK. Six patches of land were identified which contained characteristics thought to be attractive to hornet robberflies. One hundred and twenty eight adults were marked in 1999 and 257 in 2000. Marking was carried out on one of the patches, but resighting observations were collected from all six sites. The daily population sizes were estimated using the Jolly-Seber method. The daily population size peaked between 50 and 72 from 23 August until 13 September in 2000. This was very similar to the peak population size of between 50 and 74 estimated for 1999. Adults were found to be capable of living for nearly 5 weeks. The maximum linear distance from the point of marking that any individual moved across the study site was 625 m, but some individuals moved over 400 m in a single day. Unsuitable habitat (suburban gardens and a main road) did not present a barrier to dispersal. Males were more likely than females to loiter in sites peripheral to the breeding site, whilst females seemed to be more tied to the breeding site. Most adults were caught from dung piles, but insects avoided fresh dung and preferred instead dung that was well into the process of drying out. A variety of insect species were taken as prey, including many beetles and flies. The findings of the study are discussed in relation to the management of the landscape to enhance the long-term prospects of the hornet robberfly in the UK, and to achieve the UK Biodiversity Action Plan target for this species.  相似文献   

Dinosaur behaviour has little legacy in the fossil record and the rarity of fossil soft tissues makes it difficult to evaluate. Indirect evidence from bonebeds, trackways, nesting traces and in-group comparisons with extant Archosauria suggests that the only substantive arguments to be made for dinosaur sociality concern cranial ornamentation and herding behaviour. There is currently no reliable method to determine gender from skeletal remains. Dinosaur reproductive anatomy was a unique combination of crocodilian and avian characters and extant models indicate that dinosaurs copulated using a reptilian ‘leg over back’ posture. Reliable evidence for post-hatching care in dinosaurs is lacking and extant archosaurs yield little insight. A hypothesis is proposed that for the majority of dinosaurs there was no post-hatching care provided which would have allowed adults energy acquisition that would otherwise have been required for defence and provisioning to be redirected towards growth and increased fecundity, both traits for which there is fossil evidence. Arguments suggesting that the more advanced aspects of extant avian care boasting an explicit coelurosaurian theropod origin are rejected as these behaviours appear unique to the Neornithes. Three ancestral care hypotheses are tested and none conform in a satisfactory manner with body fossil and ichnological evidence.  相似文献   

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