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Age-related changes in the concentrations of the main cations potassium and sodium in the cardiac muscle cell of Wistar rats were studied. The cytoplasmic concentrations of potassium and sodium were measured by electron probe microanalysis. The results obtained showed differences both in concentrations of the cations between young and old reference animals, and in the cardiomyocyte response to the state of acute hypoxic deenergization modeled on a perfused heart. The data obtained are consistent with the hypothesis of the presence of genetically determined age-related changes in the conductance of potassium channels, which occur in old animals against the background of short supply of oxygen and substrate to tissues.  相似文献   

Regulation of Na/K/Cl cotransport in vascular smooth muscle cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The regulation of Na/K/Cl cotransport was investigated in vascular smooth muscle cells. That a Na/K/Cl cotransport system exists was established by the finding that the ouabain insensitive K influx was sensitive to the "loop" diuretic bumetanide. Furthermore, bumetanide sensitive K influx was dependent upon the presence of both Na and Cl in the extracellular milieu. Bumetanide sensitive K influx was inhibited by agents which elevate cellular cyclic AMP levels, and to a lesser extent by agents which elevate cellular cyclic GMP levels. When serum, EGF or TPA was added, bumetanide sensitive K influx was enhanced. These results suggest that vascular smooth muscle cells have a ouabain insensitive, bumetanide sensitive Na/K/Cl cotransport system which is stimulated by serum, EGF or TPA and inhibited by cAMP or cGMP.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that cardiac ischaemia induces some changes in the cardiac myocyte element. In the present study we analysed whether the imbalance of potassium, sodium and calcium in cardiomyocyte may be coupled with ischaemic conditions, using a perfused heard as a model. Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) of papillary muscle cryosection was employed to examine the intracellular content of elements. Following a 30 min acute ischaemia the intracellular potassium was not changed and sodium was reduced. During a prolonged ischaemia (45 min) [K] loss was shown and [Na] concentration was seen reestablished. These results demonstrate that the active transport of potassium and sodium is possible at the beginning of ischaemia. This suggests that under abaerobic conditions Na-K-ATPase may be functionally coupled with an ATP-sensitive K channel through intracellular messenger, possibly ATP.  相似文献   

The interaction between myocardial function, oxygen consumption and energy production was examined in the left ventricular myocardium during various physiological conditions. Myocardial function was measured by both LV dP/dTmax and by local contractile tension. Coronary blood flow was measured from the coronary sinus; regional coronary blood supply was recorded using a thermistor placed on the epicardial surface. Intracellular oxygen balance was estimated using NADH fluorescence. Myocardial oxygen consumption and utilization of glucose, pyruvate, lactate and free fatty acids were calculated from their concentrations in the arterial and coronary sinus blood. The effects of tachycardia at 180 and 240 bpm, noradrenaline infusion (25 micrograms kg-1 min-1), and increased coronary blood flow caused by hypopneic respiration were examined. During pacing, contractile force, coronary flow and NADH fluorescence increased. At 240 bpm, the lactate/pyruvate ratio increased from 5.98 +/- 0.92 to 8.76 +/- 1.41 and NADH fluorescence increased from 50 to 71.7 +/- 3.73 (as compared to control), indicating impairment of myocardial oxygenation. Hypopneic respiration produced a marked elevation of coronary blood flow. Both noradrenaline infusion and hypopnea produced a decrease in both NADH fluorescence and the lactate/pyruvate ratio. No significant difference was found between the FORCE/ATP, FORCE/MVO2 and ATP/MVO2 ratios during pacing and noradrenaline. However, during hypopnea, the amount of ATP apparently formed (as calculated by substrate utilization assuming the formation of 3 ATP molecules per oxygen) was disproportionately greater than contractile force and oxygen consumption. It is suggested that this discrepancy may be due to the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Summary To clarify the dependency of the Na/K coupling of the Na,K-pump on internal Na and external K concentrations in skeletal muscle, the ouabain-induced change in membrane potential, the ouabain-induced change in Na efflux and the membrane resistance were measured at various internal Na and external K concentrations in bullfrog sartorius muscle.Upon raising the internal Na concentration from 6 mmol/kg muscle water to 20 mmol/kg muscle water, the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in membrane potential increased about eightfold and the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in Na efflux increased about fivefold while the membrane resistance was not significantly changed. As the external K concentration increased from 1 to 10mm, the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in membrane potential decreased (1/5.5 fold), while the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in Na efflux increased (about 1.5-fold). The membrane resistance decreased upon raising the external K concentration from 1 to 10mm (1/2-fold). These observations imply that the values of the Na/K coupling of the Na,K-pump increases upon raising the internal Na concentration and decreases upon raising the external K concentration.  相似文献   

Hypertrophy of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) is a pathogenic feature of hypertension which may contribute to abnormal vessel tone and function. As a consequence of the increase in cell size associated with hypertrophy, it is likely that alterations in the mechanisms that regulate VSMC intracellular volume occur. Because the Na+/H+ exchanger plays an important role in volume regulation and because we previously observed long term alterations in Na+/H+ exchange and pHi in response to angiotensin-II-induced (ang II) hypertrophy, we studied cell-acidifying mechanisms. To do this, we measured alkaline recovery from NH4Cl-mediated alkalinization, using the fluorescent dye, 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein. VSMC were growth-arrested (0.4% calf serum for 24 h) or hypertrophied (100 nM ang II in 0.4% calf serum for 24 h). Ang II-treated cells exhibited a 107% increase in alkaline recovery over control cells (13.86 +/- 1.87 versus 6.68 +/- 1.01 mmol H+/min/liter cells). The increase in alkaline recovery was not a result of increased Cl-/HCO-3 exchange becaue it was not HCO-3 dependent nor inhibited by 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid. Studies with bumetanide and the sterically inhibited substrate N(CH3)4+ showed that the alkaline recovery was mediated by NH4+ transport via the Na/K/2Cl cotransporter. Ang II-treated cells exhibited a 334% increase in bumetanide-sensitive alkaline recovery over control cells (9.16 +/- 1.90 versus 2.11 +/- 1.46 mmol H+/min/liter cells). Ang II-treated cells also exhibited a 90% increase in bumetanide-sensitive 86Rb uptake over control cells. These findings demonstrate that Na/K/2Cl cotransport activity is specifically induced in ang II-hypertrophied VSMC and establish this transporter as a component of the hypertrophic growth response.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the serum levels of the primary regulators of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) metabolism, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and parathyroid hormone, may change with age. Therefore, the effect of age on the ability of the rat to maintain a positive Ca and P balance was determined. Young (1.5 months) and old (18 months) rats were divided into three groups and fed either a low-Ca, high-P diet; a high-Ca, low-P diet; or a high-Ca, high-P diet. After 14 days, the young rats were in positive Ca and P balance regardless of diet. The old rats on the low-Ca, high-P diet were in negative Ca balance and positive P balance. The old rats on the other diets were in positive Ca and P balance. The negative Ca balance of the old rats was due to decreased intestinal absorption of Ca. Intestinal absorption was assessed by determining the percentage of dietary Ca absorbed in vivo and by measuring the active transport of Ca using the everted gut sac in vitro. Intestinal P absorption showed little change with age, except for a decrease in old rats on the high-Ca, low-P diet. Renal adaptation to dietary Ca and P restriction was similar in both young and old animals. Plasma Ca levels were unchanged with age, but plasma P levels decreased with age regardless of diet. These changes in Ca balance with age may reflect the reported decrease in serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 levels and the slight increase in PTH levels with age. The inability of old rats to maintain a positive Ca balance in the face of Ca deprivation is consistent with a general characteristic of the aging process—the decreased ability of an organism to adapt to changes in the external environment.  相似文献   

Previous in vitro evidence suggests that adrenaline causes K influx in skeletal muscle by stimulating a ouabain sensitive Na/K ATPase membrane pump. However in rabbits, adrenaline induced hypokalaemia was not significantly altered by pretreatment with digoxin (50 micrograms/kg). Rats were infused with adrenaline or saline after being given a tracer dose of 42KCl. Adrenaline caused a highly significant uptake of 42K in skeletal muscle and a decrease in 42K uptake in ventricle. Rats were also studied after receiving a high dose of digoxin (1.4 mg/kg) which by itself produced a significant increase in plasma K, a decrease in plasma Na and a decreased uptake of 42K in ventricle and lung. These results suggest that adequate widespread Na/K ATPase inhibition had been achieved by this dose of digoxin but despite this, adrenaline still caused hypokalaemia and also still caused significant 42K tissue uptake by skeletal muscle. These results suggest that adrenaline causes K influx by skeletal muscle and K efflux by cardiac tissue. Furthermore, the former mechanism was not inhibited by pretreatment with digoxin.  相似文献   

In order to compare the regenerative ability of skeletal muscle between young (5 month) and old (26 month) rats, sliced or intact extensor digitorum longus muscles were freely autografted into young and old rats and also reciprocally grafted from young to old inbred animals and vice versa. Sixty days after grafting, the transplants were analyzed for contractile and histochemical properties. There was a relative similarity between the contraction times of both normal control muscles and of all groups of transplants, although the contraction time tended to be prolonged and histochemical fiber pattern was more often found to be uniform in grafts of senescent animals. All groups of transplants possessed histochemically heterogeneous fiber types at 60 days. The experiments demonstrate that skeletal muscle in old rats possesses a substantial degree of regenerative ability and that the free tranpllantation of entire muscles in old animals is feasible.  相似文献   

Heart mitochondria swollen passively in nitrate salts contract in a respiration-dependent reaction which can be attributed to an endogenous cation/H+ exchange component (or components). The rate of contraction increases with increased extent of passive swelling in both Na+ and K+ salts. Since nearly constant internal cation concentrations are maintained during osmotic swelling, this result suggests that both Na+/H+ and K+/H+ exchange is enhanced by increased matrix volume. Endogenous Mg2+ is also lost with increased matrix volume, and this observation, in conjunction with other evidence available in the literature, suggests that monovalent cation/H+ exchanges may be regulated by divalent cations. Passive exchange of Na+/K+,42K+/K+, and24Na+/Na+ can be readily demonstrated in mitochondria swollen in nitrate. All these exchanges are low or not detectable in unswollen control mitochondria, and it appears that they are manifestations of the activated cation/H+ component (or components) functioning in the absence of pH.  相似文献   

Marsh, Daniel R., David S. Criswell, James A. Carson, andFrank W. Booth. Myogenic regulatory factors during regeneration ofskeletal muscle in young, adult, and old rats. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4): 1270-1275, 1997.Myogenicfactor mRNA expression was examined during muscle regeneration afterbupivacaine injection in Fischer 344/Brown Norway F1 rats aged 3, 18, and 31 mo of age (young, adult, and old, respectively). Mass of thetibialis anterior muscle in the young rats had recovered to controlvalues by 21 days postbupivacaine injection but in adult and old ratsremained 40% less than that of contralateral controls at 21 and 28 days of recovery. During muscle regeneration, myogenin mRNA wassignificantly increased in muscles of young, adult, and old rats 5 daysafter bupivacaine injection. Subsequently, myogenin mRNA levels inyoung rat muscle decreased to postinjection control values byday 21 but did not return to controlvalues in 28-day regenerating muscles of adult and old rats. Theexpression of MyoD mRNA was also increased in muscles atday 5 of regeneration in young, adult,and old rats, decreased to control levels by day14 in young and adult rats, and remained elevated inthe old rats for 28 days. In summary, either a diminished ability todownregulate myogenin and MyoD mRNAs in regenerating muscle occurs inold rat muscles, or the continuing myogenic effort includes elevatedexpression of these mRNAs.


Adjustment of the Na/K ATPase activity to changes in oxygen availability is a matter of survival for neuronal cells. We have used freshly isolated rat cerebellar granule cells to study oxygen sensitivity of the Na/K ATPase function. Along with transport and hydrolytic activity of the enzyme we have monitored alterations in free radical production, cellular reduced glutathione, and ATP levels. Both active K(+) influx and ouabain-sensitive inorganic phosphate production were maximal within the physiological pO(2) range of 3-5 kPa. Transport and hydrolytic activity of the Na/K ATPase was equally suppressed under hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions. The ATPase response to changes in oxygenation was isoform specific and limited to the alpha1-containing isozyme whereas alpha2/3-containing isozymes were oxygen insensitive. Rapid activation of the enzyme within a narrow window of oxygen concentrations did not correlate with alterations in the cellular ATP content or substantial shifts in redox potential but was completely abolished when NO production by the cells was blocked by l-NAME. Taken together our observations suggest that NO and its derivatives are involved in maintenance of high Na/K ATPase activity under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

At standard laboratory ambient temperatures (T(a)) of 20-24 degrees C, peripheral injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) reliably produce fever in young rats. In contrast, old rats may show a blunted fever, no fever, or even hypothermia after LPS. In the present study we hypothesized that old rats might use behavioral thermoregulation to help them develop a fever. Young and old rats were implanted with temperature transmitters. At least 1 wk postoperatively they were placed in a thermally graded alleyway (T(a) 10-40 degrees C). On the third and sixth day they were taken out of the gradient, placed at an T(a) of 23 degrees C, injected intraperitoneally with LPS or saline, and left at 23 degrees C for 3 h. At the end of that time, all young rats had become febrile, whereas the old rats had not. When the rats were replaced in the thermal gradient, the young animals continued to develop a fever that was similar to fever in young rats left at 23 degrees C. The old animals chose significantly warmer positions in the thermal gradient than did the young animals and only then became febrile. Although there was a tendency for the young rats to prefer higher T(a) after LPS than after saline, these differences were not significant. However, the differences in the old rats were significant. These results suggest that the LPS had increased the thermal set point in the old rats, but they could develop febrile responses only at the warm T(a) they selected.  相似文献   

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