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Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450) are membrane-bound hemoproteins that play important roles in conferring protection against both naturally occurring phytochemicals and synthetic organic insecticides. Despite the potential for common modes of detoxification, cross-resistance between phytochemicals and synthetic organic insecticides has rarely been documented. In this study, we examined the responses of a susceptible strain of corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), a polyphagous noctuid, to exposure by an allelochemical infrequently encountered in its host plants and by an insecticide widely used for control purposes. Within a single generation, survivors of xanthotoxin exposure displayed higher levels of tolerance to alpha-cypermethrin than did unexposed control larvae. The F1 offspring of xanthotoxin-exposed survivors also displayed higher alpha-cypermethrin tolerance than did offspring of unexposed control larvae, suggesting that increased alpha-cypermethrin tolerance after xanthotoxin exposure represents, at least in part, heritable resistance. Administration of piperonyl butoxide, a P450 synergist, demonstrated that resistance to both xanthotoxin and alpha-cypermethrin is P450-mediated. Alpha-cypermethrin-exposed survivors, however, failed to show superior growth on xanthotoxin diets. Assays with control larvae, larvae induced by both xanthotoxin and alpha-cypermethrin, and survivors of LD50 doses of both compounds indicated that H. zea midgut P450s are capable of metabolizing both xanthotoxin and alpha-cypermethrin. Metabolism of each compound is significantly inhibited by the presence of the other compound, suggesting that at least one form of P450 in H. zea midguts degrades both compounds and may constitute the biochemical basis for possible cross-resistance. Compared with control larvae, xanthotoxin- and alpha-cypermethrin-induced larvae displayed 2- to 4-fold higher P450-mediated metabolism of both compounds. However, xanthotoxin- and alpha-cypermethrin-exposed survivors exhibited much higher (2.5- to 11-fold) metabolism of both compounds than did the induced larvae. The metabolism results, like the bioassay results, are consistent with the interpretation that increased alpha-cypermethrin tolerance after xanthotoxin exposure is attributable mainly to heritable resistance.  相似文献   

Abstract. To understand overwintering of the cotton boll worm Helicoverpa armigera, cold hardiness and sugar content are compared between diapausing and nondiapausing pupae. Diapausing and nondiapausing pupae reared at 20 °C under short and long photoperiods are acclimatized with a reduction of 5 °C per 5 days to 0 °C. When the acclimation temperature reaches 0 °C, the survival of diapausing pupae is assessed. The survival gradually decreases as the period of treatment progresses and approximately half survive for 112 days. However, nondiapausing pupae survive only 14 days after exposure to 0 °C. The surpercooling points of nondiapausing, diapausing and acclimatized pupae are approximately −17 °C. The major sugars contained in pupae are trehalose and glucose. Even though trehalose contents in diapausing pupae (initial level: 0.6 mg 100 mg−1 fresh weight) increase significantly during cold acclimation and continue increasing until 58 days after exposure to 0 °C (maximum level: 1.8 mg 100 mg−1), glucose is maintained at low levels (0.02 mg 100 mg−1) for 56 days at 0 °C. However, glucose contents increase (maximum level: 0.8 mg 100 mg−1) with decreasing contents of trehalose 84 days after exposure to 0 °C. Glycogen content gradually decreases during cold acclimation. When nondiapausing pupae are acclimatized with a reduction of 5 °C per 5 days to 5 °C from the beginning of pupation until the eyespots move, trehalose content increases (maximum level: 1.0 mg 100 mg−1). Glucose contents in nondiapausing pupae increase before eclosion (0.09 mg 100 mg−1). From these results, diapausing pupae of H. armigera can overwinter in regions where average winter temperatures are higher than 0 °C, but nondiapausing pupae cannot.  相似文献   

In previous migration studies, the presence of citrus pollen on adult Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), in conjunction with synoptic weather systems and 72-h backtrack trajectories, were used to identify source zones of migrants. However, data are lacking regarding the retention of citrus pollen for 72-h by H. zea adults. We exposed laboratory-reared and feral H. zea adults to citrus blooms for a 12-h period in laboratory and field studies and examined insects for the external presence of citrus pollen (i.e., marking) at 12-h intervals through 72 h. Citrus pollen marking was higher for females than males at the time of removal from citrus blooms. Fifteen to 100% of H. zea adults were marked with citrus pollen at 72 h after removal from citrus blooms. Pollen loads ranged from rare (< or = 10 pollen grains) to moderate (101 to 500 grains) during 1995; only rare and light (11 to 100 grains) pollen loads were detected during 1996. Citrus pollen marking of H. zea adults through 72 h after removal from citrus blooms has not been previously confirmed. These data provide evidence of H. zea using available blooming citrus groves in the absence of a host crop and will impact current perspectives regarding H. zea and host plant interactions and timing of pest management tactics.  相似文献   

Because of the importance of cannibalism in population regulation of Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in corn, Zea mays L., it is useful to understand the interactions between Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) transgenic corn and cannibalism. To determine the effects of Bt corn on cannibalism in H. zea, pairs of the same or different instars were taken from Bt or non-Bt corn and placed on artificial diet in proximity. Cannibalism occurred in 91% of pairs and was approximately 7% greater for pairs of larvae reared from Bt transgenic corn (95%) than from non-Bt corn (88%). Also, first instar by first instar pairs had a lower rate of cannibalism than other pairs. Time until cannibalism was not different for larvae from Bt corn versus non-Bt corn. Pupation rate of cannibals and surviving victims was not different for pairs from Bt corn versus non-Bt corn. Finally, cannibalism increased pupation rate of cannibals from both Bt and non-Bt corn by approximately 23 and 12%, respectively, although the increases were not significant. Thus, negative effects of Bt on larvae were compensated by increased cannibalism in comparison with larvae reared on non-Bt corn, which increased larval survival to levels comparable with larvae reared on non-Bt plants.  相似文献   

A 3-yr study (1996-1998) was conducted to evaluate the effects of MON810 Bt corn on Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) emergence and to determine whether delayed larval development as a result of Bt intoxication results in higher levels of diapause induction and pupal mortality. In the 1997 study, there was no difference in prepupal mortality between corn types, although significantly more prepupae from Bt plots than from non-Bt plots died in emergence buckets before constructing pupal chambers in 1998. In all years, significantly fewer moths emerged from prepupae collected from Bt plots, suggesting that effects of the expressed Cry1Ab extended to the prepupal and pupal stages. Late plantings of corn showed the greatest reductions in moth emergence from Bt corn because environmental conditions were more conducive to trigger diapause at the time H. zea was developing in these plantings. This was supported by a significantly greater proportion of diapausing pupae remaining in the ground in the late plantings of both Bt and non-Bt corn. For April and early May plantings, larval feeding on Bt corn delayed the time to pupation, although there was no significant difference in moth emergence between corn types for those larvae that successfully pupated. Although Bt expression had less impact on the proportion of moths emerging, the actual number of moths emerging from Bt corn was significantly reduced because fewer larvae reached pupation. Delays in adult emergence, along with significant reductions in adult emergence from MON810 Bt corn, should reduce the rates of colonization in soybean and other late host crops but may also result in asynchrony of mating between individuals emerging from Bt and non-Bt corn. This, in turn, may contribute to the evolution of resistance to Bt corn.  相似文献   

Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite loci suitable for population genetic studies of Helicoverpa zea were discovered by screening partial genomic libraries enriched for microsatellite sequences. Insects collected (N = 96) in Stoneville, Mississippi were used to characterize these markers. The observed and effective number of alleles per locus ranged from two to nine (average 4.46) and from 1.07 to 2.45 (average 1.81), respectively. Fisher exact tests detected significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium at three loci, probably due to inbreeding, null alleles, or Wahlund's effect. Significant genotypic disequilibrium was not detected between any pair of loci.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and Helicoverpa punctigera (Wallengren) are the two most important insect pests of cotton production in Australia and require application of insecticides to control them. H. armigera has developed resistance to several insecticides but H. punctigera has not. Cost-effective management of insecticide resistance requires that growers be able to determine the proportion of H. armigera eggs or young larvae present on their crop before applying insecticides. This is impossible visually. We generated two monoclonal antibodies that reacted with the insect protein "lipophorin" and were capable of discriminating individuals of the two species at all life-stages. The antibodies were incorporated into a rapid test kit that was tested under field conditions over two growing seasons. Results obtained with the kit agreed closely with those obtained by rearing larvae through to second instar.  相似文献   

Susceptibilities of bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) and tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.) to Cry1Ac were measured via a diet-incorporated assay with MPV II at the University of Arkansas during 2002-2004. Lethal concentration-mortality (LC50) estimates of five laboratory, seven laboratory-cross, and 10 field populations of H. virescens varied 12-fold. Pooled susceptibilities of H. virescens across all laboratory and field populations varied five-fold. The LC50 estimates for H. virescens were higher than those reported by previous research before the introduction of transgenic crops. However, the ratio of susceptibility of laboratory and field populations was similar, suggesting no change in overall species susceptibility. Individual LC50 estimates of five laboratory, nine laboratory-cross, and 57 field populations of H. zea varied over 130-fold. Pooled susceptibilities across laboratory and field populations varied widely. Among the field populations, colonies from non-Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops were generally more susceptible than those from Bt crops. Across the Bt crops expressing Cry protein, colonies from Bollgard (Monsanto Company) cotton had lower susceptibility to CrylAc than those from Bt corn and those from non-Bt crops.  相似文献   

Insect herbivores that ingest protein and carbohydrates in physiologically-optimal proportions and concentrations show superior performance and fitness. The first-ever study of protein–carbohydrate regulation in an insect herbivore was performed using the polyphagous agricultural pest Helicoverpa zea. In that study, experimental final instar caterpillars were presented two diets – one containing protein but no carbohydrates, the other containing carbohydrates but no protein – and allowed to self-select their protein–carbohydrate intake. The results showed that H. zea selected a diet with a protein-to-carbohydrate (p:c) ratio of 4:1. At about this same time, the geometric framework (GF) for the study of nutrition was introduced. The GF is now established as the most rigorous means to study nutrient regulation (in any animal). It has been used to study protein–carbohydrate regulation in several lepidopteran species, which exhibit a range of self-selected p:c ratios between 0.8 and 1.5. Given the economic importance of H. zea, and it is extremely protein-biased p:c ratio of 4:1 relative to those reported for other lepidopterans, we decided to revisit its protein–carbohydrate regulation. Our results, using the experimental approach of the GF, show that H. zea larvae self-select a p:c ratio of 1.6:1. This p:c ratio strongly matches that of its close relative, Heliothis virescens, and is more consistent with self-selected p:c ratios reported for other lepidopterans. Having accurate protein and carbohydrate regulation information for an insect herbivore pest such as H. zea is valuable for two reasons. First, it can be used to better understand feeding patterns in the field, which might lead to enhanced management. Second, it will allow researchers to develop rearing diets that more accurately reflect larval nutritional needs, which has important implications for resistance bioassays and other measures of physiological stress.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in College Station, TX, to determine the viability of Claviceps africana spores in the digestive tract of adult corn earworm moths, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). Both sexes were exposed to ergot-infected sorghum panicles for 30 min, and spores were recovered from excreta of the moths at 24-, 48-, and 72-h intervals after feeding. Recovered spores were quantified, and viability was determined by the germination rate of macroconidia. Nearly a 100-fold greater concentration of spores was recovered from female excreta at the three time intervals compared with male excreta. Concentration of spores in female and male excreta was greatest at 24 h, with a significant reduction at the later time intervals. Spore germination rates for both sexes were greater at 24 h, with survival being significantly reduced at the 72-h interval. Spores in female excreta survived longer than those from male excreta. Spore survival over time was significantly reduced in male excreta. Spore concentration and survival were greater from female excreta, which is key, because egg-laying activities on sorghum panicles intensify during flowering, and this source of ergot spores could contribute to the spread of the disease. This study demonstrates that corn earworm moths can internally carry viable ergot spores for several days and can act as primary dispersal agents for the fungus. This is important because contaminated moths migrating from areas in Mexico and southern Texas where ergot is endemic could transmit and spread the disease to other sorghum growing regions of the United States.  相似文献   

Bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), and tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.), male adult (moth) activities were monitored between 1982 and 1995 by using sex pheromone traps in the Texas High Plains. Moths were monitored weekly from early March to mid-November near Lubbock and Halfway, two prominent cotton production areas in the Texas High Plains region. Based on trap captures, the bollworm-budworm complex consisted of approximately 98% bollworms and approximately 2% tobacco budworms. Seasonal activity patterns varied between location for bollworm but not for tobacco budworm. The 14-yr average (+/- SE) bollworm moth abundance (moths per trap per week) at Lubbock was significantly higher (226.5 +/- 10.4) compared with that at Halfway (153.7 +/- 8.1). Correlation analyses showed a significant positive relationship between moth abundance and average weekly temperatures, whereas a significant negative relationship was observed between moth abundance and average weekly wind velocity for both species. Analyses also showed a positive correlation between moth abundance and cumulative degree-days (> 0.0 degrees C) from 1 January. A strong positive relationship was observed between moth abundance and weekly average precipitation for both species. Average weekly abundances were positively correlated between adjacent months during most of the active cotton fruiting season (June-September). However, the relationship between populations that contributed to the overwintering generation and the following spring populations varied between species and study sites. Nevertheless, data from this study indicated that late-season moth catches could be indicative of the dynamics of the early-season moth catches the following year in the High Plains. The mean population abundance curve based on 14-yr averages showed two bollworm population peaks at Lubbock, but only one peak at Halfway. Separate degree-day-based models were developed to describe long-term seasonal abundance patterns of bollworm moths for the Lubbock and Halfway sites.  相似文献   

To evaluate resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) toxins, adult female bollworms, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were collected from four light trap locations in two eastern North Carolina counties from August to October during 2001 and 2002. Females were allowed to oviposit, and upon hatching, 24 neonates from each female (F1 lines) were screened for survival and growth rate on each of three diets: non-Bt diet, diet containing 5.0 microg/ml Cry1Ac toxin, or diet containing 5.0 microg/ml Cry2Ab toxin. These screens were designed to identify nonrecessive Bt resistance alleles present in field populations of bollworm. Of 561 and 691 families screened with both Cry1Ac- and Cry2Ab-containing diets in 2001 and 2002, respectively, no F1 lines were identified that seemed to carry a gene conferring substantial resistance to either Cry1Ac or Cry2Ab. Adults from F1 lines with growth scores in the highest (R) and lowest (S) quartiles were mated in four combinations, RxR, SxR, RxS, and SxS. Differences in growth rates of larvae from these crosses demonstrated that there is substantial quantitative genetic variation in eastern North Carolina populations for resistance to both Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab toxins. These findings, in addition to results suggesting partially dominant inheritance of resistance to Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab, are critically important for determining appropriate resistance management strategies that impact the sustainability of transgenic cotton, Gossypium hirsutum (L.).  相似文献   

The bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), is a key pest of cotton in Texas. Bollworm populations are widely controlled with pyrethroid insecticides in cotton and exposed to pyrethroids in other major crops such as grain sorghum, corn, and soybeans. A statewide program that evaluated cypermethrin resistance in male bollworm populations using an adult vial test was conducted from 2003 to 2006 in the major cotton production regions of Texas. Estimated parameters from the most susceptible field population currently available (Burleson County, September 2005) were used to calculate resistance ratios and their statistical significance. Populations from several counties had statistically significant (P < or = 0.05) resistance ratios for the LC(50), indicating that bollworm-resistant populations are widespread in Texas. The highest resistance ratios for the LC(50) were observed for populations in Burleson County in 2000 and 2003, Nueces County in 2004, and Williamson and Uvalde Counties in 2005. These findings explain the observed pyrethroid control failures in various counties in Texas. Based on the assumption that resistance is caused by a single gene, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium formula was used for estimation of frequencies for the putative resistant allele (q) using 3 and 10 microg/vial as discriminatory dosages for susceptible and heterozygote resistant insects, respectively. The influence of migration on local levels of resistance was estimated by analysis of wind trajectories, which partially clarifies the rapid evolution of resistance to cypermethrin in bollworm populations. This approach could be used in evaluating resistance evolution in other migratory pests.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) development, survival, and feeding injury in MON810 transgenic ears of field corn (Zea mays L.) expressing Bacillus thuringiensis variety kurstaki (Bt) Cry1Ab endotoxins were compared with non-Bt ears at four geographic locations over two growing seasons. Expression of Cry1Ab endotoxin resulted in overall reductions in the percentage of damaged ears by 33% and in the amount of kernels consumed by 60%. Bt-induced effects varied significantly among locations, partly because of the overall level and timing of H. zea infestations, condition of silk tissue at the time of egg hatch, and the possible effects of plant stress. Larvae feeding on Bt ears produced scattered, discontinuous patches of partially consumed kernels, which were arranged more linearly than the compact feeding patterns in non-Bt ears. The feeding patterns suggest that larvae in Bt ears are moving about sampling kernels more frequently than larvae in non-Bt ears. Because not all kernels express the same level of endotoxin, the spatial heterogeneity of toxin distribution within Bt ears may provide an opportunity for development of behavioral responses in H. zea to avoid toxin. MON810 corn suppressed the establishment and development of H. zea to late instars by at least 75%. This level of control is considered a moderate dose, which may increase the risk of resistance development in areas where MON810 corn is widely adopted and H. zea overwinters successfully. Sublethal effects of MON810 corn resulted in prolonged larval and prepupal development, smaller pupae, and reduced fecundity of H. zea. The moderate dose effects and the spatial heterogeneity of toxin distribution among kernels could increase the additive genetic variance for both physiological and behavioral resistance in H. zea populations. Implications of localized population suppression are discussed.  相似文献   

用非线性模型估测恒温和变温下棉铃虫蛹的发育率   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为了深入分析和探讨昆虫发育与环境温度的关系, 在恒温(15~37℃)和交替变温(12/18~34/40℃)下测定了棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera蛹的发育历期(d),分别用线性模型和非线性模型(Logan模型﹑Lactin模型和王氏模型)拟合其发育率(1/d)数据。结果表明,这3个非线性模型能更准确地描述发育率与温度之间的曲线关系,判定系数(R2)在0.9878~0.9991之间。对全部观测数据的进一步研究表明,只要有6个分布合适的观测数据,就可以用这些非线性模型获得相当满意的估测效果。如果缺乏高温下的测定数据,用非线性模型预测的昆虫发育率可能失真。分析了蛹在恒温和变温下发育率差异的可能原因,讨论了应用这3个非线性模型预测蛹期发育的优点和缺点,指出用非线性模型取代线性日·度模型进行害虫发生预测和益虫饲养管理的合理性和必要性。  相似文献   

Six insecticides of different chemistries were evaluated against the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), in non-B.t. (Deltapine 'DP 5415', Deltapine 'DP 5415RR') and transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) (B.t.) (Deltapine 'NuCOTN 33B', Deltapine 'DP 458 B/RR') cotton. In 1998, treatments consisted of three rates each of a pyrethroid (lambda-cyhalothrin), spinosyn (spinosad), carbamate (thiodicarb), pyrrole (chlorfenapyr), oxadiazine (indoxacarb), and avermectin (emamectin benzoate) in a nonirrigated field. In 1999, treatments consisted of three rates each of lambda-cyhalothrin, spinosad, thiodicarb, and indoxacarb in an irrigated and a nonirrigated (dryland) field. The highest rate of each insecticide corresponded to normal grower-use rates. Spinosad and thiodicarb controlled H. zea in non-B.t. cotton, whereas other materials were less effective. Even though H. zea is becoming increasingly resistant to pyrethroid insecticides, lambda-cyhalothrin was highly effective in dryland B. thuringiensis cotton. Spinosad and thiodicarb were equally effective. Data indicated that reduced rates of lambda-cyhalothrin, spinosad, and thiodicarb could be used for control of H. zea in dryland B.t. cotton systems. However, reduced rates of these insecticides in a heavily irrigated B.t. cotton system did not provide adequate control.  相似文献   

Following the 1995-2001 crop seasons, population densities of pupae of tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.), and corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), overwintering in cotton fields, Gossypium hirsutum L., in Monroe County, MS, were estimated by digging a total of 43,542 m-row. Densities of pupae varied greatly among years with the highest densities occurring in years with low rainfall in the late summer and early fall. The sex ratio of pupae was variable and significantly male-biased in some years. The total area-wide, tobacco budworm population emerging from all overwintering sites was estimated from catches in pheromone traps whose absolute efficiency is known. After the introduction of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt)-transgenic cotton in 1996 but before a several-fold increase in use of herbicide resistant (HR)-transgenic cotton cultivars in 2001, local cotton fields accounted for <2% of the total overwintered tobacco budworm population. In the pretransgenic cotton production era, it is estimated cotton fields typically accounted for <10% of the overwintered tobacco budworm population. Driving surveys of the tillage status of cotton fields and pheromone trapping to determine the timing of adult emergence in the spring indicate that--until the 2000 crop season--postseason tillage destroyed most tobacco budworm and corn earworm pupae overwintering in cotton fields. Adoption of HR-transgenic cultivars has quintupled cotton field area planted no-till, but the contribution of cotton fields to overwintered tobacco budworm populations has remained low. Preemptive tillage of cotton fields to kill overwintering tobacco budworm pupae would not appreciably suppress in-season population densities of this pest. However, the absence of such tillage might increase the rate at which the tobacco budworm develops resistance to insecticides and counteradaptation to antibiotic host plant resistance traits including the Bt-transgenic trait.  相似文献   

Larvae of Heliothis zea exhibiting iridescent lavender-blue, blue, blue-green color were obtained in spring field collections in host plants on a road right-of-way in Bolivar County, Mississippi. An iridescent virus was isolated and purified from these larvae. Size range of the virus was 131 to 160 nm, with a mean ± SD of 145 ± 6.5. The nucleic acid content was: DNA, 13.97 ± 1.58% (0.139 μg of DNA/mg of viral protein); RNA, none. Experimental infection was not achieved per os, but the virus was highly virulent by intrahemocoelic injection. The virus from larvae killed in this way was of the same size and morphology as that obtained in the initial isolation.  相似文献   

In this study the flight activity of female and male Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) moths was observed and compared to hemolymph lipid concentrations. The major male and female H. zea flight activity occurred between simulated dusk (1700) and dawn (0300). Male flight activity was up to 7 times greater than females through 6 days after eclosion except for the 1st day (0.8 times). Females had a unimodal pattern of flight activity, peaking between dusk and 2 h later. Males had a bimodal pattern; one between dusk and 2 h later, and another 3 h after dusk, continuing for h. Prior to dusk, total neutral hemolymph lipids (neutral) of H. zea day 4 moths was 64 μg/μl for males and 48 μg/μl for females. Typical lipid composition in day 4 males prior to flight was 1,2-diacylglycerides (DG) (50% w/w), triacylglycerides (TG) (35%), cholesterol esters (2%), and less than 1% monoacylglycerides and cholesterol. The remainder consisted of free fatty acids (<0.5 μg/μl), and various uncharacterized phospholipids and lipophilic compounds. Hemolymph DG concentration patterns were similar between day 4 males and females, were highest in both sexes prior to, during, and after flight (approximately 32 μg/μl), and then decreased steadily throughout the flight period to approximately 16 μg/ml as flight ceased. Hemolymph TG were lower than DG, but followed the same pattern except at 2100 and 2300. In day 4 males between 2100 and 2300, TG increased to 33 μg/μl which was when DG was lowest (15 μg/μl) and their flight activity was highest. Hemolymph DG decreased (26 to 20 μg/μl) in day 4 females between 2100 and 2300 as TG remained fairly constant (18 μg/μl).  相似文献   

A 2-yr field and laboratory study investigated insect resistance of the maize, Zea mays L., inbred Tex6, which has previously demonstrated resistance to Aspergillus ear rot and aflatoxin production, relative to susceptible inbred B73. Field studies indicated significantly greater resistance to insect feeding of V4-V8 growth stage Tex6 plants compared with B73 plants in both years, primarily to flea beetles (Chaetonema spp.). Field studies of natural (1999) and artificial (2000) infestations of corn earworms, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), indicated much lower levels of kernel damage at milk stage (approximately three-fold) and smaller surviving larvae (approximately three-fold) in Tex6 compared with B73 ears. At harvest similar trends in reduction of numbers of damaged kernels per ear, as well as incidence and numbers of kernels per ear symptomatically infected by Fusarium spp. were noted. Laboratory studies indicated little difference in mortality or survivor weight of caterpillars or sap beetle adults caged with milk stage kernels of the two inbreds. However, assays with silks indicated significantly greater mortality of H. zea in both 1999 and 2000, and European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) in 1999 (only year tested) when fed Tex6 silks compared with B73 silks. Pollinated Tex6 silks were generally darker colored and more toxic than unpollinated silks. Thus, it is possible that commercially usable inbreds with resistance to insects, which also contribute to the mycotoxin problem through vectoring and damage, could be produced using Tex6 as a source.  相似文献   

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