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菠萝叶片中有机酸含量、转氨酶和脱氢酶活性的昼夜变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了菠萝叶片中苹果酸、柠檬酸、草酰乙酸、α-酮戊二酸和草酸等有机酸和转氨酶、脱氢酶活性的昼夜变化。结果表明,除了草酸外,其他4种有机酸的含量都呈白天降低晚上增高的趋势。有机酸的含量在上午9∶00时有最高值,下午18∶00时有最低值。苹果酸、柠檬酸、草酰乙酸、α-酮戊二酸和草酸的昼夜最大差值分别为140、61、31.8、8.2和6.7mmol·kg-1FW。异柠檬酸脱氢酶和琥珀酸脱氢酶活性的昼夜变化与有机酸的趋势一致,白天降低晚上增高。可溶性蛋白和游离氨基酸含量以及谷草转氨酸、谷丙转氨酶活性在下午18∶00时有最高值,凝胶电泳显示菠萝叶片中有新的蛋白带出现。  相似文献   

1. Fundulus heteroclitus was found to be a reliable experimental animal for studies on chemical stimulation in either fresh or sea water. 2. The response of Fundulus to hydrochloric, acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric, and caproic acids was determined in fresh water, while the same acids plus sulfuric and nitric, as well as the sodium salts of the mineral acids, were tested in sea water. 3. Stimulation of Fundulus by hydrochloric acid in fresh water is correlated with the effective hydrogen ion concentration. Stimulation by the n-aliphatic acids in the same environment is correlated with two factors, the effective hydrogen ion concentration and the potential of the non-polar group in the molecule. However, as the number of CH2 groups increases the stimulating effect increases by smaller and smaller amounts, approaching a maximum value. 4. Stimulation of Fundulus by hydrochloric, sulfuric, and nitric acids in sea water is correlated with the forces of primary valence which in turn are correlated with the change in hydrogen ion concentration of the sea water. The n-aliphatic acids increase in stimulating efficiency in sea water as the length of the carbon chain increases, but a limiting value is not reached as soon as in fresh water. 5. Only a slight difference in stimulation by hydrochloric acid is found in sea water and in fresh water. However, there is a significant difference in stimulation by the fatty acids in fresh and in sea water, which is partly explained by the different buffering capacities of the two media. It is to be noted that in the same environment two different fish, Fundulus and Eupomotis, give different results, while the same fish (Fundulus) in two different environments responds similarly to mineral acids but differently to fatty acids. These results illustrate that stimulation is a function of the interaction between environment and receptors, and that each is important in determining the response. 6. Stimulation by sodium chloride, nitrate, and sulfate is correlated with equivalent concentrations of the salts added to sea water, or with the forces of primary valence. Although the threshold for stimulation by the salts is considerably higher than for the acids, the efficiency of stimulation by the salts is greater.  相似文献   

A number of pot experiments were made on various crops, to study the effects on the chemical composition of the plants of treating the soil with cobalt, copper or nickel sulphates, or with the cupric or ferric salts of ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA).
The tops of copper sulphate-treated plants usually contained higher concentrations of copper, manganese, calcium and magnesium and lower concentrations of potassium and phosphorus, than those of control plants.
The most marked effect of cobalt on oat was to increase the concentration of Ca+Mg in the tops; nickel had a profound effect on the composition of barley tops.
Total iron concentration was reduced in oat by cobalt and copper, and in barley by copper and nickel application. Symptoms of iron deficiency appeared only in the oat plants, their incidence being correlated with the reduction in iron concentration in the tops.
The ferric salt of EDTA tended to reduce the incidence of iron deficiency symptoms produced in oat by copper sulphate, but also gave rise to distinct toxic effects. Plants given the cupric salt of EDTA contained unusually large amounts of iron.  相似文献   

本文研究了田间生长的玉米、高梁、芝麻、豇豆在不同土壤供水条件下,叶水势、气孔阻力、蒸腾速率日变化及其与环境因素的关系。结果表明,四种作物气孔开闭与光强密切相关:夜间气孔关闭,rs高;白天气孔开放,rs低。ψ_(WL)、TR与环境因素(气温、RH、ψ_(WV)、光强等)密切相关,它们之间的相关系数(在0.05和0.01水平)显著。四种作物ψ_(WL)日节奏为“正弦曲线”状,13:00—15:00小时ψ_(WL)最低,黎明前最高。中午ψ_(WV)和土壤含水量愈低。ψ_(ML)愈低。四种作物TR在早晨逐斩增高,13:00—15:00小时最强;傍晚前又降低;夜间TR最低。干旱植株ψ_(WL)、TR低于灌水植株,而rs高于灌水植株。  相似文献   

土壤水分胁迫对小麦根系与旗叶衰老的影响   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
随土壤水分胁迫加剧,旗叶,根中的超氧化物歧化酶,过氧化氢酶活性降低,腊脂过氧化产物丙二醛含量增加,花后14d为膜脂过氧化作用加重的转折点,此时受水分胁迫愈重,旗叶与根中SOD,CAT活性降低愈迅速,MDA含量迅速升高,根系活力,旗叶与根中可溶性蛋白含量骤降,加重了膜脂过氧化程度,降低了清除了自由基能力,加速植株衰老。  相似文献   


 生长在供给NO-3 N、NH+4 N和NH4NO3 N氮源下的荫香(Cinnamomum burmanni)幼树暴露在增高空气NH3浓度下30 d。利用气体交换测定和氮分析研究了植株的光合作用、氮利用和氮在光合过程一些组分中的分配,根据Farquhar-von Caemmerer模式得出相关光合参数。结果表明在增高空气NH3下生长于NO-3 N的植株Rubisco最大羧化速率(Vcmax)和最大光合电子传递速率(Jmax)较正常空气下的高,但生长于NH+4 N和NH4NO3 N的植株则较正常空气下的低。无论生长于何种形式氮下的植株,在空气NH3增高下以单位叶面积为基准的叶氮含量(Na)显著增高(p<0.05)。在增高空气NH3下,生长于NO-3 N下的植株,其类囊体氮量(NT)、Rubisco氮(NR)和结合于光合电子传递链的氮(NE)的含量较正常空气下的增高(p<0.05);而生长于NH+4 N和NH4NO3 N下的植株则较正常空气下的低。表明在空气NH3增高下生长于NO-3 N的植株能有效地利用氮合成光合过程必要的组份,而生长于NH+4 N和NH4NO-3 N的植株氮在NT、NR和NE的分配受到部分限制。在空气NH3增高下生长于NO-3 N和NH4NO3 N的植株,其以单位干重为基准的有机氮量较正常空气下的高,但生长于NH+4 N的植株则较正常空气下的低,此外在空气NH3增高下生长于NO-3 N的植株的可溶性蛋白氮较正常空气下增高,而生长在NH+4 N的植株亦见降低。结果表明空气NH3增高可能有利于NO-3 N下生长的荫香植株利用空气中的氮,促进叶片光合速率提高,而空气NH3增高能抑制NH+4 N或NH4NO3 N下生长的荫香植株光合作用和氮的利用和再分配。  相似文献   

以纤细裸藻(Euglena gracilis)为实验对象,研究了培养方式对纤细裸藻生长、脂肪酸、氨基酸的影响,并探讨了可能的作用机理。结果表明,与其他培养方式相比,光诱导可提高纤细裸藻总脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)含量,分别为2.69、0.52和1.475 g/100 g;饱和脂肪酸(SFA)含量由高到低依次为异养组、光诱导组、自养组和兼养组,其中异养组含量达1.008 g/100 g;游离氨基酸含量由高到低依次为光诱导组、兼养组、异养组和自养组,分别为381.57、358.1、330.17和231.1 mg/g;兼养组必需氨基酸含量最高,为134.37 mg/g。实验结果说明光诱导培养可显著提高纤细裸藻总脂肪酸、MUFA和PUFA含量(P<0.05);异养培养可显著提高纤细裸藻饱和脂肪酸含量(P<0.05);兼养培养可显著提高纤细裸藻必需氨基酸含量(P<0.05)。研究结果为阐明纤细裸藻对不同培养方式的响应提供了科学依据,同时为其开发应用提供数据支持。  相似文献   

Green leaf tissues contain relatively higher proportions of unsaturated fatty acids, especially α-linolenic acid, than do etiolated or senescent tissues. There appear to be developmental changes in the fatty acid composition of leaves during maturation and senescence. The normal rate of development of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaf tissues was altered by the application of kinetin and antimetabolites. Spinach was used for the kinetin studies and bean for the antimetabolite studies. Supposedly the kinetin retarded senescence and the antimetabolites retarded normal development. Special emphasis was placed on the incorporation of acetate into palmitate, the most abundant saturated fatty acid, and into linolenate, the most abundant unsaturated fatty acid. Kinetin does not enhance linolenate synthesis, but kinetin-treated tissues contain proportionately more linolenate. In contrast, tissues treated with antimetabolites contain proportionately less linolenate. Actinomycin-D and puromycin seem to have a greater effect on the synthesis of linolenate than on the synthesis of palmitate. Chloramphenicol does not have this same differential effect. The possible influence of antimetabolites on the synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids is discussed.  相似文献   

遮荫和全光下生长的棉花光合作用和叶绿素荧光特征   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49       下载免费PDF全文
 遮荫条件下(遮荫下光强相当于自然光强的40%左右)棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)叶片光合速率明显降低,仅为自然光强下生长叶片的30%~40%,叶片中RuBP羧化酶活性降低,而表观量子效率(AQY)较高。不同光照条件下生长的棉花叶片对短时间持续光强的光合诱导过程有明显的差异,由弱光转到强光下,自然光强下生长的叶片的Pn、Gs、ΦPSⅡ及非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)都能在较短的时间内达到最大值,而遮荫叶片需要的时间较长;遮荫下生长的棉花叶片的实际光化学效率,随光强的增加下降幅度较大,而自然光照下生长的叶片下降幅度较小;自然光照下生长的叶片的NPQ随光强的升高达到较高水平,而遮荫叶片在较低的光强下即达到最大值,此时NPQ较低,遮荫叶片依赖于叶黄素循环的能量耗散水平较低。遮荫叶片较低的光合速率以及过剩光能耗散能力是其转入自然强光后光抑制严重的主要原因。  相似文献   

温带荒漠中温度和土壤水分对土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
荒漠对气候变化具有高度敏感性, 深刻认识和量化非生物因子对荒漠生态系统土壤呼吸的影响具有重要意义。采用自动CO2通量系统(Li-8100)监测了梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)、假木贼(Anabasis aphylla)和盐穗木(Halostachys caspica)群落生长季土壤呼吸及温度、土壤含水量等, 深入分析了水热因子对土壤呼吸的影响。土壤呼吸具有不对称的日格局, 最小值出现在8:00, 最大值在12:00~14:00。土壤呼吸的季节格局与气温变化基本同步, 最小值在生长季末期(10月), 最大值在生长季中期(6~7月)。梭梭、假木贼和盐穗木群落生长季平均土壤呼吸速率分别为0.76、0.52和0.46 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1。气温对假木贼(51%)和盐穗木群落(65%)土壤呼吸季节变化的解释率高于梭梭(35%)。梭梭、假木贼和盐穗木群落土壤呼吸温度敏感性(Q10)逐渐增大, 基础呼吸速率(R10)逐渐减小。剔除温度影响后, 梭梭、假木贼群落土壤呼吸与土壤含水量呈显著的幂二次方函数关系, 盐穗木群落两者关系却明显减弱, 未达到显著水平。气温、土壤含水量的二元方程均能解释群落土壤呼吸大部分的时间变异: 梭梭群落71%~93%、假木贼群落79%~82%、盐穗木群落70%~80%。人工模拟降水后土壤呼吸速率表现出降水后10 min减小、180 min时明显增加、达到最大值后再次衰减的现象。5和2.5 mm降水处理下的土壤呼吸速率最大值和其后的递减值高于对照处理, 土壤呼吸增加、达到峰值和其后递减过程与5 cm土壤温度变化基本同步。  相似文献   

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