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A new device and technique are described for the in vitro feeding of northern fowl mites, Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Canestrini and Fanzago). The device consisted of a glass cylinder 25 mm in length and in outside diameter, capped with a chick skin membrane at one end and a snap-cap with a wire cloth window at the other end. Maximum feeding by northern fowl mites on warmed heparinized chicken blood occurred after 60 min and at a blood temperature range of 36-42 C. Skin membranes prepared from 1-wk-old chicks gave significantly higher feeding rates than those from 4-wk-old chicks, but unfrozen skins and skins frozen up to 4 wk were equally effective. Also, mites fed equally well through white leghorn and broiler chick skin membranes. About 80% of northern fowl mites fed. The in vitro technique described simplifies the approach to studies of northern fowl mite biology and physiology.  相似文献   

Northern fowl mites were monitored on a caged-layer operation in southern California for 22 mo. Three experienced observers underestimated actual numbers of mites in the vent region approximately 80% of the time. Errors were higher for heavy infestations. Observer estimates were highly correlated with each other (r > 0.89, P < 0.01) and with mite numbers estimated by vent feather removal (r > 0.82, P < 0.01). Mites on hens varied between houses and over time. Molting consistently reduced mite numbers, but did not eliminate then in a flock. Long-term monitoring of individual sentinel hens demonstrated that some hens would support high numbers of mites for several months or more. Use of a new sequential hen sampling plan required approximately 1 min per hen, if mite numbers were estimated. At this site, treatment decisions often could be reached in < 20 min per house. Mite scores (index of estimated mites per hen) were well correlated with percentage of hens infested in both test houses. In a chronically infested house, prevalence of mites on eggs averaged 8.5%, with a range of 0-55%. Applications of tetrachlorvinphos-dichlorvos by the producer appeared to be based on mites on > about 20% of eggs. The chemical was marginal for controlling mites on hens (25% reduction in percentage of hens infested), but effectively reduced mites on eggs (95% fewer mites on eggs at 1 wk and 90% at 2 wk). When data were grouped by mite index score on hens, there was a strong relationship (r2 = 0.83, P < 0.01) between mite prevalence on eggs and the scores of the hens which laid them. Sampling 100 eggs evenly spaced in a house required < 7 min, and adult mites were easily seen. Sampling mites on eggs appears to be useful to localize at least high-level infestations, and egg-based sampling for mites merits further investigation.  相似文献   

Toxicity was determined for 15 acaricides against a laboratory strain of northern fowl mites,Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Canestrini and Fanzago). Adult females were exposed to residues on filter paper for 24 h. Three organophosphorous compounds (monocrotophos, cythioate, and famphur) were more toxic to the northern fowl mite than was carbaryl, the most commonly used pesticide in the poultry industry. The other tested compounds were less toxic to the mite than was carbaryl. Four of these, not used previously for northern fowl mite control, had low LC50's for northern fowl mites: aldicarb (0.46); pirimiphos-methyl (0.73); exo, exo-2,8-dichloro-4-thiatricyclo []octane-4-oxide (AI3-63182) (0.87); and diazinon (2.48).This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a pesticide or proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of its use by U.S.D.A.  相似文献   

Caged-layer hens were scored as infested or uninfested by visual examination of the vent region, and the number of northern fowl mite, Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Canestrini & Fanzago), per hen was estimated. The proportion infested and average number of mites per hen were shown to have a highly significant, positive relationship (r = 0.936). Sampling among houses within a flock, and rows and sections within houses were analyzed to determine the reliability of sampling a representative portion of a flock. Low- and moderate-tolerance treatment thresholds, based on percentage of hens infested with mites, were developed from sampling 1 wk before and 1 wk after acaricide treatments determined necessary by the producer. These thresholds were used to compare a fixed (single) sampling plan, a curtailed procedure of the fixed sampling plan, and a sequential sampling plan based on a sequential probability ratio test, by sampling 174 hens (the maximum number needed for the single sampling plan). The sequential sampling plan required fewer hen examinations on average to reach a treatment decision than did the other plans, depending on the infestation tolerance limits. Using a low tolerance approach in which infestations below 15% are considered noneconomic (safe threshold) and infestations above 25% are considered economically important (action threshold), as few as 5 hens required examination to reach a treatment decision. Sequential sampling plan graphs are presented for 2 tolerance threshold scenarios (a 15% safe-threshold paired with a 25% action threshold and a 35% safe-threshold paired with a 45% action threshold). These sequential sampling plans using presence absence assessments should greatly facilitate monitoring and treatment decisions for this important pest.  相似文献   

The modes of stylostome formation by larvae (chiggers) of Leptotrombidium intermedium, L. fletcheri, L. arenicola, and L. deliense in parasitized mouse skin were studied histologically in relation to their capacity to transmit Rickettsia tsutsugamushi. Three types of stylostome formation were recognized among the different species: the epidermal stylostome formed by the larva of L. intermedium; the mesenchymal stylostome formed by the larva of L. fletcheri; and, the mixed stylostome formed by the larva of both L. arenicola and L. deliense. Dermal inflammations related to the three types of stylostomes were histologically defined. The possible importance of stylostome characteristics to the transmission of rickettsial organisms is discussed.  相似文献   

Northern fowl mites, Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Canestrini & Fanzago) (Acari: Macronyssidae), were fed artificially through chick skin membranes to investigate several factors that affected the degree of mite feeding. More mites fed after starving 24 h than unstarved mites or mites starved 48 or 72 h. Protonymphs fed as well as adults. More mites fed on refrigerated blood than on fresh blood and on frozen blood than on refrigated blood. However, mites fed well on newly drawn blood that had been lysed. They fed as well on plasma and serum as on whole blood but less well on washed erythrocytes. They also fed well on citrated blood, but fewer mites fed on oxalated blood or freshly defibrinated blood.
Résumé O. sylviarum Canestri & Fanzago a été alimenté artificiellement pour étudier plusieurs facteurs qui affectent l'intensité de la prise de nourriture. Le dispositif d'alimentation consistait en un cylindre de verre de 24 mm de long, dont les ouvertures étaient fermées, à une extrémité par une membrane en peau de volaille, et à l'autre extrémité avec du polyéthylène.Après un jeûne de 24 h, le nombre de pucerons qui s'étaient alimentés était plus élevé (87%) qu'après un jeûne de 48 ou 72 h (respectivement 71 et 73%) ou en absence de jeûne (11%). Les protonymphes se sont aussi bien alimentées que les adultes; elles ont été significativement plus nombreuses à le faire aprés 2 h (84%) qu'après 1 h (71%). Le sang refroidi pendant une nuit, ou pendant une ou 2 semaines a été consommé par un plus grand nombre d'acariens (59%, 70% et 78%) que le sang frais (46%); les différences entre durées voisines ne sont pas significatives, mais elles le sont entre une nuit et deux semaines. Le sang congelé pendant 1, 2 ou 4 semaines a été consommé par un plus grand nombre d'acariens (87%, 90% et 82%) que le sang refroid: la consommation était aussi bonne pour les différentes durées de congélation. Puisque les acariens se sont bien alimentés sur sang lysé (75%), les matériaux propres au sang frais devaient être tombés hors d'atteinte des pièces bucales des acariens. Autant se sont alimentés sur plasma (87%), sérum (79%) que sur sang complet (85%), mais ils ont été moins nombreux à le faire sur érythrocytes lavés (69%); ils ont été nombreux à le faire sur sang citraté (87%), mais en plus faible nombre sur sang oxalaté (66%) ou défibriné depuis peu (32%). Le taux de mortalité des acariens qui avaient consommé du sang oxalaté était élevée (25%), à l'opposé de celui observé après alimentation sur sang citraté (6%) ou sang héparinisé (9%). Le sang défibriné n'était pas lysé, et ales érythrocytes étaient probablement hors d'atteinte, et ainsi, non ingérés par les acariens.

Preadult rearing conditions affected the behavior of dicofol-resistant two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae). Resistant spider mites reared on dicofol-treated leaves initiated a significantly greater number of feeding bouts on dicofol-treated leaves than did genetically identical spider mites reared on residue-free leaves. Therefore the prior exposure of resistant spider mites resulted in induced feeding preferences that could exacerbate the potential outcome of the resistance by resulting in greater amounts of feeding by resistant individuals on dicofol-treated areas. Since resistant individuals that had not experienced dicofol in their lifetime did not display this feeding preference, avoidance of this phenomenon of induced feeding preference may be an undescribed value of rotations of pesticides.  相似文献   

Off-host survival of the northern fowl mite, Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Canestrini & Fanzago) (Acari: Macronyssidae), and the chicken body louse, Menacanthus stramineus (Nitzsch) (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae), was studied at 12 combinations of temperature (15, 21, 27, and 33 degrees C) and humidity (31, 65, and 85% RH). Mite protonymphs and louse third instars survived longer on average than the respective adult stages. Higher temperatures significantly reduced survival of adult and immature stages of both ectoparasites, whereas relative humidity had significant effects on O. sylviarum (especially protonymphs) but not M. stramineus. The LT50 values for adult northern fowl mites ranged from 1.9 (at 33 degrees C, 31%RH) to 8.3 d (at 15 degrees C, 85%RH), LT50 values for mite protonymphs ranged from 2.0 (at 33 degrees C, 31%RH) to 18.1 d (at 15 degrees C, 85%RH), LT50 values for adult lice ranged from 0.5 (at 33 degrees C, 31%RH) to 1.7 d (at 15 degrees C, 65%RH), and LT50 values for nymphal lice ranged from 1.2 (at 33 degrees C, 65%RH) to 3.3 d (at 21 degrees C, 31%RH). Maximum survival of the northern fowl mite was up to 35 d for adults and 29 d for protonymphs. Maximum survival for the chicken body louse was 3.3 d for adults and 5.8 d for nymphs. The data provide minimum guidelines for leaving poultry houses vacant long enough to allow ectoparasites to die before introduction of subsequent new flocks.  相似文献   

Studies on the moss mites of Snowdonia (Acari: Oribatei). 2. The Cnicht   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A faunal list of oribatid mites collected from the summit of the Cnicht, Snowdonia, at 2265 ft is given, together with critical notes on the taxonomy and distribution of several of the species. The list provides further evidence of the presence of arctic-alpine and European-alpine species of Oribatei on the mountain peaks of Britain. A comparison of the faunal list with lists of species recorded by the author on another peak in Snowdonia and on high ground in other parts of Britain (Peak District, Lake District) and by Block in Westmorland, provides evidence of a group of additional species which can be regarded as characteristic of upland areas in general of Britain and Europe.  相似文献   

The relative toxicities of ten acaricides to northern fowl mite,Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Canestrini and Fanzago), and the chicken mite,Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer), were determined simultaneously by holding the mites inside disposable glass Pasteur pipettes previously immersed in acetone solutions of various concentrations (w/v) of technical grade acaricides. The LC90s (parts per million) of the acaricides after 24 h exposure for the northern fowl mite and the chicken mite, respectively, were: bendiocarb (13.1, 0.18), tetrachlorvinphos (14.5, 4.07), carbaryl (15.0, 0.83), pirimiphos methyl (18.3, 2.03), permethrin (23.1, 8.46), lambda cyhalothrin (80.7, 11.4), dichlorvos (252.8, 3.75), malathion (238.4, 6.59), amitraz (6741, 9430) and fenvalerate (>10000, 60.2). After 48 h exposure there were only slight increases in mortalities of both species except for increased mortalities for the northern fowl mite with lambda cyhalothrin, amitraz and fenvalerate, and for the chicken mite with amitraz.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the occurrence of mites of the infraorder Astigmata in situations involving the legal system, particularly in the area of medicocriminal entomology. Species in the families Acaridae, Lardoglyphidae and Histiostomatidae are encountered in stored food products and in vertebrate carrion, including human remains. Some of these species are incidentals, whereas others are obligate necrophages. Phoretic associations between these mites and insects allows for rapid dispersal and colonization of such patchy resources.  相似文献   

Wild-caught specimens of the lacertid lizard Gallotia galloti eisentrauti from the Canary Island of Tenerife were checked for ectoparasites. The parasitic gamasid mite Ophionyssus galloticolus Fain and Bannert (2000) was very abundant on these lizards. Additionally, parasitism by larvae of two species of Trombiculidae (Prostigmata: Parasitengona) was observed. O. galloticolus was reared in the laboratory on its natural host in order to investigate its life cycle, reproductive biology, and development. The life history of O. galloticolus is documented in detail and compared to literature data of other Ophionyssus species. O. galloticolus was found to be similar to other species of the same genus with respect to the duration of development, the precopulatory association of protonymphs, and the arrhenotokous development of eggs. However, it seems to be more tolerant towards low relative humidity and longer starvation periods than other Ophionyssus species. Evolutionary transformations of the life-history pattern of this genus and other parasitic mites in comparison to its predatory precursors involve a reduction or partial suppression of ontogenetic instars in order to decrease mortality during host-seeking phases, and a compensating increase in growth capacity of the remaining feeding instars facilitated by replacement of sclerites through elastic cuticle or by growth of new cuticle unrelated to a moult (neosomy).  相似文献   

在检视大量革螨标本中,发现异形标本4种9例。异形包括骨板变形和刚毛变位两种情况,现分别记述如下,供革螨分类鉴定和形态学研究时参考。1 毒厉螨 Laelaps echidninus Berlese,1887 检视标本1608■■,发现异形4■■。1971年2-10月采于吉林省前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县,寄主为褐家鼠 Rattus noruegicus(Berkenhout)。 标本1:胸板后缘明显凹陷,后凸的骨片消失(图1-2),该处构造与正常标本不同。肛板花纹如图1,后部有一圆锥形构造,向后突出,PA位于其后…  相似文献   

Oribatids from three oxbow fens in Kostroma, Kirov, and Arkhangelsk provinces were studied. A total of 2800 adult mites belonging to 74 species were collected. The similarity of the faunas and communities in these fens is rather low, the Jaccard and Naumov coefficients constituting 22–37% and 11–22%, respectively. From the central part of each fen to its periphery, the diversity of oribatids increased from 4–6 to 25–28 species, and abundance, from 59–123 to 451-737 ind./l. Some oribatid species demonstrated similar preferences within all the fens studied. The oribatid faunas of fens and raised bogs are compared, and their characteristic species are distinguished.  相似文献   

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