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Entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Aschersonia are specific for whitefly and scale insects. They can be used as biological control agents against silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii and greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Forty-four isolates of Aschersonia spp. were tested for their ability to sporulate and germinate on semi-artificial media and to infect insect hosts. Seven isolates sporulated poorly (less than 1x10(7) conidia/dry weight) and 10 were not able to infect either of the whitefly species. Several isolates were able to produce capilliconidia. Infection level was not correlated with germination on water agar. After a selection based on spore production and infection, virulence of 31 isolates was evaluated on third instar nymphs of both whitefly species on poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). Whitefly infection levels varied between 2 and 70%, and infection percentages of B. argentifolii correlated with that of T. vaporariorum. However, mortality was higher for T. vaporariorum than for B. argentifolii, as a result of a higher 'mortality due to unknown causes.' Several isolates, among which unidentified species of Aschersonia originating from Thailand and Malaysia, A. aleyrodis from Colombia, and A. placenta from India showed high spore production on semi-artificial medium and high infection levels of both whitefly species.  相似文献   

Aims:  This study evaluated the effect of temperature (0–38°C) and water activity ( a w: 0·87–0·99) on the lag phase prior to germination and the percentage of germination over time for Monilinia laxa , Monilinia fructicola and Monilinia fructigena .
Methods and Results:  More than 80% of viable conidia germinated at 25°C and 0·99 a w within 2 h for M. fructicola and M. fructigena and 4 h for M. laxa . There was no germination at 38°C, and all three Monilinia spp. germinated at 0°C. At the lowest a w (0·87), none of the Monilinia spp. was able to germinate at any of the incubation temperatures studied. Whereas at 0·90 a w, conidia were only able to germinate at 15, 25 and 30°C for the three species studied, except for M. fructicola at 15°C. In contrast, at 0·95, 0·97 and 0·99 a w, germination occurred at all studied temperatures less 38°C. Generally, the lag phase was longer at low levels of a w (0·90–095), and differences were more evident as temperatures were far from the optimum (0–5°C).
Conclusions:  Germination and lag phase period were markedly influenced by temperature and a w, and in general when conditions of temperature and a w were suboptimal, the lag phase was longer and the percentage of germination was lower.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Knowledge of the germination requirements of this fungus is important in order to understand their behaviour in natural situations and to provide baseline data required for the construction of new prediction models. Our study might be used to develop a predictive model to understand and control the disease caused by Monilinia spp.  相似文献   

Lecanicillium muscarium Zare and Gams (previously known as Verticillium lecanii) is a well-known pathogen of arthropods. The influence of six fungicides on growth, sporulation, conidial germination and cuticle-degrading enzyme production by L. muscarium was investigated under laboratory conditions. The maximum reduction in vegetative growth, sporulation and conidial germination in relation to the control treatment was observed for propiconazole, whereas mancozeb and chlorothalonil caused the lowest reduction in these parameters. Propiconazole and pyraclostrobin caused higher reduction in enzyme activities (chitinase, Pr1, Pr2 and lipase) at all three concentrations (10, 100 and 1000 µg/ml), whereas low reduction in enzyme activities was caused by chlorothalonil and mancozeb when used at 10 µg/ml. The data presented can be used for future recommendations of these fungicides in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programmes where L. muscarium is an important control agent.  相似文献   

Catalases are the most important enzymatic systems used to degrade hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water and oxygen, thereby lowering intracellular hydrogen peroxide levels. Entomopathogenic fungi display increased catalase activity during germination and growth, which is necessary to counteract the hyperoxidant state produced by oxidative metabolism. We studied the influence of five different hydrocarbons on catalase production by Lecanicillium muscarium to determine the importance of catalase induction in fungal germination, stress tolerance and virulence. Conidia produced by colonies grown on different hydrocarbons showed higher rates of catalase activity compared to the control and the catalase activity of conidia produced on n-octacosane was three times higher than the activity of the control. This increase in catalase activity was accompanied by a higher level of resistance to exogenous hydrogen peroxide and a reduction in the germination time. Our study has helped to identify that increased catalase activity improves the germination and tolerance to different antioxidant stress response of L. muscarium.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess effects of nutrients on germination of Verticillium lecanii (=Lecanicillium sp.) conidia and infection of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Suspensions of V. lecanii conidia were prepared in four nutrient solutions: 2% glucose, 2% sucrose, 2% maltose, and 2% peptone. Suspensions in de-mineralized water served as the control. At 23°C the germination rate was highest in the 2% glucose solution, followed by sucrose, maltose, demineralized water, and peptone, respectively. Germ tube growth was greatest at 23°C in the 2% glucose solution after 10 h incubation. Results of the bioassays indicated that the nutrients influenced whitefly infection. Infection levels were highest for conidial suspensions (1×106 conidia/mL) prepared in 2% glucose, and were significantly greater than for peptone, demineralized water and maltose. Infection levels at 1×108 conidia/mL were not significantly different from each other for all materials tested. The potential use of nutrients in a spray formulation as a means of enhancing field efficacy are discussed.  相似文献   

AIMS: Conidial germination of Penicillium chrysogenum was carried out under operating conditions compatible with a pastries manufacturing process. METHODS AND RESULTS: A range, limited by two experimental values, was defined for each environmental factor tested: temperature (15 or 25 degrees C), water activity (0.75 or 0.85) and pH (3.5 or 5.5). A closed device was made, which maintained an equilibrium between water activity of the culture medium and atmospheric relative humidity during 25 days, to follow spore germination. The combined effects of temperature, water activity and pH on spore germination were studied by applying factorial design methodology. CONCLUSIONS: Higher rates of spore germination were associated with a high level of water activity. The incubation temperature also had a positive effect. A significant positive interaction between water activity and temperature was observed. Under these specific experimental conditions, pH did not have a significant effect on conidial germination. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A model describing the behaviour of fungal conidia is proposed.  相似文献   

Two cherry tomato plant cultivars (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller, cultivars ‘Koko’ and ‘Pepe’) were supplied with high (395 ppm), medium (266 ppm) and low (199 ppm) concentrations of nitrogen to determine the influence of nitrogen fertilization on development, cultivar preference and honeydew production by greenhouse whiteflies, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). The nitrogen, protein, and chlorophyll contents of tomato leaves were higher in the high nitrogen supplied plants than in the medium or low nitrogen supplied plants, but the sugar content showed an inverse relationship. The developmental times of eggs and nymphs decreased as the nitrogen concentrations increased in both cultivars. The preference of T. vaporariorum was compared by counting the number of eggs deposited on leaves in choice and non-choice tests. In the non-choice test, no significant nitrogen treatment effects were observed but the upper plant stratum was preferred for egg laying. In the choice test, there were significant main effects of cultivar and nitrogen concentration. T. vaporariorum laid eggs more on leaves of plants with higher nitrogen at the upper stratum. In both experiments, T. vaporariorum preferred the ‘Koko’ cultivar to the ‘Pepe’ cultivar. The honeydew production of T. vaporariorum nymphs increased with decreasing nitrogen treatment concentrations. The largest honeydew production was detected in the ‘Pepe’ cultivar grown at low nitrogen concentration. It is concluded that cultivar ‘Pepe’ had an advantage over ‘Koko’ in term of T. vaporariorum management program in tomato greenhouses.  相似文献   

Two isolates of a potential biological control agent, Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, for greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, on tomato in greenhouses were tested for their compatibility with five fungicides (captan, dichlofluanid, iprodione, benomyl, and carbendazim) and six insecticides (malathion, carbaryl, primicarb, pymetrozine, cypermethrin, and deltamethrine) which are used on glasshouse tomato. Conidial germinations after 24 h and radial growths after 14 days of inoculation were determined in the presence of each pesticide at three concentrations (recommended rate, 0.1 and 10 times of the recommended rate by its manufacturer) and resultant variations were evaluated. Our results suggest that the tested pesticides, especially the fungicides, have potential to interfere with the success of P. fumosoroseus if they are to be employed together. The recommended concentration rate of primicarb and pymetrozine, and the lower concentrations of cypermethrin and deltamethrin were less hazardous than the others.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study compares the effect of temperature (4-37 degrees C) and water activity (aw: 0.99-0.87) and their interactions on the germination rates, lag times prior to germination and mycelial growth 'in vitro' of Penicillium digitatum, P. italicum and Geotrichum candidum, the main postharvest pathogens affecting citrus fruits. METHODS AND RESULTS: Germination and growth were markedly influenced by temperature and aw. Generally, lag times were longer and germination and growth rates were slower when conditions of temperature and aw were far from optimum. All the studied species were able to germinate over a range of 4-30 degrees C at 0.995 aw, although in non-optimal conditions P. digitatum only reached 40-60% of germinated conidia. At low temperatures, P. italicum germinated and grew faster than P. digitatum and G. candidum, particularly at 0.95 aw. Penicillium italicum was also able to germinate and grow in the driest studied conditions (0.87 aw), while G. candidum did not germinate under 0.95 aw. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of the ecological requirements of these fungi is important in order to understand their behaviour in natural situations and to predict fungal spoilage on citrus fruits.  相似文献   

The effects of culture media, temperature and light on radial growth and pycnidium production of cowpea isolates (PB1, PB2, PB3) of Phoma bakeriana were investigated in vitro. There was no isolate effect on growth and pycnidium production but some evidence of a medium effect. Exceptionally high growth rate on two media corresponded with high pycnidium production; while low growth rates on other media were generally associated with high sporulation. There was a large temperature effect and an isolate effect on growth with a significant temperature by isolate interaction. Temperatures of 5°C, 10°C and 35°C inhibited pycnidium formation completely while the range 15–30°C had no effect on sporulation. Maximum growth and pycnidium production occurred at 25°C. Near-ultraviolet radiation seemed to have caused higher pycnidium counts than the other light sources.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogen Neozygites floridana Weiser and Muma has been evaluated as a classical biological candidate for introduction into Africa against the invasive tomato red spider mite Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard. In this study, the effect of temperature on sporulation, germination and virulence of three isolates of N. floridana collected from T. evansi in three climatically distinct regions of Brazil and Argentina was determined. Six constant temperatures of 13 °C, 17 °C, 21 °C, 25 °C, 29 °C and 33 °C were tested for their effect on the ability of the three fungal isolates to sporulate, germinate and kill the mites. Six alternating-temperature regimes of 17-13 °C, 21-13 °C, 29-13 °C, 33-13 °C, 33-23 °C, 33-28 °C under a 12 h photophase were also tested to estimate virulence of the three isolates against T. evansi. The Vipos isolate discharged more conidia than isolates from Recife or Piracicaba at all temperatures and sporulation was strongly temperature dependent. Optimal sporulation rates were observed at 25 °C while optimal germination rates were observed at 25 °C and 29 °C. At 29 °C, the shortest mean survival time of T. evansi (3.16 days, 95% CI of 3.05-3.27) was observed for the isolate from Vipos, while the longest LT50 (3.47 days, 95% CI 3.34-3.59) was observed for the isolate from Piracicaba. Mortality of mites increased as the differences between alternating day and night temperatures increased from 8 °C (21-13 °C), to 10 °C (33-23 °C), to 16 °C (29-13 °C), with smallest and highest temperature differences of 4 °C (17-13 °C) and 20 °C (33-13 °C), both producing low mortalities. The overall results suggest that the Vipos isolate is better adapted to a wider range of temperatures than the other isolates tested.  相似文献   

Exogenous protein and sugar sources were tested for their impact on conidial germination of two silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii) pathogens: Beauveria bassiana and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus. In liquid culture, sugars stimulated only 5-27% germination of B. bassiana and < or =11% germination of P. fumosoroseus, whereas, yeast extract or peptone stimulated 95-100% germination. In the absence of additional nutrients, agar alone stimulated approximately 50% germination. Storing spores for different periods of time did not alter their general response to exogenous nutrients. When spores were germinated before being applied to third instar B. argentifolii, mortality was as much as 2.45 times greater and occurred more rapidly than that for fresh spores. For ungerminated conidia, the mean time to death from infection was 5.45 (SE = 0.16) and 4.74 (SE = 0.08) days for application rates of 37 and 144 conidia x mm(-2), respectively. When conidia were germinated before application, infection times dropped to 4.58 (SE = 0.16) and 4.45 (SE = 0.10) days, respectively. A likely explanation for the greater pathogenicity and virulence of germinated over ungerminated B. bassiana conidia is that only a fraction of the spores applied to whitefly nymphs actually germinate on the cuticle. For some specialized applications, such as greenhouse production systems, it may be beneficial to germinate spores immediately prior to application.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the effect of water activity (aw = 0·880–0·960) and temperature (15–35°C) on the percentage of viable conidia and mycelial growth of three biocontrol agents effective against water hyacinth in Mali: Alternaria sp. isolate Mlb684, Fusarium sacchari isolate Mln799 and Cadophora malorum isolate Mln715. Methods and Results: The fungi were grown in vitro on plates containing potato dextrose agar medium at different aw values (glycerol being added to adjust the aw). The percentage of viable conidia and radial growth rate decreased with decreasing water activity. Statistical analysis showed a significant effect of aw, temperature and the aw × temperature interaction on mycelial growth (P < 0·0001). Water activity emerged as the factor exerting the greatest influence. Differences were observed between the fungi tested, the C. malorum appearing more tolerant to low aw and the F. sacchari more tolerant to high temperature (35°C). Growth models predicting the combined effect of aw and temperature were developed and response surfaces generated, showing fairly good agreement with the experimental values. Conclusions: Our results confirm the previous finding that aw has a greater influence than temperature on fungal growth. Under most conditions, variation of environmental factors has a detrimental influence on the percentage of viable conidia and mycelial growth rate of fungal isolates. Significance and Impact of the Study: The developed models may contribute to predicting the best environmental conditions for use of these fungi as effective biocontrol agents against water hyacinth.  相似文献   

Biological control agents based on entomopathogenic fungi traditionally contain a single strain that is efficient under certain biotic and abiotic conditions. Since particularly abiotic conditions vary, biological control efficiency may become more resilient at extreme temperatures if two or more fungal strains are combined based on their adaptations to their original environment. Here we evaluated the in vitro temperature-dependent germination and growth rate for six Beauveria spp. isolates originating from either arctic or tropical regions. Isolates of arctic origin showed higher germination and growth rate at 8°C and 12°C than isolates from the tropics while the latter group showed highest germination and in vitro growth at 32°C. Three of the isolates belonging to Beauveria bassiana were further tested in vivo for temperature-dependent infection in the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor both individually and combined. The same amounts of conidia were used in all bioassays. Virulence was isolate dependent at all temperatures with no additional effect at the low (12°C) and high (32°C) temperatures of combinations of arctic and tropical isolates. The results therefore indicate that adaptations to abiotic conditions in the natural environment do not directly reflect the effect of biotic environment (such as host infection) under similar conditions. Selection of isolates for biocontrol agents should not be based solely on in vitro experiments, while isolate selection based on virulence should also include considerations of the abiotic conditions the isolates are expected to function.  相似文献   

AIMS: The influence of temperature, water activity and pH on the time necessary for germination of 90% of Penicillium chrysogenum conidia inoculated (T90) was determined. METHODS AND RESULTS: A new experimental device was developed for easy monitoring of the germination process. Experiments were carried out according to a Doehlert matrix at 11-31 degrees C, 0.86-0.98 water activity (a(w)) and pH 3.5-6.5. In these conditions, a second order polynomial relationship between T90 and the environmental factors was established for the different humectants used throughout this study (e.g. glycerol and sorbitol) with regression coefficients close to 0.97. CONCLUSIONS: For both humectants, the major effect of temperature and water activity on T90 was highlighted, whereas the effect of pH on T90 in these experimental conditions was not significant. The combined effect of temperature and water activity on T90 was also demonstrated. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Both the experimental set-up and the Doehlert matrix were well suited to determine the influence of environmental factors on mould germination.  相似文献   

The development period, survival rate, longevity and fecundity of two whiteflies, Bemisia tabaci B‐biotype and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) were compared under different temperature laboratory conditions (15°C, 18°C, 21°C and 24°C). Egg development of B. tabaci B‐biotype was significantly longer compared with that of T. vaporariorum at 15°C, 18°C and 24°C. Significantly longer pseudo‐pupae development and lower survival rate were found in B. tabaci B‐biotype at 15°C compared with those at 18°C, 21°C and 24°C. Significantly higher fecundity was found in B. tabaci B‐biotype at 24°C compared with that at 15°C, 18°C and 21°C. However, the fecundity of T. vaporariorum was significantly lower at 24°C relative to that at 15°C, 18°C and 21°C. Significantly shorter 1st instar larval development was found in T. vaporariorum compared with that of B. tabaci at 15°C and 18°C. Significantly longer 2nd instar larval development was found in B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum at 15°C compared with that at 18°C, 21°C and 24°C. However, significantly shorter 3rd instar larval development was found in T. vaporariorum compared with that of B. tabaci at 15°C, 18°C and 24°C. The adaptive divergence of tolerance to relatively low temperature may be an important factor that results in the interspecific differentiation between the seasonal dynamics of these two whiteflies in China.  相似文献   


This study was carried out to determine the lethality of the entomopathogenic fungus, Lecanicillium longisporum on eggs, young and old nymphs of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Mortality percentage was significantly differed based on stage of T. vaporariorum and conidial concentrations of L. longisporum. Average of the infection level to insect was very low particularly in egg with only 9.81%, even with higher conidial concentrations (1×107 conidia mL-1). Whereas, it was higher in 1st and 2nd instar (46.56%) and 3rd and 4th instars (37.21%). Three parameters were assessed with T. vaporariorum eggs, namely; egg infection, egg hatchability and crawlers emergence. Egg mortality percentages averaged 3.56, 7.14, 9.64, 16.42 and 20.35% with fungal concentrations of 1×103, 1×104, 1×105, 1×106 and 1×107 conidia mL-1, respectively. Daily infection percentages were varied depend upon the conidia concentration where the highest infection rate of eggs was occurred with 1×107. Egg hatch was very high and the mortality among the emerged crawlers was neglectable compared with the control. Efficiency of L. longisporum on whitefly nymphs also was varied based on the insect instar and fungal concentration. Mortality percentages were obviously higher in young nymphs (1st and 2nd instars) than in older ones (3rd and 4th instars). The results indicated that nymphs were highly susceptible to fungal treatment compared with eggs.  相似文献   

Oospore germination occurred over a temperature ranging of 15–35°C forPythium coloratum, 10–35°C forP. diclinum, 15–30°C forP. dissotocum, 7–30°C forP. monospermum, and 10–30°C forP. pleroticum. Optimum temperature was 25°C for all species tested. In case of pH, oospore germination occurred over a range of 4.76–8.55 with an optimum of 6.40–7.40. The least germination occurred at pH 4.76 forP. coloratum, P. diclinum, P. monospermum andP. pleroticum, whileP. dissotocum germinated from pH 5.02. Oospores of the all tested pythia were able to germinate at –0.13 to –1.65 MPa and could not germinate at –3.40 MPa, with the highest germination rate at –0.27 to –0.47 MPa. The effect of temperature, pH and osmotic potential on oospore germination was discussed in relation to pollution of pond water.  相似文献   

Aims: To develop and validate a logistic regression model to predict the growth and ochratoxin A (OTA) production boundaries of two Aspergillus carbonarius isolates on a synthetic grape juice medium as a function of temperature and water activity (aw). Methods and Results: A full factorial design was followed between the factors considered. The aw levels assayed were 0·850, 0·880, 0·900, 0·920, 0·940, 0·960, 0·980 and the incubation temperatures were 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40°C. Growth and OTA production responses were evaluated for a period of 25 days. Regarding growth boundaries, the degree of agreement between predictions and observations was >99% concordant for both isolates. The erroneously predicted growth cases were 3·4–4·1% false‐positives and 0·7–1·4% false‐negatives. No growth was observed at 10°C and 40°C for all aw levels assayed, with the exception of 0·980 aw/40°C, where weak growth was observed. Similarly, OTA production was correctly predicted with a concordance rate >98% for the two isolates with 0·7–1·4% accounting for false‐positives and 2·0–2·7% false‐negatives. No OTA production was detected at 10°C or 40°C regardless of aw, and at 0·850 aw at all incubation temperatures. With respect to time, the OTA production boundary shifted to lower temperatures (15–20°C) as opposed to the growth boundary that shifted to higher temperature levels (25–30°C). Using two literature datasets for growth and OTA production of A. carbonarius on the same growth medium, the logistic model gave one false‐positive and three false‐negative predictions out of 68 growth cases and 13 false‐positive predictions out of 45 OTA production cases. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the logistic regression model can be successfully used to predict growth and OTA production interfaces for A. carbonarius in relation to temperature and aw. Significance and Impact of the Study: The proposed modelling approach helps the understanding of fungal‐food ecosystem relations and it could be employed in risk analysis implementation plans to predict the risk of contamination of grapes and grape products by A. carbonarius.  相似文献   

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