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Mutualisms in a changing world: an evolutionary perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 1459-1474 ABSTRACT: There is growing concern that rapid environmental degradation threatens mutualistic interactions. Because mutualisms can bind species to a common fate, mutualism breakdown has the potential to expand and accelerate effects of global change on biodiversity loss and ecosystem disruption. The current focus on the ecological dynamics of mutualism under global change has skirted fundamental evolutionary issues. Here, we develop an evolutionary perspective on mutualism breakdown to complement the ecological perspective, by focusing on three processes: (1) shifts from mutualism to antagonism, (2) switches to novel partners and (3) mutualism abandonment. We then identify the evolutionary factors that may make particular classes of mutualisms especially susceptible or resistant to breakdown and discuss how communities harbouring mutualisms may be affected by these evolutionary responses. We propose a template for evolutionary research on mutualism resilience and identify conservation approaches that may help conserve targeted mutualisms in the face of environmental change.  相似文献   

The South American silver croaker is a popular fish that has recently received substantial attention from scientists, mainly due to its importance as source of animal protein and as a key fisheries species. However, little is known about the conditions that explain its historical and current spatial distribution, both in its native habitat and where it is a successful invasive species. The aim of the present study was to explore the ecological information available for this species, to then critically examine ecological theories related to the conditions underpinning its success. To this end, an exhaustive literature search was conducted with the immediate aim of investigating whether the success of South American silver croaker was driven by species-climate or species–human interactions. The non-native populations were found to occupy climate niche spaces different from those observed in their native ranges. In addition, it was clear that humans played a role in facilitating the large-scale dispersion of silver croaker, and assisted as agents of impact driving the observed current and, probably, the future spatial distribution, which we can predict from our data and from the pattern of propagule pressure. Overall, the current biogeography of this species illustrates how the construction of dams, along with the introduction and stocking of non-native species, overfishing and other human activities can alter fish populations and assemblages. Such processes can reduce native species, increase the abundance and distribution of invasive species, as well as cause changes in life-history traits and genetic variability, all with long-term socioeconomic consequences.  相似文献   

The Exiguobacterium genus: biodiversity and biogeography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacteria of the genus Exiguobacterium are low G + C, Gram-positive facultative anaerobes that have been repeatedly isolated from ancient Siberian permafrost. In addition, Exiguobacterium spp. have been isolated from markedly diverse sources, including Greenland glacial ice, hot springs at Yellowstone National Park, the rhizosphere of plants, and the environment of food processing plants. Strains of this hereto little known bacterium that have been retrieved from such different (and often extreme) environments are worthy of attention as they are likely to be specifically adapted to such environments and to carry variations in the genome which may correspond to psychrophilic and thermophilic adaptations. However, comparative genomic investigations of Exiguobacterium spp. from different sources have been limited. In this study, we employed different molecular approaches for the comparative analysis of 24 isolates from markedly diverse environments including ancient Siberian permafrost and hot springs at Yellowstone National Park. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) with I-CeuI (an intron-encoded endonuclease), AscI and NotI were optimized for the determination of genomic fingerprints of nuclease-producing isolates. The application of a DNA macroarray for 82 putative stress-response genes yielded strain-specific hybridization profiles. Cluster analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequence data, PFGE I-CeuI restriction patterns and hybridization profiles suggested that Exiguobacterium strains formed two distinct divisions that generally agreed with temperature ranges for growth. With few exceptions (e.g., Greenland ice isolate GIC31), psychrotrophic and thermophilic isolates belonged to different divisions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Marine biogeography and ecology: invasions and introductions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although biogeography and ecology had previously been considered distinct disciplines, this outlook began to change in the early 1990s. Several people expressed interest in creating a link that would help ecologists become more aware of external influences on communities and help biogeographers realize that distribution patterns had their genesis at the community level. They proposed an interdisciplinary approach called macroecology. This concept has been aided by the advent of phylogeography, for a better knowledge of genetic relationships has had great interdisciplinary value. Two areas of research that should obviously benefit from a macroecological approach are: (1) the question of local vs. regional diversity and (2) the question of whether invader species pose a threat to biodiversity. The two questions are related, because both deal with the vulnerability of ecosystems to penetration by invading species. Biogeographers, who have studied the broad oceanic patterns of dispersal and colonization, tend to regard isolated communities as being open to invasion from areas with greater biodiversity. It became evident that many wide‐ranging species were produced in centres of origin, and that the location of communities with respect to such centres had a direct effect on the level of species diversity. Ecologists, in earlier years, thought that a community could become saturated with species and would thereafter be self‐sustaining. But recent research has shown that saturation is probably never achieved and that the assembly of communities and their maintenance is more or less dependent on the invasion of species from elsewhere. The study of invasions that take place in coastal areas, usually the result of ship traffic and/or aquaculture imports, has special importance due to numerous opinions expressed by scientists and policy‐makers that such invasions are a major threat to biodiversity. However, none of the studies so far conducted has identified the extinction of a single, native marine species due to the influence of an exotic invader. Furthermore, fossil evidence of historical invasions does not indicate that invasive species have caused native extinctions or reductions in biodiversity.  相似文献   

Most legislation pertaining to non-native organisms is implicitly focussed at the individual species level. However, in some cases interspecific hybrids can be more invasive than any of the parent species. This is problematic for policy makers, and for horticulturists developing or trading in new ornamental cultivars. We explore these issues in the context of the need to manage naturalized populations of Kangaroo Paws (Anigozanthos species) in South Africa. Self-sustaining, dense populations of naturalized Kangaroo Paws occur at several localities and are highly attractive to local nectar-feeding birds. The populations show high levels of seed set with or without bird pollination. Given the known propensity of Kangaroo Paws to hybridise in their native range in Australia, and confusion about the species identity of naturalized populations in South Africa, it was essential to resolve some key taxonomic issues in the group. We constructed the first molecular phylogeny for all species of the Kangaroo Paw group (genera Anigozanthos and Macropidia; family Haemodoraceae). As previously determined by taxonomists working on herbarium specimens, naturalized populations were identified as A. flavidus. In addition, we also identified a second species, A. rufus. Relative genome size estimates for Anigozanthos species indicated that small inter-specific differences in genome sizes are positively correlated to hybrid fitness. Anigozanthos flavidus and A. rufus have relatively ‘compatible’ genomes and may produce fertile hybrids under field conditions. However, for species whose genome size differ more than ~30%, there is little inter-specific compatibility and consequently a very low risk of producing fertile hybrids. In conclusion, we recommend that trade in Kangaroo Paws in South Africa should be temporarily restricted and that particular cultivars should first be subjected to a careful risk assessment.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities such as uncontrolled deforestation and increasing greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for triggering a series of environmental imbalances that affect the Earth's complex climate dynamics. As a consequence of these changes, several climate models forecast an intensification of extreme weather events over the upcoming decades, including heat waves and increasingly severe drought and flood episodes. The occurrence of such extreme weather will prompt profound changes in several plant communities, resulting in massive forest dieback events that can trigger a massive loss of biodiversity in several biomes worldwide. Despite the gravity of the situation, our knowledge regarding how extreme weather events can undermine the performance, survival, and distribution of forest species remains very fragmented. Therefore, the present review aimed to provide a broad and integrated perspective of the main biochemical, physiological, and morpho‐anatomical disorders that may compromise the performance and survival of forest species exposed to climate change factors, particularly drought, flooding, and global warming. In addition, we also discuss the controversial effects of high CO2 concentrations in enhancing plant growth and reducing the deleterious effects of some extreme climatic events. We conclude with a discussion about the possible effects that the factors associated with the climate change might have on species distribution and forest composition.  相似文献   


The genus Stevia comprises approximately 200 species, which are distributed in North and South America, and are representative of the species diversity of the Asteraceae in the New World. We reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships using sequences of ITS and cpDNA and estimated the divergence times of the major clade of this genus. Our results suggested that Stevia originated in Mexico 7.0–7.3 million years ago (Mya). Two large clades, one with shrub species and another with herb species, were separated at about 6.6 Mya. The phylogenetic reconstruction suggested that an ancestor of Stevia was a small shrub in temperate pine–oak forests and the evolutionary change from a shrub state to a herb state occurred only once. A Brazilian clade was nested in a Mexican herb clade, and its origin was estimated to be 5.2 Mya, suggesting that the migration from North America to South America occurred after the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. The species diversity in Mexico appears to reflect the habitat diversity within the temperate pine–oak forest zone. The presence of many conspecific diploid–polyploid clades in the phylogenetic tree reflects the high frequency of polyploidization among the perennial Stevia species.


Bioerosion, the breakdown of hard substrata by organisms, is a fundamental and widespread ecological process that can alter habitat structure, biodiversity and biogeochemical cycling. Bioerosion occurs in all biomes of the world from the ocean floor to arid deserts, and involves a wide diversity of taxa and mechanisms with varying ecological effects. Many abiotic and biotic factors affect bioerosion by acting on the bioeroder, substratum, or both. Bioerosion also has socio‐economic impacts when objects of economic or cultural value such as coastal defences or monuments are damaged. We present a unifying definition and advance a conceptual framework for (a) examining the effects of bioerosion on natural systems and human infrastructure and (b) identifying and predicting the impacts of anthropogenic factors (e.g. climate change, eutrophication) on bioerosion. Bioerosion is responding to anthropogenic changes in multiple, complex ways with significant and wide‐ranging effects across systems. Emerging data further underscore the importance of bioerosion, and need for mitigating its impacts, especially at the dynamic land–sea boundary. Generalised predictions remain challenging, due to context‐dependent effects and nonlinear relationships that are poorly resolved. An integrative and interdisciplinary approach is needed to understand how future changes will alter bioerosion dynamics across biomes and taxa.  相似文献   

An environmental source of cholera was hypothesized as early as the late nineteenth century by Robert Koch, but not proven because of the ability of Vibrio cholera, the causative agent of cholera, to enter a dormant phase between epidemics. Standard bacteriological procedures for isolation of the vibrios from the environmental samples, including water, between epidemics generally were unsuccessful. Vibrio cholera, a marine vibrio requiring salt for growth, enters into a dormant 'viable but non-culturable' stage when conditions are unfavourable for growth and reproduction. The association of V. cholera with plankton, notably copepods, provides evidence for the environmental origin of cholera, as well as an explanation for the sporadic and erratic nature of cholera epidemics. Thus, the association of V. cholera with plankton was established only recently, allowing analysis of epidemic patterns of cholera, especially in those countries where cholera is endemic. The sporadic and erratic nature of cholera epidemics can now be related to climate and climate events, such as El Ni?o. Since zooplankton have been shown to harbour the bacterium and zooplankton blooms follow phytoplankton blooms, remote sensing can be employed to determine the relationship of cases of cholera with chlorophyll, as well as sea surface temperature (SST), ocean height, and turbidity. Cholera occurs seasonally in Bangladesh with two annual peaks in the number of cases occurring each year. From the data obtained and analysed to date, when the height of the ocean is high and sea surface temperature is also elevated, cholera cases are numerous. When the height is low and sea surface temperature is also low, little or no cholera is recorded. From the examination of data for the 1992-1993 cholera epidemic in India, preliminary comparisons of cholera data for Calcutta show a similar relationship between cholera cases, ocean height and SST. In conclusion, from results of studies of SST, phytoplankton and zooplankton, and their relationships to incidence of cholera, correlation of selected climatological factors and incidence of V. cholera appears to be significant, bringing the potential of predicting conditions conducive to cholera outbreaks closer to reality.  相似文献   

Comparative ecology uses interspecific relationships among traits, while accounting for the phylogenetic non-independence of species, to uncover general evolutionary processes. Applied to biogeographic questions, it can be a powerful tool to explain the spatial distribution of organisms. Here, we review how comparative methods can elucidate biogeographic patterns and processes, using analyses of distributional data on parasites (fleas and helminths) as case studies. Methods exist to detect phylogenetic signals, i.e. the degree of phylogenetic dependence of a given character, and either to control for these signals in statistical analyses of interspecific data, or to measure their contribution to variance. Parasite–host interactions present a special case, as a given trait may be a parasite trait, a host trait or a property of the coevolved association rather than of one participant only. For some analyses, it is therefore necessary to correct simultaneously for both parasite phylogeny and host phylogeny, or to evaluate which has the greatest influence on trait expression. Using comparative approaches, we show that two fundamental properties of parasites, their niche breadth, i.e. host specificity, and the nature of their life cycle, can explain interspecific and latitudinal variation in the sizes of their geographical ranges, or rates of distance decay in the similarity of parasite communities. These findings illustrate the ways in which phylogenetically based comparative methods can contribute to biogeographic research.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that the climate of our planet is changing, but it is still hard to predict the consequences of these changes on ecosystems. The impact is worst at the poles, with scientists concerned that impacts at lower latitudes will follow suit. Canada has a great responsibility and potential for studying the effects of climate changes on the ecological dynamics, given its geographical location and its scientific leadership in this field. The 5th annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution was held in the International Year of Biodiversity, to share recent advances in a wide variety of disciplines ranging from molecular biology to behavioural ecology, and to integrate them into a general view that will help us preserve biodiversity and limit the impact of climate change on ecosystems.  相似文献   

From the pioneering explorations of Joseph Banks (later a President of the Royal Society), to the present day, a great deal has been learnt about the extent, distribution and stability of biological diversity in the world. We now know that diverse life can be found even in the most inhospitable places. We have also learned that biological diversity changes through time over both large and small temporal scales. These natural changes track environmental conditions, and reflect ecological and evolutionary processes. However, anthropogenic activities, including overexploitation, habitat loss and climate change, are currently causing profound transformations in ecosystems and unprecedented loss of biological diversity. This series of papers considers temporal variation in biological diversity, examines the extent of human-related change relative to underlying natural change and builds on these insights to develop tools and policies to help guide us towards a sustainable future.  相似文献   

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