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Hypersensitive adult plant resistance genes Lr48 and Lr49 were named based on their genetic independence of the known adult plant resistance genes. This study was planned to determine genomic locations of these genes. Recombinant inbred line populations derived from crosses involving CSP44 and VL404, sources of Lr48 and Lr49, respectively, and the susceptible parent WL711, were used to determine the genomic locations of these genes. Bulked segregant analyses were performed using multiplex-ready PCR technology. Lr48 in genotype CSP44 was mapped on chromosome arm 2BS flanked by marker loci Xgwm429b (6.1 cM) and Xbarc7 (7.3 cM) distally and proximally, respectively. Leaf rust resistance gene Lr13, carried by the alternate parent WL711, was proximal to Lr48 and was flanked by Xksm58 (5.1 cM) and Xstm773-2 (8.7 cM). Lr49 was flanked by Xbarc163 (8.1 cM) and Xwmc349 (10.1 cM) on chromosome arm 4BL. The likely presence of the durable leaf rust resistance gene Lr34 in both CSP44 and VL404 was confirmed using the tightly linked marker csLV34. Near-isogenic lines for Lr48 and Lr49 were developed in cultivar Lal Bahadur. Genotypes combining Lr13 and/or Lr34 with Lr48 or Lr49 were identified as potential donor sources for cultivar development programs.  相似文献   

Leaf (brown) and stripe (yellow) rusts, caused by Puccinia triticina and Puccinia striiformis, respectively, are fungal diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum) that cause significant yield losses annually in many wheat-growing regions of the world. The objectives of our study were to characterize genetic loci associated with resistance to leaf and stripe rusts using molecular markers in a population derived from a cross between the rust-susceptible cultivar 'Avocet S' and the resistant cultivar 'Pavon76'. Using bulked segregant analysis and partial linkage mapping with AFLPs, SSRs and RFLPs, we identified 6 independent loci that contributed to slow rusting or adult plant resistance (APR) to the 2 rust diseases. Using marker information available from existing linkage maps, we have identified additional markers associated with resistance to these 2 diseases and established several linkage groups in the 'Avocet S' x 'Pavon76' population. The putative loci identified on chromosomes 1BL, 4BL, and 6AL influenced resistance to both stripe and leaf rust. The loci on chromosomes 3BS and 6BL had significant effects only on stripe rust, whereas another locus, characterized by AFLP markers, had minor effects on leaf rust only. Data derived from Interval mapping indicated that the loci identified explained 53% of the total phenotypic variation (R2) for stripe rust and 57% for leaf rust averaged across 3 sets of field data. A single chromosome recombinant line population segregating for chromosome 1B was used to map Lr46/Yr29 as a single Mendelian locus. Characterization of slow-rusting genes for leaf and stripe rust in improved wheat germplasm would enable wheat breeders to combine these additional loci with known slow-rusting loci to generate wheat cultivars with higher levels of slow-rusting resistance.  相似文献   

In order to investigate on inheritance and gene action for resistance to yellow rust, the resistant line C.B227 was crossed with the susceptible variety Avocet. Parents (P1 and P2) and the resulting F1, F2 and F3 generations were planted in a randomised complete block design with two replications in the field. The plants were inoculated with 70E0A+ pathotype of yellow rust in the research station of Gharakhil, Iran, and evaluated for resistance at adult plant stage. Disease severity and infection type of flag leaf were recorded for each single plant and final coefficient of infection was calculated. The results of weighted ANOVA indicated that the difference among the generations was significant (p?<?0.01) for the trait final infection type. Generation mean analysis showed that dominant effect was more important than additive one. The degree of dominance indicated the presence of complete dominance. Additive, dominance and epistasic additive?×?additive [i] effects were important in genetic control of resistance. The results of generation variance analysis were consistent with generation mean analysis.  相似文献   

Lesion mimics (LM) that resemble plant disease symptoms in the absence of plant pathogens may confer enhanced plant disease resistance to a wide range of pathogens. Wheat line Ning7840 has adult plant resistance (APR) to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) and shows LM symptoms at heading. A recessive gene (lm) was found to be responsible for LM in Ning7840 and located near the proximal region of chromosome 1BL using a population of 179 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from the cross Ning7840/Chokwang. Genomic in situ hybridization showed that Ning7840 carries the short arm of 1R chromosome from rye (Secale cereale L.), on which the race-specific gene Lr26 resides. The RILs were infected with the isolate PRTUS 55, an isolate virulent to Lr26, at anthesis in two greenhouse experiments. The result showed that the lines with LM phenotype had a significantly higher rust resistance than the non-LM lines. Composite interval mapping consistently detected a QTL, Qlr.pser.1BL, for APR on chromosome 1BL. Qlr.pser.1BL peaked at lm and explained up to 60.8% of phenotypic variation for leaf rust resistance in two greenhouse experiments, therefore, lm from Ning7840 may have pleiotropic effects on APR to leaf rust. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to detect candidate DNA markers for selected leaf rust resistance genes. A total number of 286 loci in the 'Thatcher' near-isogenic lines carrying resistance gene Lr1, Lr9, Lr10, Lr13, Lr19, Lr21, Lr24, Lr26, Lr28, Lr35, and Lr37 were screened for DNA polymorphism by the PstIAFLP method. A survey with 33 selective primers yielded 16 candidate markers. Further validation studies on cultivars characterized for the presence and absence of selected resistance genes confirmed specificity of markers for Lr24, Lr26 and Lr37. The AFLP-based marker P42-530 was successfully converted into an STS marker. The new marker was linked with the Lr37-specific marker (CslVrga13) at the distance of 1.7 cM. The PstIAFLP method was found to be effective in the identification of DNA changes induced in hexaploid wheat by translocations from Agropyron elongatum, Secale cereale and Aegilops ventricosa.  相似文献   


Key message

We demonstrate that Lr67/Yr46 has pleiotropic effect on stem rust and powdery mildew resistance and is associated with leaf tip necrosis. Genes are designated as Sr55, Pm46 and Ltn3 , respectively.


Wheat (Triticum aestivum) accession RL6077, known to carry the pleiotropic slow rusting leaf and yellow rust resistance genes Lr67/Yr46 in Thatcher background, displayed significantly lower stem rust (P. graminis tritici; Pgt) and powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis tritici; Bgt) severities in Kenya and in Norway, respectively, compared to its recurrent parent Thatcher. We investigated the resistance of RL6077 to stem rust and powdery mildew using Avocet × RL6077 F6 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from two photoperiod-insensitive F3 families segregating for Lr67/Yr46. Greenhouse seedling tests were conducted with Mexican Pgt race RTR. Field evaluations were conducted under artificially initiated stem rust epidemics with Pgt races RTR and TTKST (Ug99 + Sr24) at Ciudad Obregon (Mexico) and Njoro (Kenya) during 2010–2011; and under natural powdery mildew epiphytotic in Norway at Ås and Hamar during 2011 and 2012. In Mexico, a mean reduction of 41 % on stem rust severity was obtained for RILs carrying Lr67/Yr46, compared to RILs that lacked the gene, whereas in Kenya the difference was smaller (16 %) but significant. In Norway, leaf tip necrosis was associated with Lr67/Yr46 and RILs carrying Lr67/Yr46 showed a 20 % reduction in mean powdery mildew severity at both sites across the 2 years of evaluation. Our study demonstrates that Lr67/Yr46 confers partial resistance to stem rust and powdery mildew and is associated with leaf tip necrosis. The corresponding pleiotropic, or tightly linked, genes, designated as Sr55, Pm46, and Ltn3, can be utilized to provide broad-spectrum durable disease resistance in wheat.  相似文献   

An uncharacterized source of seedling resistance to Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici was identified in an advanced wheat breeding line WAWHT2046. Genetic analysis based on a WAWHT2046/Carnamah-derived double haploid (DH) population demonstrated monogenic inheritance of seedling stripe rust resistance in WAWHT2046. The gene controlling stripe rust resistance in line WAWHT2046 was tentatively designated YrWA. The chromosome 5AL located awn inhibitor gene B1, possessed by WAWHT2046, also showed monogenic inheritance when the DH population was scored for the presence and absence of awns. Joint segregation analysis at the B1 and YrWA loci indicated genetic linkage between the two loci. A recombination value of 12.2 cM was computed using Mapmanager. This association located YrWA in the chromosome arm 5AL. Molecular mapping using microsatellite markers placed YrWA distal to B1. All molecular markers mapped proximal to the awn inhibitor locus B1. As no other stripe rust resistance gene is reported to be located in the chromosome arm 5AL, YrWA was permanently designated as Yr34. Yr34 produced an intermediate (23C) seedling infection type and expressed very low stripe rust response (10R-MR) on adult plants in the field, similar to the resistance gene Yr17. In addition to Yr34, this mapping population segregated for three genetically independent adult plant stripe rust resistance genes. The detection of DH lines with completely susceptible response, higher than that shown by the Yr34-lacking parent Carnamah, suggested that both parents contributed adult plant resistance. The use of WAWHT2046 as a parent in breeding programs would also contribute APR in addition to Yr34.  相似文献   

Over 100 genes of resistance to rust fungi: Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici, (47 Lr - leaf rust genes), P. striiformis (18 Yr - yellow rust genes) and P. graminis f. sp. tritici (41 Sr - stripe rust genes) have been identified in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its wild relatives according to recent papers. Sixteen Lr resistance genes have been mapped using restriction fragments length polymorphism (RFLP) markers on wheat chromosomes. More than ten Lr genes can be identified in breeding materials by sequence tagged site (STS) specific markers. Gene Lrk 10, closely linked to gene Lr 10, has been cloned and its function recognized. Available markers are presented in this review. The STS, cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) and sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) markers found in the literature should be verified using Triticum spp. with different genetic background. Simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers for Lr resistance genes are now also available.  相似文献   

D R Knott  B Yadav 《Génome》1993,36(5):877-883
Twelve lines of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were developed that had susceptible infection types to leaf rust (Puccinia recondita Rob. ex Desm. f.sp. tritici) race UN 15 in the seedling stage but were resistant in the adult plant stage in the field. The lines were developed from four crosses, each involving four parents (eight in total) that had originally been selected for adult plant or field resistance to stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers. f.sp. tritici Eriks, and Henn.). The objectives of the present study were to determine the mechanism of resistance to leaf rust and its inheritance in the 12 lines. The 12 lines were grown in an artificially inoculated field nursery in Saskatoon, coefficients of infection (CI) were determined at four dates, and the areas under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) were calculated. Four representative lines were grown in a growth chamber to measure the latent period and pustule size at the two-leaf and flag-leaf stages. Eight lines were crossed and backcrossed to a susceptible check and the parents, F1, F2, F3, and BC1F2 generations were grown in a field nursery. The 12 lines showed wide ranges in CI and AUDPC but all were significantly more resistant than the susceptible check. The four lines studied in the growth chamber had longer latent periods and smaller pustules than the susceptible check at both stages. The differences tended to be greater at the flag-leaf stage. The inheritance studied showed that resistance was recessive or partially recessive and was controlled by two or more genes in each line of the eight lines. In three of the eight lines, Lr34 may be one of the genes and in the other five both Lr13 and Lr34 could be present. However, additional genes are clearly involved. A single gene by itself had only a small effect, but in two and three gene combinations the effects appeared to be greater. This type of resistance appears to occur frequently and may be durable because its complex inheritance may make it more difficult for the rust fungus to overcome. It should be used in breeding wheat for areas where leaf rust is a major problem.  相似文献   


Key message

New leaf rust adult plant resistance (APR) QTL QLr.cim - 6BL was mapped and confirmed the known pleotropic APR gene Lr46 effect on leaf rust in durum wheat line Bairds.


CIMMYT-derived durum wheat line Bairds displays an adequate level of adult plant resistance (APR) to leaf rust in Mexican field environments. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population developed from a cross of Bairds with susceptible parent Atred#1 was phenotyped for leaf rust response at Ciudad Obregon, Mexico, during 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 under artificially created epidemics of Puccinia triticina (Pt) race BBG/BP. The RIL population and its parents were genotyped with the 50 K diversity arrays technology (DArT) sequence system and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. A genetic map comprising 1150 markers was used to map the resistance loci. Four significant quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected on chromosomes 1BL, 2BC (centromere region), 5BL and 6BL. These QTLs, named Lr46, QLr.cim-2BC, QLr.cim-5BL and QLr.cim-6BL, respectively, explained 13.5–60.8%, 9.0–14.3%, 2.8–13.9%, and 11.6–29.4%, respectively, of leaf rust severity variation by the inclusive composite interval mapping method. All of these resistance loci were contributed by the resistant parent Bairds, except for QLr.cim-2BC, which came from susceptible parent Atred#1. Among these, the QTL on chromosome 1BL was the known pleiotropic APR gene Lr46, whereas QLr.cim-6BL, a consistently detected locus, should be a new leaf rust resistance locus in durum wheat. The mean leaf rust severity of RILs carrying all four QTLs ranged from 8.0 to 17.5%, whereas it ranged from 10.9 to 38.5% for three QTLs (Lr46 + 5BL + 6BL) derived from the resistant parent Bairds. Two RILs with four QTLs combinations can be used as sources of complex APR in durum wheat breeding.

Leaf rust resistance genes were sought in 23 resistant common wheat accessions with alien genetic material of Aegilops speltoides, Ae. triuncialis, and Triticum kiharae from the Arsenal collection. The genes were identified by common phytopathological tests and PCR analysis with STS markers linked with the known Lr genes. None of the methods identified the resistance genes in two accessions. In the other accessions, the combination of the two methods broadened the spectrum of detectable genes and, in some cases, allowed double verification of the presence of a resistance gene. Most accessions proved to contain several leaf rust resistance genes, combining juvenile and adult plant ones. The accessions were found to contain gene combinations that ensured field resistance (Lr13 + Lr10 and Lr12 + Lr34) and immunity under the conditions of the Non-Chernozem region. Accessions with alien genetic material contained a unique combination of five or six resistance genes. Since the accessions were rich in leaf rust resistance genes, including effective ones, and carried rare combinations of these genes, they were proposed as donors to be universally employed in breeding for immunity in all regions of Russia.  相似文献   

To study genetically and evaluate resistance to yellow rust, 29 wheat advanced lines were evaluated in randomised complete blocks design with three replicates in seedling stage under greenhouse conditions using nine races 6E150A+, 198E150A+, 134E150A+, 6E158A+, 166E150A+, 198E130A+, 166E158A+, 230E158A+ and 70E0A+, separately. In the adult plant stage, the genotypes were evaluated in two regions of Iran, Zarghan and Gorgan. The components of resistance including latent period and infection type were recorded under greenhouse conditions. Cluster analysis in all races showed that the genotypes 11, 28 and 29 were completely resistant to all races. Under Zarghan and Gorgan races, 27 and 73% of genotypes were resistant in the adult plant stage, respectively. Seven percent of genotypes were resistant in both stages, seedling and adult plant. All resistant lines can be used in plant breeding programme.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis West. f.sp. tritici, is one of the most damaging diseases of wheat worldwide. Forty genes for stripe rust resistance have been catalogued so far, but the majority of them are not effective against emerging pathotypes. Triticum monococcum and T. boeoticum have excellent levels of resistance to rusts, but so far, no stripe rust resistance gene has been identified or transferred from these species. A set of 121 RILs generated from a cross involving T. monococcum (acc. pau14087) and T. boeoticum (acc. pau5088) was screened for 3 years against a mixture of pathotypes under field conditions. The parental accessions were susceptible to all the prevalent pathotypes at the seedling stage, but resistant at the adult plant stage. Genetic analysis of the RIL population revealed the presence of two genes for stripe rust resistance, with one gene each being contributed by each of the parental lines. A linkage map with 169 SSR and RFLP loci generated from a set of 93 RILs was used for mapping these resistance genes. Based on phenotypic data for 3 years and the pooled data, two QTLs, one each in T. monococcum acc. pau14087 and T. boeoticum acc. pau5088, were detected for resistance in the RIL population. The QTL in T. monococcum mapped on chromosome 2A in a 3.6 cM interval between Xwmc407 and Xwmc170, whereas the QTL from T. boeoticum mapped on 5A in 8.9 cM interval between Xbarc151 and Xcfd12 and these were designated as QYrtm.pau-2A and QYrtb.pau-5A, respectively. Based on field data for 3 years, their R 2 values were 14 and 24%, respectively. T. monococcum acc. pau14087 and three resistant RILs were crossed to hexaploid wheat cvs WL711 and PBW343, using T. durum as a bridging species with the objective of transferring these genes into hexaploid wheat. The B genome of T. durum suppressed resistance in the F1 plants, but with subsequent backcrossing one resistance gene could be transferred from one of the RILs to the hexaploid wheat background. This gene was derived from T. boeoticum acc. pau5088 as indicated by co-introgression of T. boeoticum sequences linked to stripe rust resistance QTL, QYrtb.pau-5A. Homozygous resistant progenies with 40–42 chromosomes have been identified. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Yr17 gene, which is present in many European wheat cultivars, displays yellow rust resistance at the seedling stage. The gene introduced into chromosome 2A from Aegilops ventricosa was previously found to be closely linked (0.5 cM) to leaf and stem rust resistance genes Lr37 and Sr38, respectively. The objective of this study was to identify molecular markers linked to the Yr17 gene. We screened with RAPD primers, for polymorphism, the DNAs of cv. Thatcher and the leaf rust-resistant near-isogenic line (NIL) RL 6081 of cv. Thatcher carrying the Lr37 gene. Using a F2 progeny of the cross between VPM1 (resistant) and Thésée (susceptible), the RAPD marker OP-Y15580 was found to be closely linked to the Yr17 gene. We converted the OP- Y15580 RAPD marker into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR). This SCAR marker (SC-Y15) was linked at 0.8 ± 0.7 cM to the Yr17 resistance gene. We tested the SC-Y15 marker over a survey of 37 wheat cultivars in order to verify its consistency in different genetic backgrounds and to explain the resistance of some cultivars against yellow rust. Moreover, we showed that the Xpsr150-2Mv locus marker of Lr gene described by Bonhomme et al. [6] which possesses A. ventricosa introgression on the 2A chromosome was also closely linked to the Yr17 gene. Both the SCAR SC-Y15 and Xpsr150-2Mv markers should be used in breeding programmes in order to detect the cluster of the three genes Yr17, Lr37 and Sr38 in cross progenies. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Wheat cultivar Xingzi 9104 (XZ) possesses adult plant resistance (APR) to stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst). In this study, histological and cytological experiments were conducted to elucidate the mechanisms of APR in XZ. The results of leaf inoculation experiments indicated that APR was initiated at the tillering stage, gradually increased as the plant aged and highly expressed after boot stage. The histology and oxidative burst in infected leaves of plants at seedling, tillering and boot stages were examined using light microscopic and histochemical methods. Subcellular changes in the host–pathogen interactions during the seedling and boot stages were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that haustorium formation was retarded in the adult plants and that the differentiation of secondary intercellular hyphae was significantly inhibited, which decreased the development of microcolonies in the adult plants, especially in plants of boot stage. The expression of APR to stipe rust during wheat development was clearly associated with extensive hypersensitive cell death of host cells and localized production of reactive oxygen species, which coincided with the restriction of fungal growth in infection sites in adult plants. At the same time, cell wall-related resistance in adult plants prevented ingression of haustorial mother cells into plant cells. Haustorium encasement was coincident with malformation or death of haustoria. The results provide useful information for further determination of mechanisms of wheat APR to stripe rust. Key message The expression of APR to stipe rust in wheat cultivar Xingzi 9104 (XZ) was clearly associated with extensive hypersensitive cell death of host cells and the localized production of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding goals in western Canada include good agronomic characteristics and good end-use quality, and also moderate to elevated resistance to diseases of economic importance. In this study, we aimed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with resistance to common bunt (Tilletia tritici and Tilletia laevis), tan spot (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis), leaf rust (Puccinia triticina), and stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici). A total of 167 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between two spring wheat cultivars, ‘Attila’ and ‘CDC Go’, were evaluated for reactions to the four diseases in nurseries from three to eight environments, and genotyped with the Wheat 90K SNP array and three gene-specific markers (Ppd-D1, Vrn-A1, and Rht-B1). The RILs exhibited transgressive segregation for all four diseases, and we observed several lines either superior or inferior to the parents. Broad-sense heritability varied from 0.25 for leaf rust to 0.48 for common bunt. Using a subset of 1203 informative markers (1200 SNPs and 3 gene-specific markers) and average disease scores across all environments, we identified two QTLs (QCbt.dms-1B.2 and QCbt.dms-3A) for common bunt, and three QTLs each for tan spot (QTs.dms-2B, QTs.dms-2D, and QTs.dms-6B), leaf rust (QLr.dms-2D.1, QLr.dms-2D.2, and QLr.dms-3A), and stripe rust (QYr.dms-3A, QYr.dms-4A, and QYr.dms-5B). Each QTL individually explained between 5.9 and 18.7% of the phenotypic variation, and altogether explained from 21.5 to 26.5% of phenotypic and from 52.2 to 86.0% of the genetic variation. The resistance alleles for all QTLs except one for stripe rust (QYr.dms-5B) were from CDC Go. Some of the QTLs are novel, while others mapped close to QTLs and/or genes reported in other studies.  相似文献   

Genetic resistance is the most effective approach to managing wheat leaf rust. The aim of this study was to characterize seedling and adult plant leaf rust resistance of a world wheat collection. Using controlled inoculation with ten races of Puccinia triticina, 14 seedling resistance genes were determined or postulated to be present in the collection. Lr1, Lr3, Lr10 and Lr20 were the most prevalent genes around the world while Lr9, Lr14b, Lr3ka and/or Lr30 and Lr26 were rare. To confirm some gene postulations, the collection was screened with gene-specific molecular markers for Lr1, Lr10, Lr21 and Lr34. Although possessing the Lr1 and/or Lr10 gene-specific marker, 51 accessions showed unexpected high infection types to P. triticina race BBBD. The collection was tested in the field, where rust resistance ranged from nearly immune or highly resistant with severity of 1 % and resistant host response to highly susceptible with severity of 84 % and susceptible host response. The majority of the accessions possessing the adult plant resistance (APR) gene Lr34 had a maximum rust severity of 0–35 %, similar to or better than accession RL6058, a Thatcher-Lr34 near-isogenic line. Many accessions displayed an immune response or a high level of resistance under field conditions, likely as a result of synergy between APR genes or between APR and seedling resistance genes. However, accessions with three or more seedling resistance genes had an overall lower field severity than those with two or fewer. Immune or highly resistant accessions are potential sources for improvement of leaf rust resistance. In addition, some lines were postulated to have known but unidentified genes/alleles or novel genes, also constituting potentially important sources of novel resistance.  相似文献   

In recent years several varieties of wheat, such as Rothwell Perdix and Maris Envoy, have shown good resistance to yellow rust when first produced, but because their resistance was determined by simply inherited major genes, they have later been severely attacked by newly arising physiologic races of the pathogen. Other varieties, such as Little Joss, Atle and Maris Widgeon, though slightly attacked by several races, have never suffered severe damage even when exposed to high levels of inoculum. The inheritance of this non-race-specific type of resistance was studied in a cross between Little Joss and a susceptible but shorter-strawed variety, Nord Desprez. Resistance appeared to be under complex control. It was found possible to select short-strawed resistant plants, using simple techniques in the field.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici is a major disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that can be controlled by resistance breeding. The CIMMYT bread wheat line Saar is known for its good level of partial and race non-specific resistance, and the aim of this study was to map QTLs for resistance to powdery mildew in a population of 113 recombinant inbred lines from a cross between Saar and the susceptible line Avocet. The population was tested over 2 years in field trials at two locations in southeastern Norway and once in Beijing, China. SSR markers were screened for association with powdery mildew resistance in a bulked segregant analysis, and linkage maps were created based on selected SSR markers and supplemented with DArT genotyping. The most important QTLs for powdery mildew resistance derived from Saar were located on chromosomes 7DS and 1BL and corresponded to the adult plant rust resistance loci Lr34/Yr18 and Lr46/Yr29. A major QTL was also located on 4BL with resistance contributed by Avocet. Additional QTLs were detected at 3AS and 5AL in the Norwegian testing environments and at 5BS in Beijing. The population was also tested for leaf rust (caused by Puccinia triticina) and stripe rust (caused by P. striiformis f. sp. tritici) resistance and leaf tip necrosis in Mexico. QTLs for these traits were detected on 7DS and 1BL at the same positions as the QTLs for powdery mildew resistance, and confirmed the presence of Lr34/Yr18 and Lr46/Yr29 in Saar. The powdery mildew resistance gene at the Lr34/Yr18 locus has recently been named Pm38. The powdery mildew resistance gene at the Lr46/Yr29 locus is designated as Pm39.  相似文献   

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