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Functional traits impact species interactions, community composition, and ecosystem functioning. However, few studies have focused on the diversification and phylogenetic correlation of multiple functional traits over geological time. We conducted phylogenetic comparative analysis for boreal forest understory species in northeast China to examine the diversification and phylogenetic correlation in several functional traits: leaf area (LA), leaf carbon content (LCC), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf nitrogen content (LNC), plant height (PH), and specific leaf area (SLA). Phylogenetic signals showed that there were very low levels of phylogenetic niche conservatism (PNC) in understory leaf-related traits and plant height, suggesting divergence of functional traits for the co-occurring understory species. The disparity through time analyses (DTT) indicated that trait disparities mainly originated during recent divergence events and there were no differences in the observed trait disparities compared with that expected under Brownian motion. Furthermore, we found both positive and negative phylogenetic correlations among the measured functional traits. The very low levels of PNC suggest that these functional traits diverged among co-occurring understory species, and that those species are distantly phylogenetically related. The phylogenetic correlations among traits may be caused by both positively and negatively correlated adaptions that correspond to resource acquisition strategies. This study provides evidence that divergence in functional traits may reflect understory adaptions to boreal conditions.  相似文献   

Coastal-ridge plains are progradational landforms composed of elevated ridges and low-lying swales. The transitions between ridges and swales are steep, promoting dynamic shifts between xeric and mesic systems. Two understory plants that co-occur in ridge plains of North American mid-Atlantic maritime forests are Sabal minor and Ilex vomitoria. As coastal-ridge plains foster varying amounts of surface and sub-surface water driven largely by topography, the purpose of this study was to evaluate plant–water relations and chlorophyll a fluorescence in these two species. Ridge plants had lower leaf- and xylem-water potentials, lower osmotic potential (I. vomitoria), and lower symplastic water content (S. minor). Although there were no differences in potential- and effective-quantum yields, there were decreases in fluorescence performance index for ridge I. vomitoria and swale S. minor. While the data support potential water-stress conditions in ridge plants of both species, the data also suggest that I. vomitoria and S. minor use different physiological processes to tolerate hydrologically dynamic ridge–swale maritime forests.  相似文献   

Aims Within-community variation accounts for a remarkable proportion of the variation in leaf functional traits. Plant height may be used to explain within-community variances of leaf traits because different microenvironments, especially light intensity, may occur at different heights. This study determines whether or not leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents as well as leaf mass per area (LMA) are interspecifically correlated with the adult height of forest woody species. We also discuss these relationships with respect to community structure and functions of the ecosystem.Methods A total of 136 dicotyledonous woody species from 6 natural forests (3 evergreen and 3 deciduous ones) in East China (18°44′–45°25′N, 108°50′–128°05′E) were investigated. For each of the 157 species–site combinations, 6 traits were measured: plant adult height relative to the forest canopy (H R), leaf N and P contents per unit area (N area and P area), N and P contents per unit dry mass (N mass and P mass) and LMA. The total variances of each leaf trait across sites were partitioned in a hierarchical manner. The relationships between leaf traits and H R within forest communities were then analyzed using both standardized major axis regression and Felsenstein's phylogenetic independent contrasts. Relationships between evergreen and deciduous forests were compared by linear mixed models.Important findings H R is a robust predictor of leaf N area, P area and LMA, explaining 36.7, 39.4 and 12.0% of their total variations across forests, respectively. Leaf N area, P area and LMA increased with H R in all of the studied forests, with slopes that were steeper in evergreen forests than in deciduous ones. Leaf N mass and P mass showed no significant relationship with H R generally. The increase in leaf N area, P area and LMA with H R across species is assumed to maximize community photosynthesis and may favor species with larger H R .  相似文献   

Leaf and crown characteristics were examined for 24 tree and herbaceous species of contrasting architectures from the understory of a lowland rainforest. Light-capture efficiency was estimated for the crowns of the different species with a three-dimensional geometric modeling program. Causal relationships among traits affecting light absorption at two hierarchical levels (leaf and whole crown) were quantified using path analysis. Light-capture and foliage display efficiency were found to be very similar among the 24 species studied, with most converging on a narrow range of light absorption efficiencies (ratio of absorbed vs. available light of 0.60-0.75). Exceptionally low values were found for the climber vines and, to a lesser extent, for the Bromeliad Aechmea magdalenae. Differences in photosynthetic photon flux density (PFD) absorbed per unit leaf area by individual plants were mostly determined by site to site variation in PFD and not by the differences in crown architecture among individuals or species. Leaf angle, and to a lesser extent also supporting biomass, specific leaf area, and internode length, had a significant effect on foliage display efficiency. Potential constraints on light capture such as the phyllotactic pattern were generally offset by other compensatory adjustments of crown structure such as internode length, arching stems, and plagiotropy. The variety of shoot morphologies capable of efficiently capturing light in tropical forest understories is greater than initially thought, extending over species with very different phyllotactic patterns, crown architectures, leaf sizes, and morphologies.  相似文献   

植物在长期的进化和发展过程中,通过与环境相互作用形成了适应环境的形态结构及生理特征,反映了植物适应环境的生态策略;在森林群落中,地形和土壤等的变异常导致生境的异质性,从而直接或者间接影响物种的分布格局。因此,在生境异质性较强的森林群落中,植物物种分布格局与其生态适应策略有何关系,是值得关注的问题。该文以鼎湖山南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林20 hm2监测样地为平台,针对两种常绿优势树种罗伞树(Ardisia quinquegona)和光叶山黄皮(Aidia canthioides),对比研究了两种植物的叶片功能性状和水力结构特征在山脊、山坡、山谷三种不同生境中的生态适应策略,以阐明物种分布格局与其生态适应策略的关系。结果表明:罗伞树主要是通过调整叶面积(LA)、木材密度(WD)及渗透调节来适应不同生境;光叶山黄皮主要通过调整比叶面积(SLA)、WD及渗透调节,采取养分有效保存(低SLA,高干物质含量)及慢生长高存活的策略以适应不同生境,适应环境能力更强,尤其是在山脊和山坡生境;而且影响两个树种叶片功能性状和水力结构的主导土壤因子有所不同。研究结果说明罗伞树和光叶山黄皮对山脊和山坡生境比山谷更为适应,但在叶片功能性状和水力结构特征方面的生境适应策略不同。  相似文献   

Several widespread changes in the ecology of old-growth tropical forests have recently been documented for the late twentieth century, in particular an increase in stem turnover (pan-tropical), and an increase in above-ground biomass (neotropical). Whether these changes are synchronous and whether changes in growth are also occurring is not known. We analysed stand-level changes within 50 long-term monitoring plots from across South America spanning 1971-2002. We show that: (i) basal area (BA: sum of the cross-sectional areas of all trees in a plot) increased significantly over time (by 0.10 +/- 0.04 m2 ha(-1) yr(-1), mean +/- 95% CI); as did both (ii) stand-level BA growth rates (sum of the increments of BA of surviving trees and BA of new trees that recruited into a plot); and (iii) stand-level BA mortality rates (sum of the cross-sectional areas of all trees that died in a plot). Similar patterns were observed on a per-stem basis: (i) stem density (number of stems per hectare; 1 hectare is 10(4) m2) increased significantly over time (0.94 +/- 0.63 stems ha(-1) yr(-1)); as did both (ii) stem recruitment rates; and (iii) stem mortality rates. In relative terms, the pools of BA and stem density increased by 0.38 +/- 0.15% and 0.18 +/- 0.12% yr(-1), respectively. The fluxes into and out of these pools-stand-level BA growth, stand-level BA mortality, stem recruitment and stem mortality rates-increased, in relative terms, by an order of magnitude more. The gain terms (BA growth, stem recruitment) consistently exceeded the loss terms (BA loss, stem mortality) throughout the period, suggesting that whatever process is driving these changes was already acting before the plot network was established. Large long-term increases in stand-level BA growth and simultaneous increases in stand BA and stem density imply a continent-wide increase in resource availability which is increasing net primary productivity and altering forest dynamics. Continent-wide changes in incoming solar radiation, and increases in atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and air temperatures may have increased resource supply over recent decades, thus causing accelerated growth and increased dynamism across the world's largest tract of tropical forest.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Species distributions are determined by abiotic and biotic factors as well as dispersal, but most studies focus exclusively on abiotic (mainly climatic) components. In this study,...  相似文献   

Bergmann's rule predicts larger body sizes in species living in higher latitudes and altitudes. This rule appears to be valid for endotherms, but its relevance to ectotherm vertebrates has largely been debated. In squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes), only one study, based on Liolaemus species of the boulengeri clade, has provided phylogenetic evidence in favour of Bergmann's clines. We reassessed this model in the same lizard clade, using a more representative measure of species body size and including a larger number of taxa in the sample. We found no evidence to support Bergmann's rule in this lineage. However, these non-significant results appear to be explained only by the inclusion of further species rather than by a different estimation of body size. Analyses conducted on the 16 species included in the previous study always revealed significant relationships between body size and latitude-altitude, whereas, the enlarged sample always rejected the pattern predicted by Bergmann's rule.  相似文献   

We describe a scenario of plant speciation across a relict forest archipelago in South Africa involving Pleistocene habitat expansion-contraction cycles, dispersal and adaptation to lower temperatures. This is the first population level study using molecular data in South African forests and has significant implications for conservation efforts in this area. Populations of the mesophytic forest floor herbs Streptocarpus primulifolius sensu lato and Streptocarpus rexii were sampled throughout their range in the naturally fragmented forests of eastern South Africa in order to investigate population genetic and phylogenetic patterns within the species complex, using nuclear microsatellites, nuclear ribosomal ITS (internal transcribed spacer) sequences and chloroplast genome sequences. S. primulifolius harbours high levels of genetic diversity at both the nuclear (mean HE = 0.50) and the chloroplast level (each population fixed for a unique haplotype). This is consistent with populations of these coastal species being Pleistocene relicts. In contrast, populations of S. rexii in cooler habitats at higher altitudes and lower latitudes harbour little or no nuclear genetic diversity (mean HE = 0.09) and most share a common chloroplast haplotype. The split of S. rexii from populations intermediate between the two species (S. cf. primulifolius) occurred between 0 and 0.44 million years ago according to the calibrated ITS phylogeny of the taxa. The low genetic diversity and homogeneity of S. rexii is congruent with this species having reached its current range during the Holocene. We found no evidence of monophyly of any of the taxa in this study, which we consider a consequence of recent evolution in a fragmented habitat.  相似文献   

  • Seeds may differ in terms of dormancy, longevity, sensitivity to desiccation and dry mass, according to the timing (dry season/rainy season) of diaspore dispersal. In addition, seasonal variations in temperature and water availability can act as signals of the season during seed development, influencing germination responses and root growth. We evaluated the effects of temperature variations and water availability on germination parameters, root growth and seed traits of four coexisting Piper species in seasonal vegetation that differed in diaspore dispersal timing.
  • Eight temperature treatments (15, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 35 °C, and alternate 30 °C–20 °C) and four induced water potentials (0, −0.3, −0.6 and −1.2 MPa) were used. The parameters germination onset, germination percentage (G%), mean germination time (MGT), root elongation, seed longevity during ex situ storage and dry mass of seeds were evaluated.
  • Germination responses observed were independent of the diaspore dispersal timing, such as variations in germination onset, G% and MGT, both in temperature and water availability treatments. In contrast, root elongation, longevity and dry mass of seeds varied according to the time of diaspore dispersal.
  • Our results corroborate the hypothesis that the timing of diaspore dispersal is an important factor in controlling the initial development of seedlings in seasonal vegetation, but not in germination responses. The predominance of negative effects of temperature increases and water deficit on root growth shows that the initial stages of plant development can be strongly impacted by these environmental factors.

Summary Field measurements of photosynthetic CO2 exchange were made on saplings of a C4 tree species, Euphorbia forbesii, and a C3 tree species, Claoxylon sandwicense, in a shaded mesic forest on Oahu, Hawaii. Both species had light responses typical of those generally found in shade plants. Light saturated photosynthetic rates were 7.15 and 4.09 mol m2 s1 and light compensation points were 6.3 and 1.7 mol m2 s1 in E. forbesii and C. sandwicense, respectively. E. forbesii maintained a higher mesophyll conductance and a higher water use efficiency than C. sandwicense as is typically found in comparisons of C4 and C3 plants. Under natural light regimes, both species maintained positive CO2 uptake rates over essentially the entire day because of low respiration rates and light compensation points. However, photosynthesis during sunflecks accounted for a large fraction of the daily carbon gain. The results show that the carbon-gaining capacity of E. forbesii is comparable to that of a C3 species in a moderately cool, shaded forest environment. There appears to be no particular advantage or disadvantage associated with the C4 photosynthetic pathway of E. forbesii in this environment.  相似文献   

The first steps in the history of South American mammals took place ca. 130 Ma., when the South American plate, still connected to the Antarctic Peninsula, began to drift away from the African-Indian plate. Most of the Mesozoic history of South American mammals is still unknown, and we only have a few enigmatic taxa (i.e., a Jurassic Australosphenida and an Early Cretaceous Prototribosphenida) that pose more evolutionary and biogeographic questions than answers. The best-known Mesozoic, South American land-mammal fossils are from Late Cretaceous Patagonian beds. These fossils represent the last survivors of non- and pre-tribosphenic Pangaean lineages, all of them with varying endemic features: some with few advanced features (e.g., ?Eutriconodonta and “Symmetrodonta”), some very diversified as endemic groups (e.g., ?Docodonta Reigitheriidae), and others representing vicariant types of well known Laurasian Mesozoic lineages (e.g., Gondwanatheria as vicariant of Multituberculata). These endemic mammals lived as relicts (although advanced) of pangeic lineages when a primordial South American continent was still connected to the Antarctic Peninsula and, at the northern extreme, near the North American Plate. By the beginning of the Late Cretaceous, the volcanic and diastrophic processes that finally led to the differentiation of the Caribbean region and Central America built up transient geographic connections that permitted the initiation of an overland inter-American exchange that included, for example, dinosaurian titanosaurs from South America and hadrosaurs from North America. The immigration of other vertebrates followed the same route, for example, polydolopimorphian marsupials. These marsupials were assumed to have differentiated in South America prior to new discoveries from the North American Late Cretaceous. The complete extinction of endemic South American Mesozoic mammals by the Late Cretaceous-Early Paleocene, and the subsequent and in part coetaneous immigration of North American therians, respectively, represent two major moments in the history of South American mammals: a Gondwanan Episode and a South American Episode. The Gondwanan Episode was characterized by non- and pre-tribosphenic mammal lineages that descended from the Pangeic South American stage (but already with a pronounced Gondwanan accent, and wholly extinguished during the Late Cretaceous-Early Paleocene span). The South American Episode, in turn, was characterized only by therian mammals, mostly emigrated from the North American continent and already with a South American accent obtained through isolation. The southernmost extreme of South America (Patagonia) remained connected to the present Antarctic Peninsula at least up until about 30 Ma., and both provided the substratum where the primordial cladogenesis of “South American” mammals occurred. The resulting cladogenesis of South American therian mammals followed Gould's motto: early experimentation, later standardization. That is to say, early cladogenesis engendered a great variety of taxa with scarce morphological differentiation. After this early cladogenesis (Late Eocene-Early Oligocene), the variety of taxa became reduced, but each lineage became clearly recognizable distinctive by a constant morphologic pattern. At the same time, those mammals that underwent the “early experimentation” were part of communities dominated by archaic lineages (e.g., brachydont types among the native “ungulates”), whereas the subsequent communities were dominated by mammals of markedly “modern” stamp (e.g., protohypsodont types among the native “ungulates”). The Gondwanan and South American Episodes were separated by a critical latest Cretaceous-earliest Paleocene hiatus, it is as unknown as it is important in which South American land-mammal communities must have experienced extinction of the Gondwanan mammals and the arrival and radiation of the North American marsupials and placentals (with the probable exception of the xenarthrans, whose biogeographic origin is still unclear).  相似文献   

We hypothesized that associations among plant functional traits may differ within different ecological assemblages and plant communities. Association among plant traits including plant maximum height, seed weight, fruit type, pollination mode, mean leaf area, and leaf type were explored within life forms, plant strategy groups along with lowland and montane forest vegetation. In total, 83 sampling plots of 400 m2 were placed along a 2400 m altitudinal gradient in Hyrcanian forest. Importance‐values of species within vegetation types were used for weighting data and trait associations were explored using categorical principal component analysis. A G‐test and Fisher's exact test of independence were used to retest significance of the correlations. Different paired trait associations (association lines) including height–leaf, height–seed, height–pollination, leaf–seed, seed–fruit and fruit–pollination were observed and their ecological or physiological basis was discussed. Life forms, strategy types and vegetation types differed based on association lines. Some of the well‐known trade‐offs appear by increasing scale from ecological groups to vegetation types in Hyrcanian forest. The observed patterns of trait associations in Hyrcanian forest and several other ecosystems of the world call the generality of previously accepted trait correlations into question.  相似文献   

The larger sex is often more vulnerable, in terms of developmentand survival, to poor conditions during early life. Differentialvulnerability has implications for parental investment strategiessuch as sex ratio theory. When males are larger, it is not possibleto separate the effects of larger size per se and other aspectsof the male phenotype on vulnerability. Furthermore, offspringcompetition might favor the larger sex and thereby mask intrinsic,size-related effects. We studied sex-specific mortality in abird species with reversed size dimorphism, the great skua Stercorariusskua, under natural and experimentally created poor conditions.Small eggs from extended laying sequences were used to createpoor early conditions for the offspring, which were raised assingletons. Daughters had a lower survival in all treatmentgroups. Survival in natural broods was additionally affectedby hatch date and position. Hatch weight was not different forsons and daughters but was lower in experimental than in naturalnests. In natural nests, daughters fledged 10% heavier thansons, but in experimental nests, they did not reach a highermass. The average survival difference between sons and daughterswas not increased in experimental broods. However, hatch weighthad a strong sex-specific effect. Very light females never survived,and survival probability of daughters increased with increasinghatch weight. By contrast, survival of sons over the same rangeof hatch weights was not related to weight. These findings supportthe hypothesis that larger (final) size per se is related tosex-specific offspring vulnerability during early life.  相似文献   

The rodent genus Oecomys (Sigmodontinae) comprises ~16 species that inhabit tropical and subtropical forests in Central America and South America. In this study specimens of Oecomys paricola Thomas, 1904 from Belém and Marajó island, northern Brazil, were investigated using cytogenetic, molecular and morphological analyses. Three karyotypes were found, two from Belém (2n = 68, fundamental number (FN) = 72 and 2n = 70, FN = 76) and a third from Marajó island (2n = 70, FN = 72). No molecular or morphological differences were found between the individuals with differing cytotypes from Belém, but differences were evident between the individuals from Belém and Marajó island. Specimens from Belém city region may represent two cryptic species because two different karyotypes are present in the absence of significant differences in morphology and molecular characteristics. The Marajó island and Belém populations may represent distinct species that have been separated for some time, and are in the process of morphological and molecular differentiation as a consequence of reproductive isolation at the geographic and chromosomal levels. Thus, the results suggest that O. paricola may be a complex of species.  相似文献   

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