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Well-trained divers can be expected to differ from healthy controls in their ventilatory response to breathing through a tube and to physical exercise. Therefore, we measured their minute ventilation (VE) at rest and during breathing through a tube combined with two levels of physical exercise (1 or 2 W.kg body weight-1). For breathing through a tube an additional dead space of 600 ml was used. All divers were trained in the breath-hold technique and in the use of the breathing apparatus. Their mean period of training as divers was 9 +/- 6 years. The approximate age of the subjects was 25 years. The pattern of breathing and the oxygen uptake were measured by spirometer, the end-tidal concentration of CO2 was measured and all experiments were carried out above sea level. The ventilation of the divers at rest was comparable to that of the controls. During physical exercise it was smaller whether during breathing through a tube or not. The inadequate increase of VE during exercise in divers was associated with hypercapnia only at a higher physical work intensity (of 2 W.kg-1). This finding is interpreted as a lower chemoregulatory response to the combined stimuli of hypercapnia, hypoxia and physical exercise. In some situations significant bradypnoea and higher tidal volumes were found in the divers.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of endurance training on ventilatory function in older individuals, 1) 14 master athletes (MA) [age 63 +/- 2 yr (mean +/- SD); maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) 52.1 +/- 7.9 ml . kg-1 . min-1] were compared with 14 healthy male sedentary controls (CON) (age 63 +/- 3 yr; VO2max of 27.6 +/- 3.4 ml . kg-1 . min-1), and 2) 11 sedentary healthy men and women, age 63 +/- 2 yr, were reevaluated after 12 mo of endurance training that increased their VO2max 25%. MA had a significantly lower ventilatory response to submaximal exercise at the same O2 uptake (VE/VO2) and greater maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV), maximal exercise ventilation (VEmax), and ratio of VEmax to MVV than CON. Except for MVV, all of these parameters improved significantly in the previously sedentary subjects in response to training. Hypercapnic ventilatory response (HCVR) at rest and the ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (VE/VCO2) during submaximal exercise were similar for MA and CON and unaffected by training. We conclude that the increase in VE/VO2 during submaximal exercise observed with aging can be reversed by endurance training, and that after training, previously sedentary older individuals breathe at the same percentage of MVV during maximal exercise as highly trained athletes of similar age.  相似文献   

The study examines plasma metabolic profiles of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to prove whether the disease influences metabolism at rest and after endurance training. This is based on the hypothesis that metabolome levels should reflect impaired skeletal muscle bioenergetics in COPD. The study aims to test this hypothesis by evaluating plasma metabolic profiles in COPD patients before and after 8?weeks of endurance exercise training. We studied blood samples from 18 COPD patients and 12 healthy subjects. Pre- and post-training blood plasma samples at rest and after constant-work rate exercise (CWRE) at 70% of pre-training Watts peak were analyzed by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to assess metabolite profiles. The two groups presented training-induced physiological changes in the VO2 peak and in blood lactate levels (P?<?0.01 each). Before training, the two groups also showed differences in metabolic profiles at rest (P?<?0.05). Levels of valine (r?=?0.51, P?<?0.01), alanine (r?=?0.45, P?<?0.05) and isoleucine (r?=?0.51, P?<?0.01) were positively associated with body composition (Fat Free Mass Index). While training showed a significant impact on the metabolic profile in healthy subjects (P?<?0.001), with changes in levels of amino acids, creatine, succinate, pyruvate, glucose and lactate (P?<?0.05 each), no equivalent training-induced effects were seen in COPD patients in whom only lactate decreased (P?<?0.05). This study shows that plasma metabolic profiling contributes to the phenotypic characterization of COPD patients.  相似文献   

Diving renders negative influence on human respiratory system especially when oxygen breathing apparatus is used. Spirometry indexes, traditionally used to estimate ventilator lung function, have poor sensitivity to toxic effect of hyperbaric hyperoxia. The objective is to study possibility of revealing minimum impairments of lung ventilator function in oxygen divers by analysis of forced expiratory tracheal noise duration. 48 divers were studied before and after single shallow water dive in oxygen closed-type breathing apparatus. A significant drop of FVC, FEV1 over the group as a whole was found after dive however being in the limits of norm. The significant increase of individual forced expiratory tracheal noise duration, exceeding the natural variability limit (19.6%, p < 0.05), was found in 10 subjects (20.8%). Three of them during dive had respiratory symptoms characteristic for initial manifestations of pulmonary oxygen poisoning. The asymptomatic reversible increase of forced expiratory tracheal noise duration in the rest 7 divers was interpreted as a sign of hidden phase of hyperbaric hyperoxia effect.  相似文献   

Anuran amphibians are known to exhibit an intermittent pattern of pulmonary ventilation and to exhibit an increased ventilatory response to hypoxia and hypercarbia. However, only a few species have been studied to date. The aquatic frog Pipa carvalhoi inhabits lakes, ponds and marshes that are rich in nutrients but low in O(2). There are no studies of the respiratory pattern of this species and its ventilation during hypoxia or hypercarbia. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to characterize the breathing pattern and the ventilatory response to aquatic and aerial hypoxia and hypercarbia in this species. With this purpose, pulmonary ventilation (V(I)) was directly measured by the pneumotachograph method during normocapnic normoxia to determine the basal respiratory pattern and during aerial and aquatic hypercarbia (5% CO(2)) and hypoxia (5% O(2)). Our data demonstrate that P. carvalhoi exhibits a periodic breathing pattern composed of single events (single breaths) of pulmonary ventilation separated by periods of apnea. The animals had an enhanced V(I) during aerial hypoxia, but not during aquatic hypoxia. This increase was strictly the result of an increase in the breathing frequency. A pronounced increase in V(I) was observed if the animals were simultaneously exposed to aerial and aquatic hypercarbia, whereas small or no ventilatory responses were observed during separately administered aerial or aquatic hypercarbia. P. carvalhoi primarily inhabits an aquatic environment. Nevertheless, it does not respond to low O(2) levels in water, although it does so in air. The observed ventilatory responses to hypercarbia may indicate that this species is similar to other anurans in possessing central chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

Eight patients with patellar pain underwent knee proprioceptive training. The maximal knee extension torque associated with the Vastus Lateralis EMG signal increased (p 0.001 and 0.039). Although muscle balance was not improved, all the patients improved their clinical scores.  相似文献   

Paced breathing (PB) around 0.25 Hz has been advocated as a means to avoid confounding and to standardize measurements in short-term investigations of autonomic cardiovascular regulation. Controversy remains, however, as to whether it causes any alteration in autonomic control. We addressed this issue in 40 supine, middle-aged, healthy volunteers by assessing the changes induced by PB (0.25 Hz for 8 min) on 1) ventilatory parameters, 2) the indexes of autonomic control of cardiovascular function, and 3) the spectral indexes of cardiovascular variability. Subjects were grouped into group 1 (n = 31), if spontaneous breathing was regular and within the high-frequency (HF) band (0.15-0.45 Hz), or group 2 (n = 9), if it was irregular or slow (< 0.15 Hz). In both groups, PB was accompanied by an increase in minute ventilation (both groups, P < 0.01), whereas tidal volume increased only in group 1 (P = 0.0003). End-tidal CO2 decreased by [median (lower quartile, upper quartile)] -0.2 (-0.5, -0.1)% (group 1, P < 0.0001) and -0.6 (-0.8, -0.5)% (group 2, P = 0.008). Mean R-R interval and systolic and diastolic pressure remained remarkably stable (all P > or = 0.13, both groups). No significant changes were observed in spectral indexes of R-R and pressure variability (all P > or = 0.12, measured only in group 1 to avoid confounding), except in the HF power of pressure signals, which significantly increased (all P < 0.05) in association with increased tidal volume. In conclusion, PB at 0.25 Hz causes a slight hyperventilation and does not affect traditional indexes of autonomic control or, in subjects with spontaneous breathing in the HF band, most relevant spectral indexes of cardiovascular variability. These findings support the notion that PB does not alter cardiovascular autonomic regulation compared with spontaneous breathing.  相似文献   



It is generally known that positive pressure ventilation is associated with impaired venous return and decreased right ventricular output, in particular in patients with a low right atrial pressure and relative hypovolaemia. Altered lung mechanics have been suggested to impair right ventricular output in COPD, but this relation has never been firmly established in spontaneously breathing patients at rest or during exercise, nor has it been determined whether these cardiopulmonary interactions are influenced by right atrial pressure.


Twenty-one patients with COPD underwent simultaneous measurements of intrathoracic, right atrial and pulmonary artery pressures during spontaneous breathing at rest and during exercise. Intrathoracic pressure and right atrial pressure were used to calculate right atrial filling pressure. Dynamic changes in pulmonary artery pulse pressure during expiration were examined to evaluate changes in right ventricular output.


Pulmonary artery pulse pressure decreased up to 40% during expiration reflecting a decrease in stroke volume. The decline in pulse pressure was most prominent in patients with a low right atrial filling pressure. During exercise, a similar decline in pulmonary artery pressure was observed. This could be explained by similar increases in intrathoracic pressure and right atrial pressure during exercise, resulting in an unchanged right atrial filling pressure.


We show that in spontaneously breathing COPD patients the pulmonary artery pulse pressure decreases during expiration and that the magnitude of the decline in pulmonary artery pulse pressure is not just a function of intrathoracic pressure, but also depends on right atrial pressure.  相似文献   

Newsom Davis and Stagg studying the interrelationship of the volume and time components of individual breaths in healthy resting man described a significant correlation between mean tidal volume (VT) and inspiratory time (TI) r = 0.704. The correlation between mean TI and expiratory time (TE) was lower, r = 0.381. Evaluation of these relationships and of the power spectral density of the breathing pattern was the aim of the present study. For breath by breath analysis we calculated power spectral density and cross correlations of VT, TI and TE. We found a significant correlation between VT and TI in 9 patients with global respiratory insufficiency (RI) (mean r = 0.52) and 7 patients with partial RI (mean r = 0.56). The correlation between TI, TE was lower, in 9 patients with global RI (mean r = 0.21) and 7 patients with partial RI (mean r = 0.35). The results of both groups did not differ from healthy subjects in power spectral density of the breathing pattern and in correlations of VT and TI as well as TI and TE.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ventilatory motor patterns were recorded from abdominal muscles in crickets, Gryllus campestris L.and Teleogryllus commodus (Walker), at rest and during three types of stridulatory motor activity; calling, courtship and aggressive song.
Increases in ventilatory period were almost exclusively due to an increase of the pause between expiratory bursts, whereas abdominal ventilatory bursts remained constant at 200 ms.Ventilatory patterns depended on the stridulatory motor pattern and indicated that the same basic respiratory oscillator exists in both cricket species.
In G.campestris there was a strict 1:1 coupling between chirps and ventilatory bursts.In T.commodus such a relationship was also observed for the chirp part of the songs, but less strictly for the trill part of the calling song and not for the courtship song.In both species the onset of the ventilatory burst was within ± 100 ms of a stridulatory chirp.Ventilatory burst lasted longer the earlier they began before a stridulatory chirp.This suggests strongly that the stridulatory motor pattern terminates the expiratory burst, and thus influences the ventilatory motor pattern.  相似文献   

Reported values of lung resistance(RL) and elastance (EL) in spontaneouslybreathing preterm neonates vary widely. We hypothesized that thisvariability in lung properties can be largely explained by both inter-and intrasubject variability in breathing pattern and demographics.Thirty-three neonates receiving nasal continuous positive airwaypressure [weight 606-1,792 g, gestational age (GA) of25-33 wk, 2-49 days old] were studied. Transpulmonary pressure was measured by esophageal manometry and airway flow by facemask pneumotachography. Breath-to-breath changes in RL andEL in each infant were estimated by Fourier analysis ofimpedance (Z) and by multiple linear regression (MLR).RLMLR (RLMLR = 0.85 × RLZ 0.43; r2 = 0.95) and ELMLR(ELMLR = 0.97 × ELZ + 8.4; r2 = 0.98) werehighly correlated to RLZ andELZ, respectively. Both RL(mean ± SD; RLZ = 70 ± 38, RLMLR = 59 ± 36 cmH2O · s · l1)and EL (ELZ = 434 ± 212, ELMLR = 436 ± 210 cmH2O/l)exhibited wide intra- and intersubject variability.Regardless of computation method, RL was found to decreaseas a function of weight, age, respiratory rate (RR), and tidal volume(VT) whereas it increased as a function ofRR · VT and inspiratory-to-expiratorytime ratio (TI/TE). EL decreasedwith increasing weight, age, VT and female gender andincreased as RR and TI/TE increased. Weconclude that accounting for the effects of breathing patternvariability and demographic parameters on estimates of RLand EL is essential if they are to be of clinical value.Multivariate statistical models of RL and ELmay facilitate the interpretation of lung mechanics measurements inspontaneously breathing infants.


Breathing pattern was studied in six subjects in normoxia (FIO2 = 0.21) and hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.12) at rest and during incremental work-rate exercise. Ventilation (V) as well as mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI) increased with exercise intensity and were augmented in the hypoxic environment, whereas the ratio between inspiratory (TI) and total (Ttot) breath durations increased with exercise intensity but was unaffected by hypoxia. The relationship of tidal volume (VT) and inspiratory time duration (TI) showed linear, coinciding ranges for the normoxic and hypoxic conditions up to VT/TI values of about 2.5 1.s-1. At higher VT/TI values TI continued to decrease, whereas VT tended to level off, an effect which was more evident in the hypoxic condition. The results suggest that the hypoxic augmentation of exercise hyperpnea is primarily brought about by an enhancement of central inspiratory drive, the timing component being largely unaffected by the hypoxic environment, and that at low to moderate levels of exercise hyperpnea inspiratory off-switch mechanisms are essentially unaffected by moderate hypoxia.  相似文献   

Improvement in ventilatory muscle function with running   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Parameters of 5-min capnogram in 106 healthy humans (H group) were compared with those in 30 patients with psychogenic dyspnea (P group). Averaged values of end-tidal fractional concentration of carbon dioxide (FetCO2) and respiration rate (f) were determined. The structure of the respiratory cycle was estimated by the ratio of the expiratory time to the total respiratory cycle time $\left( {R_{CO_2 } } \right)$ . The degree of breath arrhythmia was estimated using the coefficient of variation (CV) of $R_{CO_2 }$ , recorded during the 5-min capnography $\left( {R_{CO_2 } } \right)$ . The difference in the capnograms of H group and P group was reliable for all parameters, except for $R_{CO_2 }$ (structure of the respiratory cycle). For H group, FetCO2 was 5.24 ± 0.36 vol %, and for P group, it was 4.07 ± 0.47 vol %. For H group, f was 14.3 ± 3.74 br./min; and for P group, it was 17.9 ± 4.50 br./min. For H group, $CVR_{CO_2 }$ was 8.91 ± 2.16%; and for P group, it was 12.7 ± 3.14%. The comprehensive parameter, which includes all three characteristics of the breathing pattern, such as a decrease in FetCO2, an increase in f, and disorders of the breathing rhythm, appeared to be the most informative indicator of psychogenic dyspnea. It was shown that capnography with automatic processing of the breathing pattern is an objective method for studying the mechanisms of psychogenic dyspnea.  相似文献   

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