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Embryo development following selfing was investigated in twowild diploid peanut species, Arachis batizocoi Krap. et Greg.(coll. K 9484) (2n = 20) and A. duranensis Krap. et Greg. nom.nud. (coll. K 7988) (2n = 20), and one cultivated tetraploidspecies, A. hypogaea L. NC-Ac 18000 (2n = 40). Rates of pegelongation and sequences of embryo development for each specieswere compared. Peg elongation rates were similar for the twowild species, but for A. hypogaea it was only one-third to one-halfthat of the diploid species. Embryos in A. hypogaea showed slightlymore rapid cell division than in the wild species. The observedvariation in reproductive development between the wild and cultivatedspecies indicate that different control mechanisms may governdevelopment in the different species and may be at least partiallyresponsible for failure to produce viable interspecific hybridsat various ploidy levels. The observations are also importantfor determining the time at which embryos of different speciesof Arachis will reach the appropriate stage of development forsuccessful culture on an artificial medium during embryo rescueprocedures. Peanut, Arachis hypogaea, wild species, embryo, peg  相似文献   

The peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is an important oil crop. Breeding for high oil content is becoming increasingly important. Wild Arachis species have been reported to harbor genes for many valuable traits that may enable the improvement of cultivated Arachis hypogaea, such as resistance to pests and disease. However, only limited information is available on variation in oil content. In the present study, a collection of 72 wild Arachis accessions representing 19 species and 3 cultivated peanut accessions were genotyped using 136 genome-wide SSR markers and phenotyped for oil content over three growing seasons. The wild Arachis accessions showed abundant diversity across the 19 species. A. duranensis exhibited the highest diversity, with a Shannon-Weaver diversity index of 0.35. A total of 129 unique alleles were detected in the species studied. A. rigonii exhibited the largest number of unique alleles (75), indicating that this species is highly differentiated. AMOVA and genetic distance analyses confirmed the genetic differentiation between the wild Arachis species. The majority of SSR alleles were detected exclusively in the wild species and not in A. hypogaea, indicating that directional selection or the hitchhiking effect has played an important role in the domestication of the cultivated peanut. The 75 accessions were grouped into three clusters based on population structure and phylogenic analysis, consistent with their taxonomic sections, species and genome types. A. villosa and A. batizocoi were grouped with A. hypogaea, suggesting the close relationship between these two diploid wild species and the cultivated peanut. Considerable phenotypic variation in oil content was observed among different sections and species. Nine alleles were identified as associated with oil content based on association analysis, of these, three alleles were associated with higher oil content but were absent in the cultivated peanut. The results demonstrated that there is great potential to increase the oil content in A. hypogaea by using the wild Arachis germplasm.  相似文献   

侧耳属(Pleurotus)二个野生种与一个栽培种之间亲和性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用从校内采集的P 96 6和从德阳市采集的P DY97两个侧耳属野生种与栽培种P 17之间的单核体进行配对具有不亲和性 ,证明了这 3个物种间遗传的独立性。同时通过P 17,P 96 6 ,P DY97各自的单核体自交实验 ,表明这 3个物种的交配系统是双因子控制系统。  相似文献   

野生蒲公英与栽培蒲公英的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在本实验通过显微鉴别 (切片、粉未 )、理化鉴别及薄层层析等方法对野生蒲公英和载培蒲公英进行比较研究 ,结果野生蒲公英和栽培蒲公英在组织结构上有明显区别 ,但在化学成份上没有区别 ,因此可以用载培蒲公英替代野生蒲公英以扩大药源  相似文献   

This paper deals with the chromosome morphology of three wild eggplants (Solanum indicum L., S. indicum L. var. recurvatum C. Y. Wu et S. C. Huang,S. coagulans Forsk.) grown in Shi-shuang-banna and two cultivars (S. melongena L.var. serpentinum Bailey, S. melogena L. var. esculantum Nees). All their chromosomenumbers are 2n=24. The chromosome idiograms of wild eggplants axe as follows: Solanum indicum,2G+12J+2I+8M; S. indicum var. recurvatum, 8G+12J+2I+2M; S. coagulans ( No. 20),10J+2I+12M; S. coagulans(No. 21), 8J+14M+2L; and those of cultivars are: S. melongena var. serpentinum, 6G+12J+2I+4M; S. melongena var. esculantum, 12J+2I+10M. The chromosome idiograms among three wild eggplants are quite different. However, they are rather closely related in each other between the two cultivars. Butthe relative length and the relative position of the sat-chromosomes in each chromo)meidiogram are conspicuously variable.  相似文献   

The Ovule and the Embryo Sac   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Reiser L  Fischer RL 《The Plant cell》1993,5(10):1291-1301

The analysis of constituents of protein subunits by protein SDS-PAGE technique in 11 sp ecies of Genus Arachis including 4 types of culti-species and 7 wild species showed that the band patterns may be divided into three sections, i.e. PⅠ, PⅡ and PⅢ presenting 5, 13 and 16 subunits respectively. The subunit number of diploid species was less than that of tetraploid species in general, but the difference of intraspecies or interspecies was mainly located in sections PⅡ and PⅢ. According to the indices of similarity of protein subunits, the relationship among four types (Virginia, Peruvian, Valencia and Spanish) of tetraploid culti-species (Arachis hypogaea) seemed mostly close to each other and A. monticola, the tetraploid wild species was related to one of them. Among four diploid wild species in Arachis section, A. cardenasii and A. batizocai were rather closer than ,A. correntina and A. duranesis and both A. villosulicarpa in Extranervosae section and A.pusilla in Triseminalae section were all distant relatives.  相似文献   

Wild and cultivated Basidiomycetes species were cultured to determine the distribution of bacteria causing brown blotch disease of Agaricus bisporus. Colonies from each basidiocarp were screened for brown blotch organisms by the white line and host pathogenicity tests. Isolates causing brown blotch were identified as Pseudomonas tolaasi and an Arthrobacter species.  相似文献   

Karyotypes in seven species of Gossypium, G. thurberi, G. advidsonii, G. raimondii of D group; G. herbaceum, G. arboreum of A group; G. hirsutum and G. ba- rbadense of AD group were studied in 1983. It can be simplified as follows: G. thurberi 2n = 2x = 26 = 24m + 2Sm (2SAT); G. davidsonii 2n= 2x = 26 20m+6Sm(4SAT); G. raimondii 2n=2x= 26= 20m+6Sm(2SAT); G. herbaceum 2n = 2x = 26 = 18m + 4Sm+4St(4SAT); G. arboreum 2n = 2x = 26 = 18m + 6Sm (2SAT) + 2St(2SAT); G. hirsutum 2n = 4x =52 = 32m + 18Sm(4SAT) +2St (2 SAT); G. barbadense 2n = 4x = 52 = 38m + 12Sm (2SAT) + 2St(2SAT). This paper also deals with the supplier in A group and D group of tetraploids.  相似文献   

为探讨多花地宝兰(Geodorum recurvum)胚胎发育的系统分类学意义,采用石蜡制片法对多花地宝兰胚囊和胚的发育进行解剖学观察。结果表明,在开花前,多花地宝兰胚珠原基发育缓慢,开花授粉后胚珠原基快速发育成"树状二杈分枝结构",随后在"分枝结构"末端形成孢原细胞,开始胚囊发育。多花地宝兰的胚囊发育属于单孢蓼型胚囊,胚珠具有双层珠被。孢原细胞形成后,经过细胞膨大延长发育形成胚囊母细胞,胚囊母细胞经过减数分裂形成线性四分体,在珠孔端形成1个功能大孢子,功能大孢子经过3次有丝分裂形成8核胚囊。多花地宝兰的胚发育具有藜型和紫苑型两种方式。双受精完成后,多花地宝兰合子进行一次橫裂后形成基细胞和顶细胞;基细胞经过多次分裂形成细胞团,细胞团中的细胞向不同方向膨大延长形成多个胚柄细胞;顶细胞有两种分裂方式,一种是横裂形成藜型胚,一种是纵裂形成紫苑型胚。因此,推测多花地宝兰在兰科植物系统分类学上属于较为原始种。  相似文献   

为给农林生产中的额垠叶蝉属Mukaria害虫种类提供准确鉴定特征,本文对中国8种危害竹子的额垠叶蝉外部形态及雄性外生殖器进行了比较形态学研究。结果表明:8种额垠叶蝉体色、斑纹及个体大小存在差异,雄性外生殖器构造区别明显,主要表现在尾节侧瓣分有突起和无突起2种类型,连索有"U"形和近似"V"形2种类型,阳茎有单分枝(单性孔)和双分枝(双性孔)2种类型。上述特征可作为种间识别的分类依据。本文编制了中国8种额垠叶蝉的检索表,提供了整体照片和局部特征图。根据阳茎分枝类型、性孔数量及连索形状等特征,我们认为黄褐额垠叶蝉M.testacea、竹额垠叶蝉M.bambusana、白足额垠叶蝉M.pallipes和沿河额垠叶蝉M.yanheensis的分类地位存在疑问,可能需另建新属安置。  相似文献   

Chlorophyll (Chl) a, b and (a+b) contents were measured in eleven cultivated and wild species of Lamiaceae collected from different environments. In nine of these eleven species, belonging to the subfamily Nepetoidea, the Chl a/b ratio was low. This suggests a prevailing shade aspect, regardless of collection sites and cultivated or wild origin.  相似文献   

采用HPLC法测定青海栽培唐古特大黄中的5种蒽醌含量,并和野生唐古特大黄药材进行了比较.结果表明,二、三、四年龄栽培唐古特大黄中芦荟大黄素、大黄酸、大黄素、大黄酚、大黄素甲醚5种蒽醌总量分别为1.21%,2.01%,1.62%,其中三、四年龄栽培唐古特大黄已达到<药典>规定的药用标准;野生大黄的总蒽醌含量远高于栽培大黄为3.64%.  相似文献   

Leaf explants of the cultivated tomato Lycopersicon esculentumcv. Rheinlands Rhum (RR) and the mutant flacca (flc), and thetwo wild species L. peruvianum (Lp) and Solanum pennellii (Sp)accession Atico were cultured on a modified Murashige and Skoog'smedium with various combinations of either kinetin (KN)+indol-3y1acetic acid (LAA), Kn+ naphthalene acetic acid or benzyladenine+IAA. The wild species Lp, was found to have the highest morphogeneticpotential as expressed by root and shoot formation in the variousmedia, as compared with the other species. The morphogeneticresponse of the second wild species, Sp varied in the differentmedia, being the poorest in the medium containing KN+LAA andbetter in the other media. The response of flc mutant, whichis distinguished by its hormonal imbalance, was not appreciablydifferent from that of the control normal plant, RR.  相似文献   

连轴藓属(Schistidium Brid.)的毛尖连轴藓(S.lancifolium)、圆蒴连轴藓(S.apocarpum)和粗疣连轴藓(S.strictum)在内蒙古贺兰山和黑龙江五大连池均有分布,它们的形态特征较为相似,极易混淆,因此对其分类鉴定较困难。本文利用光学显微镜并结合Blom的形态学和Ignatova的分子系统学分类观点,对采自两个地区的3种连轴藓属植物标本进行了分类研究,并对它们的形态特征进行了详细描述。其形态特征是:圆蒴连轴藓叶中肋背部无疣或上部具分散低疣、叶缘上部微具钝齿,毛尖平滑或具小齿;毛尖连轴藓叶中肋背面中部以上具高疣、叶缘中上部具强烈不规则的齿或锯齿,毛尖具强烈刺状齿;粗疣连轴藓除叶中肋背部具疣外,叶片细胞也具疣。根据以上特征可以区别并确认这3个种是各自独立的种。在此基础上,根据Blom的分类观点,并参照相关文献编制了中国连轴藓属11个种的分种检索表。本研究进一步确认了毛尖连轴藓在中国的地理分布,丰富了中国连轴藓属的研究资料。  相似文献   

种植青蒿与野生青蒿精油成分对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用水蒸气蒸馏法和GC-MS法对来源于重庆云阳的栽培青蒿和野生青蒿精油的化学成分进行分析.从冬季和春季栽培的青蒿精油中分别鉴定出29和28个化合物,野生青蒿精油中鉴定出21个化合物.3种精油的化学成分差别明显,两种栽培青蒿精油有16个化合物相同.而栽培青蒿与野生青蒿精油仅有6个化合物相同.这表明基因型对青蒿精油的组成起决定作用;而气候因素对各成分的相对含量有重要影响,尤其对蒿酮和樟脑的积累影响较大.本文对进一步研究青蒿精油中萜类化合物之间的生源关系具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

何鉴星  梁正兰 《遗传学报》1991,18(2):140-148
本文研究了棉属栽培种与野生种杂交的不亲和性,试验材料涉及5个染色体组,包括2个栽培种(陆地棉和中棉)和5个野生种(戴维逊氏棉、瑟伯氏棉、三裂棉、阿拉伯棉和比克氏棉)。以陆地棉作母本,异己花粉管在花柱中生长缓慢,有花粉管胚珠低于10%,陆地棉×戴维逊氏棉杂种胚在子叶期坏死。以中棉作母本,不亲和性主要表现在受精后的胚胎发育过程中。  相似文献   

The enzyme-squash technique is especially suited for studying the development of megaspores and embryo sacs in angiosperms. Ovulles are fixed in FPA, FAA or Carnoy's for 2–24 hrs. After passing through a series of alcohol and distilled water, they are treated in an aqueous solution of 2% Driselase. for 3-6 hrs. at 28℃. Ovules are then transferred with a drop of laeto-phenol-glycerin fluid to a slide, covered with a cover glass. By the aid of gently tapping and pressing the cover glass, as that of ordinary squash method, cells of ovules are separated and the megaspores or embryo sacs are isolated, and then examined with phase contrast optics With this technique we have successfully isolated the megaspores and embryo sacs in different developmental stages from fixed ovules of several plant species, including Atropa belladonha, Vanilla fragrans, Belamcanda chinensis, Platycodon grandifIorus and Oenothera odorata. The rosults of the experiments indicate that this technique for isolation of embryo sac has several advantages it is suitable both in tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules the manipulation of this technique is rather simple and the special instruments are net required the difficulties of the separation of the embryo sac from its nucellar epidermis or tissues of the chalazal end can be overcome by this method. The initial results of isolation of vital embryo sacs from living ovules has been gotten with this technique.  相似文献   

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