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While flower predators can limit the sexual expression and seed production of salt marsh grasses, the relationship between these two effects of consumers has not been explored. At our study site, predation on Spartina patens, Spartina alterniflora, and Distichlis spicata was twice as high in 1985 (~70% ovule destruction) as in 1986 (~35% ovule destruction). In both years consumers destroyed flowers before maturity, reducing sexual expression, and particularly suppressed male sexual expression. Sexual suppression of males was much more pronounced in 1985 when flower predation was severe and the seed production of undamaged ovules was dramatically reduced. A number of lines of evidence suggest that predator limitation of male sexual expression and pollen supply contributed to low seed output in 1985. 1) Undamaged ovules of all three grasses protected from consumers but exposed to ambient windbome pollen set many more seeds in 1986 than in 1985, suggesting that pollen was more abundant in 1986; 2) Artificial pollinations revealed that marsh grasses are generally pollen-limited and that pollen limitation at our study site was more severe in 1985 than 1986; and 3) Caging stands of marsh grasses generally led to less predator damage, increased male densities and seed sets similar to those for hand-pollinated flowers. Our results support the hypothesis that flower predators can indirectly limit seed production by decreasing pollen availability.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of the seed damaging gall midge larva Geomyia alpina on its perennial alpine host plant Geum reptans. We analysed the effect of seed predation on reproduction by seeds, i.e. seed number, seed mass, and seed viability and on growth and clonal propagation of non-protected plants in comparison to plants protected from predation by an insecticide. Additionally, we assessed the consequences of seed predation for population growth using matrix projection modelling. Seed predation resulted in a decrease in total seed mass per flower head by 23.8% in non-protected plants (P < 0.05). Individual seed mass decreased with increasing infestation intensity (P < 0.05). Seed number remained unaffected because the sucking feeding behaviour by gall midge larvae does not evoke seed abortion. Percent germination of seeds from non-protected plants was reduced by 97.9% compared to seeds from protected plants. According to reduced seed viability, modelling revealed a decrease in population growth rate from λ = 1.055 to λ = 1.041. Predation did neither influence total plant biomass nor biomass fractions. But stolon dry-weight of non-protected plants increased by 24.1% (P < 0.05), which may indicate a trade-off between sexual reproduction and clonal propagation. Our results demonstrate that despite substantial reduction of viable seeds, predation by gall midge larvae only slightly affected population growth of G. reptans suggesting that in this alpine species, persistence by longevity and clonal propagation can balance potential seed losses by predation, at least for local population growth.  相似文献   

A population of the alvar race of the perennial herb, Silene uniflora (Caryophyllaceae), which grows on thin soils in open alvar habitats on the Baltic island of Oland SE Sweden, was found to have an extended and more or less bimodal flowering phenology Large individuals produced flowers during both periods, while small, and presumably young, individuals only produced flowers in either of the two periods, or in part of both In the early flowering period plants were heavily infested by the seed-predatory larvae of a noctuid moth, Hadena confusa , but in the late flowering period only a small proportion of the fruits was attacked by the seed predators The proportion of flowers developing into fruits was consistently high throughout the season Both the number of seeds per capsule and the mass of seeds decreased over the flowering season However, the germination success of early and late seeds did not differ Thus, although differing in number of seeds, both early and late flowers contributed to individual reproductive success Large individuals started to flower early in the season and despite their high loss of seeds in the early part of the summer they contributed a larger number of seeds to the seed pool than smaller and later-flowering individuals Although selection was acting to favour later flowering during a year with high early seed predation, consistency of date of flower initiation and of relative predation impact on individuals across years was low suggesting that recurrent selection by seed predators is weak Seed predation, although heavy, is therefore judged to be unlikely to cause a significant evolutionary response on flowering phenology in this plant  相似文献   

The balance of intimate relationships between plants and seed-eating pollinators can depend on pollinator behaviour in relation to floral characters, such as flower size and flower number. Here, we examined how pollinator oviposition in relation to these traits affected annual fitness (seed output) of single- and multi-flowered Trollius europaeus along altitudinal gradients in subarctic Sweden and the French Alps. Small flies (Chiastocheta spp.) pollinate T. europaeus and their larvae feed on developing seeds. Assuming that late flowers in multi-flowered plants attracted flies to the earliest flower on the same plant, we expected more eggs and higher seed predation in early multiple flowers than in single flowers. Relative seed predation would thereby increase with flower number. Both in Sweden and the Alps, more eggs were placed on large flowers. Early multiple flowers were slightly larger than single flowers, and about twice the size of secondary flowers. As a result, and possibly combined with the effects of secondary flowers, early multiple flowers attracted more ovipositing flies and experienced relatively higher seed predation. However, this did not generally result in higher seed predation of multi-flowered hosts. Multiple flowers had greater seed output than single flowers at all altitudes, also in the high alpine and subarctic sites, where single flowers were more abundant. We hypothesise that the distribution of multiple flowers generally is enforced by environmental factors, rather than by fly-host plant interactions, because only very rarely (in triple-flowered alpine plants) was seed predation disproportionate, and the relationship skewed to the disadvantage of the host. The outcome of the mutualistic interaction was often similar in alpine and subarctic populations, but the underlying factors were different. Subarctic flowers had high abortion and low predation rates, while alpine flowers experienced the reversed situation. The higher fly abundance in the Alps suggests a more intense mutualistic interaction than in Sweden. Despite varying ecological and environmental conditions at these sites, the mutualistic relationship was generally in balance. However, when it was unbalanced, this could be explained by fly behaviour in response to floral traits, and by differences in fly abundance. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 5 May 1999  相似文献   

We measured seed set and losses due to mammal and insect predation during 1983 in seven northern Maine populations of Furbish's Lousewort (Pedicularis furbishiae S. Wats.; Scrophulariaceae), a perennial herb endemic to the banks of the St. John River. Only about a quarter of initiated flowers developed a capsule with a full complement (mean = 25) of seeds. Secondary (lateral) inflorescences matured a smaller proportion of capsules than primary (terminal) inflorescences. About 58% of the initiated flower primordia were aborted or did not develop mature seeds by early September; this was probably not due to pollinator limitation. Several agents could have reduced seed production. Although spittlebugs infested between 3 and 30% (average 20%) of developing flower scapes by population, they did not depress the number of inflorescences initiated or the number of capsules matured. In contrast, 74% of capsules containing a lepidopteran seed predator (the plume moth Amblyptilia pica [Walsingham], newly discovered as a seed predator on P. furbishiae) had no seeds (mean = 3 seeds). Seed predation affected 39% of the potentially maturable capsules. In 6–30% of all capsules preyed upon, the lepidopteran was parasitized by an ichneumonoid wasp larva; these capsules matured about 7 seeds. Herbivory by rabbits, rodents, and deer also reduced seed set, eliminating 98% of the scapes at one site, and averaging 40% for other populations. Mammals and insects together removed at least 62% of maturable seeds. Populations varied widely in predation and seed set. Predispersal seed loss in P. furbishiae, coupled with slow seedling growth and occasional catastrophic mortality from ice scour and erosion, could limit population growth in this rare endemic.  相似文献   

In order to produce seeds, animal-pollinated plants must flower synchronously with and be attractive to their pollinators while avoiding antagonists. Here, we explore temporal and inter-individual patterns in pollination and pre-dispersal seed predation of Dianthus sylvestris by Hadena moths, within and among three sex morphs. We scored plants that started flowering at different periods in 2001 and 2003 and found that fruit set decreased and predation rates increased over one season, and most of the other season, granting a female reproductive advantage to early flowering plants, though, we found no morph-specific temporal patterns. Female plants set more fruits, and more of their fruits escaped predation in one year, but this did not grant them a reproductive advantage since they produce fewer flowers per plant than the other morphs. Instead, mixed plants showed a clear female reproductive advantage. We also examined predation types by Hadena and seed production in attacked and intact fruits of individually marked flowers. Though female Hadena moths laid eggs preferentially into perfect flowers, flower sexes suffered similar predation by itinerant caterpillars. Attacked fruits contained fewer and lighter seeds than un-attacked ones. We conclude that pre-dispersal seed predation by Hadena may select on flowering onset of this sexually polymorphic species.  相似文献   

Recent studies of new world parrots repeatedly document, with few exceptions, that parrots are wasteful and destructive predispersal seed predators that are unlikely to contribute towards pollination and seed dispersal. Few detailed studies, however, have assessed the contribution of African parrots to forest ecology by quantifying the potential net benefit of seed and flower predation by parrots for most tree species in their diet. Due to the incidence of pollen on the heads of Meyer’s Parrots when feeding on Leguminosae flowers and the dispersal of viable seeds to the ground during seed predation, we compared destruction rates, when feeding on pods, fruits and flowers, with dispersal rates of viable seeds to the ground and frequency of head contact with reproductive apparatus to estimate net benefit from Meyer’s Parrot feeding activity. Meyer’s Parrots were not implicated in endo‐ or epizoochory, but they dropped uneaten fruit pulp and seeds to the ground during feeding bouts, thus providing ripe, undamaged seeds to secondary seed dispersers. This link with forest recruitment was weak, as all tree species utilized by Meyer’s Parrots either had more significant primary dispersal agents or were primarily wind‐dispersed. In most cases, the negative effect of seed predation outweighed any positive effects in terms of dispersal, whereby almost three times more seeds were consumed or destroyed than were dispersed to the ground. Significantly, only Sclerocarya birrea caffra recorded marginal net dispersal benefit from utilization by Meyer’s Parrots. Due to low relative resource abundance and high destruction rate, feeding activity on Berchemia discolor may be significant enough to influence its spatial distribution and abundance. Utilization of flowers of Kigelia africana and Adansonia digitata by parrots likely had a significant negative impact on pollination. Feeding on Acacia nigrescens flowers, however, was potentially advantageous to their pollination. We conclude that Poicephalus parrots are net consumers of ripe, undamaged seeds and flowers, thus having an overall negative impact on forest recruitment in subtropical Africa.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction is important for the growth of populations and the maintenance of genetic diversity. Several steps are involved in the sexual reproduction pathway of plants: the production of flowers, the production of seeds and the establishment of seedlings from seeds. In this paper we quantify the relative importance and spatiotemporal variability of these different steps for four grassland perennials: Centaurea jacea, Cirsium dissectum, Hypochaeris radicata and Succisa pratensis. We compared undisturbed meadows with meadows where the top soil layer had been removed as a restoration measure. Data on the number of flower heads per flowering rosette, the numbers of flowers and seeds per flower head, and the seedling establishment probabilities per seed were collected by field observations and experiments in several sites and years. Combination of these data shows that H. radicata and S. pratensis have higher recruitment rates (1.9 and 3.3 seedlings per year per flowering rosette, respectively) than the more clonal C. dissectum and C. jacea (0.027 and 0.23, respectively). Seedling establishment is the major bottleneck for successful sexual reproduction in all species. Large losses also occurred due to failing seed set in C. dissectum. Comparison of the coefficients of variation per step in space and time revealed that spatiotemporal variability was largest in seedling establishment, followed closely by flower head production and seed set.  相似文献   

1. In obligate plant/seed parasite–pollinator mutualisms, the plant is exclusively pollinated by an insect whose larvae are specific seed predators. Hence, outcomes of the interaction for the plant can vary with the number of eggs laid and the number of seeds eaten per larva. 2. In the work reported here, predation by Chiastocheta larvae on seeds of Trollius europaeus was analysed as a function of the number of eggs laid on the flower. Flowers with an increasing number of eggs were bagged in three populations and seeds were counted after the end of larval predation, in order to assess whether there was competition among larvae. 3. Seed predation on single‐egg flowers was high and variable (mean per population ranging from 15 to 40% of the developed seeds). Seed predation increased weakly with increasing egg load and was lower than gross seed production (always < 85%) whatever the number of eggs laid. This corresponds to a strong decrease in seed consumption per larva with increasing egg load, i.e. severe larval competition for resources. 4. The results suggest that both interference among Chiastocheta larvae and carpel dehiscence may protect T. europaeus seeds from total predation. Estimates of seed predation based on egg load observed in 20 natural populations in the French Alps typically ranged from 30 to 60%. The interaction was always beneficial for the plant and there was no risk of total seed destruction by Chiastocheta larvae, favouring stability of the mutualism.  相似文献   

Astragalus australis var. olympicus is an endemic plant of the Olympic Mountains, Washington. It is considered a Species of Concern by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This study focused on the reproductive biology of the plant from flower production through seed germination to identify possible weak points that might contribute to its rarity and impede its conservation. Most plants produced a large mean number of flowers and ovules (314.8 and 4106, respectively), but relatively few of these formed fruits and seeds (25.8 and 3.8%, respectively). In decreasing importance, ovules in fruits were lost to predation, seed abortion, and lack of fertilization. The percentages of these fates differed among sites and years. Excluding pollinators by bagging flowers reduced fruit set by ∼50%, but seed set per fruit and seed mass were unaffected. Germination was affected by scarification, temperature, and moisture availability. About 11% of seeds damaged by predispersal seed predators (weevil larvae) remained viable and were released from dormancy. I hypothesize that predispersal seed predation (over 80% at one site) has a negative effect on population growth. Conservation of this species could benefit from improved fruit set and decreased seed predation.  相似文献   

Reproductive characteristics of three sympatric species of Gentiana exhibiting perennial and non-perennial life histories were studied in alpine meadows of the White Mountains of California during three consecutive years. High fruit and seed set and the production of a relatively large number of seeds characterized the alpine biennials, Gentiana tenella and G. prostrata. In contrast, fruit and seed set were considerably reduced and yearly seed production was relatively low in the alpine perennial, G. newberryi. Successful seed production in the biennial species was a result of low rates of flower predation, self-pollination, and the allocation of a comparatively high proportion of biomass to reproductive structures. Seed production in the perennial species was limited by high rates of flower predation, insufficient amounts of pollen reaching stigmas, an unusually late flowering period, and by the relatively small proportion of biomass allocated to reproduction.  相似文献   

Seed sowing is a common early step in restoration, but seed consumers can impede plant establishment and alter community structure. Moreover, seed consumers vary in feeding behaviors and the relative importance of different seed consumer groups during restoration are not well understood. At 12 first‐year prairie restorations in Michigan, we studied seed predation using seed removal trays to ask: What is the relative magnitude of seed removal by insects and mammals? Do seed removal rates change over the growing season? Do habitat edges influence seed removal? At what rates are 10 prairie plant species' seeds removed by mammals and insects? Seed removal depended on consumer type, time of year, and seed species. Insects accounted for the majority of seed removal, contrary to previous research in similar systems. In May, insects removed 1.8 times more seeds than mammals, while in August, they removed 5.1 times more. There was greater seed removal in August. During May 28% of seeds were removed, compared to 54% of seeds removed during August, an increase driven by insects. Edge proximity did not influence seed removal. Certain seed species were removed more than others. For example, Lespedeza capitata (round‐headed bush clover) was always removed at high rates, whereas Coreopsis lanceolata (lance‐leaved coreopsis) and Andropogon gerardii (big bluestem) were always removed at low rates. Mammals and insects showed different preferences for several species. This research suggests a prominent role of seed predation, particularly by insects, for early prairie restoration dynamics, with influences varying temporally and among species.  相似文献   

1. Mutualisms are relationships of mutual exploitation, in which interacting species receive a net benefit from their association. In obligate pollination mutualisms (OPMs), female pollinators move pollen between the flowers of a single plant species and oviposit eggs within the female flowers that they visit. 2. Competition between co‐occurring pollinator species is predicted to increase pollinator virulence, i.e. laying more eggs or consuming more seeds per fruit. Plants involved in OPMs frequently host various non‐pollinating seed parasites and parasitoids that may influence the outcome of the mutualism. Quantifying the prevalence of parasites and parasitoids and competition between pollinators is important for understanding the factors that influence OPM evolutionary stability. 3. This study investigated the pollination mutualism occurring between the leaf flower plant, Breynia oblongifolia, and its co‐pollinating Epicephala moths. A third moth, Herpystis, also occurs in B. oblongifolia fruits as a non‐pollinating seed parasite. 4. Breynia oblongifolia fruits were collected to quantify seed predation and compare seed predation costs between the three moth species. Results showed that the larvae of the two pollinator species consume similar numbers of seeds, and that adults deposit similar numbers of eggs per flower. As such, no evidence of increases in virulent behaviours was detected as a result of competition between co‐pollinators. 5. By contrast, the seed parasite Herpystis consumed more seeds than either pollinator species, and fruit crops with a high proportion of Herpystis had significantly lower net seed production. 6. This work adds to the growing understanding of the ecology and dynamics of plant–pollinator mutualisms.  相似文献   

The effects of disturbance on reproduction and plant and seed bank dynamics in the perennial herb Bonamia grandiflora were studied by comparing populations in recently burned, mechanically disturbed, and undisturbed habitats in central Florida over a 3-year period. Plant densities, seed production, and the occurrence of herbivory and predispersal seed predation varied considerably between sites and between years, with recently disturbed sites supporting the densest and most dynamic populations. Death of established plants was rare in all sites. In each site, the soil seed bank was several-fold larger than single season seed rains suggesting that B. grandiflora seeds are long-lived and accumulate in the soil. There was no evidence that postdispersal predation or pathogens have any significant influence on the seed bank dynamics. Fire resulted in large increases in stem densities due to both increased clonal stem production and new genet recruitment from seed. Burning also caused significant increases in the percentage of flowers producing seed and the numbers of capsules and seeds per plant. The seed rain was ten to thirty times greater in the burned site relative to adjacent unburned site during the 3 years after burning. However, additions to the seed bank from the postfire seed rain were balanced by equivalent losses due primarily to seed mortality during fire, and to a much lesser extent due to germination and new genet establishment. As a result, the subsequent densities of seeds stored in the soil in these two sites were similar, indicating that fire results in a significant turnover in the seed bank population but no immediate change in its size. These effects on seed bank dynamics, in addition to new genet recruitment, suggest that periodic fires may play an important role in the maintenance of genetic variability as well as the size of these populations.  相似文献   

Summary We experimentally examined factors limiting seed production in two populations of the perennial woodland herb Geranium maculatum in central Illinois, USA. To test the pollinator-limitation hypothesis, we compared the seed production of plants whose flowers were supplementarily pollinated with outcross pollen to that of control plants receiving natural pollination only. To test if fruit production by early flowers suppresses fruit and seed formation by late flowers, a third group of plants was prevented from producing seed from the first 50% of the flowers to open (stigmas were excised at flower opening). Finally, to test if seed maturation and flower initiation are correlated with photosynthetic capacity, we performed a defoliation experiment in which either the stem leaves within the inflorescence, the stem leaves below the inflorescence, or the rosette leaves were removed during late flowering. Plants that reccived supplemental pollination produced 1.5–1.6 times more seeds than control plants. We found no difference between hand-pollinated plants and controls in mortality, flowering frequency or number of flowers produced in the year following the experiment. In both control and hand-pollinated plants, the fruit set and total seed production of early flowers were more than twice as high as those of late flowers. In one of the two populations, plants whose early flowers were prevented from setting seed produced significantly more seeds from their late flowers than did control plants. Seed predation was low and did not differ between early and late flowers. Leaf removal did not affect seed number or size in the year of defoliation, nor did it reduce survival or flower production in the subsequent year. This suggests that the plants were able to compensate for a partial defoliation by using stored resources or by increasing photosynthetic rates in the remaining leaves. Taken together, the results demonstrate that both pollinator activity and resource levels influence patterns of seed production in G. maculatum. While seed production was pollinatorlimited in both populations, a seasonal decline in resource availability was apparently responsible for the low seed production by late flowers.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,27(3):243-256
The variation in reproductive potential of annual eelgrass was examined along a continuous gradient on an extensive mudflat bordering on and sloping down from the shore (Eastern River) and in a habitat mosaic in a salt marsh (Petpeswick Inlet) in Nova Scotia. Spathe and flower production as well as plant density were compared among habitats. Of the four habitats investigated in Petpeswick Inlet, the largest numbers of spathes and flowers per spathe were produced by plants in ponds on raised flats of Spartina alterniflora Loisel. The highest number of seeds per unit area was produced by plants in depressions on these flats which drained with each low tide. Seed production of annual eelgrass in drained depressions (4 889 seeds per 625 cm2) was seven times that of perennial shoots in creeks and higher than any records in the literature for perennial eelgrass. On average, seed production of annual eelgrass in this study was higher than values reported for other locations. Along the gradient, both annual and perennial eelgrass showed peaks in reproductive potential, but the annual peaked further up the gradient where there was greater exposure to air at low tide. Transplanting studies indicated that the among-habitat differences in reproductive potential were largely controlled by environmental as opposed to genetic factors. The possible effect of inter- and intraspecific competition on the reproductive potential of annual eelgrass was investigated experimentally in two habitats where co-existing species were abundant. In creeks the presence of perennial eelgrass significantly reduced the reproductive potential of annual eelgrass, but in a drained depression, the removal of Ruppia maritima L. s.l. had no effect. The upper distribution limit of annual eelgrass is likely determined by desiccation while the lower limit is probably determined by a combination of light availability (to some extent affected by perennial eelgrass) and exposure to spring rains which would significantly enhance seed germination.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation and resource limitation were invoked to account for the pattern that flowering plants produce more flowers and ovules than fruits and seeds. This study aimed to determine their relative importance in Veratrum nigrum, a self-compatible, perennial, andromonoecious herb. In order to determine whether female production was limited by pollen grains on stigmas or by available resources, we performed supplemental hand pollination in three populations, male-flower-bud removal in three other populations, and emasculation of hermaphroditic flowers in still another population, resulting in a total of seven populations experimentally manipulated. Across the three populations, supplemental hand pollination did not significantly increase fruit set, seed number per fruit, and total seed production per individual, nor did emasculation of hermaphroditic flowers. Taken together, our results suggest that pollen grains deposited on stigmas were abundant enough to fertilize all the ovules. Male-flower-bud removal significantly increased the mean size of hermaphroditic flowers in all three populations. Female reproductive success was increased in one population, but not in the other two populations possibly due to heavy flower/seed predation. We concluded that the female reproductive success of V. nigrum was not limited by pollen grains but by available resources, which is consistent with Bateman's principle. Furthermore, the female reproduction increase of male-flower-bud removal individuals might suggest a trade-off between male and female sexual functions.  相似文献   

Seed predation,pathogen infection and life-history traits in Brassica rapa   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Herbivory and disease can shape the evolution of plant populations, but their joint effects are rarely investigated. Families of plants of Brassica rapa (Brassicaceae) were grown from seeds collected in two naturalized populations in an experimental garden. We examined leaf infection by the fungus Alternaria, seed predation by a gall midge (Cecidomyiidae) and plant life-history traits. Plants from one population had heavier seeds, were more likely to flower, had less fungal infection, had more seed predation and were more fecund. Fungal infection score and seed predation rate increased with plant size, but large plants still had the greatest number of undamaged fruits. Spatial heterogeneity in the experimental garden was significant; seed predation rate and fecundity varied among blocks. An apparent tradeoff existed between susceptibility to disease and seed predation: plants with the highest fungal infection score had the lowest seed predation rate. Alternaria infection varied between populations, but the disease had no effect on fecundity. Seed predation did reduce fecundity. Damaged fruits had 31.4% fewer intact seeds. However, evidence for additive genetic variation in resistance to seed predation was weak. Therefore, neither disease nor seed predation was likely to be a strong agent of genetically based fecundity selection.  相似文献   

Ants have been traditionally considered either as predators or dispersers of seeds, but not both. That is, ant dispersal is restricted to myrmecochorous seeds, while almost all seeds removed by seed‐harvesting ants are eaten. However, harvesting ants might be simultaneously antagonistic and mutualistic towards seeds. This study analyzes the predation–dispersal relationship between seed‐harvesting ants and seeds of Lobularia maritima, a non‐myrmechorous perennial herb, in order to disentangle the dual role of ants as dispersers and predators of L. maritima seeds. The results obtained confirm the role of harvesting ants as both predators and dispersers of the non‐myrmechorous seeds of L. maritima. The removal activity of Messor bouvieri on L. maritima seeds is very important, particularly in autumn, which is the flowering and fruiting peak of this plant. It can be estimated that harvesting ants collect more than 85% of seeds, and almost 70% of them are effectively lost to predation. However, these granivorous ants also have drawbacks as seed dispersers. There is a relatively small percent of seeds collected by ants that escape predation, either because they are dropped on the way to the nest (16.4% of seeds harvested), or because they are mistakenly rejected on the refuse pile (0.9%). Abiotic dispersal of L. maritima seeds in the absence of ants occurs over very short distances from the plant stem. As seeds dispersed by ants reach a considerably greater distance than that obtained by gravity, this might represent a real advantage for the species, because it reduces intraspecific adult competition for seedlings, which directly influences seedling survivorship. These results challenge the generalization that seed removal by ants generally leads to successful seed dispersal if done by legitimate seed dispersers, or seed loss if done by seed consumers that eat them, and confirm that harvesting ants might have a dual role as both predators and dispersers of nonmyrmechorous seeds.  相似文献   

I examined the spatial patterns of seed dispersal and postdispersal seed predation of the semidesert perennial Cryptantha flava (A. Nels.) Payson (Boraginaceae) at two sites in north-eastern Utah. Most flowers mature only one seed (nutlet) which is permanently retained within a pubescent calyx. The calyx and enclosed seed abscise from the plant as a unit. These dispersal units are effectively dispersed by wind as evidenced by the highly directional seed shadows and the long distances some of them travel (up to 31.3 m). Potential seed predators at the sites include five species of rodents, of which Peromyscus maniculatus is the most common, and two species of ants, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis and an undescribed species of Conomyrma. There were no strong spatial patterns of postdispersal seed predation. More seeds were removed from dishes placed at the bases of fruiting adults than from dishes ≥ 1.0 m away in one of three experiments. More seeds were removed from under shrubs or clumps of grass than in the open in one of four experiments. After 3–4 days, there was a consistent tendency for more seed removal from high density (75 seeds per .25 m2) quadrats than from low density (75 seeds per 6.25 m2) quadrats, but the difference was not always significant. There was a similar nonsignificant difference between high- and low-density quadrats exposed for 21 days. The pubescent calyx greatly discourages seed predation by ants, and probably also reduces predation by rodents. In addition, by increasing the surface area of the dispersal unit, the calyx may facilitate dispersal by wind.  相似文献   

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