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Structure of d(CACGTG), a Z-DNA hexamer containing AT base pairs.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The left-handed Z-DNA conformation has been observed in crystals made from the self-complementary DNA hexamer d(CACGTG). This is the first time that a non disordered Z form is found in the crystal structure of an alternating sequence containing AT base pairs without methylated or brominated cytosines. The structure has been determined and refined to an agreement factor R = 22.9% using 746 reflections in the resolution in the resolution shell 7 to 2.5 A. The overall shape of the molecule is very similar to the Z-structure of the related hexamer d(CG)3 confirming the rigidity of the Z form. No solvent molecules were detected in the minor groove of the helix near the A bases. The disruption of the spine of hydration in the AT step appears to be a general fact in the Z form in contrast with the B form. The biological relevance of the structure in relation to the CA genome repeats is discussed.  相似文献   

In the crystal, d(GGGATCCC)2 forms an A-DNA double helix as known from a single crystal X-ray diffraction study. Accordingly, in the Raman spectra of crystals the A-family marker bands at 664, 705, 807 and 1101 cm-1 and the spectral characteristics in the region 1200 to 1500 cm-1 clearly demonstrate the A-form as the dominant conformation. Bands at 691, 850, and 1080 cm-1, however, indicate that a minor fraction of the octamer molecules in the crystal is in an unusual, still not unequivocally identified conformation possibly belonging to the B-family. In solution, the octamer is in B-like conformation as shown by the presence of B-DNA Raman marker bands at 685, 837, 1094 and 1421 cm-1. Molecular modelling techniques lead to three structures with slightly different B-form geometries as the lowest energies models when a sigmoidal dielectric function with the bulk dielectric constant epsilon = 78 and the value q = -0.5e for the effective phosphate charges was used in the calculations. An A-form structure bearing a strong resemblance to the experimentally determined crystal structure becomes the lowest energy model structure when the electrostatic parameters are changed to epsilon = 30 and q = -0.25e, respectively.  相似文献   

Poly d(A-C).poly d(G-T) structures have been studied in solution by Raman spectroscopy, in presence of Na+, Mn2+ and Ni2+ counterions. Increase of the Na+ concentration or addition of Mn2+ ions up to 1M MnCl2 does not modify the B geometry of the polynucleotide. On the contrary, in conditions of low water activity (4M NaCl), the presence of small amounts of nickel ions (65 mM) induces a left-handed geometry of the DNA. The shift of the guanine line located at 682 cm-1 in B form to 622 cm-1 reflects unambiguously the C2'-endo/anti-greater than C3'-endo/syn reorientation of the deoxyribose-purine entities. Moreover modifications in the phosphate backbone lines indicate that the polymer is in a Z conformation. New or displaced lines corresponding to adenosine vibrations are correlated with the left-handed structure. An interaction of the Ni2+ ions specifically with the N7 site of purines, combined with a low water activity is necessary to promote the B-greater than Z transition.  相似文献   

Poly[d(A-T)-Cs+] conformations studied by IR spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Infrared absorption and ir linear dichroism measurements have been performed on poly[d(A-T)-Cs+] films at various relative humidities. At high relative humidity, samples are in a B form; at low relative humidity, in a C form. The B → C conformational transition is shown to be a noncooperative one corresponding to a gradual evolution of the backbone geometry of the polynucleotide within the B family. the C-form-type spectrum is characteristic of an alternated phosphodiester chain with a dinucleotidic repeat unit.  相似文献   

Interactions between Ni2+, Co2+ and purine bases have been studied by I.R. spectroscopy in the case of double stranded regularly alternating purine-pyrimidine polynucleotides poly d(A-T), poly d(A-C).poly d(G-T) and poly d(G-C). The spectra of polynucleotide films have been recorded in hydration and salt content conditions which correspond to the obtention of the classical right-handed (A,B) and left-handed (Z) helical conformations. Selective deuteration of the 8C site of purines has been obtained and is used to detect interactions between the transition metal ions and the adenine or guanine bases. The spectral region between 1500 and 1250 cm-1 corresponding to base in-plane vibrations and involving also the glycosidic linkage torsion is discussed in detail. The selective interaction between the transition metal ion and the 7N site of the purine base is considered to be partly responsible for the stabilization of the base in a syn conformation, which favours the adoption by the polynucleotide (poly d(G-C), poly d(A-C).poly d(G-T) or poly d(A-T)) of a Z type conformation.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional HOHAHA and ROESY nuclear magnetic resonance techniques are used to obtain complete proton resonance assignments and to perform a conformational investigation of the neuropeptide neurotensin (pGlu-Leu-Tyr-Glu-Asn-Lys-Pro-Arg-Arg-Pro-Tyr-Ile-Leu) in aqueous solution, methanol, and membrane-mimetic [deuterated sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)] environments. Results suggest the absence of discernible elements of secondary structure in water and methanol. ROESY spectra confirm that Lys-Pro and Arg-Pro peptide bonds are all-trans, but that a significant population of cis Arg-Pro bonds arises in aqueous solution, which increases in the environment of SDS micelles. The conformational ensemble of the peptide is observed to narrow as it becomes bound through its cationic mid-region to SDS micelles, with the accompanying advent of local extended structure. The overall results indicate the inherent conformational flexibility of neurotensin, and emphasize the environmental dependence of conformation in peptides of medium length.  相似文献   

The low-frequency torsional modes, index of refraction, and absorption of a tryptophan film and pressed powders from 0.2 to 2.0 THz (6.6-66 cm(-1)) were measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy at room temperature. It was found that there were two dominated torsional vibrational modes at around 1.435 and 1.842 THz. The associated relaxation lifetimes ( approximately 1 ps) for these modes of the tryptophan molecule were measured. Using a density-functional calculation, the origins of the observed torsional vibrations were assigned to the chain and ring of the tryptophan molecule.  相似文献   

We report fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements of the translational diffusion coefficient of various probe particles in dilute and semidilute aqueous poly(vinyl alcohol) solutions. The range of sizes of the particles (fluorescent molecules, proteins, and polymers) was chosen to explore various length scales of the polymer solutions as defined by the polymer-polymer correlation length. For particles larger than the correlation length, we find that the diffusion coefficient, D, decreases exponentially with the polymer concentration. This can be explained by an exponential increase in the solution viscosity, consistent with the Stokes-Einstein equation. For probes on the order of the correlation length, the decrease of the diffusion coefficient cannot be accounted for by the Stokes-Einstein equation, but can be fit by a stretched exponential, D approximately exp(-alphacn), where we find n = 0.73-0.84 and alpha is related to the probe size. These results are in accord with a diffusion model of Langevin and Rondelez (Polymer 1978, 19, 1875), where these values of n indicate a good solvent quality.  相似文献   


We have determined by X-ray crystallography the structure of the hexamer duplex d(GGCGCC)2 in the A-form using ethanol as a precipitant. The same sequence had previously been crystallized in the B-form, but with 2-methyl-2, 4-pentanediol as a precipitant. It appears that ethanol precipitation is a useful method to induce the formation of A-form crystals of DNA. Packing of the molecules in the crystal has unique features: the known interaction of A-DNA duplexes between terminal base-pairs and the minor groove of neighbor molecules is combined with a superstructure consisting in an alternation of DNA layers and solvent layers (water/ions). This organization in layers has been observed before, also with hexamers in the A conformation which crystallize in the same space group (C222 1). The solvent layer has a precise thickness, although very few ordered water molecules can be detected. Another feature of this crystal is its large unit cell, which gives rise to an asymmetric unit with three hexamer duplexes. One of the three duplexes is quite different from the other two in several aspects: the number of base pairs per turn, the twist pattern, the mean value of the twist angle and the fact that one terminal base-pair is not stacked as part of the duplex and appears to be disordered. So the variability in conformation of this sequence is remarkable.  相似文献   

We have determined by X-ray crystallography the structure of the hexamer duplex d(GGCGCC)2 in the A-form using ethanol as a precipitant. The same sequence had previously been crystallized in the B-form, but with 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol as a precipitant. It appears that ethanol precipitation is a useful method to induce the formation of A-form crystals of DNA. Packing of the molecules in the crystal has unique features: the known interaction of A-DNA duplexes between terminal base-pairs and the minor groove of neighbor molecules is combined with a superstructure consisting in an alternation of DNA layers and solvent layers (water/ions). This organization in layers has been observed before, also with hexamers in the A conformation which crystallize in the same space group (C2221). The solvent layer has a precise thickness, although very few ordered water molecules can be detected. Another feature of this crystal is its large unit cell, which gives rise to an asymmetric unit with three hexamer duplexes. One of the three duplexes is quite different from the other two in several aspects: the number of base pairs per turn, the twist pattern, the mean value of the twist angle and the fact that one terminal base-pair is not stacked as part of the duplex and appears to be disordered. So the variability in conformation of this sequence is remarkable.  相似文献   

Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies and circular dichroism (CD) have been applied to investigate the secondary structure of bombesin in the solid state and in phosphate buffer solution (pH 3.8). At concentrations around 10−5 M, circular dichroism reveals that bombesin exists as an irregular or disordered conformation. However, the secondary structure of the peptide appears to be a mixture of disordered structure and intermolecular β-sheets in 0.01 M sodium phosphate buffer when the peptide concentrations are higher than around 6.5 mM. The tendency of bombesin to form aggregated β-sheet species seems to be originated mainly in the sequence of the residues 7–14, as supported by the Raman spectra and β-sheet propensities (Pβ) of the amino-acid residues. It is the hydrophobic force of this amino-acid sequence, and not a salt bridge effect, that is the factor responsible for the formation of peptide aggregates.  相似文献   

The vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) and IR absorption spectra of a dodecamer d(CCTCTGGTCTCC).d(GGAGACCAGAGG) coordinated with cisplatin are distinct compared to those of the dodecamer without cisplatin. Although the intensity of PO(2)/deoxyribose absorptions (1150-850 cm(-1)) increases noticeably relative to those of the carbonyl and ring deformations of the bases (1750-1500 cm(-1)), the VCD spectra differ to a much greater extent. Overlapping positive and negative bands can be assigned relatively easily to individual vibrational modes. The effect of platination on the dodecamer duplex is expressed most prominently in VCD arising solely from the vibrations of the guanines bound to the platinum atom. The effect on the VCD features of other bases leads to minute wavenumber shifts at most. These observations are in agreement with previous NMR and X-ray experiments on the same oligonucleotide. The assignment of the absorption and VCD bands strongly resembles those of the octamer duplex d(CCTGGTCC).d(GGACCAGG) when coordinated with platinum. The spectra of the dodecamer did not indicate any isomerization of the complex with time, as is clearly the case for the octamer.  相似文献   

The conformational changes of poly(d2NH2A-dT) in aqueous solution, induced by increasing the NaCl concentration from 0.1M to 4M, have been monitored by ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy, in using the 222-, 257- and 281 nm excitation wavelengths. These changes have been interpreted in comparing the polymer spectra to those of the mononucleotide compounds on one hand, and to those of other alternating purine-pyrimidine polymers on the other hand, i.e. poly(dG-dC) and poly(dA-dT) which showed a B to Z transition in going from low- to high salt concentrations. The high salt poly(d2NH2A-dT) spectra do not show any Raman marker line of the Z conformation. The spectroscopic results indicate that most of the ribose puckering goes from C2'-endo/anti to C3'-endo/anti in increasing the salt concentration. In addition the base stacking interactions, to which the resonance Raman effect is very sensitive, are not drastically changed upon salt variations. Thus the high salt structure of poly(d2NH2A-dT) remains a right-handed helix, likely under a dominant A conformation.  相似文献   

Three novel X-ray crystal structures for the DNA hexamer d(GGCGCC) in the B-form complexed to divalent cobalt, nickel and zinc ions have been determined to a resolution of 2.9–3.0 Å. The structures were isomorphous and had five DNA strands and five metal cations per asymmetric unit. In all three cases, divalent metal cations were coordinated only to the terminal guanine residue at the N(7) position, with no metal ions binding to non-terminal guanine positions. Water molecules bound to the metal cations interacted with neighboring guanine residues 3 to the ones to which the cations were coordinated, affecting the propeller twist. Even though DNA occupied only about 35% of the unit cell volume, it is interesting that the few interactions involving the metal cations were sufficient to stabilize the crystal lattice. As well as lending support to the proposal that these metals do not coordinate to B-DNA in a stable manner, the results presented here also extend the crystallographic evidence for this phenomenon to the GGC and CGC sequences for all three metal cations.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.Abbreviations MPD 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol - TAPS N-[tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl]-3-aminopropanesulfonate  相似文献   

Diffusion of molecules in the crowded and charged interior of the cell has long been of interest for understanding cellular processes. Here, we introduce a model system of hindered diffusion that includes both crowding and binding. In particular, we obtained the diffusivity of the positively charged protein, ribonuclease A (RNase), in solutions of dextrans of various charges (binding) and concentrations (crowding), as well as combinations of both, in a buffer of physiological ionic strength. Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, we observed that the diffusivity of RNase was unaffected by the presence of positively charged or neutral dextrans in the dilute regime but was affected by crowding at higher polymer concentrations. Conversely, protein diffusivity was significantly reduced by negatively charged dextrans, even at 0.4 μM (0.02% w/v) dextran. The diffusivity of RNase decreased with increasing concentrations of negative dextran, and the amount of bound RNase increased until it reached a plateau of ∼80% bound RNase. High salt concentrations were used to establish the electrostatic nature of the binding. Binding of RNase to the negatively charged dextrans was further confirmed by ultrafiltration.  相似文献   

Single crystals of anhydrous inosine were studied subsequent to exposure to high and low doses of X radiation at 10 K using K-band, EPR, ENDOR, and field-swept-ENDOR (FSE) techniques. Immediately following high radiation doses at 10 K at least eight different radicals, RI-RVIII, were observed. All radicals, except for RVIII, were also observed at low doses, but the relative yields varied with the radiation doses. RI, which decayed with no observable successor at about 65 K, has magnetic characteristics similar to those expected for the hypoxanthine base cation. RII, the dominating radical at low radiation doses, exhibits only one hyperfine coupling amenable for ENDOR analysis. From the nature of this coupling and the EPR and FSE characteristics of the resonance, it is suggested that RII is formed by addition of a neighbor sugar fragment to the C2 position of a hypoxanthine base, forming a C2-O5'-C5' ester bond. RII is unstable and decayed at about 60 K without any detectable successor. RIII and RIV are the C2 and C8 H-addition radicals, respectively. These species are formed in minor amounts after irradiation at low temperatures, and they are the only observable radicals left at room temperature. Two sugar-centered radicals, RV and RVI, are formed by net H-abstraction from the C4' and C5' positions, respectively. These radicals dominate the EPR spectra after high radiation doses at low temperatures. A transformation from RV into RIII, the C2 H-adduct, started at about 80 K. Similarly, a transformation of RVI into RIV started at about 210 K. Several minor species were analyzed. RVII is characterized by an alpha-coupling due to 26% spin density at C8, and RVIII is characterized by 12% pi-spin density at N1. Possible structures for these radicals are discussed.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared and Raman microspectroscopy are currently being developed as new methods for the rapid identification of clinically relevant microorganisms. These methods involve measuring spectra from microcolonies which have been cultured for as little as 6 h, followed by the nonsubjective identification of microorganisms through the use of multivariate statistical analyses. To examine the biological heterogeneity of microorganism growth which is reflected in the spectra, measurements were acquired from various positions within (micro)colonies cultured for 6, 12, and 24 h. The studies reveal that there is little spectral variance in 6-h microcolonies. In contrast, the 12- and 24-h cultures exhibited a significant amount of heterogeneity. Hierarchical cluster analysis of the spectra from the various positions and depths reveals the presence of different layers in the colonies. Further analysis indicates that spectra acquired from the surface of the colonies exhibit higher levels of glycogen than do the deeper layers of the colony. Additionally, the spectra from the deeper layers present with higher RNA levels than the surface layers. Therefore, the 6-h colonies with their limited heterogeneity are more suitable for inclusion in a spectral database to be used for classification purposes. These results also demonstrate that vibrational spectroscopic techniques can be useful tools for studying the nature of colony development and biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Infrared spectroscopic studies demonstrate the ability of poly[d(A-C)].poly[d(G-T)] to adopt a Z-type conformation. The Z form of the unmodified polynucleotide is induced by Ni2+ counterions and not by Na+. The B----Z equilibrium is shifted at room temperature, in the presence of 1 Ni2+/nucleotide, by an increase in the concentration of poly[d(A-C)].poly[d(G-T)]. The importance of specific binding of Ni2+ ions on the N7 site of purines in the stabilization of the Z form is also discussed.  相似文献   

Long repeated stretches of d(CCG) and tri-nucleotide are crucial mutations that cause hereditary forms of mental retardation (fragile X-syndrome). Moreover, the alternating (CG) di-nucleotide is one of the candidates for Z-DNA conformation. Solution NMR structure of d(CCGCGG)(2) has been solved and is discussed. The determined NMR solution structure is a distorted highly bent B-DNA conformation with increased flexibility in both terminal residues. This conformation differs significantly from the Z-DNA tetramer structure reported for the same hexamer in the crystal state at similar ionic strength by Malinina and co-workers. Crystal structure of d(CCGCGG)(2) at high salt concentration includes a central alternating tetramer in Z-DNA conformation, while the initial cytosine swings out and forms a Watson-Crick base-pair with the terminal guanine of a symmetry-related molecule. In solution, NMR data for sugar ring puckering combined with restrained molecular dynamics simulations starting from a Z-DNA form show that terminal furanose residues could adopt the conformation required for aromatic bases swinging out. Therefore, tetramer formation could be considered possible once the hexanucleotide had previously adopted the Z-DNA form. This work gives some insight into correlations between anomalous crystal structures and their accessibility in the solution state.  相似文献   

Conformational studies on three DNA-oligomers (d(CGCGCGTTAATT), d(CGCGTTAA) and d(CGCGCGTT) in solution by circular dichroism spectroscopy are reported. In low salt solution, all three DNA oligomers exhibit a characteristic B-conformation. However, under the influence of high salt concentration i.e. 5M NaCl, the octamer d(CGCGCGTT) exhibits 'A' conformation whereas the decamer and dodecamer retain B-conformation. On addition of millimolar amount of NiCl2 to the 5M NaCl, solution of oligodeoxynucleotides a B-Z transition is observed in octamer, decamer and dodecamer. However, NiCl2 titrations show that mid point of transition for dodecamer is at 2.25 mM, for decamer is at 13 mM NiCl2 and for octamer is 17 mM at NiCl2. In 60% alcohol all three oligonucleotides remain in the B-conformation. The melting temperatures of oligonucleotides at various salt concentration are also reported. Thermodynamic parameters calculated by melting profile using a two state model show that dodecamer and decamer are most stable in their 5M NaCl, B-form. However, octamer is more stable in its Z form than that of its 'A' form.  相似文献   

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