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Selective constraints on intron evolution in Drosophila   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Parsch J 《Genetics》2003,165(4):1843-1851
Intron sizes show an asymmetrical distribution in a number of organisms, with a large number of "short" introns clustered around a minimal intron length and a much broader distribution of longer introns. In Drosophila melanogaster, the short intron class is centered around 61 bp. The narrow length distribution suggests that natural selection may play a role in maintaining intron size. A comparison of 15 orthologous introns among species of the D. melanogaster subgroup indicates that, in general, short introns are not under greater DNA sequence or length constraints than long introns. There is a bias toward deletions in all introns (deletion/insertion ratio is 1.66), and the vast majority of indels are of short length (<10 bp). Indels occurring on the internal branches of the phylogenetic tree are significantly longer than those occurring on the terminal branches. These results are consistent with a compensatory model of intron length evolution in which slightly deleterious short deletions are frequently fixed within species by genetic drift, and relatively rare larger insertions that restore intron length are fixed by positive selection. A comparison of paralogous introns shared among duplicated genes suggests that length constraints differ between introns within the same gene. The janusA, janusB, and ocnus genes share two short introns derived from a common ancestor. The first of these introns shows significantly fewer indels than the second intron, although the two introns show a comparable number of substitutions. This indicates that intron-specific selective constraints have been maintained following gene duplication, which preceded the divergence of the D. melanogaster species subgroup.  相似文献   

Drosophila P elements are mobile DNA elements that encode an 87-kDa transposase enzyme and transpositional repressor proteins. One of these repressor proteins is the 207-amino-acid KP protein which is encoded by a naturally occurring P element with an internal deletion. To study the molecular mechanisms by which KP represses transposition, the protein was expressed, purified, and characterized. We show that the KP protein binds to multiple sites on the ends of P-element DNA, unlike the full-length transposase protein. These sites include the high-affinity transposase binding site, an 11-bp transpositional enhancer, and, at the highest concentrations tested, the terminal 31-hp inverted repeats. The DNA binding domain was localized to the N-terminal 98 amino acids and contains a CCHC sequence, a potential metal binding motif. We also demonstrate that the KP repressor protein can dimerize and contains two protein-protein interaction regions and that this dimerization is essential for high-affinity DNA binding.  相似文献   

To examine constraints on evolution of larger body size in two stunted populations of brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) from a single river in Cape Race, Newfoundland, Canada, we measured viability selection acting on length-at-age traits, and estimated quantitative genetic parameters in situ (following reconstruction of pedigree information from microsatellite data). Furthermore we tested for phenotypic differentiation between the populations, and for association of high juvenile growth with early maturity that is predicted by life history theory. Within each population, selection differentials and estimates of heritabilities for length-at-age traits suggested that evolution of larger size is prevented by both selective and genetic constraints. Between the populations, phenotypic differentiation was found in length-at-age and age of maturation traits, whereas early maturation was associated with increased juvenile growth (relative to adult growth) both within and between populations. The results suggest an adaptive plastic response in age of maturation to juvenile growth rates that have a largely environmental basis of determination.  相似文献   

Genetic constraints on protein evolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Evolution requires the generation and optimization of new traits ("adaptation") and involves the selection of mutations that improve cellular function. These mutations were assumed to arise by selection of neutral mutations present at all times in the population. Here we review recent evidence that indicates that deleterious mutations are more frequent in the population than previously recognized and that these mutations play a significant role in protein evolution through continuous positive selection. Positively selected mutations include adaptive mutations, i.e. mutations that directly affect enzymatic function, and compensatory mutations, which suppress the pleiotropic effects of adaptive mutations. Compensatory mutations are by far the most frequent of the two and would allow potentially adaptive but deleterious mutations to persist long enough in the population to be positively selected during episodes of adaptation. Compensatory mutations are, by definition, context-dependent and thus constrain the paths available for evolution. This provides a mechanistic basis for the examples of highly constrained evolutionary landscapes and parallel evolution reported in natural and experimental populations. The present review article describes these recent advances in the field of protein evolution and discusses their implications for understanding the genetic basis of disease and for protein engineering in vitro.  相似文献   

What are the major forces governing protein evolution? A common view is that proteins with strong structural and functional requirements evolve more slowly than proteins with weak constraints, because a stringent negative selection pressure limits the number of substitutions. In contrast, Graur claimed that the substitution rate of a protein is mainly determined by its amino acid composition and the changeabilities of amino acids. In this paper, however, we found that the relative changeabilities of amino acids in mammalian proteins are different for transmembranal and nontransmembranal segments, which have very distinct structural requirements. This indicates that the changeability of a given residue is influenced by the structural and functional context. We also reexamined the relationship between substitution rate and amino acid composition. Indeed, the two kinds of segments exhibit contrasting amino acid compositions: transmembranal regions are made up mainly of hydrophobic residues (a total frequency of approximately 60%) and are very poor in polar amino acids (<5%), whereas nontransmembranal segments have frequencies of 30% and 22%, respectively. Interestingly, we found that within a given integral membrane protein, nontransmembranal segments accumulate, on average, twice as many substitutions as transmembranal regions. However, regression analyses showed that the variability in amino acid frequencies among proteins cannot explain more than 30% of the variability in substitution rate for the transmembranal and nontransmembranal data sets. Furthermore, transmembranal and nontransmembranal segments evolving at the same rate in different proteins have different compositions, and the compositions of slowly evolving and rapidly evolving segments of the same type are similar. From these observations, we conclude that the rate of protein evolution is only weakly affected by amino acid composition but is mostly determined by the strength of functional requirements or selective constraints.  相似文献   

We use population models that are based on dynamic energy budget models for individuals in order to study the evolution of offspring size and its relationship to the evolution of population dynamics. We show the existence of alternative evolutionarily stable strategies for offspring investment strategy resulting from a trade off between offspring number and time-to-maturity. The model predicts egg energy in Daphnia magna well, and suggests that the observed egg energy in D. magna is the result of selection for minimal egg investment constrained by minimum viable egg energy, combined with selection for a juvenile energy reserve. The selection for minimal egg size pushes populations toward chaotic dynamics. However, the minimum viable egg size combined with low efficiency of conversion of energy to new biomass is sufficient to keep population dynamics out of chaos.  相似文献   

Earth's early history may have been characterized by coevolution of microbial metabolism and atmospheric composition. Metabolic developments affected the composition of the atmosphere and the resultant changes in the atmosphere stimulated the evolution of new metabolic capabilities.The first organisms were presumably fermenting heterotrophs, exploiting organic molecules abiotically synthesized. These organisms multiplied, developing new biosynthetic capabilities to overcome deficiencies in the abiotic supply of particular compounds, until their growth was limited by the energy source provided by abiotic synthesis of fermentable organic compounds. Further growth required a new energy source, which may have been the chemical energy represented by the mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen in the primitive atmosphere. Chemotrophic organisms resembling methane bacteria may have evolved to exploit this source. They would have flourished, along with the heterotrophs that fed on them, until they had decreased the level of atmospheric hydrogen to the point where further extraction of chemical energy from the atmosphere was not possible. Once again, the expansion of life was limited by the availability of energy.The origin of bacterial photosynthesis overcame the second energy crisis. Photosynthetic bacteria could exploit the abundant energy of sunlight while using atmospheric hydrogen and reduced compounds derived from it only as electron donors. Life flourished again, drawing atmospheric hydrogen (replenished only by volcanoes) down to levels so low as to limit even bacterial photosynthesis. Before the full potential of photosynthesis could be exploited the evolution of the metabolic apparatus to process an electron donor of unlimited abundance was necessary. This donor, of course, was water, and the new metabolic process was algal photosynthesis. The oxygen released changed the world from anaerobic to aerobic and made possible the last great advance in energy-yielding metabolism, aerobic respiration.Proceedings of the Fourth College Park Colloquium on Chemical Evolution:Limits of Life, University of Maryland, College Park, 18–20 October 1978.  相似文献   

Compositional constraints and genome evolution   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  

The ability to repress P-element-induced gonadal dysgenesis was studied in 14 wild-type strains of D. melanogaster derived from populations in the central and eastern United States. Females from each of these strains had a high ability to repress gonadal dysgenesis in their daughters. Reciprocal hybrids produced by crossing each of the wild-type strains with an M strain demonstrated that repression ability was determined by a complex mixture of chromosomal and cytoplasmic factors. Cytoplasmic transmission of repression ability was observed in all 14 strains and chromosomal transmission was observed in 12 of them. Genomic Southern blots indicated that four of the strains possessed a particular type of P element, called KP, which has been proposed to account for the chromosomal transmission of repression ability. However, in this study several of the strains that lacked KP elements exhibited as much chromosomal transmission of repression ability as the strains that had KP elements, suggesting that other kinds of P elements may be involved.  相似文献   

Despite our continuous improvement in understanding antibiotic resistance, the interplay between natural selection of resistance mutations and the environment remains unclear. To investigate the role of bacterial metabolism in constraining the evolution of antibiotic resistance, we evolved Escherichia coli growing on glycolytic or gluconeogenic carbon sources to the selective pressure of three different antibiotics. Profiling more than 500 intracellular and extracellular putative metabolites in 190 evolved populations revealed that carbon and energy metabolism strongly constrained the evolutionary trajectories, both in terms of speed and mode of resistance acquisition. To interpret and explore the space of metabolome changes, we developed a novel constraint‐based modeling approach using the concept of shadow prices. This analysis, together with genome resequencing of resistant populations, identified condition‐dependent compensatory mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, such as the shift from respiratory to fermentative metabolism of glucose upon overexpression of efflux pumps. Moreover, metabolome‐based predictions revealed emerging weaknesses in resistant strains, such as the hypersensitivity to fosfomycin of ampicillin‐resistant strains. Overall, resolving metabolic adaptation throughout antibiotic‐driven evolutionary trajectories opens new perspectives in the fight against emerging antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

Ecological constraints on the evolution of avian brains   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Birds have brains that are comparable in size to those of mammals. However, variation in relative avian brain size is greater in birds. Thus, birds are ideal subjects for comparative studies on the ecological and behavioral influences on the evolution of the brain and its components. Previous studies of ecological or behavioral correlates in relative brain size were mainly based on gross comparisons between higher taxa or focussed on the relationships between the sizes of specific brain structures and the complexity of different tasks. Here we examine variation in dimensions of the braincase, relative overall brain size and size of its components, in reference to one general ecological and behavioral task: migration. We used data from three lineages of closely related species (14 Acrocephalines, 17 Sylvia and 49 parulid warblers). Within each group, species vary in their migratory tendencies. We found that species migrating long distances have lower skulls and smaller forebrains than resident species. We discuss four hypotheses that could explain smaller forebrain sizes, and suggest relevant taxa to use in comparative analyses to examine each of these hypotheses:
–  Brain size is energetically constrained. Contrasts can be made not only between migrants and residents, but also between birds in habitats with high and low levels of available food.
–  Brain size is developmentally constrained; birds with short growing periods should have smaller forebrains. Comparisons need to be made between birds living in habitats with long and short breeding seasons.
–  Bill adaptations for foraging constrain braincase dimensions. Further analyses would need to be done on groups with high variation in bill dimensions and foraging modes.
–  Birds with small brains have to migrate to compensate for low behavioral flexibility. Contrasts between members of families containing tropical residents and migrants need to be made.
We also raise the question of whether only those parts of the brain are reduced that are most dispensable and whether brain size reduction limits foraging skills and social competence.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

Energy constraints on the evolution of gene expression   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

In eukaryotic cells, the budding and fusion of intracellular transport vesicles is carefully orchestrated in space and time. Locally, a vesicle's source compartment, its cargo, and its destination compartment are controlled by dynamic multi-protein specificity modules. Globally, vesicle constituents must be recycled to ensure homeostasis of compartment compositions. The emergence of a novel vesicle pathway therefore requires new specificity modules as well as new recycling routes. Here, we review recent research on local (molecular) constraints on gene module duplication and global (cellular) constraints on intracellular recycling. By studying the evolution of vesicle traffic, we may discover general principles of how complex traits arise via multiple intermediate steps.  相似文献   

The African mole-rats (family Bathyergidae) are subterranean hystricomorph rodents occurring in a variety of habitats and displaying levels of sociality which range from solitary to eusocial, making them a unique mammalian taxonomic group to test ecological influences on sociality. Here, we use an extensive DNA-based phylogeny and comparative analysis to investigate the relationship between ecology, sociality and evolution within the family. Mitochondrial cytochrome-b and 12s rRNA trees reveal that the solitary species are monophyletic when compared to the social species. The naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is ancestral and divergent from the Damaraland mole-rat (Cryptomys damarensis), supporting previous findings that have suggested the multiple evolution of eusociality within the family. The Cryptomys genus is species-rich and contains taxa exhibiting different levels of sociality, which can be divided into two distinct clades. A total of seven independent comparisons were generated within the phylogeny, and three ecological variables were significantly correlated with social group size: geophyte density (p < 0.05), mean months per year of rainfall greater than 25 mm (p < 0.001), and the coefficient of rainfall variation (p = 0.001). These results support the food-aridity hypothesis for the evolution of highly social cooperative behaviour in the Bathyergidae, and are consistent with the current theoretical framework for skew theory.  相似文献   

We describe the evolution of macromolecules as an information transmission process and apply tools from Shannon information theory to it. This allows us to isolate three independent, competing selective pressures that we term compression, transmission, and neutrality selection. The first two affect genome length: the pressure to conserve resources by compressing the code, and the pressure to acquire additional information that improves the channel, increasing the rate of information transmission into each offspring. Noisy transmission channels (replication with mutations) give rise to a third pressure that acts on the actual encoding of information; it maximizes the fraction of mutations that are neutral with respect to the phenotype. This neutrality selection has important implications for the evolution of evolvability. We demonstrate each selective pressure in experiments with digital organisms.  相似文献   

Formation of motile sperm in Drosophila melanogaster requires the coordination of processes such as stem cell division, mitotic and meiotic control and structural reorganization of a cell. Proper execution of spermatogenesis entails the differentiation of cells derived from two distinct embryonic lineages, the germ line and the somatic mesoderm. Through an analysis of homozygous viable and fertile enhancer detector lines, we have identified molecular markers for the different cell types present in testes. Some lines label germ cells or somatic cyst cells in a stage-specific manner during their differentiation program. These expression patterns reveal transient identities for the cyst cells that had not been previously recognized by morphological criteria. A marker line labels early stages of male but not female germ cell differentiation and proves useful in the analysis of germ line sex-determination. Other lines label the hub of somatic cells around which germ line stem cells are anchored. By analyzing the fate of the somatic hub in an agametic background, we show that the germ line plays some role in directing its size and its position in the testis. We also describe how marker lines enable us to identify presumptive cells in the embryonic gonadal mesoderm before they give rise to morphologically distinct cell types. Finally, this collection of marker lines will allow the characterization of genes expressed either in the germ line or in the soma during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The P-element-mediated gene transfer system was used to introduceDrosophila teissieri 5S genes into theDrosophila melanogaster genome. Eight transformedD. melanogaster strains that carryD. teissieri 5S mini-clusters consisting of 9–21 adjacent 5S units were characterized. No genetic exchanges betweenD. melanogaster andD. teissieri 5S clusters were detected over a 2-year survey of the eight strains. The occurrence of small rearrangements within theD. melanogaster 5S cluster was demonstrated in one of the transformed strains.  相似文献   

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