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p53负调控前列腺癌细胞中PC-1基因的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在前列腺癌进展中发生的PC-1基因表达失调和p53基因突变,提示这两个事件之间可能存在的联系.用依托泊苷处理前列腺癌LNCaP细胞后,PC-1蛋白的表达受抑制;瞬时转染分析表明野生型p53负调控PC-1启动子的转录活性;缺失突变分析将PC-1基因启动子上受p53负调控的区域定位在翻译起始位点上游757 bp~323 bp之间.缺失PC-1启动子上的雄激素受体反应元件并没有消除p53对其转录活性的抑制作用;无论p53是否存在,组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂TSA处理LNCaP细胞后可以导致PC-1启动子转录活性升高.因此,p53和去乙酰化酶可以独立抑制PC-1启动子活性.这些研究结果表明,野生型p53负调控PC-1基因启动子的转录活性,而前列腺癌进展过程中p53突变可能和PC-1基因的表达失调有关.  相似文献   

On the expression of the p53 protein in human cancer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

DNA content and p53 protein expression in ductal breast cancer
The DNA content of 85 ductal breast cancers of different histological grades was evaluated using static cytometry and correlated with immunocytochemical expression of p53 protein in tumour cells in cytological material. A statistically significant difference was observed between p53 protein expression and grade of malignancy ( P <0.001). The percentage of euploid tumours significantly decreased from grade I through grade II to grade III tumours ( P <0.001). Clonal DNA heterogeneity was observed in 26.6% of cases analysed and was correlated with p53 protein expression ( P <0.001). These changes probably reflect genomic alterations which may affect potential malignancy of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Study of P53 protein expression in colorectal cancer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mutations of the P53 gene, strictly associated with the carcinogenesis are a commonly observed in neoplastic cells. The aim of this study was the immunohistochemical evaluation of P53 protein expression in colorectal carcinomas and analysis of its relationship to chosen anatomo-clinical and morphological parameters of the tumours. The study used the material obtained during surgical treatment of 74 colorectal carcinomas. Tissue sections were fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde solution, embedded in paraffin and stained immunohistochemically with the antihuman P53 protein monoclonal antibody. The immunolocalization of P53 protein was performed using the Labelled Streptavidin Biotin (LSAB) method. The P53 protein expression was semiquantitatively assessed in neoplastic cells and the reaction present in more than 25% of tumour cells was accepted as the threshold of positivity. No correlation was found between P53 protein expression and tumour histologic type and site, and age and sex of patients. However, P53 protein expression in primary and metastatic tumours was found statistically significantly correlated.  相似文献   

Induction of p53 protein expression by sodium arsenite   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Arsenic is carcinogen for humans and has been shown to act as an enhancer in initiated animal models. In a previous work we found impairment of lymphocyte proliferation in arsenic-exposed individuals and in vitro we obtained dose-related inhibition of mitotic response and lymphocyte proliferation. Intrigued by these effects and based on the role of p53 on cell proliferation, we tested different concentrations of sodium arsenite for their ability to induce the expression of tumor suppressor gene p53 in different cell lines (HeLa, C-33A, Jurkat) and a lymphoblast cell line transformed with Epstein–Barr virus (LCL-EBV). We also evaluated changes in their viability after 24 h arsenic treatment; C-33A cells showed the higher sensitivity to arsenic treatment while HeLa, Jurkat and LCL-EBV cells showed similar cytotoxicity curves. Immunoblots showed an increased expression of p53 gene with 1 μM sodium arsenite in Jurkat cells and 10 μM sodium arsenite in HeLa and LCL-EBV cells. In addition, we transfected Jurkat cells and human lymphocytes with wild-type and mutated p53 genes; lymphocytes and Jurkat cells that received the mutated p53 showed increased sensitivity to arsenic cytotoxicity. Data obtained indicate that arsenic induces p53 expression and that cells with a functional p53 contend better with damage induced by this metalloid.  相似文献   

Effect of p53 on centrosome amplification in prostate cancer cells.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Chromosomal instability (CIN) is one of the common features in prostate cancer, especially in advanced stages. Recently, the involvement of p53 in CIN through the regulation of centrosome amplification has been proposed in certain tumor types. In this study, we investigated the relationship between p53 and centrosome amplification in prostate cancer cells. Increased centrosome number and size were observed in DU145 and PC3 containing nonfunctional p53 compared to LNCap which expressed wild-type p53. Transfection of p53 into PC3 cells resulted in a decreased cell growth rate, G2/M arrest and decreased centrosome abnormalities. We provide the first evidence on a correlation between loss of p53 function and centrosome amplification in prostate cancer cells. Our results indicate that p53 may play a role in the regulation of centrosome amplification and loss of p53 may be one of the mechanisms involving CIN in prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   

The aging induces free radicals leading to DNA damage (8‐oxo‐2′‐deoxyguanosine, 8‐oxo2dG). DNA injury causes increased expression of p53 gene and p53 protein. Levels of 8‐oxo2dG (HPLC), p53 mRNA (PCR) and p53 protein (Western blot) were estimated in gray matter (GM), white matter (WM), cerebellum (C) and medulla oblongata (MO) of control, 12‐ and 24‐month‐old rats. The level of 8‐oxo2dG increased with age in C (P < 0.05 in 12‐month‐old and P < 0.01 in 24‐month‐old rats) and MO. In 12‐month‐old animals the level of 8‐oxo2dG in GM and WM was higher than in controls. In 12‐month‐old animals p53 gene expression decreased while amounts of p53 protein increased, depending on the oxidative DNA damage. In 24‐month‐old rats, expression of p53 increased in all structures (P ≤ 0.05) while p53 protein showed decreased levels in most of structures of central nervous system (WM, C, MO). Aging leads to increased 8‐oxo2dG and augmented p53 gene expression, accompanied by a lowered expression of p53 protein.  相似文献   

Effects of hyperthermia on p53 protein expression and activity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although p53 responses after DNA damage have been investigated extensively, p53 responses after heat shock, which exerts cytotoxic action by mechanisms other than direct induction of DNA damage, are less well characterized. We investigated, therefore, the effect of hyperthermic exposures on the levels and DNA-binding activity of p53. Experiments were carried out with U2OS and ML-1 cells, known to express wild-type p53 protein. Although heating at 41 degrees C for up to 6 h had only a small effect on p53 levels or DNA binding activity, exposure to temperatures between 42.5 and 45.5 degrees C caused an immediate decrease in protein levels that was associated with a reduction in DNA binding activity. This observation is compatible with a high lability of p53 to heat shock, or heat sensitivity of the pathway regulating p53 levels in non-stressed cells. When cells were heated to 42.5 degrees C and returned to normal temperatures, a strong p53 response associated with an increase in protein levels and DNA binding activity was observed, suggesting the production of p53-inducing cellular damage. At higher temperatures, however, this response was compromised in an exposure-time-dependent manner. The increase in DNA binding activity was more heat sensitive than the increase in p53 levels and was inhibited at lower temperatures and shorter exposure times. Thus, the pathway of p53 activation is itself heat sensitive and compromised at high levels of exposure. Compared to p53 activation after exposure to ionizing radiation, heat-induced activation is rapid and short lived. When cells were exposed to combined heat and radiation, the response observed approximated that of cells exposed to heat alone. Wortmannin at 10 microM inhibited p53 activation for up to 2 h after heat shock suggesting the involvement of wortmannin-sensitive kinases, such as DNA-PK and ATM. Heat shock causes phosphorylation of p53 at Serine-15, but there is no correlation between phosphorylation at this site and activation of the protein. The results in aggregate indicate p53 activation in the absence of DNA damage by a heat-sensitive mechanism operating with faster kinetics than radiation-induced p53 activation. The former response may induce pathways preventing other stimuli from activating p53, as heat-induced activation of p53 is dominant over activation of p53 by DNA damage in combined-treatment experiments. These observations suggest means for abrogating p53 induction after DNA damage with the purpose of potentiating response and enhancing cell killing.  相似文献   

By the use of high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and computerized image analysis we investigated and compared the expression of cellular proteins from p53 positive (+/+) mouse thymocytes, p53-/- thymocytes before neoplastic transformation, and from cell lines derived from two spontaneous p53-/- thymic lymphomas, SM5 and SM7. A total of around 1500 proteins were detected on individual gels. Only changes in protein expression by a factor of 2 or more were considered. In the thymic lymphoma cells 3-5% of the proteins were found to be differentially regulated when compared with the protein expression in p53+/+ and p53-/- thymocytes. Only a minority (13 proteins) of the quantitatively changed proteins were common for the two thymic lymphoma cell lines, suggesting that the p53 deficiency mainly results in genetic dysfunctions which are individual for a given tumor. Two of the detected proteins increased their expression levels by more than 10 times from the p53+/+ to the p53-/- thymocytes and these high expression levels were also found in thymic lymphomas. The two proteins were identified by mass spectrometry as acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein P0 and a 33-kDa protein with a primary structure containing motifs of the glyoxalase-bleomycin resistance protein family (MDR) as deduced from the cDNA.  相似文献   

Tumor suppressor p53 is one of the most frequently mutated genes in cancer, with almost 50% of all types of cancer expressing a mutant form of p53. p53 transactivates the expression of its primary negative regulator, HDM2. HDM2 is a ubiquitin ligase, which initiates the proteasomal degradation of p53 following ubiquitination. Proteasome inhibitors, by targeting the ubiquitin proteasome pathway inhibit the degradation of the majority of cellular proteins including wild-type p53. In contrast, in this study we found that the protein expression of mutant p53 was suppressed following treatment with established or novel proteasome inhibitors. Furthermore, for the first time we demonstrated that Arsenic trioxide, which was previously shown to suppress mutant p53 protein level, exhibits proteasome inhibitory activity. Proteasome inhibitor-mediated suppression of mutant p53 was partially rescued by the knockdown of HDM2, suggesting that the stabilization of HDM2 by proteasome inhibitors might be responsible for mutant p53 suppression to some extent. This study suggests that suppression of mutant p53 is a general property of proteasome inhibitors and it provides additional rationale to use proteasome inhibitors for the treatment of tumors with mutant p53.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common types of cancer in men. In several recent studies, chromosomal deletions in the q arm of chromosome 2, where ING5 resides within, have been identified in various cancer types including PCa. In this study, we investigate the role of ING5 as a tumor suppressor in PCa. We examined the expression level of ING5 in tissue samples and cell lines using quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction and western blot analysis. We tested the in vitro tumor suppressor potential of ING5 in PC3 and LNCaP cells stably overexpressing it using cell viability, colony formation, migration, invasion, and apoptosis assays. We then investigated the effects of ING5 on the Akt and p53 signaling using western blot analysis. We show that ING5 is significantly downregulated in PCa tumor tissue samples and cell lines compared with the corresponding controls. In vitro assays demonstrate that ING5 effectively suppresses proliferative, clonogenic, migratory, and invasive potential and induce apoptosis in PCa cells. ING5 may potentially exert its anti‐tumor potential by inhibiting AKT and inducing p53 signaling pathways. Our findings demonstrate that ING5 possesses tumor suppressor roles in vitro, pointing its importance during the prostatic carcinogenesis processes.  相似文献   

The expression and intracellular distribution of the p28 protein (MW 28 kD), which is electrophoretically specific for tumour cells, the p53 protein (MW 53 kD), one of the most frequently mutated in cancer, and the oncofoetal p65 protein (MW 65 kD), were investigated in colorectal cancer and normal colonic mucosa. The correlation between the expression of these proteins and the stage of the cancer, was evaluated. Neoplastic and normal tissues were fractionated by differential centrifugation, and protein analysis was performed by means of the Western blot technique in the presence of polyclonal (anti-p28 and anti-p65) or monoclonal (anti-p53) antibodies. Among the colorectal cancer cases examined 69% (11/16), 53% (10/19) and 77% (17/22) were positive for p28, p53 and p65, respectively. Immunoblot analysis revealed that the tumour specific p28 protein expression was mainly evident in the nuclear fraction, while the p53 and p65 proteins accumulated in the cell nuclei and the cytoplasm, although to different extents. The p65 protein appeared to be specifically expressed in the early stages of colorectal cancer, while a high level of p53 protein was typical for more invasive colorectal cancer stages.  相似文献   

We previously showed that the Mycoplasma hyorhinis-encoded protein p37 can promote invasion of cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner, an effect that was blocked by monoclonal antibodies specific for p37. In this study, we further elucidated changes in growth, morphology and gene expression in prostate cancer cell lines when treated with exogenous p37 protein. Incubation with recombinant p37 caused significant nuclear enlargement, denoting active, anaplastic cells and increased the migratory potential of both PC-3 and DU145 cells. Microarray analysis of p37-treated and untreated cells identified eight gene expression clusters that could be broadly classified into three basic patterns. These were an increase in both cell lines, a decrease in either cell line or a cell line-specific differential trend. The most represented functional gene categories included cell cycle, signal transduction and metabolic factors. Taken together, these observations suggest that p37 potentiates the aggressiveness of prostate cancer and thus molecular events triggered by p37 maybe target for therapy.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin and other anthracycline compounds exert their anti-cancer effects by causing DNA damage and initiating cell cycle arrest in cancer cells, followed by apoptosis. DNA damage generally activates a p53-mediated pathway to initiate apoptosis by increasing the level of the BH3-only protein, Puma. However, p53-mediated apoptosis in response to DNA damage has not yet been validated in prostate cancers. In the current study, we used LNCaP and PC3 prostate cancer cells, representing wild type p53 and a p53-null model, to determine if DNA damage activates p53-mediated apoptosis in prostate cancers. Our results revealed that PC3 cells were 4 to 8-fold less sensitive than LNCaP cells to doxorubicin-inuced apoptosis. We proved that the differential response of LNCaP and PC3 to doxorubicin was p53-independent by introducing wild-type or dominant negative p53 into PC3 or LNCaP cells, respectively. By comparing several apoptosis-related proteins in both cell lines, we found that Bcl-xl proteins were much more abundant in PC3 cells than in LNCaP cells. We further demonstrated that Bcl-xl protects LNCaP and PC3 cells from doxorubicin-induced apoptosis by using ABT-263, an inhibitor of Bcl-xl, as a single agent or in combination with doxorubicin to treat LNCaP or PC3 cells. Bcl-xl rather than p53, likely contributes to the differential response of LNCaP and PC3 to doxorubicin in apoptosis. Finally, co-immunoprecipitation and siRNA analysis revealed that a BH3-only protein, Bim, is involved in doxorubicin-induced apoptosis by directly counteracting Bcl-xl.  相似文献   

Relationship of prostate cancer with the polymorphism of p53 codon 72 was reported with inconsistent results. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the association between p53 codon 72 polymorphism and prostate cancer susceptibility. We performed an extensive search of relevant studies and made a meta-analysis, including 8 studies with 815 prostate cancer cases and 1047 controls. The combined results showed that there were no significant differences in genotype distribution between prostate cancer cases and control on the basis of all studies, CC/GC versus GG (OR = 1.24, 95% CI: 0.93–1.65), GG/GC versus CC (OR = 0.96, 95% CI: 0.60–1.55), GC versus GG (OR = 1.27, 95% CI: 0.91–1.77), CC versus GG (OR = 1.25, 95% CI:0.74–2.12), GC versus CC (OR = 1.09, 95% CI: 0.63–1.87). When stratifying for the race, there were also no statistically significant differences in genotype distribution between prostate cancer cases and controls. This meta-analysis did not provide an evidence of confirming association between p53 codon 72 polymorphism and prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Small-molecule inhibitors of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) have shown considerable promise in the treatment of homologous recombination (HR)-defective tumors, such as BRCA1- and BRCA2-deficient breast and ovarian cancers. We previously reported that mantle cell lymphoma cells with deficiency in ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) are sensitive to PARP-1 inhibitors in vitro and in vivo. Here, we report that PARP inhibitors can potentially target ATM deficiency arising in a solid malignancy. We show that ATM protein expression varies between gastric cancer cell lines, with NUGC4 having significantly reduced protein levels. Significant correlation was found between ATM protein expression and sensitivity to the PARP inhibitor olaparib, with NUGC4 being the most sensitive. Moreover, reducing ATM kinase activity using a small-molecule inhibitor (KU55933) or shRNA-mediated depletion of ATM protein enhanced olaparib sensitivity in gastric cancer cell lines with depletion or inactivation of p53. Our results demonstrate that ATM is a potential predictive biomarker for PARP-1 inhibitor activity in gastric cancer harboring disruption of p53, and that combined inhibition of ATM and PARP-1 is a rational strategy for expanding the utility of PARP-1 inhibitors to gastric cancer with p53 disruption.  相似文献   

The p53 protein plays a critical role in the prevention of genome mutations in the body, however, this protein is frequently mutated in cancer and almost all cancers exhibit malfunction along the p53 pathway. In addition to a loss of activity, mutant p53 protein is prone to unfolding and aggregation, eventually forming amyloid aggregates. There continues to be a considerable effort to develop strategies to restore normal p53 expression and activity and this review details recent advances in small-molecule stabilization of mutant p53 protein and the design of p53 aggregation inhibitors.  相似文献   

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