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Mangroves are unique intertidal halophyte formations growing in sheltered tropical and subtropical coastal areas. Due to the increasing population and economic development, mangroves have faced degradation and loss, which has been mainly caused by land conversion into aquaculture ponds in Asia. In the past several decades, the rapid growth of aquaculture has induced water pollution. Using mangroves for effluent treatment from coastal aquaculture ponds could be a suitable approach for wastewater treatment and healthy aquaculture development. An Integrated Mangrove-Aquaculture System (IMAS) was established to test whether the idea of a mangrove in situ treatment for aquaculture wastewater is feasible. The monocultures of three mangroves, Sonneratia caseolaris, Kandelia obovata, and Aegiceras corniculatum were established with area proportions of 45%, 30%, or 15%, respectively. One control pond without mangroves was also set up. The results indicated that the mangroves had different tolerabilities to long-term inundation. The aquaculture ponds had different fishery yields, considering the mangrove species and area proportions. The water quality of most of the experimental ponds was better than the control pond, except for the planted Sonneratia. It is concluded that mangroves can reduce the concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate, buffer the pH value and increase the concertration of dissolved oxygen in aquaculture water bodies effectively. It is suggested to use 15% of the Aegiceras corniculatum area to conduct in situ purification of aquaculture wastewater and to enhance aquaculture production.  相似文献   

红树林与水产养殖系统初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为研究红树林对养殖水体的净化效应,选择3种红树植物海桑、秋茄和桐花树,每种分别按45%、30%和15%的面积比例种植于滩涂海水养殖塘,塘中养殖美国红鱼和星洲红鱼1年后收获,养殖期间通过对水质和鱼的生长情况进行监测,结果显示,种植红树植物的养殖塘水质均有不同程度的改善,可以减少鱼类病害。其中以种植比例为45%的桐花树养殖塘水质最好,鱼类生长速度最快。  相似文献   

An integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) system, with one fish cage model surrounded by an island and shellfish rafts, was used in the current study. Planktonic and sediment bacterial communities in the IMTA system were monitored over four seasons in 2019. In both plankton and sediment samples, the most dominant phyla were Proteobacteria and Bacteroidota. Sediment bacterial samples were more similar and had higher levels of biodiversity than planktonic bacterial samples. Obvious seasonal variations were found in plankton samples, but not in sediment samples. No obvious inter-site variations in planktonic and sediment bacteria (fish cages, shellfish rafts and control sites) were found and the results suggested that no obvious impact of feeding operations in fish culture cage model on bacterial communities in the IMTA system was observed in this study. Based on the sequence data, some faecal indicator bacteria and potentially pathogenic bacterial species were detected. According to the results, the bacterial water quality in the IMTA system was acceptable. PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States) analysis revealed that the primary difference in potential functional roles of planktonic and sediment bacteria was amino acid transport and metabolism, which was active in different seasons.  相似文献   

The consequences of antibiotic use in aquatic integrated systems, which are based on trophic interactions between different cultured organisms and physical continuity through water, need to be examined. In this study, fish reared in a prototype marine integrated system were given an oxolinic acid treatment, during and after which the level of resistance to this quinolone antibiotic was monitored among vibrio populations from the digestive tracts of treated fish, co-cultured bivalves and sediments that were isolated on thiosulfate-citrate-bile-sucrose. Oxolinic acid minimum inhibitory concentration distributions obtained from replica plating of thiosulfate-citrate-bile-sucrose plates indicated that a selection towards oxolinic acid resistance had occurred in the intestines of fish under treatment. In contrast, and despite oxolinic acid concentrations higher than minimum inhibitory concentrations of susceptible bacteria, no clear evolution of resistance levels was detected either in bivalves or in sediments.  相似文献   

水产养殖不同物种对水体和沉积物中细菌群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究水产养殖中养殖不同物种对水体和沉积物中细菌群落的影响,以养殖克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii, PC)和中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis, PS)的水体和沉积物样品为研究对象,利用基于16S rRNA基因的高通量测序技术,对细菌群落多样性和群落组成进行分析,并结合环境因子,探究水产养殖对细菌群落的影响。结果显示,水体和沉积物中细菌群落的α多样性均呈现PS>PC的显著差异(P<0.05)。非度量多维尺度分析的结果显示,PC和PS区的水体和沉积物细菌群落结构均呈现明显差异。冗余分析(RDA)的结果表明,水体氨氮(NH~+4-N)和硝酸盐氮(NO~-3-N)是影响水体细菌群落结构的最主要环境因子,沉积物总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和有机碳(OC)均对沉积物细菌群落结构有显著影响(P<0.05)。PC和PS区中的细菌隶属于34门、114纲、258目、504科和955属,水体中共筛选出了11个优势菌门(相对丰度>0.5%),沉积物中筛选出了13个。2个养殖区域的水体样品中共筛选出了15个优势(...  相似文献   

2006年8~9月,在浙江象山港花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)养殖网箱中吊养真江蓠(Gracilaria verrucosa)对网箱养殖造成的水体富营养化进行生态修复研究.通过45d内的平面监测、定点跟踪监测和断面监测,结果表明:该网箱养殖区水体呈严重富营养化状态,营养状态指数(E)为32.00,其营养盐分布由高浓度的中心区向周围150m非养殖水域扩散;真江蓠对养殖区的富营养化海水具有较好的修复效果:江蓠生态修复区及其相邻网箱中水体PO4-P、NO2-N、NH4-N和NO3-N含量显著低于非修复区(P<0.01),修复区海水PO4-P、NO2-N、NH4-N和NO3-N浓度比非修复区分别降低22%~58%、24%~48%、22%~61%和24%~47%.养殖真江蓠45d后,修复区水体DO浓度和透明度显著高于非修复区(P<0.05),DO平均提高28%,透明度平均提高30%;而修复区水体Chl-a浓度显著低于非修复区(P<0.05),平均降低49%.通过建立基于N平衡的鱼藻生态养殖模式,每收获1kg花鲈至少需要匹配江蓠4.7 kg wet wt才可实现对鱼类排放N的完全吸收.因此网箱内栽培江蓠的混合生态养殖模式,可平衡因经济动物养殖所带来的额外营养负荷,有利于实现动物养殖环境的自我修复.  相似文献   

The ratios of stable isotopes 18O:16O and 13C:12C were measured in otolith carbon taken from nine species of fishes caught within mangroves and on the reef at Gazi Bay, Kenya. Before analysis, otoliths were divided into 'larval'post-larval' and 'adult' sections using a drill. Fishes were putatively classified as 'mangrove residents'offshore residents' or 'migrants' on the basis of information from the literature, and depending on where they were caught (mangroves only, offshore only or both mangroves and offshore) in the present study. Eight of the species exhibited an increase in otolith 13C:12C with age, but this was significant only in the two migrant species Lethrinus harak and Lutjanus fulviflammus . There were no consistent patterns in 18O:16O with age, or between migrants and non-migrants. These results suggest that comparing absolute values of otolith oxygen and carbon isotope signatures between fish species is not a useful way of determining migration patterns at this site, because of species-specific differences in carbon metabolism and insufficiently steep gradients in temperature and salinity. Changes in carbon isotope signatures between life stages within a species, however, do hold promise as migration tracers.  相似文献   

A prototype of an integrated closed system for fish-plankton aquaculture was developed in Iquitos (Peruvian Amazonia) in order to cultivate the Tiger Catfish, Pseudoplatystoma punctifer (Castelnau, 1855). This freshwater recirculating system consisted of two linked sewage tanks with an intensive rearing unit (a cage) for P. punctifer placed in the first, and with a fish-plankton trophic chain replacing the filters commonly used in clear water closed systems. Detritivorous and zooplanktivorous fishes (Loricariidae and Cichlidae), maintained without external feeding in the sewage volume, mineralized organic matter and permitted the stabilization of the phytoplankton biomass. Water exchange and organic waste discharge were not necessary. In this paper we describe the processes undertaken to equilibrate this ecosystem: first the elimination of an un-adapted spiny alga, Golenkinia sp., whose proliferation was favored by the presence of a small rotifer, Trichocerca sp., and second the control of this rotifer proliferation via the introduction of two cichlid species, Acaronia nassa Heckel, 1840 and Satanoperca jurupari Heckel, 1840, in the sewage part. This favored some development of the green algae Nannochloris sp. and Chlorella sp. At that time we took the opportunity to begin a 3-month rearing test of P. punctifer. The mean specific growth rate and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of P. punctifer were 1.43 and 1.27, respectively, and the global FCR, including fish in the sewage part, was 1.08. This system has proven to be suitable for growing P. punctifer juveniles out to adult, and provides several practical advantages compared with traditional recirculating clear water systems, which use a combination of mechanical and biological filters and require periodic waste removal, leading to water and organic matter losses.  相似文献   


Reclaimed water irrigation has become an effective mean to alleviate the contradiction between water availability and its consumption worldwide. In this study, three types of irrigation water sources (rural sewage’s primary treated water R1 and secondary treated water R2, and river water R3) meeting the requirements of water quality for farmland irrigation were selected, and three types of irrigation water levels (low water level W1 of 0–80 mm, medium water level W2 of 0–100 mm, and high water level W3 of 0–150 mm) were adopted to carry out research on the influence mechanismS of different irrigation water sources and water levels on water and nitrogen use and crop growth in paddy field. The water quantity indicators (irrigation times and irrigation volume), soil ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) and nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), rice yield indicators (thousand-grain weight, the number of grains per spike, and the number of effective spikes), and quality indicators (the amount of protein, amylose, vitamin C, nitrate and nitrite content) of rice were measured. The results showed that, the average irrigation volume under W3 was 2.4 and 1.9 times of that under W1 and W2, respectively. Compared with R3, the peak consumption of rice was lagged behind under R1 and R2, and the nitrogen form in 0–40 cm soil layers under rural sewage irrigation was mainly NH4+-N. The changes of NO3-N and NH4+-N in the 0–40 cm soil layer showed the trend of declining and then increasing. The water level control only had a significant effect on the change of NO3-N in the 60–80 cm soil layer. Both irrigation water use efficiency and crop water use efficiency were gradually reduced with the increase of field water level control. The nitrogen utilization efficiency under rural sewage irrigation was significantly higher than that under R3. Compared with the R3, rural sewage irrigation could significantly increase the yield of rice, and as the field water level rose, the effect of yield promotion was more obvious. It was noteworthy that the grain of rice under R1 monitored the low nitrate and nitrite content, but no nitrate and nitrite was discovered under R2 and R3. Therefore, reasonable rural sewage irrigation (R2) and medium water level (W2) were beneficial to improve nitrogen utilization efficiency, crop yield and crop quality promotion.


Caño Paijana is a tidal channel that connected, until recently, theUruba bay at the mouth of the Limón river, to the Gulf of Venezuelanorth of Maracaibo, Venezuela. It separated the Island of San Carlos fromthe mainland. In the last 50 years the channel has been drying out rapidly,to the extent that presently there is no water flow into or from the seathrough its mouth opening on the Gulf of Venezuela. This mouth wascovered by healthy mangroves (mainly Avicennia germinans) until atleast 1952. The two extremes of the Paijana water channel differ radicallytoday. At Uruba bay end the channel is fringed by dense mangrovevegetation dominated by Rhizophora mangle, while at the Gulf ofVenezuela mouth the vegetation cover is mostly constituted by scrubby,scattered trees of Avicennia germinans, xerophytic shrubs acting asdune fixers, and halophytic strand vegetation. The process is the result ofcomplex interaction between: a) high frequency of low-rainfall years; b)high dune activity during dry years c) dam construction on tributaries ofthe Limón river that reduced discharge of fresh water into Uruba bay.  相似文献   

The treatment of high strength sewage was investigated in a one-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and a UASB-digester system. The one-stage UASB reactor was operated in Palestine at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10h and at ambient air temperature for a period of more than a year in order to asses the system response to the Mediterranean climatic seasonal temperature fluctuation. Afterwards, the one-stage UASB reactor was modified to a UASB-digester system by incorporating a digester operated at 35 degrees C. The achieved removal efficiencies in the one-stage UASB reactor for total, suspended, colloidal, dissolved and VFA COD were 54, 71, 34, 23%, and -7%, respectively during the first warm six months of the year, and achieved only 32% removal efficiency for COD total over the following cold six months of the year. The modification of the one-stage UASB reactor to a UASB-digester system had remarkably improved the UASB reactor performance as the UASB-digester achieved removal efficiencies for total, suspended, colloidal, dissolved and VFA COD of 72, 74, 74, 62 and 70%. Therefore, the anaerobic treatment of high strength sewage during the hot period in Palestine in a UASB-digester system is very promising.  相似文献   

【目的】探索节水、控水方式调控苹果水分高效利用效率的机制,优化渭北苹果主产区节水、丰产和增收的管理方式。【方法】以陕西省咸阳市乾县铁佛镇果友协会试验站8年生‘烟富3号/T337’苹果树为试材,设置充分灌溉(灌溉后土壤相对含水量为75%)和轻度亏缺灌溉(灌溉后土壤相对含水量为50%)两个灌水量水平,组成果实生长期和膨大期均充分灌溉(CK)、果实生长期和膨大期均轻度亏缺灌溉(W1)、果实生长期轻度亏缺灌溉和膨大期充分灌溉(W2)及果实生长期充分灌溉和膨大期轻度亏缺灌溉(W3)4个亏缺灌溉模式处理。测定春梢生长指标,果实品质指标和果实产量指标,计算水分利用效率、灌溉水利用效率、果实综合评价满意度以明确最佳的亏缺灌溉方式。【结果】(1)苹果新梢长度及叶片叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)在各处理间无显著性差异,而其春梢直径在各处理下显著降低。(2)与CK相比,单果重在 W1处理下显著降低了10.3%,果实可滴定酸含量在W2处理下显著降低14.7%,果形指数和可溶性固形物含量在3种水分亏缺灌溉处理下均无显著变化。(3)W1处理能显著提高果皮黄色值b*,W2处理能显著提高果皮色泽饱和度C*,而各亏缺灌溉处理对果皮亮度值L*和红绿值a*均无显著影响。(4)与CK相比,果实产量在各亏缺灌溉处理下降低13.4%~24.7%,但仅W1处理降幅达显著水平;果树灌溉水利用效率在各亏缺灌溉处理均不同程度提高,但仅W1处理显著提高了38.0%;果树耗水量和水分利用效率在各亏缺灌溉处理下无显著性差异。(4)果实综合评价满意度表现为W2>CK>W3(W1)。【结论】陕西渭北地区苹果在生长期轻度亏缺灌溉和膨大期充分灌溉(W2)模式下果实的综合评价满意度最高,果实产量、单果重无显著变化,而果实品质较优,果树水分利用效率较高。  相似文献   

Hatchery broodstocks used for genetic conservation or aquaculture may represent their ancestral gene pools rather poorly. This is especially likely when the fish that found a broodstock are close relatives of each other. We re-analysed microsatellite data from a breeding experiment on red sea bream to demonstrate how lost genetic variation might be recovered when gene frequencies have been distorted by consanguineous founders in a hatchery. A minimal-kinship criterion based on a relatedness estimator was used to select subsets of breeders which represented the maximum number of founder lineages (i.e., carried the fewest identical copies of ancestral genes). UPGMA clustering of Nei's genetic distances grouped these selected subsets with the parental gene pool, rather than with the entire, highly drifted offspring generation. The selected subsets also captured much of the expected heterozygosity and allelic diversity of the parental gene pool. Independent pedigree data on the same fish showed that the selected subsets had more contributing parents and more founder equivalents than random subsets of the same size. The estimated mean coancestry was lower in the selected subsets, meaning that inbreeding in subsequent generations would be lower if they were used as breeders. The procedure appears suitable for reducing the genetic distortion due to consanguineous and over-represented founders of a hatchery gene pool.  相似文献   

水资源的合理有效利用是我国西部生态环境建设中的关键问题。位于怒江流域的西庄河是典型山地小流域 ,山地流域内常常是潜在的水资源十分丰富 ,但现实的水资源却严重缺乏 ,流域内许多村社都面临农业灌溉用水和人畜饮水紧缺的问题。以西庄河流域为例 ,通过定量监测研究山地流域水资源的时空变化规律 ,并通过供需现状参与式评估探讨山地流域的水资源的可持续利用和保护。  相似文献   

稻鸭共作对稻米品质的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
全国明  章家恩  杨军  陈瑞  许荣宝 《生态学报》2008,28(7):3475-3483
稻鸭共作技术是中国传统农业的精华.作为一种可持续的水稻生态种养模式,稻鸭共作对水稻生长、病虫草害防治、生物多样性和稻田环境的改善具有明显的作用,然而目前还没有关于稻鸭共作对稻米品质影响的报道.因此,于2005年在华南农业大学增城教学科研基地进行了田间试验,共设计稻鸭共作、混水处理和常规稻作3个处理,研究其对稻米加工品质、外观品质、蒸煮品质、营养品质和微量元素含量的影响效应.结果表明:稻鸭共作技术能够提高整精米率,减少垩白,增加粒宽,降低米粒长宽比值,同时促进稻米蛋白质和氨基酸含量的下降,Mn元素含量上升,但对出糙率、精米率、胶稠度和直链淀粉含量没有显著影响.说明稻鸭共作可在一定程度上改善稻米品质,为水稻的优质生产提供了一条较好的生态技术途径.  相似文献   

舟山市东极大黄鱼养殖系统能值评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋科  赵晟  蔡慧文  吴常文 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3846-3854
以能值理论为基础,选择浙江省舟山市东极大黄鱼养殖系统为研究对象,在定量分析大黄鱼养殖系统的物流和能流基础上,通过建立能值评价指标体系,综合评价了东极大黄鱼养殖系统对环境的影响及其可持续性.结果表明:东极大黄鱼养殖系统的太阳能值转换率TR为1.46× 106 sej/J,环境承载力ELR为91.10,能值投入的生产效率PEEl为6.91× 10-7,能值持续性指数ESI为0.011.东极大黄鱼养殖系统虽然生产效率较高,但是过分依赖于外部购买资源,并且系统对环境的压力较大,环境的持续性也较差.另外,与广东珠江口3个不同鱼种养殖系统的有关指标进行了对比,提出了大黄鱼养殖系统的可持续性发展建议.  相似文献   

Non-point-sources of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are recognized as major causes of eutrophication of surface waters. Adoption of policies to reduce pollution in the former German Democratic Republic following re-unification of Germany in 1990 provided an opportunity to examine how taking agricultural land out of production affected nutrient loads and aquatic biota in a small rural watershed. Between 1994 and 1996, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) loads in a first-order agricultural stream decreased by >90% while instream concentrations decreased by 89% for DIN and 40% for SRP. This reduction in nutrients coincided with a decrease in precipitation (from 760 to 440 mm between 1994 and 1996) and an increase in the area of land set aside from agricultural production (from 0.3% in 1990 to a maximum of 8% in 1994). The biomass of primary producers (episammic algae) showed no clear response to this decrease in nutrient concentrations. However, benthic invertebrate composition shifted from a chironomid–amphipod to an oligochaete–gastropod dominated community in response to the decrease in DIN and changes in episammic algal abundance and sediment organic carbon concentrations. Results from our 4-year study showed reductions in soil nutrient losses combined with less precipitation resulted in less P and N in a rural stream and a change in benthic invertebrate community composition and abundance.  相似文献   

覆膜对旱地麦田土壤水分及氮素平衡的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过大田试验研究了平膜穴播和垄膜沟播等覆膜方式对晋南旱地麦田土壤水分、氮素平衡及产量的影响,以期在当地确立一套适宜的科学覆膜方式,为晋南旱塬地区乃至我国旱作小麦的高产优质提供理论依据。结果表明,垄膜沟播和平膜穴播处理的冬小麦增产效果显著,且以平膜穴播处理的效果最优,较测控施肥处理的籽粒产量和生物产量分别提高22.71%和25.45%。经过冬小麦一个生育期对土壤水分的吸收利用,两种覆膜处理的耗水量较不覆膜处理有较大的提高,而其水分利用率略低于不覆膜处理,但差异不显著。两种覆膜处理也能提高麦田的降水生产效率和休闲效率,较不覆膜处理分别提高9.46%—30.16%和9.95%—39.22%。覆膜有利于氮的矿化,并能促进小麦对氮素的吸收利用,同时也可以在一定程度上降低氮素在土壤中的残留,最终有利于小麦增产。  相似文献   

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