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SYNOPSIS. Toxoplasma gondii, passed from mouse to mouse in the tachyzoite stage for 30–35 generations, developed cysts, which, when fed to cats, failed to produce oocysts. Besnoitia jellisoni, passed similarly for 20 generations, lost the capacity to form cysts. These phenomena are explained by a loss of genomes or gene products during the rapid passage selecting for tachyzoites.  相似文献   

Observations on the Fine Structure of the Turtle Atrium   总被引:8,自引:28,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The general fine structure of the atrial musculature of the turtle heart is described, including; the nature of the sarcolemma; the cross-banded structure of the myofibrils; the character of the sarcoplasm, and the form and disposition of its organelles. An abundant granular component of the sarcoplasm in this species is tentatively identified as a particulate form of glycogen. The myocardium is composed of individual cells joined end to end at primitive intercalated discs, and side to side at sites of cohesion that resemble the desmosomes of epithelia. Transitional forms are found between desmosomes and intercalated discs. Both consist of a thickened area of the cell membrane with an accumulation of dense material in the subjacent cytoplasm. This dense amorphous component is often continuous with the Z substance of the myofibrils and may be of the same composition. The observations reported reemphasize the basic similarity between desmosomes and terminal bars of epithelia and intercalated discs of cardiac muscle. Numerous unmyelinated nerves are found beneath the endocardium. Some of these occupy recesses in the surface of Schwann cells; others are naked axons. No specialized nerve endings are found. Axons passing near the sarcolemma contain synaptic vesicles, and it is believed that this degree of proximity is sufficient to constitute a functioning myoneural junction.  相似文献   

An electron microscope study has been made of the structure of parietal cells in cats, dogs, and rats and of the cells lining the gastric glands of Bufo spinulosus. It is characteristic of all these cells to contain numerous vesicles about 0.05 to 0.3 µ in size. In the mammalian parietal cells an intracellular system of canaliculi is also observed, which is much more complex in the rat than in the cat or dog. Stimulation with histamine causes in the cat a very marked hypertrophy of the canalicular system with development of a large number of villi and a decrease in the number of vesicles. In Bufo, histamine induces the formation of a very complex system of membrane infoldings which circumscribe finger-like processes that entirely fill the glandular lumen. The cytoplasmic vesicles diminish or disappear. These experiments show that under histamine stimulation all these cells undergo a great increase in the cell membrane area. These findings provide additional circumstantial evidence that parietal cells play a role in the secretion of hydrochloric acid.  相似文献   

The structure of the rat parietal cell was examined by electron microscopy. The intercellular and intracellular canalculi are lined by microvilli which are more numerous and larger than those of other gastric cells. The numerous mitochondria have closely packed cristae and a dense matrix containing opaque particles. The cytoplasmic vacuoles typical of parietal cells are part of a network of smooth surfaced tubules and vacuoles (the endoplasmic reticulum) which is intimately associated with the mitochondria and probably connected with the lumen of the canaliculi. Only a few dense particles are found attached to the surface of these tubules. The structure of the parietal cell is compared with that of other cells whose function also is transport of inorganic ions and water. Evidence is presented supporting the hypothesis that parietal cells differentiate from a less structurally specialized cell in the neck region of the gastric gland.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The schizonts of Haemoproteus columbae resemble the exoerythrocytic schizonts of avian Plasmodium in their fine structure. Haemoproteus infects endothelial cells and grows several hundredfold in volume, destroying the cytoplasm and nucleus of the host cell. The schizont's plasma membrane is trilamellar with a dense outer lamella. Some schizonts have micropores in their plasma membranes, but there is no evidence for ingestion thru them. Instead, numerous vesicles and channels fill the host cell cytoplasm and give its plasma membrane and periparasitic vacuolar membrane the appearance of active pinocytosis. The parasite's membrane shows no sign of pinocytosis, indicating that it probably feeds by diffusion. The growing schizont has numerous mitochondria, nuclei, and ribosome-rich cytoplasm which contains electron-lucent vacuoles and clefts. The latter appear to be artifacts of fixation.  相似文献   

The paper illustrates the application of some recent technicalimprovements in thin sectioning to unusually favourable material.By means of lead-stained sections of osmic-fixed material embeddedin epon, much new information regarding the fine structure ofthe flagellar apparatus, including in particular the flagellar‘roots’ and flagellar bases, has been provided.The sinking in of the flagellar apparatus after secretion ofa cell wall has been traced in outline, together with the persistenceof parts of the flagellar bases into the two-celled germlingin a manner suggesting a centrosomal function. Other observationsinclude details of the structure and arrangement of endoplasmicreticulum in swimming cells as seen in serial sections afterboth osmic and permanganate fixation, some preliminary observationson rearrangement in position of this component in the earlystages of germination, observations on the contractile vacuolesand on the special type of ‘hairy’ vesicle associatedwith them, on the Golgi bodies in both swimming and settledcells, on the distribution of ribosomes in relation to plastids,flagellar bases, the nuclear envelope, &c., and on the contents,distribution, and possible nature of various types of vesicles,including the pigment chambers of the eye-spot, vesicular derivativesof Golgi bodies, and vesicles beneath the plasmalemma in swimmingcells from which the first components of the cell wall are believedto be liberated. This work is being continued.  相似文献   

L-cell cultures were infected with elementary bodies (EB) of meningopneumonitis organisms. Cell walls were prepared from reticulate bodies (RB), which are the intracellular developmental forms into which EB are converted, and from EB at appropriate times after infection. When fragmented EB cell walls were shadowcast with platinum palladium alloy, about one-half of the fragments were seen to be composed of hexagonally arrayed structures on the inner side of the cell wall. When EB cell walls were negatively stained with phosphotungstic acid, they all showed this fine structural array. These macromolecular units were estimated to be about 18 nm in diameter. RB cell walls, harvested at various times after infection, were similarly stained; about 20% of RB walls at 15 hr after infection showed traces of these regular structures, but only 2% of them had the structures at 24 hr. When RB cell walls prepared from penicillin-containing culture were examined, they were observed to be similar to RB without penicillin. When EB cell walls were treated with formamide at 160 C, and then centrifuged in a 10 to 40% potassium tartrate density gradient, hexagonal particles about 20 nm in diameter were obtained as a middle band in the gradient column. These particles were not obtained from RB cell walls harvested from cultures with or without penicillin. It is concluded that the particles are macromolecular subunits located on the inner side of the EB cell walls, that the subunits probably provide the structural rigidity found in the EB, and that their synthesis is inhibited by penicillin.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Electron microscope observations of the complex cyst wall of Didinium nasutum are reported. The cyst wall is composed of 3 major coats. The outermost coat, the ectocyst, consists of short strands of filamentous material which forms a diffuse, amorphous layer approximately 8–9 μ thick. Culture debris, bacteria and unidentified inclusions have been observed adhering to the outer coat. The mesocyst, approximately 2.5 μ thick, has 2 distinct regions. The outer region is differentiated into several slightly thicker layers which in face view have a honeycomb appearance. The deeper region of the mesocyst consists of compact lamellae lacking the obvious honeycomb appearance of the layers of the outer region. Finally, the endocyst (0.3 μ thick), which arises in the mature cyst in the space that develops between the pellicle and the mesocyst, consists of delicate fibrils in a compact matrix. Both mesocyst and endocyst may be undulant and folded. The structure, origin and possible relationships of the various coats composing the cyst wall are discussed. The present study also contributes information on the role and fate of mucocysts and other cytoplasmic structures during the formation of the cyst wall.  相似文献   

The development and fine structure of articulated anastomosinglaticifers in Papaver somniferum were studied. Laticifers arenot present in the embryos but differentiate soon after germinationand are found in the phloem areas 18–30 h after the seedis sown. Laticifers and sieve elements are generally separatedby at least one cell layer in the roots, but in cotyledons,stems, and leaves they usually occur adjacent to each other. As the laticifers differentiate an abundance of vesicles formsin the cytoplasm. This process appears to involve the endoplasmicreticulum and it is suggested that the vesicles may be a specializedform of vacuole. Substances present in the vesicles react stronglywith iodine-potassium iodide. Laticifer-cytoplasm persists peripherallyand between the vesicles. It contains the usual cell organelles,the presence of which substantiates an active metabolic rolefor the laticifer contents.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The effect of pretreatment with BCG strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Hammondia hammondi 21 days before challenge with lethal doses of Toxoplasma gondii and Besnoitia jellisoni was studied in hamsters. The results indicated that the intracardial administration of BCG provided no protection against either T. gondii or B. jellisoni. The hamsters immunized with H. hammondi survived challenge with 104 lethal doses of T. gondii but only 1 lethal dose with B. jellisoni, indicating strong cross protection between H. hammondi and T. gondii and only a marginal one between H. hammondi and B. jellisoni.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Ichthyosporidium sp. Schwartz, 1963, apparently identical with the type species, I. giganteum (Thélohan, 1895) Swarczewsky, 1914, was studied with the electron microscope. Only late stages, a mature cyst containing sporulation stages and a cyst in the terminal (necrotic) stage were observed. The cyst, originating from host tissue, is a highly organized structure that is integrated with the surrounding connective tissue by means of numerous conspicuous processes. It is interpreted as essentially a manifestation of a defensive reaction of the host that is elicited by the parasite and then used to its advantage. Eventually the cyst dies and disintegrates. This type of cyst, peculiar among those associated with microsporidia, may be regarded as a distinctive character of the poorly defined genus Ichthyosporidium. Other observations let to an hypothesis which reconciles several different views regarding the identity of the Golgi complex. According to this new interpretation, these different views concern different aspects af the total complex. When all such views are integrated, a “classical Golgi” can be recognized in the presporoblastic stages and the “primitive Golgi” concept disappears. This “classical Golgi” then becomes highly modified during spore morphogenesis, giving rise to many of the internal organelles that are peculiar to the spore.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Scanning electron microscopic observations of feeding plasmodia show three characteristic features: 1) extension of multilobed pseudopodia protruding from the leading edge of the plasmodium as it advances onto the surface of a food particle, 2) confluence of the lobes to form a sheath-like pseudopodium attached to the surface of the food particle, and 3) protrusion of small nodules with thin lamellar projections from the leading edge of the plasmodium. Sections through freeze-dried preparations of the feeding plasmodium exhibit a highly convoluted under surface in contact with loosened starch grains that appear to be released by extracellular digestion. the cytoplasm, viewed by transmission electron microscopy, contains branched, internally penetrating canals (ca. 2 μm wide) enclosing engulfed starch grains. Starch grains in the deeper part of the canals are more electron dense and appear to be digested. Micropseudopodia (70-80 nm dia.), projecting from the surface of the canals, protrude toward and into the ingested starch grains. Digestive marker enzyme (acid phosphatase) activity was detected cytochemically in food particles penetrated by micropseu-dopodia indicating a digestive role for these structures not reported previously.  相似文献   

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