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异环足摇蚊属隶属于双翅目摇蚊科直突摇蚊亚科,全世界已记录4种。本文对中国产本属进行了系统研究。记述了2新种:简异环足摇蚊A.simplex sp.nov.和扎陵异环足摇蚊A.zhalingensis sp.nov.,重新核定了亮异环足摇蚊A.lucens(Zett.)。提供了世界本属雄成虫检索表。依据中国标本和相关文献,对Cranston等1989年所描述的本属的触角比、前足比、下附器的形状等属级鉴别特征予以订正。模式标本均保存于南开大学生物系。简异环足摇蚊A.simplexsp.nov.:正模:雄性,西藏建日,9/3/1987,邓成玉采。与本属已知种的区别:后足胫节无栉;无额鬃和唇基毛; R2+3脉清晰。扎陵异环足摇蚊A.zhalingensis sp.nov.:正模:雄性,青海扎陵湖,8/20/1986,任淑智采。与本属已知种的区别:个体大;无唇基毛;翅臀叶强烈突出,半球状;下附器三角形,强烈骨化,抱器端节具有13根粗长的刚毛。  相似文献   

Hou ZE  Li S  Morino H 《Zoological science》2002,19(8):939-960
Three new species of the genus Gammarus are described from Lijiang, Yunnan Province, South China. Gammarus elevatus sp. nov. is characterized by mid-dorsal keel on pleonites 1-3 and compressed elevation on urosomites 1-2; G. denticulatus sp. nov. by many small spinules and setae on pleonites 1-3; G. stagnarius sp. nov. by lack of calceoli on antenna 2 and shorter inner ramus of uropod 3. These amphipods are compared with other known Gammarus species from China.  相似文献   

首次报道囊大翼甲螨属Sacculogalumna Engelbrecht, 1973在我国分布,并记述了该属采自贵州省绥阳县宽阔水国家级自然保护区的1新种:绥阳囊大翼甲螨 Sacculogalumna suiyangensis sp. nov.。该新种的主要区别特征为:梁间毛短或缺失;感器细长,光滑,感器头微微膨大,呈纺锤状;后背板毛明显;肛后孔区小,圆形。附有该新种与该属其他种类的区别对照表。模式标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

记述福建省刺齿属1新种:拟中华刺齿Homidia pseudosinensis sp.nov.。该新种的鉴定特征有胸部第2节后侧具近似M型的横条带,下唇毛序及腹部第4节毛序。本文提供了该物种的特征图及福建省刺齿属分种检索表。  相似文献   

Four new species of oribatid mites of the genus Crotonia , ( C. pauropelor sp. nov., C. dicella sp. nov., C. lyrata sp. nov. and C. ecphylla sp. nov. ) are described from soil and plant litter from South Africa. Crotonia pauropelor, C. dicella and C. ecphylla are allied to the 'capistrata' species-group, previously known only from Queensland, Australia, in that they possess the full complement of c setae on the notogaster. They differ in having eight pairs rather than nine pairs of genital setae. In addition, C. ecpylla is unusual in the genus Crotonia in that it appears to possess two pairs of setae on each of the second epimera. Crotonia lyrata has only two pairs of c setae and is allied to the 'cophinaria' species-group. This is only the second published record of the genus Crotonia from South Africa, and the first of any named species. A key to the African Crotonia species is provided, which includes the only two previously known species C. alluaudi and C. rothschildi (Berlese, 1916).  相似文献   

扎氏摇蚊属Zavrelia世界上已有记录共计7种,除了Z.kribiensis Kieffer分布于非洲区,Z.clinovolsella Guo & Wang (2004)分布于东洋区外,本属其它种都分布在全北区.本文记述了分布于中国东洋区的1新种-光裸扎氏摇蚊Z.bragremia sp.nov.正模♂,四川省峨眉山,1986-05-17,王新华采.本种与本属已知种的主要区别特征是:肛节(第9)背板不具中区长刚毛.文中对Cranston等(1989)提出的属征作了修订.新种模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

记述了分布于中国东洋区的拟花托摇蚊属Stempellinella 1新种:裸拟花托摇蚊 Stempellinella depilisa sp.nov.正模♂,福建省上杭县步云山,1993-05-05,王新华采.本种与本属已知种的主要区别特征在于肛节(第9)背板不具有中区长刚毛.同时本种个体小;触角比只有0.47.文中对Cranston等(1989)提出的属级鉴别特征作了修订.新种模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

记述了一中国新纪录属,沟胸盲蝽属Solenoxyphus Reuter1875及隶于该属的两新种及一中国新纪录种,分别定名为黄沟胸盲蝽S. flavicans, sp. nov, 采自新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市、甘河子县、阜康县,绿沟胸盲蝽S. viridulus, sp. nov.采自青海省乌兰县、新疆维吾尔自治区米泉县、阜康县,及中国新纪录蒿沟胸盲蝽S. lepidus(Puton1874)采自新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市、阜康县、米泉县、木垒县及甘河子县,寄主均为蒿属植物Artemisia spp.。  相似文献   

Abstract  Two new species and a little-known one belonging to genus Solenoxyphus Reuter are noted here. Solenoxyphus flavicans sp. nov. and S. viridulus sp. nov. living on Artemisia ssp. are described from Xinjiang, Qinghai and Xinjiang of China respectively; S. lepidus (Puton 1874) on Artemisia ssp. is recorded for the first time from China and redescribed from Xinjiang.  相似文献   

印象初  郑方强  印展 《昆虫学报》2014,57(9):1075-1083
记述了采自中国台湾斑腿蝗科秃蝗亚科1新属台秃蝗属Taipoodisma gen. nov. 和4新种:红股台秃蝗Taipodisma rufifemora sp. nov., 谢氏台秃蝗Taipodisma hsiehi sp. nov., 周氏台秃蝗Taipodisma chowi sp. nov., 黑胫台秃蝗Taipodisma nigritibia sp. nov.。新属台秃蝗属Taipoodisma gen. nov.同蹦蝗属Sinopodisma Chang, 1940近似,不同之处为前胸背板后缘中央缺凹口,中隆线在沟前区不显,在沟后区留有痕迹。新属同辽秃蝗属Liaopodisma Zheng, 1990也近似,不同之处为雄性后胸腹板两侧叶分开,不毗连。新种红股台秃蝗T. rufifemora sp. nov. 后足股节内侧和下方红色可与同属其他种相区别。新种谢氏台秃蝗T. hsiehi sp. nov. 缺黑色眼后带可与同属其他种相区别。新种周氏台秃蝗T. chowi sp. nov. 同红股台秃蝗T. rufifemora sp. nov.近似,不同之处为后足股节内侧和下方非红色。新种黑胫台秃蝗T. nigritibia sp. nov. 同周氏台秃蝗T. chowi sp. nov.近似,不同之处为前胸背板沿中隆线缺黑色纵带和前翅黄褐色,缺黑色带纹。列出了该属的种检索表。  相似文献   

印象初  陈珍珍  印展 《昆虫学报》2013,56(10):1203-1207
记述了我国辽秃蝗属Liaopodisma 3个种, 包括2新种: 台中辽秃蝗Liaopodisma taichungensis sp. nov.和台湾辽秃蝗Liaopodisma taiwanensis sp. nov.。台中辽秃蝗L. taichungensis sp. nov.同千山辽秃蝗L. qianshanensis Zheng, 1990近似, 不同之处为黑色眼后带不明显, 前胸背板中隆线几乎不见, 雄性前翅长为宽的1.8倍, 雄性中胸腹板中隔向后渐宽大, 雄性后足胫节外侧具10刺。台湾辽秃蝗L. taiwanensis sp. nov.的后足股节下侧红色, 前翅中部不加宽且前、 后缘几乎平行, 可与本属其余2已知种区别。并附辽秃蝗属种检索表。  相似文献   

记述了采自青海省的夕蚖属2新种,即西宁夕蚖Hesperentomon ciningense sp.nov.和南山夕蚖Hesperentomon nanshanensis sp.nov.,两新种腹部第Ⅱ~Ⅵ节背板后排具有6对刚毛,毛序为8/12,第Ⅳ~Ⅵ节腹板缺失后排中刚毛Pc,毛序为4/8.西宁夕蚖和南山夕蚖相似,二者可以通过颚腺、雌性外生殖器、前足跗节的长度、感器形状以及腹部第Ⅹ节的毛序加以区分.新种模式标本保存在上海昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

报道列胞螨科Aceosejidae Baker et Wharton,1952毛绥螨属Lasioseius Berlese,1916一新种,即青海毛缓螨Lasioseius qinghaiensis sp.von.。  相似文献   

Abstract Xenochironomus tuberosus sp. nov. from southern China is here described and illustrated as male imagines. The new species is separated from other known species of this genus in having frontal tubercle, unusual stout setae on tergite VI, characteristic chaetotaxy on tergite IX and unique superior volsela. Based on the new species, an emendation to the diagnosis of the genus is given. This paper is the first record of genus Xenochironomus from China.  相似文献   

中国畦克蚋属分类纪要报告5已知种并记述1新种,模式标本存放于贵阳医学院生物学教研室.短颈畦克蚋Suldozphia brevineckoi sp.nov.,新种与黄足畦克蚋极为相似,但可根据足的着色、生殖腹板、生殖叉骨和生殖刺突特征,雄性后足基跗节跗突小,蛹茧鞋状,颈极短,幼虫头扇梳状毛数量与上述近缘种相区别.  相似文献   

The new hyphomycete genusAvesicladiella with two species,A. britannica sp. nov., type species, andA. microsperma sp. nov., is described and illustrated. Both species are leaf litter microfungi. The genus closely resemblesVesicladiella, Circinotrichum, Gyrothrix, Ceratocladium andVermiculariopsiella, several hyphomycete genera with comparable characters such as superficial hyphal networks; production of setae; absence of conidiophores; lageniform or ampulliform conidiogenous cells; and hyaline aseptate conidia produced in clusters around the apices of conidiogenous cells. The new genus differs from these by its hyaline, septate setae, typical ‘phialidic’ conidiogenous cells, and hyaline, aseptate cylindrical conidia.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a revision of the genus Halectinosoma . Four new species are described, based on examination of ectinosomatid material from localities in western Europe, eastern Canada and the Arctic. Halectinosoma mandibularis sp. nov. is distinguishable from other species by the reduced setation of the mouthparts and enlarged mandibular gnathobase. Halectinosoma latisetifera sp. nov. bears an affinity with H. cooperatum but is easily distinguished by the shape of the setae on the female fifth leg. A species previously erroneously ascribed to H. finmarchicum (Scott) by several authors is described here as Halectinosoma kliei sp. nov. Halectinosoma gothiceps (Giesbrecht) is redescribed and the closely related Halectinosoma paragothiceps sp. nov. is described and distinguished from H. gothiceps . It is considered likely that some previous records of H. gothiceps are in error.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 149 , 453–475.  相似文献   

研究了中国管蓟马科肚管蓟马属3种,其中包括1新种,宽盾肚管蓟马Gastrothrips eurypelta sp.nov.;1新纪录种,蒙古肚管蓟马Gastrothrips mongolicus(Pelikan,1965),编制了分种检索表.模式标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

记述了我国东洋区三突多足摇蚊亚属(Tripodura Townes)2新种。双刺多足摇蚊Polypedilum(Tripodura)bispinumsp.nov.(图1~5)本种与裸突多足摇蚊P.(T.)nudiprostatum Zhang&Wang相似,区别在于此新种r4+5翅室具有2个翅斑,m1+2和m3+4翅室端部具云状斑,肛尖矛尖状,肛尖侧突覆有微毛,上附器内侧中部具2个刺状刚毛。正模♂,海南黎水县吊罗镇,1989-05-20,灯诱,王新华采。抹刀多足摇蚊,新种Polypedilum(Tripodura)spathum sp.nov.(图6~10)本种可借如下特征区别于本亚属已知种:上附器呈抹刀形;前足比高(2.63-2.89,2.75);第9背板中部刚毛少,2~3根;下附器长、刚毛少,具2~3根刚毛。正模♂,云南勐腊县勐伦镇,1987-04-12,灯诱,邹环光采。本研究所用标本存放在南开大学生命科学学院摇蚊研究室。  相似文献   

记述采自云南西双版纳细颚猛蚁属LeptogenysRoger 5新种 :黄帝细颚猛蚁L .huangdiisp .nov .,盘古细颚猛蚁L .panguisp .nov .,庄子细颚猛蚁L .zhuangziisp .nov .,老子细颚猛蚁L .laoziisp .nov .,孟子细颚猛蚁L .mengziisp .nov .。在同一地区发现中国新记录种 1种 :粗角细颚猛蚁L .crassi cornisEmery。编制了细颚猛蚁属中国已知 13种的工蚁分种检索表。提供了除勃固细颚猛蚁L .peuqueti(Andre)外 12个种的详细特征图。中国已知种类被划分为 4个种组 :粗角细颚猛蚁种组L .crassicornis group ,中华细颚猛蚁种组L .chinensis group ,条纹细颚猛蚁种组L .diminuta group和庄子细颚猛蚁种组L .zhuangzii group。  相似文献   

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